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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

sooooo, I was enjoying ME3 untill I got to some decision points that were affected by my ME2 decisions, the first wasn't too bad, a little crappy but I managed to salvage the situation
I'd rather burn the galaxy than have krogan controlling it, and without that female curing the genophage would've created the possiblity for that.

But this next one is kind of pissing me off,
I want to broker peace between the geth and the quarians
the two decisions from ME2 that affect it are absurd, one had the EXACT FUCKING OPPOSITE OUTCOME than you were led to believe, the second was one of those assinine "you're not pure fucking paragon or renegade so we're going to fuck you" decisions, because god forbid that I make decisions without meta-gaming.

tldr; I'm bitching about not being able to make the decisions I want while I wait for a save editor to download.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh oh oh! Can we bitch about the game yet? Because I really want to bitch about the ending!

Massive spoilers ahead (duh), so don't click it if you don't want to know. No, seriously. I'm going to talk about the ending. Don't even get your cursor near that spoiler if you don't want to know.
Why in the world does Shepard have to die? You finally give the character some depth of its own, past the decisions made by the player, you set up great romances (at least the Liara one was actually pretty god damn touching if you pick it back up), have him/her make plans for the future - and then you pull this bullshit heroic sacrifice ending on us? And just to spite me, at a personal level, you show Liara walking out in the end, probably being assigned to repopulation duty about 10 minutes later? YOU DIDN'T EVEN LET HER HAVE MY DAUGHTER. It's not even a possibility! I'm just... fuuuuuuck. The ending really depressed me, and - in my opinion - it severely hampers replayability. Why should I go through those 30 hours again, build this army and relationships, only to have Shepard bite the dust every. Single. Time. Fuck, this makes me want to kill Shepard in the end of 2 just so I don't have to go through this again in 3.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Just finished ME3 about an hour ago.

I really hated that they pulled the same ending as Deus Ex HR. I didn't like it there, and I don't like it here. You mean to tell me that in spite of all the choices I've made thus far I can pick any ending, regardless of how much sense it'll make for the character? Fantastic. You've devalued the atmosphere you just spent all that time building.

For the record: I was basically Paragon all the way, except when those QTE triggers would pop up in which case I'd go renegade about half the time. Shot a lot of people who might not have deserved on reflex alone. Kind of a bummer.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Spent about thirteen hours on ME3 yesterday, didn't intend on spending that long but hey, I got sucked into it. Don't think I've actually done much of the main story as I was running around on the Citadel for several hours getting side quests done. Last main mission I've done;
Was the one where you need to help Wrex find out what happened to the scout party he sent out through the Rachni relay. I decided to rescue the Rachni Queen, mostly because I didn't want to see my choice from ME1 being wasted. Was surprised to see the Reapers had warped them to their side, and when Grunt said he'd hold them back I really did start feeling bad as I didn't want him to die. I was so happy when he came back out just as Shep and co were about to leave. A shame his warriors are all dead though.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

If was thinking about playing, but after hearing that the roleplaying aspect has gotten more shallow, decided not to, at least for now - also, exams.
Can anybody confirm, that ME3 can't live up to the first part or is that just the whining of people that lose on CoD against bots?
Also I don't have my old save files anymore and consider the story continuance rather important. Does the game give you the choice to select choices you made in ME1&2 or is a savegame needed?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

the roleplaying aspect has gotten more shallow

This is almost certainly horseshit. Not only are you making all sorts of decisions, but the number of decisions from your prior games that count is rather astounding.

is a savegame needed?

I know there is a default start, so you don't need the save game, but from what I hear it loses much of it's impact if you use it because you don't have the same investment in the story. There may be, or they may later release as they did in ME2, a way to make those choices when you start the game.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

This is almost certainly horseshit. Not only are you making all sorts of decisions, but the number of decisions from your prior games that count is rather astounding.

Horseshit is such a strong word. Then on the other hand, shallow might just be as well. What I meant though was the fact that the previous games only gave you the basic choices between good and evil, much like KotoR. I sometimes thought that the Renegade option was the more sensible one, depending on the choice between "two lesser evils". However the game interpreted it as Sheperd being an insensitive egomaniac asshole no matter the circumstance.

Judging from what you wrote however I will probably play it when I can make the time, after all it is a compelling and deep story and I want to see how it ends.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Looking back, I'm not sure that the implementation of the Paragon/Renegade system was such a good idea gamewise in the first place, as it rewards meta gaming. Maybe after I've finished my Lady Renegade run, I'll start another saga with a Shepard unbound by set paragon/renegade paths.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Its nice to see everyone hard-coring ME3. I'm still playing dark souls at the moment and upgrading my gear to get stronger stuff. Recently got the Great Sword of Atrias so i'm happy there. I'll be traversing the tombs of giants soon.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I just finished playing mass effect... And up until the last 5 minutes of the game it was my favorite game of all time. And then... Bleh.
So sucky endings... No choice really.

*I just finished my playthrough of ME3, like so many others, I was thoroughly disappointed in the ending. blablabla. But I realized something. In order for there to be spin-offs of this series the different endings need to be a little similar.*

I still don't agree with the ending, with such superb writing throughout the rest of the game, the hinting that there is something controlling not only the reapers, but the rest of the galaxy as well. (Thessia conclusion.)*

Anyways, seeing as every ending destroys the mass relays, and the Normandy crew ends up stranded on an unknown planet... Basically every ending ends up with galactic civillazation basically breaking down completely and the seeds of a colony on an unknown world.

And from that I am starting to suspect that BW may be thinking of a new series, (or at least a new game) built around making the races advance. Maybe something like Age of Empires or something.*
Re: Games Discussion Thread

After much trial an error, I've finally gotten a save modded the way I want it.
That said if anyone is looking for help doing this, in case you've lost your old saves or really for any other reason I'd be happy to help or even post a guide.

Oh, and if anyone has got some of those pre-order weapons I'd like to take a look at one of your save files. If they're on the disc already like I think, all I should need is a save file with them unlocked and equipped to find their names for me to get them. The .xbsav files shouldn't contain any of your personal information, and if you're not comfortable with that I could just walk you through finding the names.

As for the morality system, FUUUUUUUUU, I've always disliked it. But now they've changed the stupid wheel thing up, so top/bottom right aren't always paragon/renegade. I wouldn't care about this alot because I usually don't like to meta-game, but because the options on the wheel NEVER FUCKING PROPERLY REFLECT WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO SAY (I love it when shepard flys off the handle after I pick what seems to be a non-dickbag response) it's essential. Some would say if the wheel did that then there would be no reason to have voice-overs, but I disagree it's completely possible to reflect the conversation choice without giving away it's exact contents. The only reasons this problem could exist are laziness and/or incompetence.

On a lighter note, I would have liked the chance to fight on more homeworlds, I haven't beaten the game yet so I'm not sure, but I'm fairly certain I won't be going to the elcor homeworld or hanar, or even volus.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

the basic choices between good and evil.

Renegade is not evil, and paragon is not good. Paragon is simply more caring, while renegade is more focused on the end goal and not the people. It can come across as good and bad, but really it's not.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Renegade is not evil, and paragon is not good. Paragon is simply more caring, while renegade is more focused on the end goal and not the people. It can come across as good and bad, but really it's not.

You're right about that. It's not and it can't be because "good and evil" don't exist as such and are merely a matter of perspective.
But even if you consider being Paragon/Renegade being a matter of altruism/egoism the game still separates between them to strictly in my opinion. Decisions I'm referring to (I'll try not to spoil anything, nothing out of ME3 anyway because I haven't played it yet) include whether or not to shut down a research facility (ME1 DLC) or choosing between two characters in ME2.
In the former the "immoral" choice was for the greater good, in the latter both sides held merit.

The Paragon is Sheperd fulfilling his position as a role model, the "best that humanity has to offer" and representing humans as such. However in my opinion the game is a little to knight-in-shining-armor about it. Not choosing the paragon way shouldn't necessarily imply being a crass antagonist to the paragon way, or rather being considered as such. Commander Sheperd has to make choices that nobody should be put on the spot to. Making a seemingly "cold" choice if it's for the greater good could just as well be considered Paragon in my opinion, because the character makes a choice that may on the one hand go against his nature or the interests of few, however on the other benefact the majority. Vice versa the "morally right" choice could be considered cowardice in a way, hiding behind principles and taking the easy way out of ethically tricky situations.

It would've been cool if the dialog changed depending on how full the Paragon/Renegade bar already is, so that the character would become more "refined" over time and not as eccentric as it appears when you've been playing paragon the whole time and click Renegade only once, causing Sheperd to unleash the fury of Cthulu.
Wishfull thinking though...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So apparently, merely "maxing out" your war assets gauge doesn't give you the best ending. To get that, it has to be even maxed outer, to 4000 or 5000 points effective military strength - each milestone granting you additional options for the ending. Also apparently, your war assets carry over if you import a ME3 character into a new game.
Both is taken from the mass effect wiki's answers page, so take it with a grain of salt.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I can confirm that I got the best ending with about 4500+ effective military strength.

Soooo... Anyone else finished the campaign yet? I need someone elses opinion!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, your war assets do not carry over when you import an ME3 save. And I've posted my opinion on the ending in here already, Wonderboy.

Also, anybody up for playing multiplayer? I'd like to get my readiness up, but I'm still lvl. 1, which apparently makes you unpopular with other players. If we could put a squad together and get some levels, I figure everybody wins. PM me if you want my origin account name so you can find me.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ah, sorry, don't know how I missed that. I guess it's the desperation stemming from the horrible endings. Given that the game was supposed to be released last year, but then was delayed about 4 months I'm guessing they ran out of time and just went "OK TIME TO SHIP GAME! NEED AN ENDING!"

I... It's kind of amazing, but I think the ending to Mass Effect 3 has somehow managed to ruin my love of the entire trilogy.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ah, sorry, don't know how I missed that. I guess it's the desperation stemming from the horrible endings. Given that the game was supposed to be released last year, but then was delayed about 4 months I'm guessing they ran out of time and just went "OK TIME TO SHIP GAME! NEED AN ENDING!"

I... It's kind of amazing, but I think the ending to Mass Effect 3 has somehow managed to ruin my love of the entire trilogy.

. Also, made me feel a lot better about the endings. (again, full of spoilers).


One of the (probably) many petitions out there right now to change the ending. I signed.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Depending on your platform I'd be up for some multiplayer, I'm on the 360. If we can get a couple more, I know wonderboy's pretty good, I'll get on my engineer and we can grind you through some geth (easiest enemy there is, it's awesome when you get a couple human engineers or quarian infiltrators) silver matches, I'd say gold but with the random unlock bullshit I've still got mostly crappy gear oh but hey I can change the color of the lights on my suit EPIC.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm on the PC, so not sure if we can connect. Also, I'm not sure if 2 people are enough. Either way, I'll probably play Infiltrator - though at level 1, it probably doesn't matter if I change my class.