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Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

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Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

Robert hands Chase the gun and ammo he had gotten for him, and nods to the chief and Verath. "Ehhh, what's in a name. There are probably worse. I'm Robert, nice to meet you. I hope you can handle those weapons." Robert replies, as he gets into the passenger seat of the truck, not wanting to try to climb into the apparently cramped back through the windshield hole used to be. "Looks like we're ready, lets get this show on the road."
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

"alrighty lets be off then shall we? though just some quick directions would be nice...dont know my way around this town"

*Chase would be ready to take off as soon as Robert was in the truck the gun and clips tucked into the handy toolbelt*
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

Just remember to come back here if we encounter anyone, Robert. There's enough room for two people to kneel and shoot. Anyway, mechy, take a right out of the parkinglot go straight at the first two intersections, take a left, then a right and the place should be visible from there. Verath says, giving directions to Chase.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

"Right." Robert replies, and proceeds to keep an eye out for anything moving.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

*with a nod at the directions Chase pulls out onto the road to bein heading along the way not really needing to say anything else just keeping eyes on the road for zeds*
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

Fortunately, it seems that the zombies haven't penetrated far into the town yet. That being said, the group does notice movement in the smaller alleys, but given that fact that it's hiding from them, it's presumably humans. Eventually, the trio reaches the parking lot of the building. Overall, from the outside at least, the place doesn't look as badly looted as other stores. Likely because most of the stuff inside is better for fortifying homes than running away from zombies.

The lone line is the pickup and the thing at the top is the building.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

Robert gets out of the truck and looks around carefully once it stops. "Hmmmm, Chase, would you know what to look for?"
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

*quirks an eyebrow at Robert and gives a shrug*

mechanic not carpenter sorry. sure common sense says wood nails stuff like that but beyond common sense supplies no help from me sorry.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

Slowly oozing out of the back, Verath speaks up. We'll probably need rope to secure the wood we grab on top of the truck. Anything else, we'll grab as we go. I'd prefer to get back to safety asap.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

"well if ya want i can lock the truck up from the inside and stay out here with the truck running. that way we can get out asap if something happens. plus i can honk the horn if trouble shows up out here in the parking lot."
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

"Alright, who wants to stay with the truck?" Robert says.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

If it comes down to it, I can probably do the best out here on my own and mechy over there might see some power tools or something that might help. Hand me the keys and I'll lock up and stay in the back. If you hear gunshots, though, come running cause we're out of time. Oh, and if I hear shots from in side, I'll get the car reved up so you can jump in on the fly. Verath says gesturing for Chase to go with Robert.

(Aka, sitting out here would be rather boring for a while, so the npc gets the job.)
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)


"Alright." Robert replies, before proceeding to wait by the front doors of the store for Chase to get moving, his weapon drawn and ready.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

*giviing a nod Chase turns the truck off and tosses the keys to verath before climbing out and heading for the stores doors.*

"lets get moving then shall we...want me to grab a shopping cart?"
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

The store is fairly small, there are five different isles full of various products as well as three cash registers. There is likely a doorway to a storage area in the back as well.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

"Yeah, I'll watch our backs, just keep your eyes open." Robert replies.
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

*pushing the cart along to the right most aisle Chase begins to keep an eye out along the shelves planning on working aisle by aisle from one side of the stoor to the other before making headway to the rear*

"alright lets start here"
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

"Alright, lets get moving. keep your eyes out for what we need, but if you see an aisle with hatchets or the like in it, we should grab some. I'd feel better not being reliant on ammunition limits."
Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

As the two move down the first isle, the contents seem to be mostly bricks, mortar, and concrete along with paving stones. However, Chase does notice something that seems to be moving on top of the shelves farther up the isle.
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Re: Guns, Oil, and a pack of Cards (Robert, Chase, and Vince)

*slowing the cart down chase passes a whisper back to robert*

"somethings moving up ahead..top of the shelf..look alive copper man"
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