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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Walking closer, Hectate could see that the person kneeling was...herself, and he body on the ground was not dead as she feared but asleep, it was taku, the other Hectate looked at the actual Hectate with a almost blank look on her face.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"The... Fuck..." Hecate murmured as she got a look at herself, and Taku, staring for a moment, Hecate suddenly snapped the gun forward, pointing it at the dopplegangers head. "THE HELL ARE YOU!" She yelled, the sight unsettling.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Aiming at the doppleganger, the doppleganger looked at the ground and sighed as the copy of Taku vanished, the doppleganger looked back up at Hectate and said "Im you, obviously, calm down...." her voice was exactly the same as the normal hectates, how someone could pull this off she had no idea, but Hectate remembered that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery as the doppleganger smiled at Hectate and tried to push the guns barrel away from her.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Rather then allow the gun to be moved away, all the clone got was the unusually loud Clack of the hammer being pulled back and locking into place. "I don't think so, You immitating me, Taku on the ground an illusion, You have to the count of 3 before I pull this now very sensitive trigger" She said glaring down at the image of herself even as she took a step back and to the side, her other hand moving up to support the gun and her aim as she moved a little ways to the door, not liking this in the slightest.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Listen to yourself im trying to help you damnit!" The doppleganger said, still not phased by Hectates threats, although the doppleganger backed up slightly with her hands up trying to not show aggression.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate lowered the barrel of the gun and carefully slid the hammer back into place, forcing herself to calm down. "How does making yourself the spitting image of ME help me." She said, her eyes locked on the thing supposedly trying to help her as she took deep breaths. "That's a really good way to freak someone out, not show them you mean no ill will." She added, still ready to either fight or bolt for the door.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Panting as she lowered her hands, the fake Hectate said "Its the only way to get their attention without them wanting to kill me" she said, looking at Hectate she said "Im one of those...really weird women you see trying to have sex with everyone, but ive seen what they do to people and i want to rectify the situation instead of making it worse..." the fake hectate said, with a sad look she said to the real hectate she said "I know you had a fall out with your friends...about what your new transformations are doing to you."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"You mean leaving before I used their bodies like skin puppets or left them in webs to be used as incubators for arachne eggs? Or the odd occassional urge to rape someone senseless. You know about that? How." Hecate said curiously, lowering the gun completely now. "I don't mind the transformations, but the mental urges are becoming too much to cope with. I enjoy the power, and the feeling of laying eggs is... Exquisite, as is melding with another person, but I can't be losing sight of what I'm actually here to do." She added once again. "And what do you mean, strange. How is having sex with everyone strange in this place" She said gesturing around herself, a look of exasperation on her face. "I still don't know your name, or even what you are"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Well....im a mimic, or a doppleganger, take your pick" the fake hectate said, saying "I Know because ive learned magic that lets me do that, i want to help you with your mental urges" the mimic said again "You are what many people call a monster girl"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Help me how, consider me listening" Hecate said cautiously sitting on the floor cross legged and rubbing her temples with one hand as a headache started to form. "I hardly qualify as any monstergirl I've seen, more like a twisted amalgamation of several. "Although being an Arachne definitely seemed like fun" She said grinning at the ceiling, her fang poking out over her lower lip cutely.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Same thing" the doppleganger said "Do you want to stop your mental urges from taking control at the worst possible times? I Cant help you physically but i can at least ensure you wont cause anything worse to happen with your friends." the doppleganger kneeled, a concerned look on her face.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Here's another question then, before i agree to anything. Why would you want to help me. It's a fair question" Hecate said, looking at the doppleganger and pondering it's motives. She had liked Taku and Zenia, but she had done so much damage so quickly that repairing that seemed unlikely to her. Trust was easily lost and hard won, and she'd already proven that she couldn't control herself when the urges got to her, although the last time she had succeeded through a mix of her own hatred for the man that had caused this, and her care for Zenia.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"I Want to help people who are near breaking point from this so they arent just another mindless enemy wandering these damned halls..." the mimic explained, helping Hectate up.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Hrm... Fine' Hecate said, taking the help standing to look at the doppleganger curiously. "A kind soul in this place, a rare thing."

"So what needs to happen, and this plays looks like a mental ward. Ooo! I wonder if they have straightjackets, those are fun" She said chuckling to herself at the needlessly kinky thought.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"No straitjackets" the doppleganger said, taking Hectates hand she lead her to a door and opened it, revealing a very stereotypical therapy room, with the couch, a chair for the examiner to sit on and a window showing the ocean outside, either by coincidence or dumb luck Hectate saw michiko looking in, who seemed to give out a gasp of surprise and wave to Hectate.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate gave a slightly dissappointed "D'awww" As the doppleganger without a name told her no straightjackets and led her into a therapy room, goofy couch and all. But when she saw Michiko, she smiled and waved back, glad the mermaid was alright. "You two know eachother?" Hecate asked, sitting on the couch before rearranging herself so she could lounge on her back and look at Michiko, glad to see her.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Yes she was one of my first clients actually" the doppleganger said, sitting at the chair beside the couch, Michiko smiled at Hectate "She used to prey on people who tried getting from complex to complex, or people who were stuck in water in the aquariums."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Welcome to monstergirls anonymous. I'm hecate, and I enjoy the occasional urge to rape people" hecate said sarcastically, although Michiko being here did wonders to improve her mood and she decided to give whatever this person was offering a decent shot. "Alright then, I suppose I can stall the cynicism for the moment."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The mimic smiled as Hectate made a crack at what was happening, she could see Michiko outside breaking down into fits of underwater laughter, the fake hectate said "Right so, whats the main mental problems that arise? You say you`re a hybrid? Of what kind of monster girls?" the fake hectate asked.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate had to actually think for a moment before answering, counting on her fingers. "I stole Taku's succubus status" She said growing her wings and tail, "Then I drank this vial of pink stuff and grew a fang that lets me take people over, I have NO idea what that is, and then I triggered an Arachne's urges to rape and breed, and got this." Hecate finished, the ovipositor sliding from her for a moment before retreating back into her body. "And I have all the urges that go with all three. O! i was also a slime at one point, although the black shit in the water changed that quickly"