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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The bulb happily kissed her back and latched on again, vines returned to their positions as Hectate started to bounce again, feeling the same experience as last time as she felt her inhibitions ebb away once more, after finishing once more she felt her mind reach a bit more clarity as she finally got herself off of the primed tentacles, naked and her juices running down the sides of her legs, she reclothed herself as the vines hid themselves again, once more masquerading as a bush of roses.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate lifted herself off of the tendrils after screaming muffledly in bliss into the bulb latched to her mouth, the sound swallowed by the strange plant as she writhed in the vine's grip, twisting and pulling in her last climax. Released and standing on wobbly legs, Hecate collapsed and just shook for a moment, her face bright red and her body a complete mess. "Mental note... don't trust anything" She said softly, panting as she stood slowly and made her way towards the stream to clean off, her clothing nowhere to be found, probably yanked into the bush. Looking back and actually considering going after her clothing, which would almost certainly result in her being bound and raped again, Hecate shrugged and waded into the water to clean her juices from her legs and recover, the cold water making her shiver for a moment as she cleaned up and looked around.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

After a bit of searching she realised her clothing wasnt infact in the bush and was lying next to a tree, the only thing destroyed or otherwise unable to be found were her panties, oh well, she had shorts anyway.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

After cleaning herself up, Hecate found her clothing, but her underwear was nowhere to be found, getting dressed again, Hecate wrung the water from her hair and moved on, heading further into the bio dome and keeping her eyes open this time, that bush had caught her more then a little off guard... Thinking about it made her blush slightly, but she kept moving, chalking it up to a fond and unexpected memory.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Moving along the forest area, she could see a wooden door in the brush with a sign next to it saying "Marsh area", obviously another one of the simulated environments, Hectate looked around and studied the bushes and trees, she could see a cave in this forest area and also see a wooden fence as well, and what looked like a human.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Just continuing along and not wanting to talk to anyone in particular after having been raped by a bush of all things, Hecate blushed furiously and stepped through the door into the marsh area, looking around.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Going into the marsh, Hectate immediately sank into the wet mud on the ground up to her ankles, groaning and looking out, it seemed to be constantly raining and there were more trees than normal, and instead of normal grass on the ground there was ankle high wet mud.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate muttered several curses as she sank into the mud. And it was raining. Looking around, making sure her hair was securely tied back behind her so it didn't get in her eyes, Hecate closed her eyes and just enjoyed the rain for a moment. She could hardly believe, rain that was neither toxic or acidic... it was amazing. Smiling, Hecate walked forward, albeit carefully, Marshes were notorious for sinkholes and quick sand..
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Walking along in the marshes for a bit Hectate found her movement slowed by the thick mud, looking around she could see small insects flitting about the air and the occasional bird on a tree branch too, moving on further, she found a dirty river running along the ground, looking into it, she swore she could have seen something, then she saw a bright light ahead of her, it was a small orb of light, not a flashlight or a light bulb, just a orb of light...it was mesmerizing almost as she found herself staring at it for a bit.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Annoyed at the mud, but enjoying everything immensely, Hecate fell back into old training as she saw something move in the river, crouching and getting ready to move, until she saw the light, just... a floating ball a little ways away. Remembering the vines, Hecate backed up a little, not getting any closer then she had to and looking for a way around.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

As much as she wanted to back up, Hectate was...both curious and almost hypnotised, staring at the light she found herself getting a bit closer instead of walking away from it.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate was almost in a trance until she realised she had actually moved closer. Closing her eyes, Hecate punched herself in the thigh, Hard. Focusing on the pain rather then the light. She didn't trust the light, although part of her sorely wanted to, still looking for a way out.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The punch in her thigh inflicted some pain on her, but it did get her mind off the light and give her enough willpower to turn around and ignore the light, looking around she could see back into the forest bio area, she could see the human she saw before going into the marsh area, they seemed to be idly looking at the ceiling while sitting in the grass, before yawning and stretching their arms out, in the marsh she could see some trees she might be able to climb up...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Able to tear her gaze away from the light, Hecate turned to see the people follow her into the marsh area, basically acting strange... were the technicians? other testers? Without a second though, Hecate launched herself up into a nearby tree and watched, looking out for that damned light but refusing to look at it directly.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The light was thankfully not in sight of her, so it wasnt moving obviously, she could get a better look of the person, they were...clothed oddly, it was a woman around 19 looking, she had long blonde hair and light blue eyes, she had around c-cup breast size, the weird thing about her was that she seemed to have a cow tail and cow ears, along with two small horns on her head, the only clothing she was wearing was a cow print bra and blue cargo shorts, along with some arm warmer fingerless gloves, also in a cow print pattern, she seemed to be lost as her tail twitched, "Hello? Anyone there?" she asked curiously.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate looped her legs around the branch and hung from the tree. "Hello~! I'm one of the new testers running through the experiments... Hey... Quick question, is it normal for a plant to go about sticking things in strange places?" She asked from her spot, hanging upside down in the tree, assuming the girl was just wearing a costume.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The girl was slightly startled by Hectates sudden acrobatic act, although she seemed to calm down as Hectate asked her question "Plants...? I-I havent seen them do that..." she said, her tail twitching and swishing about, she looked up at Hectate, slightly curious "Why? Did it happen to you?" she asked.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate blushed furiously before nodding. "Ya, avoid the rose bushes" She said quietly, staying in the tree. "That's a curious costume by the way, what's it for?" She asked curiously, her head tilted to the side, looking the girl up and down.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Costume...?" the girl said, looking at herself "This isnt a costume...atleast i dont think it is" she said, walking over to Hectate she looked at her "Do you want to check?" she asked.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Really? That's so interesting" Hecate said quietly, reaching out to poke and prod a little. "Huh, I've never seen that before" She said quietly, still looking before pulling herself back up into the tree and swinging down, landing in the mud. "Whats your name?" She asked holding out her hand and smiling.