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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

As she poked and prodded Hectate decided to get a hold of the girls horns and give a good tug, expecting them to be a headband, she was startled to realise they were infact a part of the girl, she blushed slightly and said "Please stop..." to hectate, who obliged, in response to Hectates greeting, she cautiously took Hectates hand and shook "M-My name is Zenia...", she said that rather shyly, she looked around and said "C-Can you help me with something?" rather quietely.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate raised an eyebrow at the request. "What do you need help with?" She asked curiously, wondering what was wrong.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

She looked around and whispered "I-I need to get some milk out...", Hectate was puzzled, Zenia placed her hands beneath her breasts and Hectate understood "I-It really hurts..." Zenia said, blushing now and waiting for hectates answer.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate blushed and looked for a moment. "I... I suppose I can" She said quietly, wondering at the bovine woman. This was so strange. "Umm.. Is it... Fuck it, I suppose you need to take your top off then" She'd milked cattle as a child... but a person? O dear.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Nodding Zenia blushed as she had to take her bra off, exposing her breasts to Hectate "Y-You literally just have to get the milk out...s-somehow..." she said, shivering slightly.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate looked around nervously before guiding the girl onto her hands and knees and gently taking her breasts in her hands and kneading gently, taking downward strokes ending in the girls nipples to draw the milk out and give her some relief, still not quite believing the insanity of the situation but helping anyway.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Zenia started to moan as Hectate started to work her breasts, Zenia tried to stifle her moans but had to ask "Y-You can drink them if you want...", as Hectate continued Zenia moaned as she started to lightly lactate, some milk leaking out of her teets and dribbling down her breasts, if Hectate was correct, then it would just taste like any other cow milk right?
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"I'm sorry... I'd... That's a little too strange for me" Hecate said quietly, going about the favour. Although the moaning was starting to change her mind. As she worked, Hecate finally gave and tasted the milk that had covered her hand, curious.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Zenia panted and weakly moaned as Hectate continued to relieve her of the built up milk, as she tasted it it was exactly like any kind of milk she had tried before, only better since it was (somewhat) directly from the source.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Chuckling at the taste, Hecate shook her head still not quite alright with the idea of drinking breastmilk from a 19 year oldish cow girl. Doing the milking and enjoying the sounds Zenia was making, Hecate soon finished and stood up smiling as she helped Zenia to her feet. "Maybe another time, but not right now." She said smiling.

"What are you doing here? If you don't mind my asking?"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Nodding, Zenia put her bra back on after wiping some excess milk off herself, "I-Im another tester..." she said "T-They wanted to see how a non human would react to the different terrains too..." she said.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Well, you met a human, and got milked.... I was stuffed by a rose bush, and did the milking. I think we need to do more testing because the results are confusing so far" Hecate said giggling. "I'm gonna head farther into the marsh, you can join me if you want" Hecate added smiling. Regardless of the answer, Hecate would set off back towards the river, and further into the marsh.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Zenia nodded, agreeing to follow as Hectate set off to the river, Hectate felt like the milk even rejuvenated her, feeling the same as she did before the bush encounter.

Status: Fine.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate felt good... strangely good. She might have to reconsider the milk... Wandering to the river, Hecate looked across it before starting to wade across, the bio sphere itself limiting the visibility. But they were here to test it, it was no time to be squeemish...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Wading across the river, Zenia followed somewhat cautiously, Hectate felt herself start to sink more quickly in the mud, as did Zenia who whimpered slightly, it was at this point Hectate realised the mud was climbing up her legs and trying to get underneath her clothes, with a swift kick she knocked it off, Zenia managed to do the same and she hid behind Hectate in fear, Hectate could see a lump of mud rise out the ground, expanding to obviously try and get a grip on her.

Status: Fine.

Status: Fine.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate cursed and swore before grabbing Zenia's hand and moving as fast as she could in the river away from who knew what. Expanding mud... That was more the a little strange. Dripping wet from the rain, muddy, and with something new crawling up her legs, Hecate didn't mess around with her curiosity this time, assuming it was just like the rose bush and had no respect for personal space.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Even as she run she realised the mud was literally everywhere as the lump collapsed into the mud and rose from behind them, before Zenia could shout a warning Zenia was picked up, her feet barely touching the ground as some mud formed a gag, preventing her from shouting, she kicked and struggled but Hectate still assumed they were in the clear, it was only when she felt a sudden smack against her stomach from a thrown bit of mud that she realised she wasnt safe, it left a bruise on her stomach and she realised Zenia was being pulled away, her shorts absorbed into the mass of mud.

Status:Bruised stomach

Status:Binded and being stripped.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Getting hit made Hecate double over for a second, the air knocked from her lungs by a hunk of mud before turning to notice that whatever it was had grabbed Zenia and had already managed to pull the shorts off of the gagged girl. Stomping back, Hecate pulled her arm back to deliver a bone shattering punch at the mass, hoping it was even possible to fight mud...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Attempting to combat the mass, Hectate managed to get a good solid hit in, knocking a chunk off the mass and making it twitch slightly, Zenia wasnt having much luck as a large tentacle of slime coiled around her arms and waist, pinning her arms to her sides as she kicked and gave out muffled cries for help, the mass assaulting Hectate drooped and fell into the mud.

Status: Fine.

Status:Heavily binded.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Knowing now that she could seemingly hurt the thing, Hecate took another heavy swing at the mass, this time leading with her elbow at the tendril that had wound around Zenia. "Struggle Damnit!" She shouted at the cow girl as she attempted to knock her loose of the mud.