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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Running over to Zenia, Hectate managed to land another blow, a weaker one but still one none the less, getting one of Zenias arms free she tried to help out again, however she realised she had walked right into a trap as she suddenely sank into the mud which was now waist high, more mud converged covering the back of her head and arms, trying to force her deeper into the mud, she felt the mud get up beneath her breasts and she couldnt feel any sort of ground for her to stand on, Zenia struggled again and managed to get her other arm free as she tried pulling the makeshift gag off of her mouth.


Status: Binded.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate swore loudly as her reward for landing another blow was to suddenly sink much farther into the mud, and to have the mud start dragging her down. Thinking quickly back to her training, she latched onto one of Zenia's free arms and used her other to slam the elbow down into the mass up to her waist. This thing was tenacious and she was losing faith that she could beat it at all. The absurdity of fighting mud... the sheer insanity.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The elbow strike barely did a thing to the mass, it tried forcing Hectate down further, now the mud was up to her neck, Zenia barely had any luck as mud started to cover her cow ears, making her give out a muffled yelp of confusion, Hectate felt her clothes slip off and float to the top of the mud beneath her, then she started to feel warm mud caress her body and latch onto place.

Status:Neck deep in mud.

Status:Confused, binded.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate cursed and kicked and struggled for all she was worth as she was pulled up to her neck in the mud, feeling it latch around her, practically sealing her inside the mass. She was losing hope at this point but kept struggling, maybe she would get lucky.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Her struggling seemed to get her somewhere, as did Zenia, Zenia managed to pull herself off of the mass and kneel in the mud, she dug her hands beneath the mud and grabbed the undersides of Hectates arms, she tried pulling and managed to get Hectates arms out of the mud, another few elbow blows managed to get the mud to let go of her completely, Zenia pulled the mud covered Hectate out of the slime after that, panting from this sudden attack, thankfully no other masses came out to say hi and attack them.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate grabbed onto Zenia, and it was Zenia in the end that got her the freedom she needed to beat her way free. Not waiting for any more surprises, Hecate grabbed Zenia and pushed across the river. "See? Overly friendly!" She said annoyed as she moved. "Thanks..." She added quietly. Her clothing was a lost cause, unless it miraculously floated back out of the mud, which she highly doubted.

Covered in mud from chin to toe, Hecate wondered how they had gotten out of that one alright. Deciding it was just best to throw it up to good fortune, she let her anger bleed away and relaxed, all smiles once again. "And the testing continues!" She said cheerfully, heading further into the bio sphere, Zenia in tow.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Zenia looked at the mud as Hectates clothing failed to float back up, shrugging she followed Hectate further into the marsh area, looking around cautiously, she saw a brief glimpse of the light again but managed to resist its pull, the ground rumbled subtly but Hectate couldnt feel it as she was too distracted with brushing mud off of her arms and stomach.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Zenia! I have reached a decision" Hecate said as she tried to get all the mud off of herself. "I have given up on clothing since everything here seems quite interested in pulling it off." The rumble beneath her feet went completely unnoticed as she leaned against a nearby tree. "I have a feeling there's more to this... Testing."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Blinking, Zenia was slightly confused with Hectates decision "W-Wont you get cold...?" she asked, the ground rumbled again and Zenia yelped as she suddenely was dragged fully into the mud and out of sight, making Hectate panic slightly she felt something shoot up from below and grab her, panicking and kicking around she realised some sort of...woman with the lower body of a snake had burst out the ground and got a hold of her, this woman wasnt even normal size, she was huge, if she was standing next to this snake woman she would only reach the tails height, kicking about Hectate heard the woman giggle, her skin was a pale colour and her hair was a sickly green colour, her eyes were dark purple and she seemed to have another set of arms...she could barely move in this giant snake womans grip as the hands around her moved their thumbs so they were on her breasts, the woman laughed and said "Oh look, i caught a little exhibitionist~" before moving her thumbs around, this action alone was kneading Hectates breasts and making her moan in anticipation.

Status: Grappled.

Status: ???
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate blinked and shouted after Zenia, moving to tear at the mud before something shot up and grabbed her, some kind of.. massive snake woman. Molested, insulted, and worried about Zenia, Hecate lashed out with her forehead as she arched her back and planted her feet. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH ZENIA!"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

She was lifted off the ground as her attempt to attack failed, she was turned around so she was facing the woman, who tutted and sighed "Cant have you struggling now can we?", then she felt herself be brought closer as the snake ladies tongue entered her mouth, she felt it slide down her throat as she was forced to swallow and gag, struggling she felt her entire body turn red with lust, the size of this things tongue was almost as big as the tentacle she saw in the bush encounter.

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

There was something strange going on here... there had to be. Why did having this snake woman's thick tongue forced down her throat turn her on... Why? Held practically immobile, She knew when she was outmatched. She was pinned by a massive creature with extra arms, and couldn't even look at her opponent properly with her head forced back by the enormous tongue that was buried in her mouth. After a moments consideration, Hecate decided to wait for the right time to counter attack and this wasn't it. Making this decision, she simply went limp.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The lamia eventually stopped after Hectate went limp, pulling her tongue out she grinned as the lamia continued kneading Hectates breasts again, Hectate felt her pleasure start to reach the tipping point, she needed to act quickly, attempting to suddenely lash out, she only glanced the lamia, who tutted at her and lifted her above the lamias head, she felt her wet pussies juices run down her legs as she was lowered again, she realised the lamia had opened its mouth, fearing the worst, she was lowered so her crotch was on the lamias tongue, which started to lick at her wet pussy as she was held in place, the lamia stopped licking to occasionally kiss at her clit, bringing Hectate to her orgasm as the lamia expertly worked her lower lips.

Status: Climaxed.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate felt her heart sink a little as she lashed out only to fail to inflict any real damage to her assailant. The sound of this things voice, this woman's voice infuriated her, but that didn't stop Hecate from giving a surprised yelp as she was lifted and felt her feet, and then her legs slip into the snakewoman's tight, warm throat, the feeling utterly unique. Lowered onto the woman's tongue, all Hecate would do was shudder and struggle as her hips were worked over, pleasure shooting up her spine until... with a loud cry, Hecate came, Hard. Shuddering and writhing in pleasure, the woman was utterly unsure how to react, even if she could, and still panting and writhing, the occasional low moan slipping from her lips as her juices splashed against the snake woman's tongue, Hecate was helpless for a moment, her body lost to the flood of pleasure from her climax.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Whimpering slightly, Hectate felt the lamia let go of her arms, she was in too much pleasure to even respond so she could only moan as she felt the lamias tongue penetrated her lower lips, moving her tongue so Hectate would shift about, she only suceeded in pleasuring herself as her body bucked and moved, eventually she couldnt hold it and reached another orgasm, the lamias tongue came out of her lower holes as the lamia swallowed Hectate, she felt herself slide down the lamias warm throat until she was in a small fleshy stomach, panicking at the prospect of being digested, Hectate realised there were no digestion fluids in sight, Hectate realised the walls of the stomach were closing in, panicking she found herself pressed against the wall as it tightened as much as it could, unable to move Hectate found herself letting her tongue hang as the warmth of the stomach washed over her, the stomach moved about rubbing against her rear hole and her lower lips to increase the heat inside her, blushing and moaning lewdly Hectate reached another shuddering climax, this continued until Hectate found herself passing out from all the pleasure she had received...

By time she woke up she was in a completely different area, she was in what looked like one of the halls of the lab, looking around she could tell she was covered in saliva and a sticky white liquid, keeping her kneeling to the ground and her arms stuck to a wall, looking up she could see a alarm blaring, and the signs of a ruckus, people running, however she was alone...Zenia was nowhere to be seen.

Status: Horny, Binded.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Bucking and writhing as the naga impaled her slit on her wide, hot tongue, Hecate pushed herself straight into another climax as the naga worked her over, pushing her higher and higher, Hecate soon screaming in pleasure until she was simply too weak to move... And then she was swallowed. Thrashing weakly as she was eaten, Hecate had to cope with a new feeling, her body covered in hot flesh and pressed on from all sides, the feeling impossible erotic right up to the point that she was deposited into the cramped confines of the naga's stomach, barely able to move within the tight flesh she was trapped in.

Panicking for a moment, Hecate realised that she wasn't in any real danger of being digested... yet, and the fleshy walls pressed in on her from all sides, the slick, undulating flesh bringer her to climax after climax until Hecate passed out, thrashing and whimpering before her body gave out.

Waking up in a strange place, what looked like the complex, and covered in a thick, white flood that left her bound to the ground, Hecate could barely think past the haze of lust she was trapped in, but something seemed to be wrong. Moaning lewdly from her place, Hecate twisted and struggled a little to absolutely no effect. trapped and impossibly aroused...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Looking around Hectate could see signs that the experiment had probably gone wrong, as vines had started to grow out of some viewing glass and into the corridors, she noticed the vines had spotted her and were starting to slither towards her, leaving her to either panic and struggle out of this situation or just wait and see what happens.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

It took Hecate a moment to snap her mind out of the haze it was in, and she had training to thank for that. Glancing at the vines, she considered her position, being stuck was her first problem, but it seemed to be more then that. That didn't matter much, what did was getting loose. Trying to stand, Hecate fought against her bonds, wondering if the white substance was a farewell present from the snake woman that had swallowed her.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Trying to fight against the white substance keeping her glued in place like a trapped rat, Hectate didnt quite manage to get herself free, the vines got closer and wrapped around her ankles, cursing and trying to kick them away, Hectate struggled again but just couldnt get free of her gluey bonds, two more vines wrapped around her wrists as she continued to try and struggle in her haze of lust.

Status: Horny and binded.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate could feel them, the vines, as they wrapped around her wrists and ankles, and despite every effort, she couldn't seem to get free of whatever the hell had her glued down. Breathing heavily, her face flushed, her mind was immediately drawn back to the plant and she felt her slit moisten almost immediately at the thought. Shaking her head to try and clear those thoughts, Hecate struggled to pull lose, but she didn't think she would be able to get free now that the vines were twining around her form as well...