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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

As she continued to struggle the tentacle supplying oxygen to her started to thrust into her mouth lewdly, she felt her lower body be toyed with as the tickling started to continue up her ankles and legs, eventually reaching up to her thighs as she started to blush from the tentacle in her mouth, sure enough she started to laugh once whatever it was had found her sweet spot, throwing her plans of escape into slight confusion.

Status:Fits of laughter.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Gah! No no no no stop it! Hecate was soon trashing and smiling around the tendril thrusting into her mouth as the tendrils reached her hips and started to tickle her properly. It was confusing, there was something obviously fucking her face, but the tickling was impossible to ignore. Laughing under the water even as her cheeks flushed red, Hecate stopped trying to get away because she was nervous, she just tried to get away from the tickling!
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

She could barely move her legs to escape the tickling, blushing even more now she felt more things rub against her legs once more, the tickling continued and something penetrated her lower lips arousing her even further, weakly struggling she felt it thrust inside of her repeadetely while she was being tickled it was a strange experience to say the least as she eventually reached her shuddering underwater orgasm, the tentacle in her mouth squirted something down her throat before supplying her with oxygen again and the thing in her wet pussy squirted its load into her inner walls, the tickling stopped and Hectate could catch her breath as her entire body was red with arousal now, eventually the tentacle in her mouth retracted and her body was released, quickly giving her time to grab the orb, yank it out and return to the surface, soaking wet, she grabbed hold of a ladder and climbed up it with the orb under her arm, the door beeped and opened, registering the orb and proving her theory correct, Zenia was waiting with a towel, thankfully and covered Hectate in it, drying her off and asking repeadetely whether she was alright.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Yup, this thing was gonna, moaning around the tendril, the tickling melting in more pleasure as something squirmed up her legs and slid into her slit, starting to thrust in time with the length in her mouth, Hecate bucked her hips against it, moaning and gasping, thinking it was just going to use her like the plant and let her go. And she was right... sorta. As she reached a shuddering peak, whimpering around the tendril in her mouth, she felt something flood her mouth and her womb, the tendrils forcing her to swallow before she could breathe again, and her lower body trapped as her inside was flooded with something. Released, Hecate seized the orb and kicked to the surface, blushing furiously.

Climbing out of the pool, she was grateful to Zenia for having a towel ready, drying her off, although Hecate insisted she was alright. Dry and heading for the door, she found out the orb was the key she thought it had been, the door opening. "Okay, we don't dare lose this thing" She said glaring at the orb. "We need to get to the fire escape, lets go...

Hecate was trying to not think about what had happened under the water, but blushing anyway as she moved.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The orb shrunk to a more easy to carry size, around the size of a marble, Zenia took it and popped it in the pocket of her cargo shorts, leaving the enclosures they were back in the corridor with the paintings again, all of them seemed to be of important people in the facility, but the last one at the end of the corridor was completely black with nothing on it and didnt even have a plaque...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate looked at the pictures, trying to figure out who had built this place, she saw politicians, ceo's, and something that worried her, generals. There was military research here... what the hell was going on. Seeing the black portrait however, hecate chuckled, before slamming her fist into the portrait. "No sneaky enough by half!" She shouted as her fist flew through the air.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Spotting the obviously fake paintings ruse, Hectate slammed her fist into it, however she got something different as hands just as black as the painting itself reached out and gripped her arm, trying to pull her in, almost screaming in surprise, Zenia grabbed Hectates back and instinctively pulled, trying to pull her out, thankfully the twos combined strength stopped the painting from pulling her in and Hectate fell to the floor with Zenia, landing in a awkward position as Hectate was right ontop of Zenia with her face pressed into the girls breasts, making her blush slightly "P-please get off Hectate..."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate wriggled off of Zenia, "Sorry, didn't mean to, thanks for the help" She said staring at the painting. "Avoid these things, noted" She said. "lets go" Hecate didn't bother fighting a creature that wasn't an overt threat, and this one seemed to be stuck where it was and wasn't attacking them. Turning her back on it, Hecate headed for the fire escape to keep moving upwards.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Going into the fire escape they started to ascend the stair case, eventually getting them up to the second floor they came out into what looked like a staging area for machines, there were three chairs spaced out from each other and shelves lined with vials, some of the shelves had been tipped over and the contents of broken vials had mixed together on the floor, creating some form of multicolored muck that looked like it shouldnt dare be touched, let alone consumed.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate looked around the room, her mind whirring into a blur as she took a real hard look at what the room was, looking for restraints on the chairs, syringes, anything that would give her a clue as to what this room was really for, motioning Zenia to be careful.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

There were no restraints on the chairs and the only syringes were in some draws nearby, Zenia looked at the strange liquid in the floor and was partially puzzled by it, there was no sign telling Hectate what this room was and there was a hole in the wall from something smashing through it.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate pondered everything, before taking an empty syringe, and using it to draw the mix of fluids into it for later. "I think we just found a weapon" She said quietly, staring at it. "We shouldn't stay here..." She added, before gesturing for Zenia to follow, heading out of the room.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Nodding, Zenia followed Hectate out of the door, on the ground there was broken and twisted metal, with holes, presumably tunnels, Zenia looked at Hectate and said "Um...how do you intend to store anything if your naked?" she asked.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate nodded "Good Question, If I find better clothing, I'll wear it, but there isn't anything really available, watch out for the holes" she said, gesturing with the syringe. She kept her eyes open for anything useful, weapons, radios, hell! Bodies! What was for certain was that she was nervous, curious, and starting to get angry. She wanted answers...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Walking around the holes the two looked around again, seemed like they were in a storage floor as crates and boxes and shelves were all around them, just as they were about to move on Hectate heard a quiet growling, in the tunnels on the ground, it was pitch black but they could see shining yellow eyes looking up at them from the tunnels, the growling stopped and the eyes went away, but it worried the two quite a bit, walking down the corridor for a bit, they found a ceiling panel had been removed and there was a pistol on the ground next to a blood stain along with two spare clips of ammo, it was of a Glock 17 make meaning she had 17 shots for each clip before needing a reload.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Come on Zenia" Hecate said intentionally ignoring the creature, refusing to act like prey. Seeing the bloodstain made her a little nervous however, but the gun was a godsend. Picking up the weapon, handing the syringe to Zenia, she nodded. "Glock 17, 9mm, semi automatic. Standard issue for armed security" she said quietly, going over the weapon, checking the current magazine before discarding it for one of the spares. Racking the slide to chamber around, she carried the other in her off hand. "If you see anything that isn't human and unfriendly, stab it and give it a dose of whatever is in that syringe." She said quietly, looking around as she continued moving, her eyes scanning around and keeping track of the tunnels for movement as well as up above. Whatever had gotten the previous owner of this weapon had attacked from the ceiling.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Pocketing the syringe, Zenia hesitantly followed Hectate, eventually they came into a large open room, the ceiling was made of glass and they could see water up through it, looking around they could see remnants of smashed forklifts, crates tipped over and giant shelves blocking their view, Zenia was scared and started shaking, Hectate could hear something that sounded like water moving, shifting her attention to the ceiling, she saw no cracks or water leaking, this labyrinth of boxes and shelves was annoying as she had no idea where the exit was, only the entrance of the door she came in through...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate looked around, trying to move to a wall and follow it around as far as she could. "It's alright Zenia, deep breathes, calm down" Hecate said soothingly before looking at the contents of the crate. A uniform would be a god send.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Looking into one of the crates Hectate managed to find some bandages, useful if any first aid was needed, she heard the sound get closer and her footsteps started to sound like they were treading in water, looking down, she could see some kind of dark blue jelly was soaking across the floor, Zenia whimpered and tried calming herself down.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Zenia! Get off the ground, and squirt that syringe into whatever that is on the ground!" Hecate yelled as she hopped onto the crate, gun leveled at whatever the jelly was, one eye watching Zenia, ready to cover her if she needed help.