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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Looking around the large greenhouse she could see some stairs leading to a very large bud on a pedestal, however that would have to wait as she could see some vines lashing out at her, easily avoiding it the first time Hectate managed to grab a hold of the vine and morph her left hand into a sharp spike, cutting the vine in two, however another vine with a bulb on it suddenely forced itself into Hectates mass, it released some golden liquid into her and Hectate felt herself getting aroused slightly as the liquid spread throughout her body.

Status: Aroused.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate slashed down on the bulb that had squirmed inside her, feeling a tingling that wasn't all that unpleasant from where the golden fluid had entered her, but thinks being stuck inside her... that felt entirely too good... Heading for the stairs, Hecate kept her eyes open and slashed at anything that got too close, the attacks not coming from anywhere specific...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Trying to cut through the vine was difficult as it continued releasing its golden liquid into Hectate arousing her further, before she could react another vine of the same kind shoved itself into her mass through her breast area and started to pump even more golden liquid in, struggling weakly Hectate felt herself get even more aroused than normal.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate shuddered as more and more of the substance was poured into her, and yelped when another bulb was added to the first, and then she remembered. She was made of Jelly! She didn't have to fight fair!, Focusing on where the bulbs had inserted themselves, Hecate expanded those areas of her flesh... jelly... Stuff! around the vines, before making the edges sharp and clamping down on them severing them. She couldn't afford to be pumped with any more of that stuff... and thinking about what would have happened if she was still human, and one of those had found her mouth made her shudder again, she would have already been lost...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hectate managed to pull this complex maneuver off, cutting the vines off of her, and making their bulbs float in her body, she managed to will herself into dissolving these bulbs as they too became slime floating inside her, the strange golden liquid started to pool on the edges of Hectates "skin", eventually pooling themselves out, the effects faded and Hectate was now a shimmering golden colored slime.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate was now golden... How odd, and she had dissolved the bulbs, even stranger... seemed she could eat organic material... Grinning, Hecate continued moving towards the stairs curious now, and liking the new colour. It was very interesting. And she seemed to have a talent for this new body of hers...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Going up the staircase proved...challenging to say the least, slime kept falling through the gaps between the steps and she had to go down and retrieve it each time so she didnt lose liquid rapidly, how bothersome, she could mold her body into anything she wanted, expand and shrink and hide in drains, but she couldnt go up a simple flight of stairs...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Or could she... Looking at the stairs again, Hecate looked for the handrail or runner, that long piece of wood that connected the stairs together, or metal, it didn't matter, something that had an unobstructed path, and painstakingly, and slowly oozed up it. If that didn't work, she remembered she could make legs and walk that way, but that it was difficult. She would try that next if this plan failed. SHE WOULD NOT BE DEFEATED BY STAIRS!
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Thankfully there was a handrail, shifting herself onto it, she morphed her body so she could slowly but surely ooze her way up it, eventually reaching the second floor and feeling proud of herself, the large bud infront of her was currently closed, she heard the door opening and something coming up the stairs, Zenia greeted her with a wave, the gas mask she was wearing looked very out of place with her cow themed clothing...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate waved back, feeling special. "Hello~! Like the new color? About that! Watch out for the plants here, the excrete some sort of drug.." She said examining the bulb of the plant, reaching out to stroke the bulbs exterior. If she had been curious before, she was even more so now, and it was mostly to do with her new body, the thoughts of all the places she could go now whirring through her head.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Nodding, Zenia looked at the giant bulb with Hectate, just as curious as she was "What is this thing...?" she asked.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"I have no idea' Hecate said walking around a bit and looking at it, occasionally poking it again. "I do know that it's huge though, very impressive... Maybe if I..." Hecate said, oozing out onto it, trying to get a better look.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The bud was shut tight, even oozing onto its surface didnt give her much of a chance to look inside, sighing Zenia walked over to a control panel and fiddled with it for a bit, causing nothing of interest to happen, besides causing a crane to clobber one of the bushes Hectate was attacked by and sending it flying into a wall.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate looked over as the crane moved and smashed one of the living bushes "Gah! Careful! I mean, I don't think I can go smush, but I don't wanna test it" Hecate said moving back off the bulb and looking around. "I have no idea what the bulb is, but o well, guess we'll never know" She said shrugging, if she could shrug, she could. Okay, shrugging was still good.

Glancing at it, Hecate gave it one last poke before moving on, looking around the second floor carefully.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The bulb didnt move no matter what the two did, shrugging, the two moved on across the second floor, looking around they could see small cages containing plants of varying kinds and a few shelves with potted plants on them, nothing special.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate decided to dissolve and eat all the plants, caged and otherwise one by one as a way of destroying what she saw as dangerous research, not caring in the slightest as she nommed away. "Welp, there doesn't seem to be anything up here, which leaves, down there' Hecate said gesturing, hopping off the catwalk to splat on the ground, oozing towards the bottom of the stairs to meet Zenia, smiling.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Eating the plants made her feel strangely filled, no ill effects came from it and she could see the pool of slime beneath her grow a bit larger, Zenia waved as Hectate came into sight "D-Did you find what causes this mist yet...?" she asked.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"No idea Zenia, I think it's actually pollen" Hecate said looking around before heading off in another direction, looking up at the ceiling to try and figure out how big this chamber was.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The ceiling was pretty low, it was big enough to allow the bud to bloom however, there was nothing else for them on the second floor they were on, and Zenia motioned to her gas mask and saying "T-These filters only last five minutes...i need to get out..."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate nodded at the mention of the time limit on the filters, but was still really interested in the plant. Looking at the bulb one last time, she thought about how beautiful a flower that size would be, before turning to head out of the room "I understand, off we go" She said, heading towards the door.