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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Zenia looked at the bio suit she was wearing, blushing slightly as now it wasnt hidden and was in rather plain view, moving on she said "F-From what the book can tell me, she was a werewolf...sorta like a wolf girl, but they operate from like pack mentality...she must have been the alpha" she said again, going up the fire exit stairway.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate made it feel like something was occasionally brushing against Zenia's folds every few steps, enjoying her blushing. And it really was quite the sight, Hecate clinging, transparent to her form, Zenia able to see everything as Hecate occasionally, and seemingly randomly teased her, laughing softly. "Pack mentality. Not surprised, we'll have to be careful" she said as they headed up the stairs to the next level. They had a mermaid to talk to. At least the mermaid seemed nice.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Zenia gave out a little moo of pleasure each time Hectate teased her folds, going up the staircase they could see out a window into the ocean, the mermaid was up against it again, she waved to Hectate and made a upward motion with her hands, probably telling them to get up higher, as they reached the next floor, they found themselves in what looked like a aquarium area and it was...strangely undamaged, nothing was over turned, there were no leaking pipes and all the animals in their tanks were alright.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate sprouted on top of Zenia and stopped teasing the poor girl for now as she waved at the mermaid and nodded as they headed upstairs into the aquarium area. Everything was... fine here. It was surprising given the state of everything else. Sliding off of Zenia, Hecate looked around, moving to the water and sticking her head in smiling. "Hello~?"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Sticking her head into one of the smaller exhibits, she was greeted by several zebra fish scattering as she stuck her head in, Zenia read a sign on one of the larger tanks "Hectate you know that mermaid? She might be here...", reading a sign on the large tank, she could see that any kind of fish or creature could wander in, and sure enough a few seconds later the mermaid was seen swimming in the tank, placing her hands on the glass and smiling she waved to Hectate and Zenia, getting a closer look Hectate could tell she looked around 18, her fish tail was blue, and she was wearing some kind of dark grey tanktop that was soggy and wet, her eyes were as blue as the sea Hectate saw her in and her hair was a simple blonde colour.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate wandered over to the appropriate tank this time and hopped in without a second though, floating around the mermaid and looking at her in wonder, she really was beautiful, but she had no idea how to talk to her underwater, but that didn't stop her from trying as she waved again, hoping she wasn't so much like the water that seeing her was difficult. "Hello~!"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Although the mermaid had a bit of trouble finding the almost invisible Hectate, she located her by finding her core, Hectate could actually hear her own voice, probably from the tanks walls, the mermaid nodded and smilled saying "Hello slime girl!" in response.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate smiled and wiggled happily. "Hello~! Do you have any idea what's going on? O! I'm Hecate, And you're a mermaid! I didn't think you existed! Gah! I'm sorry, that sounded rude" And hecate continued espousing in that manner until she finally became too embarrassed to keep speaking, swimming around in circles. Water was nice.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The mermaid nodded "I was a volunteer for a experiment on fusing genes" she said, swimming around with Hectate "Say werent you part of the big biome experiment? I Saw you walk past here while you were being inducted miss hectate!" she said, now that Hectate thought about it, she did remember seeing a mermaid in one of the tanks.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"I was, but then everything went to hell in a hand basket! I took an offer to be a slime in hopes of gaining an advantage in this crazy place! And thankfully, so far, it seems to have been. But... why would you agree to gene experiments!? Everyone else here has gone insane! And that wolf woman stabbed me with some kind of multicolored liquid... And it's all nuts!" Calming down for a moment, Hecate looked at the mermaid again. "I'm sorry, what's your name, and what's going on here? I found notes saying they had some kind of experimental gas that worked on non humans. It all seems like military research the more I look at it! Also! How do we get Zenia down here?"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"My name is Michiko miss hectate, and i assume Zenia is your friend outside?" Michiko asked, Zenia waved to them from outside "We cant really get her into this tank unless she can breathe underwater..."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"One second" Hecate swam up, which really wasn't swimming since she just undulated through the water as naturally as walking, and sprouted a bunch of tendrils, grabbing Zenia and dragging her into the pool without any warning whatsoever, because that was just the kind of friend she was. Zenia wasn't in trouble however as Hecate caught a bunch of air in a bubble and fit over Zenia's head, letting her breath under water for a minute or two, gesturing for the mermaid to come closer to the surface so she could run a tendril up to the surface of the water and let more air in. "Zenia! This is Michiko!" Hecate said smiling. Being a slime was awesome.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

After Hectate used her roundabout and inventive method to keep Zenia in the tank and allowing her to speak, the two conversed for a while about what was happening, Zenia found out that Michiko had got into the same program she did, so Hectate found out that Zenia must have been fused with cow genes, interesting.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate flailed wildly in the water for a moment. "WHEN DID HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION BECOME LEGAL!?!?!?! Does nobody else think that's strange?!?!?! Gah! We need more info!" She said flustered. "Michiko, you seem to know more then I do, I'm just running around blindly and trying not to get raped by everything, and don't get me started on that damned vampire! Please tell me you know something, or know where to look, because those gas experiments, and that drug don't bode well for any of us!"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Michiko thought deeply for a moment as Hectate flipped out like a madwoman in the glass tank, Michiko then said "They made it legal in 2013 with the onset of more dangerous diseases, it was necessary to keep us alive, and this was all volunteer work! We willingly put ourselves through this!" michiko said, trying to calm hectate down "I do know that this might be some kind of weird battle plan by the military...they might be weaponising that gas or something, and they needed to see if it effected humans....and from what i can tell, it didnt..." Michiko said that again, how the gas got out of containment and how all hell broke loose she had no idea.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Alright alright alright" Hecate said calming down. "But that doesn't tell us what we do about it, the files I found said there was a much more sizable security force, and they're all gone. And here we are. God, this is a logistics nightmare." Hecate muttered as she floated around, making sure to get Zenia as much air as she needed.

"We need a place to rest, and think things through" She finally said. "Somewhere safe from that insane wolf woman..."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Zenia nodded in agreement, Michiko said "Theres a underwater tunnel to the next complex in this aquariums basement...i think theres some monsters and more unsavory enemies around though...i can help you in areas with water, it might take some time before i arrive though.." she said, Zenia motioned for Hectate to climb out the tank so they could rest for a while.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate nodded and headed back to the surface, thanking Michiko for the information. When they were out of the tank, Hecate plopped on the floor and bubbled in an annoyed fashion. "So we need to head down... Down is never good"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"I know..." Zenia said, leaning against the glass tank, "Oh well...im sure we`ll find a way out soon though" she said again, Zenia had been surprisingly non chalant about walking around naked, she gave out a little moan as she checked her breasts, which were sore and red again "H-Hey hectate can you help me out again...?" she asked in a shy tone.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate nodded and grinned at Zenia's request, feeling rather naughty as she oozed over Zenia's form, starting to kiss her passionately as her hands drifted up her sides and trapping her hips in the pool under her, undulating against her body as she moaned into her mouth, her hands turning into powerful suction cups over the Holstaures' breasts, pulling powerfully as Zenia felt her lower holes teased before her flower was filled in one smooth motion, thrusting slowly, Hecate's tongue impossibly long as it twined around Zenia's, the milk pooling in Hecate's center as she shuddered in pleasure herself.