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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Zenia panted as she sat up saying "I-I dont know...i just passed out..."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate frowned, coiling the rope up and adding it to her collection of stuff, before looking at the vibe and grinning. "Seems I've got quite the collection of toys, Personal vendetta, if you see a wolf girl with black panties, grab that bitch, we're going to make sure she regrets her actions earlier... As long as you're okay. Keep your eyes open guys." She said as she looked around for anything leading to the submarine, or more information, or bodies... They still hadn't found the security team...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Looking around, Taku looked through some desks and cupboards to try and find any instructions or any further maps, Zenia looked into a small port the room had, seeing a submersible in the water, however it wasnt docked and it was full of water from the hatch being open, making it useless, sighing, Hectate looked at the tanks of air on hand, thankfully they had enough to make it to the other facility, but they would be exposed to any monsters of the deep sea, Taku walked over to Hectate and asked if she found anything, her tail now visible again and its tip clean of Hectates juices as it idly swayed in the air.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Yup, I found out we need to swim, that something knocked out and tied up Zenia, and that I'm a serious pervert in need of a shrink." Hecate said, starting to strip, leaving her things nearby and getting the diving gear on. "Lets not waste any time, be careful" She said.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Serious pervert~? A few sessions Hectate dear and i can ebb it right out of you..." Taku said, her voice taking on a slightly dominatrix esque vibe for a second, worrying Zenia, who started to slip her diving gear on as she was already naked, Taku simply snapped her fingers and all her clothing disappeared, revealing her very delicate and well looked after body as she started to put her gear on as well, Hectate found her eyes glued to Taku once again, having to give herself another slap to calm her hormones down.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate was having serious trouble NOT focusing on Taku as she stripped down and got the diving gear on... She was trouble... and then she was naked and Hecate found herself staring, again... Shaking her head, she chose not to mention the sessions comment, instead heading straight into the water as soon as she was geared up...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Eventually the three dived into the water, swimming out through a tunnel sized to probably allow the submarine through, they found themselves in the ocean, finding the complex below wouldnt be hard, as there were weighted buoys underwater with lights on, creating a path for them to follow, almost right on cue, Michiko was seen swimming off to the side of one of these buoys, waving to Hectate.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate shuddered as she hit the water, and the three of them made their way through the tunnel and out into the open ocean, greeted by the sight of strung lights through the blue water, and the form of Michiko, flagging them down. Glad she was alright, Hecate made a beeline for the mermaid, propelling herself through the water the old fashioned way.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hectate wasnt a slime anymore, which frustrated her as she couldnt speak to Michiko at this point, Michiko motioned for Hectate and her buddies to follow as they swam to the complex beneath them.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Already frustrated by swimming around and not being a slime any more, Hecate nodded and followed Michiko lower, the others following as well as they headed to the complex below, wondering what the hell they were going to find. Keeping her eyes open for that black figure, Hecate had her head on a swivel as they made their way down, taking everything in.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Thankfully staying in the lanes of the buoys, they made it to the complex with air to spare as they all surfaced in a employees area much like the one in the aquarium from before.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Pulling herself out of the water, sitting on the edge, Hecate pulled her mask off and gestured for Michiko to talk to her. "Thanks, you wanted us here, but you never said why... What was that think spewing the black ink michiko?" Hecate asked, NOT looking at Taku's dripping nude body.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Taku idly dried herself off before snapping her fingers and being clothed like normal again, IE, barely clothed at all, Michiko leant on the "shore" of the port and said "It was some kind of chemical they made...i saw tendrils spitting out the stuff come from this complex, i think its from...some...security team, they are trying to put that complex into quarantine..."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"And here I am with no gear.... Damnit. Michiko, do you mind showing Zenia around the outside of the complex, see if you guys can spot something from the outside while we poke around in here? I'm human and Taku... Taku cheats." Hecate said, thinking as she looked around the port carefully.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Nodding, Michiko dived with Zenia again so that they could explore outside the complex, Taku giggled at Hectate and helped her get her gear off.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate kept her eyes and hands to herself at the moment, since the last time they had had any fun, they'd found Zenia hogtied with a vibrator in her ass... Which had turned her on entirely too much.... Shaking the thoughts from her mind, and blaming Taku, Hecate headed through the first door, not paying attention to Taku, or much of anything since she couldn't get the lewd thoughts out of her mind...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Heading through the door the two found themselves in a corridor, some water had got in but it was only ankle high, the corridor was made of some marble panelling, a sign lead them to believe this route lead to the exit, but it had a sign "All arrivals must take decompression and a shower before continuing on", shrugging, Taku yawned and stretched her arms.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate sighed when she saw the decontamination protocols, heading farther down the corridor, and heading into the passway for the door for her shower and decon, motioning for Taku to hold still where she was, worried it was going to be another deluge of black ink rather then water or soap.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The shower was first, Taku did as she was told and waited at the entrance of the shower, turning the hot tap on for the shower, Hectate was thankfully greeted with some warm water instead of a deluge of black ink.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate didn't waste any time, showering down quickly and moving on so Taku could do so as well, wondering what this was all about. If the chemical was coming from here, then it was probably made here, and that could explain the added security...