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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Taku smiled and pet Hectate, kissing her on the cheek as she left a small mark on the back of Hectates neck, Taku put Hectate back in the harness again, tightening it back to the way it was before, however this time Taku led Hectate by the crotch rope around the corner and to what looked like a arrivals room, a large open room with several couches lining the walls and doors leading into the complex itself, Taku looked through some abandoned suitcases and pulled out a dark grey tanktop and some black shorts for Hectate, putting them on, Hectate was amazed that the harness was pretty much completely covered up, the only way to see the ropes being looking at her side, "There, its official now~" Taku teased, kissing Hectate on her cheek "Now lets wait for your friends Hectate dear~" she said again, sitting on a couch.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate felt the mark laid on her neck and shuddered, staying stock still as Taku put the harness back on her, making her moan softly as she rolled hips gently for a moment, gasping as she found out the harness was just as good as before, the rope shifting against her folds any time she moved, quickly making her wet again. As she was led along by the crotch rope, she gasped and followed, twitching and blushing as every step, and being pulled along drove her even higher. Seeing the waiting room, Taku found some clothing for her and got her dressed, hiding the harness almost completely and making everything so much more delicious as she tried very hard to stay still, knowing she was going to cum if she didn't...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Taku smiled as Hectate tried to stop herself from cumming, she gently eased Hectate onto the chair as they had to wait for Zenia to return, Taku looked at Hectate "Has this place gotten to you in any way?" Taku snapped her fingers and Hectate felt the binding of the harness ease slightly so she wasnt letting out a moan of pleasure each time she moved.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate panted quietly as the harness loosened a little so she could answer the question without moaning every moment, although the rope still kept her on edge. Sitting, she looked up at Taku and nodded. "That's an understatement..." She said quietly.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Tell me more" Taku asked, curious to what Hectate went through, it was mostly so she could read Hectates fetishes and use them to her advantage, but it was also to know if Hectate knew anything she could connect to her own knowledge of this complex.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"I've always been strong, and proud, and being bound has always just... made me shudder... And after the plants tied me tightly, and used my own arousal against me... Part of me clicked here, and then i became a slime, and found so much enjoyment in inflicting pleasure on others while they were helpless to stop me.... The plants, those damned plants did a number on me, the vines and bulbs, the flowers... Everything became linked to pleasure and then I couldn't shake the thoughts. I found out that this place was made to affect non humans when I was a slime, and wanted to know more, and everything seemed so damned unfair. And then I lost that, And I was just me again, back to being so easy to bind and play with, just being a toy for anything stronger or smarter then I was, like I am now, and when you ball gagged me... O god..." Hecate said quietly, the feel of the rope on her skin making her shiver slightly.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Smiling somewhat maliciously, Taku tightened the harness via a dangling rope on the back of the harness, "Ah...so this place turned you into a little submissive girl right? Didnt you say you had military backgrounds~?" Taku reminded Hectate.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate gasped and bucked her hips as the harness tightened again, squirming in place and moaning lewdly before answering, her tongue licking her lips. "I... I'm very good at following orders.... Mistress."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"I see~" Taku said, yawning she stretched her arms, wanting to see how submissive Hectate had become, she simply said "Heres a little challenge, without touching any of my lower holes or my lips, find a way to please me~" she said, her tail and wings twitching slightly.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate nodded and moved forward slowly, her lips finding Taku's chest and teasing her breasts slowly, her tongue twirling around first one nipple, and then the other, sucking gently as Hecate's hand groped one breast, squeezing and kneading gently, moaning into her chest while her other hand drifted down her spine, using a feathers touch as it moved to gently wrap around her tail, twirling around the base of it with a finger as she continued to tease and torment her breasts and her tail.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Taking her bra off so Hectate could lick and suck at her breasts, Taku smiled and made a mock yawn, however as Hectate coiled Takus tail around her finger, she heard a little moan from Taku, but she was partway sucking Takus nipples as well, so she had to wonder which caused that reaction...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Thinking she had figured something out, Hecate slid behind Taku, and started teasing and stroking her tail, sliding up and down it with one hand, and giving the occasional gently tug, gauging her reaction.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

She had found it, teasing and stroking Takus tail was the equivelant to giving her a handjob as she moaned and panted, her face blushing as Hectate continued to give Taku a er....tailjob, thats the word.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate smiled widely and seized the tail, bringing the tip to her lips, before taking it in her mouth, holding it still as she wrapped her tongue around it and began to suck and bob her head, moaning around it, refusing to stop until Mistress was pleased...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Seizing the tail, Hectate literally had her own mistress wrapped around her finger as she sucked and licked on the head of the tail, Taku moaning and squirming repeadetely in the seat as Hectate continued to pleasure her, giving a last long suck on Takus tail, she gave a long sigh of pleasure as her body arched and she reached a orgasm, her panties wettening from it, Takus tail and wings vanished and she put her bra back on, still shaking slightly "V-Very good job~"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Thank you Mistress" Hecate said smiling sweetly, proud of herself. "So.. How does this succubus thing work? You said service... Care to elaborate while we wait please?" She asked politely, curious.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Well...if you prove yourself time and time again, and ofcourse follow the whims of your mistress...then you`ll eventually become a succubus, the time it take depends~" Taku said, eventually Zenia came into the room, waving to them, she had managed to retrieve a copy of her old clothing thanks to Michiko "D-Did you find anything?" she asked.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate nodded "Yes Mistress" Turning to answer Zenia, Hecate smiled. "We found nothing of interest really, so we can start moving now that we're all together again. Shall we?" Hecate asked, gesturing to the nearby door.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Nodding, the three got up, Taku loosening Hectates harness slightly when Zenia wasnt looking as they went through a door into the main room, stepping out they could see they were at a viewing deck, beneath them was a very large monorail system, and...people! Jesus christ actual PEOPLE down there! They seemed to have set up shop here as oil barrels and what seemed to be shops of varying degree have been set up, some even just giving away stuff for free, the monorails still worked as from what they saw in the ocean, this complex was bigger than the last one, there was a staircase to their right leading down to the train platform where everyone was.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The feel of the harness on her flesh kept Hecate's thoughts well within the gutter as they walked, to see a rail station, and a ton of people doing all manner of things. Confused, Hecate started walking down the stairs, wondering what the hell this all was, gasping as the rope slid between her petals and making her stop for a moment before continuing, resisting the pleasure to keep going. "Well... This is confusing..."

Heading down, Hecate grabbed the first person that was nearby by the arm. "The hell is this? Fill me in." She said, her voice dangerously low.