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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hugging Hectate back, she left the room and went back into the labyrinth on her own, she could either continue forward or backtrack out of the maze itself, there was nothing else of interest in the room.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Curiouser and Curiouser..." Hecate mumbled, the line from Alice in Wonderland running through her mind suddenly as she headed deeper into the maze. There had to be something here that would help her find her target and end this before it got out of hand. She didn't want to fight against the forces sent to cleanse this place, but she would if she had to. She hoped it didn't come to that as she headed further down the rabbit hole.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Stumbling further and further into the labyrinth, Hectate could see the labyrinth itself was starting to get somewhat warmer as if she was approaching a heat source, there was a fork in the road, going left and right and a door to her right.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Every door thus far has led Hecate to either a strange situation, or a monster girl who had apparently been in their room for entirely too long and didn't have the slightest idea as to what was going on. Still, Hecate was nothing if not thorough and took the time to check the room on the right before choosing a path in the fork to follow.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Checking the room on the right Hectate found what looked like a bedroom, it seemed abandoned, it was surprisingly well kept for its abandoned state, there was a bed, a desk with a desk light on it and a window peering out into the endless ocean.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Anything that seemed abandoned but cared for usually wasn't but the room still deserved a thorough picking over just to be sure. Entering cautiously, Hecate took the time to search the desk and the bed for anything out of the ordinary before moving on, although she did take a moment to stare through the window, smiling at the amazing view.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Checking the bed, Hectate found a simple Glock 17 under the pillow of the bed, with a full clip of ammunition loaded, the desk didnt have anything else but a few spent cartridges of 9mm rounds, something to spend at the metro at least, she could either take the left or right route now.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Sighing, Hecate thought about the gun she had acquired along with the colt. So someone had used the room at some point. A shame. Taking the left path, Hecate continued, a gun in each hand and a heavy heart.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Continuing down the left path, Hectate could see it lead to a dead end, there was a door at the end of this corridor with a sign above it, it was unfortunate that the signs writing had eroded and degradedso all Hectate could make out was "S v r R m"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

And into the room it was! Who needed signs anyway. Maybe it meant server room, or something along those lines, could be anything really.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Her assumption led her to be correct, there were many empty racks and destroyed or disconnected wires lining the floor, judging from how most of the servers were missing it seemed like people might have gone a bit loot frenzy, she did recall a few backup server rooms back in the metro area, so it seemed like this wouldnt effect her search for more evidence, there were two long shelves to both sides of her, only holding half the servers they normally do, at the end of the room was a damaged computer that only showed half the screen on the monitor.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate looked around at the ransacked server room and sighed, walking up to the computer at the back to see it was broken, only displaying half a screen. What a pain in the ass. Turning around, Hecate headed to the other path, wondering what was down that way.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Checking the back of the computer, Hectate could see that it would still work, its just the screen was being a painful annoyance with it only showing half of what she wanted to see.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Muttering curses under her breath, Hecate ran through the files just as before, utilizing the simple commands easily and hoping that half a screen would still give her a clue as to where to look so she didn't wander aimlessly around in this labyrinth until her time ran out. That this place was here at all meant something, it was just hard to figure out exactly what. She also found her thoughts straying to the arachne as the familiar feeling in her womb of eggs growing made her shudder and moan slightly, fidgeting her hips.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Once again Hectate found this one needed a login to access it, and she had no idea where she put the note for the old login she had found earlier in her adventures, from the computer she could see that there was a store room behind the computer she was trying to access.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate growled at the screen. To say she was pure or corrupt was to simple of a question, everyone else in the world was probably fair game to the easily angered woman as she spotted the store room and went to check it out. The Arachne had said something about a full transformation, she pondered how delicious it would be to hunt down and kill her target as a spider woman.... Death from above... Vengeance was running through her blood hot and untempered as she searched the storeroom hoping to find another password like before.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Checking the store room, Hectate wasnot surprised to find that the lights were out and the light switch refused to budge from its current position of off, meaning she was blind as a bat in this storage room unless she could find a flashlight or something.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Thinking this was all getting a tad rediculous, hecate cast her eyes around the room behind her for a flashlight, if she couldn't find one, then she would simply point the barrel of the glock into the room and squeeze the trigger, letting the muzzle flash give her a sneak peak at what was actually in the room for a moment. IF she could find a flashlight, well then, she'd search it like a non insane person.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Going into the room she was in before trying out her roundabout method of lighting, Hectate sniffed around for a bit trying to find a source of light, she found a a flashlight, awesome, too bad it was out of batteries, frustrating her somewhat as if she was being teased, going into the room and firing her pistol, she saw the brief flicker of shelves with spare servers, video cards and a whiteboard with something written on it.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Seeing the whiteboard after finding the flashlight next to useless, Hecate cursed and dug around for some paper. If she couldn't find that, she would stomp all the way back to the arachne's room, harvest some silk into a ball, stick it on the flashlight, pull the lead round from a bullet, pour the gunpowder on the silk, and then slap the silk onto the bottom of the flashlight before igniting it with the muzzle flash from the glock again to use as an impromptu torch to read the whiteboard, only having 6 or 7 seconds of light at most, but enough to read what she was after. This was getting rediculous. She felt like Macgyver.