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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hectate found herself using a incredibly roundabout method to light up the room, thankfully her macgyvering method worked and she found out the whiteboard had the username and password for the admin of this complex, this would come in handy, the makeshift light flickered out after reading this however.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Tossing the useless now dead torch aside, Hecate went to access the half computer and went about digging for info as per usual seeing if there was anything useful on the computer.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Checking the computer, she was annoyed that the half-screen meant she could only see half of the log in screen, thankfully it let her in, the problem now was reading certain items that went into the "dead" part of the screen, at this point a few commands were up.

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

It was time to open the only thing she couldn't just figure out. "Zork" was opened, then Email, then reg, then network, and only after she had picked through fucking everything this computer had to offer in it's half entirety, which actually sounded rediculous when she thought about it, would she log off.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Zork seemed to be a test based computer game, e-mail held about two new emails, reg was the systems registry and network described what computers were online, who was logged on and where the computers were in a handy dandy map.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Everything else paled in comparison to the map and the information that Network put at Hecate's fingertips, even if only half the information was available. Something this detailed could be used even in fragments and she wasn't about to let it go to waste as her blood started to run hot again. But what suddenly caught her attention was that whenever she had found a locked computer, log in info was always within arms reach as if it was being intentionally left for her. This could mean she either had an ally she didn't know about, or someone was baiting her into a trap. Regardless, she finally had a new lead to follow.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Checking the network currently, Hectate could see that only three computers were logged on, and they kept disconnecting and reconnecting at random intervals, perplexing her somewhat, these computers were located up at higher levels, meaning she needed to be out of this basement to find out who was logged on up there.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

And there it was, back to the higher levels. But only after she had checked that last passage, the one to the right in the fork. One last room here to clear before she could headback up into the crazy complex and get to work on ending this threat and moving on with her life.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hectate felt like checking that one last passage in this basement like area before going up a few floors and continuing on her merry trail of evidence finding, leaving the room after logging off the computer, she would walk to her intended destination, halfway however she would encounter what looked like around four to five spider like creatures that reminded her of face huggers, currently they had not noticed her and they were skittering about mindlessely on the walls and floor.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

What the... Monsters from and old movie? Well... That was interesting. Raising both guns, Hecate started firing, now more curious as to what was in there and not about to let creepy crawlies stop her.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Firing at the strange creatures, Hectate almost immediately got their attention as they tried to latch onto her, again a bit like the old movies she saw, in this case she avoided most of them but one managed to get a firm grip on her face, almost blinding her as she tried to get it off, it was trying to shove something down her throat, what it was she had no idea.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate twisted around to dodge several of the creatures but one lucky little bastard it seemed had managed to latch itself around her face, trying po push something into her mouth. Struggling to remove the annoying grabby creature, Hecate brought up the barrel of the python after firing it several times in quick succession to heat the barrel up to a glowing red temperature before pressing it against the creature attached to her face. Hopefully this would get it to let go, but it also meant, of the two weapons she was now holding, one was basically a club.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Utilizing her enhanced "Oh god get this thing off me without blowing my face off" technique, she heard the distinct hissing sound of the hot gun barrel pressing against the creature, it emitted a tiny screech as it hopped off, Hectate feeling a moral victory, not before one of the little things perfectly latched onto her crotch, wrapping its tail around her left leg she felt something very long slide itself inside and prod against the entrance to her womb, making her yelp in pleasure and almost making her keel over, which was all the weakness the third creature needed as it latched tighly onto her ass cheeks and wrapping its tail around her other leg, inserting something equally as long into her asshole and making her give out a weak moan and leaving three other little creatures not latched on, she quickly dispatched one with a well aimed curbstomp and glanced another with a stomp of equal power.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate gave a yelp before shuddering and giving a low, lewd moan as one of the odd creatures latched around her hips and something was pushed straight into her folds all the way to her core, her body shaking for a moment as she opened her lips in a loud gasp, twitching slightly. It was followed by another as a second creature latched onto her rear and her ass was treated to the same, the twin lengths pressing inside of her making her hips buck and twitch slightly even as she continued to fight, the motions of combat just making everything worse.

Seeing three more of the creatures, Hecate knew she was shaking too badly to get a proper shot off and dropped her weapons, starting to pull at the creature buried in her rear to get it off so she could go back to concentrating on killing them all!
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Trying to pull the creature latched onto her back off, Hectate only suceeded in leaving herself open for another creature to latch onto her mouth, blinding her as she felt another long and thick member slide down her throat, causing her to kneel in pleasure as she could feel the members start to piston in and out of her, in her somewhat blind fury she managed to fall onto her back ontop of the last creature not attached to her, meaning she had to get the ones latched onto her off now and she would be home free, though thats easier said than done.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate cursed and moaned as another creature slammed onto her face and forced itself into her mouth, making her drop to her knees before falling back and apparently landing on another of the creatures. So it was just these three left, well that was something. Her mind was torn between the pleasure bolting through her body as the creatures pistoned into her holes, and getting them off, which was rather hard as losing the ability to see tended to amplify the feeling that was shooting through her.

Writhing around on the ground, her hands twitching to much to really get a good grip, it wasn't long until she was just bucking her hips on the ground, her legs flailing around slightly as her back arched, hands at her sides grasping at the air as she gasped and moaned around the creature covering her face.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Elise at this point was just bucking and writhing in pleasure as the members slid in and out of her repeatedly, ramping her lust and pleasure through the roof as she felt her body arch and her toes curl as she screamed into the creature on her face in pleasure, reaching a orgasm, the creatures still obviously hadnt had enough as they continued to thrust, eventually the three creatures reached a orgasm of their own as she felt something bulge in the members inside her and slide into her body, realising that they had started to implant eggs inside of her stomach and her womb, weakly struggling they continued to pound away at her body, she could feel her senses dull away as she only focused on the pleasure, in this state she couldnt see or hear more of the creatures approaching as two latched onto her breasts and one latch onto her wrists to keep them tied behind her back, along with another one latching to her ankles to keep her completely immobilised as she felt two members somehow slide into her breasts, every inch of her body was violated repeadetely as she reached orgasm several times, feeling more and more eggs slide into her as she passed out from another explosive orgasm.

Waking up she was almost completely immobile, her stomach and womb were filled to the brim so her stomach was bulged out as far as it could go, her breasts were d cup size from the eggs that had been put in there as well and her muscles were screaming at her, causing a somewhat delightful mix of pain and pleasure as she lie on the ground.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate couldn't even comprehend the pleasure being forced on her as they creatures continued to violate her, unaware as more approached even as she shuddered and screamed in another peak before she felt the bulge of eggs starting to move. Thrashing around now, knowing what was happening, it amounted to next to nothing as she rolled onto her side and another creature seized her wrists and still a 5th grabbed her ankles, binding her on the floor and rendering her now completely helpless as the creatures continued to pound and fill her, her stomach starting to grow as more and more eggs were forced into her. Twisting around and arching her back, two more seized her chest and she screamed and howled in the mix of pleasure and the odd sensation of something actually penetrating her breasts.

Bound, and completely violated, Hecate was fucked utterly senseless as the creatures continued to pound and fill her, climax after climax forced onto her until she didn't even have the energy to scream left and passed out...

Waking up, still bound, her body bulging with the eggs from the creatures, Hecate could only weakly mewl around the length still buried in her mouth, her lower holes clamping around the members filling her and her chest and muscles ached fiercly, the strange mix of pain and pleasure soon having her rolling her hips as best as she could and clenching around the lengths. She didn't even know what these things were...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

After what seemed like a eternity, the creatures let go of her and skittered off, leaving her alone in the basement once more with all these eggs inside her...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate, moaning lewdly as she worked herself through one more peak since she had nothing better to do, coughed and sputtered as they let her go, the creatures surprisingly strong, leaving her alone in the basement loaded with eggs. This was going to be odd... Standing carefully, Hecate sighed and dusted herself off, gingerly squeezing her own sore breasts and wincing. "That was new..." She said, retrieving and reloading her weapons, almost out of ammunition in the python now, only having 2 rounds left, and half a mag left in the glock.

Looking at the door the creatures had been in front of, Hecate walked slowly towards it and opened it, wondering what the hell was inside.