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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Getting herself up, Hectate walked over to the door infront of her that the creatures seemed to have guarded, opening it just a crack so she can see whats inside, her sense of smell was assaulted with something incredibly sweet like honey, shutting the door out of paranoia, she waited until it was out of her system, she could either continue through or leave the door be out of her own paranoia.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Paranoia was uselessly annoying, and Hecate wasn't really in the mood after being raped and filled with eggs, which admittedly she had loved every moment of... what a strange fetish to discover she had. O well, pushing open the door, Hecate tried to get a better look at what was inside.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Going into the sweet smelling room, Hectate could see that the walls and ceiling were littered with a hard rock like substance, with the sweet smell coming from them, she could see a golden liquid dripping from the small slits in the rocks themselves, dropping onto puddles that had built up on the floor, the room had another door leading onwards as well apart from those.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Now this was odd... breathing in the smell, and holding her swollen belly, Hecate wandered further into the room, part of her wondering what this all was and the other wondering how long until the eggs she had been stuffed with would wait before hatching. Either way, she still knelt gingerly next to one of the pools and stuck a finger into the substance, bring it closer to sniff at it. It really did smell like honey, which was strange as hell. Seeing the door, Hecate took a moment to relax before standing again and wandering towards it, wondering what else was in here, this all reminded her of a giant bee hive in a strange way.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Being cautious, Hectate tried a smell test for the golden liquid she had found, it smelled a lot like honey would and if she sniffed again, even better, however for now she ignored it, standing up and going over to the door she opened it a crack to hear the sounds of things writhing about, whatever it was was impossible to see as the room was pitch black.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Creepy black room was bad, honey room was good. Wandering over to one of the honey leaking crystal rock things, Hecate leaned against it and gave to odd honey a taste as she waited for her eggs to finish being eggs. Being this full made moving tiring.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Ignoring the room for now, Hectate went over to one of the honey depositing rocks on the wall, it was about head height so tasting it was easy as she simply opened her mouth beneath it, the honey dropped into her mouth as she drank it, it tasted absolutely heavenly and she found herself drinking a bit more, unless she stopped herself that is.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate hadn't realised how hungry she had been as the honey turned out to be honey as faras she coud tell. Drinking a little more, hecate relaxed against the rock and rubbed her swollen belly and breasts. Thinking for a moment, hecate bit herself and started to kneed her breasts as shhe became more malleable, wondering if she could start laying the eggs herself before they hatched, at least from her breasts anyway.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Drinking more, Hectate found herself suckling on the tiny slit that was secreting the honey, it seemed to be helping Hectate along as her sore breasts started to lactate, she could feel the eggs inside her start to move around as the ones in her breasts somewhat unspectacularly came out with a pop and landed on the ground, however she could also feel the eggs in her pussy and stomach move as well, as she had to stop herself drinking the delicious honey to fall onto her back and start contractions, panting and moaning as she forced each egg out, leaving her exhausted afterwards and only wanting to have more of that honey...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Free of the eggs within her, her body returning to normal but her hunger for the honey growing unnaturally. All she wanted was more which would have been unsettling if she was in her right mind, but she wasn't and it was only moments before she was drinking again, letting it drip over her body as well.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Suckling at the source of the delicious honey, Hectate felt her body start to warm up as the fires of arousal in her started to flare, her body turning red with arousal as she continued to drink from this delicious source of honey, putting her in a very high state of arousal as she finally felt full and stopped herself from drinking anymore.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Full, feeling better, and now ready to impale herself on anything that was interested in her now dripping folds, Mino remembered seeing something moving in the other room and went to the door, opening the door and peering inside even as one hand drifted across her form to tease herself. "Hello?"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Going inside, Hectate called out for anything inside this room, the writhing sounds got louder as the room was illuminated with a orange glow, Hectate could see that whatever was writhing about was now revealed, it was a small pit full of what looked like grubs and worms trying to get at her but failin to.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

And despite Hecate's raging lust, she turned right back around and closed the doors shuddering. "Alright, not in there..." She said, shaking her head and wandering out of the honey room as well, still bright red with lust and panting softly as she made her way up and out of the labyrinth by following the same path she'd used to get in, stopping at the Arachne's room to use some of the silk to form a sling of sorts and a small bag to hold the casings, the empty gun, and to sling it across her back as she moved, half empty glock at the ready. She could feel her own slick folds and her condition didn't seem to be fading any time soon. Fuck she wanted something, but it wasn't going to be a pit full of grubs...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Marching through the halls, Hectate found Taku again, who was now scavenging, she was looking through some desks and drawers for anything she and Zenia could use, she hadnt noticed Hectate yet and she was still clothed in her grey tanktop, Hectate felt a somewhat overpowering need to give her a little "surprise", and she knew Taku enjoyed it, she was just too shy to admit it, probably from losing her daemon hood.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Sneaking up behind Taku, Hecate indeed gave her a surprise, biting her neck and pinning her arms to her sides as she kissed her neck after. "Why hello~" She said, breathing heavily into her ear. "I missed you Taku~"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Sneaking up behind Taku, Hectate gripped Takus arms to keep them by her sides and she then bit into Takus neck, making Taku give out a yelp of surprise as she tried to turn around, but couldnt, she noticed it was Hectate and she said "O-Oh, h-hi Hectate." in a surprised and slightly aroused manner.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate grinned, continuing to kiss her neck and loosen her grip a little so she was hugging her from behind, one hand drifting up to gently grope her breast as her other hand slid teasingly lower. "Mmmmmm, you're always so lovely~" she cooed softly, continuing to tease the former succubus as she waited for the venom to take hold, starting to strip her, and biting her lip several times to poison herself as well, a kinky idea forming...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"T-Thanks..." Taku quietely said, by now the venom was in full effect and Hectate could feel the venom effect her own body two, the two now prepared for a bit of fun as Taku blushed from being groped.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate continued to grope and tease Taku for a moment before turning her around to kiss her deeply, moaning into her lips as she pulled all of her clothing off with a ferocity that showed just how hot under the collar she really was and ground her hips against Taku's. Pushing her gently to the floor, Hecate crawledd on top of her and kissed her again, her hands moving to her chest before helping her sit up, panting as she guided her face into her wet folds.