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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Being mounted, Hectate heard the distinct click of the spiders abdomen opening up as she felt the inumerable amount of tendrils unfold and clamp around her, binding her in almost every way possible until her ankles were tied to the ground, her wrists were behind her back and it was impossible for her to move, feeling satisfied with the way she had been bound, the spiders abdomen closed as it started to get to work, rubbing its lower body against her ass, Hectate heard a click sound as something soft and long entered her ass hole, making her gasp in surprise and pleasure as it moved about inside her, squirming in her immobilized state Hectate felt the spider thrust into her powerfully, hilting itself immediately as she gasped and moaned in pleasure, before it started to thrust at regular intervals, speeding up every so often to drive moans and cries of pleasure from Hectates lips every time, the spider then producing another tendril to insert into her wet honeypot and start thrusting as well, pistoning into her as she felt like her body was on fire, eventually reaching a orgasm as the spider laid some form of egg inside her womb and stomach, leaving two distinct lumps on her belly, squirming again Hectate felt the spider start to move again as the process repeated until her belly was bloated and full of eggs, it was at this point the spider undid her binds as she shakily sat up, however, the spider had turned around and opened its abdomen again, a tendril snaking out along the ground before it entered the egg filled Hectates ass hole, squirming again she felt it snake around up and through her stomach until it came out her mouth, bringing her to another shuddering orgasm as it dragged her over to its abdomen, pulling her into the main mass of it, twitching in pleasure and struggling a bit she felt the tendrils grope and caress every part of her body, her ankles were pulled down the tendril until she reached another orgasm and her ankles were bound tight, her wrists were kept tied behind her back as two tendrils wound around her breasts and repeadetely squeezed, more tendrils started to join in the fun as well as two penetrated her ass hole to also go all the way through her and three entered her pussy to start thrusting into her, leaving her trapped in a veritable hell of arousal and pleasure as the abdomen closed around her, leaving her in darkness as her body was used repeatedly for hours on end until she passed out.....

Five hours pass....its 7:00 PM on tuesday.

Waking up, Hectate could see that she and Taku were trapped in what looked like a research or science facility, in this case they were in what looked like a glass cell, there was a support beam where she was currently bound in a hardcore BDSM manner, looking around and then at herself, she could see that whatever was put in her was gone, right now her ankles were brought up to her ass and bound there, with her arms wrapped around the beam and also cuffed together, leaving her trapped against it, she was also wearing a harness that was constantly giving pleasure to her since it was bound so tightly to her, her mouth was gagged with a bit of rope as well and Taku was nowhere in sight...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

And then it finally got to work. Hearing the familiar click of it's abdomen opening, Hecate shivered as she felt the mass of tendrils swarm over her, stealing her ability to move in short order before it judged her properly bound and another click was heard. Feeling something pushed into her ass, Hecate gave a gasp and a low moan, unable to resist at all now that the fun had started and the creature happily started to thrust into her, bringing a respectable amount of pleasure to Hecate's form now that she had resigned herself to enjoy it. However, at the end of all of this, Hecate would realise that this was a mistake, but not yet...

Feeling another tendril squirm into her slick slit and join the first in pounding her, Hecate shuddered and bucked her hips as best she could, reaching a shuddering orgasm as she felt something implanted inside her, as always the feeling uniquely exquisite as she panted raggedly underneath the creature. As she had thought, it immediately started again, and unlike other creatures, this one seemed to only be ably to lay a single egg at a time, which meant that the time it took to fill her to the brim, left Hecate screaming in pleasure again... and again... and again, bucking and thrashing against the tendrils holding her orgasm after orgasm ripped through her. Now full, the creature released her, as Hecate had expected, and she didn't spare it a second glance as she just assumed it was leaving, having impregnated her thoroughly... She was wrong. Hearing the abdomen open again, Hecate was too weak to really stop anything from happening as the tendril snaked it's way up her ass, making her moan and writhe until it somehow managed to push it's thin length through her completely, coming out of her mouth. It was only now that Hecate started struggling. She knew something wasn't right. however it was far too late.

unable to remove herself from the tendril, Hecate twisted and pulled as she was reeled in, reaching another climax as the creature grabbed her ankles and pulled her farther into itself, screaming muffledly as she was rebound in the moment of weakness and the light of the world shut off. Inside the spider it was different. Trapped in darkness, the creature proceeded to rape plunder and pillage every hole, two more tendrils snaking through her body and making her writhe as she was completely immobile again, while no less then 3 pounded into her folds and her breasts were teased until they burned with pleasure. Hecate had no idea what was going on outside her own sexual onslaught, and it was only after hours of abuse, that she finally passed out, her mind and body unable to handle any more...

Waking up in a cell however, Hecate immediately groaned, and then swore, and then swore muffledly as she realised she was bound to the support beam in the center of the room in a full harness and gagged. Her wrists had been pulled behind the beam and cuffed there, and her ankles had been tied to the back of her thighs near her ass. Unable to morph her own body, Hecate realised that this time, she was actually stuck, and that damned harness wasn't making anything any easier as she sought very hard to stay very still, the feel of her own juices running down the inside of her thighs after soaking the rope making that difficult. And where the fuck was Taku!?
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Squirming about and looking around, Hectate could see outside her cell that there was a corridor, going through it and another cell infront of hers, that one unfortunately being empty, giving out a muffled curse she could see that there was a hole in the ceiling above her for god knows what, her spider form wasnt coming back as well leaving her confused, angry and scared at the same time.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

So she couldn't transform either. Okay, now she was pissed, and not the, "Im going to insult you pissed." It was far more the I'm going to tear out your heart and eat it pissed off and that only set her to struggling harder and screaming in frustration. If they had taken her power from her, AGAIN, then she really was going to fucking murder everyone here.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Screaming in frustration was the little push she needed to re-transform, she reverted back to her spider form, the binds tearing as she grew her lower half back into being a spider, letting her free from the binds, she could hear a alarm go off however, this was gonna get weird...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

And apparently she did have her powers... well that was good... but the alarm was bad. Okay, spider good, alarm bad... Moving to the cell door, Hecate was pretty sure she couldn't open it, but she was going to try. And she was big now...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

There was no visible door she could open, so instead to get through she did a good old fashioned slam into the glass, ouch, that wasnt regular glass, she bounced off and to a outside observer it would look like a manatee would slamming into some glass it didnt know was there, annoying Hectate somewhat.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

That left the support beam... Looking at it, and then the hole in the ceiling which made her a little nervous, Hecate realised she couldn't break that without breaking her hand, clawing at the glass,for a moment, hecate climbed along the walls to look up the hole, looking for a weak point to exploit.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Climbing up the walls to check the hole in the ceiling for the support beam, she could see that there was no real way to pull away the wall or she would get her hands torn off, cursing again she returned to the bottom floor, annoyed with herself.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate, seeing no way out of her predicament, decided to do the only thing that made sense, which was the thing that made no sense, She continued to throw her impressive weight against the glass. If 5 attempts yeilded no results, then she would sit and glare out of her cell.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Utilizing five attempts to smash down the glass, it took some of her stamina but it yielded a response as she crashed through the glass into the corridor, where the alarm was louder now, then the alarm turned off, mystifying her somewhat, first things first was to find Taku though as she looked around, she could continue down this corridor or turn back and go that way instead to a stairwell.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"FREEEDOM! Mwhahahaha" And she was off, not wasting any more time, and using her enormous arachnid ass to it's potential to destroy the glass, Hecate tore down the hallways, looking in cells with only one thought on her mind, Find Taku. However, she was running along the ceiling not the floor, and probably looked rediculous as she did so.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Skittering about on the ceiling, Hectate did eventually find Taku, who was also in a cell, thankfully she seemed to be alright, she was in a even worse state of bondage than Hectate was though, in this case she was hanging upside down, her eyes were empty for some reason and what looked like a metallic dildo was spinning and drilling into her pussy every so seconds, getting a lewd moan and cry of pleasure from Taku each time as her own juices ran down her stomach and into her drooling mouth.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Well... that was bad, and hot... Biting down on her own urges, Hecate repeated the process of freedom, using her own large form to smash into the glass until it gave, worried about the dead look in Taku's eyes more then anything as she ignored the seen that was unfolding before her... because it really did turn her on... Making a very flat face for a moment, she quietly said to herself. "The fuck is wrong with me..." Before charging into the glass after a long running start and shouting a battle cry.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Slamming into the glass and breaking it again, Hectate could see the machine didnt stop, activate a trap or let Taku free, it just carried on, Taku mindlessely moaning and crying out in pleasure each time it thrust itself into her, eventually bringing Taku to a orgasm as her juices collected on her stomach and face again.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate scowled at the machine and seized it, pulling it away from Taku before tearing the ropes binding Taku free and pulling her into a hug. "Taku, TAKU! Snap out of it!"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Pulling Taku out of the binds and stopping the machine from doing anything else, Hectate pulled Taku into a tight hug, trying to snap her out of her almost hypnotic like stupor, she got no response from Taku, only her twitching from pleasure as she weakly hugged Hectate.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate, worried about her friend, carried her close and moved out of the cell. She'd just carry Taku until the girl came around, sincerely hoping she would soon as she wandered around, looking for an exit.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Carrying Taku out of the cell, Taku simply had a tight hug on Hectate as she looked around, at this point she could continue down the corridor or leave for the stairwell, it was a bit hard to make the decision as Taku weakly grabbed at her breasts though.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Ignoring Taku's attempts to grope her, just glad she was still moving, and holding on, Hecate made a beeline for the stairs, the hell had they done to Taku?