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Heroes for Hire (Courage Wolf and GargantuaBlarg)

Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

With the last of the lot lying off in the corner in a happy daze, it suddenly occurred to Solidyn that she wasn't reeeeally able to put her breastplate back on now - not unless she wanted to have linen and leather stuck to her chest all day (which she didn't). She didn't have a towel handy, and she couldn't just lick it up herself or anything. She wasn't going to use her tabard, that was pretty and fresh and new.

She also wanted to get back to work on that. So! She clank-skittered out of the tower, glazed breasts still bare, and looked around for a gruff, whom she then grabbed and wiped herself off with, rubbing the goat-man all over her sticky torso. She licked a palm to wipe away any leftover stickiness, though she didn't use the gruff to wipe that particular moisture away. After all - that would be gross.

"Quitcher bitchin'!" she said when they inevitably complained about getting some twenty or so kobold's worth of spooge in their fur. "Ya can just get one of those sorceresseseses I called yesterday fer a nice cool rinse, and then ya can poke 'er after or sommat. I woulda done it, but I'm in a hurry, ay?"

Afterwards, she scuttled off to climb back up the tower's side to weave some more. She didn't bother with her breastplate yet - neither did she bother with her undershirts and padding. She was shaded, and there was a breeze - it felt good. She could get re-armored later, anyway.

Fuck, I thought I'd posted <______>
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Huldah: HP = 72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 68, PP = 78, EP = 89, Status = Fine

Zahra: HP = 60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 80, Status = Fine

Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 95/105, Status = Fine
Mason: HP = 80. 80 Body, 8 AV, Natural Attack


Hunting down a gruff, Solidyn did indeed earn a loud shout of protest when she wiped the cum off of her breasts using his fur, and her assuaging comment didn't seem to help matters. The goatman stomped off as soon as he was released, grumbling all the while, and then the arachne was free to return to her weaving. She wasn't busy for less than ten minutes more before Ur-Wind came round the corner, however, and with an annoyed look on his face he snapped; "What are you doing? We're moving out in twenty minutes! Get yourself and your crew together and get your armor on!" He awaited an acknowledgement before moving off to continue organizing the troops, leaving Solidyn to make her preparations to leave on her own.


Kor would be left largely to his own devices as he finished what little packing he had to do, and after that would be left to act on his own initiative. The rest of the camp was getting packed up quite quickly, and he could while away the time bemusedly watching Aurelia direct her incompetent gemini slaves around, or watch Bob shout at the satyrs packing up their assorted gear as they fumbled to follow his orders. They hadn't done much unpacking in the first place, so it wasn't like they had a lot to do. If he opted to do nothing that involved interaction with others, he could easily wait out the rest of the time before their departure without complaint.


"Psh, what kind of attitude is that?" Verja replied to Huldah's fright with honest cheer, though then he would turn to answer Zhara's query; "Hrm? Why, I don't know that! How could I with any certainty? As far as I've been able to determine it extends as far as they can perceive, which is immeasurable considering that they don't perceive with any senses that we possess."
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

"Wot’ya ev’n mean?" Zahra asked quietly, not terribly sure what the old cat was saying. Too many big, fancy words. "We’ve seen ‘em ‘fore, far off, an’ ain’t nuttin’ ‘appened."
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

"Yessir! And thank you for the work on my armor, sir!" Solidyn would call out with a salute. She wasn't sure when she was supposed to find out they were moving out, but she supposed that didn't matter.

Returning to her crew, she had them strap her breastplate back into place and get ready to head out. She also found her towel, under aforementioned breastplate. Maybe she should've actually looked before going off to find that gruff... it was still amusing, though, so Solidyn guessed that it worked out alright.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

“But then... wouldn‘t they always be close enough?“ Huldah asked. “If they don‘t need to see, and they‘re range is ummeasurable?“
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Kor, intent on following his 'Orders' and NOT thinking about the wasted opportunity, did just that, packing up in silence, talking to no one, and stalking along, though he did stop to chuckle and shake his head at Aurelia and her servants before continuing along.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Huldah: HP = 72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 68, PP = 78, EP = 89, Status = Fine

Zahra: HP = 60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 80, Status = Fine

Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 95/105, Status = Fine

~~~~Solidyn and Kor are ready~~~~​

(Just gonna hold you two here until everyone is ready to move. Stay tuned, the split is probably coming soon.)


"Just because we don't know what it is doesn't mean they have no limit! The invaders certainly aren't omniscient! Or was that omnipresent.... Bah! Look, if we don't try to figure out whether or not the process worked in an environment of our choosing, what will happen when it ends up being tested in a situation that you didn't pick, hrm?"
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

"I suppose that makes sense." Huldah agreed, nodding. "What do you want me to do, then?"
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

More words Zahra couldn't understand... Damn old cat. He probably didn't understand them either, given the way he was tossing them about. Still, when he was in the mood to make sense what he said did indeed make sense, and the catgirl's ears flattened. "I guess. No options" she replied, though she still didn't like the idea, not one little bit. It was the perfect excuse, of course, to part ways with this disturbed bunch of mercenaries.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Huldah: HP = 72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 68, PP = 78, EP = 89, Status = Fine

Zahra: HP = 60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 80, Status = Fine

Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 95/105, Status = Fine

~~~~Solidyn and Kor are ready~~~~


"It's simple!" Verja exclaimed brightly, "we find an enclave, small enough that we can get away if we have to but large enough that it has a lord spawnling or two, and then we sit you in front of it and see what happens! Your mercenary friends, where are they going? They've been packing up to leave for the last couple of hours." As if on cue, an exhausted looking kobold would burst into the room, heaving as if having just heavily exerted himself, and would say; "C... Commander Ur-Wind is setting us up to move out! Everyone going with us is expected to be ready to move out within the hour!"
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

The plan was simple enough, yes, but it seemed… so silly. Borderline suicidal, actually. Apparently Verja had noticed that the mercenary company seemed to be packing up to head out, and asked where they were going. "No idea" Zahra replied simply, shrugging. She hadn’t been told anything, at least not yet. Right as she said so, though, a kobold looking quite tired popped into the room, telling them that the group was expected to be ready to go in an hour or less. The catgirl looked over at him, blinking a little as she pondered this. "Huldah needs more tests" she replied slowly after a pause, "could be dangerous if not. Don’t think we can leave yet." It was a convenient excuse, all in all, and perhaps they would be able to find a group of allies that weren’t quite so scary in the near future. And hopefully the aliens wouldn’t be able to exert any sort of strange mind control over Huldah before then!
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

"I don't think it would take an hour, though. If you went and packed, Zahra, we should be ready to go by then, right?" Huldah added, glancing between the two felines and the kobold, a hand idly reaching up to scratch at her cheek.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Zahra just turned to stare at her friend blankly, trying to wrap her head around what the former human had just said. "Don't understand" she replied finally, "lots needs to be done. And Verja isn't packing up to follow them. Right?" She turned to the old cat for confirmation, though she was certain he wouldn't become some sort of camp follower just to finish up his testing of Huldah.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Huldah: HP = 72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 68, PP = 78, EP = 89, Status = Fine

Zahra: HP = 60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 80, Status = Fine

Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 95/105, Status = Fine

~~~~Solidyn and Kor are ready~~~~


Verja looked somewhat blankly at Zahra for her fib, and then turned that same look at Huldah. He seemed to catch onto what the former slave was trying to say after a moment, however, and quickly said; "Errr... Uhhh... Yes! More work to do! Dreadfully sorry, but I'll have to borrow these two for a little while longer! Where are you lot going? Maybe they can catch up later, I'd be willing to give them a ride once the testing's complete!" Stunned and confused, the lone kobold replied; "Errr.... Well, alright. Their things will be left, along with their pay, in the first floor of your tower. Is that alright with you two? Is it what you want?" He looked to Huldah and Zahra for answers.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Did the old cat just not understand What Zahra was saying? It wasn’t as if she was actually even lying, as far as she knew. He finally got it, though, and expressed to the kobold that he needed to keep the two of them for more tests. He seemed kind of confused by that, but that was okay. He didn’t even answer as to where they were going, not that it mattered. "Sure, fine" the catgirl replied to his question, not really caring too awful much. As long as she had food, water, her bow, and some arrows everything else was more or less irrelevant, and she wasn’t too terribly interested in pay. Money did you little good in a world that was crawling with aliens, and the resistance tended to help out its own without the need for such things. At least, most of the time.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

"Well, If we're going to be that long, I guess it's alright." Huldah added, her brow creasing a bit. The two felines seemed to be acting strangely, but she didn't quite know why. "Maybe some extra rations, if we have to head through the desert alone to catch up. If it's a problem, you can take it out of my pay. Don't really know what I'd spend it on, anyways."
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Huldah: HP = 72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 68, PP = 78, EP = 89, Status = Fine

Zahra: HP = 60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 80, Status = Fine

Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 95/105, Status = Fine

~~~~Solidyn and Kor are ready~~~~


"Well... We're going to Axni-Kri-Shoth, so if you want to follow that's where we should be. I'll tell General Ur-Wind your decision," the kobold replied, and then gave Zahra a salute and vanished back down the stairs. "Well then," Verja said once the mercenary faerie was gone, "what would you two like to do now? I suspect we'll be having more visitors soon after your friends move out, but I don't think I'll be ready to move out for a couple of days."
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

The kobold explained where the mercenary company was headed next and then headed out with a salute that Zahra returned briefly. It didn’t hurt to keep up the appearance, at least. Once the fae was gone Verja asked what they would like to do given the fact that the resistance group was going to show up in a bit, though he wouldn’t be ready for a few days. Normally in a situation like this she would probably practice and hang out with Huldah, though she did have something else in mind at the moment. "Well" she muttered quietly, ears flicking down slightly, "d’ya got time? I’d kinna like ta… learn ta read. If ya got time." She didn’t want to be caught out like she had earlier by other people if at all possible, after all, and there would probably be time to practice her archery obsessively later.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

Huldah: HP = 72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Kor'Ensiloth: HP = 68, PP = 78, EP = 89, Status = Fine

Zahra: HP = 60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Solidyn-Nolu: HP = 60, PP = 50, EP = 80, Status = Fine

Aurelia Korort: HP = 104, PP = 43, EP = 95/105, Status = Fine

~~~~Solidyn and Kor are ready~~~~


"Errr... Yes, actually. I could do that." Verja replied to Zahra, frowning and twitching his feline ears.
Re: Heroes for Hire (Save the Desert Group!)

"Ya dun 'afta if ya dun wanna" Zahra replied, her ears flattening more at his frowning response to her request. She didn't know how to interpret the reaction, but it was sort of making her feel bad for asking.