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Himari (Mind Flyer)



Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

((very well then ^^))
(( Oh yeah, just something to larify. The upper side of the creture has cavities where your cock and your breast are squeezed into; it's basically hell's best/worst milking chair :p )).

Dice Rolls said:
Himari cums
Himari struggles - fail
2 eggs are laid inside Himari (+2)
Himari struggles - success (2 more to go)
The hell nest stimultes Himari (+4)
Himari struggles - fail
The hell nest stimultes Himari (+4)
Himari struggles - success (1 more to go)
Himari cums
Himari manages to release herself from the hell nest

Oboro struggles - fail
Oboro cums
Oboro struggles - fail
5 eggs are laid inside Oboro (+5)
Oboro struggles - fail
The hell nest stimultes Oboro (+4)
Oboro struggles - fail
Oboro cums
Oboro struggles - fail
3 eggs are laid inside Oboro (+3)

((You did well. Oboro... Not so much))
Himari grinds herself against the creature. The inside felt like heaven, with countless tendrils stroking her cock. She cums in a matter of seconds, filling the hell nest's stomach with her spunk. Next to her, a panicking Oboro begins to struggle as soon as the door closed but she is not strong enough and, a few seconds after Himari, she empties herself inside the monster as well.
"G... God... Cmmmmf!"

A long minute passed, until the creature moved again. The tendrils exploring the beastkin's mouth and lower holes accelerated. Himari felt a pressure against her vagina's entrance, while she saw a ball-sized bulge travelling inside the organ violating her throat. The eggs forced their way inside, travelling all the way down inside her womb and her stomach.
Loud moans of mixed pain and pleasure indicated to Himari that her companion was not so lucky. The foxgirl thrashed against her bounds as eggs forced their way inside her ass, her vagina and her mouth, but also, unbeknownst to Himari, inside her breasts as the creature delicately spreads her areola, allowing an oblong object to pass inside.
"Nnn! Nnngk! Mmfff! Mmmmmmmmmpf!"
Immediately after laying its eggs, the creatures goes back to milking their preys. Oboro, panting and eyes rolled-up from what just happened, lets out a surprised moan as the suction on her cock resumes.

Understanding in what danger the two of them were in, Himari began to struggle violently against the flesh trapping her binds. She manages to almost free herself before reaching her limits one more time. Fortunately, her thrashing during her orgasm allowed her hands to break free from their prison, and the witch hunter was able to get off this cursed creature whenever she wanted.
This was not the case for Oboro. The already weakened fox left herself ride towards her second orgasm quickly and, once more, the hell nest released eggs inside of her. Once more, eggs reached her pussy and her colon; however this time an egg chose to squeeze inside her urethra. Eyes opened wide open in suprise, Oboro shouted incoherent moans as she desesperately humped against the round intruder. Her eyes turned towards Himari in a desperate plea for help.

Himari was free to get off from the monster, but would she have the will? If she does, will she try to help Oboro avoid an even bleaker fate?

Himari: 0/10 AP - Eggs: 2 (vagina, stomach) - Binds strengh: 0/3
Oboro: 3/10 AP - Eggs: 8 (2x vagina, 2x colon, stomach, breasts, cock) - Binds strengh: 3/3

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Feeling the pleasure start to overwhelm her very shortly after the creature had begun on her overly sensitive body, Himari spurts her seed into the creature, which all but slurped it right out of her sensitive shaft that twitched and throbbed greatly as she came. As soon as she came though, Himari felt the tendrils buried within her holes all begin to quicken their pace and soon enough she saw a bulge traveling through the one in her mouth, which entered her mouth and bulged her throat out as it slipped down her gullet, a sputtered cough coming from her as it did. At the same time she felt another bulge enter her pussy and stretch it wide as it traveled up her love tunnel.

When both eggs came plopping into both her womb and stomach, Himari noticed Oboro going through much the same thing as she had and her mind flashed as she seethed with anger that Oboro and her had been violated and defeated in such a way so easily. Struggling to get free, Himari felt the bindings of the creature that were holding her beginning to weaken a bit, so she kept up her struggles until it lost its grip altogether, the fact that Oboro was being egged so full by the thing spurring her on to break free so she could rescue her companion from such a horrible fate as being nothing but a egg bearer.

"N-No Oboro... I promised I'd get you out of here safely. I... I can't break that promise.... No... I won't break it, I refuse to break it," Himari thought to herself angrily as she began pulling herself up from the beast holding her, refusing to give in to her inner lust.

Climbing up and yanking the tentacle out of her mouth, Himari spat up any seed the thing had spurted into her mouth, grumbling about the eggs now within her body as she quickly moved over to Oboro and began pulling at the bindings holding her down, going for the one holding her hands down first before grabbing the ones in her mouth and ass second, hoping to quickly break her free before the creature had filled her completely full of eggs to the point it either couldn't anymore without risking hurting her or that it had broken her. "Hang on Oboro, I'm coming... I promised you I'd get you out of here and I meant every word," Himari panted as she pulled at the tentacles, using her anger at being beaten in front of Oboro and the fact Oboro was now being filled full of eggs right in front of her instead of being filled with her own child or children to fuel her body.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Himari pulls out Oboro from the devious trap. Oboro falls on the ground, tired by what she just went through. A small bulge outlines her womb and the eggs there, but more impressively her breasts had grown from the eggs inserted inside and her nipples were swollen. Finally, there is a bulge on her cock where the last egg the creature laid is.

The tower's dark energies corrupted Himari and Oboro
Oboro leveled up; she permanently learns recovery and Calm. Oboro learns the passive skill "long-range": +1 bonus when fighting at mid or long distance

As the adrenaline winds down, Himari feels something is different within her body. She could not pinpoint what it was, until a tingling sensation in her breasts made her realize her mammary glands were full. A slightly strong pinch or kneading make her leak a white and slightly sweet milk.

She also remarks that Oboro grew a ballsack and became a full hermaphrodite. The kitsune has also noticed the change in her body and blushes.

The fox-herm is visibly shaken with what happened.
"Is it over? D... Damn. I feel the eggs everywhere, it's so uncomfortable."
She groans, trying to stand up and getting used to the additional weight buried in her; when her eyes meet Himari's, tears of guilt begin to form. "Himari. I'm... I'm so sorry. All of this is my fault. If I wouldn't have called for help, I..." she tries to apologize.

Himari - herm - catgirl
5/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 10/18 XP, 1/5 CP
Weapon: Sword (lvl 1)
Top armor: leather bra (1/1 DP)
Bottom armor: none
Skills: taunt (draws an enemy's attention on Himari)

Oboro - herm - kitsune
4/4 FP, 0/10 AP, 5/18 XP, 0/5 CP
Weapon: magic staff (lvl 0)
Armor: none ()
Skills: Recovery (heals 1FP), Calm (reduces AP by 3), Resilience (allows the target to stay in the fight after an orgasm; can only be used once per fight)
Passives: long-range (+1 rolls at mid or long distance)

Currently in: basement 1, torture room
Items (discarded by the door with the weapons): 1 leather armor set, 1 repair kit, 1 parchment, ripped miko robe, broken leather skirt

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Pulling her new friend from the cruel creature, Himari looks down at her with a sad frown, feeling that if only she'd been stronger then this wouldn't have happened to poor Oboro. Himari pulled Oboro away from the thing before sitting down next to her to rest a bit, panting a bit from the exertion as she saw what the creature had done and where it had laid its eggs, noticing the increased breast and nipple sizes.

Finally noticing her own slightly increased breast size after getting Oboro away from the Hell Nest, Himari reached down as she felt the tingling sensation in them and cupped one of her breasts, gently squeezing her nipple where a couple of drops of milk beaded up at the tip, which she then wiped off with her index finger and felt oddly compelled to taste it. It was kind of sweet actually she found, and she felt the need to get a better taste of it as she reached up with one hand and gently cupped it and gave it a small squeeze while holding her other hand in front of her nipple to catch a small handful of her own milk, where she then drank it down, licking her lips slightly as the quite delicious tasting milk passed her lips. "Gah... bad thing about being a neko... just like real cats and we love milk," Himari mumbled aloud where Oboro could hear as she looked over at the now full kitsune herm as the poor girl had a sack of testes now dangling underneath her cock.

"Oh no Oboro, it's not just your fault hon. I could have hit her a lot harder than I did, Hell I should have just run her through with my sword, but I wanted to give her a chance to live and redeem herself. And don't try to move yet, I think it's best to try and recover our strength some before moving on out of here. I'm just lucky that woman took that bead out of my poor cock when she did, else I'd probably have given in completely just so long as I could cum until my balls ached so much they were dry," Himari replied, patting her friend on the shoulder and suggesting they rest a bit before trying to get out. If Oboro seemed a bit worn out though, Himari would gently pull her over to her breast and whisper to her to drink some, that maybe getting something to drink would help her recover faster.

Unless someone tried to come in on them, in which case she'd dive for her sword and prepare to fight, then Himari would wait until Oboro had recovered enough to move on her own power to grab their things, taking the time to repair her friend's robes she'd found instead of opting to fix her own leather skirt, feeling Oboro needed the clothing more so than herself. As soon as she'd fixed the robes she tried to open the door after helping Oboro go get into them, figuring that they had plenty of time since the woman had said that she'd be back in the morning.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

[/COLOR]Oboro looked at Himari's breast and, with hesitation, put her lips around one of the catgirl's lactating nipples. Himari felt the kitsune suck, and almost immediately a drop of milk leaving her breast.
"It tastes... sweet, somehow." mused Oboro. There was a beat, after which the fox-herm went back on Himari's nipple and drank with abandon.
A few times, Himari would feel her friend's teeth scrape her skin, but Oboro quickly got the hang of it. She hugged Himari's chest and kept sucking for several minutes. Having her breast sucked was pleasurable for Himari, and it looked like Oboro knew how arousing the situation was, as her cock hardened a little.

Oboro finally left Himari's nipple alone. She sat against the wall, a small burp escaping her mouth. Blushing, she put her hands on her mouth.
"Sorry..." she stuttered. Watching Himari repair her robe, she helped the witch hunter. As soon as the cloth was repaired, Oboro put it on incing as the textile passed over her inflated breasts.
"Nnn... Damn. I feel these eggs all over inside my body. Do you know if they can be removed... Somehow? I don't want to imagine what will happen if they hatch." she asked while the two left the nightmarish cell.

Arriving in the basement's main alley, the three prisonners approached from the bars. The three of them wore basic loinclothes they seem to have made from scratch.

The first one was a human herm. A muscular, red-haired warrior, with a C-sized breast. She began talking.
"You managed to get out of here? You're stronger than you look, beast-women... Or beast-herms, from what I can see."
The second prisonner was a monkey-girl. Brown fur recovered her entire-body, save for her a naked patch going from her chest to her thighs. She was a herm too, but a more feminine-looking one than the human, with a huge F-sized chest to boot.
"Yeah, great... And when they will flee that bitch upstairs will put US in that room. Or worse, she'll abandon us in one of the upper floors to be raped by her mistress' creations."
"Oh, by the gods! All we heard from you since we got here yesterday was "Whine whine whine..." Did you ever say something positive in your life, Aria? "
"Well excuse me, if I'm the only sane "girl" here! Don't you agree, Isabelle?"
The third prisoner looked back calmly at Aria. She was a lithe, definitely female elf; a little smaller than her cellmates, she still sported decent D-sized breasts. Isabelle turned towards Himari and Oboro, as if she was inspecting them.
"The hell beasts laid eggs in them. Particularly the kitsune."
"No shit, Sherlock. We could hear them from here, and there were two stone walls between us..."
"Can we do something about it?" asked the yet-to-be-named human.
"My magic can help them indeed, Agatha. But I cannot do anything through these bars."
she suddenly turned towards Himari.
"The lock is weak, but we cannot access it from the inside of the cell. Can you pick or break that lock? In return, I'll do whatever I can for you and your companion"

Aria looked at you nervously, wondering if Himari and Oboro would not just run away with their tails between their legs, while Agatha stared at you expectantly. Meanwhile, Isabelle kept smiling softly, waiting for your answer.

It was decision time for Himari.

Himari - herm - catgirl
5/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 10/18 XP, 1/5 CP
Weapon: Sword (lvl 1)
Top armor: leather bra (1/1 DP)
Bottom armor: none
Skills: taunt (draws an enemy's attention on Himari)

Oboro - herm - kitsune
4/4 FP, 0/10 AP, 5/18 XP, 0/5 CP
Weapon: magic staff (lvl 0)
Armor: miko robe (2/2 DP)
Skills: Recovery (heals 1FP), Calm (reduces AP by 3), Resilience (allows the target to stay in the fight after an orgasm; can only be used once per fight)
Passives: long-range (+1 rolls at mid or long distance)

Currently in: basement 1, main alley
Items: 1 leather armor set, broken leather skirt
Last edited:

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

(Ick the bright pink color, I can't read it without highlighting it. :p)

Sitting there with Oboro nursing heavily on her breasts, Himari smiled softly as the kitsune herm girl suckled all she could from her chest, with the neko seeing Oboro's shaft hardening up as she went at her. "Hmm... I dunno to be honest. They are eggs after all, so I don't want to start pulling and tugging on them or anything and maybe hurt you," Himari said as she fixed up Oboro's clothing when the kitsune spoke, her right hand coming up and gently patting Oboro's head and stroking her hair.

Once she had fixed Oboro's clothes and everything and they were ready to move out, Himari slowly and gently opened the door, leading the way out after giving Oboro a sad look about removing the eggs, showing she obviously didn't know how to get them out of her breasts, or even where to begin short of simply letting them hatch and whatever coming out on its own. As soon as they were outside, Himari noticed the three women she'd barely noticed before coming over to the bars of the cell they had passed when the woman brought them into the prison area.

Listening to what the women all had to say as she and Oboro approached, Himari nodded to the elf when she asked Himari to free them and she could in return help them with the eggs. "Um... alright, give me a minute. I'm not much of a lock picker, but I do know how to do it somewhat. Just need something to do it with. I... I came to rescue as many as I could before the rest of my guild gets here to help deal with the witch. They're supposed to arrive sometime soon, but there could have been delays or just anything, so I'm all there is here right now as far as I know. I'm Himari by the way, and this is Oboro. I got a bit cocky and out maneuvered is the only reason that bitch beat me earlier. If I had only gone for a killing blow to begin with then...(sigh)... well there's no reason to whine about it now, hang on and I'll see what I can do about getting you girls out of there," Himari told them, blushing a bit as she grumbled about getting defeated earlier while looking through her things to see if there was anything that she could use to pick the lock with, maybe with one of the things from her repair kits perhaps, though barring that, she would try to pry the lock open with her blade while taking care not to pull too hard so as not to break her sword. If that wouldn't work though she would ask Oboro if she could use her magic and burn the lock off instead to free the trio within. "I refuse to leave you girls and save myself though Aria, so have no fear on that regard," Himari added as an afterthought to the monkey futa girl whilst trying to open the cell.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

"Nice to meet you, Himari." answered the Human.
"My name is Agatha of Marith; I am a knight who was sent to investigate the women disappearances, just like you. The monkey over there is Aria. She's a bandit..."
"... "Highwayman" I met while doing my investigation. We have been captured at the same time, as we tried to rescue that Elf from being kidnapped."
"Indeed. My name is Isabelle" finished the Elf, arranging her green long hair.

After these presentations, Himari tried to pick the lock open. As she put her blade and prepared to push, Aria interrupted her.
"Whoa, hold on, all you'll do is break your weapon. Let me help you with that." The monkey herm approached from Himari and guided her in using a needle from her used repair kit as as a pin. While Himari fiddled with the lock, Aria stuck her ear against the object, listening to the noises from the pins.
"Yes... Okay, a little more to the right... Hmhmm... Now push."
*Clack clang*

The lock fell, open, on the ground. The three girls, Isabelle included, have a relieved expression on their face.
"Well, it's a good thing they locked us with a good old lock, and not some kind of demonical tentacle-y thingie" commented the monkey-herm while passing her hand in her mid-long mane.

"Indeed. Now, approach and lie down here, I'll purge these eggs out of your body."
Oboro lied near the Elf. "Will it hurt?" she asks.
"Don't worry, it won't. My people fought with demons for centuries alongside Angels, so we learned some of their purification techniques from them."

On these words Isabelle applied her hands on Oboro's breasts and began to focus. A greenish light appeared and slowly enveloped the kitsune.
"It feels warm." says Oboro.
"Relax, and let the energies of nature purify your body."
The bulges on Oboro's body visibly delfate as the eggs are dissolved in thin air. Before long, her body recovered to the state it was before being molested by the hell nest.

Meanwhile, Agatha chatted with Himari.
"I think it would be best if some of us left to join with the reinforcements you spoke of and lead them here. One or two persons should do the trick. What do you think?"
Isabelle invited Himari to get purified as well, leaving her the time to think. Who would go search for help, and who would stay with her in her exploration of the tower?

It's team selection time :p. Here are the current characters that can accompany you in your adventure:
  • Agatha: a human herm warrior; uses spears. Physically tougher but sexually weaker; grants a +1 bonus to dice rolls by encouraging the team
  • Aria: a monkey-herm rogue; uses bows. Physically weaker but sexually more resilient; can pick locks and check for traps
  • Isabelle: a female elven druid; uses staves. The weakest of the group in both regards, but can learn a variety of offensive spells; can purify eggs, pregnancies and infestations
  • Oboro: a herm kitsune mage; uses miko staves. Weaker physically, but is able to heal and protect her comrades from attacks; has a spell allowing a character to "revive" a fallen character
I'll adjust the number and difficulty of the next challenges according to how many join. If one or some characters do(es) not interest you, just send them out looking for reinforcement. :)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

"I'm glad we managed to find more of you girls that were captured. I was beginning to think that the only other girls were further up the tower we're in. This witch... something's not right about her. I mean, I've met witches before, some good some bad, but even the bad ones didn't usually take so many girls specifically as prisoners, and none had this level of power to summon things nor this many followers," Himari replied to the trio after the introductions were made on both sides while she attempted to pry the lock with the end of her sword only to be stopped by Aria. "Oh... thanks hon, was thinking I might have to break this lock here. Glad I didn't end up breaking my sword," Himari said to Aria after getting the sewing needle from her repair kit and with the anthro's help she was able to pick the lock open as she gave it a push when told to do so.

"Ha, there we go, and now you ladies are free from that damned cage. And yeah, Oboro was in a magical cage of sorts when I found her, a couple of these tentacled demon shemale things attacked us. We fought them off, but they did tear my clothes off, stupid things," Himari said once the cell door opened.

With that, Himari sat down to relax a bit whilst Oboro was being purified of the eggs that were laid in her body by the elven woman, who now that Himari was getting a good look at her she thought that she was gorgeous. She watched as Isabelle purified Oboro of the eggs laid within her, only partially listening to Agatha at first as she watched the bulges slowly going down on the kitsune's body. "O-Oh yeah, we probably should send someone out to let the rest of my guild know what's happening and that they should probably hurry along. Um... let me think about it a minute, usually when I'm in a group I'm not considered the leader," Himari replied to Agatha, moving over to get her eggs eradicated. "I only got a couple before I managed to slip loose, but the thought of those tentacles working me inside and out was tempting after that bitch stuffed that bead thing in my poor dick and put that cockring on me, kept me from cumming for what felt like an hour or more," she went on to say to Isabelle as she laid down to allow her eggs to be taken care of.

While she lay there, Himari looked at the trio they had rescued, figuring that soon enough they would likely run into more, but she did realize that at least one of them should head out. Which of the girls should that be though? Oboro had already proven herself useful with magics, and against a witch magic users were always good to have on hand, and Agatha would also be useful being a strong knight like she apparently was. Aria would be useful since she could obviously pick locks and all, but she herself remembered how Aria had directed her in picking the lock earlier, so she could probably learn how to better pick them as she tried more, and Isabella would definitely be useful to have along if she could get rid of pregnancies like this since that seemed like a very real possibility to them whilst in the tower.

As she lay there, Himari was in deep thought, barely noticing the warm feeling that Oboro mentioned when this was being done to her before, and once Isabelle was done Himari thanked her and smiled up at her before raising back up. "Alright... if you're all looking to me for leadership, then I think only one of us should head out, the quickest who likely won't be of as much use inside the confines and close quarters of the tower. Aria... can we trust you to take word to my fellow witch hunters? There was a group of probably a couple of dozen or so heading this way from our headquarters. They should be coming down from the north road... as far as I know anyway. And... they will reward you handsomely for bringing word of what's going on and stuff, and they'll take care of you too, just be careful though okay, and we'll see you to the main doors if you want us to. If... you two don't mind staying and trying to help me and Oboro of course," Himari said, making her decision on who to send out to find her fellow witch hunters to guide them back to the tower quicker.

Isn't Marith the name of the place in Corruption of Champions? XD

Also not that I don't want them all to go with Himari, but I figure at least one should go just in case, to get Himari's help that was promised and stuff. Plus Himari is kind of roguish herself, or maybe more a sword wielding ranger, not entirely sure on what her class would technically be, but Aria can be the one to try and get their help. Did you by chance have pics for the three of them? I might change my mind once seeing those. :p


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Isabelle lost her smile for a second at Himari's remark before composing herself "It is true the magical energies of this place are much too powerful to belong to witch."
"Plus, a witch can't control that much familiars. At least not at the same time."
"What I see is that there's a whole army of rapist monsters who want either our cum or our womb."

After Oboro and Himari are ready, the five heroes discuss their plan.
"You want me to get help? Well... I won't say no, albeit if I was in charge we would all get the hell out of here."
"But you're not. You have my spear, Himari... Well... If actually I had a spear."
"About that, when we came here I saw them stock our equipement in a room a few doors away from our cell. You might go take a look."
"Oh... Er... Thanks. Just... Take care, Aria."
"You too, girls. But before we leave, I think everyone agree we should pay our "host" a visit upstairs. Don't you think?"
"Once we get some equipement back, it will be with pleasure. Won't it, Himari? Oboro?"
"She needs to be taken care of, that's for sure."

"Should we go, then?"
"Damn right!"
"Damn right!"
"Damn right!"

On these words, the group bursts in the storage room and rummage through everything they could, replenishing their equipement.
Received: a spear; a wooden staff; a bow; all kind of armors; 6 repair kits
Himari found a new suit of leather armor that offered a better protection and did not leave her chest exposed, (albeit she could still make a fashion statement and take that part out). Agatha found a slightly-worned out bodysuit in nylon. The cloth fits her body, tenting in a bulge where her cock was. Small pads could be attached over the suit, giving it another level of protection.
Aria chooses a simple bikini top, exposing her large breasts, and kept her loincloth for bottom clothes
Everyone turns to Isabelle. To the surprise of everyone, the elf put on a very skimpy monokini, or what looks actually like two strips covering her nipples before joining at her crotch and going back up between her asscheeks.

"I think I speak in the name of everyone by asking: Isabelle, what the fuck?"
"Why are you flustered? Considering what we will meet upstairs, it does not really matter how much of my skin is hidden. Besides, this thing has much less chance to be ripped apart or cut than your current clothes."

Once everyone is ready, the party of five, soon to be four, head upstairs. At this point, Himari could still decide to get a much deserved revenge, or to ignore the disciple and head to the second floor straight away, leaving Aria to sneak out of the building.

((OOC: since Himari is more of a roguish character, I changed her skill; also, I changed a few things to better keep track of 4 characters at the same time and balance things - basically, it's patch 1.1 :p))
((also, I love monkinis, so I kinda fulfilled a want of mine by giving one to Isabelle; you can choose something else if you want))
(( also also, if you want to play or make one of the other girls speak, do not hesitate to do so; they're your characters just as much as mine))

Himari - herm - catgirl
5/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 10/18 XP, 1/5 CP
Weapon: Sword (lvl 1)
Armor: leather armor (2/2 DP)
  • hit & run (doubles damage points, but inflicts a -1 malus on the next defensive roll)
Special skill: leader (can give other characters direct orders as long as she is in the fight)

Oboro - herm - kitsune
4/4 FP, 0/10 AP, 5/18 XP
Weapon: magic staff (lvl 1)
Armor: priestess robe (1/1 DP)
  • Recovery (heals 1FP)
  • Calm (reduces AP by 3)
Special skill: Resilience (allows the target to stay in the fight after an orgasm; can be used once per fight at lvl 1)

Agatha - herm - human
6/6 FP, 0/8 AP, 0/18 XP
Weapon: spear (lvl 1)
Armor: bodysuit (3/3 DP)
  • Taunt (every enemy attacks Agatha, who cannot attack but receives a +2 bonus on defense roll)
Special skill: moral support (as long as she's in the fight, Agatha gives +1 to the team's dice rolls)

Isabelle - female - elf
4/4 FP, 0/8 AP, 0/18 XP
Weapon: druid staff (lvl 1)
Armor: monokini (1/1 DP - indestructible)
  • Roots lvl 1 (Immobilize one target, who cannot attack or defend until they escape the roots)
  • Poison (poisons one target, each turn, the target makes a roll against poison, and receives 1 point of damage if it fails)
Special skill: purification lvl 1 (as long as she's not knocked out, she can purge eggs, infestations or pregnancies from one of her companions; she can purify only one person per turn as of now )

Currently in: basement 1, main alley
Repair kits: 5

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

"Well she obviously has followers, probably promised them a lot of power and stuff if I had to guess. Or they're serving a stronger darker power like a demon. It would explain why those demons attacked Oboro and I earlier when I freed her after I had already fought a succubus, and that woman from earlier, her familiar was a demon too," Himari said scratching her head when Isabelle was done with her.

Listening to the others talking about what to do with the woman who'd put Himari and Oboro down here, and the three of them as well most likely, Himari nodded in agreement with them. "Aye, damn right we should kick her ass before Aria heads out. And get this, I asked her while she had me hovering there in midair why didn't she have a go at me herself, and she said that she wouldn't debase herself by having sex with me and that we futas and herms were good only for breeding. I say we give her something to think about, like what to do with all of our cum sloshing around in her womb which gets her pregnant with one of our children, let her see how it feels to be pregnant herself. I mean... you know, if you all want to debase her and stuff as a bit of punishment revenge and stuff," Himari said, blushing a bit as she mentioned her desire for a bit of revenge.

When they broke into the storage room, Himari rummaged around with the others and found herself a new set of leather armor of sorts, which she took and put on after taking the other damaged armor off, and then she took the opportunity to repair all of her other armor for backups to the new armor. When she saw Isabelle's clothing... or lack there of, Himari felt her penis spring to an almost instant erection at the mere sight of the gorgeous elf. "That's... a bit sexy as hell Isabelle. I would love to have some fun with sometime. I mean I already saw you naked which was very alluring, but having your body like that just makes you look so hot," Himari told Isabelle as she put her tiny bit of clothing on before they headed out for the steps leading up to the disciple's room.

Hey I don't mind the clothing choice for Isabelle, hell you can force them all to wear those if you want dude. XD

As for me controlling the others from time to time, I trust you to do good for them, but if you're kind of overwhelmed on that regard then I could take over for Isabelle or Agatha since they haven't really been characterized all that much. Unless you have something specific in mind for them and stuff, in which case you can PM it to me.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

If you want them to take decisions or have them speak, feel free to do so.
Concerning character developement, in personality, Agatha is a "tomboy" self-rightous knight, Aria is a sassy, rude rogue and Isabelle is an aloof elf just asking to get broken. Other than that I did not plan much backstory for any of them, so they can go any direction you want

"Oh my, I do see that my appearance seem to please all of you. I'm flattered" answers Isabelle.
"Hrm... Should we get going?"

The party of five went upstairs and arrives in a small hall. Going as furtively as possible, they headed towards the study where Himari and Oboro were captured. Noises came from the room, indicating that the damn woman was still there.
"So that's the gist of it, mistress. The two cattles I put on the hell nests should be broken by now."
"I see" answers a distant, womanly voice. The voice was distorted, as if she spoke through a wall or a barrier "Deflowering that Kitsune was regrettable, though. But it won't delay my preparation for the Joining. Are you sure that neko was a witch hunter?"
"She claimed she was one, and she certainly put up a good fight. But she was no match for me."
"Do not underestimate them. Once they are done giving birth, round them with the other prisonners and send them at the last floor to be used as catalyst for the Joining."
"The witch hunter spoke about reinforcements."
"Double the guard. Nothing must hinder the ceremony. Unless YOU want to serve as a catalyst yourself."
"N... No, mistress. Your wish is my command."
"Good. Do not deceive me, Isis."
The study became silent as the conversation ended.

"Enough of that bullshit!" says an exasperated Agatha as she kicks the door open.
It seems that this "Isis" did not expect the five girls to be free and ready to kick ass as she litteraly leapt backwards when hearing the door slam open.
Her eyes went from the red-haired human to Aria and Isabelle, and then to Himari and Oboro.
"You? H... How? You should be filled to the brim with eggs by now!"
She raised her hands, ready to once again animate the objects inside the room when wooden vines grew under her and coiled around her legs and arms. The vegetals pulled down, rooting the tan-skinned mage in place on all fours.
"Tsk, tsk. No more magic for you." taunted the elven druid.
"So, "girls"... Who goes first?" asked Aria.
"Wh... What do you mean by?..." began the witch's apprentice, when she notices that Aria was fondling her well-endowed herm cock under her loincloth and that Agatha and Himari were taking off their clothes. Oboro showed a little arousal, but was hesitant at punishing the woman this way.
"Oh no no no... Don't you daAAghk... Gggk!"
Isis was cut short as, while she was realizing what was about to happen, Aria fetched a ring gag from the big chest with all the sex toys and ropes, and applied it on the woman's mouth, keeping her lips streched open for what was next.
"Spare your saliva, 'cause you'll need it. Now, say "Aaaah!"" said Aria with a grin. The monkey-herm wasted no time in putting her mid-hard cock inside Isis' mouth and pushing in, making her former tormentor gag.
"Aah... Naaa... Gmf! Mmmf! Ggk!"

Aria turned her head towards the rest of the group.
"So, girls, you're coming or not? I thought you wanted to punish her too."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

"Aye dear, you have indeed turned me on. I must say your body is quite... pleasing to look at," Himari replied to Isabelle with a smirk as she winked at the elf.

When Agatha asked if they ought to get going after that, Himari nodded and led the way back to the study that disciple woman had captured her and Oboro at, moving along as quickly and quietly as possible. When they got to the doors again, Himari pressed her cat ear to them and listened in on the conversation with apparently the woman's master... the head witch of the tower. She and the others did learn the woman's name though as her mistress ended the conversation, and she smirked as she looked back at the others. When Agatha kicked the door open, Himari darted in as soon as that had been done with the others as the woman jumped back in fright, clearly not expecting the five of them to be out and about, and ready for some revenge on her.

"Heh, nope girlie, we aren't, not anymore at least. And you my dear aren't calling that help anymore. Not today," Himari said as Isabelle used her spell to prohibit Isis from getting her familiar or anything else active against them.

Looking to Aria when she spoke and asked who should go first, Himari immediately stepped forward. "Oh I'm going to enjoy this. I'm not normally one to rape someone, but what you did to me earlier must have consequences of some sort you know. You don't just stuff a marble sized bead coated in aphrodisiac into a cute girl's cock like that and not expect some retaliation. Now I'm going to show you what you missed out on when you... refused to debase yourself by having sex with a herm, who is only good for breeding purposes. But you know something dearie, we're also good for a lot more than that, and one of those things is for stretching tight little cunts like yours out," Himari said as she dropped her skirt and top off and stroked herself to full mast as she lined herself up behind Isis, reaching around in front of her to squeeze her breasts a bit roughly, but not so hard it would hurt. "I'm not going to stop until you squeal that you love my cock in your pussy and forsake your mistress upstairs. And just so you know, my guild is really coming here, and when they arrive they'll kill every witch and demon in this tower unless there's someone that singles out a few that who really wish to repent. Heh, I may even hold you down and my dick in there to see if you get pregnant. I've heard that witches and other magic users can on occasion lose their powers temporarily whilst pregnant while their body prepares their child to pass on their powers. But that's only a rumor I think. But I wouldn't mind a cute daughter by you that has your magical powers so I could raise her to be good and not evil," she went on to say, mostly trying to scare Isis here with her words, but feeling a small sense of satisfaction at teasing Isis so much.

"Now who wants her ass? Might want to lube her up a bit first so you don't rub yourself raw. So... Agatha... Oboro? Which of you wants her asshole to tease a bit. And Oboro honey, don't worry yourself overly much about this. She did the same thing to me and you both earlier pretty much, tormenting us through sex. And you saw what she did to me. She deserves punishment of some sort, and I don't want to kill her unless I have no choice, so come on and give her ass a good tapping, or you can use her tits, I'm sure those could be squeezed around your dick. Or better yet, you and Isabelle could use those feathers and tickle her while the three of us fuck her good and thoroughly," Himari asked Agatha and Oboro, pointing out to the kitsune herm what Isis here had done to her and Oboro earlier, and that she needed to be punished for it so she wouldn't do something so cruel again.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Isis groaned around Aria's dick when she felt Himari's hard rod pass between her legs.
"Nnf! Mmmf! Pmmmf!"
"Oooh, damn right! Keep moaning around this cock, bitch."
"Is this the potion you talked about?" asked Agatha, showing the bottle of aphrodisiac.
"I guess we found our lube...."

The tan-skinned apprentice tried to struggle, but she could do nothing as the catgirl lined up her penis with her pussy and slowly pushed in. Himari felt the tight pussy around her squeeze her cock and quiver as the tincture diffused through her body. Reflexively, Isis lunged forward, but that only served to deepthroat Aria. The monkey-herm held her head with both hands, preventing her from going back and started to give her a face-fuck.
"Gggk! Gmmmm! Rmmmgk!"
"Fuck... Yeah... For a sweet-talker... You got a nice throat..."

While Himari streched out Isis's love canal, Agatha approached. She squat over the apprentice's ass, giving Himari a nice view of her ass and pussy. Wasting no time, she squeezed her dick inside the woman's ass.
Isis' eyes rolled in their sockets while she received a double-dose of aphrodisiacs and had her ass fucked probably for the first time.

"Hum... What should I..." pondered Oboro.
"Cm'here, sweetie, and take my place. I'll put these breasts to good use."
While saying this, Aria lied down under Isis, and began squeezing her dick between her breasts.
"Squeeze these boobs, Himari. I wanna paint that chest white."
"Well then, while you have fun, I'll occupy myself." said Isabelle. Taking a feather, she tickles Isis' feet and armpits, delighting herself in hearing her captor try to stiffle laughs between to moans of pleasure.

Himari did not know if that woman was a virgin or not, but it was sure that Isis received right now the roughest and the fullest fucking of her life.
Hesitant at first, Oboro was now fucking Isis' throat at full speed, encouraged by Aria who gave the Kitsune's pussy a tongue bath while getting a boobjob from the apprentice.
On the other side, Himari and Agatha fucked her two holes, and Isabelle played with feathers.

After long minutes of rough fuck, Isis's mind was reduced to a series of incoherent babbles, while the cocks raming her insides formed bulges in her throat and her belly.
"Mmm! Ggmmm! Hmhm! Mmmmm! Gmmmf!"
Himari was pretty sure she came at least once or twice and was on the way to her third climax.
"*Slurp* Mmf! Oh damn! I can't... I'm gonna... Ooooh fuck yes! Fuck!" suddenly shouted Aria as her cock spurted its load all over Isis's chest and chin and fell down on her tummy.
"Nnn... I'm gonna cum too. Oooh."
"(plunges her tongue as far as she can inside Oboro's folds *Slurp* Sluuuurp*"
"Nrrrmph! *Gulp* *Gulp* Grrkp* Ggg..." made Isis as a load of thick spunk deversed in her throat and she was forced to swallow almost all of it.

On the other side, Himari and Agatha's rythmn became frantic as they feel Isis cum for the third time and squeeze on their cocks even stronger than before.
"Aaah! I'm gonna cum too. Yes! Yeees!" shouted the red-haired knight as she tensed up and released her load inside Isis' ass, closely followed by Himari.

The four herms panted, while Isabelle retracted her vines and left Isis fall on the ground, exhausted and leaking cum from her streched holes.
"Aaah... Ahhh... They came... They came in me... Ahhh... So good..." blabbered a temporarily broken Isis.

"Daaaamn, that felt good." commented Aria.
"Unless you want another go, girls, I'm gonna take my leave and get some help. It was nice meeting you. Let's meet again after all this is over. Drink a beer, gangbang a good whore, hang out basically..." the monkey-herm says with a wink.

After the group is ready to go, Aria readies her bow and heads towards the way out, leaving the party of four ready to explore the upper levels of the tower.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

"Yeah hon, go ahead and let it all out. We're gonna make you feel just as good as you made all of us feel I'm sure. And yes Agatha, that is indeed the potion she used. It'll work perfectly for our lube," Himari said to Isis as she groaned around Aria's cock in her mouth when she herself slid her cock against that tight pussy and between her thighs a few times in preparation.

Sliding her big thick cock into Isis' pussy, Himari couldn't help but grin at her reaction as she lunged forward, only to have Aria grab her head as she deepthroated the monkey girl herm. "Well Aria, sweet talkers always have a good mouth for sucking dicks. Didn't you know that?" Himari said to Aria with a chuckle. "And my gods Isis, your pussy is so tight, just like a virgins. I might cum soon already. You should have raped me when you got the chance, because if you'd have lathered my dick up with that aphrodisiac lube stuff I'd have been all yours for as long as you wanted. But alas for you, you decided to try and torture me instead," she whispered in Isis' ear as she squeezed her breasts again.

When Agatha moved over and swung a long leg over Isis' back, giving Himari a very good view of her pussy, ass, and cock, Himari smiled and leaned forward, running her rough catlike tongue up Agatha's slit and across her pucker, one hand giving her ass a squeeze before slipping down and giving her dick a few strokes. "Ooooh Agatha, you have such a sweet ass. I would love to stuff if full of my big dick sometime. And you can fuck my ass too if you want. But here, let me guide you into her ass in the meantime. I mean, I could lick that sweet pucker all day, but we have a bitch to get revenge on first," Himari told Agatha with a grin, winking at her when she looked over her shoulder at Himari as the neko grasped her shaft and pumped it a few more times with her hand as she guided it down to press against Isis' asshole, with Himari giving Agatha's pucker a few more tongue lashes on her way down until Himari's neck could no longer reach down far enough. At that point though, Himari just busied herself with stroking Agatha's cock with one hand and with the other she reached up and groped and squeezed Agatha's breasts.

As soon as Agatha's cock was positioned and she thrust into Isis' asshole though, Himari's hand that was on her cock stopped stroking it to give Agatha room to work the tan skinned girl's ass at her leisure. She instead decided to tease Agatha some while Isis' pussy squeezed and milked her cock as she thrust in and out at a medium pace. Her teasing consisted of her right index finger teasing and tickling the underside of Agatha's cock on every back thrust as she pulled out of Isis' ass, more so she could hear Agatha's squeals and coos of pleasure than anything. If Agatha insisted that she stop doing that sort of thing though then Elise would smile apologetically and stop, but if she didn't tell her to cut it out then she wouldn't and would continue to tease Agatha as the aphrodisiac worked its way into Isis' body.

"M'kay Aria, go ahead, I'm gonna paint that womb white for sure," Himari replied to Aria, squeezing Isis' breasts together for Aria to get herself a good titfuck.

As soon as Oboro took her position at Isis' mouth and slid her cock in to make Isis suck her off, and while Isabelle tickled Isis' feet, sides, and underarms with the feathers, Himari felt her cock starting to throb a bit, indicating that she was inching closer to her release. She held back as much as she could though, wanting to savor this as much as possible to make Isis pay a bit for what she'd done to her earlier. Feeling Isis cum at least twice as she and the others pounded her good and hard, Himari felt her morale soaring now, much better than before when Isis here had tormented her earlier. Hearing Oboro and Aria both moaning and crying out in ecstasy as they came, Himari smirked at them and pinched Agatha on the butt and if the human herm looked over her shoulder at her she'd wink at her and nod to Oboro and Aria.

"Oh come on you two, my dick is probably the most sensitive of all of us right now thanks to that bead and the aphrodisiac she oozed onto it when she slipped it into my cock. Mmm, I'm thinking of lathering up my dick with that stuff and going until my bad girl here won't even stand anymore. But I can't unfortunately. Maybe later on though I'll do that," Himari said teasingly to both Oboro and Aria when they came before she and Agatha did, her words also teasing Isis some too in the process.

Soon enough though she and Agatha came as well, and the sight of Agatha's butt tensing a bit and shuddering a bit right in front of her eyes kind of riled her up again even while she was cumming. She thrust in as far as she could when her orgasm struck, making certain to fill Isis' womb with everything she had and enjoying the feel of the tan skinned girl's pussy gripping her as her third orgasm washed over her. "Oh gods yes... that was great. I could stand to go again honestly. But we should probably get moving. Unless you girls want to stay a little longer and make sure Isis here knows her place that is," Himari panted as her climax tapered off and the last few drops of her seed dripped from her tip and settled in Isis' womb, where a part of her hoped it took just to teach the woman a lesson.

Pulling out of Isis, Himari's knees gave out a bit and she fell flat on her butt, though she ended up pulling Agatha with her because she'd reached out to catch herself on Agatha's hips but only ended up dragging the human knight with her instead. Agatha landed right in her lap, where Himari's cock slid right up against Agatha's wet slit and then up her length, with Himari gasping as her cock rubbed against Agatha's while they rested. "Ooooh Agatha, you got a nice butt, it feels nice. I wouldn't mind the chance to just sit here with you in my lap forever with us rubbing against each other like this, but we got to get moving soon unfortunately," Himari said in a playful tone to the human, one hand gently caressing Agatha's hip while her other gave Agatha's breasts a grope or two as she leaned in and gave her a playful kiss on the cheek.

After Himari and Agatha disentangled and got back to their feet, Himari looked down at Isis as she babbled as their cum leaked from her well used pussy, ass, and mouth, unable to suppress a smirk. "Hmm... you girls think it'll be alright to just leave her here? Or should we slap a collar and leash around her neck and tie her hands up and send her on with Aria maybe?" Himari then asked the girls before Aria moved on and they headed on upstairs.
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Agatha smiled at Himari's teasing. "It would be nice getting to know each other, indeed. Alas, we must keep focused right now."

Himari made her suggestion to the girls and Aria smirked.
"Thanks to my job, I know just the trick. Watch." The monkey-herm grabbed ropes from the chest and began to tie Isis tightly with this. She started by bonding her arms together behind her back, before passing the rope around her chest, and then between her thighs.

"Oh my... Is it shibari?" asked Oboro.
"Shibari. It's... Um... A technique used to bind people. You know..." explained Oboro, blushing.
"Ah... Oh... Ooooooh... Sounds hot, foxie."
"Yeah. Actually... You should make knots before tying her down there. It's... "funnier" that way."
"Nice idea." said Aria as she complied, making several knots and squeezing the rope so that they'd scrape her prisonner's pleasure button and lower lips at each move.

Finally, Aria passed the rope around Isis's neck and shoulders, and used it as a make-shift leash.
"All ready to go. See you around, girls, and stay in one piece." announced Aria as she left pulling her captive behind her. After a while, Aria's steps and Isis' moans died down and the party prepared themselves to go.

While Oboro and Agatha discussed together, Isabelle asked something of Himari.
"Say, Himari. I noticed your cock was human-like. It's rather rare for beast-kin to have human attributes. Was one of your parents human?"
"The answer is not very important. What I wanted to say was that, as a druid, I received a lot of requests from people, of all genders, to change their bodies or some part of their bodies. So, if you ever want to have a feline penis like pure nekos, or something else, just tell me."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Himari watched as Aria pretty much hogtied Isis up, binding her tightly so she couldn't easily move or break free. She also gave Agatha a wink after Agatha had responded to her words earlier. Watching as Oboro and Aria tied Isis up with several knots and things, Himari smirked a bit and chuckled at the two bonding over tying a person up. When Aria prepared to leave, with Isis now tied up rather well, Himari giggled at the woman they'd defeated.

"Hey Aria, be sure and tell my fellow guild members who Isis is and what all happened, and tell them that Himari got a bit of revenge and that Isis there may be carrying my child, they'll know what you mean, so they won't kill her or anything. I won't have my babies killed because of her. Of course... that does mean that she'll be my responsibility when we get out of here. Oh well though I guess, heh," Himari called to Aria and waved bye to her, hoping that she and Isis even would be alright on their way.

Looking over at Isabelle, Himari listened to her question and nodded when asked if a parent was human. "Aye, my dad was human, and my mom was only half neko, or so they told me anyway. And I might take you up on that offer sometime. Would changes be... you know, permanent by chance? I wouldn't mind trying out what it might be like to have the full neko penis, but I would want the option of changing back to my regular one that I grew up with and all in case I didn't like the other. Heh, what about a horse cock. Then I could really say that I was hung like a horse," Himari replied, giggling a bit as she said the last part about the horse cock and being hung like one as they moved on. "Hmm... could you make a person have two cocks Isabelle? I'm just curious. You know, double the pleasure, double the fun. Or can let me please two of you girls at the same time," Himari went on to ask Isabelle before they moved on, curious as to what her answer would be on the matter.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

"The changes are not permanent, in the sense that I or any other druid can change your cock anytime you like. Don't worry about asking, we receive this kind of requests quite frequently." Isabelle passed a hand inside her green hair, thinking about Himari's last proposal.
"Well... That's a new one. This is a somewhat heavy body modification. It is technically possible, but be careful. I heard that some herms who took the change had been litteraly knocked unconscious by the pleasure they received from two cocks and their vagina at the same time."

"I should have time to make a change before we go, or you can think about it and tell me later. As long as we are somewhere safe, I can work my druidic magic on you."
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

"Ooooh, kinky. I wouldn't mind getting knocked out from the sheer overload of pleasure. It's kinda fun if none of you have ever done it before," Himari replied with a wink at Isabelle. "And I was mainly wondering if you could do these things more to get rid of one of them rather than do them to me yourself. Wouldn't want to get stuck with a second dick thanks to something one of the witch's disciples or demons did to me or anything without being able to get rid of it, and I'll keep that in mind cutie," she added with a smile before leading the way onwards.

With that, Himari led the group onwards upstairs once Aria was out of sight, hopefully where they wouldn't have too much trouble in the way of enemies to kill the big boost of morale they'd just gotten from beating Isis so handily like they had. Although the poor girl had been taken completely by surprise and all, so it wasn't that magnificent a victory really when she thought about it, but it was good for the others at least, especially Agatha and Oboro she thought, as well as Aria of course, but she was leaving for the time being.

OOC: (I thought Isabelle had green hair?)


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

((OOC: Sorry, little mix-up on my part))

"Indeed. I can remove body modifications just easily as I can conjure them."

The party of four climbed the stairs to the second floor. As they arrived there, the sight was quite surprising, to say the least.
Just outside of the staircase stood the start of a countryside, lush green grass and trees visible in the distance.
"What in the blazing hells is this?" wondered Agatha.
"Hm... My fears seems to be confirmed." stated Isabelle.
"What do you mean?" asked Oboro.

Without a word, Isabelle took a few steps forward, and lifted her hand in front of her. The elf's hand suddenly produced ripples, as if she touched some water surface.
"This is a Dimensional Bubble" explained Isabelle. "A very advanced magical technique which allows someone to "exchange" a particular space with another one. In layman's terms, the forest in front of us is probably miles away from us, or even in another dimension, but is still "part" of the tower."
"So... Witch stuff?"
"No. This is a highly advanced spell, far away from any mortal's abilities." answers Isabelle, biting her thumb at the implications of her train of thought.
"So... We need to cross this "bubble" to keep going?" asked Oboro, cutting the druid's reflexions.
"Yes. The next stairs somewhere on the other side of the bubble."

Himari checked the other side. The countryside quickly gave way to several distinct areas: a steep hill to the east, dark woods straight ahead, and a small lake to the west.
"Either we climb, or we walk, or we swim. Which way should we go?"
"We should take our time and search for the kidnapped girls. They may not be in a state to accompany us anymore, but at least they will be out of danger."
"So, should we split up then?"
"No, and no." opposes Isabelle. "We must go as fast as possible and stop the witch as soon as possible."
"And the other girls, or herms?"
"Too bad for them, but we must move on."
"Too bad? That's cold, Isabelle, even from an Elf!"

Oboro turns towards Himari expectantly. She probably hoped the cat-herm would settle their dispute. Agatha and Isabelle stopped talking as well, waiting for Himari's input and her decision.
Would she go straight towards the stairs or explore each area for any lost girl? Would the four of them split up to go faster or take no risk and stay together? Where should they go next?

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

(No worries dude.)

Himari led them up until they came to the second floor entrance, where she and the others all saw a lush landscape that... didn't quite fit where they were. "Um... how is this possible?" Himari asked quietly, curious as to what was going on here.

Listening to Isabelle's explanation and the talk between everyone, Himari thought on what to do here. Isabelle had a point, the quicker they found and took out the witch, the quicker this would all end. But what about the stuff they heard her speaking to Isis about. Apparently she needed virgins for some things, and she obviously had enough to do whatever dark ritual she had planned.

"No Isabelle... remember what Isis spoke to her mistress about. She needs virgins apparently for whatever dark ritual she's preparing. So if we do find any girls, it might be best to rescue them, as it would at the very least throw a wrench into her plans somewhat and slow her down. She's obviously got the help of some dark demon or something else. So I think it best to help any we find as much as possible. I'm not saying we shouldn't try to hurry and put a stop to the witch, but the more we can muck up her plans the better I think," Himari said once the others had all turned to her to decide as their leader. "And I think we ought to go for the lake first. Despite what you might think, we neko's don't mind water. The lake is the most open area though and easiest to explore... at least I would assume so anyway, and no splitting up. Strength in numbers I say, I mean I know we could end up having to split up sooner or later for whatever reason, but I'd like to stay together as much as possible though," Himari then said, making her decision on where to go first as she led the way.