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Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Dice rolls said:
Himari vs Tree - 8 vs 8 - hit

Hitting with all her rage, Himari inserts her sword to the hilt in the black creature. The final assault lits the tree on fire. A white fire of light that courses from its roots to its top.
Minutes later, the tree is destroyed for good. It seems the price was heavy for Oboro to pay. The black being parasiting the tree dissolved like sand, making the kitsune slide softly on the ground. her pussy was still spread wide, only witness of the rough fucking she went through.
Litteraly fucked out of her mind, the priestess weakly stroke her herm cock, which seems to have gained in size from whatever the tree made with her.
"Feel so... Empty... I wanna cum again..." she whined, a broken smile on her face. It seems Himari will have to give her time to recover.

Alarmed by the flashes of light and the noises from the battle, Agatha and Isabelle arrive with Sandra in their tow.
"What happened? Was that a miling tree?"
"Oh no, Oboro! Himari, are you alright?"

Agatha rushes to Himari and Orobo, while Isabelle stays immobile a few seconds, as if pondering about the now dead creature.

Meanwhile, Sandra rushes to her friend lying nearby. She made her sit on her knees, cradling her body.
"Oh... Agnes! I'm so glad you're alive!" she said as tears fell down her cheeks.
"San... Dra...?" slowly articulates Agnes as the two friends hug each other, happy to have found back each other.

The party becomes stronger!
Everyone's weapon skills raise by one. (+1 to attack and defense rolls)
Himari's AP raise by 3, becomes 13
Agatha's AP raise by 2, become 10
Oboro's AP raise by 3, become 13
Isabelle's AP raise by 2, become 10
Last edited:
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Himari jumped into the air and fell right onto the tree, sinking her blade as deep into the thing as possible until only the hilt of her sword was sticking out of the thing. It was an amazing attack and seemed to have done the job as the tree began dying thankfully. Himari wrenched her sword free as she killed the thing and reached out to catch Oboro as she fell to the ground, so her friend didn't get hurt.

"Shh shh Oboro honey, it's alright I'm here. You're free from it... and I got it for you," Himari said softly in Oboro's ear as she knelt beside her and held her for a moment, keeping a close eye out around them for anything else that might try and attack.

She noticed Agatha, Isabelle, and Sandra rushing to their position as she rested a bit with Oboro and the other women, the latter of whom she let rest a while without any interference from her. "Yeah we're fine, Oboro got grabbed by that tree thing before I could take it out... but I think she'll be alright after some rest. It really milked her good though," Himari said sadly as she held Oboro, trying to get her to stop stroking her penis for now.

Himari set Oboro down though after a moment and moved around to check on the other women around as Sandra went to her friend who was apparently named Agnes. Seeing the other women were pretty worn out, Himari moved them around to lay in more comfortable positions before moving over to Sandra and her friend Agnes. "Hey... you alright Agnes? I'm sorry we didn't get here sooner, but it couldn't be helped," Himari asked Agnes, stroking hers and Sandra's heads before hugging them against her.

"So Isabelle... what was that tree anyway? And how long do you think these other girls are going to be out of commission and unable to walk?" Himari would ask Isabelle after Agnes answered her, if she could that is.
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Isabelle answered Himari's question.
"It depends on how long they've been captured, actually. Those who have been trapped by the tree for a few days already may not be able to recover for a while. Don't worry for Oboro, though. She's been knocked out alright, but a good night of rest should make it pass.
A normal milking tree only keeps a prey for a few, gently carried on meals, only in spring season, and are usually only interested in males or herms. This one was not normal. It was bigger, it targeted mainly females, imbuing them a cock, and was milking them rough and dry, like a fat man gorging on food.

Most probably, it is because of the dark presence that parasited the tree. Is that some kind of experiment? Something the master of that corrupted place engeneered herself? It's hard too say.
Nevertheless, these poor girls were in peril, and you saved them!

After finishing her explanations, Isabelle notices Sandra, helping Agnes walk, head towards her and Himari. Sandra bowed before the witch hunter, followed by Agnes who did the best she could despite her weakened state.

"Thanks, Miss Himari! You saved me and my friend! I'll be eternally grateful for what you've done!"
"Y... Yeah... Thanks..."
"Do you feel alright?"
Agnes gave off a wick smile.
"I feel... Tired... And drained. I'm... I'm not used to that... thing yet"

"So... What's the plan?" asked Agatha, just coming back from tending to the women.
"There's one more area to explore, these hills over there... I could accompany you if you want to search for more girls, or we can call it a day and take a rest and resume our searches tomorrow. Aria and your guildmates may be able to join us soon, eventually."
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Listening to Isabelle's response to her question about the tree, Himari frowned slightly. "Yeah it had to have been the witch experimenting or something. Or most likely anyway. But as long as they can recover eventually then I that's good," Himari replied as she turned to see Sandra helping Agnes walk over to her.

Himari knelt in front of them and pulled the girls into a hug as they bowed. "Oh girls you needn't bother bowing to me, it was the least I could do. I came to put an end to this witch's tyranny and I already told Isabelle, Agatha, and Oboro that we're going to help as many as we can along the way. And don't worry too much Agnes, you'll get used to it after a while... unless you'd like to have Isabelle remove it with her magics after you've recovered enough for her to do so," Himari told the two younger girls of the group, stroking their hair and kissing their foreheads.

After they had checked the other women out and whatnot and Agatha asked what to do now, Himari thought for a few moments. Hearing Isabelle's suggestion, Himari thought it might be a good idea to rest a bit before trying to head up to the hills, but that would mean leaving any poor girls up there alone in whatever creature had them in its clutches for yet another day. "Hmm... no, I'll go up there myself and take a look around. I'm confident I can handle anything up there alone while you three rest a bit. If I'm not back within an hour, Agatha, Isabelle, you two come check on me. But first let's get these other girls back to camp to rest a while and in the meantime you two get a bit of rest in case I do end up needing you," Himari replied to Agatha and Isabelle, moving to help move the weakened herm women back to their camp before heading up the the hills along to allow Agatha, Isabelle, and Oboro to rest a while since she was the only one still mostly fresh relatively speaking in terms of strength. She could only hope that after the hour she would have returned with either news or any of the girls that may be held captive up there.
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Himari walked for a little while, walking up the hills. The terrain progressively becomes dirt and rock. Fortunately, the neko has no problem yet.
After 20 minutes or so of walk, Himari notices something in the distance, near a small formation of rocks.

There was a big, insect nest-like structure, its entrance standing against the rock, and most probably going underground. Around the nest were several small mound-like structures, as if someone dug a hole there recently. There doesn't seem to be anyone at first when Himari notices a head popping out from one of the mounds. A green head, with a stern face and a bald head except for a long ponytail laying on the dirt. It was definitely an orc, buried to the neck in the ground by an unknown ennemy. These creatures were a race of brute, exclusively hermaphrodite warriors. Seeing one, especially in this situation, is a rare sight.

Her strained face shows that she is visibly fighting against something happening inside her prison, as it contorts alternatively into a smile, a grimace, or both.
The orc notices Himari. Hurriedly, she gives looks left and right, almost as if she was scared to disturb something.
The neko can see her articulate some words. Words she would be surprised to hear, if she hadn't gone through everything that happened these last few days. "Help... Me..." silently articulated the Orc. Suddenly, the two humanoids hear a loud buzz coming from the nest nearby. The Orc froze in place, hoping not to have disturbed whatever was down there. "Hurry... *Groan*" she mimed, before something made her lose concentration.

Orcs were know for their barbaric customs, and their unbrideled libido. But she seemed to be a victim too? Will Himari try to save her? Will she try to hurry before the beast comes out of its hideout, or will she try to play it careful to avoid any potential ambush?
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

As she went along up to the hills nearby after helping the others get the weakened women back to camp to rest a while, Himari noticed not much to tangle with thankfully, for nearly half an hour or so. However that changed when she noticed what appeared to be a termite mound looking structure or an anthill. At the top of one of them she noticed the green head popping up and as she got closer she noticed it was an orc. She knew that orcs were barbaric people and though she would normally be more inclined to avoid an orc, she knew that having a big strong orc like this herm woman obviously was would be invaluable to their efforts in this place.

She was even more inclined to help when she saw the orc woman mouth silently to help her, making Himari feel she simply couldn't leave her there now. Moving quietly closer, Himari stepped lightly and whispered back to the orcish herm woman. "Hang on, and try to stay natural in your prison there. I'll have you out as soon as I can. Gotta be careful though because I don't wanna get grabbed too," Himari whispered quietly to the orc. "Himari by the way," Himari added in a whisper as she crept closer, introducing herself as she prepared to start digging the woman out very gently, shifting the dirt as little as possible to give her the chance to pull her arms up and lift out of her dirt prison.
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

The Orc remained stoic as she tried the best she could to help Himari dig herself out.
"Gorma." simply answered the green-skinned person.

Dice rolls said:
Gorma seems to be really stuck in that hole (4/4)

Himari digs (1d10) - 7 - removes 1 stack
Gorma tries to help Himari (1d10-2) - 0 - nothing
???? - 5 vs 8 - nothing happens
Is the nest's occupant alarmed? (1d10) - 1 - yup he is

Some dirt have been dug out (3/4)
Something is incoming!
Himari digs (1d10) - 4 - provokes a small landslide, preventing any progress
Gorma tries to help Himari - 8 - removes another stack
???? - 9 vs 7 - something attacks Gorma from inside

The hole gives Gorma more room to struggle (2/4)
Giant hornet appears!

Himari and Gorma begin to dig at the Orc's prison the best they can. Dirt comes out, allowing Gorma's collarbone to pop out. However, whatever inhabited the nest noticed the vibrations through the ground and starts to make its way up.
Himari tries to hurry up, but a false move makes dirt fall back. Fortunately, Gorma manages to make some progress from the other side. From a few holes that appear, Himari notices that the hole Gorma is trapped in has the form of a vase, wider at the bottom. There's also something swarming inside, albeit she can not discern what it is yet. Suddenly, soft squishing noises are heard and Gorma tenses up.
"Stay... Outside my pussy... You damn..."

A loud buzz startles Himari. An enormous hornet, as big as Himari if not bigger, crawls out. Its facet eyes fix the neko.

"I'm almost out. Distract the hornet, cat-woman, I'll join you as soon as I can."

Himari 0/13 AP
Gorma 1/12 AP (something is inside Gorma's pussy)

Giant hornet 6/6 FP
Gorma's prison 2/4
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Moving in, Himari began digging the orc woman out of her prison as best she could, nodding when she whispered her name. As they dug, Himari noticed the orc's body beginning to work its way up and out of the first. The buzzing began getting louder as whatever was in the mound began coming up towards them, having been disturbed enough to be alerted. "Come on come on... dammit, stupid dirt collapsed," Himari grunted as she struggled with the dirt.

Hearing the lewd squishing sounds coming from inside the vase like mound Gorma was trapped in, Himari could only imagine that she was being raped by something or being bred by whatever was inside that mound. "Hang on... trying to hurry here," Himari said, a tiny bit panicky as she began rushing and digging out as much as possible.

Before she could get Gorma the orc woman out, Himari came face to face with what had captured Gorma here... and it was a giant bee of some sort. "Alright, tell me if you need some more help, I'm here to rescue everyone this witch has taken captive and to take care of her," Himari replied to Gorma, pulling her sword up and hopping down a bit to give her some room to maneuver around as she bee buzzed at her and prepared to attack.

Himari would wait for it to make the first move, taking a defensive stance and waiting for it to fly at her before ducking or diving to the side and swinging her blade out at the thing to try and slash it good.
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Dice Rolls said:
Gorma tries to dig herself out (1d10 -1) - 7
Gorma is almost out (1/4)
??? - 6 vs 7 - miss
The hornet attacks a defending Himari - 7 vs 9 - miss
Himari counter attacks - 6 vs 3 - hit

Gorma tries to dig herself out (1d10 -1) - 1 - no progress
??? 6 vs 4 - hit
The hornet attacks a defending Himari - 7 vs 6 - The hornet grapples Himari
Himari counter attacks - 4 vs 7 - miss

Gorma tries to dig herself out (1d10 -1) - 6 - out
The hornet tries a pleasure attack - 11 vs 1 - critical
Himari tries to escape - 6 vs 4 - Himari falls on the ground

The hornet calls for reinforcement - another giant hornet will arrive next turn

Gorma digs as fast as she can. Soon the earth prison crumbles out and Himari can see what was inside: larvae, a lot of them, most probably the hornets. They were squirming everywhere on the prison's bottom and on Groma's body. The end of one of them protudes from her cunt, flailing while trying to dig itself deeper.

At the same time, Himari distracts the hornet the best way she can. Focusing on defense, she jumps on the side to evade the insect's first charge, slashing its thorax in a swift counterattack.

The orc tries to push herself out of her hole when another larvae pushes itself inside of her by her taint. Stiffling a moan, Gorma tries to recover and make another try, when the hornet suddenly lunges at Himari.
Taken by surprise, the witch hunter is grabbed by the hornet's powerful arms and lifted with her in the air. With a surprising dexterity, it strips Himari of her clothes and moves its rump upwards. She notices that the hornet was not equipped with a normal sting; this one was mad to open and let something through.

Realizing what would happen to her, Himari struggles out of the hornet's hold, and falls on the ground. In the meantime, Gorma managed to quit her predicament. Having pulled out the larvae from their hiding places, she joins the battle.
"Thanks. Victory or death, Himari!" she declares, before launching a battle cry at the hornet.

The giant flying menace reacts by simply dancing and buzzing around. Another buzz answered from the nest, signaling the incoming arrival of another of these dreadful beasts.

Himari 0/13 AP 0/2 DP (top and bottom off)
Gorma 3/12 AP

Giant hornet 1 - 5/6 FP
Giant hornet 2 - incoming
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Spotting the larvae as Gorma dug herself out a bit more, Himari shuddered a bit as she feared having that done to her too. The hornet buzzed at her in an attempt to dive bomb her before she dove aside and slashed her blade out at the thing, cutting it a bit as it went by. She heard Gorma stifle a moan however and was a bit distracted by the orc as another larvae attempted to slide into her pussy apparently, which allowed the hornet to grab her.

"G-Gah... no let... go," Himari grunted as she attempted to break free.

She squirmed around while the hornet managed to strip her of her clothing, but before it could do anything nefarious to her Himari managed to wriggle free where she landed on the ground ready to fight again. "Well, I'd rather not die today thank you very much, so... let's just take them out and have victory instead," Himari called back to Gorma.

When she heard the other buzzing noise, Himari decided to take quick action to try and keep them from having to fight two foes instead of just one, and she scrambled up to the top of the mound and raised her blade up high, preparing to thrust it down into the nest where the new hornet was coming up at, hoping to catch it right in the top of the head before it could really get out of the nest. If her plan worked, this would also serve to clog the nest up a bit to prevent any more hornets from coming out of this mound, at least that was what Himari was thinking anyway.

"Hold that one off a minute, I'll take care of this one," Himari called to Gorma as she prepared to ambush the new hornet.
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Dice rolls said:
Gorma vs Hornet 1 - 3 vs 9 - miss
Hornet 1 vs Gorma - 12 vs 8 - Gorma is grabbed
Himari lies in wait
Hornet 2 arrives

Himari ambushes Hornet 2 - 1d10 - 8: the ambush succeeds
Himari attacks Hornet 2 - 7 vs no defense - critical
Gorma tries to escape - 0 vs 8 - counter - Gorma is impregnated
Hornet 2 tries to impregnate Gorma further - 4 vs 0 - hit

Himari posts herself near the nest's entrace, waiting for the new opponent to arrive, while Gorma does her best to distract the first hornet. Gorma manages to get caught by the insect which hovers over the ground with the orc in her grasp.

"Let... Go!" protests Groma as she struggles. Unfortunately, when she tries to kick the hornet, she leaves her legs spread, a chance the hornet uses to stab her cunt with his ovipositor sting. The green-skinned herm moans as the ovipositor spreads her love canal, sending in a fist-sized egg inside along with several doses of a pinkish goop which overflows outside. This insertion involuntarily pleasures Groma, whose already half-hard cock goes full mast.

Meanwhile, Himari, focused on her ambush, jumps at the new hornet appearing from the nest. She managed to inflict a deep cut on the creature's abdomen who, stunned and surprised, falls on the ground. Screams distract Himari's attention as the hornet who holds Groma used the shock of the first insertion to give the orc's ass the same treatement as her vagina.
The warrior grits her teeth as two bumps mark her body, the eggs quickly maturing inside of her while their genitor prepared to insert more in the orc's body.
"Not again... Not... Going back in there..."

Himari 0/13 AP 0/2 DP (top and bottom off)
Groma 5/12 AP - (egg in vagina and ass; nasty surprise in ? rounds)

Giant hornet 1 - 5/6 FP (holding Groma)
Giant hornet 2 - 4/6 FP
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

(I'm assuming think the bee from Fairy Fighting. XD)

Himari could only watch as she prepared for the second hornet while the first hornet grabbed Gorma and lifted her into the air somewhat. "Damn... h-hold on Gorma... I'm trying to ambush this one. Come on... where's that orcish fighting spirit I've heard so much about you girls all having?" Himari called to Gorma as she was lifted into the air and the hornet's ovipositor penetrated her, trying to provoke a response from Gorma and give her a adrenaline boost with her words.

She glanced over to see Gorma's dick spring to full mast as the egg slid into her pussy and further on into her womb. Himari turned her attention back to the second hornet coming up and caught it by surprise with her blade, knocking it to the ground as Gorma's hornet attacked again, which pierced her poor ass and implanted another egg into her. "Come on Gorma... fight dammit. Fight and I'll give you a shot at my pussy when we get out of here," Himari called to the green skinned orc woman.

Himari decided to take advantage of the other hornet being on the ground and pounced on it, thrusting her sword downward and into the thing to try and take it out so she could go help Gorma without the risk of getting attacked from behind.
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

(Yup :-3)

Dice Rolls said:
Gorma struggles - 5 vs 5 - free
Hornet 1 goes back to the charge - 7 vs 7 - miss
Himari attacks Hornet 2 - 9 vs 5 - hit
Hornet 2 attacks - 5 vs 5 - miss

The eggs inside Gorma's body mature...

Gorma attacks Hornet 1 - 10 vs 5 - hit
Hornet 1 charges - 5 vs 3 - Gorma is grabbed again
Himari attacks Hornet 2 - 5 vs 11 - miss
Hornet 2 tries to grab Himari - 5 vs 5 - miss

The eggs inside Gorma's body mature...

Gorma struggles - 3 vs 7 - miss
Hornet 1 keeps doing its job - 3 vs 2 - success
Himari attacks Hornet 2 - 6 vs 8 - miss
Hornet 2 attacks - 3 vs 7 - miss

The eggs inside Gorma's pussy and ass hatch!
The egg inside Gorma's breasts mature

The motivation seems to work as Gorma breaks the hold the hornet had on her. Falling on her feet, she goes back into fighting position. Meanwhile, Himari clealy has the advantage over her own adversary, and weakens it some more.

Sadly, Gorma seems to be wekened by the eggs buried inside her body. The hornet bumps into her as she managed to get a hit. The orc does her best as she fell her belly churning from the almost ready eggs, but the hornet reserves her a painful yet pleasurable surprise. Moving around the warrior's body, it lines up its ovipositor towards her right breast.
It stings, inserting itself inside her areola and streching her. Gorma's eyes roll up in their sockets as she feels the egg pass inside. The reproductive organ promptly exits, leaving a drop of pink-tinted goop drooling from the abused nipple, while it takes care of its opposite twin.
While the hornet lays its eggs, the orc's lower body jerks violently as something moves inside. Long, worm-like larvae hatche from the egg and escape their host body, their rugged bodies provoking small spams as it frotted against Gorma's inner walls.
The two newborn creatures instictively head towards the nearest dirt mound and bury themselves inside, waiting for nurishement from the adults.
Gorma is visibly weakened from what just happened. She pants, her herm-cock leaking pre like a broken faucet. The feeling of the two bumps inside her breats lingers in her mind.
"I'd rather die that go through this humiliation. DAMMIT!"


Himari 0/13 AP 0/2 DP (top and bottom off)
Gorma 8/12 AP - (eggs in breasts; nasty surprise in 3 rounds)

Giant hornet 1 - 4/6 FP (holding Gorma)
Giant hornet 2 - 3/6 FP
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Himari glanced over her shoulder to notice Gorma breaking free of the hornet's grasp as she fell to the ground and got back up to her feet quickly, ready to fight. She then turned her attention back to her hornet foe, Taking a swing at it and damaging it further as she took advantage of the situation with it being on the ground.

"Damn... come on Gorma. I'm telling you, you can fuck my pussy until you're satisfied if you win that fight," Himari called to Gorma as the orc woman's body seemed weakened as she was knocked to the ground again soon after getting free, already grabbed again from the looks of it.

Himari could only look over at Gorma while she was busy with the second hornet to see the orc woman's tits getting pierced by the ovipositor stinger as an egg was laid in either tit, leaving them large and full from the eggs. Then she noticed the eggs in her lower holes beginning to come out while the rest of her body was manhandled by the hornet. "Oh jeez Gorma... you really like being all submissive don't you. I never would have figured an orc being so submissive and letting her body get molested and used like that by someone or something," Himari called over at Gorma when she saw how weakened the orc herm was from that whole round of egg laying and rape.

While throwing out words to get Gorma fired up and angry at the hornet for using her so thoroughly, Himari held onto the second hornet as best she could, stabbing her blade down into it again and again in an attempt to kill it quickly so she could go an help the orc woman.
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

I've got an idea. Let's try it.
I realized I forgot to deduct some hits, because on my rules escape count as a hit (so as not to stall fights).

Dice Rolls
Gorma uses berserk (1d10) - 6: Gorma gains +3 to every rolls, for 3 rounds, after which she is tired and loses -3 for the next round
Hornet 1 vs Gorma: 6 vs 8 - miss
Himari vs Hornet 2 - 7 vs 6 - Himari hits the hornet (again)
Hornet 2 vs Himari - 8 vs 3 - Himari is grabbed

The eggs inside Gorma's breasts mature

Gorma vs Hornet 1: 6 vs 6 - escapes
Hornet 1 vs Gorma: 9 vs 11 - miss
Himari vs Hornet 2 - 5 vs 8 - Himari fails to escape
Hornet 2 vs Himari - 3 vs 6 - The hornet fails to do "something"

The eggs inside Gorma's breasts mature
Gorma's pent up rage keeps her berserk

Everybody misses on the next round
The eggs inside Gorma's breasts hatch (+1 AP)
Gorma's pent up rage keeps her berserk

Gorma vs Hornet 1: 11 vs 11 - kills the hornet
Himari vs Hornet 2 - 9 vs 9 - escapes
Hornet 2 is outnumbered: uses adhesive spit
Hornet 2 vs Gorma - 8 vs 7 - Gorma is stuck

Gorma is stuck on the ground
Gorma calms down

Himari vs Hornet 2 - 2 vs 7
Gorma struggles against her binds: 1 vs 6 - nope
Hornet 2 vs Himari - 5 vs 4 - Himari is grabbed

Himari struggles - 3 vs 8 - fails
Gorma struggles - 7 vs 6 - freed
Hornet 2 vs Himari - 10 vs 1 - critical

Gorma vs Hornet 2 - 8 vs 5 - hornet is killed


Once again, Himari's words find Gorna's ear as she enters into a blind rage. "RRAAAAAAAA!!!" She litteraly forces herself from her captor, determined to hack it into pieces with her bare hands. And that's what she does, the insect being caught in her fury. Even the eggs hatching and the larvae giving her a nipple fuck did nothing to deter the berserk orc to make short work of the hornet and extract the larvae out of her.

Meanwhile, Himari tired out her opponent, little by little. Soon, the second hornet is at death's door. Panicked, and seeing that Gorna headed towards it, the hornet reduced the number of opponents by spitting a very spitty sap at Gorma. The angry orc hermaphrodite takes it dead on and is stuck in place. Like falling into cold water, the shock seems to snap Gorma out of her rage.
Gorma's trapping unfortunately gave the hornet time to take hold of Himari. Resisting Himari's struggle, the hornet hovered over one of the freshly made mounds. In a frenzy, multiple worms dug out of their nursery and drilled inside any opening they could find, namely her mouth and her two lower holes, her still soft dick the only thing of preventing it to be invadded. The constant movement of the larvae inside her quickly aroused her. Himari's sword fells on the ground under the shock of the sudden penetration

As things took a turn for the worse, Gorma managed to rip off the natural net trapping her. Acting quicly, she takes Himari's weapon and, in a clean cut, severes the hornet's head from its thorax. The insect's main body falls on the ground, and the witch hunter with her.

The battle over, Gorma looks over Himari, who is still bothered by the larvae assaulting her. She takes the head of the one inside the neko's pussy and pulls it out roughly.
Albeit one would expect her to tale off the other crawlies, she stopped at that. She sat on the ground near Himari, legs crossed, her fat, rock-hard herm cock standing like a pillar near her bosom. Grabbing the neko by the hips, she hefted her still-abused body and lined up her free orifice with her cock.
"We had a deal." simply said Gorma with a lustful look in the eyes, as she lowered her helper on her thick rod.
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Seeing her words proving effective in riling Gorma up, Himari smirked and went back to the task at hand, which was killing the second hornet. She caught glances here and there of Gorma punching and kicking the other hornet and quite literally pummeling it into the ground and ripping it to pieces almost from the looks of it, despite the larvae hatching in her breasts, which she yanked out and tossed aside.

Himari made quick movements to skirt around her foe and take swings at it to wear it down little by little, while keeping herself in tip top shape, for the most part at least. Himari spots Gorma getting spat on by the hornet with some sticky sappy substance that practically anchors her to the ground and preventing her from moving. After breaking free of one grappling attack by the second hornet, Himari was quickly caught again and this time she couldn't break free quick enough to prevent it from doing what it had intended apparently.

"O-Oh no... s-shit... mmmph!" Himari whimpered and sputtered as one of the worms forced its way into her mouth, while the two slipping into her pussy and ass caused her to moan which gave the other entry to her mouth.

Himari's twin rods quickly sprang to life and were at full mast before she knew it, the worms in her lower holes and mouth ravaging her from the inside out. She didn't know how long she could last like this, but she thankfully didn't have to find out as the orc herm jumped to her feet after scrambling free, where she took Himari's sword which the neko witch huntress had dropped after a few seconds in, and took the hornet's head clean off.

Letting out a muffled moan as Gorma pulled the larvae worm from her pussy, Himari reached up to try and pull the one from her mouth as Gorma spoke and lifted her up. Himari was shaking her head a bit and letting out muffled groans around the larvae in her mouth as she attempted to pull it out, hoping to catch Gorma before she impaled her pussy upon that large cock of hers. It was too late though and Gorma did just that before she could stop her, with Himari's left arm instinctively wrapping around the orc herm's neck to hold on while her right hand finished digging the larvae out of her mouth so she could talk once more.

"O-Oh damn... G-Gorma... I was... g-gonna say wait until we're... away from here at least. But... t-too late I guess," Himari moaned as her right hand reached around to try and pull the larvae from her ass, where if she managed that, her right hand would go around and stroke her shafts, switching between the two for a while until she came, where she'd try to turn around to face away from the orc herm and then she'd take one of her rods in either hand and stroke them furiously while leaning back against Gorma who would get no actual resistance from Himari as the neko was hot and bothered from the day's events and needed some relief now herself after everything.
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

Gorma was a savage lover, like only a orc can be. She lifted Himari up and down her rod, fucking her like there was no tomorrow.
She lets Himari take out the remaining worms inside her body, but doesn't let her do anything else. She was a top and insisted on keeping it that way.

"Himari had a deal with Gorma. Gorma has Himari's pussy and only her."
Would Himari complain about her pinned arms, Gorma would answer.
"That's for calling me submissive."

She hugged Himari,, pinning the neko's arms against her body and went even faster. She gave her lover a long french kiss, her little tusks barely an incovenience. That dextrous tongue of her went everywhere, twirling against the cat's, then leaving it to explore her shoulder, then her breasts. Then, surprising Himari, the orc bended her back and used her tongue on her partner's dual rods.
"Mmmh *slurp*. Non-orcs with one cock rare. Non-orcs with two cocks even more rare. Too bad I did not capture you in a raid. Me and my tribe would I have great fun with you."
Even though their size made the task doable, Gorma's flexibility rejoiced Himari as the orc gave her dickheads a tonguebath, trying to take as much of the twin penises as she could in her mouth.
Noticing Himari's expression, Gorma deliberately slowed down.
"Do you want Gorma to use Himari's dicks? Does Himari give dicks to Gorma, like her pussy?" she asks, albeit she may not take kindly no for an answer, given her state of lust.
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

(I'm imagining Gorma's bottom teeth being less tusks and more just like fangs. If that's alright. Don't particularly enjoy the bottom jaw tusks on the orcs, especially sexy futa female ones. XD)

Himari moaned loudly as Gorma bounced her up and down her long thick shaft. The neko was thankful for being allowed to pull the other larvae from her body but was a bit miffed about not being allowed to maneuver around like she wanted. "Ngh... f-fuck me... yes. Ravage me you beast. And I... called you submissive to get you... f-fired up... YES!" Himari moaned and panted at Gorma, squealing a bit as Gorma's dick hit one of her sweet spots.

Himari returned the kiss and tried to worm her arms free to wrap around Gorma, the heat in her loins too hot to stop as she started bouncing her hips along with Gorma as the orc herm bounced her up and down. Himari soon squealed and came hard, her seed spurting out onto Gorma's chest and belly and coating those areas well with her spunk. The neko smiled happily when Gorma leaned her back some and moaned aloud when the lusty orc herm gave her twin rods a good tongue lashing, quickly making her spurt her seed again and giving Gorma as much as she wanted to suck and gulp down.

When Gorma finally stopped and laid her down for a few moments, giving the neko herm time to catch her breath, Himari nodded up at Gorma when she asked her question. "Y-Yeah... you can have my cocks, all you want. But... I promised you my pussy until you were satisfied right. So... t-take this pussy's... p-pussy until you're satisfied," Himari said to Gorma, her chest heaving a bit as she rolled over onto her stomach and got onto her hands and knees as she wriggled her hips back and forth at Gorma, her tail swishing happily behind her as she invited Gorma to take her pussy again if she wished. "Though... after this next one hon, let's head back to my camp where my friends are at. I'm a witch huntress sent ahead of my fellow hunters to try and free the captives if possible. And the ones at camp are the girls I've managed to free so far. A couple of them were going to come searching for me if I haven't returned after an hour or so, and I'd hate for them to make the trip for nothing when they don't need to," she added, remembering that she'd told Agatha and Isabelle to come search for her after an hour or so if she hadn't returned.
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

(It's alright. I imagined Gorma as a Warcraft Orc, so not a gonk either ^^)

Gorma grinned as she watched Himari waggle her bottom in front of her cock. Her first batch of cum slowly dripped out of the opening. The vision was extremely alluring.
"Mmm... Gorma wanted to ride your twin rods, but since you offer me your pussy with such eargerness, Gorma will save them for later..."

The ponytailed orc wastes no time in aligning her herm dick with Himari's spread cunt and push in her love canal. Holding the witch hunter's right arm to keep her straight, she humps her in total abandon.
The place resonates with the noise of Himari's rump slapping against her partner's hips. Accompanied with both of their moans, and Gorma's regular spanks on Himari's ass with her free hand, the whole produced a lewd and enticing melody.
"Y... Yeah. Take it. Take all of it, pussy!"
Eventually, the orc warrior tenses up. Her fucking slowed down and harderned as she prepared to cum once more.
"By Krom I... I... Aaahnnnyeaaaah!"

A soft warmth invaded Himari's womb as Gorma leaned forward and bottomed out inside of her, delivering her formerly pent-up cum almost directly inside her uterus.

Both herms panted, Gorma lying on top of her neko lover. She pulled out, suprisingly delicately considering the rough mating she subjected Himari to.
She stood up, her head still a little dizzy, and lend a hand to the witch hunter.
Looking at her in the eyes, Gorma gave her new friend an arm shake and declared in a solemn tone.
"Himari saved Gorma, and helped her defeat her foes with. Then Himari gave her pussy and cocks to Gorma. We are not related by blood, but as of this moment, Himari is Gorma's torkka."
Would Himari enquire what a torkka was, Gorma explained, an almost imperceptible blush coloring her green cheeks.
"There no direct translation in human language. It basically means "little-sister-in-war-and-love". Himari is a sister to Gorma, now."

The two of them took the direction of the camp, Himari explaining the situation again to Gorma.
"Gorma sees. Gorma was retained upstairs. A foul place, with walls of flesh and repulsing smells. Gorma went downstairs, and arrived in this strange place. A big plant with giant flowers guarded the stairs. Gorma barely escaped, but lost her clothes and makeshift weapon in the process. Then Gorma was attacked and thrown in that hole by the giant hornet. Then Himari arrived."
"Himari's friends... Are they strong? Are they Himari's torkkas?" suddenly asked the orc.

((OOC: improv writing, go! If you want Gorma to drop her honorifics or her 3rd person antics, you can ask her IC. Basically, in normal conversations, it's orc's convention to use only 3rd person in normal conversation, battle and sex being the exceptions ))
Re: Himari (Mind Flyer)

(I don't mind the third person antics, but they can get a bit hard to understand at times. I've never really played Warcraft at all though. You got a pic for Gorma by chance? Or I suppose I could provide one to you if you like.)

As Gorma's seed dripped from her slit, Himari waited with anticipation as Gorma rubbed the head of her cock up and down her pussy. Once Gorma had entered her again, Himari squealed and began bucking her hips back against the orc herm's large cock. When Gorma spanked her butt while pounding her with reckless abandon, Himari couldn't contain her voice and with her free hand she covered her mouth as best she could to keep her voice from carrying too far.

Moving in perfect harmony with Gorma's movements while the horny orc herm pounded her, Himari soon felt Gorma's thrusts slow and deepen within her as she felt Gorma's cock bumping past her cervix and kissing the entrance to her womb. Himari came with Gorma when the horny orc exploded within her, the neko's seed spurting out all over the ground under her. Laying under Gorma as the orc herm finished spurting her seed deep into her, while her own cocks finished spurting their own loads, Himari panted a bit, reaching behind her and grabbing a handful of Gorma's muscular ass and squeezing.

"Mmm, that was amazing lover... simply amazing. Never had an orc before, didn't realize you girls have such... exuberance. I think I'll definitely like to visit your village one day," Himari said as Gorma slid rather gently out of her, allowing her seed to gush out a bit before slowing to a small trickle that slowly leaked from her pussy.

As soon as Gorma had helped her up and shook arms with her in a show of friendship, Himari noticed that the orc herm was dizzy from the looks of it and reached out to grab her arms and steady her. "Whoa there, take it easy for a sec," Himari told Gorma and hugged her to her front if she wobbled again from her dizziness.

After Gorma spoke again and told her she was now her torkka, Himari couldn't help but wonder just what a torkka was exactly and looked questioningly at her new companion. She did indeed ask what a torkka was and was a bit surprised by Gorma's reaction and couldn't help but smirk a bit at her. "Well... thanks, I don't know what to say to that honestly. Other than I accept being your torkka, sounds kind of nice actually. Would be nice to have a big strong warrior like yourself with us," Himari replied with a smile up at Gorma. "Come on though, let's get back to our camp, there's a few others there like I said, and I think it would actually make them feel safer to know someone as strong as you is with us now," she added, collecting her sword and sheathing it before leading the way back, stopping at the hornets and cutting off one of their stingers to examine a bit closer to see if it could possibly be used as a weapon perhaps for Gorma.

On the way back, Himari explained everything to Gorma that had happened thus far, smirking a bit when she told her about them gangbanging Isis and telling Gorma that she'd sent her out with Aria to find her fellow witch hunters. "Wait... so you managed to escape from further up? Are there any other prisoners up there being held by chance? I was sent ahead to rescue whoever I could after all. And what sort of weapon do you favor my friend? I dunno what I should call you since I'm your torkka, and you said that was little sister, and you'd be the big sister I assume," Himari asked Gorma when she mentioned having come down from further up the tower. "Oh yeah, and you don't need to stand on speech traditions with me, I'm pretty laid back when it comes to that kind of thing and don't look down on anybody for the way they talk. But if you want to then I don't mind that either," Himari went on to say to Gorma, winking at her and letting her know she could talk however she wished around her.

"As for my friends... some are strong yes. Agatha is a human knight, and a herm like us. Oboro is a kitsune herm who uses divine magics. And Isabelle is a druid I think who is a futanari without the balls... so far at least. Other than that there's Sandra and Agnes, the latter of whom is a herm too, but both of them are young and still pretty weak because of the monsters that were raping them just over in the forest and down in the lake. There's a handful of other herm girls too but they're all still pretty weakened from the same monster that had Agnes in the woods," Himari went on to explain as they made their way back to the camp for the evening, the thought filling her mind now that perhaps she needed to find them something more substantial to eat, the thought of fishing in the lake coming to mind as a viable option, and since the day was still young, in here at least, Himari figured it best to try and get some more food and then to rest before tackling that giant flower thing Gorma mentioned guarding the exit.