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Himari (Player(s):Mindflayer, GM: Kln)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

(That's true I suppose, though Cassy might not be allowed to try and help until she's actually had enough training to be able to manage a fight against lower leveled enemies I'd wager.)

"Don't worry Lily we will train regularly. I'll make sure of it," Himari assured her, no, their captain.

As Himari led Cassy out of where they were, she glanced over at Cassy and smiled softly. "Of course it's alright hon, don't worry about it. I've got plenty of room for you. And tomorrow I'll show you around the sex training area in a little more detail. Because you only saw the tail end of stuff, which is usually the cooldown period for everyone that's left in here for the day," Himari told Cassy, patting her shoulder as she led her out. "And if you want, we can go have that drink like I mentioned. But if you'd rather get some rest, which would probably be better honestly, then we can head straight to my place to get you settled in," she added as she led the way to the bar if Cassy was interested in the drink, but if she wasn't then Himari would lead the way back to her humble abode and help get Cassy settled in for the night.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

"Well, we could always take a drink at the bar. We both have something to celebrate, aren't we?" Cassy agreed. Even if she was at the start of her new, life, she knew she would not have a lot of time to rest for the remaining days.
First, there would be sex education and physical training, then would come the time for Cassy to put her sex ed in practice, if that had not already been the case. Then more training, until eventually she would pass her test, and the traditional, but harshly known, hazing night. And it was now Himari's duty to make sure her protegee goes through all of this.

The two herms arrived at the Busty Mermaid. A beautiful voice was singing a popular ballad, about a hero and a dragon; how they fought each other and then fell in love with each other, before dying tragically. Himari would recognize Soprano as that skillful songstress. She was sitting on a chair, atop a small scene. She wore an elegant dress which valorised the vividly colored feathers, which covered shoulders and arms. Her expression looked focused, taken in the melody of the song.
Soprano finished her current song, a round of applause congratulating her performance. She immediatly chained on a more joyful song. A satyre about a hunter meeting bigger and bigger preys, until the last one proved to big, and took her to his lair to make her his wife. Soprano's tone was comedic, her expression changed to become radious, while she marked the beats with her bird-like foot. Upon noticing Himari enter, she barely reprimed a snork before nodding at the newcomer, letting her order some drinks.
"That singer looks cute." Cassy remarked.

After a few more songs, Soprano left her podium under the vivas of the patrons, before another minstrel took her place. Meanwhile, the Harpy approached and saluted the two hermaphrodites.
"Good evening, Lady Hunter. Seeing you here, I can only guess that mysterious Maze was no trouble for you. And I think I saw you in Drem, didn't I?"
"Indeed. My name is Cassy."
After making acquaintances and chatting a little, Soprano took a long sip in the beer she ordered, and asked
"So... How did it go? Any good "writing material" I could sing about?" the Harpy girl asked with a wink.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

"Sure I don't mind," Himari said as they headed for the bar.

As they entered the Busty Mermaid for their drink, Himari smiled at the sound of Soprano singing. "I'll warn you that the training can get a little tough and taxing on you at times, but I'm confident that you can handle it," Himari said as they took their seat.

Himari ordered a good glass of scotch for herself and something a little lighter for Cassy unless she wanted the harder stuff. "Yeah I met her on my way to Drem actually. She was heading here," Himari commented as Cassy mentioned how cute Soprano looked.

"Oh yeah Soprano, was nothing to worry about. I rescued Cassy here in that maze place. And I may have a few things to tell you if you want to sit and have a drink with us," Himari told the harpy, pulling up a seat for her and smiling at her. "I got other stories too if you wanna hear them instead, because this mission wasn't as eventful as they usually turn out," she added.

Himari sat there and told Soprano about one of her past missions, where she had to track down a succubus as part of her first mission as a lieutenant. She'd tracked her down for nearly a fortnight and cornered her in a cave, where the succubus had been living in secret, and Himari fought her, first with weapons, and then in bed when Himari had been disarmed.

"She sucked me so good for nearly half an hour that my legs wouldn't lift me back up when she finally let me go to stretch her body a bit. Then she mounted me and we went at it all night long. In the end, she willingly came back to Feron with me, and now she's one of our main sexual arts trainers. Told me and Lily that I was one of the best fucks she'd ever had and that if she could get people as good as I was, and those more new to sex to train properly that she didn't mind joining us. Mmm, that night was pretty fun, although I was sore for the next few days," Himari said, giving more details to Soprano if she desired, and winking over at Cassy. "That's just one of the perks of the Hunters guild Cassy. Sometimes you'll meet a really sexy succubus or someone that actually enjoys the sex with you and decides to join us, and that's one reason we train relentlessly to be good at sex, because you never know when one might run into one of those succubi or witches or something that decides to team up with us," she added to Cassy.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

"Heh. It's true Succubi are tireless, and there's many of them amongst sex trades, when you look at the right places."
"I guess we will meet her tomorrow, then." Cassy remarked.

Himari's anecdote would remind her of that Succubus, Tiamath. She was gorgeous, wih her ebony skin and pure white hair, her geneous chest that she could make lactate as she wanted. She drank so much of the stuff that, at the end, her stomach was gargling, and a pussy to match, which trapped your cock with its internal tentacles, and milked you over and over. She knew that, would Tiamath train Cassy's cock, she would have a hard time walking by the end of the week.
Fortunately, other instructors, and Himari herself, would teach alongside the dark-skinned Succubus.

While Cassy fantasmed on Tiamath, Soprano talked a little more to Himari.
"Hunters are such interesting people. I should accompany you in your missions sometimes. There's a lot to do, including in this city. Which reminds me." The Harpy took a slightly more serious tone. "Watch out when going out at night. I heard that there were Raper Beasts lurking around dark corners. There's also an infestation of giant flies and egg-carriers in the sewers, and while your guild is looking for their nest, you should be careful." Soprano warned the pair.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

"Aye, there are plenty of them that have chosen a better path, which I'm thankful for, because succubi are awesome. And yes Cassy you will meet her tomorrow. She's one of our top sex trainers, and she'll help me to teach you everything about sex that you'll need to know on your first couple of weeks of being with us. The more your training progresses, the more we'll teach you. Technically, I, as your primary trainer, or mentor rather, decide which sex trainer to give you to for that stuff, but she's the best and I only the best for my student, hmhm. Her name is Tiamath by the way," Himari said to Soprano and then Cassy, explaining who the succubus was and whatnot.

"She has dark ebony skin, snowy white hair, large tits, and a pussy that can milk any cock dry. I won't ruin the surprise, as you'll find out for yourself over the coming days. But just try and not be tense around her and you'll be just fine. She can get rough later on in your training, but she's exceptionally gentle with newbies on their first few times," Himari said, shuddering a little at the thought of being with Tiamath again.

"Aye I know about the Raper Beasts. I can handle them easy enough. Didn't know about the flies and egg carriers though. We should head home sooner rather than later then in that case. Besides, both of us are gonna need some sleepy if we're to start Cassy's training tomorrow. And also Soprano, if you wanted to follow along on some missions of our guild, I can talk to Lily tomorrow for you if you like. Just come to our main office here in Feron tomorrow morning around say... ten to ten thirty or so and we can meet then," Himari replied, downing the last of her drink and gesturing for Cassy to do the same so they could get a move on before it got too dark.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

"Sure thing, then. See you tomorrow." Soprano answered with a big smile.
Himari and Cassy went back home. After Himari showed Cassy the place she would live in for the few days, the new recruit wasted no time settling down. Streching her tired body, she took off her clothes, revealing her pale skin. Nudity was not really taboo in a world where everything wants to fuck you, so Cassy had no qualm being nude around the Neko. She had the cutest futa cock, with that little foreskin fold and that round, smooth ballsack.
"I can't wait to be tomorrow. But I'm a little anxious too." she said, while she pulled her covers and prepared to slip into her bed.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

"Seeya then Soprano, and you be careful out tonight too," Himari said as she and Cassy headed to her home.

Himari remained vigilant until they arrived, her hand on her sword until then, where she unlocked the door and headed inside, locking back up behind her. When Cassy took her clothes off and set her things down, Himari took in the girl's body. "Mmm, you're gorgeous Cassy. I gotta ask though. Have you ever... you know, masturbated? And how large are you here altogether? Or have you never measured it in inches before?" Himari said as she too undressed and slipped into a see through nightie that she just liked sleeping in, but otherwise she was completely naked, revealing her fully nude body to Cassy up close this time.

Himari went to the bathroom and freshen up after her fun earlier with Shanxi and Gonto, making sure to wash herself out very good. She left the door open though so she could hear Cassy, unless the girl came in there with her that is. Once she had finished in the bathroom though she was in the bed too, letting Cassy sleep with her if she didn't want to sleep alone, though since they had been told about the giant flies and stuff she couldn't blame Cassy if she didn't want to sleep alone.


Tomorrow the training would begin, and Himari would cook some breakfast for them both and once they were done she would begin her morning exercises, urging Cassy to join her. "You can go lighter on the training since you're not as used to it and all. But I do sixty situps and pushups every morning after breakfast," Himari said as she began doing her exercises. "When you're ready, we'll head to have the whole grand tour of the guild halls and stuff and really get you started. I'll be your weapons trainer and more mundane aspects of the guild, and it's my responsibility to make sure that you know the classes of monsters and how tough they each are, and how to deal with them. So as long as you're okay with hitting the books after the tour, then that's what we'll do first," Himari explained while they exercised.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

"Well, I, uh... Yes, I did. But I just... You know... Used my hand." Cassy sheepishly answered Himari's question. "I never really measured it actually. But I guess that mine's a little smaller than yours. Not by much, though." Himari's nightie had some effects on Cassy, as the blonde girl's eyes could not detach from the Neko's tanned body throught the see-through clothe.

Upon Himari's invitation to sleep with her, Cassy agreed with a smile."Thanks. I must say I need some human warmth after all that happened today."
The two Hunters, the veteran and the newbie, went to sleep together. Cassy was a deep sleeper, and was aslept until morning. Himari woke up first. She felt Cassy spooning her, and she could also feel her morning hood poking against the low of her back.

Whatever was Himari's reaction to this, Cassy was rather embarassed, and took her breakfast in silence, and tried to join Himari on her exercises. Sixty situps and pushups may still be a little to much for them, but she managed to complete thirty of each. It was actually much funnier than doing them alone, especially as Cassy and Himari were facing each other, and could watch the other's breasts and groin jiggle with each move.
"That's fine with me." Cassy answered. "I haven't been a lot outside of Drem and Feron actually, so I always wondered what kind of creatures were out there. Just by the few names that minstrel popped out yesterday, some of them sounded creepy. I mean: "Raper Beast", really?"

((OOC: if you want to come up with your own trainers, rooms or monster classes during the tour, help yourself :) ))

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

"Well that's all I meant about masturbating hon. No need to be embarrassed about it. I masturbated at least four times a week from the time I turned fourteen until I came here and joined the Hunters. That's probably why I was able to rise through the ranks so quickly, because I'm not all that old and I'm already a lieutenant. Usually it can take a Hunter about five years to reach this rank, and I'm already well on my way to being a captain," Himari said with a smirk.

Seeing that her body was having an effect on Cassy's, Himari decided to tease her a little and wiggled her ass at Cassy just before she climbed into bed and got under the covers, her tail swishing out and gently running up Cassy's length to try and coax her to full mast so she could see just how large her new apprentice was. Himari would lean down and get up close to Cassy's cock, measuring it with her measuring tape once it was at its largest. Himari was a full foot long herself and about an inch and a half thick give or take. She saw that Cassy wasn't lying and was only an inch or so smaller than herself and about as thick too. "Wow Cassy, any succubus that gets a hold of you is going to wring this bad girl dry. But you honey will feel awesome afterwards at least," she told Cassy, giving the head of Cassy's cock a gentle little kiss before pulling the covers back up and kissing Cassy on the lips and wishing her a good night.


After getting up and eating breakfast and starting their exercises, Himari couldn't help but giggle as she watched Cassy's breasts and balls both jiggling, and her cock bobbing up and down in time with Himari's as they both did their situps and pushups. "Yeah the Raper Beasts are like werewolves in a way. I'm not entirely certain how they turn people into Raper Beasts themselves, but I'd wager it has something to do with them cumming inside of you or something like that. Never encountered one myself. And, actually I know something you can start on for a simple little fight. We keep them here for training newbies against their first monsters. Just a basic little Milker Slime, they're one of the weakest enemies and shouldn't be too tough, although even newbies can have trouble with them if they're a guy or a herm like us," Himari said as she finished up with her exercises while Cassy watched.

When she was done and they had freshened up a little, they headed for the Hunter's guild hall where Himari gave Cassy the grand tour, showing her everything from the library where they would come back to shortly, to the sex training hall, where Tiamath was already training some of the newer recruits, using her riding crop to pop sometimes to get their attention instead of a whistle.

"Hey Tiamath, I've got a new apprentice here that will be coming to you for training sometime soon. Tiamath, meet Cassy. I feel she's got potential, and spirit too. So be gentle okay, because she's rather new to sex, unlike me when we first met, hmhm," Himari said as they entered the sex education hall, introducing Cassy to Tiamath and vice versa.

When the introductions were done, unless Tiamath wanted to chat with Cassy and Himari some, Himari would take Cassy back to the library and get one of their bestiaries out to show her. "These are the class F monsters, which are the lowest class. They go from class F, to E, then D, C, B, A, and then S for elder demons and the like. There's a known succubus queen who is an S rank that's allied with us to the north, and there's a few B and A ranked demons that decided they'd rather help us than corrupt the world and stuff. Of course there's plenty of the lower ranked monsters and demons that are sentient that chose to side with us as well, but that's another story for another time. For now, I want you to read through this whole bestiary. Those Milker Slimes are one of the first monsters you'll see in here, and then there's the other kind of slime I met on my way to Drem yesterday. Everything in this bestiary is rank F by the way, which is mostly what you'll be sent out to deal with on your first few missions once you're capable of handling your own jobs by yourself. But until that day comes, since I chose to take you on as my apprentice, then you'll be going on missions with me once myself and Lily believe you're capable of it," Himari explained, letting Cassy read through that bestiary while she watched to make sure that Cassy actually did it, and once she was done reading it and told Himari she was done, Himari would quiz her on a few of the things in it.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

"She looks adorable." said Timath, while playing with her crop. "Don't worry, my sweet cat, I'll make sure she reaches your level in no time."
"Nice to meet you, M'am" Cassy greeted, a little anxious.
"And polite, with that. Not like some rude kitty I had to discipline for the whole night. Lorelei, push further on that dildo! Orcs won't go halfway on you, even if you ask nicely."
"Yes M'aaaaaam." the cadet answered, cooing the last part as she slipped her female bits further on the Orc-sized dildo she was riding.
"Remember to squeeze it. Being a Hunter means you're in charge"
"I... I'll have to ride thick cocks like that?" gulped Cassy.
"Not until you've received some proper education, first... And trained on Goblin's and Kobold's before that, my dear. Don't worry."

At the library, Cassy read the bestiary Himari gave her. There were a lot of F-class beasts, but each had a detailed entry with a sketch, anatomic descriptions, and fighting methods. Their species were very diverse, but F-class creatures were mostly feral, like milking slimes, giant wildlife. Some were even marked as inoffensive, such as the dwarf milking flower or the breast flower, which actually had some recreational uses, like milking slimes.

But on the whole, the book was very instructive, and Cassy read it attentively for a few hours. She had mostly good answers to the test, albeit she did a few mistakes, like getting the wrong color of slimes ready to lay eggs during mating season (she answered red, while the good answer was purple).

[[Reading the bestiary had an effect on Cassy's stats (+15 INT): PHY 20, INT 35, SEX 20]]

Himari and Cassy finished at noon. Tiamath's sex ed class would begin in a few moments, teaching her students about reproduction, contraception, and tips when making love to different kind of partners. The catherm also noticed that the mannequins were free to use, so she could use the afternoon to teach some P.E. her protegee, and send her to Tiamath for another day.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

"Good Tiamath, I couldn't ask for anything more from probably our best sex education teacher," Himari replied to the succubus with a wink.

"Aye, and before you train on them, we have to... pop that cherry," Himari said, smirking at Cassy and winking at her too.


While Cassy did her studies, Himari told her that she was going to meet up with Lily and Soprano about joining any expeditions and whatnot, and that she would be back soon with some coffee as well. Himari left Cassy to it and handled that matter before returning with a whole pot of coffee and a couple of mugs. Once Cassy was done with her book and she administered the quiz, Himari was a little disappointed with the mistakes, but all in all she was pleased that Cassy had done as well as she did.

"It's alright Cassy, everyone makes mistakes on their first go. And you did better than the average actually, at least I think you did anyway," Himari told her before taking her over to the sex education hall again.

After Tiamath had taught her lessons on things, with Himari sitting in to listen too so she could help Cassy out some afterwards since it was her first day and all, she decided to start her off easy on the mannequins. "Alright Cassy, these mannequins are constructed to feel just like the real things. The pussies and cocks on each of them feel exactly like a real woman's, and the advanced mannequins feel nearly as good as a succubus' pussy. Today I want to test your endurance, and don't worry about anyone watching okay, just focus on this. And whatever you do, don't stop suddenly okay, because if you do, Tiamath might give you a spanking and some firsthand experience. Although she is the best teacher for this kind of thing, so it might be good to stop, hmhm," Himari told Cassy with a giggle as she smiled at her, and once she was in position and had undressed and all, Himari gave her a little spank on the butt to urge her to thrust inside of the mannequin.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

((I didn't think about this kind of mannequin, but that's actually a rich idea. That'll count towards sex training :-3))

Tiamath lesson was very interesting, even to Himari who learned (or learned again) things. The Succubus was actually a very good teacher, and went through a lot of topics: male and female anatomy, the different kind of pregnancies and sperms, the various existing contraceptives, etc.
A good hour of the lesson was spent on how to give the maximum of pleasure to either a man or a woman. How males and herms needed to vary their rythmn and be sure to hit the sensible areas, while the females (and the herms, again) had to squeeze around their partners, but not to much, so as not to receive even more pleasure.
"Tomorrow, we'll start the practice. Be sure to be clean and trimmed down there."

Himari lead her protegee to the "special" mannequins, to give her a little edge on her comrades.
"I... I'll try." said Cassy as she beat herself off. Once she gets hard, she takes a log breath and began to press her cock against the reproduced folds.
"Oh. Ooooh." moaned Cassy as she retreated almost instantly. It felt so tight, and so good. Was that something "as good as" a succubus' pussy? Looking at Himari encouraging her, the blonde herm braced herself and plunged inside. The fake pussy squeezed her cock from all side and she saw stars. She was sure she was leaking precum by now.
"So... So tight." she moaned. She tried to pull out again, but the sensation on her cock was so intense she pushed back in. Her cunny dribbled with fem juice by now. Rince, repeat, rince, repeat and, barely consciously, Cassy was fucking the mannequin with arkwards beats of her hips.
She barely lasted one minute and a half before shouting her orgasm and cumming inside the slick pussy. Then again, Himari chose -maybe on purpose-, the succubus model, one of the tighest after the "virgin" one. A few veterans were watching the show from afar, smiling.
"They always cum so fast the first time." a familiar voice said behind Himari. "Actually, you may not have remembered, but one of the succubus' most harduous tasks is to keep our meals from cumming too fast. It's harder than it sounds."
"Hi... Himari. Help... It's so tight... I'm still hard and I can't pull out." heaved Cassy.
"Oh, and that happens too. You might want to help her, or she's gonna spend the night emptying her balls on that mannequin." Tiamath advised, before leaving.

[[Sex ed and mannequin training allowed Cassy to get more experienced in sex (+15 SEX): PHY 20, INT 35, SEX 35]]

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

(Honestly I thought that's the kind of mannequin you were talking about. XD)

"Yeah, I'll help you with that after we get home Cassy. So don't worry about getting cleaned and trimmed," Himari told Cassy before they started the practical lesson, pulling her leather pants down to show her own pubic hair just above her cock, which was a very thin layer of hair the same color as the hair on her head, trimmed neatly into the shape of a small heart.

Watching Cassy slowly slide in and immediately back out some, Himari smirked and chuckled. "Tight isn't it. Go on, you have to do it," Himari said, giving Cassy the little spank on the butt to urge her to plunge in.

Himari had purposely chosen the succubus model mannequin for Cassy's first go to give her a tiny taste of how tight succubi were all the time without being virgins or even using magics. When she saw Cassy cumming barely a minute and a half in, she giggled and gave Cassy's butt a soft pat, pinching her lightly to try and coax her to thrust again and get the rest of that orgasm out of her. "Aye Tiamath, I know. You trained me that night to not cum until your command remember. I was so addled by the time you finally let me rest that I came on your command of, Now Kitty," Himari giggled at Tiamath, winking at her as Cassy panted aloud and spoke. "It's alright Cassy, just breathe slowly and softly. Don't get worked up like that or you won't be able to pull out at all. I'll help you okay, because you're my apprentice and I care what happens to you," Himari told Cassy, reaching down and gently probing the blonde girl's pussy with her right hand and making sure she was very wet.

"If you trust me, I'll get you unstuck okay. The easiest way is for me to put my dick inside of you, that way I can pleasure you from two angles at once and make you cum faster and get it all out so your cock shrinks back down enough to pull out," Himari whispered in Cassy's ear as she undressed and hugged Cassy from behind lovingly, wrapping her arms around Cassy's waist and gently rubbing her tummy with one hand while her other went down to massage and fondle Cassy's balls.

If she got Cassy's approval to do so, Himari kissed her on the cheek and bent Cassy forward a little, which would push her deeper inside the succubus mannequin and pleasure her more, but give Himari perfect access to the tight virgin pussy her cock was pressing against. Himari held Cassy like the lover she'd obviously wanted with Roman, and thrust forward, popping the girl's cherry and not stopping until she couldn't go any further inside of her, or hilted, whichever came first. She let Cassy get used to her size, where she began thrusting in and out while one hand kept massaging Cassy's balls and the other gripped Cassy's cock and stroked it in perfect time with her thrusts, maximizing her pleasure and making Cassy cum again quickly inside the succubus mannequin.

Himari kept going until she could coax Cassy's cock out of the mannequin's pussy, where she kept thrusting and stroking Cassy's cock until she came, not pulling out giving Cassy's pussy and womb their first taste of boiling hot seed. Himari let out a deep throaty moan for all in the training hall to hear as she unloaded her seed inside of Cassy, stroking Cassy's cock hard and fast to coax out one last load from her as well so they could cum together. "You Cassy are incredibly tight, even for a virgin. Damn Tiamath, she's a prodigy I think. That took every ounce of willpower not to cum as fast as I did that first time with you. What was my time on that? A minute? Couldn't have been more than two at most probably," Himari commented as she laid down on her side with Cassy, kissing her herm apprentice on the lips as she leaned around her.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

"Okay. Just be gentle, please." Cassy agreed.
The blonde girl cooed as she felt Himari explore her tight cleft with her fingers. She tried her best not to move, but each time her still rock-hard cock slipped thanks to Himari's fingering, it sents shivers of pleasure down her spine.
"Nn... I can't believe this is going to be my first time." Cassy said as Himari lined up with her.

The Neko pushed inside Cassy's virgin pussy. She was delightfully tight, so tight actually that she was stopped mid-way. She went slowly, letting her partner accomodate her generous dick, and pushing a little deeper each time. Cassy's hymen broke along the way, but she was too drowned in pleasure to take notice, and she litteraly sang with pleasure until Himari reached the end of the unused cunt.
"Aaah... I'm filling so full. You're so big, Himari." The Neko gave her protegee the time of her life. She plunged her dick inside of the human, having her react by pushing back on her cock. Each time she did, she grabbed a little more of Cassy's cock as it got out of the mannequin's pussy, and gave it a rythmic stroke.
"Oooh. C... Cumming!" Cassy squealed. Her pussy squeezed tight on Himari, while her dick popped out of its hole, splashing the false pussy's entrance with her spunk. Himari came shortly after, and Cassy could sense something warm slowly splurt inside her womb.

Cassy was red, both from her efforts and from the embarassement of Himari's praise. "I... Stop, you're making me blush, really."
Tiamath chuckled. "I could see that, Himari" she replied "The little mimics you make when she touched just the right spot were amusing. Shall we resume our training tomorrow, my dear? Now that you've been properly deflowered, and with such praise, I'll expect a lot from you."
"Y... Yes, m'am."
"I guess that's enough for her, today. You should send her home." Tiamath advised once more. "Say, dear kitten, what do you say we spend some quality time together, this evening, while your apprentice rests at your house. I promise I'll make you cum only once. Hu hu." she proposed.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

"Shh shh, it's alright Cassy. I'll be as gentle as I can be. Don't worry about a thing. You're my beloved apprentice after all, I can't let anything hurt you," Himari cooed softly in Cassy's ear before thrusting inside.

"I... I know Cassy, just stay calm and move with me okay, hmhm," Himari whispered as she knocked away happily.


After they both came and Himari finished spurting her seed inside of Cassy, the neko herm sighed softly and smiled as Tiamath said what she did. "Hmhm, or you could come to my place and Cassy could watch us. Maybe she'd learn a thing or two from us," Himari giggled softly, still inside of Cassy's pussy, but soon pulling out with a soft moan as her seed dribbled from Cassy's very tight pussy.

"If you're up to it that is Cassy. You want to watch two veterans try and make one another cum first? You'll probably learn techniques and ways of moving your hips and stuff," Himari said to Cassy with a chuckle, hugging her from behind and kissing her on the neck.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

That could always be interesting to watch." Cassy answered after calming her breath.
"Excellent, then. Take the time to refresh and clean yourself, we'll leave once you are ready."

While they did so, Cassy approached her mentor and whispered Thank you. I thought it would hurt a lot, but it only hurt a little at the start, and then it was... Awesome. I feel stupid thinking this was not."

After this, Tiamath joined them. Succubi always dressed scantily, and she was no exception: her only top clothes were a necklace made of metal disks, which barely covered her nipples. Her bottom was "covered" by a see-through pareo, with a belt, made of the same kind of discs than her necklace, covered her buttcrack and her vagina.
The group of three left for Himari's home at the start of the night. Tiamath used her magic to ward off any potential suprise that could befell her comrades, and all traveled safely towards Himari's house.

Tiamath walked sensualy towards the middle of the room.
"I'll let yourself get ready, kitty. Meanwhile, you should find a comfortable seat and get something to drink, Cassy. This is going to... Last for a while." she finished with a wink.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

Himari nodded to Tiamath and gave her a wink as she and Cassy went to get cleaned up some to head on back for the time being. She thought to make a nice dinner for them all to eat and enjoy before they did what they had all decided and agreed upon. "Oh don't worry hon, if I thought that would hurt you any more than a bit that you could handle, then I wouldn't have done it. I knew it wouldn't hurt that much though because you were already in the throes of ecstasy from this bad girl getting some action. And you were gonna have to do that sometime soon anyway, best get it out of the way early you know. But come on, you get a victor's dinner tonight, my treat. Because you lasted a bit longer than I expected you to, hmhm," Himari told Cassy as she wrapped an arm around her neck and led her out to wait for Tiamath.

When the succubus had joined them, Himari wrapped her other arm around her and led the way back home, where the others saw Himari quickly get some cooking utensils out and cooked them all a nice juicy steak, exactly how all three wanted them. While those steaks were prepared she cooked up some potatoes and got them each a little salad and some bread. Once dinner was ready, she served the others first and then got her own, being the perfect hostess for them all.

Once they were done eating, Himari winked at Cassy as Tiamath walked over to her while she quickly cleaned up the dishes. "Alright Tia... I mean mistress. Cassy, you see my cabinet over there by itself? It's my liquor cabinet. Grab us each a glass and the half empty bottle of scotch, it should be labeled. No reason not to at least have a nice drink beforehand," Himari said, asking Cassy to grab them some alcohol to drink as she headed for the bedroom, stripping off her clothes the whole way until she was fully nude by the time she reached the bedroom door.

Himari had a rocking chair in the bedroom next to her bed, and her bed was a big double bed too just in case she had a lover over for some fun. It was more than big enough if Cassy wanted to sit up close and watch. After drinking down her alcohol in one gulp, Himari laid back on the bed and smiled up at Tiamath. "Well mistress... your pet kitty is ready for you," Himari said softly, her left hand gently stroking her shaft as it rose to full mast before Cassy and Tiamath.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

Tiamath and Cassy followed Himari in the bedroom. The Succubus licked her lips, both to get an aftertaste of that delicious dinner, and in anticipation of what is to come.
"Really, my sweet kitten, whether it is human's food or succubus' food, you are skilled." she said. While Himari got herself hard, the ebony-skinned demoness caressed herself, fondling her breasts sensualy before discarding her pareo.
"Come here, my dear Cassy. I'll show you how to make even the most virile male squirm from your attentions.". Tiamath boasted, while she crawled on her host's bed. Her white hair falling over her face, she gave Himari a long kiss, while her hands caressed the Neko's body. After breaking the kiss, her head slowly traced down Himari's body, giving kisses on her breast, her tummy.
"See, no matter how pent up they are, you never want to go straight for the cock." the Succubus explained in a pedagogic tone. Her mouth went closer and closer to the Neko's herm cock, until she began kissing her shaft and her balls. "You want to delay, play with her anticipations, slowly, until..."

Suddenly, Tiamath's lips closed on Himari's rock hard dickhead. She could feel the big, black mouth swallowing her, sucking her inside like a vacuum, before a playful tongue laced the engorged mushroom with pleasurable licks. It only lasted a few, intese seconds before pulled out Himari's dick from her mouth with an audible pop. Cassy did not miss a single moment of the action.
"Until you surprise them and catch them off guard. Isn't that right, Kitty?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Himari round 2 (Mindflayer, new rules)

"Why thank you mistress. Your pet kitty is happy to hear you say that," Himari said softly, purring cutely for Tiamath.

Himari laid back on the bed and smiled as Tiamath crawled up the bed towards her, returning Tiamath's kiss sensually. When Tiamath's lips touched her nipples, Himari gasped and arched her back slightly. The anticipation that Tiamath brought her with her kisses and caresses was great, and by the time she told Cassy what she did and placed that kiss on the head of her cock, Himari arched her back again and reached down to grasp the succubus' hair.

"O-Oh gods yes... you know how to really get me... s-so riled up," Himari panted, her fingers brushing through Tiamath's hair.

As her cock was sucked on by Tiamath, Himari moaned aloud, her balls trembling with need. "T-Tia... please, don't leave me hanging like this. You know h-how good you are. I'll go crazy," Himari whined at Tiamath, which would tell Cassy just how much power she could have over Himari.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Himari (Player(s):Mindflayer, GM: Kln)

"See, my dear Cassy. This proud, hardened cat-herm will do anything I ask for me to get that pleasure again."
On these words, Tiamath turned over, and straddled Himari's face, putting her succubus pussy mere inches from the Neko's lips.
"If you want me to go further, you'll need to earn it. Prepare my pussy, pet." she said, lowering her cunt on the Hunter's lips for an added invitation.

Whenever Himari complied with Timath's order, the Succubus would sensually grind over her face, while licking her shaft and sucking its tip, keeping her pent up and needy. The demonic pussy felt like silk on Himari's tongue, and if she tried to push deep inside it, she would feel the succubus' internal tendrils caress and play with her tongue. Unbeknownst to Himari, this foreplay would last at least half-an-hour, the Succubus expertfully playing with the Neko's pleasure to keep her at just the right level of horniness. Meanwhile, Cassy began to fondle herself; first she tried to do it discretly, but Tiamath winked at her. "Do not hide, my dear Cassy. Show us how the sight of your mentor becoming a toy for my pleasure excites you."