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RPG RPG Maker [HO_Works] 回転切りのセイラ / Spin Around Sayla (RJ155863)

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Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

I'm not sure if this is a bug, but after I completed the second field clearing mission, I am unable to the guy I got it from. I'm assuming I'm supposed to be able to talk to him to get the reward, but I'm not sure how. talking to the grandfather doesn't seem to do anything either.

Edit: I'm not sure what did it, but I can finally take off my clothes in his house to talk to him.
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Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

Looks like the game waits some new content. I mean some toilet-actions, different clothing actions etc.

BTW, is there any strategy to win the female general at war-camp?
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Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

I already replied to this on page 52. I ma paste the same words. That's my way to beat that female general.

"Firstly upgrade your weapon to level 11. Secondly, you need some potion, just in case you need them. For example: potions x5, potions x10, potions x20 etc. Thridly, you need to do stuns kicks + 2 normal attacks. For example: 1 stun, 1 attack, 1 attack. 1 stun, 1 attack, 1 attack. 1 stun, 1 attack, 1 attack etc.
In case she uses a lot of potions try switching 1 stun, 1 attack , 1 rotating cut etc. This is my way to kill her. It's very easy."

Looks like the game waits some new content. I mean some toilet-actions, different clothing actions etc.

BTW, is there any strategy to win the female general at war-camp?
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

I already replied to this on page 52. I ma paste the same words. That's my way to beat that female general.

Oh, thank you! It worked. Not from the first time but nevertheless. Sorry for being noob and not lurking the thread.

Well, I have another problem. Teh vampire. He's so nice guy I'm only healing myself and not attacking him because of his damage >400. Do I really need to beat him while waking up at night? Is it even possible (already wearing DEF+10 ring)?
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

No, you don't need to beat him if you don't want to. You can beat him by wearing the ring that those ppl gave you in the cave. It isn't really special to beat this vampire. I just like his scene when he wins XD hehe
Oh, thank you! It worked. Not from the first time but nevertheless. Sorry for being noob and not lurking the thread.

Well, I have another problem. Teh vampire. He's so nice guy I'm only healing myself and not attacking him because of his damage >400. Do I really need to beat him while waking up at night? Is it even possible (already wearing DEF+10 ring)?
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

Alright I just started playing this game again, and I have a huge problem. I am unable to see any of the text in the game. I do not know how this has happened, but if anyone can help it'd much appreciated.
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

Alright I just started playing this game again, and I have a huge problem. I am unable to see any of the text in the game. I do not know how this has happened, but if anyone can help it'd much appreciated.

hmm, you could try editing the game.ini file, and edit this part "Library=RGSS104J.dll" to smth like 104E or 103J and then run the game again with app local set to japan ofc

a lot of people were having this problem, they posted in this thread, somebody also posted a solution, hope you find it, gl
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

Can some one reupload partial pleas cuz the original link is dead
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

Ver.2.1.8 is out.

Ver.2.1.8 グラナンが朝起きない症状と、草刈りおじさんが2人出る症状を以前のデータからでも大丈夫なように修正。

Google Trans
And symptoms that Ver.2.1.8 Guranan does not wake up in the morning, modified as okay even from previous data the symptoms mowing uncle out two.
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

Ver.2.1.8 is out.

Ver.2.1.8 グラナンが朝起きない症状と、草刈りおじさんが2人出る症状を以前のデータからでも大丈夫なように修正。

Google Trans
And symptoms that Ver.2.1.8 Guranan does not wake up in the morning, modified as okay even from previous data the symptoms mowing uncle out two.

This dev will have a bright future if he ever decides to join a mainstream gaming company. He's already mastered the art of making patches for patches. Now he just needs to learn how to have us happy for making us pay for features and scenes that should have already been in the game. Do that, and he's golden.
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

hmm, you could try editing the game.ini file, and edit this part "Library=RGSS104J.dll" to smth like 104E or 103J and then run the game again with app local set to japan ofc

a lot of people were having this problem, they posted in this thread, somebody also posted a solution, hope you find it, gl

Thanks, it sort of works now. I just see boxes, but at least it can still be translated.

Now the only issue I have is that when using one of the save files posted on here, the game gets bugged once Gordan walks in to have sex.
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

Hi, would anyone be interested in machine translation of this game ?

I did one for myself and I can post it here. It is google translated and some things are really horribly translated :D but it gives you idea of what is what. So far I translated most of the stuff including some sex scenes. Conversations are not translated (only few are). Clothing options are partially translated (that one is a headache).

I can either post translation for the version that I have or somebody can pm link for the newest version so I can port my translation to that version.
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

That's good to know :) . I don't have the link of the new version. Perhaps someone else can give it to you. If you want post the translate xD.
Hi, would anyone be interested in machine translation of this game ?

I did one for myself and I can post it here. It is google translated and some things are really horribly translated :D but it gives you idea of what is what. So far I translated most of the stuff including some sex scenes. Conversations are not translated (only few are). Clothing options are partially translated (that one is a headache).

I can either post translation for the version that I have or somebody can pm link for the newest version so I can port my translation to that version.
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

Translation is for version 2.1.6 only. If you want newer version send me a link to it in pm otherwise I can't port it (should take me approx. 20 min to port it :) ).

I changed the title screen from the rpg maker xp stock picture to picture that is on dlsite.

I have translated what I could and hopefully not broke the game (so far from my testing it seems to be ok).

To install it you have to extract and replace files in the game folder !BUT! first you have to extract and delete game.rgssad. If you don't know how to do that then here on ulmf forum you can find dlsite game manager. Add game into that, right click, extract CG and delete game.rgssad. Once that is done paste and replace files from rar into the game folder.

To see text etc.. you still need Japanese locale. If you don't want to switch your windows I suggest you use locale emulator (you should find it on google :) )

Well, it took me a lot of hours since this was my first time trying anything like this :D so I hope it will be helpful :)

I am guessing you know what to do with this:

(MEGA game MEGA link :D )

PS: If there are some problems write it here and I will try to fix them. :cool:
PPS: I forgot to mention that you need to start a new game with this translation. Some of the things are saved in the save file and thus, won't be translated if you load the game. Also, if you dont start new game you are risking some bugs due to that.
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Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

translated game crashes after initiating battle error says uninitialzed constant Window_PartyCommand::Fight can any one help ?
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

Ok i seemed to fix the problem so here is the update:


I am sorry about that one.
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

Update Ver.2.1.9 was released today.


1. Correction of Pothos display at Lala's speech.
2. The sitting weeding uncle : in the event did in ..deletion.. doing after it moves it, The relapse was lost.
3. Memoirs"Dollar Tom and 1 after ranch is attacked"Finally, it peeled off, [**] Sadamu was added, and it was made to remain
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

Here is translation for version 2.1.9 only. Again same as before you need to extract and delete game.rgssad.

If there is a new version of the game, again send me a link otherwise, I won't be able to port my translation :) .


Anyway, enjoy and have fun ;) .
Re: RJ155863 回転切りのセイラ

Here is translation for version 2.1.9 only. Again same as before you need to extract and delete game.rgssad.

If there is a new version of the game, again send me a link otherwise, I won't be able to port my translation :) .


Anyway, enjoy and have fun ;) .

Thanks a lot!

Maybe you should open a thread in the translation section? I nearly missed this one...
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