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Homelands (Guan Yu)

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Before there could be words to answer Kei's look of doubts, Tomoe was already tugged away from the scene by the hand. This alraune seemed quite intent on them going already, showing little in the ways of patience and restraint. "Wait for me and recover..." the miko called out to the group of companions before they were out of sight, led towards the scene of the "picnic" by the all too eager Wistaria. Their shared trip across the nearby wilderness was not as long as one might expect, lasting only a few minutes before the destination was reached. Getting her arm back halfway was a good thing, being dragged across the place like that was more suited to guiding children than leading adult women around.

The place where they ended up after the alraune's instructions was a scene of serene beauty somewhere near the riverbank. It was almost unbelievable when compared to what the surroundings had been just a few moments ago, all that human-caused violence against the best of nature. The shrine maiden had seen the beauty of nature during the two years of hermitry in the woods, and had grown to like it even more than she had before. Among this scenery, Wistaria set up the place of their picnic, a surprising array of things appearing from the seemingly empty wicker basket. Most of it was fruit and vegetable items, but there was some fish in there as well. It appeared the basket was magical in many ways, being more than a mere conjured bauble for the plant woman to carry as a scene-wise accessory.

When the cup was offered, Tomoe took it in her hands with a sign of acceptance. "Well... It is much more than I imagined..." she replied to the question, the sudden normality of the situation somewhat confusing her.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 74, PP = 48, EP = 70, Status = Fine

The alraune beamed at having overcome Tomoe's expectations. She eagerly filled the shrine maiden's clay container to the brim with the red liquid before turning her attentions to her own cup. A sniff revealed that it smelled very fruity. The juice was quite cold, as well, despite the lack of ice in the pitcher. "Well? Dig in! You're probably hungry after your little adventure!" Wistaria proclaimed with a gentle smile. And, indeed, the warrior priestess had free pick when it came to her meal. Her picnicking partner awaited her choice anxiously.

Around that time, a pair of birds fluttered onto the branch of the tree and began to chirp a frantic little song. The two swiveled their heads to and fro with a sense of nervousness that came natural to avian-kind. Frequently, their eyes fixed on the cooked fish before glancing at the two women sharing the picnic. The little birds were obviously weighing the odds of snatching a small portion of the meal and making off without being caught.

Their visit distracted Wistaria enough that she stopped watching Tomoe and picked up a cherry. The alraune absentmindedly popped it into her mouth and, after a bit of oral maneuvering, extended her tongue, showcasing the cherry and its newly tied stem on the tip of the graceful appendage. She wore nothing but a provocative look and a faint blush as she looked directly at Tomoe, the results of her efforts on the cherry hinting at what else she could do.

The teasing only lasted for a moment, as she plucked the stem out with thumb and forefinger and contentedly chewed at the little red fruit. After she had finished the morsel, she took a drink of the mystery fruit liquid that she had provided, issuing a contented sigh when she had finished drawing from her cup. The peaceful silence was broken in short order, though, after Wistaria's little show. "So, you met House Dreslin on the road, I take it," she abruptly brought up. The plant-woman had asked in a tone more serious than any that the miko had heard her use up until that point.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

This event, what actually just might end up being only a picnic, started off with some further awkwardness and hesitation from Tomoe's side of the party. But something in Wistaria's ever-smirky look, the friendly words and the juice that ended up in her cup eventually removed the worst of it. Whatever it actually was, the liquid had a good smell and nothing really suspicious about it, so the miko eventually started sipping it. And once it was encouraged, she started to pick up random things here and there, little bit of this and some of that.

Among the eating, there was a pair of curious birds nearby, checking out the picnic and most likely wanting to take part in the eating with their own ways. Not wanting to dissappoint them, the priestess chucked a few bits and pieces of fish and fruits to the side, some distance away from them so the birdies could take part without having to resort to sneaking. Having secured the mealtime for those two, Tomoe turned back to her provider, only to see her perform a trick with the stem of the cherry she had picked. Despite the clear suggestive nature of the gesture, the easterner was somewhat impressed by the alraune's skill. "Hehe, that is impressive in it's own way." she admitted freely.

Once Wistaria had gotten her cherry eaten and chugged some further drink, there was a slight silence which was over fast once she decided to inquire about the happenings a few moments past. "If you are talking about those bigoted, xenophobic men that we came across, then yes. There was a whole field of torn-apart heads and bodies on pikes that lined the paths. We met a group after meeting the satyr, and the encounter turned into a battle right there. We managed to cut down their commander and the knights, causing the remaining soldiers to kill themselves or flee. We still intend to get a group of forest dwellers free from their base, I promised... how did you say it... Mr Goat that we'd help with that." the shrine maiden gave a brief story about what had just happened, believing that this alraune was not going to do anything with the information.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 74, PP = 48, EP = 70, Status = Fine

Tomoe determined that the liquid had a very sweet taste. It wasn't just one fruit, though. She could determine that there was a bit of apple and orange in it. There was even a hint of pineapple in the mystery concoction. There were a few other similarly sugary tastes, but they were faint in comparison to the main three and difficult to determine.

After the shrine maiden had concluded, her alraune host responded with a short nod, at first. She looked at the shrine maiden with a hint of remorse. "It is truly a shame that you had to witness their work," she said, still serious. "Supposedly, they were refugees of one of the noble houses of Badaria. Their estate was torched and many of the members of their house were slain or turned. The rest fled and took up here. They've founded their own little kingdom, complete with all the dread and ruthlessness of old Badaria." A frown creased the wisteria-haired woman as she spoke of it.

Abruptly, Wistaria blinked twice and her expression became one of consideration. She looked to Tomoe. "Well, I say supposedly, but the fey have their ways of finding these things out," she offered, thoughtfully. "What is a mystery is who leads them." The, suddenly very serene, plant-woman offered the miko a pleasant look. "If you're off to save unfortunates from their clutches, that's all the reason to eat and drink more! Enjoy yourself, Amaryllis-chan! It's important to relax before such an undertaking!" The green woman moved to pour more of the liquid into Tomoe's cup.

When the shrine maiden found the clay-ware filled to the brim yet again, Wistaria returned the pitcher to the blanket. She looked at the miko with a blush and a grin and offered, teasingly; "Of course, I could help you relax even better~"

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

The two of them carried on with the drinking and eating and talking, some of the things used in the mystery liquid becoming apparent to the shrine maiden as she tasted the drink, each sip bringing some new bit of to light. Even so, a few ingredients remained as enigmatic as before, their slight sugary tastes not really familiar to Tomoe's tastebuds.

The alraune's explanations revealed that the human group had been a former noble house, now refugees in their own lands and attempting to act out their dreams of tyranny in the wilderness. "Hm, even if they are refugees, that is no excuse to their foul blasphemies against other beings." the shrine maiden shared her own mind, being quite open about it while she wondered about the mystery leader. This was without any doubt the same person who had lured all those men into being bandits at the roads they had visited the other day. Still, there was a hope in the easterner's mind that they didn't have to deal with him. There was a very distinct possibility that the leader was even mightier than their group and had a swathe of others with him. Such undertakings might be way over their power.

Even without Wistaria's suggestion, Tomoe was picking up the various foodstuffs at not too hasty interwalls. Despite being hungry and having the things offered to her, she still didn't want to seem rude by eating too fast. With her cup full of the juice again, there was another undoubtedly lewd offer being sent her way. This was met with a degree of awkward blushiness. "No thank you, I'm quite fine like this..."


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 74, PP = 48, EP = 70, Status = Drugged! [+4 PP damage taken, 4d12 Resistance Damage per Round], Grappled
Tomoe has, unfortunately, missed two hidden perception checks to detect it, but her drink was spiked!
Tomoe takes resistance damage! She's at 13/41 resistance.

Wistaria glomps Tomoe!
Attack: Hit. Tomoe is grappled.

Tomoe's response garnered her a frown from her picnic partner. "I'm sorry to hear that, Amaryllis-chan," Wistaria said, sounding very sincere. She sat in silence as Tomoe at her fill. A rueful expression was plain on the alraune's face. "I wouldn't normally do this but it's been so long. I've tried not to give into my instincts. I've tried to help travelers. But it's so hard when you adventurers come through. Rugged, handsome men and athletic, shapely women, both so alluring. It takes so much willpower not to jump them and fill the world with seedlings. And then you came along and I couldn't stand it anymore. I tried to do things consensually, because that's what the faeries taught me. You're not interested in me and I respect that. But I'm sorry, I can't hold back anymore, Tomoe-chan, I have to have you~"

In the midst of her host's rambling, the miko realized something grim; she had been drugged! A sudden pang of heat flared through her body, making her feel like she was on fire. Her clothes felt itchy and constraining, it took extreme concentration to prevent herself from tearing them away. A need to be filled emanated from her netherlips. Every touch felt amplified, the mere shifting of her clothes across her skin was maddening. If she didn't do something soon, her mind would become a slave to the sensations of the drug until it wore off.

To make matters worse, the alraune tackle-hugged the warrior priestess while she was coping with the sensations, pinning her arms to the ground. The alraune's soft, plant-like skin rubbed against Tomoe and, combined with the drug, only made her predicament worse. The miko had no doubt that she was stronger than Wistaria, if she was willing to use her full strength on the perverted plant, but it would be a matter of pushing her off and ridding herself of the debilitating lust drug before it was too late, which might be only moments away. The feeling of tentacles brushing against the warrior-priestess's inner thigh, through her clothing, left no doubt as to what would come next if she was unsuccessful, though. "Lay back and I'll make you feel real good, Tomoe-chan~! I can't let you go into danger without a parting good luck fuck, can I~? You can save me from loneliness and I'll save you from chastity, it'll be a fair deal~!"

By the way the Wistaria had continued to rant and rave, it seemed unlikely that she was going to listen to reason. Tomoe would have to find another method of escape if she didn't want to find out exactly how much of a frenzy her former picnic partner was in.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe's response was met with sincerety and a frowny expression at first, but that was only the start of what was going to happen next. As the confession about the lust and the desire towards her finished, a familiar feeling returned to the shrine maiden. She had dealt with this shameful condition before, two years ago, in that fateful tower rescue operation. Back then, it was handled in respectful and considerate ways. This time, it might not go that way unless the miko got rid off her stalker and found some lonely spot where she could fight the poisoning from the drink. Even then, it would likely end in a dirty manner, the near-total coverage of her clothing not really helping in such a situation.

But the whole scene was only getting worse in a hurry, the next move by the horny Wistaria being another hug-tackle that caught Tomoe completely off guard when her mind was more focused on preventing the sudden, invasive heat and dirty thoughts. With the deception she had been subjected to now revealed, there was no hesitation to hold the priestess back. Despite her earlier courtesies and good behaviour, such sneak attacks weren't something that the alraune was allowed to. "You will not get your way, you perverted fiend! My purity is not something I'll hand over to deceiving cowards without a fight!" the busty miko yelled at her supposed picnic partner, struggling against the grip with her potent strenght. She could use her power while grappling, but it would ultimately be of little conscience as the aura didn't help her with these close-range wrestling matches and the slight resistance boost would only be so effective against the poisoning. Not really seeing any other way around it, she attemted to apply a knee or foot to the opposition, not wanting to give up despite the apparent grimness of the situation.



Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 74, PP = 48, EP = 70, Status = Drugged! [+8 PP damage taken, 4d12 Resistance Damage per Round], Aroused
Grapple: Tomoe wins and escapes the grapple.
Aphrodisiac: 15 damage! Tomoe is aroused!

Her alraune assailant seemed shocked by the miko's words and hesitated to tighten her grip. Tomoe used the opportunity to deliver a knee to Wistaria's groin, which was apparently quite painful as the, temporarily cross-eyed, plant woman issued a yelp and rolled off of the Easterner, clutching her groin. The warrior-priestess managed to scramble to her feet as her attacker recovered and pushed herself up to her own feet, unsteadily.

"I'm sorry, Tomoe-chan. I'm really sorry. But I can't hold back my instincts any longer. I need to fill you with seedlings~" The apologetic woman began to advance on the dark-haired maiden, even as she spoke. Another pang of heat coursed through the miko's body, her arousal was getting worse. Before long her resistance would crumble; her body already felt weaker for the potent aphrodisiac. While, at full strength, she wouldn't have any problem defeating the alraune mage, the continued weakening of her body was making that less and less likely. She would either have to claim victory or flee soon, or Tomoe would find herself at Wistaria's whim.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

The harsh words had an effect on Wistaria, and this brought an opening that the miko decided to capitalize on. "Sorry!" she prematurely announced the punt, knocking the alraune off with a brutal crotch-shot. Quickly rolling away, Tomoe clambered onto her slightly shakey feet, managing to somehow ease the situation.

Now on her feet, the shrine maiden felt somewhat better. But regardless, the feelings within her delightful form were getting unbearably hot and bothersome. The moisture between her legs had most likely soaked totally through that tiny undergarment that she wore. But the feelings would not get the better from her, that was sure. Drawing her blade, the priestess began to back off from the planty assailant, trying to maintain a battle stance despite her burning body. "No... I am not some flowerbed for you to use..." she called out to the alraune, her form shivering with each backstep. Despite the obvious threat against her chastity, Tomoe was not willing to outright attack Wistaria. The green lady had healed her friends and offered her a nice meal after all, she did not deserve to be killed like this. Still, she would cut at the alraune if she approached too close, trying her best to not slash too deeply.

(Draw sword and back away, dissuade any approach with feints)


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 74, PP = 48, EP = 70, Status = Drugged! [+12 PP damage taken], Horny
Tomoe takes 36 resistance damage! Ouch! 5/41 remaining.

Wistaria, unfortunately, does not approach. Instead she pollen shots in Tomoe's general direction.
Attack: Hit.
Resistance: Wistaria wins. Tomoe is now horny.

The alraune frowned at Tomoe as the shrine maiden took several steps away from her. She obviously did not dare directly approaching the skilled miko while Kuchinawa was in her grasp. Unfortunately for Tomoe, she didn't have to. Wistaria took a deep breath, her cheeks puffing out, and then blew, all before the defensive woman even had time to react to the motions. Purple spores erupted from her mouth and her crown of flowers, creating a lavender-colored cloud. The shrine maiden did her best to avoid it, to fan it away with her sword, but she couldn't keep it all at bay. Some of the pollen found its way into Tomoe's lungs. Her eyes watered, her nose itched terribly, but neither of those were the worst effects.

Need coursed through the shrine maiden's veins as the pollen circulated through her system. The only feeling that came close was the sensations she had felt during the tower incident, so long ago, but Wistaria's pollen was affecting her even worse than that had. Her body was urging her to tear off her clothes and approach the flower-crowned plant-woman, regardless of her mind's opinion. Wistaria obviously knew the effect her attack had on the miko, as she confidently strode toward the violently aroused Easterner. Her hips swayed in a hypnotizing manner as she approached, and Tomoe would find that it was easier to think about watching her hips than it was to pick up a sword against Wistaria. "Let me offer you some relief, Tomoe-chan~" she purred seductively, even though the faint traces of a frown were still present on her face.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

The lenght of sharpened steel that Tomoe held between them was enough of a deterrent to keep the tricksy alraune from approaching, who knew fully not to get close as it might prove to be a painful experience. But there was something about the skills and abilities of alraune that the heavily aroused shrine maiden had forgotten. It was brought back to her memory after a few seconds spent on backtracking, the purple dust-type cloud that was blown her way being composed of millions of lust-spores that Wistaria produced in her plant body. With her hampered ability and movement speed, there was no way for the priestess to avoid the pollen shot.

With the dissipation of the spore cloud, the situation dived straight to Hell from the previous, simply precarious situation. With the pollen in her system, the last vestiges of any resistance left Tomoe's over-drugged body. To these sensations there would most likely be no real way out besides the thing that the miko most feared. She would have to give herself to this assailant, everything else seemed to be out from her current abilities as the hellish lust tormented her. Almost falling to her knees from a particularly potent pang of hornyness, the easterner manages to keep herself on one knee only by sticking the point of Kuchinawa against the ground and leaning against it. She didn't manage to give a reply to Wistaria, not wanting to meet her gaze anyways in this shameful condition, staying down on the leaning position instead. Even as the alraune approached, there was a level of patting action as the feverish woman tried to touch herself through the constricting robes. "Why..." Tomoe managed to mutter before the lust took her focus again.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 74, PP = 48, EP = 70, Status = Drugged! [+12 PP damage taken], Horny

"Oh, Tomoe..." Wistaria sighed with a small frown as she continued to sway toward the warrior-priestess. "I wanted you consensually, but I knew I'd never have you that way after our little picnic. Knowing what you'll be facing when you return, I couldn't let you go without this, in case you fell at the hands of the humans and I never saw you again. I will have broken much and more for my actions today, and, believe it or not, I am sorry for how I've gone about it."

The flower-crowned woman stopped and muttered something under her breath. In the back of Tomoe's lust-addled mind she realized it was an incantation, but there was little she could do as it took effect. Vine-like tendrils sprouted from the ground, where previously there had been only grass, and began to grow. There were at least a dozen of the fibrous tentacles, most of which slithered around her legs, body, and arms and constricted her ability to move. Before long, however, she could feel exertion on her sensitive body, as she was lifted into the air.

"You may never forgive me for this; I can understand that. But, before we're done here, you will know what it is to have taken a lover. And I promise I'll be gentle... mostly." The alraune continued to watch with unrestrained lust as the free tendrils began to tug at Tomoe's clothing. Her body was too weakened to put up a real fight, due to the drug, Her shrine maiden garb was slowly removed, one by one, being pulled off of her trembling limbs and dropped in a pile at her feet, by her well-coordinated tentacle prison. More force was put on her body by the vine-like things, and she felt her legs forced to spread and allow the wisteria-haired looker a full view of her maiden sex. Even as the perverted plant watched her with shimmering eyes, Tomoe's arms were bound behind her back, though it was more a formality by that point.

Wistaria sashayed toward the warrior-priestess, her own tentacles at full attention behind her. A green hand reached out casually to brush at Tomoe's labia, and a finger deftly probed her depths. The plant gave the drugged woman a strange look. "You really are a maiden, huh? Well, don't worry, I'm going to let you keep that for the person you love~ Besides, I remember your butt being nice and cushioned~ As Wistaria withdrew her finger, the autonomous tentacles she had summoned began to wrap around the shrine maiden's stiffened nipples, two small tendrils flicking at her peaks.

When Tomoe next looked at the alraune, she realized that the woman had put some distance between the two again. Wistaria's violation of the miko was carried out entirely by proxy of the vines she had summoned, for the moment, as she circled the warrior-priestess, watching her every reaction. That wasn't to say that the wisteria-haired woman kept herself entirely free, as one of her own tentacles slid between her own lips and she licked at the phallic thing with muffled moans.

Another of the tentacles that was assailing Tomoe moved between her legs, a relatively small one in comparison to the others that had tightly restrained her. It began to teasingly rub between her lower lips, brushing against her sensitive clit and coaxing the little nub out. With the combination of the drugs and the ministrations upon her breasts and sex, it wasn't too long until its goal was in sight. The strange little tentacle pulled back and split into four, like an unusual mouth, revealing red bumps and nodules along its length. There was little time to consider what they were for before it lashed forward and latched itself on the woman's sensitive clitty. A sudden suction on her jewel overwhelmed the priestess's every nerve.

The ones molesting her breasts followed the example, opening up and latching onto her nipples. The suction on her breasts and groin, combined with the effects of the aphrodisiac, were entirely too much for the inexperienced miko to bear. And they continued with unthinking, flawless precision, at no point allowing the woman a reprieve. Tomoe was locked into a pleasure hell until her body finally surrendered, and she had orgasmed from her vine assailants.

As she recovered from her peak, the warrior-priestess would, should she look up, realize that Wistaria had finally began to approach her. The saliva-covered tentacle that she had formerly held in her mouth waved in the air, almost leading the way. And, once the distance had been closed, pressed in against the miko's lips, dripping thick, sugary blue syrup down Tomoe's jaw. "Wasn't that fun? Now let's try again, together~" Wistaria announced, and the suction returned, stronger than before...

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

As Wistaria approached, the lust-addled Tomoe couldn't manage to hold on to her blade anymore, focusing her attention purely towards touching herself throught the robes. The alraune maintained her characteristic talkiness as she approached, talking about her concerns and offering apologies. Most of the stuff went totally past the miko's attention, the caress of her own two hands feeling unbearably desirable, even with the shrine uniform there to hamper the touching. This same thing kept her from putting up any resistance or attempts of escape, leaving the plant woman free to invoke her spell as the priestess tried to clear her clouded mind to no avail. Soon, a slight rustling sound signalled what was to come, the plantlife in the immidiate vicinity gaining a growth spurt and springing into action at Wistaria's command. With their newfound mobility, the flora performed their mistress' request, coiling all over the shapely form that their "mistress" desired. In almost no time at all, the shrine maiden was restrained into near immobility and picked up from the ground.

Reduced to near helplessness, there was little Tomoe could do as the vine-tentacles undressed her, much to Wistaria's delight. "A lover..." the idea flashed pleasurably in the miko's mind as she heard it, even as it went against her dedication. Even the slight brushes of vine against her skin produced further desires to be touched, the drug-induced lust reaching unbearable heights. An odd touch against the skin of her sizeably breasts, intense even as it was simply the removal of her chest wrap. With the last bit removed as the priestess' tiny undies were removed, she was rendered completely exposed as the workers squeezed her limbs a bit tighter, forcing her limbs out of the way for the alraune's convenience. There really was no reason for tugging her arms behind her back, maybe it was a simple case of better safe than sorry. The rest of the feelings that had plagued Tomoe during her undressing were easily topped as the plant lady layed hands on her for the first time, going as far as testing out how she felt inside, drawing a semi-stiffled moan as a result. The comment about her maiden status somewhat eased the miko's mind, but it was only for a second or two as the reminder about her bum brought the concern right back. That hole, it was not meant for such activities.

But the thoughts of hole usability were once more pushed aside as the starters of the upcoming stretch of activities began to happen. It was only minor touches on her nipples at first, the wiry vines tugging and caressing them in a most pleasurable manner as Wistaria still sticked to observing, taking her time and witnessing the reactions of her captive from many different angles. She even went as far as giving herself oral joy with one of the tentacles that sprouted from her form, lewdly licking at the thing as she witnessed the whimpers that most likely would be called cute that the captive shrine maiden was making. No doubt it was something she was expecting.

While this was going on, another thinner tentacle specimen sneaked itself into the scene, sliding across the already dripping area between Tomoe's shapely legs. It was a determined effort, the cause for it soon apparent as the tip formed into a curious, flower-like mouth that darted forward to reach it's objective. This happened to be the priestess' clit, which all the previous teasing had brought out quite fast. The sudden grab and suction brought onto the nub was a stunning experience, bringing with it a rush of pleasure that every little nerve in that beautiful body felt. Temporarily letting go, the breast teasers went through a similar development, forming their pleasuring mouths and latching onto those plump orbs with the same tenacity as the one down below. Co-ordinating their efforts, the vines brought a searing pleasure that Tomoe had never experienced before with their application of suction into her sensitive areas. The ecstasic pleasure kept on rolling through the priestess' form, driving her into a momentarily blankness of mind as a tsunami-like wave stormed all over her, the limits of her body eventually caving in under the non-stop pleasure.

Trying to catch her breath after the second orgasm in her 22 years of life, the easterner was soon approached by Wistaria again, this time in a more close manner. The tentacle she had been sucking on for most of the time was now placed against Tomoe's lips, a somewhat familiar-looking liquid dripping from it. It was curious, the blue stuff reminded her about the fateful encounter with Maya two years back, the happening that had been the prelude to the tower incident. Despite offering no answer, there was no doubt in the miko's mind that it had been "fun" in some weird application of the word. Not initially too sure about wanting to take the prodding thing into her mouth, it seemed almost impossible as the suction started once more, somehow managing to up the pleasure level even higher and making the shapely woman moan loudly as her sensitive bits were used again. Keeping her mouth open, Tomoe hoped that the syrup would be as sweet and nice it had been when the catgirl had offered a similar thing. There was most likely no way to avoid these things now.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 74, PP = 48, EP = 70, Status = Drugged! [+12 PP damage taken], Horny

The priestess found that the tentacle's thrust into her mouth was anything but gentle. It took effort not to gag on the invader as it attempted to lodge itself deep within the shrine maiden's throat. As the blue syrupy substance trickled down into her stomach, she discovered that it was not merely similar to what the catgirl had offered her so many years ago, it was exactly the same.

"Sorry~" Wistaria whispered in equal parts apology and lustful mewl, as she withdrew the offending appendage and allowed the miko to take in a few breaths of air. "I'll try to be more gentle~" The emphasis on 'try' was very easy to notice as the vine-like tendril began to piston itself into the warrior-priestess's mouth with little concern for her well-being. The texture was very bumpy and lined with nodules as it slid itself against her tongue, but without roughness. The taste of the tentaclecock orally violating her was almost nonexistent, and whatever hint flavor was easily overpowered by the sugary thick syrup that oozed out of it in copious amounts.

But there was no distraction great enough, not even the enthusiastic tentacle or the flavor it imparted, to keep her mind from the autonomous vines still at work on her body. The one firmly latched to her clit began to vibrate and suck, threatening to drive her mind into blankness from over-stimulation, and the ones attached to her soft mounds had followed suit. The drugs ensured that, despite her earlier orgasm, her body was quickly approaching another peak.

With everything else going on, Tomoe could be forgiven from being too distracted to notice where Wistaria's hands were going, at least until she felt soft, green fingers caressing her lower lips. One of the alraune's hands had dived for Tomoe's cunny and gently rubbed at her, constantly threatening to penetrate her with a finger but never doing so. The crowned plant's left hand went for one of the Easterner's rounded buttocks, playfully swatting at it. "What a naughty–" Wistaria moaned lewdly, her train of thought interrupted as her tentacle buried itself especially far behind Tomoe's lips and withdrew in order to repeat the motion "–naughty miko. Coming all over unthinking vines like that," the plant teasingly scolded as she continued to lightly spank her restrained partner, allowing the cracks of plant smacking flesh to be heard by any who might be nearby.

A second orgasm had begun to steadily close in on the shrine maiden, as Wistaria managed to rub at her crotch, spank her, shove a tentacle down her throat, and molest her through her magical vines all at once in a stunning display of multitasking, when the horny alraune announced her own impending climax. "Don't worry, little amaryllis, I'm going to give you what you really want," she teased. "Starting now~" Wistaria trailed off in a long, drawn out moan as her tentacle rammed itself as far past Tomoe's jaw as it could. It bulged to such an extent that she couldn't dislodge it from her mouth as large quantities of the syrup began to fire out of the tendril in such an excessive amount that the miko felt like she was choking on it. The suctions, vibrations, and myriad of other sensations upon her drugged body forced her into her second orgasm even as she battled for precious gulps of oxygen between gulps of the blue syrup. Simply trying not to pass out quickly became a difficult struggle as mind-shattering pleasure blew through her body with enough power to make her tremble and shake.

But the alraune seemed intent on making the miko accept every drop of her seed, despite her difficulties. Even as Tomoe struggled in her battle for air, Wistaria's other tentacles poised themselves around the woman and fired streams of the stuff onto her hair and body, temporarily painting large swaths of the drugged girl blue. It went on for the better half of a minute before the alraune's excessive peak died down and she withdrew the tendril in order to allow the shrine maiden to breathe freely again. But with the way Wistaria's golden eyes stared at her, Tomoe could be sure that there was more to come, and the words that followed confirmed it. "I think foreplay is over, let's get to the real fun now~" she drunkenly giggled as her tentacles waved through the air and approached the miko menacingly.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

The whole mouthpokery deal turned out to be harsh, something that the miko had been unprepared of. The tentacle cock seemed intent on using her rather deeply, seeking the back of Tomoe's throat which triggered a gag reflex in her. The brief deposit of the blue stuff confirmed the easterner's suspicion, revealing it to be the exact same thing that Maya had offered as a thanks to her own teatime foods. This caused a brief consideration about what that catgirl really enjoyed in life, but it was soon forgotten as the violator backed away, allowing for normal breathing again. Taking her opportunity to have some air, the shrine maiden heard Wistaria talking again, picking up the obvious hints of not really trying from the tone of her voice. And before she could say anything against it, the thick plant member was already back inside her mouth, ramming away at it's leasure. Even with this unpleasantness and the priestess' usual inhibitions, the drugs and the sweet syrup combined with the precise, ceaseless application of suction and vibration made the whole thing feel overwhelmingly pleasant. Another climax seemed inevitable at this rate, not that the abused and restrained miko had anything against it. Getting a release would be a brief break from the constant pleasure that she was subjected to.

Along the way, Wistaria had decided to play some herself as well, molesting Tomoe's virgin flower with her hand. It was a constant tease at going for a penetration, but the act never really happened as the alraune kept teasing. And as if all the current humiliation was not enough, the plant lady started smacking at the shrine maiden's nicely round butt, playfully berating her captive as she did so. "How could I not... with this vile liquid... clouding my mind and burning my body..." she replied in thought as getting the answer across in words was impossible with the current events, a bumpy thing sliding back and forth inside her mouth. The thought of being heard or seen was pretty strongly in Tomoe's mind as well, the butt-spanking slaps being quite easily audible.

Soon, the action began to pick up as the priestess herself started to near a second climax, the words from the talky alraune signalling the start of a much nastier phase in the grand scene. Following an almost wailing sound of pleasure from Wistaria, the oral invader pushed in as much as it possibly could, furthering the discomfort of the harsh push my bulging out and nearly blocking Tomoe's throat with it's girth. The gushing blue syrup didn't make the whole event any easier, and this showed on the priestess' face, her eyes almost rolling back as she tried in vain to pull away. It was of no avail, the girth of the invader preventing the act completely. But the drugs did not dissappoint, their effects enabling the easterner to receive another explosive climax within short notice, the discomfort being somehow showed to the side by all the pleasure that she was being subjected to. Even as the orgasm shook her, the miko tried to struggle some more, the feeling of choking getting distressing as the rest of Wistaria's wiggling tentacle-vines arranged themselves into a neat formation around her. Streams of syrup began to erupt from them, bringing with them yet another form of humiliation as the stuff was deposited onto Tomoe's abused yet beautiful form, making her rather colorful.

After all the syrup stopped flying, the choking finally stopped as the mouth rapist deflated and withdrew. Too weary for words, the used shrine maiden focused her efforts fully into trying to catch her breath after that painfully long gagfest. Still, it seemed they were not done yet. "Fore... play... no more..." she once again thought, not really having the will to bring it out in verbal form as the third stage was poised to begin.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 74, PP = 48, EP = 70, Status = Sort-of Fine

"Hehe, I think you missed some," Wistaria offered in the form of a sultry whisper. Before Tomoe had any opportunity to inquire as to what she might have meant, the alraune's tongue brushed across her breast, lapping up some of the blue syrup that had coated her. With a forceful push forward, the miko found herself being kissed by the lustful plant, and having more of the sugary sweetness forced down her maw. Yet, the wisteria-haired woman didn't let up, even as she began to roll her finger across the plant cum-covered woman and coated it in the stuff.

Wistaria's tongue continued to assault the shrine maiden's own, as she felt the plant woman begin to follow through on her earlier suggestion. Her buttocks were spread by her partner's roving hands, and a lubricated finger poised itself against her pucker. And, as she felt it slide in and begin to tickle her insides, gently at first, her mouth remained dominated by the crowned plant. Her nerves felt ablaze, even with the dirtiness of the act, thanks in large part to the drug that she had been slipped.

As she began to loosen up after several moments of her partner tickling her insides, the perverted plant finally pulled away from her. The finger left her rear as Wistaria's tentacles rubbed against her body, coating themselves in blue. Tomoe could see them leaving her line of sight, no doubt forming a line around her vulnerable backside. Then, she could feel one pushing closer to the plant's target, pressing her cheeks apart with determination. "Hee~" the alraune spoke with a wide grin. And with a gentle push, Tomoe's anal virginity was claimed. "Ahh~" the flowery woman moaned, and by the way she tensed, the shrine maiden would be forgiven in thinking that she was about to cum. "Sooo tight~ It feels like you're going to pinch it right off~"

However, it turned out that Wistaria had a bit more stamina than that, as the tentacle began to slowly piston the shrine maiden's depths. It was as gentle as her finger had been, though noticeably wider. Even at its slow pace, the bumps and nodules on the tentaclecock stimulated nerves that the miko may have never known she had before that day. As if on queue, the warrior-priestess felt the assault on her nipples and clitty resume. This time, the thirsty vines began to slide up and down on her stiff nubs, their plant jaws splitting in four different directions in order to facilitate the motions on their small targets. She could feel suction and vibrations and tiny bumps all at work on her most sensitive areas, even as the vine-like appendage slowly violated her ass.

But even with the drugs and the myriad of feelings at work on her, it looked as if she would outlast Wistaria. The plant-woman's eyes had glazed over; her hands absently pinched at her nipples as moans erupted from her mouth. The suspicion was proven correct as her noises became more frantic. Finally, she lost herself in a long groan as her tentacles tensed she released her load in and on Tomoe, yet again. It wasn't over, though, as soon as Wistaria had recovered, the first tentacle withdrew itself from the miko and a second took its place. That one managed to see the Easterner reach another peak.

And on her third peak, neither the suction nor Wistaria stopped. The alraune's thrusts became frenzied as the act continued to its logical conclusion and she orgasmed again, leaving Tomoe even more of a mess. The second tentacle was replaced by the third, the autonomous vines never stopping, and both women came again. Her fourth was introduced and the cycle continued. It was only after what was perceivably an eternity of repeated climaxes and plant cum to the two that Wistaria withdrew her sixth and final tentacle from the miko's battered rear, panting as she did so.

She backed away a few feet and ssat down raggedly, leaving Tomoe suspended from the vines. Seconds passed in silence before she finally regarded the hanging woman, who was now more blue than anything else. "I think..." she said between haggard breaths, "that it's time the boys get a turn with you. It's only fair after what they've done for you~" And again, before Tomoe could raise a question, the answer was presented for her, as one of the vines holding her slithered off of her limbs and poised at her sphincter. Wistaria grinned mischievously as it pressed in and the cycle continued until Tomoe had finally passed out.


When she finally awoke, the sun was setting. The shrine maiden found herself covered in leaves, almost as if they were a quilt. Perhaps surprisingly, they were quite warm and snug. She felt quite clean, obviously the alraune had bathed her before making her comfortable.

An investigation of her surroundings would reveal to the miko that beside her rested her sword, a jar of blue syrup, and a note, and that Wistaria was nowhere in sight. Unfortunately, neither were her clothes, and she could feel that she was very much naked underneath the fallen leaves.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

No, there really would be no respite at the current time. Wistaria made that much clear as she approached, picking up on a minor detail to allow herself another go at Tomoe. How one speck of the suryp was so important was somewhat weird as the stuff was already covering up a good deal of the shrine maiden's beautiful form, but that didn't stop the plant lady from coming in with a deep kiss while she spread the liquid stain on the breast like some skin lotion. It was most likely just the fact that she wanted to have some feel on the soft mound. The poking at her boobie was not the thing that had the miko worried though, as there was an alarming amount of things happening at her rearhole. Since there was no real need to use her hands, the alraune was doing some further multitasking and spreading up those round buttcheeks for an initial finger insertion. Tomoe herself had very little to say on the matter besides a tiny moan of sorts as the digit poked in and tickled around some, she was still pretty much dominated on the oral department as well. This act was meant to ease up the incoming penetration, or so the easterner thought as the scene went on.

The suspicion proved to be correct. After spending a few minutes on kissing and poking, Wistaria eventually witdrew from the act, instead bringing those plant-tentacles of hers to the forefront of the assault. A brief rub against the abused body of Tomoe followed, allowing the vine things to get themselves some color before they moved on, out from the priestess' vision and most likely downstairs. The sudden poke at her rear entry made the miko stiffen up, but that didn't stop the incoming tentacle from entering, which it did with considerable gentleness compared to the previous oral invasion that had happened just moments before. It was a curious thing, making the unexperienced girl somewhat unsure how she should be feeling as there was some totally new spots of sensitivity in the penetrated hole. Wistaria herself seemed to be enjoying it immensely, looking and sounding like she would be releasing in a matter of seconds. But the alraune had more durability than that, most likely the result of having done things like this a lot in the past. And as it had been before, the grabby vine-tentacle-mouths set upon the shrine maiden's more sensitive bits with their fondling suction once more, turning this into a form of endurance competition between the two different women. Even with her inexperience and the outside fondlers helping, Tomoe managed to beat the plant lady at her game, receiving a buttful of suryp as her reward. The stuff was sprayed onto her rear outside as well, not that it really added to the already large amounts of blue already painting the miko. The victory was brief though, for the priestess herself climaxed yet again after the second vine-tentacle pushed itself inside her backdoor. Most likely it was the result of the other massages, there was doubt in her drugged mind that even in this condition, she could achieve a release from such filthy activity.

From there, it seemed to turn into a blur of automated activities. Each of the six plant tentacles would recieve a turn at the hole, leaving only after there had been a climax and even more paint to color the well-used shrine maiden body. Both ladies were receiving quick climaxes along the way, the ones from Wistaria dictating the pace of the scene. Only after all her little ones had had their turn did the alraune back off, ending the constant stream of of orgasms and plant juices that had marked the advancement of the scene. But as she sit down in a minor daze, the plant lady had another announcement to make. Still held in the captivity of the animated vines, Tomoe herself couldn't do much against them as they too entered into the fray. One after another, those too started drilling themselves into the miko rear that had already been penetrated six times. The shrine maiden herself passed out after a few more fuckings, leaving the exact number of penetrations that followed to remain a mystery.

At sunset, an ache in her rear awoke Tomoe from her sleep. A quick and nervous look around later, she found herself alone and naked under a blanket of leaves. There was no sign of her still being covered in the suryp, which was something of a relief. It was an awkward moment, even if she was alone. Briefly, she wanted to break out in tears, the whole scene still remaining firmly in her mind, but the miko wanted to remain strong and pushed the thoughts away. The lack of her clothes was still something she did not like, it would be extremely awkward to go back to her friends in such a state. Still, there was the note, which she reached for. Only after reading that would she pick up Kuchinawa and the bottle and prepare to leave towards the spot where her companions hopefully still were.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 74, PP = 48, EP = 70, Status = Sort-of Fine

The note, she discovered, smelled faintly of flowers. As she unfolded it, she found that it had been drafted in tidy little handwriting and that it was, indeed, from Wistaria.

Dear Tomoe,

I'm sorry that I had to leave you alone in your state, but after what happened, I thought it was best if you didn't see me when you woke up. I'm sorry that our picnic came the conclusion that it did, even if I would give everything up to be given that opportunity again with a willing amaryllis-chan. Maybe one day. A bloom can dream, right?

But for now, I will hide myself from your sight in shame at my actions. Ink is a woefully short resource in the middle of nowhere, so I must be succinct. I have left you with a bottle of what you humans seem to like to call shorn syrup – don't worry, it's fresh. I've mixed it specially for you. If you ever need assistance, simply drink it down and I'll know where you are and what's troubling you. Be warned, my help comes at a price. Should we meet again in such a capacity, I will require that you bear a few seedlings for my service.

Be careful when you go to battle the humans, dear amaryllis. Watch for their king's swordarm, most of all. As well, be wary of the cliffs at night, dangerous spiders live in the rivers below the bridge I last met you at. I hope to see you again one day, but not in the capacity of healer.

Forever Amaryllis-chan's,

P.S. Your clothes were swept away in the river when I went to wash them. Sorry about that!

Tomoe retrieved her sword and the syrup without delay. She could, of course, attempt to retrieve her clothes from the waters, though she'd have to follow the river and it was impossible to say whether they might have caught on a rock or simply washed away, or even how long it had been. Beyond that, it would be unnecessarily dangerous, given Wistaria's warning about what lurked above those waters. Still, it might save her a little face with her companions. Otherwise, she could simply return to Kei, the satyr, and Shenron in the nude.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

The note was quickly scanned through, Tomoe finding it a bit weird but still seeing why the plant lady had written it. The whole thing seemed awkward, but she would still hold on to the bottle if there was some serious emergency type of deal that was out of her power to make better. Then again, many of those things seemed to happen....

With the fate of her clothing now clear, the shrine maiden frowned at Wistaria's possibly purposeful clumsiness. While she did have one remaining set of clothes back at the camp, the robes were beginning to dwindle in numbers. The initial ones had been rendered mostly useless by that odd ammunition piece, and now the second set was going down a river. After a brief consideration, the priestess decided to go look for them. Strapping her blade behind her back, she began to advance along the riverbank. While the clothes would be good to find, Tomoe was not willing to risk too much. So, she opted to go only some distance downstream and paying extreme attention to the surroundings. While she would still be able to fight, going at it naked was not an idea the easterner fancied, especially against something like spiders


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu) GMed by Hafnium

Tomoe: HP = 74, PP = 48, EP = 70, Status = Webbed x2 (-20 to all rolls, dodge, and speed)

Perception: Success.

Stealth: Failure.

The shapely miko began her trip down river cautiously, which was fortunate for her as she quickly discovered that Wistaria had booby-trapped the perimeter around where she had slept. Mines and pitfalls were in abundance, though none were particularly hidden from Tomoe's point of view, anything coming into the perimeter from the outside would have likely not had that same line of sight on the magical creations. She easily sidestepped them all in order to leave the impromptu sanctuary.

Her walk barely took her more than fifty feet before she discovered her clothing, soaking wet and on the rocks. The alraune had apparently not looked very hard. She collected them easily enough; the choice between wearing the wet, clinging fabric and preserving her modesty might have been more difficult in the end.

The easterner didn't get too much time to ponder it, however, as her attention was drawn to a noise. It was something akin to a biological projectile. Her instincts kicked in immediately, she spun, her sword came roaring out of its sheath in an arc intended to deflect the oncoming attack. Only, as her eyes and mind caught up with her lightning fast reaction, she realized that it felt like she had cut through silk. Indeed, it turned out that she had cut through a flying ball of sticky webbing!

Tomoe's found that her attackers were five spiders, just barely shorter than her and much, much wider. They were in a wide semi-circle, keeping her unable to dart past them without confronting them and her back to the river. All five were preparing to launch more of the webbing at her. She was still naked, but Kuchinawa was in hand and ready to go. There probably wasn't going to be any reasoning with her opponents that night.