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Homelands (Guan Yu)

Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

"Of course you had no idea. I never told you this now did I?" the priestess thought as she witnessed the amazing Wistaria compass in action, deciding to make no further mention of her reasons to go towards the city as the plant lady was already imagining completely different scenarios, that much could be made out from her words. For some reason, the result was never something else that Tomoe had been expecting, the alraune pretty much pointing out what the group already knew. Acheron was really in the direction they had been going into for most of their time on the road. Even as she tried to remain as polite and respectful as possible to most other folks, there just was no way to suppress the facepalm and sigh which the supposed revelation caused as a response. Getting the plant lady to help them did not appear to be completely useless though as she appeared to have other ways to help the crew in the journey besides pointing out the obvious and providing eye candy to Ryuji.

The information about their surroundings being some of the more safe and maybe even pleasant areas was something that Tomoe certainly liked, though she had been spending the past few days in an area that was just as good, all things considered. Even as the mention of so-called friends caused a fair bit of suspicion in the miko's mind, she still had hope that this particular thing would not be some ploy of their flowery guide. As nice as nature was, there certainly was a whole lot of benefits to be had in sleeping under a roof and some walls. But even with her suspicions, Tomoe decided to give Wistaria another chance and lead them on to this farm place, still keeping herself on guard to prepare for any surprises. "Friends you say? What kind of people are they then?" she asked somewhere along the way, wanting to know at least a little about what was waiting.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Wistaria would simply roll her eyes as Tomoe facepalmed, though since she was facing away from the miko she would not be able to witness it. "My kin!" Wistaria declared brightly, "not quite as fun as I am, but they're hospitable enough to outsiders so long as they mind their manners!"

Assuming that Tomoe didn't redirect their course immediately upon hearing of this revelation, Wistaria would lead them on down the road, which was increasingly ill-kept, until they found a dirt road heading off into the woods that was obviously fairly new. There was a board tied to a nearby tree, the wood roughly hewn but the letters painted on it neat and curly; "Rose Farm, Visitors Welcome." Pointing down the dirt road, Wistaria said; "It's just down this way!" Kei would finally voice her distaste for the situation, scowling down the roughly cleared path and saying, "You cannot be serious."

Wistaria would scowl back at the redhead, and reply; "I am perfectly serious! They're very nice, especially to travelers, and their farm is lovely! You'll have to keep away from the crops, but I assure you that you'll all be perfectly safe!" She looked to Tomoe while Kei continued to scowl in distaste, but now Shenron was gazing calmly towards the alraune, seemingly quite ready to trust her word.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

"Other alraune it is then... I think that is acceptable." Tomoe stated her approval of the situation. The path to the farm was some further distance away, down the road and then a dirt path that looked like it was a quite recent addition to the landscape. Maybe these plant ladies had just started their little farm only recently, the look of the path told as much to the shrine maiden. While the rest of the group appeared to be perfectly fine with going to the farm, the sign appeared to raise some further suspicion in Kei, even after Shenron had apparently accepted to go in there. Before a fight could start or something, the miko decided to prevent it. Stepping between the two, she cast her gaze onto the redhead. "You don't need to come if it's that bad. We'll go by ourselves." she told the other human lady, going with Wistaria whether she came with them or not. Considering who the farmers were, the crops would most likely end up being something that Tomoe would stay away from even without someone telling her to.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Tomoe's acceptance of Wistaria's suggestion, and the ensuing comment towards Kei, would earn her a a grin from the former and a frown from the latter. Shenron seemed content with that, and Kei simply kept her silence and looked sour at being reprimanded. The group would proceed down the dirt road, and eventually come upon a massive area of cleared land containing several fields of neatly ordered crops, a silo that stretched out into the sky, a barn, and a fairly decently sized house. Of the three fields, the nearest one on the left sported several varieties of plants that stuck low to the ground, the second one past it was larger and had rows of corn stalks, but on the right, closest to them and to the house, was a field of tilled earth containing odd plants that were fairly large, each about the size of a small table but lower, with long rods sticking out of the top that had a gathering of blue at the tip. Vines writhed around the plants, stirring mostly but some seemed to point towards Tomoe and her group as they approached, each of them tipped with a large golden flower. That wasn't the end of the farm's crops, however, as the ordered rows of trees behind it suggested that it also had an orchard.

Three women, all alraune, were wandering around, one at the barn, one reclining in a chair just outside the house, and one barely visible off in the orchard, the last with a creature also seemingly formed of mobile plant matter following along at her side. All of them were dressed, thankfully, albeit in clothing that didn't cover much. It was the one reclining by the house that noticed them first, and even from the road Tomoe would spot the smile that appeared on her face. She got to her feet and started to approach, and as she drew nearer Tomoe would spot the bright red rose sitting on the woman's head, tucked just over her ear if it was indeed just an ornament and not a part of her body. "Hello!" she called brightly as she drew nearer, and when she was a few feet away she glanced at Wistaria and smiled a little bit wider as she seemingly recognized the other plant woman.

"Wistaria! I hadn't known you would be visiting! You should have let me know ahead of time!" she said, and Wistaria stepped forward and engaged her in a hug that was a good bit more conservative and platonic than the sort she'd given to Tomoe when they had been reunited. The two plant women kissed each other on each cheek before pulling apart, at which point Wistaria replied, "I didn't want to ruin the surprise for you! This is Tomoe, and I'll let her introduce her companions~" The two fell silent and looked to Tomoe, while Shenron, Ryuji, and Kei all looked varying degrees of stoic in the face of the bright and happy pair of plant women. Ryuji, perhaps following Shenron's example, wasn't ogling either of them any more. "I'm Rose," the unfamiliar alraune supplied simply, "and welcome to my farm! I run the place, the rest of the lovelies you'll see wandering around are my daughters! They'll introduce themselves when they get the chance."

Visible up close for the first time, Rose was clad in a pair of short blue shorts and a long sleeved red and white checkered blouse that was tied at the bottom rather than buttoned, a plain white shirt visible beneath it, but neither garment left her midriff exposed. She was relatively thin, her figure built more along Kei's lines than Tomoe's, but she still had enough curvature to draw the eye. Her skin was a darker green than Wistaria's, and her eyes were slitted like those of a cat or lizard and cast in a dazzling gold, and they surveyed Tomoe with a kind friendliness that didn't hold any of Wistaria's lewd intentions, at least on the surface.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

The words that Tomoe used left Kei with little option besides coming with them if she wanted to remain a part of the group, and that was what the redhead did, visibly begrudging the situation that she had been put into. Shenron clearly drew some enjoyment from the fact that she had to go against her will, as did the miko to a smaller degree. The thoughts about that began to diminish as the dirt road began to clear away and reveal that there was a farm there, a pretty huge one at that. At first glance, the rows of corn and what appeared to be root vegetables growing on the first areas that the priestess saw gave it a rather average look, not all that different from your basic human farm establishment. Even the buildings were practically made to build that image with the barn, silo and farmhouse combination. But that stopped when the alraune-specific plantation came into view, the plants being alien to the shrine maiden, though she could speculate upon their nature as she saw the stalks and their blued tips. As a final touch, a neat row of fruit trees of some kind stretched out to balance the line between what Tomoe considered ordinary and not ordinary. All in all, she was having a positive feeling about the place, and the inhabitants did not make her any more suspicious or uneasy as she witnessed them around the place, doing their respective things. When one compared them to Wistaria, they appeared to be much more composed and pleasant to the miko's sensibilities, them actually using clothes instead of prancing about shamelessly naked being a part in creating that image.

While the initial welcoming was given to the group in it's entirety, the leader alraune's attention shifted quickly towards Wistaria and the two went through their own little set of motions before the attention shifted back to the rest of the group. It looked like the plant lady had not taken them to some nasty place after all, despite the slight suspicions that Tomoe had been harboring along the way. And as she had mentioned, the two different flower girls knew each other from earlier life, something which was clear as day from the conversation they had. While the priestess certainly considered this particular alraune better than Wistaria, who was either not ogling at her or hiding it well, it did look like the obvious was a trait that they all shared. Somehow, that name was nothing but expected for the rather exotic-looking farm head. Considering she was being treated nicely, Tomoe would provide nothing but the same back to the pleasant Rose. Starting off with the customary bow, she would introduce herself first and proceed to go through the other members of the group in order. "My name is Tomoe, just like Wistaria mentioned there. My companions here are Shenron, Ryuji and finally Kei." the priestess mentioned her own name before pointing the others out when she mentioned their respective names, not expecting them to make much hassle of themselves even when they were mentioned. "The day will eventually go into night, so we took Wistaria's suggestion to come here for the night. You people are accepting towards travellers, she mentioned, and it certainly appears to be true. Your hospitality is appreciated." Tomoe mentioned the reason they had for coming to the farm.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

When introduced, the two hunters would both nod respectfully, while Kei would offer a slight formal bow, obviously less irritated by the place now that she had actually seen it. "Ahhh... Welcome!" the alraune repeated brightly, and then nodded and added, "Wistaria is quite correct, we do indeed offer travelers our hospitality! All you need to do is sleep with my daughter~" The alraune adopted an absurdly lascivious grin as she spoke, but her tone left plentiful assurance that she was speaking in jest even before she added a soft chuckle and continued, "just kidding of course! I know my kind have earned something of a reputation for perversion, which you've probably gotten a good example of if you've known Wistaria here for any length of time! Rest assured that me and mine aren't going to be making any pressure for that sort of thing, we really just like meeting no people."

Her reassuring words and the similar tone in which they were spoken seemed to put Tomoe's companions even further at ease, and Wistaria rolled her eyes at the other alraune's description of her. "Oh, you know me so well dear Rose~" she said with a soft giggle, and Rose gave her a broad grin mixed with a pragmatic appraisal before replying; "Of course I do! It's not like you try to keep it a secret!" Turning her gaze back to Tomoe and company, Rose continued; "If you're more of a kin to Wistaria here than most who usually come through, we might be able to take no for an answer, but not a one of us is a prude either. It won't take much work with any of might daughters if you're looking to sleep with company tonight, we don't discriminate. I can't say that I'd outright say no to any of you myself if you were looking for a good time tonight, though don't take that as anything other than an offer.... And don't worry about making a mess, whatever you do. We're all pretty used to cleaning up after ourselves by now.

"We've got a nice little lake out past the orchard if you're looking for someplace to relax until dinner, we've got extra swimwear if you'd like to go for a swim, or even if you just want to relax by the water, but if ye ain't shy it's secluded enough that you won't need to worry about it if you'd rather go skinny dipping. Dinner's just before dusk, we usually don't have much in the way of meat in our meals, but I think for you folks I might make an exception if any of you would prefer. There's apple pie and blueberry muffins inside if you're looking for something to eat now, and one of my daughters can show you around the pantry if you'd want to rustle up something more substantial. Feel free to wander around, just please stay out of the crops, especially the shorns. We haven't milked them yet today, and they get pretty ornery around outsiders when one of us isn't around."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

The sudden revelation that there was to be some sexual intercourse between some of the group and one of Rose's double daughters managed to get Tomoe confused for a little while, but the prize proved to be a false thing as they were just being played with a bit. What was being mentioned after that was quite true, and the priestess could certainly agree to having that view, even though she was a bit shallow in having made that opinion by having experience with only one of them. Hopefully, this farm area could shake her vision a little. "Yes, she certainly knows how to make people see alraune in a depraved way, I can attest to it." she confirmed what the head alraune already most likely knew. The two plant ladies had a brief exchange with each other after that, which served as a lead-in to a long explanation by the chatty Rose about what the group could do at the farm. It all sounded pretty nice, though the miko had her reservations about any sexual acts with any of the alraune. She would probably have to keep a lookout on her partners, just to keep them from doing anything bad that might upset their friendly hosts.

"Personally, I have no problem with vegetarian food, but my friends here... they might like something more substantial to eat." Tomoe told Rose, taking a look at the trio, though she was mostly referring to Ryuji and Shenron with the statement as she knew they would be thankful of that in all likelihood. Kei was a little less uncertain, but she should be able to get through the day without any real need for meat. Even so, the priestess herself would not stop the redhead from asking for it, as she was not going to dictate what the other would eat. What she should be doing herself was a little unclear to the miko, having to think about it a little as there was a bunch of options present. Going to the beach sounded like something that could be fun, as she had heard it being described as such and it was something that she had not really never done in her life up to this point, and even as it was not really the type of beach she had heard from. Maybe she could try to loosen up some with that as well, as the time she had spent in the fey glades was peaceful, but somehow she had never felt completely at ease there. "Everyone, whatever it is that you want to do, go and do it now. But please, don't make trouble for our nice hosts, this much I ask from you." the miko told the others as she made up her mind about going to the beach, hopefully not needing to take as much staring as this decision was likely going to cause. Once they had all gone to their respective things, Tomoe asked Rose to see these swimwear things, not being one to go around naked, especially with Wistaria around. The pervert alraune would surely end up following her all over the place if given the chance.

After the head farmer alraune had guided her to the location of the swimwear, Tomoe would get about to the process of picking exactly which one she would want to wear. After a while, she found something that suited her almost perfectly in design, a thing that certainly raised some suspicion by being there for her to pick. It was a white set with red string woven into the fabric, and the colors on both of these matched the hues on her robes and hakama to a tee. She did have some issues with it too, the fact that it barely covered her and that it had to be secured with a few string basically, which could quite easily tear or open up from the tiniest amount of force that they were subjected to. "I suppose I have to risk that... the design is just too wonderful to pass on... I probably need to ask them later if I can keep these." the priestess considered her selection and decided to wear the thing, changing into the somewhat risque number once she was given the privacy. Packing up her normal clothes into her pack and slinging her sword over her shoulder, the now bikini-clad miko would make her way to the beach unless someone made efforts to stop her. If she actually got there, Tomoe would take some time for herself and throw down her bedroll to have some lazy time, eventually taking a brief moment to go into the water and clean herself too. While it was certainly safe enough, she would not let her pack or Kuchinawa go out from reach, though she would not take the pack into the water, opting to leave it there near the bedroll. Not having really done much in the last few days was starting to bother her somewhat, but the shrine maiden was not going to let that prevent herself having some more downtime. They couldn't really do much more today after all, so it wasn't that bad of a thing.

Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

When her words directed Rose to her companions regarding the contents of their meal for the night, Shenron and Ryuji would both nod, the younger hunter giving a low hiss and flicking a sibilant tongue out to lick his reptilian lips. The alien lizardmen seemed almost entirely carnivorous, at least as far as Tomoe had been able to tell by Shenron's preferences, and while they could eat more vegetarian fair it didn't seem to sit well in their stomachs. Shenron had always been able to hunt for himself, however, and usually didn't even bother to cook the meat. Kei, not seeming to care one way or the other, would simply shrug when Rose's attention became focused on her. "I'll throw in some chicken then!" Rose said after the response of the two hunters, the matter of their meal settled.

The priestess's companions would all affirm their understanding of her request in their own ways. Wistaria responded by smiling impishly and saying, "I wouldn't dream of causing trouble~" Shenron and Ryuji again simply nodded, though the option to do what they liked didn't seem to register much as they both stuck to Tomoe anyway. Given that neither of them had to wear clothes, they had no need for swimwear, but Kei would pause for a moment before saying, "I think the beach sounds nice, actually."

She and Wistaria would join Tomoe in acquiring some appropriate attire, though she would opt to change in a different room when they arrived at the place where the alraune had seemingly gathered all of their clothes. They had to go through the front door, up a set of stairs, and through a short hallway with nine other rooms in it, one of which Kei walked to after picking out a plain red two piece from the pile of clothes. Rose would respectfully leave the room when Tomoe asked her to, letting her change in peace, and once the priestess exited the room in her new swimwear the alraune shamelessly looked her up and down for a moment while smiling approvingly. "Good choice! It certainly suits you! Though, I can't imagine many things would look bad on you," the alraune said with a light giggle, but before Tomoe could reply a decidedly lewd whistle would sound from behind her, and Wistaria would be seen giving the priestess a much more openly lascivious gaze while moving to join them, now clad in a white one piece with a pink flower over one breast.

"You look stunning Amaryllis-chan!" she said, only for them to be joined a moment later by Kei, arriving in her red two piece and getting a similar appraisal from Rose while Wistaria practically ignored her. The redhead simply ignored both looks, gave Tomoe a brief glance over while wearing an almost nostalgic expression, and then simply moved to wait for them to get moving. Another alraune poked her head out of a door further down the hall, curious about all the commotion. This one had a pink rose in her lanky green hair, while sharing the basic facial structure of Rose, though Tomoe only had a moment to look at her before she hastily vanished back into the door from which she'd come. "That's Primrose.... She's very shy around new people," Rose explained, and then seemed to think that that was as much explanation as was needed.

"I'll get Camara to show you around, I need to get back to work," Rose said as they exited the house, finding the two hunters waiting for them outside. Their host told them to wait only to quickly return with another of her daughters, this one a bit curvier than Rose herself and with a blue flower in her hair. "Hi! I'm Camara! Lemme just get changed and I'll show you down to the lake!" the newcomer said, and then hurried upstairs, changed, and returned clad in a blue two piece that was fairly poor at covering her well rounded body. She was carrying a picnic basket, something that prompted Wistaria's eyes to briefly light up in amusement, before but didn't reveal what was in it before motioning them to follow her and heading off towards the orchard.

They passed through the small orchard, past about a dozen rows of orange trees, and then through a thin patch of more conventional woods before breaking into a small clearing on a hill that quickly turned into a sandy beach. A beautiful, crystal-blue lake stretched out in front of them, completely sans any signs of habitation save a small hut constructed nearby - probably a construction of the alraune - and a small cottage visible off in the distance on the opposite shore. "We haven't met the neighbors yet," Camara remarked casually as she set down the basket on the beach, opening it to reveal a number of blankets and a pair of bottles containing a pale yellow oily substance. "We don't burn under the sun," Camara continued, gesturing towards Wistaria to indicate that she meant alraune, "but we had a traveler stay out too long and turn all pink and blistery, so we bought some of this stuff from a local apothecary. We haven't got to try it yet, but it's supposed to keep you from getting sunburned if you rub it on your skin!"

Kei, setting out a blanket to lay down on, glanced at the bottle dubiously for a moment before she seemed to realize what it was, "oh, that's suntan oil. Yeah... It'll help, and unless they've laced it with something we shouldn't need to worry about it." Camara looked both confused and mildly affronted at the redhead's implication, "laced it... Why would anyone do that!?" Kei simply shrugged and plopped down onto her beach blanket, lying face down and resting her chin onto her hands. "I can't imagine.... Care to give me a hand?" the redhead replied lightly, and Camara only seemed to hesitate for a moment before getting over the other woman's insult and kneeling down beside her with one of the bottles in hand. Tomoe would, of course, find Wistaria grinning at her with the other one in hand, "may I?"
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

As it turned out, Tomoe was going to head to the beach with everyone else going along with her, despite her earlier intentions being more of the private time by herself variety. "Maybe I should have chosen my words a little better... but I shouldn't be so greedy and try to take the beach for myself either... oh well, might as well try and get the best from this." she pondered this decision and how well it would turn out. Maybe the fact that the hunters would be there might serve as a ward towards the worst molestation attempts, though they would do little against all the staring that would happen. Deciding to not make a number of the whole event, the miko followed after Rose as the alraune escorted them around the house, which had enough rooms to potentially cause some confusion in someone who was not familiar with the building.

Having somehow expected the result, Tomoe had to take a fair amount of staring from mostly Wistaria, though Rose did her part in filling the ogle quota as well. At least, it looked like the priestess had hit some positive marks with her selection. Once Kei joined them, one of Rose's daughters made an appearance that was strangely brief and shy for an alraune. Rose was quick to explain the reason for it, and the miko could understand Primrose quite well as she too had been equally, if not more, shy towards unknown people in the earlier years of her life. "Hmm... I can relate to that somewhat." was all that she actually said about it though, not really having any need to go farther than that. Leaving the plant girl to whatever she was doing, the shrine maiden left the house with the rest of them to join Shenron and Ryuji outside. But as luck would have it, Rose needed to get out there and do some work-related duties elsewhere, which managed to cause some brief concern. Getting left there in the beach with both Kei and Wistaria was probably not a good thing, even if the two did not get along. Somehow the Easterner was imagining a scenario where the two would actually set their differences aside and make a combined effort at her, which would not end well. Thankfully, Rose assigned the second of her daughters to take her place for the beach trip, which was an immediate relief to the priestess. "Tomoe. Please, do what you need to, we can wait a little." she told this new alraune before she zoomed off to do a quick clothing change. Once Camara got herself ready, the entire group moved out to make for the beach.

The beach itself was quite spectacular, surprising Tomoe in a few different ways. It was certainly difficult to imagine such a place in the rather bleak Badaria. The alraune appeared to have some neighbors, with a small house across the lake visible to the crew. There had been no contact with the two households yet, which the miko did not find hard to imagine if the inhabitants were anything like the average people around this land. But the neighbors did not remain as the topic of the conversation for long as Camara produced some items from the basket she had taken along with her. It turned out to be blankets, which was all good as it took away the need to use a bedroll. It was certainly a kind enough gesture that the priestess could respect. Some bottles came out with the blankets as well, the reason for them becoming clear from the brief discussion between Kei and Camara. The redhead had already taken a jab at the alraune, proving that she was not taking Tomoe's earlier words too seriously. Still, the blue-themed alraune did not seem to take it too hard, though there were signs that she had a slight reaction to the accusation. "Already snapping at them, I see..." she remarked as the two started with the application of lotion. And almost as if it had been set to happen by some unknown spirit of chance, Wistaria was there with the other bottle of sunblock, asking to apply the stuff onto Tomoe's body. Not having a real way out from the situation, the miko agreed to the offer, following Kei's example and lying down on another blanket. "I might regret this, but... alright, you may."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Wistaria's grin upon Tomoe's acceptance was so wide that it might have reached from ear to ear, and as she watched the miko lie down onto her front that expression didn't fade. Despite the lewd alraune's obvious desire for her, however, when Wistaria bent down to begin applying the oil she started on the small of Tomoe's back and then worked her way upwards, steadily rubbing the protective oil over her skin but also putting pressure in places that caused her muscles to relax pleasantly. That portion of the mild massage went from her back up to the backs of her palms, as well as over her neck and face, before Wistaria moved back down over the miko's back.

At that point she seemingly couldn't help herself any longer, however, as when faced with the soft rise of Tomoe's rear she couldn't help but work her hands over it for a bit longer and a bit more enthusiastically than was really necessary. The touch against that portion of her would naturally be at least mildly arousing, though given its source it probably wouldn't get too far on that scale before Wistaria hesitantly continued on down Tomoe's legs. By that point Kei was already on her back, having her front coated in the suntan oil, and if Tomoe willingly rolled over Wistaria would do the same as Camara and coat her front in the stuff, again paying a bit more attention than was necessary to her inner thighs and to her breasts, but eventually the oil was applied and Wistaria no longer had an excuse to grope the priestess, leaving her to pull her hands away seemingly contented and settle down beside Tomoe.

In the meantime, Shenron and Ryuji were both crouched in the water, their natural concealment active and their bodies blending into the water surprisingly well, not even the holes where their bodies displaced the liquid easily visible at only a quick glance. Tomoe had seen this sort of behavior a few times previously, and it rarely failed to bring in a handful of fish that the hunter would always willingly share with Tomoe, though if he was left to eat them on his own Shenron would usually eat them raw. Soon enough, he snapped up a small fish in his claws, spearing the wriggling creature twice, and Ryuji tried to follow suit. He was somewhat less successful than his father, nearly catching his first target but narrowly letting it slip from his grasp with only a scratch against its scales, but Shenron offered an encouraging grunt and he set himself to simply try again. Kei and the alraune would watch the spectacle curiously for a while, as it wasn't exactly common to see a pair of nearly invisible bipedal lizardmen fishing.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Even with the reservations she had towards her volunteer lotion person, the start of the operation was far from being anything bad. Wistaria had most certainly practiced before as she knew how to combine a massage with the application of oil, which worked wonders in relaxing the tension that had built up in the miko's muscles during the last few days. Even the lewdness was completely absent from the event, which was a positive surprise to say the least. But that was not to be, for the alraune had to go downwards in her task, and that fact took her straight onto the priestess' butt. While she could not see it herself, Tomoe could imagine the look of absolute bliss that the plant lady must have had on her face at that moment, considering that she got to feel up the butt she had been hunting for and even have permission to do it. The process did cause some reddish coloration on the shrine maiden's face, but thankfully Wistaria could actually restrain herself and progressed before anything really bad happened. Once she was done with the back, Tomoe flipped herself just like Kei had, now coming a little more personal with the alraune as they actually had eye contact. And just like earlier, the attention was focused on the tactical areas for a little bit longer than necessary yet again, but could win over her desires and not try to take it into any awkward places. Eventually she was done, and Tomoe saw it fit to give the alraune some praise, as she did actually do a service to the miko and practised some self-control at the same time. "Alright, good job." she stated her satisfaction, still a little red from the intimate touching as Wistaria plopped down next to her.

The two hunters had gotten to the beach as well, Tomoe having briefly forgotten about them as she was getting rubbed down, but now that the massage was over she could pay some attention to the reptilian companions as well. The sight was familiar to the shrine maiden herself, but she saw that the scene was catching interest among the rest of her companions, quite understandably. Choosing not to bother the pair in their work, she let them go over the basics of fishing with claws. Ryuji should learn as much as possible, as every little thing would benefit him in the world they lived in. Once the two had fished to their heart's content, Tomoe herself would go for a swim in the lake. While she was not sure about the oil surviving the dip, the priestess would still do it, as that was the main reason she had for coming into the beach in the first place.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

"Thank you~" Wistaria replied to the compliment, gently running a hand up from Tomoe's thigh, over the rise of her bottom, and up her spine to the string connecting her bra. She didn't undo that string, but the caress was decidedly suggestive even if it didn't result in the miko being partially disrobed as it might have. That was as far as the alraune took her touch, however, and after that she would keep her hands to herself for a time.

The rest of the group then got to watch the sight of Shenron teaching Ryuji to fish, but after a time the hunters would have driven the surviving fish from the shallows and would be left to return to the sandy beach, Ryuji having managed to catch only a single fish on his own. It was about then that Tomoe rose, having grown warm and drowsy and comfortable under the rays of the sun, and opted to go for an invigorating swim, and though the miko was the first to jump into the stagnant water she wasn't the last, Wistaria, Camara, and finally Kei eventually joining her one by one. Camara proved to be a very good swimmer, wading out and then diving in, stroking her arms and kicking her legs in good timing to propel her in a small circle around the local portion of the lake. Wistaria and Kei were both a good bit more hesitant, the former doing little more than paddling about while the latter waded out into the clear water and then started floating around leisurely on her back.

Whatever Tomoe did in the water, she would find Wistaria following her from time to time, keeping close and occasionally even remaining directly by her side. Kei would mostly remain by herself, occasionally joining in the games that they played, but Camara would be the most energetic of them by far. At one point, she would draw near and sweep a hand out, playfully splashing both Tomoe and Wistaria with a small wave of water,. Wistaria, giggling, would do the same, and soon the war was on, Tomoe caught in the crossfire whether she joined in or not. At one point, a hooking splash from Wistaria, whether by accident or design, would catch the string of Tomoe's bra with the tip of her finger, and even that lightest touch would be enough to undo the string. The priestess's breasts were freed from their limited coverage, bared to the cool air and to the view of her companions. Camara was first to notice, eying up the miko's bosom with unhidden appreciation, but Wistaria was quick enough to follow suit.

Despite her earlier abuse, however, Kei simply rolled her eyes at the shenanigans of the alraune, wading over while the two plant women ogled the priestess. "Oh behave yourselves!" the redhead scolded, scooping Tomoe's fallen top out of the water and holding it up for her. "Do you want help putting it back on? I can tie it for - hey!" she continued dryly only to interrupt herself with a protest when Camara snuck up behind her and smoothly undid the ties on the back of her own top, leaving it to fall to the water and exposing her modest bosom in turn. The blushing redhead quickly tried to cover herself while Camara and Wistaria laughed at her expense, but the offending alraune quickly scooped up the garment and offered it to her victim after receiving an angry look.

"Relax! It's only girls here, what are you ashamed of?" she said lightly, to which Kei pouted and glared in silence. "Not entirely true!" Wistaria added, gesturing towards the two hunters who were at that point sunning themselves on a beach, seemingly asleep. "But close enough~ Would you be more comfortable if we took our tops off too?" she continued in a purr, before joining Camara in another giggle. "I wouldn't object!" the hosting alraune added in between titters, and Kei would look to Tomoe helplessly while the alraune laughed. Should Tomoe opt to regain her decency, the two alraune wouldn't even jest mockingly, though the option to return the favor, or perhaps remain topless to get a bit more discomfort out of Kei.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Much to her dismay, Tomoe found out that giving thanks only seemed to encourage Wistaria further. Maybe she would need to select her words a bit better next time, not make it so obvious. Or maybe it just was the nature of this particular alraune to do things in such a manner. Still, even though she had just started with the touching again, Wistaria stopped yet again, not going through the suggestion that she was teasing at and leaving the miko's top undisturbed and not just tearing it away like she most likely would have liked to if given the permission.

All the laying down was beginning to make her sleepy, so Tomoe decided to take a swim once all the fish were gone, which did not take all that much time. As she went into the water, the priestess passed by the father and son duo, giving Ryuji a pat on the head. "You'll get better with practice. No one being is an instant master in anything, it takes time and effort to achieve skills in most things." she told the younger hunter with a smile, not wanting him to feel bad about his lacking skill, if he actually did. It was hard to tell really, even Shenron was still remarkably unknown to her after their time together when it came to knowing how he was feeling. The other ladies of the group followed after the shrine maiden had gone into the water, each of them having their respective approach towards the swim session. Camara showed that she was almost a shark in the water, having excellent swimming skill despite Tomoe always imagining that their type was mostly limited to the ground and not much for the water. The other two were more restrained in their approach, as was the miko herself, swimming in good but still slow and casual form as she was not trying to cause a wardrobe malfunction, which still kinda lingered as a possibility in her mind. Wistaria took it upon herself to trail the priestess around, which was something she was prone to doing, it looked like. At least she was not being intrusive this time around, so she got to do it without Tomoe having anything to say about it.

At some point, Camara's energetic self went on to start a splash fight between the two alraune, Tomoe getting caught in it as well since Wistaria was constantly near her. While she was usually a serious person, the miko did not see any reason to be a stick in the mud, thinking that it would be good for her to unwind in some manner here and there. While this was maybe not the idea she had in mind, it was good enough, if a bit overly girly in her opinion. Giving her best shot to the bout of throwing water, she splashed with the best of them until a fateful little accident. While it was not certain if Wistaria pulled this little number by design or accident, it was still enough to stop Tomoe completely for a little while as she began to realize what had happened. The first actual sign that all the others could see was the build-up of red that was quick to appear on her face before the miko covered herself with her hands. It only got strange from there as Kei pulled a complete turn in personality from the earlier time of day, actually scolding the two plant ladies and handing the escaped top back to the shrine maiden, who snatched it back with quickness. She was still a little too flustered over the sudden wardrobe malfunction and could not really give any answer to the question, and Kei had her own troubles to deal with as Camara decided to add some further awkward to the situation.

"K-keep your clothes on, please..." the miko managed to say as she took herself a little distance away from the others, turning her back on them so she could try to get the top part of her swimsuit back on. While it might have been good to use the alraune and get back to Kei, Tomoe herself would be equally bothered by the display. While she had gone through some experiences in the last few days, she was still far from being used to such situations.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Ryuji would pause as Tomoe reached out to pat him, and though it was just as hard to tell with him as it was for Shenron, he at least seemed to be reassured by the miko's comforting gesture. The young hunter would nod, tilting his chin up and then down while gazing back at his mother.

Once the shenanigans in the water were underway, the two alraune would only show delight that Tomoe opted to join in on their mock battle, but that wouldn't spare the priestess from the impending wardrobe malfunction or any of the ensuing teasing. The embarrassed miko's response to her lewd suggestion only caused Camara to titter further as she turned about to regain her decency, and while she tied her top back up the alraune would say; "Awwww, no fun, no fun!" Kei would take the opportunity to turn, covering herself with one arm and using the other to snatch her stolen top out of Camara's hand, then moving off to do exactly as Tomoe had and put her top back on.

The redhead would go over to the beach after that, plopping back down onto the blanket and still with a faint flush to her pale cheeks. Tomoe would be free to return to the beach or keep fooling about in the water, whichever she preferred, but eventually the alraune would opt to return to the beach on their own, either following Tomoe quickly or preceding her. A picnic would follow, with Camara producing some food from her basket and offering to share it with the rest of them, an offer that Kei only reluctantly accepted. Nothing turned out to be drugged or poisoned, thankfully, and after hesitating initially Kei would eat a good amount of the odd fruit salad that the alraune had produced, as well as one of the dozen or so sandwiches that were likewise in the basket.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

With her distance from the group making it hard for anyone to surprise her for further antics, Tomoe made herself look as decent as she could in the swimsuit once more, saying nothing towards the accusation of not being fun as she asked the plant ladies to keep themselves decent as well. It was just something she would most likely never get over, even if called out for it. "Sorry... I just can't handle those kinds of things..."

Once everything was in good order again, some changes began to happen as Kei had finished her stay in the water, most likely having had enough antics for now. Tomoe remained a little while longer, not feeling like she was done with swimming just this fast. Taking some further time to do some further casual swimming and peaceful floating about on her back just like Kei had earlier. This time, Wistaria had decided to stay away, so she actually got to do what she wanted and not get interrupted or accidentally stripped yet again. Once the miko saw that the alraune duo took off, she too would make it out to join them as there was something else clearly in the works. As expected from the earlier appearance of the basket that Camara had brought along, it was a picnic. Not being one to turn down a polite offer like this, the shrine maiden joined the others once things started to come out from the basket. And while she had some questionable experiences with Wistaria, there would be no need to fear any aphrodisiacs or similar this time around. The host family did not appear to be ones that would do such a thing, even if they had a bit of a naughty side to them. Following Kei's example, Tomoe too picked up some salad and a sandwich as her selection before starting to eat with the others, making sure she started before the alraune as she did not want to look like she was being an ungrateful guest.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

"Do you like it?" Camara would ask curiously, gesturing towards the salad that both Tomoe and Kei had partaken of, "all home grown! Even the strawberries! Peeling the oranges was the hardest part, but after that it was just rinsing, a bit of cutting, and then adding a bit of our special crop's sauce! Naturally we like it, but we haven't actually given any to anyone else yet." Kei, looking somewhat dubious at the mention of "sauce," would still hesitantly nod. The mixture of sweet flavors had been quite nice, and if Tomoe admitted as much as well the alraune would seemingly be delighted to hear that her choice of dishes had gone appreciated.

After that, however, there was still a good bit of time to spend before the onset of dusk would necessitate that they go back to the house for dinner. Tomoe could spend it however she liked, the protective oil on her skin having survived the swim well enough that she could comfortably stay out in the sun, and seemingly made to resist such aquatic antics so that she could go and do some more swimming if she liked. "Want a massage?" Wistaria would ask innocently after they had finished their lunch, smiling hopefully while managing to keep her gaze centered purely on Tomoe's face. "It's the least I could do after the, uhhh, accident... From in the water," she continued reassuringly, adopting a slightly bashful look.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

"Yes, it is quite delectable as I have a bit of a weakness towards sweet things. And I think I can taste the love and effort put into this." Tomoe admitted her approval of the salad, having a genuine like towards the dish. While the nature of the sauce appeared to cause some suspicious looks in Kei, the miko did not share the sentiment. She still wanted to avoid appearing as ungrateful in any way, and as the source indicated, the priestess had already had something that was similar a few years ago. The memory of the cat-like girl and their first encounter on the road was still fresh in her mind, and the two had exchanged food during this meeting, which had given her a sampling of the blue liquid that the shorn plants produced. Tomoe had liked it back then, and it was not any worse when mixed in with the fresh farm fruit. In fact, it was even better with further ingredients. Eventually, the party finished their eating, leaving them with some more free time before dinner.

Having had her fill of swimming already, Tomoe opted to remain on the beach and have some more sun as the protective oil was apparently durable enough to resist going into the water. She would probably not get a tan or anything from this short time of exposure, but it was likely still a good thing for her skin to get some sun once in a while. Considering how heavy her usual choice of clothing was, this was especially the case. Wistaria got into the situation shortly afterwards, suggesting a massage with a kind of look that was far less obviously lascivious than the usual ones, actually managing to keep herself from doing anything strange while she did so. The sudden shy look was hardly something that the alraune usually did, and it sounded like she wanted to apologize for the accident that had happened in the water. While the idea of another massage appeared a little suspicious when they had basically gone through one earlier, the shrine maiden was going to give Wistaria the benefit of the doubt. "Alright, since you are offering it to me." the miko agreed to the massage, choosing to go along with the instruction that the alraune might have while she performed it, unless it was something suspicious.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Camara smiled gleefully at Tomoe's compliments, but if the miko looked closely there was a decidedly strange note to her return gaze. "Eheh... Well, there are plenty more sweets back home. Perhaps I can show you some when we get back, after dinner?" she replied, and to that Wistaria would look quite suspicious.

That wouldn't stop her from offering her massage, however, and when Tomoe accepted the lewd alraune would grin brightly just like Camara had. Motioning for Tomoe to roll onto her front, Wistaria would climb on top of her, straddling her hips and leaning over her. Before touching the priestess, however, the alraune would smoothly untie her top and put the threads aside, leaving her bust protected only by the fact that it was resting against the blanket that she was lying on. "It was in the way," she explained apologetically, "I'll fix it when I'm done."

Without further adieu, Wistaria would start kneading the miko's flesh, starting at the back of her neck and working her way down over her shoulders, then slowly down her spine with the alraune's hands radiating out to her sides repeatedly until they returned to her center. While her work before had undoubtedly been pleasant, now it was practically heavenly, leaving her every muscle comfortable and relaxed. The warmth of the sun, and an odd but decidedly pleasant scent, like roses and fresh apples, would only make the scene even more relaxing, and after a few minutes of enduring Wistaria's touch the priestess would be left in a nearly comatose state of relaxation. A pleasant tingling had built up inside of her as well, familiar but at the same time strange, and as Wistaria continued that pleasurable tingling would start to intensify.

Out of the corner of her eye she would see that Kei, despite her distrust of Camara after the incident in the water, had opted to accept a similar apology and was likewise deprived of her top as the other alraune worked her hands upon the pale redhead's back. Ryuji and Shenron were both still slumbering after their fishy meal, enjoying the warmth of the sun as much as the rest of them. As Wistaria reached the base of her spine and scooted backwards, however, Tomoe's attention would be focused back upon the alraune on top of her as she began to trace the slight dimples along her lower back, sending pleasant tingles up her spine and making the increasingly familiar pressure building up inside of her grow even faster.

After a few moments the alraune's hands would drift further down, fingertips gliding over the miko's plump, barely protected rear, her barest touch tickling for a moment before she deepened her touch and began to once more knead Tomoe's backside. "I'm sorry," Wistaria purred in a fairly disingenuous tone, "but I... Just... Can't... Help myself~" Despite her apology, Wistaria would make no effort to stop her molestations, kneading and rubbing and squeezing the priestess's soft backside, and in the relaxed state that she'd been left in after the alraune's massage it would take a bit more effort than it might normally for Tomoe to raise a protest. Every moment that she endured that attention to her generous assets sent more thrills of pleasure and arousal racing up her spine, but Wistaria was at least not growing any bolder with her molestations, and would hesitantly stop and pull away whenever Tomoe asked her to, or a few minutes later if the priestess never did. It would take an overt invitation on Tomoe's part to make her go any further, it seemed.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Going along with the instruction that she got from Wistaria, Tomoe laid down on her belly side, almost immediately getting the alraune on top of her. The rather quick undoing of her top was something that caused a raised eyebrow in the miko, but there was a reasonable explanation ready for this course of action, so she did not stop the massage before it could even start properly. From there, Wistaria proceeded to carry on doing what she had promised to, apparently quite eager to spend some more time on having her hands on the priestess even in this kind of non-sexual way. Much like before, the massage was absurdly good to the body, and some surrounding factors only served to make it all that much better. Maybe the wind was bringing some of the farm smells over to them, or it could be coming from the food too. With this multitude of different factors, the massage was making the shrine maiden want to sleep as she was getting groggy from the ongoing treatment. There was some familiar heat generating inside as well, which was undoubtedly caused by the sauce of the fruit salad. Tomoe had experienced it when she drank Maya's gift drink, and it was happening again.

Looking over to her surroundings, Tomoe could see that everyone else too was getting quite relaxed, Kei receiving the same treatment as she did while the hunter duo were napping in the sun after finishing their small pile of fishes. She did not manage to look at them for long though as Wistaria started to behave somewhat suspiciously once again, turning around from her position once she had gotten as low as she could and continued going further from this new position, which did not bother the miko all that much until her ass was grabbed. There was certainly a fair deal of the usual alraune shenanigans detectable in this course of action as it was fairly obvious from the tone of her voice that she was certainly wanting to do it despite what was being said. Despite being somewhat uncomfortable in the current situation, Tomoe did not raise any protest, having the issues of drowsiness and the building heat to deal with, and those would certainly make it harder for her to make any attempt at resistance into something that would actually work. And while she was being fairly eager with the groping, it did not appear that Wistaria was going to go any further, so the miko let her have some fun with rubbing her butt meat. But if she did try to make this take it further than that, then there would be resistance, as much as she could muster in her current condition at least. Despite the slight aroused state she was in, Tomoe was not one to give in to such desires this easily.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Much as she obviously might want to do more than simply grope Tomoe's backside, Wistaria would indeed pull away as she'd intended, giving a slight sigh before retying Tomoe's top back on and then lying on her back beside the highly relaxed priestess. The next little while would pass in relative peace, with Camara likewise pulling off of Kei without doing anything untoward and the four of them lounging in the sun for a while longer. Eventually, however, the sun would begin to dip and the sky would turn from bright blue to orange, the few clouds above them darkening as dusk set in.

"We should get back," Camara remarked, standing up and stretching to display her voluptuous curves, something that no one really paid much attention to. Shenron and Ryuji would be roused, either by Wistaria or by Tomoe, and then they would return to the house to find Rose and the shy alraune in the kitchen and a half dozen others waiting in the living room, all of whom would look over Kei and Tomoe in their bikinis with varying degrees of hunger. All of them had a rose-like flower of a different color in their hair, many in some shade of blue, but none of them said anything even if all of them waved in greeting.

"You can go upstairs and change if you want," Camara said as she walked over to a chair around the big table and sat down, not bothering to do so herself. "Dinner will still be a little while." Kei would immediately head up to take advantage of that opportunity, but Tomoe could remain in her bikini if she wished while waiting for dinner.