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Homelands (Guan Yu)

Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Somehow the prediction that she had turned out to be true, and Tomoe found herself spared from further molestation as the massage alraune got her burning passion towards her back into check and restrained herself from going any further, even going as far as tying the strings of her top back up again, just as promised. From there, the possibly steamy event turned into simple spacing out, the priestess being in far too deep of a daze to really bother with any further activity. She found that staring into the clouds and just lazing about was pleasant enough to pass the time, and Wistaria was not up to any further mischief, which she was thankful about. Eventually, the evening was starting to creep up upon them, telling the group that it was time to get going and return to the main farm area. Considering it something of a duty, the miko was the one to rouse her companions from their sleep so they would not be left behind.

At the main house, a whole cadre of new faces had appeared to join the dinner, most of which Tomoe had not seen before. Somehow she had thought that the number of alraune was limited to the ones she had already seen, but this did not bother her any as they appeared to be a quiet sort. And while there was something offputting about the way they were looking at her and Kei, the shrine maiden still gave them a collective bow in return for their wave. Camara told them how things were, and taking her cue from the offered suggestion, Tomoe retreated to the room she had been assigned to get changed back into her usual uniform. The bikini was charming, but in no way was it a proper attire for dinner, despite Camara's apparent thoughts to the contrary. Once the dinner was actually ready, the miko would join the others while being back in her most presentable form.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Going upstairs to get dressed, Tomoe would find Kei and Wistaria following her, each taking their own rooms to dress themselves even though Wistaria seemed to linger for a second outside the door of the one that Tomoe had chosen. Once back in her normal clothing, she would see Kei already mostly down the stairs, also back in her own regular clothing. Back in the dining room, the other alraune would mostly be lounging, and Wistaria would follow Tomoe shortly, sitting well away from Kei while Shenron and Ryuji, being a bit bulkier than the small wooden chairs and stools surrounding the large dinner table could safely support, simply crouched beside the table in a manner that Tomoe knew was perfectly comfortable for them.

"I did not!" one of the alraune who with a golden flower in her hair said defensively as Tomoe walked in, "we were just kissing! It hadn't gone any farther!" That particular alraune was definitely the prettiest of the ones she had met so far, with refined almost noble features and as many curves as the rest of Rose's daughters. "Uh huh," another alraune replied skeptically, this one thinner than most of them and with shorter, raggedy green hair that was only a shade darker than her skin, "because you can be kissing someone when your head is in their lap~"

The golden-flowered alraune pouted and blushed while her kindred and Wistaria giggled. "Oh yeah," a white flowered-alraune with stringy yellow hair and slightly plump facial features added teasingly, "we all know that's Betty's favorite type of kissing!" The golden flowered one, apparently named Betty, pouted further at the second chorus of giggles that sounded from her siblings, but really seemed to take it all in stride if Tomoe opted to enjoy the conversation further.

Whether or not she joined in on the conversation, the alraune would prove fairly shameless in teasing one another about walking in on one another, though a few trends would emerge. Betty, the exceptionally attractive one with the golden flower, seemed to have the most partners, but everyone other than the shy one who was off helping Rose cook seemed to have a couple of regulars from the local human population that they engaged in lewd activities with. Wistaria readily joined in, while Kei and Shenron seemed fairly disapproving and Ryuji mostly seemed lost.

After the course of about twenty minutes, should she remain in the room, Tomoe would at least learn the names of her hosts, the already introduced Rose and Primrose remaining in the kitchen while cooking dinner, and Camara and Wistaria joining in on the shenanigans. All of the plant-kin save for Wistaria seemed to be Rose's daughters by various women, either locals or travelers who had stayed with them. There was Betty, the one with the golden flower, and Claire, the one with the white. April, the one with blue-green flower and ill-kept hair had delivered a teasing statement earlier and seemed content to deliver much more of the same to the rest, which April and an alraune with an orange flower named Stella gleefully joined in on. Alma, one with a pretty violet flower in her hair, spent a good portion of her time trying to engage Ryuji, who was sitting next to her, but the hunter didn't yet even have his father's grasp of language and thus wasn't the best conversation partner. Finally, the alraune who spoke least was Felicia, who laughed the least at the lewd jokes and seemed most intent on controlling the rowdy bunch, and had a sky blue flower in her hair.

"Dinner!" Rose called from the kitchen, and then shortly came striding forth with arms lade with dishes of food, some fresh vegetables that had only been washed or lightly prepared while others were cooked dishes. Primrose came forth as well, albeit more hesitantly, but after two more trips with Camara's help the table would be covered in a veritable feast.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

After a little wait, Tomoe found no-one coming for her to inform that the dinner was ready. "Hmm, suppose I'll help myself to the table then." she thought, leaving the room for now as she made way to the dining hall, catching glimpse of Kei along the way. Of course she would be faster, considering the amount of time it took for the priestess to get dressed proper, but it looked like the companion had waited a little while longer in all likeness. Every other member of the party would follow in short order, assuming different seats or crouching spots around the table, where some further waiting would happen.

Thankfully, the waiting was not to be boring in the least, as the various gathered alraune were chatty enough to make any place lively with their conversation. The subject matter was somewhat questionable to say the least, but it told the story of how this place had come to be, and Tomoe was fond of little stories like that. It was also a good way to get to know the various flower ladies arranged around the table, how their personalities were and what could be used to identify them as they were conveniently color-coded by the flowers on their heads, though there were physical differences between them as well. Somehow, the reveal that Betty was the one with most affairs around the place, which was hardly a surprise considering her looks. Unless there was some xenophobia or dislike towards other humanoids involved, it was fairly easy to see her charming the other party involved with her refined features. The others had their share of partners too, but they did not appear to be able to compete with Betty, no matter how much they might have teased her about it. The others in her party were having mixed emotions about all of the things being said, but the miko herself was not all that bothered. If there was actual genuine romantic interaction and it was all consensual between both parties, she was completely fine with the all the relationships that they were engaged in. The attempt at communication between Alma and Ryuji brought a smile on her face as well, even if the hunter was not really the best conversation partner one could find. Someone not fearing or shunning him was certainly a welcome sight.

It took a decent while and a slew of lewd jokes to make it into actual dinner time, but it did come eventually as Rose and the helping daughters brought down the entirety of the dinner, which was quite humongous to say the least. While she was not bothered too much about all the things being said, Tomoe still welcomed the slight relief from all of the friendly teasing that was going on between the gathered alraune. Much like before, the shrine maiden tried to have a little bit of everything that was present on the table, though she did not start eating until everyone was ready and seated.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Trying a bit of everything, Tomoe had a bit of what tasted like roast turkey that had been glazed in a sweet sauce and some herbs, more of the fruit salad she'd enjoyed on the beach, a leafy salad, some stuffed mushrooms that also had a pleasantly sweet taste to them, and some freshly baked bread with her choice of normal or maple butter. The small talk wouldn't end with the meal finally underway, however, and even with Rose it still had a decidedly light hearted and teasing bend to it all. The other daughter, Primrose, would keep out of it entirely and barely ever glanced up from her plate, so nervous was she.

As the meal was starting to wind down, Rose would glance at Felicia and say; "Felicia, did you get the daily harvest finished before you came in today?" The targeted alraune would, with a slightly nervous smile, reply; "Well, uhhh... Mmmm.... Not... Not quite... But there are only a few of them left!" Rose frowned at the other alraunes response and glanced outside, "it's almost dark out! You'll be out there until midnight!" Felicia was about to reply, likely with a reassurance, but Camara got in on the conversation at that point; "Now now mother... No need to worry! Perhaps our guests," she scanned over Tomoe and Kei briefly, "would be willing to lend a hand? It won't take long at all with them involved."

Rose seemed intent on dissuading her daughter of that notion, but Tomoe could offer a response first if she liked. Kei looked uncertain, and Wistaria looked fairly suspicious.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Going through her meal, Tomoe found it to be up to her standards, though she was not hard to please when food was the subject matter. Like Camara had mentioned earlier, there certainly was a lot of sweetness to be found in the food, almost too much. The blue syrup appeared to be a rather popular choice as an ingredient for all sorts of food around the farm, it looked like. No matter how lewd the discussion got, the food was a good enough distraction and allowed the miko to go through the dinner without her getting too bothered and needing to take a brief leave. The alraune were certainly living up to the reputation they had, though there were a few different types even among them. Rose herself and two of the daughters were much more restrained than the rest of them, which was a good thing as they did not raise the level of lewd to awkward levels.

Towards the last moments of the eating time, Tomoe noticed that Rose had something particular to ask about, which was directed at the more subdued alraune with a blue flower, Felicia. It was about work, and the way that the answer came out was a clear indication that there had been some neglect towards it. The whole thing did not cause much concern in the miko at first, surely it would not be that much of a loss if the work was left for the next day. Somehow, the entire farm did not appear to be that tightly scheduled a place in the priestess' eyes, but apparently there were was a quota to be met on the different harvest items. Once Camara joined in, the matter suddenly started to interest her as the other blue-flowered alraune appeared to be pushing her and most likely Kei into work. While she was certainly not against giving the farm keepers some payback in labor for their food and lodging, this was not something she was willing to do, considering the harvest itself and what it could do to her and the others. Quickly thinking about an answer, she could have thought that Wistaria and Camara were in cahoots over this, but somehow it looked like the former was not completely agreeable towards the suggestion, and it appeared that Rose herself was feeling the same thing. "As much as I'd like to provide something in return for your generous hospitality, I don't think this is a job I should be doing. I'm sure you know what the harvest does to us humans, and I do not want that to happen. It would not be comfortable... I ask for your understanding in this matter." she offered a brief answer.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

"Ahhh, you don't need to worry about that!" Camara said reassuringly in response to Tomoe's refusal, though Rose would frown further at her. That wouldn't stop her from pressing on though, "we can keep the weeds under control~ You'll only end up with a face full of pollen if you tease them too much and we lose control." Despite her reassurances, Rose would quickly reply; "Oh don't let them try to pressure you! You're our guests, and you don't need to do anything that you don't want to!" She cast another scathing look towards Camara, who fell silent with only a slight frown.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Apparently, Camara was not ready to give up this easy, and tried to push the attempt a little further with some kind of explanation about alraune powers. While she was certainly no expert in this subject matter, there was a certain shadiness to be detected about the request which made Tomoe question this even further. And if was Camara and Wistaria doing the control, it would certainly go to the the messy end of the deal for everyone involved, considering the prankster nature of the two. Rose had apparently reached her limit at that point and gave a snappy remark to silence the rather insistent daughter of hers, which was relieving but nonetheless made the miko feel a bit bad, she was not wanting that kind of interruption to happen because of her. "It's a kind offer, but I still can't be comfortable enough to accept this. Please, I'm sure you can understand." she gave another answer, almost knocking her forehead on the table as she gave a needlessly deep sitting bow towards Camara.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Camara would pout in response to Tomoe's continued refusal to help her sister with the remainder of their chores, though Felicia didn't seem to mind. "I think I'd prefer to stay out of it as well... I'm sure I'd be terrible at it," Kei would reply slightly apologetically, while Wistaria would simply shrug, "I'm under no threat, so I don't mind lending a hand." Rose, seeing Camara's continued scowl, would frown at the other plant-kin and say; "If you care so much about Felicia finishing up quickly Camara, why don't you go ahead and help her?" Camara would open her mouth to reply, a sheepish look on her face, but Rose would cut her off sternly, "in fact, we seem to be finished with dinner, why don't you two get to work right now? Wistaria, thank you for the offer, but you shouldn't feel obligated to work for us, we love having you visit!"

Felicia would smirk and rise, while Camara looked disappointed and stood more slowly. "I really don't mind," Wistaria said as she too got to her feet, "if it'll make Camara sulk a little less for not seeing my companions with a face full of pollen, it's no trouble at all~" The three alraune quickly departed out the front door, and the rest started cleaning up their meal now that it was finished while Rose continued sitting. "So," she said while looking at Tomoe and Kei, "sleeping arrangements. How many rooms will you need?"
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

It was not hard to understand that Kei was just as unwilling as Tomoe herself when it came to the requested task. It did not appear to be good enough yet still as Camara still had her frown about her, and it looked as if she would try to push it further, but Rose was expecting it. With some further use of authority that she possessed as the head of the farm, the alraune mom laid the issue to rest. It was still a slightly troublesome situation as the miko was somewhat uncomfortable with causing even this tiny disturbance in the peace of the farm and it's residents. Nonetheless, Wistaria eased the situation with putting herself to work, which the priestess could be thankful of as there was no real harm that could befall on the alraune unless she tripped badly or something equally unlikely.

As the trio of different-colored plant ladies left, Rose inquired about the space needed for the group to spend the night. In all honesty, there was probably not much need to for different rooms, and the miko expressed what she thought as such. "Well, if you have a somewhat big room available, we should be able to sleep in one room. Unless there are objections? she replied to the head alraune, looking at the others to see if they had something in mind.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

No one raised any objections, though Kei did glance towards the door with a frown at Tomoe's suggestion. "Eheh... Well," Rose said, an apologetic tone warning of what was to come, "we don't really have a single room big enough to fit ALL of you. Either you could all try to fit into two rooms, our spares, or some of you could shack up in one of our rooms. We've got cots and bedding aplenty so that no one has to sleep directly next to each other, but how you want to organize yourselves is really up to you."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Somehow, Tomoe had expected that it was not going to be as easy as just going to one room for sleep. There was need to split up, unless the group wanted to make it uncomfortable for themselves. While she was really thinking for the best of all of them, the frown that Kei tried to hide did not earn any points for her. Just then, the miko decided that this would be the opportunity to get back at her, in a small kind of way, and Wistaria too. The alraune had been responsible for some bad things in the recent past, and she too would get a very minor payback. Alright, I suppose me and the hunters will take one room then. Kei and Wistaria should get along just fine so we can stay for the night. she announced her intentions, deciding to get back at the two now, where it would not be really harmful in any way.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

"Okay!" Rose said brightly, "that sounds fine! I'll show you up to your rooms now, but you can all feel free to hang around down here if you'd like some company. We usually turn in early, but not quite this early, and Felicia and Camara won't be in for a while." Kei, in the meantime, wouldn't seem to care too much that Tomoe had selected her roommate, though the redhead would briefly gaze at her blankly.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

For all the mistrust and possible hatred she might harbor for her future roomie, Kei appeared to take things in stride as she got the news that it would be her with the alraune. Maybe she just did not care all that much, but the blank stare revealed that she was not happy with the arrangement. Tomoe made no further mention of it, and that matter appeared to be settled right there. Though she had a slight suspicion that the two might want to get back at her in some way, that was what she had decided upon.

Following Rose, Tomoe would go and have a look at the room so he could find it later, leaving her other belongings besided Kuchinawa in there for now while still keeping her sword in case it was needed. After doing that, she would return to the living areas to look out for further alraune antics that would surely happen, looking for a decent sitting spot. Not sure what she should say to the others, she let them decide what they wanted to do.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Rose would rise from the table as Tomoe did, and led her up to the room that she would stay in with Ryuji and Shenron, the two hunters trailing after and ambling in to wait with the priestess as she deposited all of her gear besides her treasured blade. Kei was just a room over, and would not come out of her room after Rose showed it to her, though the alraune matron would be seen moving down the stairs only a moment after showing Kei to the room.

Heading back downstairs with the two hunters in tow, Tomoe would be stopped on the landing at the bottom of the stairs by Shenron, who placed a hand gently on the miko's shoulder to stop her. "We will go out for a while," he said slowly in his usual low, sibilant voice, "I must.... Teach. As you taught me. We will be back before the night is out, and ready to continue in the morning." He would release Tomoe's shoulder and await her response, her permission, and assuming that she gave it he would bow, an action that their son mimicked, and then depart through a side door.

Once back with the alraune, Tomoe would get a wave from Claire, one of the ones who had been doing the most teasing during the earlier antics, as well as an extremely sheepish look from Primrose. Two others, Betty and Alma, were playing chess over in the corner with a rough set and board that had obviously been hand carved, the Badarian game having not transferred much to the Amazon like its much more complex progenitor, Dotet, had. Primrose sat with Rose, the two going over what looked like the farm's accounts. Stella, April, and Claire, in the meantime, were sitting at a corner of the dining room table playing cards. "Where did your lizard pals go?" Claire asked idly as Tomoe was left to ponder what she'd like to do, assuming of course that she had allowed Ryuji and Shenron to wander off.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

After seeing the room, Tomoe headed back downstairs, not seeing any reason to try and get Kei out from her room. Most likely the redhead just wanted to have time on her own, as Wistaria would be there sooner or later. At the base of the stairs, it appeared that it was time for another session of "school" for the young Ryuji as Shenron requested that they have their time together in peace. "But of course. Do as you must, you have my blessing." she told the two, giving the son a pat on his scaly head before they left to do whatever it was that the two did. The miko felt a little proud as she saw them go, the idea of such peaceful members of a usually hostile species warming her heart.

The different alraune had not dispersed too much, most of them still remaining in the areas around the dining hall, now engaged in different activities. Somehow, the idea of the farm having the need for accounts caught the miko by surprise, as this was not exactly the type of farm that she thought would have a need for that, but apparently they did. Judging from that, one could draw a conclusion that they were not keeping all the produce for themselves, instead sending it out to different customers. As she looked around to pick a spot, Tomoe was poked with a brief question from one of the many flower ladies present, Claire in particular. "They went out a little. Shenron is trying to teach the human language to Ryuji." she told what she knew, not having any reason to hide what was was going on. One could probably question if that was really what was going on, but even as she had not seen any of the events that happened when the two were gone, the priestess trusted Shenron enough to know that it was not anything bad. After a brief scan of the room, she decided to take a spot somewhere near Betty and Alma to follow the game they were playing as it was more interesting and stimulating than the other options present. Even so, she did not want to be a bother, so she kept some distance between herself and the ongoing game.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Perception 1: ???
Perception 2: ???

"Oh.... I just thought he was shy!" Claire replied brightly in response to Tomoe's explanation. With the priestess opting to go over and watch the game of chess between Betty and Alma, the brief interruption caused by her entrance would quickly subside, and Tomoe would be able to watch the two alraune play without interrupting them. Alma had the superior position and seemed to be the better player, her turns taking a bit longer but usually producing more impressive results. She had come in by the start of the game, but Alma quickly racked up a decent pile of dead pawns, a bishop, and a knight while only a single pawn and a castle was lost on her part.

"The smaller one can't speak your language?" Alma asked curiously while pondering a move. As the game progressed, the other alraune's early lead would be broken down slowly by Betty as she took both of her knight's in two turns at the cost of only another pawn, an act that unleashed her castles to take a bishop and four more pawns before Alma's queen could sweep both of them up. That in turn allowed Betty to take Alma's queen with her own, leaving the alraune with the purple rose looking decidedly concerned. She still held the center, but only with pawns and a castle, her bishop the sole remaining strong piece while the last of Betty's pawns were marching towards the back of the board or guarding her king. That left Betty's queen and other remaining strong pieces to rampage, and all too soon the prettier alraune claimed victory, leaving Alma pouting.

"Hah!" Betty said, sticking out her tongue after her come back, "dishes for you!" Alma pouted harder, but then rose with a huff and went off to the kitchen. Turning to Tomoe, Betty grinned brightly at the priestess and swept a hand toward the opposite chair, "care to challenge the house champion?"
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Taking her seat, Tomoe followed the proceedings of the game with great interest, seeing that Alma had the upper hand and mostly did appear to be the one with the plan as she was being more thoughtful about each of her moves. She had also taken more of Betty's pieces and was in a pretty strong position, but the prettier of the two still had fight left in her as she made a few stronger moves to even up the situation between them. "Well, he is a young one still, not old enough to have picked up on all the necessary concepts of speech yet. It will take a little more time and study for him to speak at a level that allows for actual conversation." the miko explained the situation of the hunter son when it was asked for by the still leading Alma. That lead was taken from her soon though as the noble-looking alraune on the other end of the table began to sweep her pieces away, executing a grand plan that reached the climax with a winning move, showing clearly the fact that she was indeed the superior one at the game, despite her earlier show of apparent weakness.

After watching Alma leave and head into the kitchen to deal with the terrible punishment that was the dishes, Tomoe's attention was brought back to the table as Betty invited her over for a game. Even though she had her reservations, the priestess decided to take the offer as she did not want to be a complete bore and avoid any participation in anything. She had already backed out from the farming duty, which was understandable, but she still had some regret from doing that is it still appeared a little ungrateful in her mind despite what Rose had said. This was something that she felt would make up for it in some small way. Nodding to Betty in reply, she took the offered seat to play a round with the pretty plant lady.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

"Oh... I had no idea!" the purple flower bearing alraune replied, scratching her head briefly before returning her attention to the game. Once Alma had lost and Tomoe had accepted Betty's challenge, the alraune gave a delighted laugh and motioned Tomoe into the chair that her sibling had formerly occupied. "Normally we bet chores and such on our nightly games," Betty explained as she reset the board, giving Tomoe the white pieces and therefore the first turn, something that she had had last game.

Looking up at the priestess with a grin equal parts mischief and joviality, Betty continued, "obviously we can't have you doing mundane chores.... But I do propose a bet!" Clapping her hands together, the alraune concluded; "A man who stayed here one night left a treasure in my room! He was an adventurer of some sort, and I've no use for it, while you might. It can protect whoever has it from magic or let them cancel it out! And it's really pretty, though I'm not really one for jewelry. If you win, I'll give it to you! But if I win, she pointed a finger at Tomoe's nose dramatically, "you have to sleep in my room tonight!"

She held that dramatic pose and a broad grin for a moment, the rest of the alraune mostly rolling their eyes at her antics, before giggling and dropping the pose. "No further strings attached, of course! I'm just looking for someone to cuddle with, and you look comfy~"
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

"Yes, I could make that much out from what was being said." Tomoe confirmed what she already knew to Betty, following the restoration of the board and pieces back to the beginning state of a game. The look that came from Betty afterwards had her thinking that the theatrics appeared to be the norm for most alraune, as there had been plenty of them to be seen in the time the she had been around the family here. "Alright, I suppose I'll hear you out." the priestess confirmed as the noble flower lady started to propose the terms of the bet that she had in mind. The prize for winning certainly appeared to be interesting, and could have a very real effect on some future battles if it really worked and there were spellcasters involved. And while the losing end of the deal appeared to have some risks within it as well, the possible benefits of having the jewel with her were enough of an incentive to go against her usual ways of avoiding any kind of risk that might lead to sexual events that involved her in some way. The other alraune practically mirrored the reaction that miko would have given if Betty had not been looking at her then for all the grand gestures, but she could really not do it to avoid causing any slight against her.

"Fine, I accept this bet. Whenever you are ready." Tomoe announced her agreement, letting the alraune take her seat so they could start the game.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Grinning maniacally, the pretty alraune settled back into her chair and made a sweeping motion with her hand, "first turn goes to the challenger!" From there, Tomoe was free to decide on a general strategy, if she'd opt to be aggressive or defensive, what section of the board she would try to hold, how willing she would be to sacrifice her pieces, or if she would simply play without a general strategy and attempt to take the game as it came.

(So, I'm not going to play a game of chess in an RP. That'd take years. Just go with a general strategy as I mentioned above, fluff whether or not Tomoe is actually good at chess, and I'll figure out how the game goes from there.)