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Homelands (Guan Yu)

Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

The collective amazement of the other alraune present was nothing surprising to Tomoe, the antics of the collective of flower ladies starting to be fairly clear to her at that time. She didn't make a fuss about it though, even if she had a slight concern towards the idea of going to a more separate room with just Prim there.

The attic was a modest one, not seeing much use it looked like, as there was nothing really there besides a single blanket and a few roof windows. The view outside was somewhat bleak, with some flooding happening in the surrounding forest and the road area they had arrived from a few days back. But it also showed the good landscaping designs of the farm inhabitants, who had separated themselves from the floods, at least for the time being. The water might catch up to them eventually, but it would take a lot of time to actually happen. As Primrose offered the seat, Tomoe took it without a word on her own part, sitting on her legs like she was used to doing in these kinds of situations. "So, what do you think about your family here? Just curious, you don't need to answer if you don't want." the miko asked after a minute or so, genuinely curious about what the state of the family was. She could probably get a little information out from this particular question, or so she thought.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Primrose nudged aside slightly as Tomoe settled beside her, giving the miko her personal space but also fidgeting nervously and starting to turn a darker green in her cheeks. She seemed distracted, and Tomoe's sudden question caused her to jump in surprise. "Oh... Um... They're alright I guess," she said hastily, settling into a brief silence before realizing how little room she had left for further conversation.

Half turning towards Tomoe, Primrose tilted her head and sighed. "It's just... Well... They like to tease me... Make fun of me... Like downstairs... But... They take care of me. I'm not... Good around people, like they are. I have... I'm not pretty, like Betty or Alma... I can't joke like April or Claire... I can barely... Even talk to people sometimes. You saw... How I was before... I... Well... You know... A-anyway, I just... I can't be around people!"

She was growing more frustrated by the moment, and it showed even in her quiet voice, but Primrose blustered on anyway; "I just... I've got this problem... When I'm around other people... Not just my siblings... Or others like us... I hear things. Thoughts. Sometimes... I can read them a lot better, if I try. And sometimes... I can make people... Think things. I only ever did that once! And I told mama right away, and she was mad and made me promise to never do it again! Ever! And I haven't! But... Your minds are all so... Different, and it's hard for me to try to understand! And I just get so... Anxious around people! E-especially ones... That are as pretty as you!"

Primrose seemed quite emphatic in her denial and then blushed furiously at her compliment towards the miko, but by that point Tomoe had some concerns of her own to worry about. The hard hit from the pollen and the immediate follow up, plus the repeated doses of their seed that she had swallowed (among other things) had left the miko's body with certain cravings. She had been having those fulfilled to one degree or another quite regularly now, but it had been nearly a full day, and the hunger she had for both their pollen and their cum had finally begun to nag at her, especially now that she was alone with one her body knew was both willing and able to give her what she craved. Primrose didn't seem to be aiming in that direction, not yet at least, and the urges were nowhere near strong enough to drive her to rip her clothes off and mount the young alraune like a dose of the pollen might inspire, but it would be so easy to simply indulge here if she wanted that the temptation was there anyway.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

"Even if they tease you, I can see that your sisters are looking out for you. It might come across differently at times, but I feel that they only want to encourage and wish you the best. It might take time and effort, but I too feel like you will come to your own eventually. Find your place in this world. Just don't give up. It might me cliche to say that, but it is the truth." Tomoe offered some of her own thoughts about the matter that was Primrose and her life. But the alraune had more to say, so the miko let her carry on. Letting her come out with this stuff was important as no one should ever have to keep things to themselves forever.

What came next was interesting to say the least. If what Primrose mentioned was true, she was certainly gifted in a way that most people could only dream to be. "That is a rare gift you have. But... I can imagine it being the most heavy of burdens if you constantly hear what they think. I assume you use this skill a lot?" she asked, the sudden realization coming to Tomoe at that time. If the youngest of the alraune could hear the thoughts of her sisters, she was probably more in the know than any estimation that the priestess could make about her sisters and the truth might not be as nice as she was trying to make it out to be. "I agree with Rose on that part. Forcing your way onto others should not be done unless it is the direst of circumstances. So, it is good that you have not done it since then. You have my respect for that." the shrine maiden went on, and would compliment Prim for her discipline. It was an ability that might corrupt someone really fast, and she was not using it, which was commendable.

"My thoughts are different? How is that?" Tomoe continued, finding it curious that she was somehow a strange and different thing to behold. Even as she was getting bothered by her building needs, the miko held herself back, going against her body with her mind. She did not want this moment and conversation to turn into a blatant festival of lewd acts, her own needs being secondary to Prim's.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Whether or not Tomoe's uplifting words were really helpful to Primrose was hard to say, as her lips thinned and she looked off distantly and fell silent for several moments. Then she went on to mention her abilities, and Tomoe's response to that produced a slight frown on the alraune's face. "I... Don't try to. My sisters and I... We can do it anyway," she said, "all of our kind can... Talk to each other that way. I mean... As far as I know, all of us can. We can talk to... Other plants too, even though talking isn't really what it's like.

"But you... Fleshy people are all different," she continued insistently, "I can't really explain how, but your thoughts... They're all like, words and stuff! And my sisters can't hear them so it's really hard to explain. They're all better at... Talking... Than I am." Primrose seemed increasingly frustrated at her inability to describe her problems to Tomoe, and for a moment settled into a sullen silence.

"Yours are... Weird in particular," she continued after a moment. "It's like they're... All lined up or something. But some of them are like... Like you don't want them. And those all seem to be about us..."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Primrose revealed something that Tomoe had no prior knowledge before this discussion, about the shared ability that all alraune had. Not sure how this wordless communication worked, she speculated that it was either through spores or was an actual telepathic communication method, which made each alraune somewhat magical in nature. Also, the development of her mind reading was clearly a necessary evolution that the young alraune had gone through to make up for her lack of social skills. All of this was fascinating to the priestess, who was certainly not one to ignore learning new things about the world and the many people in it.

"Well, about that... It's just that the many encounters with you folks in the recent days have had an effect on my body. And I'd rather... not give in to those desires. My body is saying one thing, but I refuse to go with it, since I do not want to end up getting permanently addicted and dependent on you guys. While I do respect all of you tremendously for being such gracious hosts, we do have to leave eventually, and I wish that I was able to do it with my condition in a manageable state." Tomoe told Prim about what she thought was the problem, not being entirely sure what the other meant with her statement.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Tomoe's explanation only seemed to make Primrose sadder, as her frown deepened and she tucked her knees up against her chest. "You don't... Have to leave," she said softly, "and even if you do... You're the only one... Who was... Who ever... Was interested in me... Who wasn't just polite, but really tried to... To be my friend." She fell silent for a few moments, settling her chin onto her knees, but after a few moments Primrose said; "I'm sorry... For what I did. But even after that... You went out of your way to help me."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Listening on for a bit, Tomoe was somewhat taken aback by the mention that she shouldn't be leaving the farmhouse. But it was easy to see that Prim was not having the best of times, or even lives for that matter, as she seemed to be very, very lonely a person if her words were the truth of the matter. Shifting hersself a bit closer, the miko put her hand on the top of the alraune's head to give her some slight comfort. "It's just how I am. I hate to be of inconvenience to anyone, even if it comes at my expense. I wouldn't know what to say about that part of me, maybe I'm just weird like that. Even if what did happen happened, I don't want to have a family breakup on my conscience. I'm just a guest, it shouldn't have to happen because of me or my group. And I honestly think that no-one should be without friends, that is just not a good state to be in. If I can fill that void, even for a little while, I won't care who it is." she spoke up once Prim had finished her rather melancholic statements. "Hmm... I don't know if I should consider this... but I think you could come with me on my journey. But... it is as my other companion has stated, the world out there is not pretty or kind for the majority of it. I'm not sure how you could manage if it came to a hostile situation."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Primrose initially shrunk away from her touch when Tomoe reached out in a comforting gesture, but if the miko persisted she would stay rigid for only a moment before seemingly beginning to relax, though her eyes widened as she looked up at Tomoe from between her knees. "It wouldn't... Have been your fault," she protested weekly after Tomoe explained her reasons for seeking mercy for the young, troubled alraune.

The miko's offer, in contrast, caused Primrose to lift her head and stare at Tomoe in shocked silence for a long moment. "You... You want me... To come with you?" she stuttered, as if she couldn't quite believe what she'd heard. "I... I mean..." She hesitated another moment, then said; "I'd have to ask mom... But... If you'd really have me... I mean... Um..." She faltered and stuttered her way into silence, looking to the side for a moment but then slowly forcing herself to meet Tomoe's eyes, uncertainty still present even though she was slowly lowering her knees off to the side.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

"I wouldn't mind having you around. It would be nice to see if you could find a place that feels like it is the place you belong into. But like I said, I'm not entirely sure if you can manage out there. As much as I'd like it, I can't be there all time if it goes to a fight." Tomoe replied, not shying away from eye contact with Primrose in the least. Even as it might have been troublesome to the alraune, she needed to see if she would be able to make it out there with the miko and the rest of her little squad of misfits. "And there is the whole matter of my companions as well. I will have to ask them about their opinions, since they have been with me for a good while and I try to not upset anyone among us with my decisions most of the time. I suspect Kei will be against this, but I need to know what Shenron and Ryuji think as well. And probably Wistaria too, if she decides to stalk us after this." she told Prim, not wanting to outright squash her dreams but still stating that it would take a little time to find the answer to her dilemma.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Primrose settled as Tomoe explained her own potential blocks to bringing the young alraune along, having no input as to how her companions might react to the idea that she join their journey. "Does that mean that... Um... We... Ummm..." she began, trailing off as a blush crept over her face. "Can do... Can we... Um... Do... Have..." The color creeping over her cheeks built, and her eyes drifted away from Tomoe only to slip back towards the miko, gathering what courage she could find. "Can we... Be... Um... Lovers?"
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

What came next was certainly unexpected as hell. After seeing and hearing a fair bit of hesitation and the gathering of courage, Tomoe was presented with what was basically a proposal by the awkward alraune. She had not been ready for something like that not considering that Prim might have the courage to do it, and was caught off guard. "Well now... that is... a rather direct question from you. I'm not sure I can give an answer... after so little time between the two of us. We probably need to get to know each other better... before I can give any answer... I'm not too knowledgeable about... love and relationships myself either." she told Primrose, the question getting her flustered rather bad. Somehow she felt that this might cause problems within the group, but the miko would deal with it as it happened. Particularly she was concerned how Shenron would take it as the older hunter was pretty much the lover she already had, and had shown some hostility towards others who messed with her in ways that she disapproved of. And shrine maiden had her qualms against these matters, as usual.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Primrose seemed to wilt in despair, discouraged by Tomoe's hesitant refusal, and fell into a sulky silence and looked away from the miko. "I knew... You'd say that," she muttered under her breath.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Of course, Tomoe had anticipated the kind of reaction that she got from Primrose. But she didn't want to destroy her dreams completely, so she tried to make up for it. Moving up a bit, the miko scooped the smaller alraune up, seating her on her own lap to give her some closeness that she would probably like. "It's not completely out of the question... We just need to spend time together, and I just might... find my side of the affection here. Surely, we will be able to make something happen after a bit of time..." she told the alraune, giving her hair a good rubbing and hoping that she would be able to ease the feelings of the flower girl. "So, don't feel too bad about that... About my words... Love is not always fast. I know of this."
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Tomoe's efforts at comforting the depressed alraune were at least mildly successful, as far as her reactions could reveal. She looked up, but while she still seemed despondent she eventually whispered; "Okay.... Okay." Then she seemed at a loss, looking at Tomoe, eyes occasionally sweeping downwards but quickly darting back up, waiting to see if the miko had anything else to say.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Looking at the reaction for her words, Tomoe found herself being at least somewhat successful at raising the spirits of her alraune companion. Not being entirely sure what to do or say, she decided to remain quiet for a bit, giving Primrose some time to spend in her lap. After a while, she asked if there was something else for them to do and if they should move out, or if the alraune wanted some more time to just be there, which the miko did not have anything against as there was hardly anything apparent to do in their current situation.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine

Eventually relaxing and unwinding into Tomoe's embrace, Primrose settled into a comfortable position in the miko's lap over the course of several silent minutes. In that time, Tomoe would feel the alraune's tendrils slowly sliding across her skin, her clothes protecting her from any direct embrace but the tentacles sliding over her still at least noticeable. The shy girl went no further than that with them, however, the action closer to a hug than a lewd grope. "Can't we just... Stay here for a while?" she asked softly, and when Tomoe answered affirmatively she fell silent once more.

The storm outside played out before them, the thin layer of glass enough to protect them from its wrath but not the sound. Rain lashed against the house, the sharp pitter patter a constant drone beneath the howling songs of the wind and rolling waves of thunder. It was dark beneath the black clouds, impossible to tell the time, but lightning crackled regularly and illuminated the dark for miles around, showing the floods and the trees standing tall or breaking beneath lightning and wind. They would go undisturbed a while, for an hour or more or until Tomoe tired of the embrace, whichever came first.

Then the door opened, disturbing the peace between them, and Rose's voice called up the stairs; "Dinner is ready!" Primrose looked up at Tomoe, lying in her lap, as the door closed and frowned worriedly. "Well... I guess... We have to go downstairs..." She trailed off but didn't move. Tomeo could easily pull away, causing her tendrils to recede, but Primrose was in such a position that she could easily lean down and give her a kiss, on her lips or her forehead or cheek, whichever she wished.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

"Oh... Sure, if you want to." Tomoe agreed, not particular about what they should do for the time being. So, she let Primrose cling onto her for the good while, tentacles and all. It wasn't a bad kind of embrace, so the two would remain there in close proximity until the call from downstairs rang out to them, breaking the mood rather effectively. "Looks like... we have to go. Food is waiting." the miko told her huggymate as she initiated them separating from each other. She would get going with Prim as soon as humanly possible to join up with the rest of them for eating time, but would give the young one a kiss to the forehead before they got too separate from each other, just to make her feel better about everything.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine

Primrose tensed just a tiny bit, eyes going wider as Tomoe leaned down and planted a kiss on her forehead. She looked like she wanted to say something but couldn't find the words, and so instead she rose, and led the way out of the attic.

Downstairs, the whole crew wasn't present. Her own comrades were all there save for Shenron, while the whole of the alraune clan was present except for Rose, Felicia, and Betty. The afformentioned hunter was along in short order, however, followed quickly in by the alraune matron who had called them down. Both were soaking wet, having just come in from outside, and if pressed by Tomoe would indicate that they'd been delivering dinner to those in the barn.

The meal was a less spirited affair than the last large gathering, some tensions clearly leftover after what had happened to Tomoe. Some, particularly those who hadn't been involved in enjoying her yet, shot an occasional jealous glance at her or concerned ones at Rose, who was glaring regularly at the perpetrators while stiffly trying to maintain the usual air of conversation, who were in turn trying to remain as unnoticed as possible. Her own companions were in various camps; Kei wasn't one to make much small talk to begin with and didn't seem to care one way or another about the tense atmosphere, Shenron and Ryuji simply didn't talk much but seemed to notice the uncomfortable atmosphere and were even more silent than usual, and Wistaria was the major perpetrator of those who shot jealous glances her way when they thought she wasn't looking.

How Tomoe opted to try and break the atmosphere, or even if she would try, were up to her entirely. Her extended stay with Primrose had left the needs created by her encounters with the alraune nagging at her, and being around so many caused those hungers to flare even further, an annoyance she would have to put up with throughout dinner as well.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Letting Primrose keep whatever say go unheard, Tomoe made it downstairs with her instead. Certainly being one of a helpful nature, she nonetheless thought that not all things should be pried out from others. If whatever the youngest of the alraune wanted to say was important, she should be the one with the courage to say it.

At the table, the mood was looking rather tense to say the least, with a lot of glaring going on and jealousy detectable in the air. While it bothered Tomoe, she was not sure what she could say to make the situation any better, and the bothersome feelings of nagging lust were at her again. Instead of making any moves to try and ease up the situation, she simply ate in silence, doing her best to hide and endure the abhorrent lust that was creeping at her once mlre. But the miko would keep an eye on the situation as she was not wanting a fight or argument to break out just because she was there.
Re: Homelands (Guan Yu)

Tomoe: HP = 107, PP = 51, EP = 76, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Shenron: Fine
Ryuji: Fine
Kei: Fine
Wistaria: Fine
Primrose: Fine

The insistent niggling at the back of her mind wouldn't go away as Tomoe set about eating, consuming the simplistic mostly vegetarian meal in silence. The tension in the room remained, even grew, and tonight the separation into various groups and individuals occupying themselves did not occur. For a while everyone simply remained at the table in silence, but eventually Kei would break the stillness by rising to leave to her bedroom, at which point Rose left for the barn, taking Alma with her.

Tomoe would be free to talk to whoever she liked, but many of the alraune seemed standoffish, and she would see Primrose ultimately glance her way and then leave to follow her mother. The miko could go and talk to her companions if she wished, or try and gauge how the alraune were feeling or might feel about Prim going off with her when she finally left.

Eventually, however, Betty would return, fairly soggy and looking miserable. She would smile when she spotted Tomoe, however, and after drying off a little she headed for the stairs. She paused in the doorway, however, and shot the miko a wide smirk and beckoned for her to follow.