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Re: In today's news...

Youtube's policy on this is 'lol if you don't like it just leave'

And that's what a lot of people are doing, but there's no real competition out there known for them to go to
Re: In today's news...

Speaking of scary shit....

A guy that knows legalese speaks legalese on the TPP.

Thanks for sharing that, it was a very informative.

Though sadly confirming my fears.
Re: In today's news...

Yeah I actually watch that channel and a number of other similarly modeled because I like to listen to somewhat interesting original stories of the like before drifting to sleep from the atmosphere. I find the videos actually quite relaxing, as a lot of the stories are surprisingly (And somewhat irritatingly at times) tame, and then I realize that simple things like having an intruder break in can be incredibly unsettling for people in countries where that isn't a monthly event.

But anyways yeah, it's a shame that people wouldn't even ask to have the thing removed, and would outright refuse to comment on it when asked about it themselves. Youtube, being a subsidiary of the lately blatantly evil shame-based-censorship supporting google, of course does not give even the smallest amount of shits for anyone who isn't generating crazy amounts of traffic.
Re: In today's news...

And now both BeBusta and Corpse Husband have started to bend under pressure and turn over to relying on subscriber stories for the majority of their things since they are kinda afraid to pick stories from outside sources like Reddit's Let's Not Meet subreddit since someone might not like it.

Fuck this shit.

Edit: Then I notice that BeBusta has removed everything else besides his subscriber stories videos. Doublefuck this shit.
Re: In today's news...

And now both BeBusta and Corpse Husband have started to bend under pressure and turn over to relying on subscriber stories for the majority of their things since they are kinda afraid to pick stories from outside sources like Reddit's Let's Not Meet subreddit since someone might not like it.

Fuck this shit.

Edit: Then I notice that BeBusta has removed everything else besides his subscriber stories videos. Doublefuck this shit.


Congratulations, this is post number 740000. A worthy post for sure
Re: In today's news...

Yesterday was the Canadian federal election. Liberals won with the Conservatives as the opposition party. Trudeau is in. Harper's out and has stepped down as Conservative party leader.
Re: In today's news...

From what I hear, Harper was kinda causing some issues, no? Bit of a, let's say, dick?
Re: In today's news...

He was indeed. Lot of people really wanted him out. Well, the people have indeed voted him out. Now let's see if Trudeau will actually keep any of his promises.

And hopefully not send the military into another dark age.
Re: In today's news...

And in some of the more strange news articles:

"Hitler did not want to exterminate the Jews" - Israeli prime minister

Goes on to claim it was the muslims who convinced him to do it anyway

German gov says Germany is entirely at fault for it and not the Arabs

I don't understand how they can be so self-hating to blame themselves over something 70 years ago. Pretty sure those that were actually responsible for it(Old enough to vote in Hitler) must be retired by now or dead
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Re: In today's news...

I don't know if that's self-hating, or just claiming responsibility. Owning up for what occurred without trying to shift the blame to someone else. Those responsible might all be retired or deceased by now, but the blame can't be shifted away.
Re: In today's news...

So the Israeli government is trying to blame somebody else for the holocaust now. That's fucking weird.
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Netanyahu has been steadily moving into crazyville.
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It's remarkably unfair too, they milked that so hard that it left the Germans cowed for years and years, their rights to many things have been challenged in-proportionately because of the accumulation of what was very understandable and perhaps even somewhat necessary war propaganda made against them in order to stoke the fires of war and rally people to fight. Once the war's over, that stuff doesn't just immediately go away, in fact WWII propaganda has steadily become a cultural phenomena for decades past the expiry date of the war, and even the Nazi mentality of the German people as a majority.

People are still making holocaust books, movies, references, games, etc... It's become something more than propaganda, it's become an inherent part of western culture as a whole. I think we all know who first comes to mind when the word fascist is said aloud, when somebody acts authoritative Nazi is probably the most common insult or accusation that will get put forward. It's been well over 3 generations that we've had to move past it, and it's still entrenched into our minds as a collective society to the point that we engage in ridiculous manhunts for men in their seventies who are no harm to anyone, when it costs manpower, money, and accomplishes basically nothing other than petty vengeance. I think it's despicable to try and use all that mired up filth and resentment and try to apply it to yet another group, after happily labeling one for more than 60 years without saying a fucking word. Disgusting.

And I say all of this while being pretty fucking mad about radical Muslim activity and ideology basically being ignored in the EU in some cases, and being tolerated in the face of a PC storm that has everyone shitting themselves over being called out for being intolerant or racist. But just because there are problematic people doesn't mean you should just dig up decades and decades of bad blood and fling it over an entire culture and religious ideology. I mean what the fuck.
Re: In today's news...

... we engage in ridiculous manhunts for men in their seventies who are no harm to anyone, when it costs manpower, money, and accomplishes basically nothing other than petty vengeance.

Well, I can't exactly agree with that. I mean, even IF it was solely about petty vengeance, I'd still be all for it, however there's something more at play.

It's about sending a message: That if you commit horrible acts, even during wartime, you WILL be found and punished. That there is no escape from justice, no matter how far you run or how long you hide, you must answer for your crimes against humanity.

Perhaps there are some people who think this might prevent such similar acts as those that occured during the holocaust from happening again. Or at least give officers that aren't completely brain-washed by their armies' propaganda pause before they turn on the gas.

I'm not nearly that optimistic, but then again I already said I'm all for petty vengeance. All I need to do is think, what if it was someone I loved who that octogenarian former nazi put a bullet through? Only one answer to that question.
Re: In today's news...

The logic behind what you said is dumb. People who commit war crimes do so because they are far gone beyond the thought of things such as consequences or retaliation, or fully accept what could come to them. The people who would rebel to the point of becoming a skinhead or some hipster neo-nazi shitstain will do so regardless if you euthanize or imprison some probably senile old geezer in his fucking 70s, there are people who are actively being monsters RIGHT FUCKING NOW to worry about, if money or manpower should be spent on anything it is those people, not relics of the past who are literally harmless.

I would be all for petty vengeance myself if it were for free, but it isn't, and is actively detracting from serious justice, or what could have been efforts made towards serious justice. If those men doing that hardwork could have been acting against gang-violence or hate crimes being perpetuated at the very moment they're searching for ancient ass irrelevant war criminals, why the fuck should they bother. I dunno if you know, but being old is pretty hellish regardless of whether or not you're in a fucking prison, and everybody with half a functional brain in their skull understands the concept that being a Nazi is bad, mmmkay?

Anyone who wants to be a nazi will do so regardless of the fucking stupid manhunts, because you have to be pretty fucking removed from standard society to identify as one. Most of these skinheads and neo-nazi hipster groups do it because they're furiously angry at the injustices of society, and are simply opting for the most contrary, energetic, violent, extremist other end of the extreme out there, because it's an easy culty not-having-to-think-too-hard way of opposing the injustices society imposes on them, a really fucking stupid and emotional way, but they will do it regardless of what you do to lieutenant bratwurst. And war criminals who don't associate with nazis at all will give even LESS of a fuck.
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Re: In today's news...

To a point I do agree, as I already said, the actual societal and physical impact of such arrests is minute at best.

Ideologically however, doesn't justice HAVE to be universal? Doesn't that mean that we have to "waste" resources to enforce it when perpetrators run to the ends of the earth and hide themselves away for decades? If that isn't the case then why punish ANYONE for any crime that wasn't committed IMMEDIATELY before they've been apprehended within close vicinity to where the act occurred? Forgive and forget the commandant that gassed 3,000 Jews when he was 30, because it's been a few decades since he did it.

And shit, if someone's old let them do whatever the hell they want, right? Can't punish them much more than time already has. Old guy runs over your kids because he doesn't like the way they're dressing now-a-days? Oh well, guess there's nothing to be done.

It would be interesting to see how much money HAS been spent hunting nazis over the years.

Lol, I know the U.S. government paid/pays alot of them to leave and go live in places like Argentina.
Re: In today's news...

Those situations aren't the same though. A man who commits a crime for personal gain most of the time won't be doing it because a fascist regime ordered him to, and more often than not he wouldn't be facing a death penalty for refusing or sympathizing with the enemy. A man who steals or kills in society without orders from a higher authority hanging over their head is a dangerous influence, you can't equate a rickety old man running down kids because he's authoritarian, old, and resentful to an old ass nazi officer trying to hide and live out the rest of his life.

Yes, he could well have committed war crimes, he may even be completely unrepentant and glad he did so, but he and his ilk have long since lost, most of his friends and family are probably dead, and you're exhausting effort on somebody who could have ultimately reformed or even just have been going with the flow of his country for all you fucking know. I'd like to see you go through nazi military brainwashing and come out on the other side without having committed a few war crimes, AND SURVIVE. Then you can tell me about how we're obligated to hunt down these nazi bastards because, "It's the principle of the thing!", until then, you're just being an unnecessary rabble-rouser. And that's dumb. Even against nazis.
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To be honest, it's mostly feckless teenagers or middle-aged men who should by all accounts know better that use the term "nazi" so frivolously.

One of the most egregious ones is probably "feminazi". I mean, c'mon.
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It stopped being too soon about 20 years ago or more, so I really don't see why not. It really shouldn't be that sensitive of an issue at all, especially with games like Wolfenstein still being released on a semi-regular basis. And if anything political censorship advocates are pretty deserving of the label fascist if you ask me, it's just a more subtle form of control than a group of crazy brainwashed people with guns. Replacing the guns with microphones and megaphones doesn't make it that much less fascist if people are still too scared or cowed to talk.
Re: In today's news...

It's about sending a message: That if you commit horrible acts, even during wartime, you WILL be found and punished. That there is no escape from justice, no matter how far you run or how long you hide, you must answer for your crimes against humanity.

Tell that to, oh, Stalin. Or Mao. If it's about sending a message, that message is "don't lose a war".