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ACT Inlet Pipe Productions, Shuttlecock-H is a bullet hell game with interacting girls

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Apr 1, 2019
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Here's my short description of the game:
Shuttlecock is a Space Bullet Hell in the company of beautiful women. Win their hearts by dodging deadly bullets. Give them (and by chance yourself too) an orgasm out of this world!

The rules are quite easy. You need to avoid all the enemies and their bullets while trying to collect hearts. The better you do, the happier girls are, therefore, you undress them and unlock new pictures.

The difficulty is somewhat challenging, as I truly believe Hentai is something that we need to strive for by our effort. We should feel the accomplishment by achieving its glory.

Here's the link to my Steam page:

So let me know what you think. I'm ok with any kind of feedback.
The estimated release date: 10.05.2019 (the content is fully completed, but I need time to polish the game)

Best regards mates,
I can't really give feedback, since no demo? I think?

It looks rather good from steam. Some remarks:
- you've posted in ulmf.org/forums/hentai This is currently (used as) the graveyard/incinerator for threads without a proper OP. You might want to update your OP (https://ulmf.org/threads/your-op-must-contain-this-information-or-it-will-be-deleted.12507/) and ask a mod to be moved to ulmf.org/forums/hentai-games.9/ (since the release is guaranteed... Or it'd be games-in-construction otherwise)
- If your H-content is animated, you might want to stress, it is so. Maybe how many girls, variations, etc.
- provide basic gameplay info. I played R-type, Ikaruga and some skimpy arcade game back in the day, but not all are TouhouProject old-timers. Mouse? Keyboard? Any specials? Any upgrades available for the ship?
- most will wonder either 'how good is that as a game?', or 'how hard is it to get 100% H-content?'. Pick your favored audience ;)
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