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Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

[Harpy 19 vs Carol 13-2=11, AP damage]
[Carol 14-3=11 vs Harpy 14]
[Harpy 4 vs Carol 1-3=-2, FP damage]
[Carol 6-3=3 vs Harpy 16]
[Harpy 9 vs Carol 14-3=11]
[Carol 1-3=-2 vs Harpy 4]
[Final result: Harpy inflicts 1 AP and 1 FP damage]

[Carol 1/5 FP, 3/10 AP]

Once more Carol resisted the advances of the harpy and struggled free, trying to get back to defeating the harpy in combat by throwing out some more slashes, however the harpy once more proved she was too nimble to be hit as she almost effortlessly dodged all of Carols attack attempts leaving the human girl tired and somewhat annoyed, the Harpy somewhat nonchalantly sidled up to Carol and put her wings around her once more, this time bringing her talons up to lightly tear away part of Carols pants, exposing her panties "My offer still stands human...", the Harpy whispered into Carols ears, before staring into Carols eyes and smiling, after this she leaned in close and softly kissed Carol on the lips, while rubbing her crotch against Carols to further tease the human with arousal, making Carol blush slightly.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

The combat continued just as it has been, Carol just continue cursing herself as she see than the harpy is just very fast to be damaged, her weapon just pass very away of her and this goes on and on without any change. Maybe the harpy is just really strong or she is really so bad than she is missing completely each hit.

Soon the harpy taunt her again and hug her in meedle of the battle, making Carol ekk as she feel how her pants are teared. Wait... please dont do that..mmhp... Her complain is stoped as the harpy lean to steal her a kiss and rub her cunt with her loer body.

F...fine, will do it at your way, but just please be kind with me and my clothes. Answer Carol blushed and humillated by has been acepted what she suppose will happen with her now after allow anything what the harpy will take as payment.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

[Carol surrendered...]

The harpy smirked and nodded, saying "There, wasnt so hard now was it?". Taking her wings away from Carol the harpy started to slide Carols clothing off slowly and setting it in a pile on a log, as to prevent sand from getting in the clothes and to prevent the clothing from being damage per request from Carol, the Harpy then started to undress herself also, exposing her own pussy to the air alongside her d cup breasts. Smiling the harpy said "Is this your first time hun~?" in a teasing manner, wrapping her wings around Carol again and giving her another kiss, this one going deeper as the harpies tongue invaded Carols mouth and wrapped around Carols own tongue, the harpy wrapped her legs around Carols waist and started to slowly grind against the human girls virgin folds while she awaited a response.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Carol feel herself humillated as slowly is undresed in middle of the city, maybe it was abandoned, but she feared than someone else could be looking at them, at least she could see than the harpy accepted to protect her clothes and she even could protect her virginity.

However when Carol turn to see the harpy nude body for a moment before turn ashamed to a side, this monstergirl get closed and steal another kiss from the red head, who soon could feel the invasor tongue moving everywhere at her mouth and also the other female pussy pressing itself at her soft flower lips. Carol muffed for a moment tried to tslk until she managed to get free of the harpy's long kiss. Yes, im also not experienced in this. Carol answer as she place a small kiss on the harpy mouth and hug her, unable to know what to do now, she just start to move the harpy body, to rub both lower lips and press both breasts pairs at each other.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

The harpy smirked and continued to rub against the naked girls body, saying "Ah...then i will go easy on you, since you are so cute after all~", the harpy winked at the human girl and then started to kneel, keeping her wings around Carols waist the harpy started to tease the humans folds, by gently licking it at first and then dragging her tongue across it slowly, after a few minutes of this the harpy would then start to stick her tongue inside inbetween licks, occasionally stopping to suckle on the girls clit, eventually speeding up her pace as she continued to pleasure the human girl. Not stopping until she reached orgasm, at which point the harpy would lick the human girls juices from her pussy, making small moaning sounds herself before standing up and cuddling with the human again "There....you may pass...unless you want something more...~?" the harpy teased.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Thanks... Carol mutter shyly, making a little whimper as she saw what the harpy would try on her now, the red head cant believe how skilled this woman is and how the monstergirl looks to enjoy lick at her private parts, soon she could feel her body being aroused by the licks at her, making her hold herself at the harpy shoulders, slowly she stop to look around the place at her worries to be noticed, instead she tried to stop of main and also trying to understand why this was making her come without too much oreplay or more naughty touches. After a while she cum, not having the endurance to muff her cute lewd moan.

She soon remain trying to recover herself as soon the harpy say her than she could pass. But then this ask if she want more, but Carol just wide open and worried of start liking it. Ehm, it feels good, but not thanks... maybe a next time. Carol answer trying to be kind with the harpy than has treated her kindy. If all goes right, she will dress herself and continue her path
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

The harpy smiled and nodded, dressing herself also "So what brings you to the Blackrock Spires human?" she asked, pulling her own tank top back on and waiting for Carol herself to get clothed.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Carol get surprised for the question, she ended to place her underwear before come with something. Ehm, its a little hard to explain it excatly, but you could say than i moved from home to adventure myself and find interesting things... Then the train stop here and i found than i was the only one there at the train. Carol then ended to put her whole clothes and wait for the harpy.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

The harpy giggled "Oh those silly train drivers, always bringing people here...." the harpy cuddled up to Carol for a moment "You're going to have a lot of fun here..." she whispered, before flapping her wings, she would then group Carols shoulders with her talons and take flight into the skies, leaving the ground long behind them as the harpy ascended up a spire, after a few minutes she set Carol down on what looked like a tree trunk, but the bark was jet black, the harpy landed beside Carol and said "Welcome to blackrock." Up ahead was what looked like a small camp, with a campfire and a few logs to sit on, alongside what looked like a hammock to rest in and a doorway leading to a wooden bridge that would lead into another spire.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Uhm thanks? Carol answer after heard about the fun, not sure what the harpy tried to say with this, but soon she make a little long ekk, as she was raised up, soon closing her eyes as she leave the floor.

After a while she get at her kness at the wooden floor and look everywhere not so scared now. Where are we and where that bridge end? Ask Carol to the harpy pointing to the wooden bridge.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

"We're in one of the spires dear, and one of the few safe ones at that. The bridge leads you into another spire where a few..."friends" are hanging out" the harpy answered. Smiling the harpy continued "You said you came here to adventure right? I hear a few of the lamias and dragons here have quite a haul of cash...", almost taunting Carol with the prospect of gold and treasure.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Glad to heard than this place is safe, yet not glad about than these lands have so few of these safe places. The red head gget up and nod to the harpy. Well, if they are your friends, then i guess than all will be fine, thanks for your help, i hope than we will able to meet again soon, my name is Carol, btw.

Once ended to talk with the harpy, the young warrior moved to the next spire, hoping than all goes better than moments ago
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Nodding, the Harpy said "Rachel, ill be seeing you soon Carol." before perching herself on the edge of the balcony and returning to ground level via flying. Leaving the young warrior to move across the bridge to the next spire, as she did so she saw a variety of airborne mamono and monsters flying around, a dragon, a few harpies like Rachel and even a weird looking jellyfish creature. They were all ignoring her for now though so it would probably be a good idea to get into that spire before they notice her.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Once she wave to Rachel, the young woman moved toward the next spire, the look of being surrounded by many monstergirls and even a strange jellyfish creature make her get worried of them and soon increase the speed to reach the next spire, trying to pass unoticied
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

She got to the end of the bridge unmolested thankfully, throwing open a wooden door and stepping into the spire, it looked like this place had seen better days as the spire itself had a few destroyed pillars, vines were starting to overgrow all over the walls and downed pillars and there was barely any light in this spire, only supplied by wall mounted torches, some of them starting to run out of fuel meaning that it was quite dark. Impeding carols progress somewhat, she could however make out there was a staircase leading downward to her right side and a door to the east of her in this large and open room.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Luckily for Carol, there was not any confrontation with the creatures living here and so soon she reach the wooden door. Not wasting any second she open it and get inside, glad than all has been going right, however she soon notice the decayed place, lacking of light to continue checking the place and looking to two possible new rutes, she decide to first check the door to the east, she could had maybe taken a torch but looking at them they will not endure the walk, so she let them in place and continue her path.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Walking over to the door, she was intending to go that route instead of going down the staircase, as she opened the door she found herself in what looked like a short corridor with a immediate 90 degree turn to the left, as she stepped forward she heard the ground rumble, then a gigantically thick vine whipped round the corner and grabbed one of her ankles, yanking suddenly and causing her to fall onto her back!

[Large Vine, 5/5 HP]
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

The young human reach the other room without problems and so she suppose than all would continue like this as she get inside, it was a corridor, what she tried to pass through but soon the earth start to shake and she cry by all this and more when a long vine come out the floor, scared by all this, the creature take the chance to take her anckle making her fall at her rear, she dont take a moment to lost and after try to pull free, she will slash at the creature to end the life of what this thing is.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

[Vine gains initiative!]

[Vine 13 vs Carol 20]
[Carol 9 vs Vine 17]
[Vine 17 vs Carol 3, FP hit]
[Carol 8 vs Vine 5]
[Vine 5 vs Carol 19]
[Carol 8 vs Vine 9]
[Final result: 1 FP hit on Carol, 1 HP hit on vine]

[Large Vine 4/5 HP]

[Carol 4/5 HP, 0/10 AP]
[Grappled 1 : -1 to attack rolls]

Trying to struggle herself free was easier said than done, Carol immediately took a light blow to the head from falling over but she managed to slice into the vine now trying to drag her away down the corridor, snaking its way around her leg now and trying to yank her clothing off as well.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

There was not too much to say about the sudden battle, the vine looks to dont stay in a place, so Carol had problems to hit it and she soon get wounded by it and grapped, even then she dont lost her hopes and continue striking at the creature before this get worse. Trying to forget the hit at her head what had already making her eyes wet and making her make a little ooww