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Jean (Zilrax)

Re: Jean (Zilrax)

The moment to act was now and so avoid than something could happen to her Jean needed to stop this strange pulling force before get caught again. Her fire soon made the work soon melting the metal tubes than were mostly hollow from the inside, some of her cum get out from her side and she still have a part of it on her but without the suction force these will be removed soon.

Are you recording all? This thing looks to have some kind of intelligence... The red skinned said maybe making mental notes about the strange event.

Heh, sound like someone needs to get out the lab for some days. The pink skinned one said as she giggles and start to stop the alert sound yet soon some red lights started to iluminate the whole hall.

Dont you see it? That thing turn and melted what it needs to get free, could be a mutation, maybe a parasote who knows but we must check what is causing this object to do this. The red skinned one would now try to stop Sunflower from escape but Jean noticed than that strange table with buttoes looks to control all.

Boring rolls failing
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower grimaces as she managed to free herself of the tubes, shuddering as her seed spilt on the ground and on herself. She glared irritably at the pair, and then out at the doors. That table with the buttons seemed to be the controlling device. Course she had no idea how it worked.

Still, she was loose and it seemed a decent chance. Maybe she could free the others in time. If she had a clear path, she lunged and decided to hit one of the buttons that looked like maybe it'd release all the others, an emergency release button or something.

If she didn't have a clear path, she looked at the woman that seemed to be catching on to her intellect. She pointed at the women in the tubes, trying to tell her to release them through gestures. They didn't share a language, but their bodies were similar enough that body language perhaps could be translated.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Jean was in middle of a long corridor of women in pods with liquid, all of them looks to be sleeping and even some have dicks like her, there were some races too but in others lines, the huge hall should have at least fifty of these nude uncouncious girls, all looking to be of the same age without matter the race. She could run to the path behind her but there she will not find a door, the small corridor was in part blocked by the red skinned girl who was close to jump to her if she run to try to open the door than was far away at the end of the huge room.

The path to the panel control would be hard and press randomly could be good or bad if she had the time, of course than she was weak to try a run now, she mostly would end tackled by one of these girls, so she pointed to the others women trapped. At least this made her be out of any attempt to catch her for now.

Oh for the science, that F2LB is pointing to the pods. The pink skinned one said amazed. We will be so filthy rich.

Yes but why this is pointing to all the pods? It looks to be hostile so this could be dangerous

She reduce the distance between Jean and her before continue.

Do you want to get inside a pod? Your fruit juices looks to be too much for ours machinery, can you understand me? She said trying making a pause between her questions to understand what Jean was trying to say, the human could make her know more of her but the time to escape could end in any moment
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Ugh her body was so weak. If she ran for it she'd abandon all these poor people who'd been kidnapped. There was dozens of them, some even equipped like her, poor things. They all seemed around her age, though the race seemed to differ.

IF she ran, either could try to knock her over, and with her current level of strength, they were likely to succeed.

The creatures seemed amazed to find out she was intelligent, like they were animals or something because they couldn't understand her.

Sunflower took a couple steps back warily as the creature approached her, and nodded when she was asked if she could understand. It was pointless to talk, they didn't understand and it seemed to hurt their ears. Shame she wasn't telepathic.

As it were, she didn't like her odds of fleeing. Even if she got out, she was lost and the creatures could probably catch her easily with how weak she felt. If she could work out a means of communication maybe she could have them released willingly. Either way she had to regain her strength first. She had to buy time.

Fruit juice though...

Wait, did they think she was one of those trapped women from the trees? Was that was going on? The devices caught women who fell down like fruit?

She went over to one of the occupied pods, keeping an eye on the two warily as she tried to peer into the pods to divine if they were actually plant copies or something.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Jean nod and both girls wide opened theirs many eyes in awe. Eh...ehm it must be a coincidence, this cant be happening. The pink skinned one said. Should i decline the alarm? We must do what with this thing? The girl said scared and amazed, this looks to be out of any logic as if a ball could have a mind and was now there moving and answering with a nod.

Uhm... we could make a more deep test to know how smart this thing is, look it .... it want to get inside or see inside that pod. She add as Jean check a closer pod with a blonde tanned woman on it, the girl inside the pod was as if she was sleeping yet she have a smile as the suction tubes were sucking her many places at her body and placing something inside her in some parts of her body as some kind of yellow serum.

We dont want to hurt you so... can i touch you? i want to do some tests on you so please dont move. The red skinned one add and if Jean accept maybe the alarm placed for them would be cancelled completely.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower frowned, the woman was smiling and something was happening. She couldn't tell anything at all about her being actually a plant or not.

She looked up at the woman, looking a bit wary but nodded, holding still. She didn't know what was going on, but maybe they weren't evil necromancers after all. Maybe she looked like the flora here, creatures that were just, well, wandering food. A disturbing thought to say the least.

If true though, it was fortunate she hadn't lashed out then. Well, much. She hadn't hurt them anyways. Still, why was there an alarm if the creatures were just food sources? She needed more information. So she would play along, for now.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

The red skinned woman smiled. Thanks, please dont split yours defensive fluids... i must now proceed to touch you. The woman then moved even closer until she get in reach and moved her hand to softly touch Jean at her shoulder, pressing softly before with her at least an half time bigger hand than the one of the mage she softly pass sliding her hand to her chin and with her fingers pushed softly her mouth to make it get open it and look inside. It looks like a healer usual check up, her eyes, ears even her hair was touched. The woman in front of her have a sucubi like scent as her male part was growing at interest.

Uhm... looks like all is normal, her ocular area looks to be slighty different and it looks to react as any F2LB... Interesting. She thenwent even lower and take a small leftover than the long dick has leave over Jean after release the tube. Hmm~ so mature just in the right point. I wonder if i should taste her others nutrients...

Oh... hi yes... no. all is under control... yes sorry, ahm you will come anyway ? well sure no problem. The pink skinned one looks to be talking to the strnage object with shining lights and the red skinned one was moving her hands to the human's duck and breasts.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

The woman was quite a bit bigger than her. Strangely this just made the strange creature all the more attractive. And her scent didn't help, she gave off pheromones that aroused her quickly. The creature explored her body clinically enough.

She shivered and gasped a bit as the creature began to touch her erogenous zones, biting her lip at the attention. She felt good. Took good. With how weak she was, she doubted she could resist much if the creature decided to do more to her. Though from the sounds of it, she was viewed more for food than any sexual desire.

Her eyes glanced over to the other one speaking into some sort of magical communication device. She was trying to send the security away it seems, but sounds like they were going to come anyways. Curses. Maybe she could play dumb when they came. Though depending how much she went off, it might not be playing.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Being so close of this strange woman made her notice than her outh was hidden or mostly was so small than she looks to be faceless with just her shining eyes, her voice was not coming from her face but from her tentacle like hair

One of her tails move closer and after roll around the manlike member it placed close her penis point opening softly the point of her tail it reveal a hole than started to suck at her as also licking her pennis with something like diminute tongues at the inside. A second red tail get closer too and started to pass close her lower holes yet just to take what looks to be the human's sex juices. So strange, this speciment looks to want to hide the basic sounds than they do when theirs bodies are harvest.

What made it react as if having a mind could be affecting the reproduction systems to lay its seed. You are free to touch me too, can you try this? The woman add as her hands move to Jean's breasts pinching them and rubing softly, all this as Jean's dick was so amazing sucking and pampered. Jean looks to have been invited to do the same to her four huge breasts than looks to be eagerly up fighting the gravity

They will come in five minutes, is fine? i must open the door or they will start to ponder than something strange... well dangerous is happening.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower blinked, looking the creature over, studying her almost as much as it was studying Sunflower. Its mouth was small, likely vestigial in nature. It's voice actually seemed to be coming from its tentacle hair.

It has several tails, one that wrapped around her shaft and rubbed it, before opening a hole at its end. IT promptly engulfed her shaft, sucking on her with it's strange insides and bathing her shaft with feathery tiny tongues. she shuddered, the appendage clearly specialised for draining shafts into it.

Another appendage moved down, but it seemed to have some sort of sensory function, seeming to observe her now dripping slit.

Soon her breasts were rubbed and pinched, making Sunflower shiver, as the creature offered her own four great breasts to her to attend to. She twitched eagerly, and biting her lip, she reached over and began to massage the creature's breasts inexperiencedly. She mimicked the actions best she could, panting slightly in pleasure even as she prodded them a bit curiously.

They were huge and soft, but also seemed to defy gravity. On an almost pleasured whim, she nussled against the large breasts a bit, so much bigger than her own. There was something about the creatures size that was a bit comforting, much like Zuri had been. Maybe her time with her had made an attraction to larger females, who knew?

In either case, she continued her ministrations as she panted, and glanced over at the other even bustier creature as it spoke. Five minutes evidently. Hopefully more than enough time. She caught herself as she found herself imagining using the many breasts of the other creature as a bed. Stupid male libido.

Her hips began to rock, trying to thrust into the tail working to drain her, as she continued to rub and explore the big breasts she had been offered, giving her nipples a few tentative licks, as her untouched female half continued to drip untouched.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Geez... i cant belive it. Just when we were getting results with this test. The woman said as her moves at the human increased in skill. Do this now, oh good where do you learn it? She add amazed than Jean could know how to touch someone even in so low experienced way.

This thing is amazing, her body act almost normaly as any F2LB but she react as my lovely niece, it should be creepy but... The red skinned notice all the nectar starting to make a trial to the floor. Hmm time to take a sample now, it could be dangerous to let all see what can this thing can do now, save the records and place them in a hidden file. The woman pinch harder the mage's nipples as the peak from the mage comes and more of her sperm was taken but this time for the strange woman.

I need to hide you somewhere, it will be just a minute. The girl lift her easily as her tails wrap her as ropes to mantain her in place, the last of it push softly inside Jean's pussy doing its best to suck and licks her inner walls. The human was now resting over such huge breasts her tongue couldnt have enough to lick at them and suck the nipples to slowly make them start to drip a transparent fluid than she could love to drink every day. Her dick continued being pleasured making her be close to cum almost in just some seconds.

The red skinned woman then moves as some steps start to get close the door, a small basement room get opened by a trap door at the floor, some machines like arms were in the ceiling below them and there hundred of metalic squares with female lust lost images where there.

Stay here and rest a little, we will find out what to do soon, i have many questions than you can answer if we find the way. She said mostly making Jean cum a last time before let her softly at the floor in the almost dark basement. She will thenlet her stay there and close the place as she try to take away the guards.

Jean was almost lost in pleasure and that strange breast juice than made her get her mind in blank for some seconds, all was dark but she could find a way to escape or she could just wait as she hides in case than they check this place.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower couldn't help but groan a bit as she was suckled and groped. She continued to mimic the creatures actions. She blinked a bit, as the creature said she reacted like her niece. Was incest normal for such creatures? While she wasn't sure how to feel about that, any thoughts on it were distracted by her orgasm. She gave a cry of bliss as she drained her seed into the creatures hungry tail.

The creature soon wrapped her up in tentacles and started to carry her off, sinking her tentacle into her slit and sucking and lapping everywhere inside her as she shudders. She was cuddled into the creatures vast busom, her starting to suckle on the creatures breast, the milk delicious as she shuddered, her seeming ready to orgasm again already.

A trap door was opened, and she was brought down into a dark place full of statues like she had been. The creature made her orgasm one more time, feeding her orgasm into the creature one more time before she was laid down on the ground.

Her brain was shuddering in bliss, the fluid making her dizzy and lost in pleasure, before she finally got control of herself again. She climbed to her feet, looking around warily. While she might be able to find out a lot from said creatures, they clearly didn't want her being found. As such she decided to explore the basement for now and decide from there what to do.

She looked over the statues in particular. She was tempted to try and free one to try and determine if they were people or just plants. But with guards just above, it might not be the best time. for now she would just explore, despite how eager her body was again. Her stupid libido constantly out of control it seemed. She hoped the stuff she drank wouldn't do anything too weird to her.

She also was a bit concerned she may have impregnated the creature. She couldn't have, it was a mouth, and they were widely different species. Right?
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Alone in the darkness she needed to turn a small fire light to look around, she need to make the bright as lower as needed to dont be noticed by the creatures above her. Statues was not exactly the word, it was in some cases a 3d naughty image coming out in the naughty areas of the strange square, they were restrained by a metal pair of objects coming from the ceiling, the women trapped should be selected and moved by the strange mechanical ahnds.

All the girls have silly sluty faces, theirs tongues out and were gushing fluids than had turned into metal too. Jean could bet than she could use her dick in them with some problems as the three holes looks to still be fully opened and availables, the futa ones have theirs members harden and it even have some kind of illusion than they could be used to take out some fluids of them.

There was not a door or even a vent huge enough for her in this place, the only place is a metal trap door sealed where maybe the metal squares come inside after being collected.

There were some weak noises and she could try to heard them if she get close the exit. There werent places to hide, not even a closet or small box. Her nude feet then notice than some part of the floor have a lower quality floor and it looks like she could melt it easily.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower lit a small flame, no bigger than a candle to light her path as she made her way through. What she assumed were statues seemed to be illusions in fact, shimmering illusions. The metal devices seemed to be secured in place by metal arms from the ceiling, perhaps to also be moved about.

Each woman seemed trapped in the throes of pleasure, panting even as they released their fluids which seemed to have been turned to metal just like the rest of them. The ones with shafts seemed to be just as hard. All seemed to be presenting themselves and they made her shaft hard, but at the same time, she had no desire to rejoin them in their metal state.

She reluctantly pulled away from the concept, she was still so aroused but if she vented it she risked being petrified once more and that more than anything terrified her. So she moved on.

Beyond the area, there seemed to be no other exits except for the way the devices came in. No places to hide, and no other sounds. Except some small sounds from the sealed door. She was curious, so headed that way, looking to listen in.

As she moved, she noted that there was a part of the floor that seemed weaker. She could probably melt it easily. It was an option if she needed to escape then. But first she decided to try and make out what those sounds were and try to get her mind off the statues lewd bodies. "Stupid libido...," she whispered to herself quietly. She had never been a sexual entity before coming to this tower and now it seemed determined to make her as lewd and pleasure seeking as it could. Sadly it seemed to be working too, but she refused to let it override her common sense anymore.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

The place weher Jean went is from where the trap door was activated to place her inside, there could be heard a talk between the red skinned girl and some unknown voices. Two girls with an authoritarian tone.

So once again, do all this alarm get activated by a sudden break in a tube? The guard woman said.

Of course, my colleague is new on this work and she havent seen when one of ours products get out by the force of the liquid, the fruit started to make sounds and she get scared.

Then she activated the alarm? Why dont you stop the alarm as soon as it get activated?

I was checking the inventory, when the alarm get activated the doors get locked. Its the protocol.

Sound dangerous, but i guess than is possible. Well i must now check the instalation just in case. Do you have something else to add?

Ehm... of course no. All is in their place.

Fine where should we start, girls check the tubes, meanwhile i will check the storage, the camera and the valves.

The talk looks to face now and the girls looks to be busy trying to find a way to hide the incident but these guards looks to want to do their work.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

It sounded like the guards had arrived. While the two had given an excuse, it sounded like the guards took the job seriously enough to check everywhere, including down here.

Sunflower hurried over to the weakened spot of the floor. If she had any talent for illusion, she would have just disguised herself as a statue, but she didn't have that sort of skill. And she could have just made herself invisible then. No, it was time to improvise with her one real talent, manipulating heat. She hurried to the floor section, and rather than melt a hole right through, she traced a circle on the floor and melted a circle around it, and two small holes in the centre so she could pop the hole out.

Once the improvised lid was made, she popped it out, and crawled into the hole, bracing herself against the sides, then sticking the lid back in place above her, then remelted it smooth and in place again. Hopefully the guards wouldn't notice.

She didn't want to wander this strange place not knowing what anything was or being able to communicate, she had to figure it out, and maybe the two girls knew where the door was. She could scratch their backs and they could hers perhaps.

But that all hinged on the guard looking enough to note no one was down here, but not so observant they'd notice this one spot on the floor was slightly off. She also wondered what a camera was. Or a valve.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower waited the worse and soon she move to try what she think would be the best choice to hide herself of these strange humanoids, her fire powers soon manage to do her will and after end her work she look down and then hide with the metal trap door handmade.

Below the storage room she found herself in a small underwater river, turbid and made of a not transparent liquid. The small sewer made her need to stay at her knees as she wait and endure the liquid force, the damn liquid was also slighty warm and slimy so her stay there get slighty more unpleasant.

The storage trap door get some noises than could be still detected by her, giving her the idea than the guards were close to check the room where she was a moment ago. Something them passed close her mody making her shiver, it was large and her rear get the rub of this strange object. She was in deep darkness so if it were a creature she could remain still hidden if she not move and the fire could be noticed too if the guards looks closer. She could still use this place to escape, moving against the current or following it.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower worked quickly on making her improvised bolt hole. Unfortunately she ended up in her single least favourite environment of all. A sewer. Oh did she hate sewers. With her luck there'd be even bigger rats or something down here. Or crocodiles. Or gnolls or something. Who knew.

The space made her stay on her hands and knees in this gross slimy gunk. She was glad she kept the light off, she really didn't want to know. She could only imagine and that was bad enough.

Noise issued from above, making her get quieter as she waited. They were moving about, she hoped they left quickly. Suddenly something big rubbed by her rump in the dark. She held back a cry of surprise. She wasn't alone in here. She had little room to maneuver and she doubted she could easily escape by crawling.

Sunflower held still, and hoped it didn't notice her. She didn't know what it was but she was half expecting even larger rats. They had to have come from somewhere after all. She silently prayed for the guards to leave, she really didn't want to deal with a whole fortress of unknown species, not without her full strength anyways.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Jean remain as a statue, trying to dont make any move, but she needed to wait more of what she expected. As she does the strange obeject remain pressing against her butt. slowly moving between her legs, the water move making the substance reach her poor lower lips.

The moves above continue but the trap door havent made any noise, maybe they were looking the tubes now or the red woman was trying to stop them to look inside, in any case they will open that place and check inside. Suddenly the basement trap door get opened and some voice noises started to be heard, this event make her release a soft sigh and then she noticed something more bellow her breasts, the soft splash sound and teardrops jumping at her chest and face.

She was now in a more dangerous situation but the storage room was not so big so they will end soon, she expect.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Time passed slowly as she held perfectly still, continuing to pray. Whatever this thing was, it pressed against her, before slowly starting to move beneath her. She cringed as the movement displaced the gunk up further against her body.

It sounded like there was a delay up above. Finally however she could hear them coming down to check. She hoped this went quickly, after all there was nowhere to hide up there, they didn't really need to search, right?

Sunflower was getting increasingly anxious though as something was moving below her breasts, a splash making some of the gunk land up on them and her face, her grimacing. Was it some sort of snake or something? It was getting riskier to remain, but she just needed a little more time.

She decided to wait just a little longer, and hopefully this serpent thing would move on or be clueless long enough for her to get back up there.