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Jean (Zilrax)

Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Without any time to lost the mage moves to the door and so she tried to press the buttons than she supposed had been used by Sola. She tried a pair of times but the door dont opened and just when she give up her leg get closer the door and this opened revealing than it was not locked from the start.

At the next room the magic wall was turned on displaying some notes and pictures, at the sofa in front of it Sunflower could suppose than the young alien woman was still there as she could see her tentacles resting above the upper part of the sofa and her nude feet resting at the left end side of the sofa. The lock on the lab door and the one than must be where the red skinned woman is should be opened unless Sunflower press the green button again.

At the room where she and the orange girl is are pappers and the light turn off what make all look as if were at night, without a real window she cant be sure of this. At the room mostly she could find notebooks, books and closets with things out of her view, maybe the orange girl was sleeping, but she could go with her and talk or do something more private, she also could try to use more jewels or things for a ritual what certainly would get in troubles if something bad happen.

Just as she decide what to do her clit again made her feel unsattled, the needs to have something inside to pleasure are growing
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower mucked about with the panel, frowning. Was it busted? She started to pace when suddenly it opened. Huh, maybe it was delayed or something. It was open now though.

She walked out into the dark, squinting a bit, the only light from the illusions on the wall. Maybe it was night, she had no idea how time actually passed in this dimension. The orange girl seemed to be asleep though.

She decided to go check and make sure she was alright before gasping as her clit started throbbing with pleasure. Her feminine sex was a bit neglected recently, much to her great embarrassment, but after all that sex her body was ready yet again?!

She decided to take a glance to see if the girl was asleep, and if not she maybe tried to convince her to play with her again. If she was though, her thoughts briefly turned to being able to get her own maleness into herself, before turning bright red at the obscenity of that thought and then heading to visit her mate again and hopefully get her to help a bit.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Trying to endure the lust between her legs, the young human moves to see closer the actual state of the orange alien, this had her eyes closed and the strange square device still attached to her ears by the strange little ropes than the device have.

It certainly will be hard to awaken this girl after had passed the last hours making her homework and for what it looks take the rest of her time using the wall screen and her others magic devices. Looking than she will not sattle her needs with her right now, Sunflower decide to let her rest and go to bother her soul mate, it should be more safe and easy. With each step her legs looks to rub a really sensible spot between her legs, it in part bother her, but also the pleasure earned by it made her press them even more as she move. She could still ponder why was so horny after all that long sex sesion, but she wanted to first take care of get someone close to talk. Sola looks to have a wet dream, her smile and breath together with her soft whimpers were enough to suppose it, Jean only needed some soft moves to awake her.


After decide what to do to make Sola awake, Jean could still feel her problems at her pussy grow, literally. Her engorged clit was exposed and in need for her attention, Sola was slowly awakening but at the first thing than she do was sit on the bed and smiling hug her lover. Do you need something, my love? In what can i serve you at these hours? Sunflower could smell her after sex scent when she hug her, the sweet smell as flowers was so delicate but alluring to her dick, she loved that scent and made her mind remember what she could of her good times living in this and her own plane. She could also smell the one of the red alien, but Sola looks to had eradicate it as she was sleeping, out of the possibility than the smell at her thigh pussy was cum, Sunflower looks to dont have anything against the substance scent or smell, it was like it have the same effect of the beer and coffee.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower noted the orange girl did indeed seem to be asleep. She didn't want to wake her up, she probably needed her rest after all, and headed back to see her mate instead. She'd probably be up for it, she seemed to always be interested.

As she headed to meet her mate, it caused something between her legs to rub, making her whimper sensitively as she went. She was so aroused, was it the mind messing?

As she moved into the room, Sola seemed to be having a wet dream. Sunflower blushed then blinked, curious if her horniness was being caused by the stronger link and feeling Sola's need. Or maybe Sola was feeling her own. No way to know without testing. She gently shook Sola to wake her up.

Sola woke up a little slow but was quick to her rather submissive self. Sunflower noted on working on that a little when she had free time. She loved her partner, but she should learn to be a bit more assertive she figured. But pressing matters. Sola hugged her and the scent of flowers came from her, but also another mixed in. Was it the red woman's seed? For some reason her usual revulsion didn't come forwards, it just seeming... Normal to her. She wasn't sure how she felt about the fact that had changed.

Musings for later though. "I'm really horny again for some reason. I don't know why, but I, I need you. Sorry to wake you over it but I need you badly. Hng, this libido is such a problem...," groaned Sunflower as she pushed Sola down, shuddering as she worked her mate's legs open to prepare to fill her yet again.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

When Sunflower tried to push her down, the elven hugs her a little more so she could get close to kiss her forehead. All will be fine, soon or later you will be able to control it, my love. Meanwhile, im here to help you in this and all what you need. Said this she let Sunflower put her down and prepare her legs to penetrate her again.

Her needs to release pushed her to go direct at look for her release, making Sola gasp as she was taken again, fortunately her dreams had prepare her cunt than it was already wet and ready for Jean to use it. As the lasts times the elven's insides were just the best for Sunflower's dck, she in constant lust thrust at her lover's tight hole, the minutes passed and Jean's cunt was in growing fire with each stroke, soon this make her reach her manly part to cum, but her clit wanted some attention too and this make her stay in full need to continue after place her load inside Sola.

Thee elf who body was made to enjoy the carnal lust endure such potence, her breasts softly bouncing as her mouth release cute moans. Its so warm... i love you, my love... please more, i cant hold all that pleasure at you... its close to come... ah! Sola mutter in lust arching her back what made her tight hole press harder around Jean's pennis making all worse for Jean who continue and cum inside her without control. The pleasure and needs between her legs increased in each second and after a while she finally lay exhausted over Sola, her hands reached down and find a difference... a new appendage was growing below her huge member and it looks than each minute gets larger.

She out of be scared could feel the need to stroke it and penetrate Sola with it, the elf was recovering her breath as she holds lovely her swollen belly after all the loads placed on her.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower held her mate close before pushing her mate down and slid herself into her needily, her needed driving her to fill her mate as she pounded herself in eagerly. It still dragged on, her stamina getting better it seemed as she hammered in. But it did little for the needs of her clit.

Soon her love began milking her copious seed from her, her production seeming not to lessen but to get even stronger as time passed, draining herself until Sola was rounded nicely once more as the elf orgasmed greatly.

But even as she emptied herself she felt it get worse and as she reached down, she found an entirely new part. Had her clit engorged massively? Grown a second shaft? Both? She didn't have time to check, the need was too great.

Sunflower grasped it and slid it into Sola next and began to thrust once more, desperate for relief.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

There was nothing than could stop the human in her quest to sattle her growing lust and Sola was unable to see anything in her actual gazed state. As a wild beast Jean penetrate her mate with her new addition, her engorged clit dick make her gush with each strke than she gives inside the elven's cunt. So thigh and delicate was inside, her heat reached new levels and make her continue, teasing her body in continue her look for a release than only evade her at the moment.

With her second member in use, her huge member rubs with each stroke over Sola's belly and external lips, stimulating the human in both appendages, rocking her hips faster by a long time. The elf was happily moaning and soon her hands look to interlock her fingers with the ones of the human, showing to her mate than she have her support in this and any moment, than they could share this forbidden world and time against anything as long they were together.

The hard clit expanded and grow, Jean could feel how her lover's hole press harder and then after a while what she never expected happened when her clitoris release a warm fluid as it does her pennis over Sola chests and mostly breasts, with enough potence to reach in part the elven's cute face with her warm jizz. Now with the lust lower than before Sunflower could let this here or completely clean her insides with some tests with her new member to make Sola cum happily as just some seconds ago when her tunnel pressed to suck all inside.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower shuddered and used her new appendage as she panted, slamming into her mate desperately to achieve bliss with her. She felt so good, even better as time went and she couldn't help but to be driven onwards in her hunt for pleasure.

Sunflower blushed embarrassedly, with her clit being used now she had a full view of just how massive her shaft was. She was bigger than any human, or natural full blooded one at least. She'd put men to shame. Unf, but both her shafts getting stimulated a bit was intense, it was hard to dwell on just how ridiculous she looked. Some ways she felt less like a girl and more like some sort of breeding stud, with the stamina and endowments to satisfy many.

Sola took her hands, making Sunflower blush once again. Her mate was so supportive of her demanding libido. She felt bad subjecting her to it nevertheless. She wanted to move, to save her world, to have a safe time to protect her love and every other place. But same time part of her did want to be indolent, to do nothing but mate with her love relentlessly. But it was not to be, not yet. It could be a reward for saving them all perhaps, and there was more to life than rutting.

She shuddered, her clit wouldn't stop growing, she almost imagined it was the same size as her shaft. She gave a cry of orgasm before pumping hard, from both shafts, as she realized she seemed to orgasm from both parts, flooding her lover both outside and in, soaking Sola in her seed.

Sunflower panted, but realized her love had yet to peak herself. She shuddered before lifting her love up and into her lap, slipping her clit shaft out and replacing her old one, and starting to bounce her fast on her lap and letting her clit grind against her loves clit, looking around her to observe her altered appendage and try to figure out what had changed.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Easily Sunflower lift the light elf who was drowzy with just great the human has maken love to her. Jean's dicks were flexible enough so she could decide which one place inside and have a full view of the other, so she easily notice her clit be more likely now a dick, not so big as her first one, but she was sure than this could change later for best or worse.

She eagerly pressed her manly member inside Sola's honeyhole, making this moan in surprise by such endurance, the naughty sloppy sound continue to hunt at the small room and it shared the moment with both girls's mouths filling the place with theirs indecents moans and whimpers, theirs bodies rubbing and caressing each other with theirs hands showing the great love between them in each stroke or caress. Sola soon get closer and as if she were in a charm spell her lips pressed at the ones of her lover.

With such creature so light and submissive at her care, there was not way than Jean could see herself out of the manly at this relationship, but Sola was so femenine and so perfect at her eyes to worry too much of it, the idea of have a famil with her and many babies to show their love passed through her mind for a moment before the elf started to move her hips and share this lust until the moment for a new release come.

It was soon, thanks to such sensible clit/dick rubbing at Sola's one and fucking her cunt at the same time. Sunflower cum aloud again after endure all the way for Sola to get her peak at the same time, there soon was a mess over the elf and the flying bed, but they were so tired to worry about it.

Both girls rested at each other side, holding together as they recover theirs breaths. Sola has been moaning and saying many things when they were having sex, most of them to express her lust and love with Sunflower, but this has been so focused to heard them until now. I dont have words for how impressed im, my love. You made me see the sky and leave this world for instants, if you want we could just stay like this until you need it again or do what... Sola stop, as her hand moving down noticed not one buth two things to stroke and love, there was not fear or affliction at her face, but she was just amazed by the discovery. How? Are you fine, my love? This be a blessing given from ours masters? The elven ask and gives Sunflower time to think, not making any move than could arouse her more, as she fear to hurt her lover.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower blinked as she looked at her evidently new second dick. It was smaller than her upper one, though that wasn't saying much really. And who knows how long it'd even stay like that. Looks like she was doomed to wear nothing but big frilly dresses to hide her endowments from now on.

She kept thrusting, this more for her partners pleasure now than her own, but she couldn't help but enjoy it. Sola soon enough pressed in and made out with her. It was like a charming spell over her, though it seemed just the way Sola was. A small submissive elven woman. It made Sunflower blush hard as she had been made the male of the relationship it seemed. some part of her found it humiliating that she had ended up so outside of her gender role, but it just seemed right with Sola.

The thought of impregnating, breeding her love crossed her mind, making her blush all the harder. Half elves weren't uncommon as far as half breeds go, but they were from entirely different dimensions. Moreover the elves here seemed designed to reproduce with plants, not mammals like herself. Though demons seemed to have no trouble breeding with absolutely everything and she shared their blood. Could it happen? She wasn't sure, but the idea of impregnating a woman was both fascinating and incredibly depraved to her, so utterly wrong. And any child they had would share her own tainted bloodline.

Soon enough they both peaked, interrupting Sunflower's musings once again, her crying out as she once again filled her mate with her seed, leaving them all quite messy in the end. Sunflower sighed and laid them both down, cuddled up. Her mate had been moaning and crying her praise and desire the whole time but Sunflower had trouble making her out until now.

Sola soon found her new appendages as well. Sunflower doubted she;d be anything but interested and was right. Sola honestly seemed quite unflappable and just happy to service her.

"Oh, um, dunno about impressive but I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. And yeah rest a bit. Though I feel like I'm not making progress a bit. But the company is good.," smiles Sunflower, before blinking at her mates question. "I'm fine. Surprised, I don't know what did that. The pills maybe or something else? I have no idea. And they aren't my master, love. Nobody is. I consider us friends mostly, and I hope to help them much as they help me. I'm not from this world you know, I'm not like the other uh, fruits, that you've seen. Where I'm from we don't come from trees or anything, and girls don't have parts like these. Or two for that matter. Though part of me is from a bad place. I'm a little worried I might somehow impregnate you. Not that you don't deserve young but... I dunno, I don't want them to have a hard life because they have the same taintedness I do. Plus I always expected I'd be the female y'know?"

Sunflower sighs a bit and holds her mate close. "Everythings so different here, ever since I went to save those kidnapped. I got you but... I dunno, it's nothing like I expected my life to go you know?"
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

There was not time to Sola to enjoy the firsts charming words than the human give to her, she really wanted to know what has just happened and so she let her mate talk, there were many questions for what Sunflower said and different feelings, but first the elf decide to hug closer at her lover, so she could support her worries.

She remain quiet for a moment rubbing her back as both women confort each other before she start saying kindly. Its really important all these differences and worries when we are the same? I maybe dont have a blessing as yours to place my seed on you, but if my body can turn our love in life, then it only will bring happiness, as we will be together to guide them to the best life than they could have. Sola said before turn and see direct to Sunflower eyes, in a really needed face to show how baddly she wanted to do her best for her.

Please let me serve you, maybe im so young without real experience and weak, but you can teach me how to be useful to help you in get that life than you are looking for.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower looked at the love in Sola's eyes and chuckled gently, kissing the elf on the forehead.

"Where I'm from, elves live thousands of years, where I'll only live for maybe sixty to eighty. Or at least... I say that but truth be told I haven't eaten or had any part of my body work like it's supposed to in awhile. But listen, Sola. You don't need to serve me, and there is nothing wrong with being weak. I will teach you, but you don't need to serve me or belong to me. We're equals. A partnership, you can do what you want too, love.," says Sunflower gently with a smile, running a hand over Sola's cheek.

She chuckled a little, flushing a bit. "Well, way I see it if it happens it's going to happen. Me impregnating you that is. I can't seem to reign in my libido and my reproductive capabilities are completely beyond my races norms. It's still really embarrassing, the idea of being a girl and impregnating something though, but it is what it is. But that assumes we're compatible at all. I seem to be very different from humans on this world."

She kisses Sola again with a smile, then stretches. "So, since my love needs some self confidence and something to forge her way, let's see if we can't teach you magic, hm? Let's find out what you have a knack for. In my world elves are very good at magic of all kinds. And if you lack it, well, it can still be learned the hard way."

Sunflower smiled and took her mates hands, sitting them up and holding her close. "Close your eyes, and relax. I'm going to show you my magic, my knack. Then I want you to reach down and try to find yours. Find what makes you special, what makes your imagination soar and sing, what feels like the truest you. Then grasp it and just, guide it out."

Sunflower closed her eyes and grasped her magic, but didn't cast with it, instead visualising it for Sola to see in their shared meditation, a roiling ball of energy. Sound, ice, acid, electricity, and especially at the core, a proud flame, burning bright and passionately, the elements orbiting the flame. "Now you try. And don't be discouraged if it's hard or does not work. We've lot's of time to try."
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sola smile happily getting that sweet kiss at her forehead. Yes, we are equal and we will live the same, because we are one. The elf said with a nod before answer a little as a question. But serve you is what i want, is not because i think myself as inferior, but because i love you and want to be helpful for you.

They remain close each other, Sola was so happy to see Sunflower be in so good mood. Indeed, i can and wish to bare ours childrens... many of them if possible. She then hugs Sunflower as this strech and then she nods confused. Yes, please teach me, i want to use that named magic to the best for you, ours babies then will be able to use that, right?

The moment to try it come with Jean making both seat before let the curiouse elf see her magic style. As you wish, my love... i just hope than all goes right and if i fail, i will welcome any kind of training. Said this she closed her eyes and focus in what she could suppose was her inner self... nothing happens until suddenly there were some sounds at the house by things falling at the floor. Sola sigh and whimper as nothing looks to had come out from her hands as the cup with cum was close to fall from the desk-
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"I understand love. But you don't need to serve to help. I mean, I guess, if being subordinate is what you want and like... Uh. Geez, heh, this is sorta different. What is it that you like, Sola?," asks Sunflower awkwardly.

Sunflower nods, blushing at Sola's powerful breeding desires. "Well if I can't, I'm sure we can get a surrogate or something. Well, usually knacks are inherited through the blood, though sometimes it can change or skip generations. They may get mine or yours or an entirely diffrent one or what not. It's a bit finicky. But probably."

Sunflower nods and works with Sola to help her. She blinks as the house seemed to shake. While it could have been coincidence... She looks over and quickly rescues the cup from falling over.

"Don;t look down, love. Let me check something.," says Sunflower to Sola, before looking at the ground, checking if there was a trace of magic there. Had her mate caused a small earthquake? Or was it something else? She had to be sure, after all there was many ways magic could manifest.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Uhm...yes? I want to do what i can for you, but if that is not serve exactly it would be better for you? I love you with my whole being and want you to be as happy as i can. Its not to be subordinate, but just do my best for you and us, but like i said im so young. Sola answer trying to get a better answer for her lover and express what she wanted to do was not for be her weak but for love, but she really need some guide.

Certainly, they will be so good looking as you, my love and as i said we can breed for sure. Said this they focus and the event happened, there was not magic remain, but there were some strange marks at the corners of the floor and the desk looks to be slighty inclined.

Maybe, if i try again? How exactly should i focus? Sola ask ready to try again
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower nods at Sola's words and smiles. "Gotcha, I get it. We'll do the same for each other. And don't worry, love. You'll understand. You don't have to always agree with me and all or anything and stuff. Love's stronger than just constant agreement and stuff. Do things for yourself too, and I'll help best I can. There's lot's you can teach me too after all. You know this world way better than I do, like how to work those weird magical things and such." Sunflower gestured to the pad by the door and the screens.

Sunflower nodded, looking at the inclines and indents with a slight frown, running a hand over them. "Then you probably are already pregnant, love. I mean, if you're so certain we are compatible, I've pumped so much into you you couldn't possibly be not. Unless it works differently for your species than mine?"

Sunflower stands up and looks to her mate. "I think you might be really powerful, love. I think you shifted the ground itself. You might have a knack for the magic from the earth dimension. If so, we should be careful with your training, we don't want you to send the building into a ravine or something. Let's start very small."

She comes over and takes Sola's hands again. "Let's start small. We should go outside or somewhere with some earth for this so we don't do any damage to the buildings, okay?"
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

I see. Sola said trying to get all what Sunflower has said about love. Uhm, i had made things for myself, like learn all what i know when you were sleep for days and look for you then and now, between others things... is that what you refer about?

The elf let the human take her time to check all and it made her smile than she pointed what mostly was real about a possible pregnancy, making her smile. Yes, maybe i am. But it will take some time, meanwhile we could ask for a new room for them, so when the time come they could run and play. Sola said thinking in their future before the magic lessons started.

Once Sunflower explore, there were some clues of what Sola's power could do, but as she spoke of them, the elf was more likely feeling herself guilty of the damage done or what could do try this again. i Do that? then maybe we should stop here, who know what could happen.

Jean insistence, made her get up and then she hold softly the human hand to stop her so they could talk. It would be safe? Ours Masters said than we should stay inside or we could get in troubles, is not so safe outside. She have her doubts but Sunflower could push her to help her to find a way to get out with some words or they could just look around and others things to choice.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"Whatever you want. Maybe you want to explore the world, or learn medicine or take up painting or become a queen or something. I mean, my ambitions to shut down the demon's gateway then uh, dunno. Make enough money to take care of us I guess. No rush on it or anything.," smiles Sunflower, stretching a bit.

Sunflower nodded a bit, sighing a bit. "Taking time is good, I have never been a parent. And while supportive, I never really got on right with my family. So time is good for me to get my head on straight. Still, I'm not sure how long I'll even be in this dimension, love. We'll need to leave together at some point. So getting too comfortable isn't a good plan for now."

Sunflower nods a bit, thinking. "Likely wouldn't be, while I can defend myself and you, no point in risking it when maybe we can find a potted plant or ask them to bring us some earth for you to test on. But hey, least you've a knack. And seem to be possibly even stronger than me, heh."

Sunflower stretched a bit. "Well, what should we do in the meantime? Everyone else seems to be sleeping."
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Oh Money!? There were some few things than i saw about it, but for what i had heard it havent been used in a long time. So where you come from you need it ? If is your goal then i will do my best to help you to get it and close that gateway. Sola ask, looking to had found the meaning from what the magic wall has show her of this world, she was maybe for first time thinking in goals beyond what her race has look for. But for a goal for myself, maybe... learn all what i can, im already so happy and fulfilled at your side to really need something more.

Sola then let Sunflower end to strech herself before take her hand and place it softly over her still cum filled belly, smiling kindy. When the time come we will be ready, im sure than we will find the way to do it right.

The elven show dont sign of focus more at find out any other goal now than learn magic, then the effects of that small earth move come and she looks to be worry for cause any damage to the place or anyone by mistake. Jean's words of protect them just calm her a little, they stay at the room as there was needed a moment to decide what to do now.

If we only need so few earth then why dont ask now? we could explore around, as long we stay inside there couldnt be a danger for us. Or you could learn some more with me about us or any topic, you only need to say me and i will look for it, unless you want to just cuddle and sleep until someone come. Sola pull softly Sunflower's hand, trying to feel some confort at her touch or her move could be an attempt for something else.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"Huh. Wonder what they use now. I told you, I come from another dimension. Think of it as a different version of this world. One where uh, whatever the tentacle ladies are called don;t exist and humans are born sexually, not on trees. That's me by the way, a human. Well, sort of. I've demon blood so I'm not quite human but yeah. The demon blood is why my hair is always smoking like this. But yeah we use money, fight monsters and other humans who try to hurt us. I ended up here chasing monsters that kidnapped women. Turns out they were demons though and I ended up here. I'm going to the demon world to shut their gate down. I just wish you didn't have to come. I don't want you getting hurt by them.," says Sunflower as she mused a bit.

Sunflower blinked and then rubbed Sola's tummy with a sad smile. "Well I won;t let it be said I never tried I guess. Hopefully it goes well. I don't know what our children will be like. I know you share my blood now a bit so they may be some sort of demonic half elf things, not even accounting for dimensional alterations and whatever the hell is happening to my body. Hopefully we'll get some nice girls and boys though."

Sunflower listens to Sola and thinks a moment before nodding. "We can see if the red one is awake. The smaller one is sleeping still. You can tell me stuff while we look for her. Like well, about you and stuff. Were you always this, um... aware before our genes mixed? I don't want to be offensive but there's no really good way to ask if elves are always well, as smart as you or if you were always this clever. I mean if you are, why do you let yourselves be farmed instead of making your own lands and such?