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Jean (Zilrax)

Re: Jean (Zilrax)

I cant believe than such world could exist where you need to fight all the time or get hurt by your own kind, is so sad. Sola answer close to get wet at her eyes, Soon the human could feel her feelings going to her, mostly the elf should be feeling sorry for Sunflower for had lived a such hard life. I guess than is really important to close that gate, so i will go with you and do my best to protect you. But i hope than we could just return here after close it, where you could live in peace and protected.

Sunflower then talked about her wishes for theirs babies and Sola suddenly jump and kiss her as a surprise. Do it matter? You are so cute and wonderful, my love. I hope than they look and turn into so kind lovers as you.

The time to leave the room come and as it was already opened they were able to start walking to look around or just talk before do it. Sunflowers questions about Sola made her turn down and be maybe sad at dissapoint her human lover with her answer. Uhm, its hard to remember anything before feel that warm and charming light, some writings said than when we are taken by the masters the process make us lost things, maybe i lost my memories because i needed to study for hours to know most of all in my knowledge.

The elf was moving to open the left room where mostly the red skinned woman was working, easily pressing the red button to open it before turn to continue her answers to Jean. Oh true, you reffer to us as elvens. Its so bad have a safe life full of happiness? I had read than far away in the wild we wouldnt last a single minute before be eaten by a creature or turned into a infertile tree, maybe the ones at the farms had decided to let the Masters protect them in exchange of theirs juices, after all most of them manage to get in love and have offspring, maybe im not so smart as them, but i m so lucky by had find you. Sola said as she giggle at the end, taking her lover's hand to guide her to the next room.

The new room have a well secured huge door at their right, the whole room was in darkness but Sunflower could see a huge window instead the wall in front of them, she could see some shapes resting at the floor and there were some buttons to open it. The whole place where they are have some devices and it smell sweet in some areas. There were some muffed moans in the room at the corner and finally at their left there was a door with some light escaping from the inside.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"It's inevitable. Not enough resources to go around, bad folks who like others to suffer, people who think they are better than everyone else. They come in all shapes and size and if your world's any different I will be gob smacked.," says Sunflower with a shrug, "Only heaven's peaceful after all. But we'll see, love. You can meet my friend from the space between spaces though. She should be able to help you like she helped me. I can't actually die, but... I don't think it would apply to you too though without her help."

Sunflower squeaked in surprise as she was surprise smooched. She blushed embarrassedly. "I just want an easier life for them, one without the taint in my blood. And geez, I don't want to think of our descendents being lovers, Sola."

"Light? What sort of light, love?," frowns Sunflower in concern. Were the creatures wiping their memories on purpose? It did seem a bit suspicious, it implied the elves might in fact have a civilisation of some sort the creatures were poaching from. There was so much of this world she did not understand though. "I really need to learn more about this world it seems."

"Do you have a different name for yourselves? I can call you that if you like. Well a life of safety at the cost of freedom and choice isn't so good in my opinion. They say ignorance is bliss and I'd say there's truth to that, but I'd rather take risks and such and have the freedom to choose than let someone else say this is how I have to be happy. After all if I didn't move against the grain, I'd have never met you either, love.," smiles Sunflower back as she follows her mate along.

Sunflower looked around the strange room with a frown. She could hear moaning and there was strange shapes in places. She picked her way around to the red woman carefully, tapping her gently on the shoulder to get her attention. As she went, she looked to Sola. "So, I assume these creatures don't understand you either then?"
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

I may need to know more of my world, but it must not be so terrible. Sola answer looking to feel even more sorry for Sunflower for live in that place filled with violence. Life and death are connected as us. So, if you really want to return to that world and dont stay in this one then we will build our family in any place the best than we can. The elf answer showing than she was ready for pay even with her life to remain close Jean and support her.

As when the human asked for the light, Sola shrug before answer her. A warm light, it helped me to dont be scared in that cold and dark place, i havent be able to remember before it and when i opened my eyes you were there at my side before you were placed in some machines to take care of you, then we were taken and placed here where i stay reading and at your side until you awakened.

All of us are called FLB, what you could call Fruits, the ones like you are FFLB and my race is FELB, is how ours masters call us... I doubt than there are any more datas to find another name, so it could take me time to get used to be called elvens, its a really odd name.

With the new room completely in darkness, the two cum filled girls move not before Jean could feel all the love than Sola have to her after her last words, the elf hold her hand and when they walk toward the door with some light soon the human ask her again. Creatures? do you mean the masters? Uhm no, but they love when i talk to them and even hug me with such love, they are so kind when we talk than is fine if they never understand ours words, so its a way to connect to them and share our happiness. Sola was ready to open the left room, but Sunflower could look around at the dark room a little more before that.
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Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"I could be wrong, but well you said yourself they said your kind wouldn't survive outside very long. It must have as much dangers then. I ran into some freaky parasites after all right before I met you.," shrugs Sunflower, then nods at Sola, "Whatever world we end up in the end, we'll make our place in it. I didn't come this far to fail, and I definitely will make sure our family, whatever form it may take, will be a strong, happy one."

Sunflower nodded as they looked about, listening to Sola's explanation. "Never saw anything like that myself. As for the name, well, where I am from fruits aren't, well, animate. Kinda funny that I'm mated to a plant girl. Uh, but yeah where I am from, fruit grow from trees and are little round things with no sentience and sweet juices. Here, fruit are, well, people. I don't really wanna think of you guys as food, y'know?"

The pair walked over to the door, Sunflower opening it a bit cautiously.Not my masters, but yeah. I don't really have a name for them. Least you can not damage everyone's hearing when you talk heh. Maybe I can translate, I get the feeling they don't think you're intelligent or anything. I can't wait to be able to have an actual conversation with them. I hate having to hold back stuff."
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Yes, is how nature works, all the creatures of this world feed of us, even parasites need us to survive, but not all of them will aim to take ours lives in the instant. Sola said making it feel than it was normal to be theirs lives in risk if they werent under the protection of these creatures. She also was with Sunflower about not matter the place as long they were together to make their family, after all almost any place would be best than here if they wanted to be free.

Jean answer to her explanation confused the elf and made her ponder for a moment as she shrug before continue their talk. Is a shame than you were unable to see that beautiful warm light, it made my heart beat as never even when i was in peace. Im sure than im not a plant girl, but yes we are food and we are completely different of the fruit where you come, you can see than we think and react, so maybe soon you will get used to this fact. Maybe ours trees are different and if we manage to take some seeds we could plant some where you live.

With theirs cute sounds and bond turning them into words for only them to understand them, the couple manage to reach the door with the light coming out of the next room, Jean decide to dont investigate the huge dark room, maybe worried of what she could find here. The elf soon opened the next room where they found a bedroom mixed with a study room and then a next door at the right of this new room. Sunflower was not needed to check the next room as this illuminated one had was what she was looking for. At the desk close many magic screens, the red skinned woman was working completely focused in her tast to the point to dont notice the two fruits get inside her room. Im not really smart, there is still a lot than i must learn, so is fine if they just love us. You can call them people, Mistress, Masters. They mostly are a fusion of many races than decide to live in peace after many wars, so they dont have many names out of these. About your voice, it is cute when you place your love on it, if you let out just the sound there is not a way to transmit your message correctly on it and it turns into just a cold pain scream.

The whole place was not so huge as the last dark room, but there was a huge confy bed, a table with notes were there were the papers than Sunflower used to comunicate herself, pretty much this whole place was with all in place, so the closet and wardrove should have more of the things than this alien own.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"I prefer not being food personally. Feels demeaning. I mean, plenty of stuff try to eat us on my world too. Goblins, dragons, giants, hydras, there's plenty of dangers. Demons too sometimes. Some fight for other things though. Resources, out of hatred and spite, or some sense of superiority or general malice or greed. Some fight to protect others or to make their own way. I fight cus, well, it's what I am good at. And maybe I can help some folks in need too.," says Sunflower, grimacing a bit, shuddering at the memory of the parasites invading her.

"Yeah, kinda curious myself. Maybe I can ask later. Well, maybe you're not? Trees are plants and grow from trees so you would think you are but... Eh, place is confusing as it is. And I have no idea how people will react to people growing from trees all of a sudden. Only things that do anything remotely like that is Dryads. Maybe you're all actually fae in secret. Be kinda funny. Demon fairies..."

"You're plenty smart, Sola. Don't confuse intelligence with learnt. Anyone can remember a lot of stuff if they care to, being smart is knowing how to put stuff to use, how to figure it out without learning it before hand. I'm not that learnt, but I like to think I'm at least of average intelligence. You're probably smarter than I am, heh. And duly noted. My world, everyone talked like that though, why I enchanted that ring to protect your ears."

Sunflower looked about the bedroom, noting the red alien did not notice them yet. She walked over and tapped her on the shoulder gently, needing her attention. Hopefully she could explain why Sunflower was now twice as male equipped. Idly she was curious if Sola desiring her to be the male and such had caused an effect, but it honestly could be anything.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sola let Jean to proceed and suddenly happily hugs her when this was thinking at the parasites from before. That is actually what i wanted to heard, taking out all that money and evil stuff, i was sure than you were part of what is good at your world. And if you are half good fighting as how you are loving others then you must be really strong my love ❤ The elf end giving a cute giggle before hug closer the human and press her lips against the ones of the futa, kissing her lovely before let her continue their talk.

The talk continue with another topic, one less stressful for both. I cant be a plant girl, because you cant be a tree one alone, its really a transformation than needs an intense lust and love unable to be controlled between two mates when the spirit of this world merge them in a perpetual bond to produce an almost endless production of fruits. So, technically im actually a fruit girl.

But if your land have already creatures like us then yes, we can be called like them Dryads or Faes. About if im more smart than you, im not. If be smart is use what we know and use it right, just looking at this ring is proof at how smart are you, i never found a way to completely communicate with ours Masters and you are close to do it.

When the talk ended the two decide to get closer to the red skinned lady and as expected this was really focused to notice them until Jean make herself be noticed touching her, there was some surprise at the woman but she just turn to look what has touched her, giving a grateful smile to see who was. Oh i cant believe than you visit me when is already so late. Do you need something? im a little busy trying to end to translate this so we can communicate, it will be a progress than dont have prescedents at maybe a hundred of years.

The lab girl needed some minutes to let out all of her and then focus on see what Sunflower needs, maybe happy to see the change of her, as her hands moves to there to touch both dicks. Amazing, i havent seen this change out of the lab, do both of them work properly? She ask as her moves and touches increase the lenght of both members in slowly increasing need.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower smirked and prodded Sola on the side. "One action does not make me smart. I know magic and knew what to do with it. You know mroe about all of this here than I do. Now stop insulting yourself."

She soon had the alien's attention, Sunflower shrugged at the mention of it being late. She had slept so much recently, lord knew how long time had passed. She was honestly a bit concerned with how little her body was working like it was now. It honestly was acting more like an angels. Or a demons.

She nodded at the woman working towards making strides in their ability to communicate, but let her work until she was ready.

Sunflower squirmed at the creature groping her twin lengths when she was ready, giving a nod at the question, groaning slightly. They were sensitive. She wished she knew what had caused it. She took some paper that wasn't in use and drew a potted plant, hoping to be given one.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

But... can we just say than we are really smart? I dont wanted to insult myself, im sorry. Sola answer looking down as she nod, trying to dont say anything more than could insult any of them. She just focus more in guide her lover to the red girl's room.


The alien woman made a lewd smirk, teasing a little more the fruit rubbing her twin members a little more. Interesting, they arent exactly the same and the touch is different. It could be needed to investigate this more closer~ With a final stroke she let the human to get free of her gasp, so this could draw what she was asking for.

Uhm... do you want all that? Bring something as a small plant or earth itself in that quantity could be dangerous for you, but for what i suppose you drink the pills, if that is right then please nod.

She let Jean answer as also point more exactly if she wanted the plant or the earth before continue talking. I see, then is all for what you come here? It will take me some minutes but after sterelize it you can pass a while with that potted plant, we must take some cautions until be sure than the pills really work.


Once Sunflower has ended her bussiness with the red skinned woman she and Sola will be at the room for a while until the lab woman bring the potted plant and let them alone again as she will continue her work.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"It's called self confidence, love. You should have it. Recognise weaknesses, but improve on them, don't dwell on them. Seemed to me you are plenty smart.," smiles Sunflower.


Sunflower groaned, shuddering as her shafts were played with, listening as the alien mentioned her lower smaller one felt different. Once free though, she nodded to the alien's question, having indeed taken the pills.

Sunflower then considered and pointed to the earth. She doubted it was the plants but maybe it was. Only one way to find out though. She had no trouble waiting patiently.


Once the pot was brought in, Sunflower went over to Sola. "Okay, you remember what you did last time, right? This time you're going to do that, but focus on the plant. Get a feel for it's image, picture it, then use that power you felt. Try not to over do it but make sure to let it flow. Okay?"
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

With nothing more to say to the alien, the girls return to their room, dont trying to examinate closer the others rooms or going further inside to explore all the house. Sola was focused the whole path to guide her lover to their room, but after some minutes Sunflower could feel than her lover was filled with worries and some cold in her inner self.


After a while, maybe tweny minutes from when they started to wait for the earth, the potter plant was placed by their owner and then Sunflower tried to continue Sola's training. The elf was taking her time before shake softly her head. I guess than i remember a little, she said still distracted by something at her mind, but this only affect her for a while before at least four little sprouts come out the pot with earth, at least three inches out of the soil and with phallus shapes placed in pairs.

Its so cold... and dark... its my fault... we will shrivel up... Sola said as she hug herself and shiver with her eyes losts and placed loking at the pot, there was a sadness than looks to had made her be close to faint as she remain sitting at the cold floor.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower went with Sola back to their room, but she frowned, looking to Sola in confusion about why she felt that way.

Sunflower sat with Sunflower, Sola soon making her magic known. She seemed to control the earth and plants. However, Sola seemed to be having a breakdown!

"Sola, Sola talk to me. What are you talking about, what's wrong?," asks Sunflower concernedly. She hugs Sola close. "Talk to me, Sola. Tell me what's going through your head?"
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

The pink haired elf had her gaze lost, she remain in the same state looking to the pot and maybe what she has said werent words to Jean or to herself. As Jean hug Sola, she could feel the poor little one's body cold and shivering, her words werent answered in the instant but at least her loved warm tried to get some comfort at her arms.

I can feel them, something is hurting them... but i dont know from where they came from, the voices and this suffering just invade me. Sola answer with her voice slighty cut and teardrops coming out her eyes, she tried to turn and hugs Jean and maybe forget what has happened just now, but she needed to know.

Something is not right... maybe is my fault and that magic i caused this pain? The elf ask for answers to the mage, unsure of her powers and what she has reached to feel for what Sunflower could understand.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower hugged Sola close and waited patiently. When Sola finally responded, Sunflower frowned, before realisation came to her.

"Oh crap, you're not a sorceror, you're a druid! I shoulda caught on to that sooner. I'm not as fluent in druidic understanding, they're a pretty secretive lot. But you're probably getting feedback from nature itself. It probably isn't you though, love. Druids can't really harm nature in the grand scheme, only manipulate it. Still, let's figure this out.," says Sunflower, looking surprised.

"Alright, so it's talking to you right, speaking to you? Talk back, reach out like before, ask what's wrong, why it hurts. If it's anything like how I figure it works, it should respond to your voice. Nature seems to sorta recognise druids as it's guardians and such."
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

They werent exactly words... Sola answer still trying to warm herself at Sunflower's arms. I was trying to do and think as the same like the last time, but it was not easy as before, there was already cold inside me, it grow as i try it more and then...

The young elf sniff a pair of times, the effect of the events still moving at her mind, there were some chances than part of her was still out of the reality as she talk. The first time there was just life and happiness, it make me focus more until the room shake... this cold was so different, the pain and suffering in that complete darkness... if is needed to ask i dont want to be alone inside that darkness again... Sola started to let fall some teardrops, her nude elfen body pressing at Jean to get some protection and reduce the cold on her whole self.

Sunflower could see than her mate would need more than words to try it again, the bond between them show her clearly than what affected the elf before start had already increase and send shivers to the human after the attempt to use her powers. Thinking deep at this made her notice than Sola's mind and soul were focused in different things what could had all be cause of their large talk before meet the lab girl or anything than happened in that time.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"Well no, I imagine it is more like sensations that are translated. Still though...," said Sunflower, encouraging her partner.

Sunflower hugged Sola close, frowning. She could tell her mate was in pain and divided somehow. She didn't understand why, but it was clear something was wrong.

"Somethings wrong... You know this link better than me. Tell me how I can help, Sola. If you're cold and distant, let me be your flame, your warmth, your guide through the darkness. Just tell me how I can do that.," asks Sunflower worriedly, cuddling Sola closely.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

The elven's hold on her, giving a soft nod and cuddle so both could enjoy the touch. Once my kind form a bond, it is permanent and there is not much information about it, but i can feel your love... it is the most warm feeling than we share, but im worried than if we try it together, this darkness could hurt us both... i dont want to fail you again

For now... just let me share your happiness and be kind as always, it may take away the cold.
Said this she tried to kiss the human, Jean could decide now to press more and also how she could make her feel as hours ago when her twin members make them get united as never before.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower holds Sola close, smiling at her before kissing her deeply. "You can never fail me Sola. I know you will always try your hardest for us both, and that's all I ever want. That you try. That's all anyone can ask for. But you don't have to do it now. We'll wait until you feel confident. But you can do this with me. but for now..."

Sunflower smiles and pushes Sola over gently. "You always seem your happiest when we're having sex. And I seem to suddenly have been given twice the male endowments. How about it, want to be connected in body as much as in spirit for awhile? Or would you rather just cuddle?"

Sunflower was happy either way, she just wanted to comfort her love. Strengthening their bond all the more was secondary to her mates well being after all.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

The elven's eyes get illuminated with a shy smile still when the cold at her make her shiver in need. Just hugging you would make me happy, my love. Sola answer as she cuddle to feel her lover's chest, the cold of her petite body soon made Jean's huge breasts get hard with the touch. As the two pairs of ample breasts press hard against each other, the elven's hand move down to rub lovely at both rods than in some instants rise up demanding some more attention.

Actually, you are the one than love it most, all our happiness is so intense and shared between both than there is not doubt than it will place soon some life inside me. She said blushing as she also place one of Sunflower's hands on the elven's slim belly over her womb and then slowly she went down, placing her face between both huge dicks. You have two, because you are the best, my love. Her words were stoped when she started to lick the lenght of them in a delicate kind way, coating with her hand one after she dick get her attention coating both in her delicious saliva. All that love... kindness... courage and more... i dont know if there are male fruits... but they are pale at your side.. Please share that greatness with me once again my love... both of them and lets be one again... Her charming words alone could had made Sunflower get ready to take it, but her tongue and mouth were also doing an excelent work between her words, as Sola suck and rub them Jean couldnt hold some of her seed than sorprise the poor one, placing it inside her mouth and neck, surprised she get up trying to dont split any as she huge Jean for a kiss, as it was her own cum there was nothing bad for Jean to share it between both in their passionate kiss, the elf place her body between both members moving softly to clean and arouse them, she was ready for Jean to penetrate both of her holes, that need growing in middle of that dark inside her.

The bond of them wanted to increase in this act, there was just need for share this love and passion, the time dont matter, just join theirs souls, touch and enjoy each inch and feeling. If Sunflower dont hurry after some rubs Sola will impale herself, it will be more difficult for her in that way, but no matter who move first Sunflower will thrust for almost an hour in different possitions, making both cum together more times than the ones than she could count, each one making their need to get another and merge even more.

With the time the cold would be just a thing in the past, the long time has made a small mess on the room with the jizz than manage to escape from the elven's holes. I feel it... life... we will have a proof of our love... Your holy flame... i cant stop... how can i fear anything with it inside me? Sola was moaning close to faint or cum aloud, Sunflower could continue or let Sola rest before try again, but also in this way they were like one, Sola was right as the human could feel than together like this was when both share such passion than nothing else matter.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower shivers as she hugs her surprisingly cold lover, it making her nipples stiffen. Despite what her mate said, she clearly loved it just as much, her hands swiftly moving to stroke Sunflower to hardness before dropping to worship them with her tongue.

Sunflower moans pleasedly, resting a hand on her mates head as she serviced her, shuddering in pleasure as her mate encouraged her to breed her and praised her. She couldn't resist her mates mouth, orgasming a bit with a slight moan, painting and feeding her mate. She squeaked a bit in surprise when her mate hopped up and snowballed her own seed to her, Sunflower swallowing it with a blush as she made out with her.

She couldn't resist any longer, and wished to stoke the flame in her mate, to ensure she's never cold and alone feeling again. She pushed her mate down, pushing both her shafts into her partner and began to rut her non stop, working to love her, share her, and to plant herself in her mate and ensure she carried Sunflower's young, as many as she could fertilize in her.

She just wanted to be close with her mate and share it all with her, share life, love and knowledge, she couldn't stop loving her mates form, even after her mate declared her impregnation was a success. "I'm so happy, Sola. I'm so lucky to have you. Rest, I will make sure you're full and warm even while asleep, so even your dreams are shared with me." Sunflower kept thrusting deep into her mate, going to mate her through her rest til she too got too tired to continue, intending to maintain this shared flame of theirs and bathe in it with her.