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Just Smoke and Mirrors (Keylo)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Ayame: HP = 42, PP = 49, EP = 107, Status = Fine

"Yeah? Well... Your breath smells!" the orc declared loudly, and was followed by a round of raucous laughter that filled the corner of the gambling den in which "The Magnificent Marlome" had come to find herself that evening. She sat at a gambling table with what might have been considered an odd bunch anywhere but Acheron; to her left was a flawlessly beautiful woman with a pair of raven wings stretching from her back from whom radiated an almost frightening aura of power, and to her right was an apparently human man with relatively plain features that almost matched her. Also at the table were an orc knight come down from the North, still clad in his armor, a woman that looked the part of the classical succubus (horns, vestigial bat-like wings, spade-tipped tail, curvy features, and blood red skin) who had elected to completely remove her already sparse clothing upon entering the gambling house, which was her prerogative as a citizen of Acheron and which the establishment didn't mind at all so long as she made herself decent before leaving. And, last, but certainly not least.... Was Ayame herself, under her adopted monicker of the Magnificent Marlome.

They were playing blackjack, and the dealer was, as should be expected of a gambling house in a den of demons, showing the best cards. The woman had the ace of spades on top, and was smiling with some fairly rosy cheeks - an effect no doubt meant to inspire confidence in the orc that had been feeding the apparently elven woman whiskey out of his own pocket all night. The kitsune could tell that it was an act, but it was a fairly good one, and the orc was buying it hook, line, and sinker. He'd run through almost a hundred denarii already, most of it at the table, and he'd only been here for two hours. She herself was still at the same amount of money that she'd started with, but her current hand was a seven showing and a two hidden, both of hearts. The orc had busted, hitting on a seventeen, and the angel had taken a hit and stood with a five and a six showing. "Your turn ma'am~" the dealer said, tilting her head and smiling, her body angled to display as much of her figure as possible. She had long, silky, honey-blonde hair and was clad in a skin tight catsuit that left just enough to the imagination that it was intriguing, and she watched Ayame with her wide, sky blue eyes curiously, intelligence hidden well behind her whore's disguise. Marlome had already put down her five coin for this hand, so now it was up to her to go for the win.
Re: Just Smoke and Mirrors (Keylo)

Ah Acheron, truly the only place a demon, an angel, an orc, and a kitsune donning a silver mask could play sit down to simply play cards, regardless of the state of the world. Anywhere else, and this gathering would probably be at each other's necks, trying to tear out each other's throats or at best, bludgeoning the rest into submission. A sign of unlikely order, and peace even...

But for The Magnificent Marlome who had unfortunately picked the worst game to play for a magician that relied on "smokes and mirrors", that was hardly her concern at the present time. No instead, the poor cards that had been dealt to her and the present state of the game was what captured her attention at this time. At best, she could reach twenty one within two cards, not the best against an ace up card, but not the worst either. Any other game at this point, she'd probably opt to have the two chance into a four by this time, but blackjack...well, only the dealer could really do that in this game. Everything was left in fate's hands now, provided the game wasn't rigged (and given the nature of the establishment, that was more than likely). ..

Well, unless she gave fate a little nudge of course. Though no one had explicitly prevented her from tweaking the odds...no one had explicitly forbidden her either. A smile creeping upon her face to match that of the mask she wore, her eyes would faintly glow as just a bit of energy trickled through her and she made her choice.


Nothing left but to go for the win, and the first draw was the hardest part. Whether she stood or continued though would depend on the card after.

((Cast Luck Manipulation on self. If hand value is lower than 17, hit once more. If 17 or higher though, stand.))
Re: Just Smoke and Mirrors (Keylo)

Ayame: HP = 42, PP = 49, EP = 103/107, Status = Fine, Luck Manipulation on self

Casting: Success.
Stealth: Failure.

Hit: Draws 3 of Clubs, total 12.

Hit: Draws 9 of Hearts, total 21.

Perception: Failure.

At her use of magic, both of the people sitting immediately beside Ayame turned and glanced at her, and while the human turned back to his cards with a shake of his head, the black-winged angel quirked an eyebrow at the masked kitsune and said; "Really? You think that's going to not get noticed in a public gambling house.... In Acheron?" The rest of the table paused at that, save for the dealer who passed Ayame a card, flipping it over to reveal the three of clubs. Her next card, luckily, turned out to be the nine of hearts, giving her twenty one. Logically standing when she hit twenty one, Ayame then waited as the man next to her hit and busted, and the next person stood with nine showing. That left only the revelation, and the dealer and the fallen angel both turned up the other two nines, leaving them at twenty each and giving Ayame the twenty five denarii pot. "Congratulations~" the elven woman said gleefully, any signs of falsehood in her delight well hidden, but Ayame had only enough time to collect her winnings before a pair of strong arms hoisted underneath hers.

"C'mon you!" a deep masculine voice said, and Ayame found that the two beings were satyrs, their skin and fur darkened by over-exposure to the demons of Acheron. They were commonly used as bouncers in such establishments, and given the nature of Acheron it wasn't unlikely that they were both ready and willing to harm her if she resisted. Magics to enhance one's luck or harm that of one's opponent, hardly unknown to the city's demonic inhabitants, were banned in Acheron's gambling dens, and someone had sensed her use of said powers and no doubt notified the den's owners.

(Gain 25 denarii)
Re: Just Smoke and Mirrors (Keylo)

The angel's comment merely made the kitsune snicker, though the latter knew whole-heartedly that it was true. Yet even as she heard footsteps approach, no doubt to reprimand her for her little trick, the tone in her reply remained pleasant...though perhaps tainted by mischief.

"I welcome it really. Blackjack's not really my game after all. It lacks...excitement."

Collecting her winnings, singular tail waving about in delight, she practically welcomed the bouncers who had come to take her away. Her enjoyment obviously not from the small sum she had won, but rather what was to come as she even opted for just little bit of extra cheek by blowing a kiss as the smiling elf as she was towed off...doing nothing to resist for now.

"See you around~ Hope you enjoy the show."

Tail still wagging happily and showing her anticipation for what was to come. Now all that was left was to see where these two were taking her. To the den's owners? Or perhaps somewhere more reclusive. Hopefully the former, she loved a large audience. If the latter...well, it'd take a bit more work to put on a grand show.
Re: Just Smoke and Mirrors (Keylo)

Ayame: HP = 42, PP = 49, EP = 103/107, Status = Fine, Luck Manipulation on self

The angel and the elf both watched Ayame curiously as she was dragged from the table, her tail wagging behind her. A few other patrons glanced her way as she was pulled bodily across the floor and into a narrow hallway, but she was no longer within sight or hearing range of the main hall when the two ex-fairies pushed her forward roughly while they simultaneously released her. She found herself in a fairly small office, and sitting on the desk at the center, her legs crossed, was an attractive but stern looking young woman with the customary devil horns present on many of Acheron's natives but little else to tell of her heritage.

Amber eyes peered over a pair of spectacles at Ayame, and this stranger who likely owned the den in which she had decided to cheat stared at her for several long, silent moments. Her office was well decorated and well repaired from Acheron's time as Artmirst, with a healthy looking potted plant sitting beside the room's sole window on Ayame's right and a number of pieces of artwork of decent quality along the walls. The manager was sitting facing Ayame with no barrier but air between them, her shapely legs crossed but plenty visible beneath the short dress that she wore, and after a moment she spoke up; "So. Did you really expect to get away with it? Or are you simply a fool, to think that we wouldn't have employed methods to detect such magics here, in a city filled with demons?" Her tone was even but condescending, and she seemed less than impressed by Ayame.
Re: Just Smoke and Mirrors (Keylo)

The condescending tone of the den's owner didn't seem to bother Ayame really, in spite of how...troubled others might be, had they been put in such a position in a city of demons. After all, the magnificent Marlome, had yet to even begin her first performance for Archeon, whether it be the first in many magnificent shows to come, or the last in a series. It is thus with this mindset, and intent that she would answer the less than pleased demoness before her, grin hidden behind her always smiling mask.

"Hardly, I care little for coin in general. Blackjack was simply growing too dull for my tastes. You can have the change back, if you should so want. No...what I seek instead, is a chance to perform. A more exciting game, one that spins the roulette of fate many times over."

The mask of comedy of course, would obscure the fox's intentions...well, if not for the wagging tail indicating her excitement. Yet even in spite of her careless demeanor, she would of course be keeping an eye on the corrupted fey by her...having no intentions of being restrained until the show begun. If one moved to grab her...well, that one would possibly find his hand, if not more cut to pieces off the bat. If not however, she'd instead continue on, clapping her hands together to reveal a deck of cards seemingly out of no where, one with vivid patterns painted upon the backs of the cards, a "Harrowing Deck" used by travelling fortune tellers and gypsies.

"Would you care to have your fortune told before I begin miss?"

((Readied Action: Pre-emptive Mind cutter on any who move to restrain or harm her in anyway. Otherwise... Harrow fortune telling go!))
Re: Just Smoke and Mirrors (Keylo)

Ayame: HP = 42, PP = 49, EP = 103/107, Status = Fine, Luck Manipulation on self

"Oh joy, one of the crazy ones..." Ayame heard the woman mutter under her breath. She rolled her eyes when the kitsune pulled out her harrow deck, having held up a hand to prevent the guards from stepping in when Ayame reached into her pocket. "Look, I only look to hire entertainers on Friday, and I really don't have time for this. Give back the money minus what you put in to bet and we'll call it even," she said tiredly, "I'm just trying to run a respectable business here... Why do weirdos always have to bloody come in here and try to screw with that?"

She seemed quite agitated, but she didn't move to have Ayame removed from her office, not yet at least. "Look, if you're looking for a job, I might be able to set you up for this Friday as an opener... Assuming you're actually a stage magician and not just trying to screw with me before you start slaughtering my employees or blow up my office or something. I can assure you that neither would be a good decision on your part."
Re: Just Smoke and Mirrors (Keylo)

...That was unexpected. A gambling den, a seedy underground (well maybe not so much given the location) establishment being...reasonable? In any other similar enterprise by self purportedly civilized races, they'd have reacted to such provocation by "attempting to teach her a lesson", whether it be by a mob or attempted enslavement. Yet a den of demons, the place where you'd expect such behavior the most...was pragmatism and reason?

"...Pfft. That's...unexpected."

Laughter, genuine laughter was the only way Ayame could respond as she placed the ill-won money upon the table as the harrow deck floated back into her sleeve. And behind that silver mask of comedy, she'd smile, opting to put aside the dramatic flair and such as she attempted to assume a more serious disposition.

"I apologize for my behavior up till this point, I've only recently arrived at Acheron, but truly you win. That's the first time anyone's followed up the act with a practical response. Here's the winnings back, and as to employment...if you'll have me, I'd like to apply for a chance to perform on Friday. Though rather than a simple stage performance, I'd like to offer something a bit more...exciting, provided you'd permit it."
Re: Just Smoke and Mirrors (Keylo)

Ayame: HP = 42, PP = 49, EP = 103/107, Status = Fine, Luck Manipulation on self

Ayame's host didn't seem to join in on her good humor at the situation, and when the masked kitsune opted to speak, she listened with as patient a scowl as she seemed able to manage. Her apology was met by a slightly questioning look, but the demoness apparently opted to drop her hostility in favor of answering Ayame's request; "So long as no one gets hurt, nothing gets stolen, and you don't drive away my customers, your act can include whatever you like."

She turned and retrieved a piece of paper from her desk, "This Friday's currently open, so you'll have to sign up. You'll be liable for any damages to the building and any expenses occurred during your act, but you'll be getting a 30 denarii commission and will get to keep whatever tips you've earned by the end of the night." She held out a form to Ayame, requiring her name and a description of her act. "I imagine you probably don't care much about the money, but there's the deal. Take it or leave it."
Re: Just Smoke and Mirrors (Keylo)

"Oh no, the money will actually come in handy for what I have planned. Rest assured though, neither you, your employees, or the audience run the risk of being harmed in what I have in mind. Well...the latter only if they behave."

As the form was presented to her, Marlome would glance at it briefly...before procuring a levitating quill from her person with the power of her mind, and began to word her intentions as best as possible, her body unmoving save for the tail that waved every now and then.

All in all though, surprisingly, the routine detailed was rather straightforward for the most part: card tricks, predictions of the future, some pyrotechnics... standard fare for most street magicians. Well, everything barring her "finale" sans "encore", for which she wrote as a reason to request one of the last slots of the night.

Entitled "The Great Escape", what was detailed for her final act was more a description for a game rather than a performance...a show nonetheless, but a rather risky one if anything. One in which she would extend an open challenge to the audience, inviting them to try their hand at catching her and returning her to the stage (after staking initial bets of course) before the break of dawn. If they were successful, they'd win a sum of denarii (which would at the very least, include her commission) and the kitsune herself as a prize. If no one was successful however, all the initial bets would be collected and claimed as her own prize.

Naturally of course, given that this was Acheron, and the participants on both sides there would be certain guidelines established prior to the start of this "final act" so as to "ensure fairness". Lethal weapons, magic, powers and so force potentially resulting in physical injury would be forbidden by both parties. Ayame would be forbidden to leave the boundaries of the town. And of course, as she was a shapeshifter, she'd keep one object on her person, which she would announce in advance, that would allow the perceptive to identify her at all times. Breaking any of these guidelines, and any added out of necessity, would of course, immediately disqualify a participant, and in the event that Ayame herself was caught cheating, the prize would be awarded to whoever caught her.

In summary? She was planning on creating a city wide chase, in which ideally she'd manage to escape all comers regardless of how potent they were through tricks and ingenuity, then triumphantly return to the stage and proclaim the time and date for another "show". And anticipating both further skepticism and annoyance by the manager, (for while Ayame respected practicality, she herself was far from practical) the masked Kitsune would begin to explain as the paper slid back over to the manager.

"I had intended to perform regardless... give or take a few holes in the roof, a few days, and an extravagant declaration to the entire city. But out of respect for your pragmatism, I thought it might be better to run it by you. And before you ask, I am fully aware of the implications of offering one self as a prize in this city, the potentials of most native residents, the insanity of the idea in general, and that it might unfortunately steal attention away from other performances. Though I would like to note for the latter, that I'm requesting one of the last slots for that reason; it simply doesn't do to steal another act's thunder. If of course, this is not to your liking, rest assured, you'll receive the typical stage performance regardless and will have nothing to do with such a thing. If however you're willing to offer some endorsement though...I can guarantee many exciting shows in the times to come, for yours truly.
Re: Just Smoke and Mirrors (Keylo)

Ayame: HP = 42, PP = 49, EP = 103/107, Status = Fine, Luck Manipulation on self

"Behave?" the demoness asked warily, but then she fell silent and allowed Ayame to fill out her contract, after which she took it. Her wariness was quickly replaced by interest as she read over the kitsune's planned game, and she gave a thoughtful grunt and glanced up at Ayame as the masked magician offered further explanation on the rules of her game. "...Surprisingly, I can actually work with this! I'm afraid I'd have to... Modify your rules a tiny bit though. You see, a great deal of Acheron is still... Well, abandoned, and inciting my customers to wander about in desolated ruins would be in poor taste. A large portion of the city is also fairly dangerous, which would pose something of a problem for you as much as for them. Though you're likely quite apt at defending yourself, I don't believe that a few... Limits... On your abilities and your path of retreat would go amiss. The better to spice up the game, after all~

"Firstly, a simple restriction to a female form would make the game a tad easier on our customers... Or at least let them think as much. Secondly, you'd have to stay along the main roads and the establishments on it. That's as much for the safety of you and anyone that takes you up on your little game as for practical purposes. Thirdly, you would be required to make appearances at certain places at certain times. Giving the customers a couple of known shots at catching you will serve to liven things up, though I wouldn't force more than two or three on you. Finally, whatever item you have... It'll have to be small, but something that one wouldn't find on an average person. I'll think of something for that.

"Now... I can offer you a hundred coin in commission, paid to you tomorrow. Half of that would start in the pot, and if you manage to last until morning, you'll take home all of it plus 70% of whatever you get in bets. If you lose, I'll still pay you at least 50 for the night... Once you can get back here."
Re: Just Smoke and Mirrors (Keylo)

Surprisingly indeed, while she had asked for endorsement she didn't expect to receive it... truly coming to Acheron was a wonderful idea. It did take a city of risks and thrills to truly appreciate entertainment of that nature after all. Clapping her hands together the kitsune would almost respond with glee, happy that her proposition had been taken well to.

"Oh yes but of course. It wouldn't do to have any spectators, or participants even, injured during a performance after all. The additional conditions are fine though, well within what I had initially planned. It'd be against the spirit of the game of course if I simply hid in a cellar till the break of dawn regardless, and I had no intentions of taking a male form to begin with... as amusing as it might be. That magnitude of a commission will serve my purposes just fine though. Should be appealing enough to draw in even some of the skeptics."

Seeing how well her idea had been taken to though, Ayame would only see fit to push for just a little bit more... only to improve the performance of course.

"Though matters of payments aside, might I ask for a favor or two? So as to make for a more spectacular show of course. For you see, while I do indeed have a routine, and routes of course, planned out already, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could introduce me to a few of your employees, or whoever else you know would be appropriate, and allow me to borrow them for use as stagehands or the likes for the purposes of the act. No risk would come to them of course, I have no intentions of making them do the running for me or the likes, merely things such as preparing boxes from which I'd appear after they were set on fire...stage effects and the likes really. Maybe have a few of them intermingled in the crowd at specific locations during the chase, provided they're willing of course, to create a test of perception for the pursuers. They'd be compensated for the trouble of course, I'd see to it personally."

Stagehands, assistants for a magician, nothing too out of the ordinary.

Then of course, there's also a few locations I'd like to see if possible, perhaps by which to improve the route. For example, if there's a basement to this building I can use as a final destination prior to my return to the stage, rather than the ever so obvious dressing room that I expect one of the more cunning pursuers to lie in wait... whether there's perhaps a perhaps more populated district I may traverse rather than simply the market district, and so forth. Actually, it might be better if I were to simply show you some of the routes I planned after my first sweep through Acheron...if that's not too much trouble. Though it'd help if I could have a guide perhaps show me around those areas still.

Help with route planning due to being new? Still relatively reasonable...

"Oh...also, might you know where I might find some doves? I ran out along the way here, and have been using painted pigeons to compensate...however, the really lack the same effect."

And of course that, though the fox didn't seem too serious about it. Now that she had the establishment's go ahead for her act...all that was left was the polish amongst other small details.
Re: Just Smoke and Mirrors (Keylo)

Ayame: HP = 42, PP = 49, EP = 103/107, Status = Fine, Luck Manipulation on self

Surprisingly indeed, while she had asked for endorsement she didn't expect to receive it... truly coming to Acheron was a wonderful idea. It did take a city of risks and thrills to truly appreciate entertainment of that nature after all. Clapping her hands together the kitsune would almost respond with glee, happy that her proposition had been taken well to.

"Oh yes but of course. It wouldn't do to have any spectators, or participants even, injured during a performance after all. The additional conditions are fine though, well within what I had initially planned. It'd be against the spirit of the game of course if I simply hid in a cellar till the break of dawn regardless, and I had no intentions of taking a male form to begin with... as amusing as it might be. That magnitude of a commission will serve my purposes just fine though. Should be appealing enough to draw in even some of the skeptics."


Seeing how well her idea had been taken to though, Ayame would only see fit to push for just a little bit more... only to improve the performance of course.

"Though matters of payments aside, might I ask for a favor or two? So as to make for a more spectacular show of course. For you see, while I do indeed have a routine, and routes of course, planned out already, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could introduce me to a few of your employees, or whoever else you know would be appropriate, and allow me to borrow them for use as stagehands or the likes for the purposes of the act. No risk would come to them of course, I have no intentions of making them do the running for me or the likes, merely things such as preparing boxes from which I'd appear after they were set on fire...stage effects and the likes really. Maybe have a few of them intermingled in the crowd at specific locations during the chase, provided they're willing of course, to create a test of perception for the pursuers. They'd be compensated for the trouble of course, I'd see to it personally."

Stagehands, assistants for a magician, nothing too out of the ordinary.

"Of course! I bring in extra staff on Fridays for use in shows, and they're all competent people. So long as your instructions are clear, they should be able to handle just about anything you put them through."

Then of course, there's also a few locations I'd like to see if possible, perhaps by which to improve the route. For example, if there's a basement to this building I can use as a final destination prior to my return to the stage, rather than the ever so obvious dressing room that I expect one of the more cunning pursuers to lie in wait... whether there's perhaps a perhaps more populated district I may traverse rather than simply the market district, and so forth. Actually, it might be better if I were to simply show you some of the routes I planned after my first sweep through Acheron...if that's not too much trouble. Though it'd help if I could have a guide perhaps show me around those areas still.

Help with route planning due to being new? Still relatively reasonable...

"The markets are easily the most populated area in the city. Most of us prefer to be where we can get to you tourists easily... No offense meant of course. It's around there that you'll have to stay, and there are a couple of places that I'd ask you to visit in your little run~ Firstly, there's a tavern called Renan's Run just a few blocks away, and you can stop there early or late, but they like to send business my way sometimes and I'd like to return the favor. Asp's Den just because she's nice... That's a curio shop along the main road. Hrm, probably the arena, though I obviously don't expect you to participate... And Moira's Brothel, if only so that you can see it if you haven't already." The woman had a map of the city on her back wall, and she pointed to each location on it in turn. Most of them were on the market path, the only exception being the arena which was a good ways along the municipal one, though not quite at the center of the city.

"Oh...also, might you know where I might find some doves? I ran out along the way here, and have been using painted pigeons to compensate...however, the really lack the same effect."

And of course that, though the fox didn't seem too serious about it. Now that she had the establishment's go ahead for her act...all that was left was the polish amongst other small details.

"....What's a dove?"
Re: Just Smoke and Mirrors (Keylo)

"Of course! I bring in extra staff on Fridays for use in shows, and they're all competent people. So long as your instructions are clear, they should be able to handle just about anything you put them through."

"Marvelous, always easier to put on a show with competent help. Any way I could possibly meet them before the show?"

"The markets are easily the most populated area in the city. Most of us prefer to be where we can get to you tourists easily... No offense meant of course. It's around there that you'll have to stay, and there are a couple of places that I'd ask you to visit in your little run~ Firstly, there's a tavern called Renan's Run just a few blocks away, and you can stop there early or late, but they like to send business my way sometimes and I'd like to return the favor. Asp's Den just because she's nice... That's a curio shop along the main road. Hrm, probably the arena, though I obviously don't expect you to participate... And Moira's Brothel, if only so that you can see it if you haven't already." The woman had a map of the city on her back wall, and she pointed to each location on it in turn. Most of them were on the market path, the only exception being the arena which was a good ways along the municipal one, though not quite at the center of the city.

:So I see. I'll be sure to pay all of them a visit. During and prior to the show of course. The latter more to find the most suitable places to make my appearance. Though of course, as stated, a guide would be preferred if possible."

"....What's a dove?"

Though it wasn't visible behind that mask of comedy, Ayame would once again grin at this as she'd respond by taking off her top hat, revealing a pair of perky yellow ears. Then, with a dramatic hand gesture to make as if she'd pull something from the hat itself...only to "magically" make one of the white painted pigeons appear without ever reaching into it, the bird perching upon her finger.

"Why one of these of course. Well, except a bit smaller, prettier, graceful, and more obedient. Case in point? It's currently in the mind to peck my eyes out.

With how furiously it was beating its wings, a feather here and there dropping to the ground in the process, that 'would' certainly seem like the case. Nonetheless, to prevent a further mess or any other possible trouble, the bird would be made to vanish as quickly as it appeared at that point, allowing the magician to redon her hat.

"Barring those things though, I do think I'm all set. All that remains is to set the stage for the performance to come.
Re: Just Smoke and Mirrors (Keylo)

Ayame: HP = 42, PP = 49, EP = 103/107, Status = Fine, Luck Manipulation on self

"Marvelous, always easier to put on a show with competent help. Any way I could possibly meet them before the show?"

"Some of them are on staff now, but most won't be here until Friday. You'd likely be better off waiting until then so you only have to give instructions once, but if you want to meet a couple now, that can be arranged."

:So I see. I'll be sure to pay all of them a visit. During and prior to the show of course. The latter more to find the most suitable places to make my appearance. Though of course, as stated, a guide would be preferred if possible."

"You'd have to get your own guide. Don't worry, they work for cheap, but we don't exactly have need of one on staff."

Though it wasn't visible behind that mask of comedy, Ayame would once again grin at this as she'd respond by taking off her top hat, revealing a pair of perky yellow ears. Then, with a dramatic hand gesture to make as if she'd pull something from the hat itself...only to "magically" make one of the white painted pigeons appear without ever reaching into it, the bird perching upon her finger.

"Why one of these of course. Well, except a bit smaller, prettier, graceful, and more obedient. Case in point? It's currently in the mind to peck my eyes out.

With how furiously it was beating its wings, a feather here and there dropping to the ground in the process, that 'would' certainly seem like the case. Nonetheless, to prevent a further mess or any other possible trouble, the bird would be made to vanish as quickly as it appeared at that point, allowing the magician to redon her hat.

"Barring those things though, I do think I'm all set. All that remains is to set the stage for the performance to come.

The owner of the gambling house frowned at the sight of the bird, "Oh, those things... We tend to kill them for the meat around here. They're pretty spare, but enough of them together.... Anyway, I don't have any idea where you'd be able to get any live ones. Maybe you could ask your guide? They tend to know where to find odds and ends like that."
Re: Just Smoke and Mirrors (Keylo)

"Some of them are on staff now, but most won't be here until Friday. You'd likely be better off waiting until then so you only have to give instructions once, but if you want to meet a couple now, that can be arranged."

"No instructions will be given today, no worries. Rather, I mainly want to get a feel for them so that I might best plan their individual roles. So yes, I'd be most grateful if you could arrange for that.

"You'd have to get your own guide. Don't worry, they work for cheap, but we don't exactly have need of one on staff."

"I see. I suppose it'll have to do then. I'll see about getting that done after I meet the staff that are present now."

"The owner of the gambling house frowned at the sight of the bird, "Oh, those things... We tend to kill them for the meat around here. They're pretty spare, but enough of them together.... Anyway, I don't have any idea where you'd be able to get any live ones. Maybe you could ask your guide? They tend to know where to find odds and ends like that."

"A skewer of them is always nice. Though I do believe I'm fine for now. It was mostly a comment in jest. If I really do find myself in a dire shortage, I'll go hunting. For now though, let's attend to more important matters shall we? I'd at least like to see the faces of the stagehands."

((OOC Wise: Order of business? A. See stagehands (the ones that are available for viewing pleasure. B. Go out and hire a guide.))
Re: Just Smoke and Mirrors (Keylo)

Ayame: HP = 42, PP = 49, EP = 103/107, Status = Fine, Luck Manipulation on self

"Alright then. If you have no other business, I suppose introducing you to some of the help that you'll have access to on Friday."

The woman called in a number of people, three in total, one of whom was the elven woman that had been tending to her gambling table. The other two were a burly orc man in workman's clothes, and a pale woman in the skimpy outfit of a table-maid who looked more or less completely human save for her bright green hair and the tiny horns that sprung out from her skull. The hostess then said; "Well, say whatever you have to say to them."

When prompted to introduce themselves, the orc would promptly grunt; "Oknish. Janitor." The elven woman from before would bow and smile at Ayame, "Sina... I am a table-maid." The woman with green hair gave a curtsy without breaking eye contact, "I am Anaise, also a table-maid." The three all seemed to have varying degrees of curiosity as to why they'd been called here, and looked to Ayame for answers.


After she left the gambling parlor, Ayame would find herself on the brightly lit main streets of Acheron. Though it always seemed busier at night, as it was now, there was never a lack of bustle along the tourist avenues. The guides tended to be around the entrances or the more popular taverns, one of which was only a ways down the street, such that she could see it from here. There were a handful of people lurking outside of the doorway into the tavern, occasionally talking to anyone that left. Among them were human looking man dressed in black chainmail, a red-clad girl with blue skin and fairly classic demonic features, another demonic woman wearing just enough to be called clothed and with crimson skin, and a red and black furred gruff who had clearly undergone a great deal of corruption, a not uncommon occurrence here in Acheron.
Re: Just Smoke and Mirrors (Keylo)

It would be a while before Ayame opted to address the staff after they were, called in, even after they began looking to her for answers. For while the introductions were ongoing, behind the silver mask, the kitsune was already beginning the preparations for her act. Fluffy tail shrinking out of sight, perky fox ears flattening and vanishing altogether, she immediately began to study the elf that managed to catch her attention first (for she already was somewhat acquainted, desppite how... "boring" the game of Blackjack was). Every curve, every line...every contour of the table-maid's face, changing her appearance and voice to match. It was only when she felt satisfied with her imitation that she finally spoke, removing her mask and top hat as she finally introduced herself, answering with a voice...and face that belonged not to her. Pointy elven ears,

"Greetings. I am the Magnificent Marlome. Magician, entertainer, daredevil, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. More importantly, I am one of the last performers of yonder Friday night. The closing finale to a night of excitement and talent.

It would be at this time though, that her visage changed again, skin paling, hair turning green, pointy ears reverting, and finally small horns for the finishing touch. Necessary for a brief introduction or overview? Probably not. Stylish?... Depends on who you ask.

"But what need is there for a preemptive gathering of hired help for a mere stage act you might ask? Surely a street magician's tricks need only be taught a few hours before at best. That's because my dears, what I'm planning is not some mere displays of sleight of hand or illusionary magic. Oh no, what I have planned is a show like which Acheron has never seen.

From there, after she explained the premises of "The Great Escape", it would be then that Ayame come clean with her intentions...at least the ones she planned for now. Ideally, the two table maids, along with any other female hired help, would serve as a shroud of sorts for her at specified locations in her run. Disguises she might adopt, an artificial crowd where there wasn't one for her to blend into, and of course standard set-up crew who would plant outfits and the likes that the kitsune planned to change to and from along her run in locations preemptively so as to allow her more seamless transitions from location to location. Though as for the orc janitor... (which she'd transform into before addressing his role)

"Sadly, it's against the spirit of the performance for me to disguise myself as one such as you. However, instead I have another role for you to perform, well, as an alternative to dusting the stage clean and creating safe spot for me to appear at should you desire it. That is, for you to be a shield of sorts for me at specific times. Though probably less so here, I believe few care to tangle with a muscular orc and his woman no? Simply staying by my side while I ask, and look the most intimidating that you can be should serve to discourage some of the more faint-hearted pursuers, in addition to acting as yet another veil for my hunters to pierce. Though do note, I would also ask that no lasting physical harm be done to any of them of course, that'd be against the spirit of the show. Creative guile and deception is the name of the game here, not brute force."

Other male help would also, more likely than not, be given similar roles, that of serving as additional camoflauge and deterrents, so the magician would go on to explain. But once she finally was done, it would be then that she opted to redon the mask and hat... letting that fluffy tail out into plain sight again at last, and concluding with her "true" (as far as any of them knew) voice and a slight bow near the end.

"Time permitting, I'll have the details and such further refined before the start of the show. Assuming everything goes well though, I look forward to working with each of you during my stay here in Acheron~.


Ayame, after leaving the gambling parlor, would have taken time to change from her...magician's outfit, to a more casual appearance. Gone would the long black tailcoat, the fancy top hat, and so forth be. Instead, in their place, would be a short sleeved oriental priestess's robe. One that was loose, comfortable to wear, easy to slip on...and off as needed, secured mainly by a decorated sash around the waist. But most importantly complimented the physical form she had chosen to take, and her form of choice around town. Long flowing silver hair, devilish red eyes, a less voluptuous or abundant chest (mostly to avoid having to actually perform a wrap for her current outfit), and a smaller younger stature (though not too young). Enough to retain some semblance of mystery and elegance, but not enough she'd attract unneeded attention. It was best after all, if the Magnificent Marlome's identity was a bit ambiguous. No need to give room for people to try influencing future games from outside of the playing field.

But then again, for there to even be another "game", the preparations for the first one would have to be completed first. That being of course, a guided tour around town (one more detailed than a brief flight around). Then a preemptive visit to all the locations the owner had designated, to get a feel for them before she officially introduced herself when the time came. This course, meant she had to choose a guide from those available at this time.

...Human looking man in black chainmail, not exactly an appealing choice. Even if he wasn't another outsider like her, chances are he'd be one of the more...stringent types. The type that'd refuse a game of her's if one came to mind along the way. That and he'd probably charge more too.

...Typicial demoness with blue skin? Chances of being a native resident of Acheron? High. Safest pick to get what she wanted? Probably. Best to ask a demon about demon town after all, though...

Crimson skin, revealing clothes... and of course, demonic appearance and aura. That was an option too. Probably riskier given the appearance, though more entertaining than the human either way. Yet...did she really want to gamble again so soon?

And of course, heavily corrupted gruff. Corrupted fey. Gee, wonder where a trip with that one was going to end up? Not exactly up for tail collecting yet so... pass on that.

So in general, a toss up between the two demons, as it'd only make sense to ask a native resident around their "hometown" (if it could be called that). However, the question was which one? The "safe" blue one? Or the "dangerous" red one? Blue or red? To wake up from one's bed the next day blissfully ignorant of adventure? Or to go down the rabbit hole and see how far it leads?...

...Who was she kidding? Of course she'd pick the more dodgy option. What was life if she didn't live a little every now and then eh?

And with this in mind, she'd approach the scantily clad, crimson skinned woman, a foxy grin upon her face as she approached.

"Hello there. Would you happen to know where I might find a guide to show me around town?... I'm a bit new here you see, and I'd love for someone to give me the grand tour.

((Ayame's Current Appearance:
Re: Just Smoke and Mirrors (Keylo)

Ayame: HP = 42, PP = 49, EP = 103/107, Status = Fine, Luck Manipulation on self

The elf, upon seeing Ayame's visage transformed into her own likeness and hearing the kitsune speak in her own voice, frowned and paled slightly, but did nothing more and said nothing in response. After a moment she glanced at her employer, and then gave a slight nod of acknowledgement, but that was all the reaction that Ayame got from the elf. The demon, on the other hand, smirked and casually shifted her face to something else, seemingly one chosen at random, and her voice was changed as well when she replied; "I somehow doubt that, oh might magician, but we shall see~" She seemed to be in good spirits about the whole thing, however, and indeed seemed quite eager to see what the kitsune was cooking up.

The orc, on the other hand, looked less than amused as Ayame took on his appearance. "Oh yeah... Clever. Because not one person in a city full of shapeshifters have pulled that stunt on me before," he grumbled dryly after she'd explained his role in things. "Not the first time some uppity weirdo's confused me with some dumb brute either. Do you often play to racial stereotypes, or is it just orcs? Are we all just dumb brutes to you, or more like trained monkeys?" he grumbled on, crossing his thick, heavily muscled arms over his burly chest, quite looking the part that he seemed unwilling to play. "Whatever. You want me to play a brute, so long as I'm gettin paid, fine. Whatever you say. I'll even make sure that I don't break anyone by accident."

With introductions finished, Ayame departed and went in search of her guide. Making her choice, the kitsune approached the scantily clad demoness with red skin. When asked her question, the demoness turned to Ayame with a look of surprise that rapidly melted into a smirk. "You looking to get somewhere, sweetie~?" she cooed softly, "I can show yah anything in the city.... For the right price! Where are yah headed?"
Re: Just Smoke and Mirrors (Keylo)

The response from the elf and demon, the latter perhaps even more so, would seem to please the Magnificent Marlome. At least, enough that she didn't deem it necessary to stop explaining the basic idea of the "game", besides to return the demon's smirk with a smile of her own. There was no need to offer a retort to such doubt after all, the result of her show would speak for itself.

However...the orc's remarks... Now then, those were a different story altogether. For those would have provoked...a rather curious reaction in the fluffy-tailed girl. A pause in which her mask's smile would turn into a frown, becoming a mask of tragedy for but a moment...followed by...laughter. Laughter similar to that which she evoked upon learning of the gambling den owner's pragmatism. This time however, rather than offering a simple apology, she would have suddenly vanished only to reappear directly in front of the orc to confront him. Standing on tip toes (despite being able to change her height) with tail wagging, looking directly at the orc face to face behind the silver mask, which once again was one of "comedy", it would be then that opted to speak with a bemused tone of voice.

"Do forgive me, the last true interaction I've truly had with your kind, beyond the ones having their fortunes wheedled away, were them chasing me with sticks and nets to acquire "fluffy tails". I often forget that they've grown smarter over the years...well some of them anyway. However, as you seem to purport yourself to being one of the more intellectually developed...well then, allow me to give you a different task instead, rather than playing brute force."

For a moment, just for a moment...it seemed that something unthinkable might happen. Such as the orc suddenly being turned into one of the painted pigeons, having his clothes shredded, so on and so forth... Generally when the "crazies" came to a sentence like this, something unexpected and catastrophic was soon to occur.

"...Make one. Come up with a role you think befitting of your intelligence, your talents. The nature of the performance has already been decided, all that is left is for actors to play it out. If you believe yourself capable of a different role, or one you'd desire more than go on and share your input. Demonstrate how deceiving appearances can be."

...Unexpected? Yes. Destructive...well, maybe not.


Demons really do have a thing for smirking don't they? Then again...it wasn't as if she was that different, without her masks.

Returning the smirk, Ayame would opt to hum a bit as she responded, putting two fingers together and making as it muse a bit.

"You could say that. Though mostly I'd just like some company while sight-seeing, ideally company that could give me a bit of an overview of the places while visiting. Renan's run, The Asp's Den, the arena, Moira's Brothel... oh and of course, any other place that might prove to be interesting to pay a visit to. As for payment though..."

It would be then that Ayame opted to pause for just a moment, putting her fingers together and grinning before responding.

"...Well then, what do you have in mind?