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Karen Drauss (Maikochan)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Character sheet:
Name: Karen Drauss
Age: 19
Level 0 Trait: Magic

Attitude: Karen is a bit indecisive and a bit lazy, but loyal to those she considers friends. She says she's bisexual, but really hasn't been satisfied by either gender very much recently.

Extra Notes: Nothing comes to mind at the moment.

It was just another day like any other for Karen as she woke up. The night before she'd partied with some friends fairly late and was just now waking up around 11:00 AM or so, having slept in a bit since she had gone pretty hard at partying. A couple of her friends had helped her back she remembered and dumped her into bed to sleep it off before heading home themselves. She didn't have much of a hangover thankfully, though she'd drank enough to sleep in quite a while.

Upon getting up, Karen would be able to do her morning business as usual before heading to the kitchen to get some milk for whatever she was wanting it for. As Karen opened her refrigerator door however, she saw a blueish... wall like thing in front of her that blocked her from getting to anything in her fridge.

These go from 1 to 5, with 5 being that they'll encountered very frequently. Just put a Y for yes then a 1/5 or 2/5 etc... to determine the frequency of which they'll happen.

An example - Anthros: Y 5/5

Mythical Beings (Angels, demons, devils, fey, etc... ):
Monsters (slimes, tentacles, etc...):
Bestiality (Animals, monstrous animals, beastmen, etc...):
Anthros (nekos, kitsune, okami, etc...):
Monster Girls (from the MGE, such as lamias, harpies, etc...):
Plants (alraune, etc...):
Robotic/Cybernetic enemies (robots and other metal things, such as constructs in D&D terms):
Futanari - Would you like to start out as a futanari, change into one, or fight futa enemies?:
Non-Consensual Sex:
Sex Change:

Roughness - how rough do you want things to get? (scaling works the same as the frequency thing for the above settings. 1 for not so rough with 5 being quite rough.):

Anything you'd like included that wasn't mentioned above? Just add it on after the oviposition/seedbearing setting and with the specific frequency you'd like it to happen and it'll go in there.

(Note I wouldn't go too far on the roughness even if you put a 5 for it, and that with things like the sex change setting doesn't necessarily apply to only Karen and can mean it might happen to others as well.)

Difficulty and area to start in:
Cakewalk, Easy, Normal, Hard, or Insane.

(Since we already discussed and know what world you're gonna be teleported to, I'll simply ask around where on said world you'd like to start out at if that's alright.)

Gray Mountains
Central High Plains
Verdant Fields
Misty Swamps
Fertile Forests
Rolling Hills


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Karen Drauss (Maikochan)

Karen yawned and stretched her arms over her head. If she did have her apartment's blinds open, any neighbors would have gotten a glimpse of the underside of her breasts as she was still wearing the tanktop and panties she went to bed with. However, Karen was a bit embarrassed of the idea of people seeing her so undressed, at least, not without her wishes.

She was still mostly asleep when she opened the fridge door and saw the blue... thing. "What the... heck?" She mumbled and reached out and touched it, still not thinking with a fully awake mind.

Humans: Y5
Male/Female: Y4
Female/Female: Y4
Mythical Beings (Angels, demons, devils, fey, etc... ): Y3
Monsters (slimes, tentacles, etc...): Y4
Bestiality (Animals, monstrous animals, beastmen, etc...): Y4
Anthros (nekos, kitsune, okami, etc...): Y4
Monster Girls (from the MGE, such as lamias, harpies, etc...): Y3
Plants (alraune, etc...): Y4
Robotic/Cybernetic enemies (robots and other metal things, such as constructs in D&D terms): Y2
Futanari - Would you like to start out as a futanari, change into one, or fight futa enemies?: Y4 (Not start out as one, yes to change into one, yes to futa enemies)
Non-Consensual Sex: Y4
Slavery: Y4
Sex Change: Y3
Corruption: Y3
Pregnancy: Y2
Birthing: Y1
Oviposition/Seedbearing: Y4

Roughness: 3-3.5

Normal Difficulty. Starting area... Swamp or forest. Surprise me.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karen Drauss (Maikochan)

Her blinds were open in her apartment as she went forth to her kitchen, a couple of neighbors possibly seeing her body some, it was hard to tell as her eyes were still a bit bleary from sleep. Upon opening the refrigerator door and seeing the blueish wall in front of her though she seemed to wake the rest of the way. As she reached out and touched it, she felt her hand sink into it, almost as if it were water mixed with a slight touch of gel, a slight push needed to get her hand through.

As she pushed her hand into it though, Karen found that she couldn't pull it back out and it felt almost as if she were being pulled through said wall. It felt... not cold on the other side as her fridge should be, but it was still a bit cool. Karen still wasn't being pull hard enough to slip all the way through yet, but she could feel the longer she stood there the harder she was being pulled, and she knew soon enough she couldn't withstand the pull. This gave her time to grab something in her kitchen that was close by if she wished to attempt to do so, as whatever was pulling her in was holding too tight for her to break free, but it wasn't painfully pulling on her. Within reach was of course the freezer door, a knife set, a chair that was adjacent to her table with a warm coat on the back of it, and a couple of half empty bottles of water from the day before that she'd left on her counter next to the knives. She would only have time to grab for a couple of things before the pull became too strong for her to resist it and fall in.
Last edited:


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Karen Drauss (Maikochan)

Karen blinked as she pushed her hand through the blue wall thingy, then started to panic a bit when she realized that, not only could she not pull her hand free, but she was actually being pulled in. "Uh... this is bad..." She mumbled and looked around for anything to help stop her from being pulled in. Unfortunately, her broom was out of reach, as was her phone. She tried to brace herself against the fridge door as she reached for some of the items that were within reach. She grabbed the jacket first, figuring if she'd be exploring the inside of an extradimensional refrigerator, having something warm might be a good idea. After that, she'd grab for the water, the knives, and then she'd try to open the freezer door (hoping it didn't lead to a different wall thing) and grab a loaf of bread she'd stuck in there when she got too many while they were on sale.

Once her head was about to be sucked into the blue wall thing, Karen would hold her breath, but try to keep her eyes open.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karen Drauss (Maikochan)

Karen was quite quick on the uptake considering she'd only just woken up and all, easily able to grab the coat that had a fur interior and leather exterior, along with both water bottles, though before she could grab the knives she sank in too deeply. Quickly stuffing the bottles into her coat, Karen was able to move quick enough to yank the freezer door open and see that there was no wall like the one in the fridge, where she was able to just grab hold of one of her loaves of bread that was in there before her face sank into the stuff, and as the rest of her body was going through she felt the loaf of bread fall out of the freezer along with another item that bumped her leg and fell through with her as the freezer and fridge door both shut behind her.

Her eyes could see blue all around her, glowing blueish walls all around her in a circular pattern as they flowed around her...(Like a Stargate). After a few seconds, Karen found herself spat out of the wormhole like thing where she landed a few feet away on a soft mossy patch of ground. Looking around, Karen would see that she was now in a forest, as there were trees all around her. Shaking her head a bit to shake the blur from her eyes, Karen would see all of the items that she'd managed to grab laying on the ground all around her, including the one that apparently bumped against her leg at the last second. The new item was... a staff? It was about as tall as she was and dark oak with what appeared to be runes engraved on it.

It was cool, like it was early autumn and the first chilly weather of the season was starting to blow in. It looked like she was really in the middle of nowhere, but at the same time it was tough to tell, as it seemed like she was on a path. The sun was up pretty good but not past high noon, leading her to believe that it was early in the morning here as well, likely around 9:00 to 10:00 AM or so just as it was back at her home.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Karen Drauss (Maikochan)

"Ow..." Karen mumbled and rubbed her butt where she landed. It hadn't been a particularly rough landing, just unexpected. She stood up and looked around, trying to see if the portal she came through was still there or not. (Going to assume it's not)

After a moment of looking around, Karen took stock of the situation. "Huh... So I got pulled through some wormhole thing ripped straight from television, that was somehow in my fridge for some reason, ended up deposited here... wherever here is... and there's a stick I definitely don't remember having before." She knelt down and picked up the staff, looking over it with curiosity, then shivered. She was still in her underwear, essentially. She quickly pulled the coat on over herself, thankful it went down to mid-thigh at least. She stuffed the water bottles and bread in whatever pockets they'd fit in and then look around, holding the staff, for any signs of civilization or any other indication that might be better to travel in than another.

"Let's just hope I'm still on Earth and not on some planet half-way across the galaxy..." She mumbled as she looked around.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karen Drauss (Maikochan)

As Karen looked around her, she found that the portal had in fact disappeared once she was through, leaving her with no way of getting back from this place at least. When she reached down to grab the staff as she spoke, Karen felt a surge of energy pour through her entire body, making her feel... powerful, and she instantly knew what the staff was for... magic. The knowledge of the arcane arts filled her mind as she grabbed her coat to pull around her, the surge of power and knowledge both leaving her a slight bit light headed and even making her drop the staff, but still it came to her, only stopping once she had gained all that was offered.

After recovering from the short ordeal of apparently being granted power, Karen was able to collect the other things as she'd planned to and when she looked around the area to see which direction would be best to head she would determine that heading west was the best choice, as she could hear running water coming in that direction. The wind blew slightly through the trees as she stood there, blowing towards her from the west, but her new arcane senses told her that there was magical energies in that direction too... well there were magical energies in every direction really, but those were the closest to her current position.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Karen Drauss (Maikochan)

"Magic... okay... I guess after taking a tumble down the rabbit hole anything's possible." Karen commented after getting the magic.

Magic and water to the west... well, that seemed about a good as any direction to start off in. Maybe she'll find someone who would be able to help her home.

(Head westward)
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karen Drauss (Maikochan)

Heading westwards, Karen was able to carefully pick her way through the forest without much trouble and soon enough she found the source of the water, which was a river running along, flowing southwards. It flowed from the north and looped around and went to around the west northwest, but she could cross the river a little ways upriver as there was a ford to allow safe passage up there. As she went along though she heard the various sounds that one would normally hear in a forest, some a slight bit louder than others, but all in all there wasn't too much different as of yet compared to the forests back home where she'd lived.

In the distance far to the east Karen heard a wolf howling, but she could tell that it was quite a ways off and would take quite some time to get anywhere near her, plus it sounded like it was heading to the south in any case.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Karen Drauss (Maikochan)

Karen decided to take her time as she walked. Being in a natural environment (even when it was on the other side of an apparently magical portal while also being suffused with magic which she could now apparently sense) felt much calmer and quieter than the cities she was used to living in. The sounds didn't alarm her, until the wolf's call, but it was far enough off that her instinctive fear faded quickly.

Once at the river she looked around for a moment before kneeling next to it and putting her hand in to test the temperature before filling her water bottles up.

"Now..." She mumbled, standing up and looking around again. "Which way..." She tried to sense that stronger magical source she had felt earlier. If she could sense it, she'd head towards it, taking the ford if she had to cross the river. If she couldn't, she'd follow the river down-stream.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karen Drauss (Maikochan)

The water was fairly cool she found as she knelt next to it and dipped one of her bottles into it to fill the thing up. And it was crystal clear and clean too she saw, and smelled alright. If she tasted it to see if it was bad water or not, she'd find that it tasted great really, some of the freshest cleanest water she'd ever drank before. As it turned out though Karen would have to cross the river to follow the magical energy she felt before, but the water at the ford she saw wasn't overly deep and would come up only a couple of inches above her ankles, making it easy to cross without much worry.

Once across, Karen could follow the river upstream towards the source of magical energies. Soon though as she went along, the foliage around her rustled a bit and she heard something that sounded like a female voice giggling. After starting to move along again she heard the giggling a second time, and then a third, each time coming from a different direction. Whatever it was didn't seem intent on attacking her... yet at least. As she looked around though Karen would catch the barest of glimpses of a head of blonde hair going behind a tree, but that was it.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Karen Drauss (Maikochan)

Karen stopped when she realized there was someone near by. "Uh, hello?" She called out, looking around. "I seem to be a bit lost, so I was wondering if I could get a bit of assistance?" She didn't feel too threatened at the moment, but tried to find somewhere that was a little open so that she might be able to better see the girl.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karen Drauss (Maikochan)

As Karen stopped to look around and called out, the woman she heard before giggled again, a bit closer than last time. She did this again twice more, seemingly getting closer each time until she giggled again from behind a tree that was mere feet away from her. Then Karen saw a head peek out from behind the tree and it looked... an elven woman... kind of. There were a couple of differences than that of a normal elf from the mythology Karen remembered from reading or that she'd seen in movies... she had green skin instead of a normal white, and she had what looked like vines wrapped around her up and down both arms a little bit where they coiled up and over both shoulders and trailed down behind her. She had pink hair though, which was odd because Karen had seen blonde hair before... but as she was thinking this while the pink haired woman was looking at her from behind the tree, another female popped out from behind the opposite side of it, a head full of blonde hair similar to the pink haired one... in fact they resembled each other a lot, likely sisters, the only differences between them being their hair colors and the blonde's green eyes instead of the pink haired one's brownish eyes.

"Hello there miss... we can help you out if you need it. Who are you though? And why are you out and about in such light and strange clothing? It's getting quite cool now you know, and this evening we're expecting a cool rain. Do you have anywhere close by to go to?" the pink haired one said to Karen while she stepped out from behind the tree they were at, her curvy form coming out into Karen's full view where she saw that she was covered by a grass skirt that hung down to her knees and she had a shirt made from thick moss with leaves on top of that, and she had a couple of pink roses in her hair while her blonde look alike had a couple of white lilies in her hair, though she wore the same thing pretty much, save her grass skirt was a bit shorter.

(OOC: For reference, , the blonde one looks identical save with blonde hair and green eyes.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Karen Drauss (Maikochan)

Karen was struck speechless by the green-skinned beauties. For a moment she wondered if she was being taped for some movie or something and glanced around before looking back to the girls.

"Uh, yes, I mean..." Karen stumbled over her words before taking a moment to collect herself. "Uh, yes, I kind of... didn't have much time to dress properly before ending up here. So, no, I don't have anywhere near to go to. Oh, and my name is Karen. Karen Drauss." She figured she might as well be polite, even to very strange people. They seemed nice enough at any rate. She just had to keep her eyes from straying. She considered herself bisexual but had been in a bit of a rut, dating-wise recently.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Karen Drauss (Maikochan)

Looking around, Karen found nothing more than the forest around her like it'd been moments before, the only real difference being the two women in front of her who were looking curiously at her. "Not much time? How could you get so far out here into thee woods without preparing first?" the blonde asked as she tilted her head to one side, looking even more curiously at Karen.

"Well Karen, if you would like, you may come with us. Our home is... the forest, but if you wish to be technical about it then our home is over that way. You're lucky we're the ones who found you first actually, as some others of our kind can be a little... forceful when they see someone as lovely as you dear, and some of the wild creatures of the forest might have been... equally as forceful if they came upon you. Please come with us, if you have nowhere else to go for the time being then you can come with us for now and you may stay with us for a time until you decide to make for one of the towns in or out of the forest," the pink haired woman said as Karen finished speaking. "Oh yes, I'm Rose, and my sister here is Daisy," she added, introducing herself and her sister to Karen before gesturing for her to follow them, both of them bowing politely to the young woman.

"Yes yes come along Karen, our home is this way," Daisy said, looking happy and excited for some reason as she bounced off, her breasts jiggling deliciously underneath the small coverage they had, while Rose walked at a slower pace with Karen, who could now see their backsides and noticed on Daisy's back there were 6 tentacles, 2 of which were the ones wrapped around them, while the rest were wrapped around their waists like a belt and down their legs.