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Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

After a few short minutes of recovering, Shana helped Vanessa up to her feet with a bit of effort and then she and Vanessa redressed themselves after finding their clothing, Shana's still in pretty good shape considering and no more ripped or anything, while Vanessa's loincloth like piece of clothing was totally torn to shreds, leaving the poor futanari human farmer completely naked now under her armor, which did nothing to cover her nether regions at all as her armor didn't cover that specific area at all.

"Well dammit... I guess anything we run into down here will know I'm like this and come after me first now, and you two will have to look at this ugly body of mine until I can find something to cover it with," Vanessa said as she stared at the remains of her clothing.

"Oh Vanessa, you're body is beautiful. Don't think it isn't because you're wrong in thinking it. At least... I think it's beautiful," Shana said to Vanessa, stopping for a moment as she finished speaking, her face turning beet red in embarrassment. After that, Shana didn't look at Vanessa again until they left without blushing.

After that, the girls all got their gear back together before moving on, heading on down the steps leading down. They traveled down the steps for a couple of minutes, taking it kind of slow in the quite darkened stairwell. Eventually though they made it to the bottom and went through the open doorway, leading into the third floor of the place.

Once inside the room, the girls found that it was a rather small room, with only one door, which led south. In the corner next to the door, they found a small pile of gold, almost as if it were purposely placed there. Shana eyed it suspiciously for a moment herself, while Vanessa perked up a little bit and walked over to it to give it a closer inspection. She looked around it for any hidden wires or whatnot that was around it, but found nothing. She then pulled her greatsword out and stepped back a bit and poked the pile a couple of times, though nothing happened.

"Seems alright to me, I think we should take it, you never know it may come in handy," Vanessa stated, looking over her shoulder at Karrie and Shana.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

After some resting the group departed, continuing along the corridor, eventually finding a room with a door that lead south and a pile of gold in the corner of the room, suspicious, Vanessa tested it to make sure it wasnt booby trapped, shrugging, Karrie walked over and picked it up, pocketing it before intending to continue through the southbound door.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie came over after Vanessa made sure it was safe and took the gold up and slipped it into her pack, finding that it was a total of eighty seven gold pieces they'd found. Once she'd gotten them stowed away in her pack they headed on through the southward doorway. They followed the hallway until they found their way into another room, this one very large with a door leading east and a door leading west. Also inside the room, as soon as they walked out to the middle of it, the torches flickered out completely for a few moments, leaving them in complete darkness for about ten seconds.

"Oh gods, what's happened?" Shana said in a frightened voice.

"I don't know Shana, but I'm sure it'll be okay. Let's just remain calm and I'm sure everything will be okay," Vanessa replied to Shana's question, reaching out in the darkness and putting an arm around her. She also reached out to put an arm around Karrie so they wouldn't get separated from each other, but as she found Karrie's shoulder and wrapped her arm around her neck, her hand grabbed Karrie's breast on accident, with Vanessa quickly releasing it and apologizing to Karrie, "Oh, sorry about that Karrie."

When they torches all lit themselves back up, they found themselves quickly surrounded by six shifters, all naked and looking at them hungrily. Two of them were plain shifter girls, one a wolf girl and the other a neko girl, while the other four were all futanari, two being futanari okami girls, one a futanari fox girl, and the last being a futanari bunny girl. All six of them had a strange and lusty look in their eyes as they began advancing on the three of them.

"Oh crap, what the hell is this? I don't think they're going to just let us through girls," Vanessa said after she saw they were surrounded.

"Oh no... some of them... they've got... penises like yours Vanessa," Shana said in a slightly frightened tone.

"Just try to ignore those Shana and focus on knocking them out, okay," Vanessa told Shana as she turned her back to Karrie and Shana to keep the two covered from behind.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Walking along, they eventually found themselves in another wide room, however this time the lights flickered out and Karrie felt herself being groped, she blushed and looked around in a panic, but sighed in relief when it was just Vanessa doing it by mistake, when the torches came back on the groups found themselves surrounded by what looked like shifters, all different kinds of animals, Karrie found herself staring at the fox girl futa, her thoughts were clouded for a second by lewd thoughts of her taking all the futas in every one of her holes, almost as if possessed, Karrie stepped foward and put her left hand on the fox girls shoulder, she then pulled her into a kiss, reaching her other hand down to stroke at the fox girls dick, Karrie had no idea what she was even doing...
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

(I'm assuming that Karrie is giving in with what you wrote. ;) If so, then the fight will take place next turn, without Karrie's participation.)

After seeing their foes arrayed around them, Karrie, being rather clouded in her judgement from all that had happened so far found herself going over to the futanari fox girl and pulling her into a kiss, which the fox girl returned with equal fervor, wrapping her arms around the small of Karrie's back and holding her there as she moaned slightly at Karrie's grabbing her member and stroking it. Before Karrie knew it, the futa bunny girl had come over behind her and was kissing and licking her neck while rubbing her own erect member between Karrie's buttcheeks, her tip brushing across Karrie's soft pucker a couple of times while she did so.

"K-Karrie? What are you doing Karrie?" Shana cried out at her friend, who was now being double teamed and squished between the fox and bunny futa girls.

"Damn... the lust is starting to get to her some... it did the same to me earlier against those floating ball things. I... I don' know if we can win a fight against them Shana, but I'm damn sure going to try. At least Karrie's managed to draw a couple of them off of us," Vanessa replied to Shana, preparing herself to fight.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Yeah, she gave up to hopefully draw some of the enemies off of Shana and Vanessa and mostly out of some lust left behind from the fight with the meat catchers

Karrie stopped stroking the fox girls member as she continued to french her back, giving out small moans into the girls mouth as the bunny girl came up behind her and started to arouse her further, Karrie almost couldnt wait to feel their dicks inside her, before she knew it Karrie felt her clothing being slipped off by the two animal girls, her mind was trying to desperately wrangle control back from her lust in the mean time.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

I did all of the rolls and such off camera since Karrie wasn't actually in the fight or anything, hope that's alright. Shana and Vanessa ended up losing quite badly without taking any of the shifters out during the fight, so... SMUT. ;)

While her two companions were fighting the rest of the shifters, Karrie was pulled to the floor by the fox herm and then pulled into her lap, while the bunny futa knelt behind her. Karrie was pulled into a kiss by the foxy fox herm, her tongue quickly wrestled down by her as well. Karrie would then feel herself lifted up slightly before she was impaled upon the fox herm's foot long two inch thick cock, her pussy spreading a little wide to accept such a large appendage, though with the lust filling her mind it was more pleasure than a stinging pain. After she was fully impaled upon that magnificent cock, Karrie would feel the bunny herm behind her poking at her tender little pucker again, and if she glanced over her shoulder she'd see a hopeful needy look on the bunny herm's face, looking like she was greatly in need of some relief. Regardless of Karrie's decision whether or not to allow her inside, the bunny herm would prod a few more times until she gained entry, the head of her cock gently sliding inside of Karrie's ass where she gently thrust forward and shoved the rest in, impaling Karrie's ass with her ten inches.

Once they were both inside of Karrie, she'd feel herself nice and full of their cocks, both her lower lips and her pucker being spread wide just like she'd wanted. The fox herm pulled her into a deep kiss while the bunny herm licked and kissed her neck, leaving hickeys all over her while they began thrusting in and out of her at a gentle pace. Soon though, they started going faster, which was probably much to Karrie's delight, the fox herm knocking against her cervix with every thrust. The bunny futa was moaning softly in Karrie's ear, letting out soft coos and whines of pleasure as she reached around and groped Karrie's breasts, pulling on her nipples a bit. Soon enough, Karrie would feel the first of many climaxes to come building closer and closer, while at the same time she felt both cocks within her begin throbbing and twitching as if they were about to pop and fill her with their life giving seed. A couple of minutes later, Karrie felt herself being tipped over as her orgasm washed over her like a tidal wave, and after her orgasm ended she felt both cocks inside of her explode, filling both of her holes to the brim with their spunk, which tipped her over the edge again into a minigasm, leaving her a panting twitching mess.

While the fox and bunny futa girls played with Karrie, the rest of the shifters surround Shana and Vanessa and the two non futa ones both dove at Vanessa, with the okami girl managing to tackle her to the ground and hold her there until the neko could join her, where they then proceeded to pull Vanessa's armor off and begin pleasuring her, the neko sitting on her face and forcing her to pleasure her while the okami girl mounted Vanessa's fully erect and throbbing penis, barely taking the time to stroke her any before jumping on.

Shana's two foes had a slightly harder time taking her to the ground, but in the end they did manage to do so, taking her legs out from under her and forcing her onto her hands and knees after stripping her of all her clothing. After that, the two okami futanari girls that had her positioned themselves at either end of her, one licking her pussy for a minute or two before sliding her near foot long cock rather roughly into her now drooling pussy, where she began thrusting fast and hard, pleasuring Shana. Meanwhile the one at her other end didn't mess around any and held her own cock at Shana's lips rubbing it up and down her face until Shana got the idea and ran her tongue up the length of the eleven inch cock, licking around the head of it a few times before a little spurt of pre squirted out onto her lips. When this happened, Shana's eyes began glazing over themselves, the young priestess also consumed by the building lust in her mind that had started from the last couple of battles, the one with the orc and the tentacled creature just upstairs.

Shana then grabbed the cock of the futa okami with her hand and guided it into her mouth, taking it all the way before coming back up, only to go back down and repeat. Meanwhile the one thrusting into her pussy was going to town, howling her pleasure like a real wolf, while the one Shana was sucking on howled as well. Soon enough, Shana felt the one plunging into her pussy thrust forward more so than she had been, spreading her sopping pussy open wide as she hilted herself inside, plugging her up as the wolf girl exploded, filling her to the brim with her seed, while the one she was suckling on exploded as well, forcing Shana to swallow all of her spunk, which the young and now lust addled and horny priestess did rather happily. Shana herself reached the first of many orgasms along with the two okami futa's, her eyes rolling up as her back arched greatly in her pleasure, muffled moans coming from her lips while she swallowed all the spunk spurted into her mouth.

Vanessa's two horny foes meanwhile had their fun with her, the okami girl riding her ten inches while her tail wagged happily behind her, and the neko squirming as Vanessa gave in to the pleasure rather quickly and began willingly licking the pussy's pussy. The neko meowed in pleasure as her tail swished around behind her, apparently greatly enjoying Vanessa's ministrations. Vanessa was soon brought to a shuddering climax by the okami girl riding her cock, her seed filling her to the brim as her body went slack, no fight left within her body any longer as the okami and neko continued on until they had their own orgasms and then switched places with each other. The neko's pussy was even tighter than the okami girl's and Vanessa's moans could be heard going to a slightly higher pitch when her cock was sunk into that tight pussy.

After the two okami futa's had finished their first orgasm with Shana, they switched places with each other, the one in her pussy sliding her knot out along with the rest before moving around and having Shana suck on her cock now, while her fellow futa okami took her turn with Shana, who was now holding her ass high in the air for them to have their way with at their leisure, looking like she was liking what was happening to her now and smiling as she let out a squeal of pleasure when she felt the eleven inch long cock plunge into her. After that it didn't take long before Shana was shuddering in climax again, her pussy clamping down around the cock inside of her as she was filled again. Once they had both had a turn cumming inside her and filling her womb with their seed, they laid her down onto the floor so she could rest, but Shana had other ideas as she rolled over onto her back and spread her legs wide, inviting them both to take her again, which they eagerly did, not stopping with their cumming inside of her until her belly was bloated with the sheer amount of their seed. When she was finally to exhausted to continue, they laid down with her in the corner of the room where there was a bed of hay, which they laid her on and snuggled her between them, gently rubbing her belly with their hands while they went to sleep with her, looking greatly satisfied with their conquest of Shana.

"M-More... fill me more... feels so good... to be filled up... with warm cum... never knew what I... was missing," Shana mumbled while she was dozing off, her mind so lust addled she wanted even more despite her body no complying and allowing her to just mount either of the okami herms snuggling her.

Vanessa's two companions had their way with her repeatedly, taking turn after turn riding her. They didn't stop until her cock wouldn't stand any longer and had their bellies nice and round with her seed sloshing around in their wombs. They took her off to the bed of hay in the corner of the room with the others and snuggled up with her between them both, either of their heads on either shoulder as they both laid a hand over her cock, as if protecting it from any outside harm. Vanessa's eyes simply wouldn't stay open any longer and she fell asleep from pure exhaustion, unable to stay awake to try and get free any longer, not that escape was in her mind right now as her mind was still in a state of bliss after a dozen orgasms.

"S-So good..." Vanessa's mumbled aloud as she was laid down, unable to form any more words at this point.

Karrie meanwhile, after her first orgasm would feel a sudden kick inside of her womb, signifying whatever was in there wanted out. The fox herm apparently knew this was happening as she lifted Karrie off of her cock with the bunny herm's help and together they aided Karrie in birthing what she would see was more of the worm looking things that the pink fleshy ball thing pumped into her, though these looked slightly larger, likely from being in her womb. The birthing was rather simple really, with no pain whatsoever at all and no blood from it either, almost as if they were simply just using her womb as a house for a while until the fox herm's spunk forced them out of it. While birthing the things, Karrie would instead feel great pleasure from it as nearly a dozen of the things made their way out of her womb, causing a shuddering climax as the last one slipped out. She wouldn't even feel sore from the birthing afterwards, but her lust from before it was still there as well, feeling even stronger than before and giving her an almost primal need to feel these two herm's fill her womb with their warm seed and bear their young for them willingly.

After a few minutes, the two futa girls smiled at Karrie as they got her onto her hands and knees and the bunny herm then plunged her cock into Karrie's sopping folds, hilting herself on the first thrust and then proceeding to have her way with Karrie. The fox herm pulled Karrie's face up to her cock, where Karrie's lust addled mind was too far gone at this point to stop her from just grabbing the cock in front of her face and taking it into her mouth all the way to the hilt before coming back up. While Karrie's head was bobbing up and down on the now throbbing foot long fox herm's cock in her mouth, the futa bunny's cock began shuddering violently in Karrie's pussy. Karrie's lust glazed eyes would be able to see the futanari fox girl looked greatly pleased by her blowjob and by the way the bunny herm was squealing she was enjoying herself as well as Karrie felt another orgasm building up within, her pussy throbbing and aching with need to be filled again. Soon enough, Karrie's wish was granted and she was filled again with warm cum, enough to make her belly bloat again as her orgasm struck her like a punch to the face, addling her mind further.

The two continued with Karrie for nearly an hour after that, moving her into many different positions before finally finishing with her sitting in the futanari fox girl's lap with her pussy sheathing the foot long cock, while the bunny herm took her ass again. Karrie would feel their cocks finally go soft inside of her where they then lifted her up and carried her over to the bed of hay with all the others, snuggling her between them before going to sleep. After she was laid down, Karrie's vision would begin slipping before she too succumbed to some now much needed sleep.
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Panting as she was further aroused by the two futas, Karrie was gently pulled to the floor by the fox girl as the two passionately kissed each other, the bunny girl teasing Karries asshole in the mean time, on her own accord Karrie sat up and penetrated her pussy on the fox girls stiff member, letting out a small gasp of pleasure as she felt it slide inside her, the bunny girl knelt behind her and did the same, penetrating her pucker and ellicting another yelp of pleasure from Karrie, she almost started to instinctively bounce on the fox girls throbbing cock as the bunny girl started to roughly thrust into her thoroughly, the fox girl leaned up and kissed Karrie who eagerly returned it, interlocking her hands with the fox girls as the lustful bunny girl behind her gripped her breasts and kneaded them thoroughly while licking and nibbling at Karries neck, leaving hickeys all over her as the three happily fucked each other until all three of them reached a orgasm, the bunny girl and the fox girl spurting their seeds into Karries moist folds, Karrie panted and shivered, her entire body almost shaking from this sudden wave of ecstasy, she only wanted to experience more of it, however she felt something move around in her bloated belly, and the other two girls noticed as well and pulled out of her, the fox girl letting Karrie sit beside her as she started to go into labor, more worms from the strange meat creature from before spilled out of her lower lips along with some cum, they were probably left behind, panting as she forced the last of them out karrie arched her back as she felt herself simply fall into another orgasm, Karrie looked at the fox girl with a lusty smile on her face and kissed her again.

Karrie felt the bunny girl lift her up, giggling in lust Karrie wrapped her legs around the bunny girls waist as she gently slid her cock back into Karries waiting lower lips, moaning as the bunny girl pressed Karrie against the wall, Karrie placed her hands on the bunny girls shoulders as she started to thrust into Karrie again, who let her tongue lull out of her mouth from the sheer amount of ecstasy encapsulating her body as the bunny girls thrusts started to speed up, every thrust bouncing and bucking Karries body as the bunny girl almost slammed into her cervix a couple of times, the fox girl was content to sit and watch, pleasuring herself in preparation for her turn next as the bunny girl slammed into Karrie one last time, hilting her as Karrie and the bunny girl let out a long scream of pleasure as she came into her womb once again, the bunny girl set Karrie back on the ground as Karrie walked over to the fox girl, she gently pushed her onto the floor and sat on the fox girls face, leaning down she started to rub and stroke the fox girls dick as the fox girl started to instinctively lick and lap at Karries wet pussy, Karrie started to suckle and lick at the head of the fox girls shaft, sucking and licking to bring the fox girls pleasure up even higher, eventually she started to use her breasts to rub and knead the dick in between them, arousing the two further as they both happily remained in the throes of passion, eventually the fox girl felt her lips suck on Karries clit as she reached a long orgasm, spurting her seed onto Karries breasts and face, who smiled.

Getting up the fox girl made Karrie get back on her hands and knees as she knelt infront of her, the bunny girl came over and positioned herself back behind Karrie as she thrust her warm dick into Karries pussy, Karries belly at this point was very bloated from all the cum she had been taking into her, placing her hands on the fox girls sides she felt the fox girl slide her dick into her mouth, expecting her to suck which Karrie hastily obeyed, the experience only enhanced by the bunny girl thrusting into her repeatedly, almost hitting her cervix as each thrust made Karries body bounce almost foward as she sucked off the fox girl at the same time, this continued for a while speeding up as the three relished the pleasure they were giving each other, until one last thrust sent all three over the edge in a ecstatic chain reaction, the bunny girl cumming her warm seed into Karries folds, the fox girl had to thrust into Karries throat further to make Karrie deep throat as she felt her own seed shoot into Karries stomach, eventually the group changed positions and fucked for almost a hour, only ending with Karrie impaled on the fox girls cock as she sucked off the bunny girls throbbing shaft, the two eventually reached another orgasm and Karrie felt their dicks wilt inside her, signalling the end of their fun, smiling the fox girl picked the cum filled and covered Karrie and took her over to a bed, Karrie lied down on her side with the fox girl infront of her, she held her hands and kissed the fox girl on her cheek while the bunny girl lied behind her, her arms around her stomach in a hug as she almost instinctively rubbed her wilting shaft against Karries asshole, eventually Karrie was granted the release she wanted as she fell into another sleep, feeling a very weird sense of enjoyment and happiness.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

When Karrie finally woke some time later, she would be able to feel that she was wearing nothing at all, save something around her neck, and despite being completely naked she felt quite warm, most likely from the blanket she was under. When she opened her eyes, Karrie would find herself laying on not the same bed of hay she'd been laid the night before, but a different one, and she was in a different room as well. She also still had the futanari bunny girl snuggled and spooning up behind her, though awake now. If she touched her neck to see what it was around it, she'd find it was a collar, and that it had a little gold piece fixed to it, with what appeared to have the words 'Alphas Mate' engraved into it. She would see the futa fox girl was sitting beside her, looking at her with a slightly affectionate smile on her face as she looked at Karrie.

When Karrie looked down at her belly, she'd see that it was still well and round after the hour or more of sex before she fainted from exhaustion. The futanari fox girl reached over and gently caressed her belly, tickling her ever so slightly in the process and smiling fondly as she did so. The futa bunny girl kissed her on the neck again while she too gently caressed Karrie's belly. After that, the fox herm looked over to their right and when Karrie followed her gaze, she'd see Shana laying there in between the two wolf futa's from before that were taking turns on her. Shana looked much the same as herself, her belly bulging outward with the young of one of the two wolf herms. Vanessa was past that, both the neko and wolf girl that had their fun with her with bulging bellies. If she looked close enough, she'd see Shana had a collar on as well, though hers was silver piece fixed to hers, with the words 'Betas mate' engraved on it, and Vanessa too had a collar with a gold piece, which had 'Gamma' engraved on it. Her two friends she would see were both awake and being pampered by both of their companions, which were bringing them both some little bit of food and drink to eat.

The two that Vanessa had apparently impregnated were all clingy with her, pressing their pregnant bellies against her some, as if wanting her do something. Finally, Karrie would hear the neko of the whole group speak in a worried tone, saying, "Are you feeling okay my mate? Please eat, you need your strength,"

The wolf girl with Vanessa was giving her the same look and offering her something to drink. Upon a closer look, Karrie would see that both the okami and neko girls were wearing collars that had 'Gammas mate' engraved upon them. Soon enough, the fox and bunny herms pulled Karrie up to sit and the futa fox girl set a plate of food in front of Karrie, which had some sort of cooked meat on it, as well as some bread that looked to have been taken from either Vanessa's or Shana's packs.

"Eat, you'll need all your strength for when you bear a child to whichever of us alphas it was that was lucky enough to impregnate you," the orange haired fox herm said to Karrie, gently caressing Karrie's belly again as she set a cup of water beside the plate.

Shana was eating her meal that had been given to her by the black haired and the blonde haired wolf herms, both of which were feeding Shana some of the same cooked meat and some bread as Karrie had been offered. Shana looked a little more submissive than she had been, obediently eating all of the food that was offered when told to do so for the same reasons the fox herm gave Karrie.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Blinking, Karrie had finally woken up, yawning and sitting up, giving a small giggle as the wolf girl tickled her, she was offered some food to eat, probably to regain her strength, she had little choice in the matter so she ate it obediently.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

(Karrie's with the fox and bunny futa's, Shana has both of the wolf futa's. :p)

When Karrie began eating the food given to her, the fox herm looked rather pleased that Karrie was eating the food she'd apparently gotten for her. The bunny futa was merely sitting next to Karrie, watching her eat, while the fox herm got up and walked away, leaving the room altogether, while both of the wolf herms with Shana left as well, exiting behind the fox herm.

The room they were in was smaller than the last room and there was only one door leading out, and it was to the west. Shana and Vanessa were both eating now as well, deciding that they should to keep their strength up. Karrie would see their packs sitting near the bedding, as well as their weapons and armors and clothing, which all seemed to be intact. They also saw the room was rather well equipped despite its small size, having a nice comfortable straw bed, among several other things besides.

"K-Karrie... are you okay?" Shana asked Karrie, moving over to sit beside her, while Vanessa was kept kind of over by herself with her two apparent lovers.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Oh yeah, mis-type, sorry about that

Karrie looked over at Shana and nodded "I-Im alright...." she was blushing still, slightly ashamed that her arousal had made her give in as the battle started.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

It's fine, don't worry about it. I do shit like that sometimes too.

"Hey... don't worry about it. At least they don't seem evil. That's a good deal better than those orcs, or those weird round looking things just upstairs," Shana said, trying to get Karrie to not feel so down or ashamed.

If Karrie looked over to Vanessa, she'd notice that her belly was no longer bloated like it had been before they were pretty much raped into exhaustion, signifying that she'd given birth to the worm things that were likely inside of her while they slept. While they sat there eating their food, Karrie would feel a slight kick in her belly, letting her know that she was indeed pregnant like the fox herm told her, and Shana felt a kick in her belly as well, stopping eating for a moment as she placed a hand on her belly to feel it, looking rather happy despite the fact they were raped and she impregnated.

"Even though I was... raped. I was always taught to look upon new life such as this with great joy. That bearing children was a blessing to young and old mothers alike. Though... I'm not sure I was ready for it at sixteen years old, even though I am of age and all," Shana said, caressing her own belly and smiling fondly, yet at the same time looking a little sad.

After that, Shana would finish up her food and stretch out on the bedroll they were sitting on, with it being an actual bedroll rather than the beds of hay in the room they ran into these girls at. After Vanessa got done with her food, Karrie would see her two companions clinging to her as they pulled her back under the blankets of their bedroll for warmth, with Vanessa really just laughing as if she were kind of having fun while allowing them to do so.

"Hang on you two, lets at least get the plates off the bedroll so we don't get it dirty. Jeez you're like a couple of kids that are all giddy about playing on a playground, or about getting a new toy or somthing," Vanessa said with a giggle to the two as she was pulled under the covers where the other two snuggled up to her.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Smiling somewhat as well, Karrie nodded in agreement with what Shana said, she felt the own baby she had in herself kick as well, the two then almost turned back into kids for a while, laughing and snuggling with each other under the covers.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

The futa bunny girl watched Karrie and Shana looking rather happy as they snuggled under the covers again, looking rather pleased that they seemed to be enjoying themselves at least and not sad and or angry. She moved over and sat beside the bedroll they were in, as if keeping guard over them to protect them from any harm that came their way. Meanwhile, Vanessa was quickly dozing off while laying with the two in her bedroll.

"I'm sorry about taking you both like we did, but we've got to do that kind of thing to make our pack stronger to survive down here. I hope you understand us doing what we do," the bunny herm said to Karrie and Shana both, reaching over and gently caressing both their bellies over the covers.

"Well, I must ask then. Will we be allowed to leave here once we've given birth to the younglings here?" Shana asked the bunny futa, looking rather hopeful while at the same time looking almost as if she didn't want them to allow them to leave so that they would be protected.

"Well... it depends. Why would you want to leave the pack?" the bunny herm asked.

"Well I have a lot of friends trapped down here in this awful place that we're trying to save. They're my friends and I promised that I would do whatever I could to rescue them, and Karrie's been helping me, and Vanessa over there has been too," Shana replied, her old fighting and determined spirit coming back to the surface again.

"Well then in that case, I would not stop you myself. And I doubt my fellow alpha would either. Because if you've made a promise, you must keep it or anger the gods," the bunny herm said to them both.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

The futa bunny girl and Shana had a short conversation, reminding Karrie that they came down here to save some of her friends, Karrie herself was actually a bit unsure, the feeling of the two herms bodies pressing against her was one that was niggling at her, as much as she wanted to go it was almost being counteracted by a feeling of staying...
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"W-Would you help us?" Shana asked the bunny herm, looking hopeful.

"Well, we could help you save them I suppose. But to what benefit would it be for our pack exactly? Would we be able to make them all a part of the pack afterwards?" the bunny herm asked Shana and Karrie.

"Well, you could do it because its the right thing to do first of all. And secondly, because I'll... I'll allow you all to... impregnate me more if you do," Shana replied, offering pretty much herself to the bunny herm and her pack if they helped her.

The futanari bunny girl laughed at her words a little, replying, "Well you're going to do that anyway dear, you're a mate now... a breeder, just as your collar implies. Yours too dear. As mates, it's your job to do such things. But as it's a promise you made, we're honor bound to help you do it." The bunny herm caressed both of their faces at that, her touch making them both feel a bit more relaxed than they were before.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Even as Shana discussed with the futa bunny girl, Karrie found her eyes glued to the futa bunny girls body, Karries face turned bright red as she felt love for this girl, she looked beautiful and what she gave was amazing... hell she wouldnt mind getting together with the fox herm as well, however her almost trance like gaze was easy to spot by Shana and the bunny girl herself as Karrie blinked and tried to keep her hormones under control.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

The bunny herm glanced over at Karrie and noticed where her eyes were staring at as Karrie's cheeks flushed red, and Shana noticed where she was staring at as well and blushed at that, as if she were trying to ignore the bunny girl's cock laying all flaccid between her legs while she sat there. Now that she was getting a better look at the bunny herm, Karrie would see that she had not only her ten inch cock, as well as her pussy under that, but between them she also had a pair of slightly engorged testicles, which obviously held all of that sweet tasting cream she'd filled her with earlier.

"Do you like what you see my mate?" the bunny herm asked Kaei, spreading her legs some so that Karrie could get as good a look as she wanted to.

"Karrie, come on. At least try to keep yourself from just jumping her bones until after you've gotten this out of you," Shana said, blushing herself quite a bit as she gently patted Karrie's belly.

"Yes please do wait, that way I can put another little one in there for you with all I'll be saving up," the bunny herm replied, smiling at them both for a moment before continuing, her words mainly directed at Karrie, "Now my mate, is there anything you wish to ask one of your alphas here?"
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie blinked and smiled at the bunny herm, rubbing her hands across her belly, however she quickly snapped back to normalcy and shook her head saying "Y-Yeah....w-where did the fox go?" her thoughts were yelling at her how much longer it would take.