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Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Shana giggled and returned Karrie's hug before Karrie went over and got Ami up, who eagerly drank down her mother's milk, softly suckling on Karrie's breast until she switched her over to the other one to continue. After a couple of minutes, Haruka came into the nursery room, pushing the door open rather quickly and looking slightly worried about something, and her body completely naked as the day she was born. When she saw Karrie holding Ami and feeding her, Haruka immediately calmed down and came over to her, kissing her on the cheek before doing the same to Ami.

"You scared me Karrie, I didn't know where you went on me there. I would have come in here and gotten her and brought her to you," Haruka said, gently caressing Karrie's cheek for a moment before continuing, "I'll go start breakfast for us, get our little one fed in the meantime okay."
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Haruka had came in, slightly worried that something had happened to Karrie but breathing a sigh of relief when she found her, she said she was going to prepare breakfast, nodding, Karrie was too busy getting Ami breastfed, she looked over at Shana and said "Sorry about giving up...i kinda got carried away.", apologising for giving them a disadvantage in the combat they had with the shifters.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

After Haruka left the room and Karrie apologized to Shana and Vanessa for giving up on a couple of days before, "Oh don't worry about it Karrie, I'm a little disappointed we lost and everything, but these shifters aren't all that bad of people really. They've been taking very good care of us all," Shana said, smiling down at her own child, which was breastfeeding from her at the moment as well.

"Yeah they seem pretty alright to me too, I mean Momo and Midori are really cute, but they're horny as hell. I'm kind of glad to be going with you and Haruka later honestly Karrie, because those two would have exhausted me before long if I hadn't asked Haruka if I could go with you both," Vanessa said, sounding a bit happy to be going, but a little sad to be leaving her two mates.

After a little while, both Shana's and Karrie's babies were full and after the two burped them and everything they went on to the dining hall, where Haruka and Kagari had just finished breakfast and everyone was coming in to eat. Karrie saw Rachel already sitting there ready to eat, her belly very round from her pregnancy now.

"Hey you three, we just got through with breakfast. So come on in and have a seat and get ready to eat okay," Kagari said as she set a platter of bacon down on the table to go with the pancakes, eggs, sausage, potatoes, and amazingly orange juice to drink.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Eventually breakfast was ready, Karrie nodded and set Ami back into her crib, then she went to the dining room to eat her fill of breakfast, once more sitting next to Haruka and happily eating her breakfast to keep herself fit for their departure.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Soon the dining room was full of the sounds of people eating and chatting with one another, Hikari and Kagari talking about how much fun they were going to have with Shana while the others were out, with Shana blushing at their words. Rachel eating in relative silence, Vanessa was telling Midori and Momo not to worry about her, that she'd be just fine. Haruka was sitting with Karrie, eating silently like Rachel was, seeming a little apprehensive, yet at the same time looking stoked to be going out with Karrie later.

After they all got through eating, Haruka got up to go and help with the dishes and to give all of their food time to settle before they went on out. Once she was through doing that, Haruka came back out and then led Karrie back to the bedroom, opening the closet door there and showing Karrie her equipment, where she grabbed her own equipment, her weapon being a large two-handed greataxe, and a bit of clothing, which was only a loos pair of shorts and a tanktop. Vanessa met up with them in the main hall just outside the door leading out of their sanctuary, wearing her armor with her greatsword slung over her shoulder.

"I'm ready when you two are," Vanessa said, looking as ready as she'd ever been in her life.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Eventually after they had all finished what they needed to eat, Karrie was led to a equipment room by Haruka to retrieve their gear, grabbing her familiar great axe and some new clothing, the two left the room to see Vanessa at the main hall, saying she was ready whenever they were, Karrie looked at Haruka and asked "Ready?"
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Once it was decided that they were all ready, Haruka led the way out, opening the door and holding it for Karrie and Vanessa. Just before she shut the door though, Kagari came running out to them, calling for them to wait. She handed Haruka a small orb, telling her to use it when they wanted to return for some rest, and Haruka nodded as if she knew exactly what it was and thanked Kagari, saying she'd almost forgotten the thing. Then she followed Karrie and Vanessa on out, with Kagari shutting the door behind them, where they heard a very audible click, signifying it had been locked from the inside. Outside, Karrie could see a rather small room, looking almost like a foyer room of some sort, as it had a couple of benches and a fountain in the center of it. Haruka led them out of that room and through the only other door into the next room, which Karrie noticed was the room in which they first met Haruka and the others. There was still the path leading west and the way they'd come down from the previous floor to the north.

"Well Karrie, we came from that direction over there to the north, so the only way to go is west I'd say," Vanessa said, pointing towards the western door, which wasn't all that far away from the door leading north.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Leaving the house of the shifters, Haruka was given a orb that was probably to return there whenever it was needed, looking around the only way onward was westward, nodding to Vanessa, Karrie started going westward to see what lie ahead for her, it couldnt possibly get worse...could it?
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

The group made their way westwards through the door leading that way, following the long winding path down, with Haruka in front and Vanessa in back, with Karrie in the center. After a short while, the three of them found themselves in another room, this one quite large with another couple of paths to take, one heading west again and the other leading south.

As Haruka started across the room, several metal spikes shot out of the floor in a ring around the fox herm, surrounding her on all sides in a circle with the poles trapping her in the center of the room. "W-What the hell is this shit?" Haruka asked as she turned around to look over at Karrie and Vanessa, pulling and tugging on the spikes in vain to pull them out of the floor, as they were just spaced just too close for her to slip in between them.

Before Karrie and or Vanessa could answer Haruka with any sort of reply, a trap door opened in the ceiling and from the opening a large blob of blue slime fell out and splashed down on the other side of the ring, which then formed into the shape of a woman, who was staring at the fox herm lustily. Then another one fell into the ring, while another three of them fell out of other trap doors elsewhere in the room, landing near Karrie and Vanessa and forming into women as well, all five of the slimes were blue, though they took on the forms of different women, giving each some for of individuality.

"Oh hell, looks like we've got a fight on our hands," Vanessa said, drawing her large weapon from its sheath as Haruka pulled her great axe from off her back where it had been strapped onto her.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Moving along the room they had just entered, they were stopped by a ring of spikes springing up around them and five slime women dropping around them, meaning a fight was on their hands, Karrie drew her great axe and focused on one of the women, hoping she could cut enough down to help her friends afterwards.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

(Karrie and Vanessa are outside of the spike ring. And Karrie only has her one-handed waraxe and sword to switch between.)

Karrie - 11 vs 20 Slime girl 3, miss
Vanessa - 5 vs 10 Slime girl 4, miss
Haruka - 18 vs 9 Slime girl 1, hit for 2 FP dmg

Slime girl 1 - 8 vs 13 Haruka, miss
Slime girl 2 - 14 vs 16 Haruka, miss
Slime girl 3 - 8 vs 16 Karrie, miss
Slime girl 4 - 13 vs 12 Vanessa, hit
Slime girl 5 - 3 vs 8 Vanessa, miss

Karrie - 7 vs 7 Slime girl 3, hit
Vanessa - 13 vs 15 Slime girl 4, miss
Haruka - 9 vs 2 Slime girl 1, hit for 2 FP and killed

Slime girl 2 - 10 vs 3 Haruka, hit for 1 FP and AP dmg and grappled
Slime girl 3 - 4 vs 6 Karrie, miss
Slime girl 4 - 20 vs 3 Vanessa, crit hit for 2 FP dmg 1 AP dmg and grapple
Slime girl 5 - 16 vs 9 Karrie, hit

The three slime women outside of the spike ring started towards Karrie and Vanessa with malicious looks on their faces. Karrie moved in at the closest one and swung her waraxe, but the slime girl easily evaded her by allowing herself to splash down into a puddle of slime before quickly reforming herself. Vanessa's swing with her greatsword was also a miss as she swung at a different slime girl, which did the same thing as the one Karrie was facing. Haruka however didn't miss her target as she swung her greataxe at the slime that fell out at her first, hacking away a rather large portion of the slime girl.

The slime that Haruka hit, attempted to retaliate, but wasn't able to hit her, then the other one in there with her missed as well. Karrie's foe missed her also, but the first of Vanessa's two enemies manage to get a hit in on her, slamming her slimy fist into the futanari human's side and forcing a grunt from Vanessa's lips. Her second foe however missed her as she managed to spin away from her blow.

As the battle progressed, Karrie was able to get a hit in on her foe, her waraxe cutting into the slimy form of her foe and hacking a part of her away. Vanessa however again missed her target, her heavy sword cleaving only air again. Haruka jumps in at the slime girl she'd already wounded and swung her greataxe again, cleaving her in two where she splashed down into a puddle and didn't reform again.

The remaining slime girl in the spike cage moved in while Haruka was distracted with taking out the first one, slamming into her from behind and knocking her to the ground, her slimy form engulfing the fox herm a bit and getting in under her clothes, pulling Haruka's tanktop off and depositing it onto the ground beside them. Karrie's foe moved at her again, trying to grab her and engulf her in her slimy body, but she Karrie was able to jump back in time to avoid her. Vanessa's luck it seemed to go from bad to worse as the first of the two slime girls attacking her flung herself at Vanessa, catching the farm girl off guard and taking her down to the ground, engulfing her limbs as she slammed into the floor. The other slime that had been fighting Vanessa decided to go after Karrie, hitting her in the back and nearly knocking her down.

Karrie - FP: 4/5, AP: 0/10
Vanessa - FP: 3/6, AP: 1/10, grappled
Haruka - FP: 5/6, AP: 1/10, grappled

Slime girl 1 - FP: 0/4, dead
Slime girl 2 - FP: 4/4
Slime girl 3 - FP: 3/4
Slime girl 4 - FP: 4/4
Slime girl 5 - FP: 3/3
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Beginning the battle Karrie had managed to avoid most of the starting attacks by the slime girl, she herself only had a minor hitch in that she landed a single blow and took one herself from behind, nearly tripping and falling over in the process from the surprising weight of their assailants.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie - 12 vs 3 Slime girl 3, hit
Vanessa - 3 vs 13 Slime girl 4, miss and failed to break free
Haruka - 9 vs 1, hit for 2 FP and broke free

Slime girl 2 - 13 vs 7 Haruka, hit and grappled, taking 1 FP and AP dmg
Slime girl 3 - 14 vs 2 Karrie, hit
Slime girl 4 - 18 vs 20 Vanessa, missed and failed to pleasure Vanessa
Slime girl 5 - 5 vs 10 Vanessa, miss

Karrie - 6 vs 4 Slime girl 3, hit
Vanessa - 16 vs 15 Slime girl 4, hit and broke free, dealing 2 FP dmg
Haruka - 2 vs 3 Slime girl 2, miss and failed to break free

Slime girl 2 - 6 vs 3 Haruka, stripped and in the process of being raped, hit for 2 AP dmg
Slime girl 3 - 15 vs 9 Karrie, hit and grappled, taking 1 FP and AP dmg
Slime girl 4 - 18 vs 18 Vanessa, miss
Slime girl 5 - 13 vs 20 Vanessa, miss

Karrie was able to recover and swing her waraxe at the slime girl she was facing off with, slashing some more of the slimy form off of her. Vanessa however was too tightly held to break free as she swung her greatsword around, trying to at least damage her foe and failing to do so. Haruka managed to struggle free of her foe, where she then swung her greataxe at the slime girl and cut away some more of her.

The slime inside the cage with Haruka turned right around however as soon as Haruka had knocked her loose and latched back onto her, slamming her against the metal spikes encircling the two of them and banging her head on one, dazzing her for a moment or two as she started to get a better hold on Haruka again. The slime girl Karrie was fighting managed to get a good hit in on her, slamming a slimy arm into her chest and knocking her back some, but Karrie was able to avoid her as she tried to reach in and grab her. The slime girl holding Vanessa was unable to really make any headway against the farmer futanari girl, as Vanessa simply would not stay still and kept struggling furiously in an attempt to get free. The other slime girl couldn't find a good opportunity to aid her companion against Vanessa either, as her sword swung dangerously close while she struggled against the other one.

Karrie managed to recover from the blow to the chest she'd taken and swung her waraxe around, cutting off a slimy arm from the slime girl, which caused the creature to cry out in pain a little as she grew another slimy arm to replace the one she'd just lost. Vanessa was finally able to struggle free of the slime girl holding her, where she swung her great sword around at her foe, cleaving off her slimy head, which regrew moments later, but it looked as if her foe was hurting quite a lot now. Haruka however wasn't having much luck at all against the slime girl holding her, as she failed to break free and failed at swinging her great axe to get herself free too.

The slime girl holding Haruka wormed some of her slimy tendrils inside of Haruka's clothing and pulled them off and when she saw Haruka's large member, the slime girl's eyes lit up and she licked her slimy lips as she plopped her slimy form down on top of Haruka, her pussy engulfing Haruka's semi hard shaft, which as soon as it was inside of the slime girl it immediately hardened up as the slime girl's slimy body formed around Haruka's lower area, holding her in place while she began bouncing on top of her, causing Haruka to moan from the pleasure she was receiving.

Meanwhile, Karrie's foe managed to hit her again, this time hitting her legs and causing her to fall forwards, right into her slimy arms which caught Karrie as the slime girl pulled her into a deep kiss, her slimy tongue wrestling Karrie's down as her body began heating up slightly. Vanessa's two slimy foes however were both unable to hit the quick farmer futa girl, who was easily able to jump back and then roll out of the way.

"D-Dammit... Karrie my mate... run, there are too many of them. Leave me and run, I can't let you be taken by these things too," Haruka panted out, her voice sounding like she was struggling to keep from moaning. Vanessa was too busy with both of her foes to try and talk or anything, focusing too much on fighting so she didn't get grabbed again, which left it up to Karrie whether or not to heed Haruka's words and flee, leaving her at the hands of 4 slime girls.

Karrie - FP: 2/5, AP: 1/10
Vanessa - FP: 3/6, AP: 1/10
Haruka - FP: 4/6, AP: 4/10, grappled

Slime girl 1 - FP: 0/4, dead
Slime girl 2 - FP: 2/4
Slime girl 3 - FP: 1/4
Slime girl 4 - FP: 2/4
Slime girl 5 - FP: 3/3
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

The battle was rising to a higher intensity as blows were traded, people were grappled and fate had to decide who would win this fight, Karrie was busy fighting off slime girls alongside Vanessa while she had to watch Haruka trapped inbetween four slime girls, unable to help her as she called out for them to run, Haruka ignored her, she wanted to finish the battle and not be remembered as a coward, a slime girl was frenching her trying to force her to give up probably, but she ignored it as she thrust her axe forward trying to catch it off guard, she would get it off of her then she would help out Vanessa.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie - 14 vs 1 Slime girl 3, broke free, hit and killed
Vanessa - 11 vs 3 Slime girl 4, hit for only 1 FP this time
Haruka - 7 vs 3 Slime girl 2, broke free and hit for only 1 FP

Slime girl 2 - 18 vs 1 Haruka, crit hit for 2 FP and 2 AP, and grappled again
Slime girl 4 - 12 vs 7 Vanessa, grappled and hit for 1 FP and 1 AP dmg
Slime girl 5 - 6 vs 5 Karrie, hit and grappled

Karrie - 4 vs 20 Slime girl 5, crit miss and countered, taking Karrie out of the battle as her consciousness starts fading
Vanessa - 19 vs 8 Slime girl 4, broke free and hit, taking her out as well
Haruka - 4 vs 20 Slime girl 2, crit miss and countered for 2 FP and 2 AP dmg, taking her out of the battle to be raped by the slime girl.

The rest of the battle is while Karrie is unconscious, as I don't feel like writing up just how many more rolls it took for the end of it to come. Suffice it to say, the battle ended in favor of Karrie and company.

Karrie was able to struggle free of her foe enough to swing her waraxe at her, taking the slime girl out before she could get a better hold on her. Vanessa swung her greatsword around at the already damaged slime girl she was fighting, hacking away another bit of her slimy form, leaving the slime girl to look like she was on her last legs. Haruka was also able to break free and then swung her greataxe at the slime girl, slashing some more of her slimy body away, leaving several clumps of her all around the spike ring, heavily damaged.

The slime girl Haruka was fighting turned right around after the fox herm had broken free again and latched back onto her, where she then pulled a part of herself around and over Haruka's face, beginning to smother her and drain her will to fight as time went on. Vanessa's foe was able to jump in past the greatsword she was wielding, slamming a slimy fist into Vanessa's gut and knocking the breath out of her, but not taking her out just yet. Karrie was then hit again by her foe, who then grabbed her and began slowly engulfing her and draining her strength.

When Karrie began struggling again to get free, the slime girl that was holding her banged her head with a slimy fist, making her see stars as the last of her strength faded away, as the slime girl drained the last of her strength with the blow. Vanessa kicked her legs out at the slime girl, pushing her away from her and then bringing her greatsword around and slashing her slimy body against, splitting her in half and taking her out as her slime body turned into a puddle of slime. Haruka's struggling ended in much the same way as Karrie's did, as when she tried to break free, the slime girl grabbed her throat and squeezed a bit, cutting off Haruka's oxygen supply and draining the last of her strength, where she then began engulfing her after letting her breathe again. As Karrie's vision began fading, she was able to see Vanessa coming to her aid, attacking the slime girl that had taken her out.


Some time later, Karrie would awaken, with Vanessa standing over the slimy puddle that used to be the slime girl that had knocked Karrie out. However, when Karrie looked over to Haruka where she'd been trapped inside the ring of metal spikes, she would see the slime girl still in there with her, in a humanoid form as she straddled Haruka, bouncing up and down on Haruka's extremely hard and erect cock, which looked quite red and raw, as if it had been used for a while now. Haruka's balls were being fondled by a slimy hand while the slime girl raped her, cradling them for a few moments and then squeezing softly and massaging, then going back to cradling them, switching back and forth between doing the two things. Soon after looking over at her alpha, Karrie would see Haruka cry out, with Vanessa turning her head away a little disgusted like, where she noticed Karrie awake now.

"S-She's been in there for a good hour now, with that thing raping her the entire time. She's had at least half a dozen orgasms since she lost, and that thing doesn't seem like it's going to stop anytime soon, and to make matters worse, I can't get in there to stop her," Vanessa said disdainfully, looking angry that she couldn't break through the metal spikes to save their friend.

After another ten minutes or so, with Haruka cumming once more and crying out loud in bliss as her cock spurted out another massive load, the slime girl lifted herself off of her, her entire form a bit murky, almost as if she were fogged up with the amount of cum floating around inside of her. The metal spikes dropped around them, as the slime girl slithered up the wall and back up into the trap door she'd dropped out of, leaving Haruka laying there on the ground, completely breathless after being raped for so long with no break.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie had unfortunately been grappled and knocked out just as she saw the same happen to Haruka, making her regret her decision of not running when Haruka told her to, eventually Karrie woke up, they hadnt lost but turning onto her side Karrie could see Haruka had been raped for quite a while as she seemed to be extremely tired and red with arousal, Karrie would have been furious if she hadnt recently woken up from being knocked out, but eventually the spikes withdrew into the ground and Haruka was free, Karrie crawled over to Haruka and held her hand, saying "Haruka...! A-Are you okay...?" and coughing from her own tiredness afterwards.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"K-Karrie... m-my mate... a-are you okay? I... I'm ashamed, that I allowed myself to be beaten in front of you... my mate. I could care less if I'm okay as long as you are, but yes I think I'll be fine," Haruka answered Karrie, still panting quite a bit and looking completely exhausted.

Vanessa knelt beside Haruka as she came in as well, pulling her up to a sitting position, where she sat behind her to brace her up so she didn't fall right back down. "It's okay you two, I'll keep a watch out, you both just rest for a few minutes okay," Vanessa told Karrie and Haruka, pulling them both close to her in a protective manner, looking concerned for the two of them. While the two rested against her, Vanessa offered her waterskin to Haruka, who guzzled down a few mouthfuls, then she offered it to Karrie to get a drink as well, telling her she needed to drink a little after what all had happened.

After a few minutes of rest, Haruka was able to stand under her own power once again, apparently quick to recover from exhaustion thankfully, and Karrie felt her strength returning as well. Once the two were able to move again, they had the choice of continuing on to the south or the west now.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Keeping a hold of Harukas hand and rubbing her back to try and ease her back into her full strength, Karrie graciously accepted the waterskin and drank just a little bit to keep herself going because Haruka needed it more, after this they were all returned to fighting strength, and Karrie decided to take the westward route, keeping a sharp eye for any traps this time around.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Once Haruka was able to get back to her feet, Vanessa pulled her up and helped her get her clothing back on. Once ready again to leave, The other two let Karrie lead the way as she chose to head westward, the two of them keeping a close eye out as well for traps also. As they went on down the western path, they didn't see much in the tunnel that indicated any evil activity, but after a while they came to a fork in the path, one leading north and the other leading south.

"Well, which way do we go from here? North or south?" Vanessa asked, looking back and forth between the two paths. The northern pathway seemed to lead to somewhere that had running water of some sort, as they could hear it flowing as if it were an underwater stream or something, while the southern path looked a bit lit up, like there was a fire going in there.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Ready to depart once more, Karrie felt a bit sorry for Haruka who seemed like she had been raped for quite a while by those slimes, leaving her dick red and raw, it probably would have been painful if Haruka hadnt been experiencing pleasure all that time too, regardless Karrie had to put it behind her and try to prevent it from happening again, she was at another fork in the road, hearing water in the northern path and fire in the southern one, Karrie shrugged and said "I Hope you know how to swim..." starting to walk down the northern pathway.