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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Getting into trouble then Huh little one? Kylie said, looking up into the air at Hope and raising an eyebrow, chuckling softly. Listening about how Hope was messing with the other kids because she was the special one only made Kylie laugh a little harder, before the tugging on her clothes had her looking down.

Ahh! My Little Hope's brave protectors! Kylie said happily, reaching down to scoop them up and on her shoulders with Hope before she sat crosslegged on the ground.

I wanted to come and see her one last time before I took my trip as I'll be gone for awhile. Heading to tear cove, and then hespera for business and pleasure. It should be an exciting time, but I couldn't leave without seeing Hope and the other children. I'm gonna miss you guys so much! Kylie said, poking the trio riding and climbing around on her playfully.

Also Ayane, I'm planning on traveling on foot, and was wondering what you knew about the plant life in the area, which things were edible, and poisonous... or alive and particularly friendly. Things I should look and look out for while I head north. Kylie asked, dealing with any shenanigans upon her head with practiced patience and indifference, simply reaching out to catch any that fell and put them right back up gently.

Looking up at Hope, Kylie smiled. Little One, go say hello to Giselle and Maria, they missed you to. Kylie said, looking at the others. And leave Maria's shinies alone this time please. You can play with them later if you're good and she lets you. Kylie added, grinning at Maria.

Kylie planned on staying around a half hour, just a short little visit to make sure Hope knew she was loved, and that Mama was coming back. She would just be gone for a little while doing grown up things.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The two little red's climbing up Kylie's clothing to get to Hope both gave out a little eek of surprise when she scooped them up too and placed them on her shoulders next to Hope, both of them holding on for dear life as Kylie then sat down. The two little red alraune tumbled off of Kylie's shoulders from the shock of her plopping down on the ground, landing right in her lap on their little butts, though they didn't look hurt. Hope reached down with her two tentacles that weren't holding onto Kylie and helped them back up to their perches with her, the two little red's climbing up them like they were ropes. A couple of others made their way over to Kylie's lap while they did that, a blue and a pink alraune, both about the same size as the red ones, who were both about a foot to a foot and a half tall, with these two newcomers being about an inch or two shorter, while Hope herself was only a foot and an inch or two tall and the shortest of these five.

"Oh Hespera afterwards eh, gods I haven't seen that beach in years, since I was much younger. You'll just love it when you get there Kylie, but in the meantime be careful on your way to Tear Cove," Ayane said to Kylie when she mentioned where she was going and that she, Giselle, and Maria would likely be going to Hespera afterwards. "About the kinds of plants you should watch out for though, for good or bad... well... give me a couple of minutes, I'll gather a few things you'll likely find around the wilderness that you ought to watch for," Ayane then said, getting up and heading off to one of the only longhouses that was there in their village which was obviously Ayane's.

While Ayane was gone Maria and Giselle sat down with Kylie, where they were both swarmed by an assortment of different colored alraune youngsters, several pink ones which began climbing into Giselle's pants and shirt, while a couple of other pink ones went along with a brave little blue one that was the smallest of all the younglings there at only 10 inches into Maria's robes and caused them to pop open and Maria's large breasts to pop out. The little blue alraune gazed at Maria's large mammaries, one of which was right in her little face, where she then opened her mouth and latched onto it and began suckling, obviously trying to get some milk from it. Maria for her part wasn't looking angry about it and looked kindly down at the little blue alraune and just patted her little head and let her go to town. When she could get no milk from Maria's breast, the little blue alraune looked disappointed and released Maria's breast where she began climbing her way up to Maria's shoulders like Hope was on Kylie's. The two little pink ones that'd been with her started pulling and tugging on Maria's nipple piercings a time or two before the vryloka priestess stopped them, telling them no in a stern but not unkind voice and amazingly they stopped.

When Kylie tried to make Hope move over to Giselle or Maria, Hope merely clung to her and wrapped a third tentacle around her, up on her forehead to prevent her from forcing her to do so. "No... s-stay wiv... mama," Hope said, not wanting to leave Kylie just quite yet.

"Mama mama," the two little red ones cried when Hope spoke, hugging Kylie's arms while Hope hugged her around her head, then the other two little ones in her lap hugged her too, also crying out, "Mama mama!"

Shortly after that, Ayane returned with two boxes of assorted plants, leaves, and herbs that she opened up and showed to Kylie, using her much larger tentacles to keep any of the little ones from grabbing any of them or anything. "These in this one here are any bad ones you'll encounter, and these ones here are the good ones that can be used for various things," Ayane said to Kylie, opening the ones with the bad plants. "These are ones you should avoid here. Especially these pink looking flowers here, because they can produce a pollen that can act as a powerful aphrodisiac, though you can do with that as you will. These five pointed star shaped green ones here can cause a hellish rash if the juice inside of them gets on your skin, so another one to steer clear of..." Ayane went on to say, explaining what all bad ones there were and showing her what they all looked like, then she showed her the ones that could be used and were good, a couple of them that could be used as makeshift bandages or the fibers of the stem pulled apart bit by bit to make cloth for mending clothing.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie chuckled when Hope refused to leave her perch, clinging on and demanding she stay with her, Kylie tickling her side a little and relenting, before the little reds mimicked the call, as did the other pair sitting in her lap, Kylie covered in hugs and a deep warmth in her core that made her beam happily at the youngsters.

Watching what was happening to Maria only made Kylie giggle a little more, before Ayane returned with several plants and a warning. Apparently, if she was around these pink blooms well... she knew herself well enough that she'd be hard pressed not to give in... The rash inducing stars however had her raise her eyebrows and nod. Those would be bad. She had no interesting in scratching herself crazy while she was traveling.

Thanks Ayane, I appreciate it, and my home should be well on it's way to being complete when I get back to, so we can start talking about moving Hope's roots and I can get her out of your hair for a few days. We can have a big party to celebrate and everyone can come, it should be a grand old time. And maybe we could move some other plants to her room, Kudzus and Roses and the like so it looks more like her home out to, and less a bunch of wood and fabric. Kylie said, thinking about future plans again rather then the immediate as she snagged Hope off her head and hugged her to her chest gently.

Mama has to go away now Little One, but I'll be back before you know it ok? And Giselle will be here to see you, and Maria to, Can you be strong while I'm gone and watch out for everyone? Kylie asked the little Alraune, kissing her forehead, before turning to address the reds on her arms. And you two, can you take care of Hope? You've done such a good job already. she added, kissing each of them before turning to the last pair in her lap.

And you two! Well! You're just troublemakers! she cackled, tickling their bellies repeatedly for several moments before scooting them all off of her. Placing Hope back in her tree and smiling at her, Kylie waved and turned to the others. It's time we get moving, we have to reach the temple and then I have to get ready to leave. And the day is too short. Kylie said a little sadly, starting to leave the grove.

Goodbye Everyone~! I'll be back soon! Hope! Look out for your brothers and sisters, and behave for Mama Ayane! Kylie called as she walked away, not wanting a long or teary goodbye, she didn't want Hope to see her crying again...

As Kylie left the Grove, she immediately turned in the direction she knew the temple to be, heading that way both to get Maria to her own home, so everyone could stop wondering, and to see Miu before she picked up any of the priestesses that insisted on traveling with her. Probably this Niece of Amara's. Either way, it was near the time to be off, at least for her, the others planning on taking the carriage, and she still needed to get a pack with water and other emergency supplies ready, just in case.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Yes of course we can have other plants brought in for her, though I wouldn't be too surprised if those four there didn't want to go with her honestly. Hmm... perhaps have a whole ground floor room converted to suit all of their needs for roots, but the little ones would need to be fed until they're ready for their roots and all, so a couple of pink alraune would be needed to live there too for a time in that case," Ayane said about Hope moving in with Kylie and whatnot.

When Kylie told Hope that she had to go away for a time, Hope just clung to her chest after being snuggled into there, a pair of tentacles wrapping around her back. "Mama," was all Hope said back to Kylie, with the other four little ones chiming in too in unison, "Mama! Mama!" they cried together. When Kylie spoke to the little red ones they just looked up at her curiously, as if they didn't entirely understand her, and when she tickled the little pink and blue ones in her lap they merely cackled like mad. When she was scooping them all off of her lap to get up, she'd see another one standing a little ways off that was only about 9 or 10 inches tall, another little green one looking quite shyly at the lot in Kylie's lap and at Kylie; she was hiding behind Ayane's knee where she sat just staring over at Kylie and the others all shy like, a small blush on her little cheeks. When Kylie looked her way, the little green one would hide behind Ayane's knee again with a little eek escaping her lips.

"Go on little one, Kylie's an okay person, no need to be scared of her," Ayane said to the little runt of a green one, encouraging her to come out and see Kylie with the rest of the little ones.

The little green one cautiously stepped out and looked up at Kylie, where Hope, who was still against Kylie's chest reached out a tentacle and scooped the littler green one up and pulled her over. Hope climbed down into Kylie's lap and helped the littler green one up into Kylie's lap too where she hugged Hope and Hope hugged back with her unhurt arm and the tentacle that helped her up. Hope then pointed up at Kylie so the littler green one could see and smiled. "Mama," Hope told her.

"M-Mama," the littler green one said in a tiny little voice, looking up at Kylie as she did.

Ayane looked at the lot of the swarming Kylie with a slightly sad smile, but she seemed happy all things considered by their words and didn't look angry that they didn't call her mama over Kylie. In fact she seemed almost glad by that.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie's heart almost broke when everything was said and done, the little ones all wanting to come with, to have the home teeming with life like that, was more then she could take for a moment, and she just hugged them all to her tightly, before spying the smallest of the bunch, hiding behind Ayane...

As she was coaxed from hiding, and into Kylie's lap, Kylie softened when Hope turned out to be the culprit, pointing Kylie out as Mama... Looking at Ayane, Kylie looked away, and at the small children all swarming her. it was the same little group they had all played with since Kylie came here, and it all clicked in her head.

Ayane... These little ones... They're all the Alraune that we rescued weren't they... I recognize the little pinks and reds, the mischievous blue. Aren't you supposed to be the laziest of the bunch? Kylie said, eyeing the little thing as she poked it's belly, before turning back. I'm right aren't I, these are the little ones, or some of them, that me and Giselle brought back... Kylie said, scooping up the runt of the litter and hugging her gently, kissing her little head.

I'm so sorry... I never meant for this, I swear it Ayane. Kylie finished, slowly but insistently setting all the children aside with a gentle pat, only Hope managing to still cling to her perch as she moved to Ayane and hugged her, once more hiding tears that had come unbidden. Shoving them down, forcing them back and away, Kylie held onto the matriarch until she had composed herself, and then and only then did she place Hope into her hands, said her goodbyes, and left. She didn't want to think about it, she didn't want to face what had accidentally happened. She had robbed Ayane of these children, had stolen them from the Grove with her and Giselle's heroics... It was better then the alternative, but still... She hadn't wished that pain on Ayane.

She left the grove, seeking solace and peace of mind in the jog to the Temple, shoving the issue from her mind to be dealt with later...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Kylie poked the little blue's belly she cackled again and tried to roll away only to flop out of her lap and onto the ground, but she didn't look hurt or anything and just climbed back up with Hope and the other little green one. The littler green one just looked up at Kylie when she was scooped up by her, looking a bit scared at first until Kylie kissed her little head, at which point she brightened up a bit and kissed back. Hope just watched on as her fellow alraune younglings were playing with each other on and around Kylie, the two reds wrestling to see who was the strongest, the little pink one holding a flower and smelling it, the blue one lazily laying across Kylie's lap and yawning, while Hope supervised them all from the looks of it like the big sister taking care of her littler sisters.

"Yes this is all six of them, all six that were taken that day by the black alraune. All of their... oof..." Ayane started saying, informing Kylie that they were indeed the six she and Giselle had rescued that day, but she didn't quite finish what she was saying before Kylie hugged her and squeezed the breath out of her. "Oh Kylie... it's quite alright dear, you haven't hurt me, far from it. I was only remembering their mothers is all. You see they... well they passed on not too long ago before they sprouted, the two reds and the pink one all came from the same pink alraune, Hope here you know where she came from, and the blue and that little green one both came from the same green mother. It was... an illness that swept through the village, any who contracted it was devastated and withered up quickly before the apothecary in Feynrial could send us the needed supplies to cure it. Hope's mother was the first to go, then those two's mother, and the other. They were the first three to go, along with about a couple of dozen others before Alan from the apothecary was able to send what was needed. He is a good man Alan, he risked his own life to get us the necessary things to make a cure, fighting several things alone and coming here with everything in a satchel while drenched in his own blood. We respect Alan a lot because of what he did, because he's someone that you can rely on to get things done," Ayane went on to say, explaining why she looked sad to Kylie so that the young assassin wouldn't worry so much about that.

"So please don't worry so much about it okay Kylie, I'm happy that they've found a mother figure in you, though still sad that their mothers didn't get to see them sprout and grow. I am the matriarch yes, so it does fall to me to care for those who lose their mothers and treat them as my own, yet I am happy that they found someone that they feel comfortable calling mother," Ayane finished saying to Kylie while the young assassin recomposed herself for the little ones sakes.

When she did pull away from Ayane and got up to leave, the six little ones that called her mama all looked up at her and received any hugs and kisses Kylie would give before she left. "Bye mama!" the six little ones cried to her, with Ayane smiling kindly at her as if she couldn't be happier now with their words. "Good bye Kylie, and do be careful of those plants I showed you okay," Ayane said as Kylie went on with Giselle and Maria, the latter of which had to free herself from a mass swarm of little alraune that enjoyed poking and prodding her large boobies because they were so soft, and there were several that had decided to make them their pillows for a nap until the girls left, with Maria lightening up a good bit this time around and not being so embarrassed at them doing this.

After leaving the alraune village, with the little alraune all happy it seemed to Kylie when she went on, though they were obviously sad that she was leaving so soon, Kylie, Giselle, and Maria all made their way to the temple. They managed to make their way back to the temple without any trouble at all really, though there was what seemed to be a little brawl between to of the guards at the training yard when they passed by it on the way to the temple. It seemed to men were going at it, an okami and an elf, with the okami looking to be winning at the moment.

"Hey... you okay sweetie? I could tell you were crying back there," Giselle asked along the way, noticing that Kylie had seemed a bit down when they left.

"Aye you looked quite distressed indeed Kylie. Is something amiss? If we can help then please let us," Maria said with a slightly worried expression.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I... I see... Well then, At least Hope will have proper siblings, and for that I'm grateful. Work with me and we can create a home for them that will always be theirs. Kylie said softly to Ayane, stepping back before continuing. I will be careful, and cautious. It seems I've gone from having nothing to lose when I came here, to having far more then anyone could ask for. I'll temper my behavior for those I care about. She finished, Slapping a huge smile on her face and showering all the little ones in hugs and kisses before turning to leave.


As they made their way to the temple, Kylie's dark mood did indeed persist, more like a soft rain cloud then anything truly full of malice, she could not claim vengeance on a disease, but she would certainly make sure Alan was properly rewarded for saving the Grove, a fact she had never been aware of. That man would never want for anything again.

Turning to Maria and Giselle when they asked if she was all right, she nodded. Those little ones, those were the Alraune we saved, and they're all orphans who are now calling me Mama. It was a little much to take, I'm thinking of moving them All into the house with Hope. Giselle, our home will be a sanctuary, and our own children will grow and live learning that they can always seek shelter there, that that place belongs to everyone in need. As for cheering me up, I see Exactly what I need right there. She said, explaining herself before pointing to the match going on between the two Guardsmen.

Discarding her bow and arrows, and her other gear, Kylie stood by and watched intently, waiting for either a break, or a winner to be decided, and simply saying I'll fight the winner, or both of you, in fact, yea, let's make it the two of you. before cracking her knuckles loudly and grinning like a predator happening upon a brace of tender young rabbits.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Aye I shall, and when the time comes that they're all ready to take root, I'll make sure some of my people come to help you with that so they're well taken care of until such time as they can take care of themselves. But don't change yourself too much okay, the you now is the one that Hope and these other little ones have come to love," Ayane said, patting Kylie's shoulder and smiling at her.


"Ah, I thought they looked familiar. I mean I knew Hope was one of them, but you know. But I approve of moving them all in with us when the house is done... I approve wholeheartedly love. And I also approve of Maria moving in with us too when it's done," Giselle said, glancing over at Maria and winking as she finished speaking.

Maria blushed profusely at Giselle's words and stuttered a bit as she tried to give a reply. "I... b-but... I've got... m-m-my duties at... t-the t-temple Giselle," Maria said, fumbling over her words in embarrassment at Giselle's suggestion.

While Giselle teased Maria by stepping over and pinching her on the butt, with Maria kind of just going docile and cuddling back against Giselle, who just hugged her, Kylie could see a break coming in as the elven man managed to break free from the okami man, the latter of whom stood around six and a half feet tall almost, while the elven man was fairly tall himself, but still a little over half a foot shorter. When Kylie made her spoke to the two men, they stopped what they were doing and looked at her curiously, with the small crowd of people, mostly town guards, looking on at her as well with curious stares.

"What would you want to fight us for?" the okami man asked, his head tilting over to the side slightly just like a canine would when a bit dumbfounded, his wolflike ears twitching a bit.

"Yeah, you don't even know why we're fighting in the first place," the elven man said, raising an eyebrow, though it looked like he'd needed the break from the looks of it.

Getting a better look at them, the okami man had reddish hair, both on his head and his tail, with a white tip for the tail, green eyes, and he was quite muscled. The elven man on the other hand wasn't quite as built as the okami one, though it was obvious he was strong, and fast as all elves were. He had blonde hair and blue eyes to go with his pointed elven ears. Both of them looked a bit winded, but still ready to fight it seemed.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie grinned and Giselle and Maria's antics, giggling as they flirted back and forth and Maria got all flustered. But it was the answer to her question that still held her attention. Combat.

Why Indeed... Kylie breathed You assume I need a reason, or that you do? I believe there is no real reason you're fighting, nothing that would warrant bloodshed as neither of you has tried to kill the other. Men don't fight for a cause without the willingness to kill. As for a reason to fight me, well... I'm not giving you a choice! On your Guard! Kylie cried, flying towards the Okami, about the only thing that could stop her now being a physical intervention from an outside source.

As Kylie made her move, entirely unprovoked and with combat pulsing through her veins, a short sidestep was the only warning she gave before she was rushing towards her first target, the Okami the victim of a vicious elbow to the ribs if he didn't manage to react properly in time, Kylie already spinning after the first attack to launch an open palm towards the jaw of the Elf.

Come on! Show me what the Guard is made of! She cried, pressing her sudden assault, eager for it all to escalate, not to win, simply to feel the rush.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well to join in a fight that doesn't concern you... well yes I think you'd need a reason normally for that. Though that's just me. We've both got a reason to be fighting though," the elven man said with a bit of a smirk on his face.

Despite his words though and the fact they'd both stopped fighting, both men seemed unprepared for Kylie's next move as she threw herself at the okami man with her elbow aimed directly at his ribs. He didn't manage to avoid the blow completely, but he lessened it enough to prevent any bones from being broken, though there was probably going to be a bruise later. The elven man though easily dodged her attack and spun around to his right, winging a leg out and catching her across the back of the knees, causing her to stumble forward a bit before she caught herself.

As soon as she recovered, she'd hear the okami man roaring as he rushed at her, the big guy moving quite fast considering the fact that he was as large as he was. Kylie would feel the big guy slam into her, the impact rattling her teeth a bit as he tackled her to the ground with a body slam, though she didn't hit hard enough to knock her out or anything. The okami man was laying atop Kylie, pinning her to the ground, a fierce grin on his face she'd see when she looked back up at him.

"Looks like I'm on top, but... you have one helluva elbow there girlie. If I had took that like I started to I'd probably have ended up with a couple of broken ribs," the okami man said as he raised up a bit, giving Kylie an opportunity to try and roll him off is she wanted to, or to try and flip him. He didn't look like he was about to attack her more, but he looked at her with respect, while the elven man looked a bit irritated that she'd interfered in their fight, but nonetheless he had a hint of respect and thanks in there too at Kylie's intervention, as he had been losing until that moment. "You know Rolan, you can have a go at Dawn if you really want to court her. This gal here just made my day, and you didn't back down one fucking bit earlier before she arrived," the okami guy said as he glanced over at the elven man who was apparently named Rolan.

Rolan looked stunned beyond belief and stammered quite a bit as he bowed his head in thanks to the okami man. "Y-you really mean it... but Hiro I... I d-didn't win or..." Rolan began saying after a few moments, letting Kylie know the okami man's name.

"Nonsense, it wasn't about winning or losing, it was about what you were willing to do for Dawn," Hiro the okami man said, his ears twitching, then he looked back to Kylie and grinned again. "And you lass... how would you like to be my third mate?" Hiro then asked Kylie.

If Kylie glanced over at Giselle and Maria, she'd see both of them giggling slightly while several of the girls there watching, along with a few guys were also giggling somewhat at how this whole scene had unfolded thus far.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, landing her first blow, although incompletely, found the elf more prepared and wound up hobbled for her trouble as his leg connected with her knees. Off balance and unable to react in time, Kylie turned in time to feel the Okami slam into her, the wolf man, grinning as madly as she was as she was pinned to the ground.

Prepared to react immediately, Kylie stopped as she heard them speak. So it was over a woman, typical men. Bah, she wasn't any better. Looking up at the Okami as he made his offer however, Kylie giggled and nibbled his cheek swiftly. Mmm, I'm certainly interested, but I'm promised already, you'll have to try a lot harder then pinning this girl to make it into My family Kylie said with a grin, ignoring everyone else.

Still, Kylie wasn't sated, Happy for Roland, but more interested in this Hiro and more adrenaline then anything else. Twisting in his grip suddenly, Kylie flexed her abs, pushed her body down further under his, and bucked her entire body into an arc to roll him off of her. If she managed to free herself, she'd roll forward and spring back to her feet, ready for another taste.

Come on Hiro~ Impress me, otherwise I'm likely to go take a shot at this Dawn myself, she sounds interesting if you're both clawing at each other for her~ Kylie teased, this fight a welcome diversion to everything and rapidly improving her mood.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie's maneuver managed to work and caused Hiro to roll off of her, the big okami man laughing mirthfully all the while, though it sounded slightly pained to say the least, as her knee had grazed his groin somewhat during the whole thing. He got back to his feet shortly thereafter and saw Kylie was ready to keep at it. "Ha! A love bite, you even know our ways lass. But no I'm not clawing for Dawn, she's my sister, and as her big brother I have to make sure her mate is strong enough to protect her properly," Hiro said, letting go of his groin where he'd been clutching it for a few moments after getting back to his feet.

He looked ready to keep fighting though despite the fact his crown jewels had taken a slight blow from Kylie's knee, but he didn't look angry about it or anything. "Let's go then lass! I'm not gonna hurt you if I can help it, so no broken bones okay. This is an honorable match and it could anger the spirits if a lot of blood is shed purposely, but a little nosebleed won't hurt anything I think," Hiro said to her, rushing in at her.

The big okami seemed fairly easy to read as he bull rushed her, raising an arm to punch at her face, but just as she set up to receive the blow and counter though, Kylie would find a leg kicking out at her side, a big foot slamming into her just under her ribs on the left side. Kylie was easily able to counterattack though by taking the hit and spinning around to throw her own kick back at Hiro, catching him high right in the jaw on the right side. Hiro stumbled back a bit, but looked intrigued by the fact Kylie had managed to take his kick and come back with one of her own. He stepped in quickly and threw a punch this time, but Kylie easily avoided a hit by slapping his fist to the side and countering with a right hook to the face. After that though it went to half a minute or so of them punching or kicking out at the other, with the other managing to counter enough to avoid getting hit, but not well enough to manage a hit back against their opponent.

Kylie would hear Giselle and Maria cheering for her, along with quite a few others, the fact she was standing toe to toe with this big okami man apparently earning her respect with the crowd... well save with Giselle and Maria who both loved her. Hiro was grinning ear to ear with joy that Kylie was strong enough and fast enough to stand against him and didn't care to take a punch or two in the least and seemed to be enjoying this whole thing herself.

"You know, if you're already promised, then how about I challenge whoever it is you're promised to and we'll see who gets you. Because I'd like to do a lot more than pin you, um.... What's your name?" Hiro said during a break in their fighting.
Last edited:

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie managed to surprise Hiro outright with her ability to read, and keep up with him, trading his first feint for a powerful kick of her own, and his next blow a clean right hook, the assassin's eyes locked on Hiro's muscles as she read his movements. He was quick, but she was quicker. After the first couple exchanges however, Hiro and Kylie found eachother more or less evenly matched, both trading blocks and turns but unable to find an opening, waiting for the other to make a mistake.

As Kylie's latest attempt, a straight kick to his gut was turned away by a low blocking shoulder, and a counter charge, Kylie had to kick back and away from Hiro, bouncing several feet away from him on her toes, ready for more. She was much better at this then swordplay...

His next words made her stop cold however as she properly sized him up again, freezing before turning to look at Giselle. Well, That's for her to decide, but Hiro, no force on this earth could separate us... Giselle! What do you think of Hiro? Kylie suddenly asked her, turning and deadpanning, hands on her hips. She kept one eye on him, and was far from finished, but she supposed such a challenge was up to the one to be challenged...

Still... if Giselle accepted and lost... Kylie wasn't sure what she'd do... She really would raze a continent to the ground to be with Giselle, Giselle would father her children... Her first children anyway... What would become of Hiro?

Turning and regarding him, Kylie raised her eyebrow and her hands, ready for another exchange of blows before she spoke again. Well... My hand in marriage? As a mate? Not sure if even I'd be alright with that, but some fun? Ask the one person I'd burn the world down for. She said simply, nodding in Giselle's direction.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Attempting to break their stalemate they'd gotten themselves into, Kylie attempted to kick him in the gut, only to fail as he caught her leg and flipped her back, but she was able to continue the flip without much trouble, where the stalemate continued with her able to deflect his fist. It went back and forth like that a couple of more times before Hiro landed a solid punch to Kylie's left shoulder that caused her to stagger back. That was when he spoke up and Kylie stopped for a moment to look over at Giselle.

"Well... I'm not opposed to a duel, but I honestly don't think it should be for your hand. I mean... well considering the fact that we are already engaged and all makes it kind of tough I think. And being fully engaged is a bit more than just being promised to another I do believe," Giselle said, obviously ready to duel for Kylie, but at the same time obviously not wanting to have to with somebody she would probably have to fight seriously against. Giselle stepped into their fighting area and leaned in close to Kylie, while Hiro dropped his fighting stance since it looked like Giselle was trying to whisper to Kylie. "But our culture is quite open and all, so I wouldn't be totally opposed to it if you really wanted to have a bit of fun with him. Just... be careful alright, and make sure you drink a birth control potion and definitely make sure he does too, and don't let him finish inside... that's only for me to do," Giselle whispered quietly to Kylie, half pouting as she finished her last sentence, but not showing any signs of being outright against it if Kylie truly wished to have a bit of fun with Hiro.

With that Giselle stepped back again to let them continue where Kylie spoke up to Hiro again. He looked a bit disappointed at Kylie's words, but not angry at her. "So you'd truly burn the world for Giselle there?" he asked curiously, though obviously knowing the answer as he continued on anyway. "Ah fuck it, it wouldn't be right to part you two then in that case, and especially after what she said, and if you wouldn't like being my mate then I wouldn't want you as one. The spirits don't like that when we try and force it, and I don't want to be cursed or anything by them for it. So in that case, let's just fight... we can at least be fighting friends," Hiro added, looking to respect these spirits quite a lot and seeming quite understanding as he prepared to continue their fight.

With that Hiro charged at her, fist raised and ready to swing out at her, though there was no anger in his movements still and only pure enjoyment of the fight. His punch was another fake like the first in their fight earlier on, as he kicked out his leg again and caught Kylie with a kick to the shoulder, causing her to stumble back, but she was back on him like white on rice with a punch to the face. He came at her again, attempting to kick her in the face this time, but she was able to duck under his leg where her counter came in the form of a hard punch to the hamstring. Hiro howled in pain and fell back, going down to one knee for a moment before trying to lunge at her to tackle her to the ground for a pin, where they'd tussle around a bit before it ended with him pinning her down again just as before, though he was obviously winded, and Kylie was too after that, though the fight wasn't done unless Kylie called it quits now, as she could try and reverse the pin or break loose from it. Rolan stepped in and seemed to be playing referee here and was preparing to start counting if Kylie didn't break free in a second or two.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie bowed her head slightly at Hiro's reply, though Giselle's had her chuckling before she leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. Whatever you want Lover Kylie answered her back, still smiling before they squared up again.

Another furious exchange of blows and counters, and it had once more become a battle of reflexes and intuition pitted against strength and aggression, Kylie gaining the upper hand and bringing Hiro to a knee before another blow put her back under him. This time Kylie didn't waste any time.

Throwing her arms straight above her head, along the ground, she brought both elbows down into his shoulders, the blow meant to force his hands to go slack and surrender his grip before she slapped her hands on his collarbone and pushed out, bringing her legs up to her chest before kicking out, attempting to throw him off of her completely before rolling up to her feet.

Thanks for the match Hiro, we'll discuss other things next time, and well, I have no doubt there will be a next time. Kylie said, smiling and bowing slightly in his direction, before moving to retrieve her gear.

Ahhh~! I feel so much better. Let's get going then. Kylie said cheerfully, her gear right back where it belonged and Kylie's need for a thrill sated as she whistled happily and continued on towards the temple proper, all smiles and lighthearted as could be.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle blushed a slight bit at Kylie's words, but kissed her back on the cheek when Kylie kissed her first. "I mean I can't expect to ask you to let me fool around with Maria and stuff and expect you to not feel like fooling around a bit yourself and all. Just... you know, let me know who it is and where so that I can come check up on you in case things get out of hand," Giselle whispered back after kissing Kylie on the cheek.


Kylie managed to thump Hiro on the shoulders as she'd planned before Rolan began the 1, 2, 3 count, hitting him a bit more perfect than she'd imagined it would work out to be, as he grabbed his left shoulder and rolled off of her of his own accord, the need for her to kick or push with her foot not even needed. She'd heard a crack too when her elbows hit, but it didn't appear anything was broken. He managed to get to his feet after a few seconds, but was still clutching his hurt shoulder. "Ah shit... not again. Fuck me running," Hiro complained, grunting as he went over to a nearby tree, where he rammed his hurt shoulder into the trunk of it, a loud crack coming from his shoulder as it popped back into place.

"Goddamn girl you really know where to hit a guy. Dislocated my fucking shoulder there. If you're this rough outside of bed, I honestly dunno if I want to know how rough you'd be in the bed," Hiro said jokingly to Kylie as she got up and spoke up to him.

After she was geared back up he extended a hand to her and shook her's, looking rather pleased with their fight. "Hope that helped you to blow off some of that steam I sensed in those punches. Just come see me when you wanna let out some more of that anger," Hiro told her, then he turned to the elven man. "And Rolan, I expect one helluva fucking good gift for Dawn if you're to be courting her now you hear," Hiro added to the elven man, who straightened up and saluted him.

"Y-Yes sir, of course. Only the best for my girl," Rolan said, stuttering a bit at first but quickly perking up and giving a serious look.

With that Hiro went off, muttering something about seeing Reina for one of those pain killing potions for his aching nuts and shoulder, leaving Kylie and everyone else behind. The crowd broke up for the most part, with Rolan being the last one around by the time Kylie, Giselle, and Maria left to head on to the temple. Rolan kind of followed them, though not too closely, seeming to be heading for the temple as well, but not wanting to disturb the girls privacy. "Well I do hope you feel better now Kylie. I mean Yuki could have done that with you if you'd have liked it and could have waited for a couple of extra minutes or so," Maria said as they went on towards the temple, shaking her head slightly at the bruise already starting to show on Kylie's arm where she'd bumped it quite hard on Hiro's kneecap during their wrestling on the ground in that last tussle they had before the end of their match.

When they got to the temple gates, Rolan caught up to them and looked at Kylie as they went through, with Aya not too far ahead around the front porch of the main temple building. "Um... thank you, for coming in when you did. It really put Hiro into a good mood and... helped me a lot. Thanks," Rolan told Kylie, where Giselle smiled kindly at him and leaned over to slip an arm around Kylie's neck.

"That's my Kylie, always being helpful to those in need," Giselle said, kissing Kylie on the cheek.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

It did Hiro, thanks, there was alot on my mind, and well couldn't help it, seeing the two of you go at it. Kylie answered, smirking but still not offering her name properly. It was more fun this way, she wondered if any woman had ever made Hiro chase them before like she was about to... It would be fun to find out.

Ooo Come on Maria, all the fun is in the spontaneity! in not knowing who you're fighting, but just... Fighting! Besides, I made his day, did you see the look on his face? He was in heaven. Kylie said to Maria as she pointed out that she could have indeed trained at the temple with Yuki instead.

Still, what a man, ha! That was too much fun. Kylie continued laughing happily as they walked, before Roland finally decided to catch up properly. She had known he was following, had even let her hand stray to her knife for a moment before ruling him out as overly harmless.

Listening to him, Kylie chuckled and slapped him on the shoulder. Good! Now get! You have a woman to woo! Why are you still here thanking me Rolan!? Dawn is who you're concerned with? Then go! But do tell Hiro my name. It's Kylie, tell him I'll be around. Kylie said, grinning madly before heading into the temple.

Hello Aya! I'm here to annoy you all with my presence~! And I brought Maria back, none the worse for wear! How is Miu doing? Back on her feet yet? Kylie asked, bouncing over to Aya to give her a hug and looking around for everyone else. Weren't there supposed to be MORE priestesses here today? Kylie wanted to bug them.
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Hiro just chuckled at Kylie's words as he went off towards Reina's place to get himself patched up. After they left and headed on to the temple though and Maria said what she had to Kylie, she was a bit unsure of what Kylie was saying. "I just... I don't understand that to be honest. I mean I understand fighting and all that and that it can help you blow off steam and all, but to just stop and fight random people for no reason, when their fight didn't concern you... it's just... strange is all. And sure he wasn't angry about it and even seemed to enjoy the whole thing, but it doesn't change the fact that it could have gone very wrong for you. I mean what if he'd demanded a challenge of Giselle for your hand in marriage as the prize and she lost? If someone demands a challenge like that instead of just suggesting or asking for it, then the challenged one can't very well refuse easily without a very good reason. And I've seen Hiro get serious in a fight before, he's extremely strong when it's a true fight to the death," Maria said, obviously concerned about what could have happened as she clung to Giselle along the way, a cute blush on her cheeks.

When Rolan came up to them after they all reached the temple and said what he had, he looked a bit stunned at Kylie's words and pointed at the temple. "I uh... I'm here to ask high priestess Amara something though, I was just thanking you while I had the chance. But I'll be sure to let the captain know your name," Rolan replied to Kylie as he pointed at the temple entrance.

With that they all entered through the gates where Aya waved to Kylie when she called out to her. "Miu's doing just fine, wouldn't stop trying to get up earlier this morning though after she woke up. But she'll be just fine I believe, despite how bad the wound looked," Aya said to Kylie as they came up and she returned Kylie's hug. When Aya saw Maria she smiled at her and hugged her too. "Oh Maria I was a bit worried about you last night until miss Amara told us what Kylie had told her that you'd stayed at their place to rest a bit after the hanging out with them for dinner and all," Aya said to Maria, gesturing for them to all go on inside at their leisure.

Maria went on in and to her room to change her robes and whatnot while Kylie and Giselle went in to see the others. Rolan spoke to Aya who took him on through to see Amara and to talk to her about whatever it was he was wanting to speak with her about. This left Kylie and Giselle to go see Miu if they wanted to, which Yuki could show them the way as they saw her just down the hall carrying a basket load of dirty clothing out to wash it, or they could ask her about these other priestesses that Kylie ha been told about.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie's face grew serious when Maria mentioned Hiro making a legitimate challenge for her, and her answer likely sent a chill down Maria's spine as her eyes took that moment to turn into frosted shards of chiseled ice. I'd have killed him the moment he turned his back, and proclaimed myself the winner of the challenge. She said coldly, and without a moments hesitation, her tone saying quite clearly that any more on THAT topic was uninvited and that anyone else stupid enough to try and force her away from Giselle would meet a similar fate.

Heading on into the temple and giggling at Maria and Aya's reunion for just a moment, Kylie looked around, content that Miu was recovering, and could use Rest for the moment more the she could a visit, though Kylie would certainly demand to see her before she left.

Finding Yuki, Kylie catfaced and snuck up behind her... before tickling her sides furiously, cackling like an evil spirit as she did so before hugging her tightly and laughing. Haha! I have you now Priestess! But hey! I was told others would be arriving and I'm curious~~~! Show me show me show me! Kylie whined, her fingers stretched out into claws, threats of more tickles assured if her curiosity wasn't sated.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Maria didn't shudder or anything, but she did cling to Giselle a bit harder and closer, where the siren slipped an arm around her and held her a bit closer before winking at Kylie and smirking a bit at what she'd said she would do. "Alright both of you, don't be so serious about that okay. Maria, you don't have to worry, we're both adults and we know enough to not get ourselves in over our heads," Giselle said to Maria, who nodded her head a couple of times to let Giselle know she understood her. Giselle then turned to Kylie and smirked again. "And you love, don't always say you'll kill everyone for silly stuff like that. I'm a big girl and even had he demanded a challenge, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve that would have forced him to lose. One of which being I'd demand it be done in the nude so he couldn't help but be psyched out by the fact my dick is bigger than his, and I know this for a fact because I've seen his before," Giselle then said to Kylie, trying to calm her down a bit and keep the peace here, the young siren being the middle ground between the chaos and order that were Kylie and Maria respectively.


As Kylie crept up behind Yuki, she'd notice the priestess didn't have her necklace/amulet on, so she'd likely get a helluva reaction to say the least. "Iyaaa!" Yuki cried and flung the basket of clothing in the air where it rained down all over them, a pair of panties falling down right onto Kylie's face as the basket fell down over Yuki's head as Kylie hugged her for a moment, then Yuki stumbled and fell to the floor flat on her butt as soon as she was let go. "D-Don't scare... m-me like that dammit," Yuki said as she pulled the basket off her head and set it down, looking up at Kylie with her cheeks puffed out a little bit and looking a bit angry.

Yuki took a deep breath and counted down from 10 before looking up at Kylie, seeming to be recomposed now. "You've got Miu's dirty panties on your head, I believe she peed in them this morning," Yuki said with a smirk on her face, though Kylie could easily tell she was just kidding, as no smell of piss was in this pair of panties, only the smell of sweat. "And I have laundry to do miss Kylie, but if you really must meet them, then come with me, but help me get these picked back up so I can wash them, since you did cause me to dump them out. Ilyana is practicing as we speak in the backyard and the other two are... somewhere I'm not entirely sure, they might be up at the shrines though praying," Yuki went on to say, collecting the dirty laundry and telling Kylie to help too since she was the cause of it, with Giselle helping her out there too.