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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle giggled at Kylie's playful prodding, giving a few prods back her way and also giving her a playful little wink. "Some of the monsters and such out there though are very fun to play with, and you're right about the energy thing," Giselle said, pouting a little about Kylie saying she'd pass on the fun with some of the monsters.

The first bite of the cake tasted divine to Kylie, the chocolate setting off a euphoric feeling in her mouth as she talked more. When she blushed and shook her head back and forth a bit, Delilah and Giselle both appeared to have noticed her blush and both looked curious as to why, but merely listened to her for the moment, waiting to see if she'd tell them. They looked a little disappointed that she didn't go ahead and tell them why she was blushing, but they didn't prod further as yet.

"Well one of the things we do for fun, is have sex. For succubi like myself it's one of the funnest things we can do," Hazel said to Kylie, looking and sounding like she was dead serious about what she'd just said.

"Some of the other stuff we do for fun really is party it up sometimes, fight, and... well most anything that I'm sure they do on the mainland for fun too," Delilah said, continuing where Hazel left off.

"And about my glasses, we've had traders come from the mainland on occasion, and they brought some of these quite a few years back, where some of the folk living on the island here managed to recreate them, which is where I got mine. Without them I'm nearly blind because my eyes are bad," Tina said, pushing her glasses back up again as she finished her piece of cake.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"fun to play with? Okay... I'll freely admit that I'm something of a pervert, but really? You'll have to show me. As for the glasses, that's really rather lucky Tina, I'm happy for you." She said smiling. Hazel's remark brought another blush to the girl, who quietly admitted she was thinking about the Ochu before shaking her head again, and the comment about partying caught her attention as well, making her catface for a moment.

"I have no idea what people do on the mainland because my noggin is scrambled" She said sticking her tongue out, "But I do know that I'm getting more and more interested in this place and the island itself the more I hear about it and Almost just want to go running out at random right now to get a better look. I mean... if the creatures aren't usually dangerous..." Blushing again, Kylie shifted around in her chair a little before standing and sitting back down again.

"Damnit, the body wants one thing and the mind another, this is confusing..."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh I'll show you anytime you wish Kylie, you're really pretty I think. Just come let me know if you ever wanna go out and find specific monsters to have a bit of fun with, because I know the general areas where most of the things on this island live," Giselle said to her, blushing slightly herself at the thought of taking Kylie and having some fun with some monsters.

"Well don't just run out and start exploring like that Kylie, because it isn't so much the creatures aren't dangerous, as there are still quite a few that will try and keep you there in their lairs or nests for a long time or possibly forever, but don't worry about them, because the village would send people to find and rescue you from whatever it might be in that case. But none of the creatures that we know of will try and harm you permanently or anything," Delilah said, launching into a bit of a long winded explanation.

"Oh I can tell what your body wants cutie pie. I can smell it," Hazel said teasingly to Kylie, pinching the blue haired human's butt as she went by after getting up. "You wanna come with me and... explore the sheets of my bed?" Hazel then asked enticingly after a few moments, grabbing Kylie's right arm and giving a gentle tug.

"Or would you rather explore my bed with me?" Giselle asked in just as enticing a voice, grabbing Kylie's other arm and giving a gentle tug.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, rather then being forced into a moment of possible rude indecision, revealed what was either a talent or a fucking super power because as both women reached out to tempt her into their beds by grabbing her arms, they had to take a moment to realise something. They had only managed to grab eachother and Kylie was already hiding behind Tina. "Now now now...." She said as soon as they realised she had moved, sweatdropping before grabbing Tina's shoulders and using her as a kind of childish shield. "Lead me not to temptation~! I can find it by myself" She said sticking her tongue out.

She was pretty sure that this wouldn't work for long, but at least it was mildly entertaining. "Making a girl choose is just rude" She managed to stutter out blushing furiously and keeping the spectacled woman between the overly eager pair. She truthfully wouldn't mind either, but she wasn't about to say yes to them to avoid insulting anyone here. Giselle was nice and fun, but the sister of her friend, Hazel was something beyond explanation really but that wasn't going to stop Kylie from figuring this little conundrum out because she didn't want to hurt Giselle's feelings either Which meant that she wasn't laying anyone here without a proper reason or the reason was taken out of her hands somehow. Thankfully no one seemed to be holding rope, chains, straps, or anything else that could currently be used to do that so Kylie's crotch and relationships were safe!
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Hazel and Giselle realized Kylie had slipped through either of their clutches, they both puffed their cheeks out and let one another go, glancing at Kylie where she was hiding behind Tina with slightly hurt, but not angry looks. Tina, glanced over her shoulder at Kylie, giving her a look that said, "Are you really doing this?"

After mere seconds of jumping behind Tina for cover, the older siren got up from her chair and walked into the other room carrying some dirty dishes. "Now come on you two, don't pressure Kylie into choosing between the two of you like that. It isn't fair to her, she might not want to sleep with either of you. Has that not occurred to either of you yet?" Delilah said as she too got up and gathered some dishes, following her elder sister out with a few more plates.

The two left Kylie alone after that, the both of them saying an "I'm sorry," to her as they did. They sat back down in their seats looking a little downcast that Kylie hadn't accepted either of their offers, but they didn't press her further after Delilah told them both off. "Oh come on you two, grow up. You're both acting like you're four years old. If Kylie doesn't want to sleep with either of you right now, then just try again later after you've gotten to know her better," Ilyana said, shaking her head a little, looking like she was trying hard to hold back laughter.

"Oh alright then. I'm sorry Kylie, but my offer still stands, if you'd like to sleep with me. But I won't guarantee that I won't try and seduce you," Hazel said, turning to Kylie and apologizing, still looking like she was wanting to just grab her and pull her with her to bed as she winked lustily at Kylie.

"Yeah me too. But I wouldn't mind you staying with me if you want to, and I don't mean in a sexual way. Unless you've got somewhere else to sleep tonight that is. I live here in town, though on the outskirts in a little hut, with just one bed, but still I won't do anything that you aren't cool with," Giselle said, still looking a little sad that Kylie didn't come with her instead, but at the same time looking like she'd rather keep her as a friend.

"You're also free to stay here with me if you have nowhere to sleep tonight. This is my house after all, and Kagome stays here with me, but we've got a couple of extra beds if you'd like one," Ilyana said, giving her another offer of a place to sleep that night.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie pulled her hair and looked at both hazel and gissele. "Listen geniuses, its not that, but two offers in 30 seconds after being raped by a giant plant.... thing! Maybe 8 don't want to hurt either of your feelings by choosing the other!" She saiding puffing out her cheeks in frustration. Hearingg the offers for a place to stay, she knew that she enjoyed Giselle's company and trusted her to behave. "I'll stay with you Giselle, I'm not quite used to all of this to be smack in the middle of it, the outskirts would give me time to adjust." She said, making her choice clear and explaining at the same time.

Wandering out to the living room, Kylie flopped into a chair and took a deep breath, gustily sighing out. This place was insane!
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Both Hazel and Giselle flinched at Kylie's words and cringed back a little, looking fearful. When Kylie stated that she would stay with Giselle for now, the young siren nodded her head, looking happy that Kylie had chosen her to stay with, but while Hazel looked a hurt she wasn't the one chosen she didn't make a big deal about it, looking a bit relieved now that Kylie didn't seem to be angry at them. Hazel told her very well then, that she could stay with her another time and have some fun, that she needed to hurry up and head on home anyway for something, though what that something was she didn't say.

"Alright Kylie, I promise I won't do anything unless you want to," Giselle said, bowing her head slightly.

She let Kylie head on out back into the living room, where after the blue haired human sat back down, she would notice the Ilyana's sister Shaela sitting on the sofa again, holding her harp and idly plucking strings. "They can be a hoot sometimes. But they mean well though, so don't let them get to you too much, they're only wanting to help you adjust to the village quicker so you'll stay and they'll have a new friend," Shaela said once Kylie had sat down, sounding oddly mature about the whole thing, despite her being a nymph and supposed to be all playful and naughty.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I know, its just... wow, I don't really have problems blowing off a little steam and just unwinding a little but that was out of somewhere. I'd say nowhere but Hazel is a succubus and Giselle reminds me a lot of myself so... I know where that came from. Caught me off guard I suppose... and no one has to worry about me leaving, my ship sank and my friends are dead, where would I even go. I tell you what, if my brains weren't all addled I probably wouldn't be handling this nearly as well. Guh, I'm venting to you Shaela and I don't even know you, sorry."

Kylie, leaning further back in the chair let out another gusty sigh and ran her hands through her hair. "I mean... it's apparently not rude here to just ask for a lay, which I suppose is nice, but it almost seems rude to say no, which iss a little confusing. You play beautifully by the way, and here the only thing my bashed head says I can play is a guitar. Hrm... maybe... now that's and idea..."

Kylie, although apologising for ranting, off course had continued to do just that right up until a kinky thought had formed inn her mind. It was a plot that would start tonight! The game was afoot!
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh it's quite alright dear, and understandable, so don't worry so much about it. But don't lose all hope that there were no other survivors from the ship, I'm sure there are others that just haven't been found yet," Shaela said reassuringly to Kylie, giving her a kind smile.

Shaela continued sitting there and listened to Kylie keep going after that, not speaking again until she was done. "Well first of all thank you for saying my playing is good. And secondly, I'm not quite sure what a guitar is honestly, I've never heard of one. And thirdly, sex is one of the main things we do for fun around here. And for a few, like Hazel and other succubi, it's more that they need to rather than they just want to. Well... it's kind of hard to explain, but let me try okay," Shaela said, stopping with her plucking on her harp and setting it down, then she grabbed a glass of water and took a couple of drinks, preparing herself for what Kylie could only believe would be a long explanation.

"Let me begin now. Succubi must feed on the spiritual energies of people to survive. They don't have to take but a small portion of someone's energies to live on, but the more they get the longer they can go between feedings. They can also feed on a person's soul directly as well, which most good succubi would kill themselves before resorting to that unless they had no other choice, and before you say it yes there are good succubi here, Hazel is one of those. There are quite a few in the villages and in the little communities in between them. But there are evil ones as well, and ones that would be considered neutral as well I suppose, the latter of which will usually seduce people and drain them of a good deal of their energy against their will, but usually won't touch a person's soul. Evil succubi though will, they'll drain both as much as they can without killing you," Shaela said, launching into a long explanation about succubi that explained why Hazel was a trying so hard to get Kylie into bed with her.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"So they literally need it to survive, how odd. And I suppose like food, something new is always more interesting. I don't blame her, just... You don't smack a girl in the face with it!" Kylie said flustered and blushing slightly. "Ill try and keep all of this in mind, but still a little outside of my comfort zone. As for other survivors, yes, I suppose we can hope."

Relaxing now, Kylie started to hum along with Shaela whenever she resumed playing, simply enjoying the music much like she had the Sirens' singing, and was quite happy right where she was, just letting the enormous lunch digest. She wanted to go exploring with Giselle, but figured she would wait for the younger of the three to show up on her own before saying as much.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well they don't need sex to survive if that's what you're saying, they merely need the energy. But they can feed with a simple kiss if they need to, but doing it in that way they end up losing a little bit as its transferred from the person they're taking it from to them. But getting it through sex allows them to get all they take instead of some being lost," Shaela explained some more before picking her harp back up and playing a gentle tune.

Shaela played her harp for a few minutes while Kylie hummed along with her, the nymph looking to enjoy Kylie's company while she played. Not long after the two had started playing and humming, Delilah and her two sisters came back into the room, with Tina saying goodbye to everyone before heading on out, saying she was heading back to her place for the night, then Delilah said she was going with Tina.

"Are you still going to go with me to my place Kylie?" Giselle asked, looking a little hopeful and scared at the same time.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie stopped her humming and nodded. "Yup! But we're going exploring first! because I want to, and you said you would, and Night is always more fun anyway~" She said excitedly, jumping back up to spazz around Giselle, dancing around her for a moment before scampering off. "AND AWAAAAY~ WE GO!" She called, in a much better mood, and eager for some fun, of any real variety, because although she loved singing and music, she was an active girl and she wanted to run damnit! so... Run she did, until she realised she had no idea where she was going, and ran back to follow Giselle. "And I got carried away it seems." She said, panting softly.

Waiting for Giselle's answer this time, Kylie would follow her lead because she was the only one of the pair who knew where they were going. Although now there was a nagging question at the back of her mind. "Giselle, you said some of the monsters, or a lot of them really, were fun, Do you have a favourite?" She asked curiously.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

With that, Giselle started out the door with Kylie in tow, while watching Kylie's antics with a smile on her face, apparently not offended or put off by her strangeness. "W-Wait Kylie, come back," was all Giselle got out before Kylie scampered off, only to return a minute or so later. "Yeah you did, I don't mind showing you around some more though. But let's go on to my place first so I can grab my weapon, just in case, cause I'm not good with magic like Delilah and Tina," Giselle said once Kylie had returned to her side.

Kylie would follow Giselle back towards her hut first, stopping by Reina's place to get Kylie's things if she wished first, so that she would have her weapon as well. Then when they got to Giselle's place Kylie would see it wasn't all that big, barely large enough to have a single bedroom, kitchen and sitting room. Giselle told her to just wait outside for a minute and she'd be right back, and sure enough barely a minute passed before she came back out.

When Kylie asked Giselle which of the monsters of the island was her favorite, Giselle actually had the shame to blush at her question, keeping her lips pursed for a few moments before answering. "Well... it's just my personal favorite so you may not be interested any at all with it, but they are rather gentle most of the time. Anyway though, my favorite is something called an alraune, mainly because I like nature and they're plant girls that can grow lots of tentacles," Giselle said, admitting her like for alraune to the blue haired human, blushing quite a bit as she made her confession.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, her own weapon in hand, listened to Giselle's answer surprisingly seriously, pondering a plant girl of all things. "Huh, well that sounds really interesting! I like plants a lot as well because nature is what's meant to be right? And gentle sounds like a nice change to the thumping the Ochu gave me" Kylie said, not paying any attention to Giselle'ss embarrassment at all to make things easier on her, because it was a personal question was hard sometimes and she was grateful for the answer. Every piece of information told her more about where she was now and how to act, giving her more and more to work with.

Smiling at Giselle and suddenly ruffling her hair, Kylie laughed in a surprisingly infectious way and started off. "Well then! Off we go! To adventure!" She cried, hopping a little and making a goofy face as she spun around a little and readied her bow just in case. "Lead on mighty Giselle!" This she somehow managed to say with a completely serious face as they started off on a fools conquest just for some fun.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Yeah it is, but not all of them are gentle though, so remember that. Alraune come in different colors, which reflect their natures more so. There's too many different kinds to go into that much detail, but if we end up running into any I'll tell you which one it is and what their nature is," Giselle replied to Kylie as they walked towards the village gates.

As they passed through the gates, with Giselle nodding at the three guards, which were different ones than the ones Kylie remembered meeting when she first got here, Giselle giggled and shook her head slightly at Kylie's ruffling her hair. When Kylie told her to lead on, Giselle did just that, looking confident after the blue haired human called her mighty.

"Alright then Kylie, come on, I'll take you to a clearing up on this hill I like to go to where we can watch the stars," Giselle said, readying her spear that she had gotten from her home to fight if need be, using the thing as a walking stick until it was needed for fighting. Giselle led Kylie down the path from the village, stepping carefully over fallen branches and roots sticking out of the ground, the darkness causing them a bit of trouble, but nothing too hindering. Soon they came to a fork in the path, with Giselle starting down the left side, which steadily went upwards.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

And onwards they went in the dark. This would probably go down in history as Kylie's worst idea of all time, but meh, whatever. At least that was her attitude because the night was her favourite time, and the dark and the moon and the stars were all incredibly relaxing for her. Following Giselle, Kylie and her new friend took the left path in the fork and continued steadily upwards. "Different colours? That's interesting, so they're alot like flowers then, Huh. I'm kind of amazed by that" She said, grinning as they wandered through the dark towards one of Giselle's favourite spots.

Kylie had been honests, she loved plants, and funnily enough, the fact that the Ochu was a kind of living plant made the encounter a little more bearable. It seriously could have been worse. That didn't mean she enjoyed being raped, but as far as rapes went, that hadn't been all that bad. Pondering the idea of a plant girl still as they walked, Kylie began whistling a song that had been stuck in her head, it was the tune that Shaela had been playing on her harp.

"Hey Giselle, can I ask you something? And you don't need to answer if you don't want to, but why did you ask if I would have sex with you? I don't really mind, it was just really sudden and then Hazel asked and I panicked a bit. I think you're really cute actually." She said, again, asking for rediculously personal information in the most nonchalant attitude known to mankind, as if it didn't bother her in the slightest, and indeed it didn't. Kylie would probably answer similar questions without much shame at all because being honest was really important to her. Granted this made the slightly bipolar girl who admitted liked carnal pleasure a great deal and acted rashly without thinking just as often as she didn't girl mildly confusing, but she was always fun, and if life wasn't fun, then you were doing it wrong. That was her personal creed and she was sticking to it!
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Yeah they are a lot like flowers actually, and they are amazing beings. They're all sentient too, which makes having fun with them so much better, as they'll keep doing anything they see their partner seems to enjoy a lot," Giselle said as they traveled along through the night.

Further up the path, Giselle glanced over at Kylie when she asked her question about why Giselle wanted to have sex with her, pondering her reply for a few moments before opening her mouth to speak. "Well... thank you Kylie. Honestly the main reason I asked is because I think you're cute too. But also because I get hornier than my sisters, which we think comes from me fighting up close rather than far away with magic, gets my blood a pumping more and all you know," Giselle answered Kylie in just as nonchalant a way as she'd asked the question.

After a short while, nearly half an hour or so, Giselle finally led Kylie into a large clearing in the jungle, where the moon was shining straight down into it. Giselle giggled when they stepped into the clearing, looking the happiest that Kylie had seen her so far, her face shining brightly in the moonlight. Giselle scampered over to the center of the clearing, which was brightly lit by the moon, where she laid down in the soft mossy grass therein, motioning Kylie over to her and patting the spot right beside her.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie giggled and nodded at the answer, finding the idea of an Alraune just as tempting as ever as they continued walking through the night. A bit later, almost a full half hour in fact, Giselle found the spot she was after and flopped down in the grass in the center of the clearing, Kylie more then happy to join her as she gazed up into the stars, marveling at the beautiful sight. "Thanks Giselle" Kylie said quietly, squeezing her hand as she stared up in wonder at the night sky.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As they laid there on the ground, watching the moon and stars as they hovered overhead. Giselle squeezed Kylie's hand in return when Kylie took her hand, merely laying there staring up at the sky, lost in thought. "Isn't it beautiful?" Giselle asked Kylie, looking close to tears.

Before Kylie could answer her or even do anything, Giselle suddenly leaned over and kissed Kylie on the lips, moaning softly as she did so. It wasn't a deep kiss or anything, but more a passionate chaste kiss, just Giselle pressing her lips to Kylie's. Unless Kylie pushed her away, Giselle would hold the kiss for only a few seconds before pulling away, blushing red as a beet afterwards with tears still in her eyes.

"I... I'm sorry Kylie. It's just... the moon is so pretty, and you are too. My heart just told me to do it. Please forgive me Kylie," Giselle said, bowing her head slightly in apology to the young blue haired human.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Looking a little worried about Giselle's tears, Kylie was a little surprised with the kiss, and widened her eyes for a moment before relaxing, Giselle's lips soft and inviting, and apologising to her after the kiss was broken. Looking at her with raised eyebrows, Kylie rolled on top of Giselle. "Why thank you! So are you! But no crying here!" Kylie said catfacing before starting to visciously tickle the girl, showing no mercy in the sudden battle that had erupted, her fingers dancing along Giselle's sides and neck like well trained and viscious snakes! Snakes that tickled... Holding that random thought for a moment, Kylie swore to make tickle snakes if she was ever in the position to genetically create something, before the onslaught continued! There would be no tears! Not unless they were happy tears of someone who was laughing so hard that they had no choice!