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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, waking up and moaning softly, feeling warm and delightfully full, would gently slip Giselle from her folds, and get up, wandering to the bathroom and handling all the usual morning bullshit that never failed to annoy her. Afterwards, if Giselle was still asleep, she'd take to her usual exercises quietly, making sure she stayed in shape, besides, she had a new bow to get used to.

Once that was all finished and everything was golden, she'd take her time waking up Giselle, gently stroking her back and legs. When she seemed close to rousing, Kylie would lean down and wrap her lips around the head of her length, licking and sucking gently, coaxing it back to attention before begging to slowly bob her head along it, moaning softly.

If Giselle woke up before she came, Kylie would just hold her hips, and grin up at her, winking before continuing, and finishing her lover off. Swallowing every drop, she'd pull away and lick her lips Morning Love~
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Moving on to do her bathroom stuff, Kylie noticed that Giselle didn't wake when she climbed out of bed, though she did let out a soft whimper when Kylie slid her length out of her tight folds. In the bathroom Kylie would be able to find everything she'd need to clean up and all easily enough, and then she was able to do her morning exercises without any interruptions.

Giselle meanwhile moaned softly when her legs and back were stroked by her lover, stirring slightly but not waking for a couple of minutes every time Kylie touched her. When Kylie leaned down though and began gently sucking on the head of Giselle's member, Giselle gasped and moaned softly, arching her back a bit as she felt Kylie's tongue around her member. It didn't take long for it to spring back to attention for Kylie and she would notice that Giselle was rubbing her thighs together. Kylie would have almost 2 whole minutes to herself doing that to Giselle before the young futanari siren woke.

When Giselle woke up and looked down, she saw Kylie on her knees between her legs with her dick in her lover's mouth and gasped... from both the sight of Kylie with her dick in her lover's mouth, and the fact that Kylie was down there period. "M-Morning lover... gods I can't think straight with our lips wrapped around me like that," Giselle panted, a bit of sweat dripping from her body as she smiled down at Kylie when she winked and went to finish her off.

It would take only another minute before Kylie had Giselle's back arching up into the air as she exploded inside Kylie's mouth, her cock spurting out a massive load of her seed in between those sweet sweet lips. "Oh gods... w-w-what a helluva way to wake up. You know just how to make a person happy don't you sweetie," Giselle said to Kylie after she'd finally caught her breath, smiling down at her beloved still for a few moments before raising up and leaning down to kiss Kylie full on the lips, her tongue reaching into Kylie's mouth and licking at a small bit of her seed that was left over in there and getting a taste. "Mmm... I taste good huh. No wonder you were so eager to drink it down," Giselle then said teasingly to Kylie, reaching around and pinching her on the butt before kissing her on the neck.

Once that was over and done with, Giselle would get up and head to the bathroom, leaving Kylie to follow and talk with her if she wished, or Kylie could continue with her morning exercises if she liked. "If you want to Kylie go into the kitchen and decide on breakfast unless you wanted to go on over to Tina's and Delilah's for breakfast that is," Giselle called from the bathroom, giving Kylie the choice of having breakfast together with just her lover, or having it with both her lover and her lover's family.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, licking up every last drop of her lover's seed, and returning her passionate kiss with a soft moan, rubbed her thighs together slowly, turned on by the display, and the activity, before pulling away and eeping as Giselle pinched her butt. Laughing and swatting Giselle's own, Kylie answered with a Kay! and wandered into the kitchen... she needed to cook something, without burning down the house... Truly a daunting task.

Looking around though, Kylie realised that unless it was a camp fire, she probably couldn't accomplish this, and instead greeted Giselle with fruit, juice, and some good cheese, smiling as she came in.

Eating breakfast, admittedly a light one for Kylie, she thought for a moment, before glancing across the table. So, it's clothes shopping, and potions, and then some monster hunting today right? Because, well... We never did make good on your offer to show me around the more amusing creatures here, we just... had a really good time on the hill. Kylie said, giggling as she finished her meal.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie saw that Giselle had plenty of different kinds of fruits and vegetables in her kitchen, and there were a couple of different kinds of cheese to pick from as well. When Giselle came in and saw what Kylie had fixed up for a quick breakfast, she had an amused smile on her face. "Well I had meant like... bacon, eggs, and biscuits or something to that effect, but this'll work just as well I guess," Giselle said, shrugging her shoulders and giggling a bit.

"Yep, it is clothes shopping first, and then on to grab some potions, because then we can bring them all back here before heading to see Tina and Delilah and see if they wanna go monster hunting with us. But we'll only ask them if you want to, it doesn't matter to me really. This way though we aren't trekking all over the island with shape changing potions and weighing us down," Giselle said as they ate, sounding like she had a well thought out plan of action it seemed. "But we should try to be back here by sundown, or at least in the alraune village, as the road from here to there is usually pretty clear, though there have been brave monster that have come close to the village before." Giselle added as an afterthought, seeming to not like being out after dark in the woods around them.

Once they were done eating, Giselle took Kylie on into the market are again, heading for a building painted pink, and it had very well carved and detailed wooden people covered in different types of clothing. "Here's Emma's boutique, she sells all kinds of different clothes, tailoring and making most everything by hand with a bit of help from five other different ladies, and those wooden carvings outside of people are made by her husband, who is the best damn woodcarver in the whole village... probably the entire island," Giselle said as they made their way to the quite large pink house that was easily twice as large as the house that all of her gold was now stashed in the basement of, with Giselle stepping up onto the porch and opening the door, holding it open for Kylie.

Inside the place Kylie would see a counter in the center of a large cleared out room, with several other rooms off to either side, and a couple of young women standing behind the counter, one of which was quite easy to see that she was human, while the other was a succubus that had red hair on her head, her tail swishing around behind her as she leaned on the counter, looking a bit bored. She would also see the place was filled with many different kinds of clothes for her to choose from, and when Giselle stepped inside she headed straight for the counter, where both girls that were there hopped to attention almost as they heard the little bell jingle after Giselle pushed the door open.

"Hello, welcome to Emma's boutique. Just call for us if you need any assistance with clothing, and when you find something you like we can take your measurements and see if we have any of what you want in your size in stock. If we don't however, then we can tailor it specifically for you," the succubus girl said, seeming to have seniority over the other girl. Kylie would also notice another three or four people roaming about the place, though two of them both had a girl with them, and one of the girls was a fairly young looking elf girl that looked no older than seventeen or so, while the other girl that was helping the other customer was a neko.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie thought for a moment, before chuckling. It should be just us, because there's a good chance we may need some rescuing if we find something that's too much fun. She said, laughing as she finished her meal.

Despite wanting to just walk around naked, really just to torment Giselle a little, Kylie did grudgingly get dressed in her raggy clothes, and they headed to a maassive pink building called Emma's Boutique. The wooden carvings alone were pretty amazing, and Kylie was momentarily distracted before Giselle headed in, and she followed.

Inside, there was a pretty decent selection of clothing to pick from, and what caught Kylie's attention most of all, was the thing she had decided she didn't need, but heading over to it, and feeling the exquisite silk, she decided she wanted it. It was a silken, long, black cloak and shawl, that had several ties to keep it on, and a shroud for her face as well, and she had grabbed it before anyone else could lay their greedy mits on it. That in hand, Kylie then moved around slowly, looking for more clothes, mostly skirts, blouses, and a few outfits of tougher material, breeches and tunics, for inevitably destroying, like she would all her clothing.

The chosen items in hand, Kylie moved towards the counter, and laid them out, so far not noting anyone else in the store, because she was entirely too easily distracted.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Alright then, like I said it doesn't matter to me at all really," Giselle replied to Kylie's statement that it should be only the two of them heading out to look for some fun with some monsters. "Just make sure if something tries to rape us both that if you're free you'll run and leave me to it. I don't want anything putting a baby in that belly before I can," Giselle added, reaching over and pinching Kylie's butt again as she smiled and kissed her beloved.


"Don't worry girls, I'll holler at you if we need anything. I'm just gonna follow Kylie here as she seems to know just what she wants and all that," Giselle said to the girls at the counter as she followed Kylie through the store.

Giselle made no comments as they went around the store, just following Kylie and watching her grabbing different things. When Kylie seemed to have all that she was wanting for the moment, Giselle smiled and followed her up to the counter, slipping an arm around her as she headed towards the thing. When they got there, the eyes of the two girls at the counter grew quite wide indeed, the two of them almost getting buried under the amount of clothing Kylie had brought. "Wow... um this might take a few minutes to see if we've got all the right sizes and stuff miss. You mind heading over to the fitting rooms to have mom take your measurements?" the succubus girl asked as she started rummaging through all Kylie brought up there.

Assuming Kylie heard her and complied, Giselle would walk with her arm still around Kylie as the human girl took them over to the fitting rooms where another succubus was, this one looking quite mature with flowing gold locks of hair that made her look almost angelic rather than devilish, the only thing making her look anything remotely like a devil being her wings and tail. She looked almost like an older version of the one at the counter save she'd had flowing red locks of hair instead of the golden blonde that this one had, and this one had quite large breasts, though not quite as much as Hazel's were, this one's being only F-cups at most, though they were quite perky just like all succubi were, and she was dressed in a simple silk dress that gave her good airing under her skirt. "Ah... hello there Giselle. Is this the young Kylie I've heard so much about? The one that you're supposedly marrying sometime soon?" the younger succubus' mother said when they came in, getting her measuring tape out and gesturing for Kylie to undress as Giselle pulled the curtain shut behind them.

"Yeah Emma, this is Kylie. She's here to get sized so that we can make sure she gets all the right sizes and stuff," Giselle replied to the succubus, who was apparently Emma, the one who ran the place.

"Well I've got lots to choose from. I've also got lingerie as well if you'd like some young one," Emma said to Kylie, pointing to one of the rooms that Kylie didn't check out in her roaming through the store earlier as she began taking Kylie's measurements.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie blushed as the understanding that the knowledge about their wedding had spread, probably fairly quickly, and that news of herself was spreading as well. It wouldn't be too long now before everyone simply knew who she was. Getting undressed quickly, Kylie just spread herself out a bit so Emma could take her measurements.

Yup, the Woman, the Myth, the Legend, I am Kylie! she said goofily, sticking her tongue out a bit, though she did turn a little when Lingerie was mentioned, having never worn it before except on one job. She'd remembered liking the outfit, just not the job, and the thought intriqued her.

Yup, Giselle has decided my clothes are too ratty anymore, with all my running around and spoiling them so quickly, so here I am, I saw that silk shawl and had to grab it though, it was beautiful, really. And those carvings outside were amazing as well. There's a lot of talent in your family, I hope to be so lucky. Kylie added, still blushing slightly and laughing as the measure tickled her slightly.

Once she was all through with being measure, Kylie would lean over and kiss Giselle on the cheek before getting dressed again, hoping they had what she had asked for, and knowing she had asked for quite a bit. Still, what was the point of money if you didn't spend it, honestly. And the thought of embarrassing Giselle with how she looked did give her pause. O well, that would all be sorted today.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmhmhm, I wouldn't call you a myth just quite yet, but if you're half as good a person as Hazel says you are, then you soon will be I suppose," Emma said as she finished up with Kylie's measurements. "And thank you for the kind words about my family, we do our best and my daughter out there Maris, she's been helping me out here at my boutique since she was... thirteen I think. And she's twenty four now, but she took right to the seamstress work at ten, so I started teaching her every day after work here and she's almost as good as I am. And you probably won't believe me, but I am actually sixty five," Emma said as she stood up and handed Kylie her current clothing back to put on. She'd been writing on a small piece of paper which she handed to Kylie and said to give it to her daughter out front and she'd take care of everything else.

With that they headed back out to the front, with Giselle giggling at Kylie's kiss as they went, and Giselle even blushed all cutely for a few moments as they went out. Arriving back at the counter, all Kylie had to do was give the slip of paper which had her measurements on it, and if she looked at them she would see her measurements as well as her name at the top of the paper. "Alright then, let me see here... m'kay, just give us a few minutes to sort through all of these and make sure you've gotten the right sizes in them all. If not then we'll show you which ones and go grab them for you if you like," Maris said to Kylie, taking a quill and ink jar and making a copy of Kylie's sizes and handing the copy to the human girl there with her.

After nearly ten minutes, Maris called for Kylie and Giselle, which Giselle had dragged Kylie over to the lingerie selection and started looking at all of the cute panties and bras in the room they were all in. "Hey girls, we're done," Maris called to them, and when they got back she set a small pile of the clothes mountain that Kylie had brought over. "All of these here are in the wrong sizes, and though it might not seem that they are on some of them, mom and the rest of us make our clothes to be loose fitting since it's always in a jungle like heat around here and we like the people who wear our clothes to be comfortable while wearing them," Maris added after setting the pile of clothes that was separated from the rest down.

She handed Kylie and Giselle the copy of Kylie's measurements and told them that everything in the store had the sizes listed on it and to just look at them and grab the proper size and then bring it back up there, while Maris herself sent the human girl with the other paper slip holding Kylie's measurements on it to aid them in doing this.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie wouldn't stop poking and tickling Giselle's sides while they waited, probably much to her lovers annoyance before Maris came back, and tragically informed her, that some of what she had grabbed wasn't in her size. Knowing that she had grabbed enough clothing to make sure she didn't need to go shopping again, unless for something important, Kylie nodded and went about collecting what she could find, that would fit, and returning to the counter with a smile, idly wondering what this was all going to cost, and relying once more on the satchel o jewels/coins she carried around to see her through it, knowing the trip to the alchemist was going to be much more expensive regardless.

Once it was all settled, and Kylie was certain she had everything she wanted, she made a mental note to come back alone at some point, to pick up some lingerie, she wanted it to be a surprise for her, and waiting, preparing to be shocked by her own stupidity, for the bill.

As soon as Maris read out what she owed, Kylie would start counting out the sum, probably to be paid in gemstones simply because of the amount, and for expediency's sake, before bagging it all up, and loading herself like a pack mule, because she was an idiot...

Thank you all, really, I have all of 3 outfits left, and most have chunks missing out of them at this point, now I can go back to being at least well dressed. she said, before the new creature, the baguman, was born, and Kylie resembled a creature made of shopping bags, with eyes, and maybe a face in there somewhere, heading towards Delilah's place to drop it all off. Kinda went overboard didn't I, sorry. she said to Giselle, laughing.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle didn't seem to be annoyed at Kylie any at all for the tickling she was giving her and merely giggled as Kylie did it. When Kylie and Giselle went off to find all that Maris said they would have to look for a smaller or larger size of, they amazingly found the majority of it in the sizes she needed, with only a fairly large handful of clothes, which barely made up a tenth of what she had to look for. So all in all Kylie came out on top for a change... outside of sex at least. The majority of the things Kylie had trouble finding the right sizes in were things that had some of the rarer colors that were found in the jungle in terms of dyes and such, so it wasn't all that great a loss thankfully.

"Well, looks like you were able to find quite a bit. Now I've already totaled up all of this, so let me just add these here to the bill too. And also if you'd like, I can take all of these to my mom and tell her that you were wanting them and we can then set about making them in your size. All you'd have to do is wait for it to get done and I can go ahead and total it in with the rest and we can send you a message when their done for you to come pick up," Maris said, starting to go through the rest that Kylie and Giselle had brought up, along with the ones that the human girl had found and brought up for them too. If Kylie wanted her to, Maris would have the human girl head to tell Emma about having the rest tailored in her size for her.

A few short minutes later, Maris called them back over, saying she had a final total on all of the clothes. "Wow... this is the first time anyone's ever bought this much from us at once. Whew, took me a while longer than it usually would there, but I got it all finally. All told, your total came out to twelve hundred and thirty one gold, though if you're wanting the others then it'll be another two hundred and sixteen extra. Also if you need to, we can send a cart to pick it all up and deliver this all to wherever you planned on taking it at the same time, so long as it's in the village and all, and we can pick up the gold then. Just let me talk to my mom for a minute and we'll write out something and we'll get all of these packed up for you and delivered," Maris said after tallying it all up, the younger succubus seeming to be quite good with math. With that Maris rushed off to the back and came back a couple of minutes later with a slip of paper in hand, which she handed to Kylie. "That's a copy of the entire purchase, so that we're clear on everything. Mom said to just tell me where to have it sent to and we'll bring it just after lunchtime... so in about three or four hours or so give or take, if you aren't the ones there when we deliver it all, then just give them that paper and tell them how much gold to get out for us and we'll take care of it all," Maris said when she returned and after handing Kylie the paper.

"Alright, I can have my sisters take care of getting you all the gold, so that we can head on to do our things today. Take it all to Tina's and Delilah's place for me okay Maris and they'll handle it," Giselle said, seeming to think of everything for Kylie.

"Alrighty then, I'll go tell mom so you two can get on out of here, you seem like you're busy and I don't wanna keep you," Maris said, waving bye to them and telling them to come again.
Last edited:

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie blushed furiously when maris read out the cost, thinking perhaps she had gone a little overboard, before she remembered she was building a life here, not setting up an inn stay, she was getting married, having kids in the future, building a home and she calmed down a bit, simply nodding and kissing Giselle for being a whole lot better at this then she was. But then again, she had never really had to learn it either, despite her past, some things were just always handled for her, by regi, or her family, and seeing someone like Giselle just step in and stop her from making a fool of herself made her smile.

As it was all said and done, Kylie agreed, saying she'd like the other things tailored to fit if possible, and that the whole balance would be handled upon delivery. Thank you all, Really. I appreciate this. she said, as they made their way, waving to the succubi and the human, and Emma if she showed up to see them off, and it was back into the village proper. 1 more stop! 1 more chance for truly never ending mischief! And then!? More mischief!

Bouncing around Giselle excitedly, Kylie only calmed down a bit after a minute or so and hugged her lover tightly. Alright! time to buy a potions shop! I mean, some potions! And then we can have the whole day to ourselves, and get into trouble, and not have anyone really care either, and we can see the alraune after as well. Comeoncomeoncomeoncomeoncomeon~! she said, jumping up and down and tugging Giselle's hand, having fun and no longer giving a shit.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh it's no problem, it is our job after all to ensure that all of our customers are satisfied," Maris said, airily waving her hand at Kylie as if it mattered not to her.

When they'd left Emma's boutique and started towards the apothecary, Giselle watched Kylie bouncing around her looking all excited like and smiled at her. When Kylie stopped her bouncing and glomp hugged Kylie, Giselle giggled and hugged her back just as tightly. "Well if you'd really like to, we could probably afford to buy the entire potions shop sweetie. And we'll definitely go see the alraune again after taking the potions back to our place and after we go exploring around for a bit," Giselle said as Kylie started jumping up and down as she pulled on Giselle's hand.

Giselle then began leading Kylie through town towards the apothecary, and once there she opened the door and heard the familiar jingle of a shop's bell to signal a customer entering. "Hello there ladies. What can I do for you today?" the man behind the counter asked when they entered inside, a wide array of potions along with various other things one would normally find within an apothecary.

"Well sir, we'd like to see what all shape changing potions you've got in stock today," Giselle replied, looking around at some of the potions on the counter and behind it on the shelves.

The man nodded and pulled up a piece of paper that had a list written down on it and began reading off which ones of the kind Giselle mentioned. "Well I've got some kitsune, angel, succubus, okami, neko, elven of all kinds, the mermaid shifters... those ningyo I believe they're called, and I've also got an ushi version as well," the man said, telling each of the shape changing potions he had for sale.

"Wow, you all have really stocked up since the last time I was here. What else do you have?" Giselle said, looking slightly surprised by the wide array of shape changing potions the guy had in stock.

"Well I've got healing potions and the like that you'd normally find at any old apothecary, but I've also got a few that you might not find at just any of them. I got this one potion that'll give a girl the ability to grow a penis for an hour or two, as well as a breast enlargement potion, both temporary and a permanent potion for that... along with some of those birth control and fertility potions, among a few others," he said, naming a few more potions off that he had for the two of them.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie wandered into the apothecary, and for her, this was like walking into a literal candy store, getting more and more excited as she looked around, and listened to the selection, seeing her personal interest, the shapechanging potions, and all the others. And something clicked in her head, she couldn't live on stolen wealth forever, that would be entirely too foolish.

Her mind began to spin at an insane pace, and she immediately approached the apothecary himself. You have things here, that not only do I want, but that I will always want, that people will always need, and that to be honest, I support so wholeheartedly, that I would like to literally purchase this business. I know, I know, I know Next to NOTHING about your craft, or your trade, but.... I want you to have whatever you need to create and invent whatever ideas and wonders cross your mind. I would make the occasional request from time to time, but for the most part, you would be given free reign to do entirely as you wished. What I would require, is a share of the profit as stable income for the investment, and in exchange, as I travel around this island to different places and towns, cities and villages, we would expand, opening new stores and setting up what we needed to live comfortably for the rest of our lives, even if I have to drive the caravan myself. We could set supply and trade lines for ingredients you simply cannot get here, as well as other supplies in exchange for services rendered, and think about the good you could do, if we could improve the quality of the medicines you make here as well as the other things for enjoyment. This is... a... complicated decision, but I wish to secure a line for my family when I'm gone, and this would allow me to do that, and allow you to experiment, and hire assistance as you saw fit. I personally don't need to turn a profit here, just break even to be honest, and I can concern myself with a return from this investment as your business grows and income increases... For now, I just need a few of these, and some of these as well. Kylie said, hoping this man let her finish her long speech, before she laid out her selection.

Laid on the counter for purchase, were 2 of the more expensive shape changing potions of the Okami, Kitsune, Angel, and Neko potions, 8 in all, as well as 2 fertility, and birth control potions, and one of the odd mermaid ones she didn't quite understand, but was interested in trying.

I... Know I seem a tad off, but this is all really amazing. and I'd like to be a part of it. Kylie said, counting out the coin for her potions, and gently tucking them into her satchel. She wasn't sure if she expected a yes or no, but she could imagine the benefit of having this for her children later, and the adventure involved just in traveling to expand the business. And an apothecary with a wide research budget? Ooo the things that could be made...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Listening to her talking, the guy behind the counter stood there with a slightly amazed look on his face, as if he couldn't believe his ears at what she was saying. "So... you'd like to buy my apothecary huh? Well I suppose I should ask for how much and all. So what are you offering then lass?" the man asked Kylie, looking intrigued, yet still a little shocked.

Once Kylie made her offer to the man, assuming it wasn't outrageous or anything like that, he seemed to be considering it in his head as he looked at the potions she'd set on the counter. "Alrighty then, all of these here potions will come out to... round about... three hundred gold even. Nice choosing lass to get it three hundred on the dot," the man said about her potion selection with a bit of a smile after they had conducted the earlier business. "And I'll tell you what lass, if you can come up with... twenty thousand gold and give it to me, I'll continue to work here under you and so long as you provide the money to get the materials, I'll give you a seventy five, twenty five split on the profits, because I make enough with just the twenty five percent to live comfortably on honestly, the rest is to make sure that I've got enough to get the materials to make more potions to continue selling them really," the guy added after putting all of the potions into a small satchel which he then handed to her, giving her something to think over

When they left, with Kylie likely thinking his proposal over, Giselle would smile at her. "You're a shrewd businesswoman Kylie, you could talk a dwarf out of their ale with that silver tongue of yours. Gods I love you so much. So now where to? We going to take those potions back home so they don't get broken while we're out on the hunt for interesting creatures? And please Kylie... don't take what I said earlier to heart about the not letting anything get you pregnant before I can. I trust you and I love you, that's all that matters to me. And while I do want children with you and don't want anything to take you away from me, I'm mature enough to not get mad or sad or go completely bonkers like Tina seems to think I will if you do something that there's even a remote chance I won't like. Because simply put, I love you, regardless, and we already decided to go have some fun and try to find something to have fun with... remember," Giselle said to Kylie as they left the apothecary, wrapping an arm around Kylie and hugging her close to her as she kissed her on the cheek, sounding very mature with her words, and as Kylie took a closer look at her lover, she would see Giselle looked serious about what she was saying. "If while we're out, something comes at us to have a bit of fun, which is very possible and I know it is, for both you and me to end up pregnant by whatever it is, it'll be a monster baby of some sort most likely, or eggs, which come out very fast. Hell sometimes if it seems like whatever it is isn't going to try and make off with me to some faraway place, I'll just let it finish with me to save the time and strength of struggling, because that way it gets done faster and I can go on about my business faster in the end, and I know you've been wanting to see some of the more exotic monsters around, because I remember you talking about it," Giselle finished with a giggle, looking happy at the prospect of going out with Kylie it seemed, not looking like she was worried about anything about doing so.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie nodded, taking the satchel. You'll have your money in the morning, my word. And you will be given anything you require with that split to conduct any research you wish to, barring the occasional request from myself. Simply bring me the bill, and I'll see to it. If I find any promising students and herbalists while I'm abroad, I'll hire them as well. I want to see you thrive, and take joy in doing so. You're first research budget will be another 100,000 gold to use as you see fit. If you need more, simply ask and I'll see to it. Kylie said.

Taking her goods, Kylie listened to Giselle, cuddling into her, before turning around and flicking her on the forehead, sticking out her tongue. You sure~? I don't plan on fighting unless I absolutely have to, or in case we encounter something particularly dangerous, or maybe just enough to have it make sure I can't, I do love being restrained. Last chance~ Kylie said, fishing out one of her shifting potions and downing it.

Checking the bottle, Kylie saw that it read Kitsune across the bottle, and Kylie just chuckled, she was about to get a fluffy tail~ Yay! Wandering back in close to Giselle, Kylie kissed her passionately right there on the street, before pulling back. You've grown more then your sister thinks, I can see that already, we'll take our weapons just in case, but I'm in the mood for more fun then I can handle, so lets drop this stuff off, and go find it. Kylie said with a wink, waiting for the potion to hit, and jogging back towards Delilah and Tina's place, Kylie not bothering to change out of her skirt and blouse, tattered as they were, they were going to probably lose them anyway.

As an afterthought, Kylie fished out the giant cat's fang she's strung on a leather strap a few days ago, and draped if around her neck with the amulet. Turning to Giselle, Kylie just chuckled, and set down everything except her bow, and her arrows, even removing her gauntlets. Let's go my fellow madwoman. We have monsters to find.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Very well then lass, and..." the man began saying and as she got to the hundred thousand gold part he sputtered and lost the ability of speech for a few moments as he opened and closed his mouth several times in that time span before finally shaking his head. "V-Very well then lass, a hundred thousand will go a long way to funding my supplies and research. Thank you lass, I'll uh... see you tomorrow then and we can discuss all of this in greater detail as for what you'd like me to look into first and such," he added after regaining the ability of speech, still looking amazed.


When Kylie stopped and kissed Giselle right in the street, there were a few onlookers, though nobody told them to stop, and Giselle was too wrapped up in the kissing to say no about it in any case, so Kylie could have held that kiss forever and Giselle wouldn't have stopped her. When they finally did break the kiss, there was a strand of saliva connecting the two of them as Giselle wrapped an arm around Kylie as they began walking on.

"Yes I'm sure Kylie, I love you, and I figured that you didn't plan on fighting unless we had to, because I was of the same thoughts myself. Besides, most of the things out here in the woods around Feynrial aren't extremely hostile per se, but there have been some more dangerous types of things that come closer than most others. But we shouldn't have to worry about anything too dangerous coming after us out here, at least nothing that would try and kill us anyway, as most of those things are kept at bay by the things that just want to rape us all instead, because we're too valuable to them to just let us be killed by other things," Giselle said, explaining a little bit about some of the wild monsters around as Kylie downed one of her kistune shape changing potions. A full minute later, Kylie felt the spot just above her butt beginning to tingle, where a kitsune's tail was on them, and the top of her head was tingling a little bit, feeling a little strange, but not painful or uncomfortable. Then suddenly, her human ears were gone completely and replaced with to fox ears a little further up on her head, and at the same time a large kitsune's fox tail erupted from where her butt was tingling just above it, giving her a large orange fox tail and fox ears, the tail tipped with white as were the ears, and her own actual hair color changed as well to orange like the majority of her tail.

"Thanks sweetie, and you're right. I just haven't really shown either of them really the new me since I went and talked with Hazel about it all... which amazingly enough she said to me that she'd been through the same thing a long time ago and knew how I felt. She helped me though some tough times, and after talking with her, she taught me how to meditate and so I was over a relatively short amount of time able to move on with my life to where I now am. Here, with you my love," Giselle said just before Kylie's potion took effect, and when it did, Giselle was just smilimg at Kylie as her form shifted slightly. "Wow Kylie, you're one... foxy lady now... gods I can't believe I just said that," Giselle added with her bad pun, shaking her head a bit as if to try and shake that bad pun away from the two of them.

Following Kylie onwards, Giselle watched Kylie taking off pretty much all except her new bow, her quiver, and her amulet and ring, and her tattered clothing she still had on. When Kylie was done, Giselle smiled at her again, then gestured to Tina's and Delilah's house where they could inform them of the incoming clothes later that day.

"Yeah sure, we'll handle it. And it's about time that you got some more clothes Kylie, and it's also about time that the two of you go out together and have some fun together that isn't getting into fights and stuff," Delilah said after Giselle explained the situation to her after they arrived, assuring them that she would handle the transaction and get the clothes stored away. Then Delilah waved them onwards and away from the door, shooing them off and telling them to go have some fun after they put their other stuff inside for safe keeping so they didn't lose it.

"Hehe, if only she knew the kind of fun we're going to have she'd be begging to... cum... with us. Oh gods I'm full of horrible puns today," Giselle said after they got out of earshot of Delilah, blushing at yet another bad pun. "Anyway, we've got lots of plant like monsters that we can have some fun with, though let's try and not make it Ochu, they can get a little rough and I don't wanna risk them making so raw I can't move to get back home to sleep. Or we can go and look for some bug types, or explore some of the ponds and caves around here that I know of," Giselle added after shaking her head yet again from a bad pun.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie chuckled, before squeaking happily as she felt a tingle, and then eruption of her new fox bits. Grabbing her own tail, Kylie actually shivered, it was sensitive, it was very sensitive, so were her ears as she reached up to touch them, the fluffy things twitching in response. Ahh this was fun. Wagging her tail happily as they walked, Kylie stayed glued to Giselle's side as they finished up their business in town, Delilah all but chasing them out of the house to go pick something to be raped by... Now that was the strangest god damned thought she had had since getting here!

Shaking her head, and laughing despite how awful said bad puns were, Kylie just wiggled her hips a little and raised her tail, raising her skirt as well and giving Giselle quite the show for a moment, before laughing and darting off into the jungle.

The weirder the better! Bonus points if it's a surprise! because I really don't care much, though... the idea of being held tight... Ooooo Gods, I'm a little wet thinking about it. And if it's a surprise, there can be some struggling as well because well, that's just more fun for the critter! Kylie said, laughing as she promptly decided on getting quickly lost with her lover in the jungle. Lets's go for the all in one, a pond, in a cave, and the jungle in between! Kylie added, before just yanking off her clothes entirely and tossing them into the brush, leaving her nude, her tail flashing between the trees above her shapely ass, and the tooth, and amulet bouncing between her breasts as she ran.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"W-Wait for me Kylie, you don't even know where you're going," Giselle called after Kylie with a giggle, bounding after her with a smile on her face as she playfully pinched Kylie's butt when she caught up. "Alright then sweetie, I'll take you to a nearby pond that I know of that's got a few different kinds of... fishy creatures in it that we could maybe have a little fun with. There's a cave not too much further out than the pond is that I know has things in it to have a bit of fun with, and there might be a pond inside of it I'm not sure. And of course there's no guarantee that we'll wind up pregnant from anything that grabs us... though there's nothing that'll stop us from it either... except these thingies here," Giselle said, taking Kylie's hand and leading her off into the jungle, pulling her close and kissing her on the cheek as she produced a couple of potions from out of her pocket. She handed one to Kylie, who would be able to tell they were birth control potions, and Giselle then whispered to her to go ahead and drink it, and all they'd have to really worry about would be eggings and seedings from monsters and such which would be much quicker to get them out, where Giselle then popped the cork on and downed its contents.

With that, Giselle smiled at Kylie again, tossing the empty potion bottle over her shoulder as she began leading the way out down the path out of the town. When Kylie took her clothes completely off, Giselle's eyes went wide, though not in surprise or anything, but rather in a naughty sort of way as Kylie noticed Giselle licking her lips as she stared at Kylie's naked body and her tail swishing in the air behind her. Giselle looked over to where Kylie had tossed her clothes and looked like she was thinking about grabbing them and taking them along just in case as she shrugged her shoulders, stuffing the tattered clothes down into her pockets after folding them up as small as she could make them.

Giselle then ran and caught up to Kylie, slipping her arm back around her again as they went, and if Kylie looked down at the crotch of Giselle's clothes she would see a tent being pitched down there and her lover in a bit of discomfort. Giselle would shift around a little bit as they walked, but wouldn't do anything to loosen her clothes unless Kylie did something for her.

Eventually, Giselle had led Kylie down the path a ways and they came to a trail that Giselle pointed at, down which she then began leading Kylie. Shortly after starting down the side path, they heard some rustling in the brush off to their left, which was north from where they were at, and Giselle stopped dead and glanced over to Kylie with a half grin. "I guess we're about to find our first customer of the day huh. Wonder what it is. Or would you prefer to hide and see what it is first? And if it's not something good then we can keep heading on towards the cave and pond I suppose," Giselle whispered to Kylie, looking almost giddy that they had found something so quickly.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie grinned at the pent in Giselle's pants, thinking it rather amusing when her lover caught up, and she playfully flicked her tail along her front, finding the new appendage very enjoyable, even if a tad rediculous. Still! It was time for adventure!

As they charged bravely forward, Kylie was nice enough not to tease Giselle further, but she was also so excited she may as well have been charged with electricity as well, and when they heard a rustle in the bushes, Kylie immediately remembered the first thing that had rustled in the bushes. An Ochu.

Looking at Giselle, Kylie immediately bounded up into a nearby tree, thanking jungles for having pretty smooth bark as her bow slid into her hand and an arrow was quickly knocked, the metal bending smoothly under the draw.Like you said, No Ochu's we'll never get anything else done otherwise. Kylie whispered, her eyes on the bushes.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle couldn't help but giggle as Kylie's new tail flicked across her front side, the young futanari siren bending forward a bit as she reached out and ran her hands along the length of Kylie new tail, hugging it to her as they went along.


When Giselle watched Kylie climbing the tree, Giselle was quick to follow her, fixing her spear over two strong branches and hanging on above the ground, with her legs hanging down out of the tree, as there wasn't enough room on the branch Kylie was in for the both of them. After a few tense seconds, the rustling got closer and from the brush they saw a strange creature. It was a woman's upper body with that ending just above her crotch area and where her legs would normally be, where instead of that she had a long snake like tail. She came out onto the path and looked around curiously. Giselle looked up at Kylie and poked her to get her attention if need be, then she mouthed to her as quietly as possible the word lamia, then she pointed down at the snake woman and mouthed it again.

"Well... where did they go? Darn... and that kitsune looked like a perfect incubator for my eggs, and that siren girl was pretty good looking too," the lamia said, looking around behind trees and such for the girls as they hung out about ten feet or so above her.