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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, not actually seeing an Ochu, but a strange snake woman, loosened her arrow, confused by what she had heard, before swinging out and landing on her feet, staring at the Lamia. Incubator? How would you even lay eggs? I'm really curious now! Kylie asked, holding her bow in front of her, the large metal weapon probably a little hard to ignore for the new arrival even as her tail lashed slowly from side to side on it's own.

Also, maybe I'd say yes, Maybe I wouldn't, but what's in it for me? Is there a going pay rate for incubators? How about a benefits package, because I'm on my way to some caves nearby to hunt personally. You're beautiful by the by, just figured I'd mention. Kylie continued to ramble, prepared to dodge back and fire if she had to, she still wasn't exactly sure she wanted... Because she remembered the 3 they had fought before... and that had sucked...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle silently giggled at Kylie when she swung herself down from the tree landing in front of the lamia where she began staring at her. The lamia for her part was rather surprised by Kylie's sudden appearance, and she did indeed note the bow in Kylie's hand, which she looked quite wary of. The lamia watched Kylie as the young assassin spoke with a look of wonder, looking a bit amazed at her words. "T-Thank you dear, you're good looking yourself, and... well the reason why I want a good carrier for my eggs is because it's mating season, and I've got a lot of eggs to lay. But... I don't really have anything to give you in exchange unfortunately. I had planned on grabbing one of you from behind and swinging my tail around to grab the other one and then... well, you get the idea," the lamia said, looking a little embarrassed actually about what she'd said as she admitted that she had intended on ambushing one of the two of them.

Giselle dropped down from the tree along with Kylie, spear in hand, where she then began walking over next to Kylie. "So... a lamia huh. And you were going to ambush us were you. That's not very nice. If you wanted to have some fun you didn't have to ambush us, all you needed to do was just come up to us and talk to us, we would have talked to you," Giselle said as she came up next to Kylie.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

My friend here is right, some people are more dangerous then they look. Best to try and ask first, safer that way, I've already had one run in with others like yourself, far less willing to talk, and that alone made it more likely I just shoot you from the tree. Kylie added, sounding a little sad, before making a show of putting her bow away.

Thinking for a moment, Kylie looked at Giselle with a raised eyebrow before breaking into a fit of giggles. How long would your eggs take to hatch? Because we didn't plan on being out here all that long, Well, several hours for sure, maybe longer... Eh, I dunno Giselle, it's up to you I suppose, if you'd like to help this little miss out, then we could, or we could all go our seperate ways none the worse for wear and head to the caves. Actually, if we did that, there's probably someone in the village who wouldn't mind helping you... Plenty of succubi about as well who are always up for some fun to. Kylie finally said, turning and starting to walk again, swishing her tail from side to side as her hips swung.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Kylie said what she did about shooting her from the tree as she put her bow away, the lamia gulped and looked visibly scared. "Y-You-re right I guess... I didn't take into account you both being armed, as I only caught a glimpse of you from about fifty feet away or so, and I suppose that I should just ask first before attacking," the lamia said, still looking quite scared as she blushed.

"Yeah Kylie's right, there's plenty of people that'd be willing to help as long as you didn't just try and ambush them like that, and we are heading rather set on heading to those caves," Giselle said after Kylie finished speaking again, giving her a little wink where the lamia could see, who was kind of sitting there looking embarrassed and abashed at both of the girls words. "Hmm I know my oldest sister would be more than willing to do it, because she likes lamias a lot herself, along with anything with tentacles really. And I wouldn't mind doing it myself, but we are a bit busy at the moment," Giselle added as an afterthought.

"W-Well... I don't mind waiting really... but maybe I could find someone else to bear them for me. U-Unless either of you would after you got out of this cave you're going to," the lamia said timidly, looking like she was debating on whether or not to wait for one of the two of them to return from the cave.

"Well I don't mind afterwards like I said, so if you could wait until we get out of there, then that'd be fine, unless we're both full of eggs or seeds from something else that is. In which case I'll take you to my sister," Giselle said to the lamia, who looked a little disappointed but not angry at them, and it didn't seem like she was going to attack them either.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

There you are then~ My name is Kylie, and this is Giselle, and we'll happily take you to someone willing to bear your eggs for you, and Giselle will if she's not stuffed with something else. So go ahead and relax, and we'll be back after our business, my word Kylie called back to the young lamia, winking at her as she skipped off.

Ahhh Poor thing Giselle, hahaha, scared her half to death didn't we, we'll get her sorted though, that must be uncomfortable, all those eggs. So Lead the way mighty spearwoman! We have poor decisions to make! Kylie said to her lover happily, sticking her tongue out as she pumped her fist into the air and made a rather rediculous face.

And they were off once more, Kylie striding around as Giselle led without a care in the world, wondering what else they'd find out here, and thoroughly prepared to come away from this with some memories, and probably a souvenir. And that thought made her laugh
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie introduced them both to the lamia, Giselle waved at her, while the lamia herself looked between the two, waving back. The lamia looked quite young considering, and she was nowhere near as big as the ones they'd fought before in the search for the captured Giselle. "I suppose that I can wait around, as I'm not sure if t-the nearby village will allow me in to ask around," the lamia replied as she watched Kylie skipping off, blushing and looking rather longingly at Kylie's nude form as her tail swished about.

"Feynrial doesn't mind lamias like yourself to come into the town, at least the snake lamias anyway, there was one in town actually not too long before Kylie here came to the island, she had me fertilize her eggs for her actually now that I think of it," Giselle said, looking as if she was thinking back to whenever she was talking about.

"Well if you say so, then I'll go into the town and ask around... unless you both are back here in a couple of hours, I'll just hang around the path around this area here for a couple of hours or so before I head off, to hopefully give you both the time with which to return," the lamia said, still blushing as she stared at Kylie's nude body, which seemed to be arousing her a bit and embarrassing her apparently. Giselle told here where she could go to find Giselle so that she didn't have to worry about asking around town exactly, and the lamia replied with a thanks and a nod of her head, saying that if they weren't back in 3 hours or so, she'd head there and ask for Tina to have some fun with her.

"Yeah we did, and yes it is quite uncomfortable for a snake lamia to have so many pent up eggs. And she's quite timid for a lamia too, they're usually much more assertive of their dominance or pushy when it comes to getting girls like us to bear their eggs. Which I'm positive is because she's so young. I don't know if you could tell but she's barely of age in her race's terms. If I had to guess I'd say she's... barely ten years old, which is equivalent to an eighteen year old here basically, though out coming of age... well age, it is sixteen," Giselle replied to Kylie just as happily when they were out of earshot of the lamia, who had slithered back into the brush to await their return.

As they went onwards, Giselle soon led her to the mouth of a cave, with Giselle watching Kylie as they went while the young assassin moved around beside her. "Well here we are sweetie. Now I don't know what we'll find inside, but I'm sure it'll be fun and likely not too dangerous... at least it shouldn't be anyway. I've never heard of anything extremely dangerous being in this particular cave, because it's used as a mine when the town has need of iron and stuff in a hurry and we generally keep it cleared of anything too dangerous, and when they're here in force doing mining stuff the other monsters usually leave them alone," Giselle said, giving a little explanation about this cavern system.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie giggled as Giselle pointed out just how timid that poor little lamia actually was as they walked, thinking the entire situation rather rediculous but for the best. Well, it's sorted now, and maybe she'll turn out to be a little less... obnoxiously pushy and rapey later, who knows, she was such a sweet thing, I almost felt bad for saying no! Hahaha.

As they continued moving, Kylie soon saw the cave, including a discarded, and apparently broken pickaxe, and a few other odds and ends, Giselle pointing out that it was currently a mine not in use, so it was full of dark twisty corners and other things that would be plenty of fun, and probably cleared of debris as well. Looking around, because she really didn't want to damage her bow, and was pretty certain that she wouldn't have as much say as she had with the Lamia, Kylie slashed a wide mark in the trunk with an arrow, and hid the her bow so she could pick it up later, and not worry about it getting banged around or broken on the stone, using all of the skill she had to disguise it as it was bound tightly near the top, and covered in other foliage, practically invisible to the naked eye unless you knew exactly where it was.

Nodding when she was satisfied with that, Kylie hopped down and stretched, before kissing Giselle, and skipping into the caves without a care in the world with her lover, looking around curiously. It was dark, and cavey, full of shadows, and the well packed and carved stone and earth floor was comfortable even on her bare feet, which hardly mattered since she had been barefooted since this whole insane adventure started, her shoes lost to the tides, and constantly forgetting to get boots made.

Wondering what kind of things would even live in a place like this, Kylie just started wandering around, looking in corners and shadows, now more curious then anything, and very excited, the anticipation setting her hair on edge, and not having her weapon making her shudder slightly. She was still no slouch in a fight... but it still heightened everything, Kylie jumping at small sounds as they searched around.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Maybe, who knows. I hope she turns out alright though, because she looked like she'd be fun to teach things to. If you catch my drift," Giselle said, a naughty smile on her face as they went onwards.

Once they made their way to the caves and such, Giselle watched Kylie carving out a niche in the top of a large tree just outside of the cave entrance, looking a little curious about why she was doing this, but she didn't ask her about it, figuring that she knew what she was doing. When Kylie was ready and hopped back down, Giselle smiled and returned the kiss as she gestured on into the place, holding her spear like a walking stick and grabbing a lantern and a torch from the wall, handing Kylie whichever she preferred and taking the other herself.

Heading into the cave, Giselle took the lead, holding whichever of the two light sources they had aloft and trying to light their way. Giselle looked a little like Kylie was, slightly scared about the whole dark place, but looking like she was having fun. As they went through the first few tunnels, the way twisting and turning the whole way, they heard pebbles fall every now and then as they traveled onwards, though it mostly turned out to be because of the two of them bumping into the wall or something such as that. Eventually though, they came to a part where the tunnel opened up into a large chamber with many stalagmites and stalactites.

"Wow, I haven't been this far down in here before. I wonder if we can find some valuables, because this mine hasn't really been used in a while... at least two years, as we haven't needed to, because we get enough through trading with the caravans from the big town up to the far north of the island," Giselle said as they entered the room, looking around in wonder at the chamber. The chamber they were in had two different directions they could go, one leading to the north which was right in front of them, and another leading to the west to their left.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

With Torch in hand, Kylie and Giselle headed into the cavern system, and it was just as Kylie had hoped, full of twisting turns and curves that made judging distance hard, and left more then enough ambush opportunities for both of them, which was really kind of what they were after in the first place... They needed a shrink.

Regardless, as they continued onward, deeper then even Giselle admitted to going in a long while, Kylie only got more and more excited, the flickering light of the torch, and the lantern making shadows seem to jump out at them, until they hit gold, and found a massive cavern full of pillars, up and down, like the fangs of a large beast, and truly that was what a place like this was...

Seeing the two paths, Kylie figured they had turned enough for now, Heading north, towards the path directly in front of them, moving slowly, her heart pounding in her chest, she was excited, she was on edge, and this was a blast... No one could ever say she didn't enjoy a good thrill, and being naked and unarmed, only made everything more palpable... sweeter... more heart pounding.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle merely nodded to Kylie when the young assassin chose the northern pathway, a slight grin on her face as she followed her onwards. Kylie would suddenly feel a slight pinch on her butt as she walked, which when she looked over her shoulder behind her she'd see Giselle grinning from ear to ear, where she winked at her. "Sorry, couldn't resist sweetie, that sweet ass was just calling to me to pinch it," Giselle whispered to Kylie, leaning forward to kiss her on the cheek.

When they moved onwards, the two of them soon entered into another chamber, though this one was much smaller, and it had another tunnel leading onwards just ahead. On the walls of this chamber they could see the glint of iron in the walls, indicating a rather large vein of it running through this particular area, and they could also see a much smaller amount of what looked almost like gold in the wall in the corner of the room. In the corner where the gold was, they would both see a couple of old discarded and slightly rusted pickaxes laying on the ground.

"Hmm... wouldn't mind owning this place myself, the only problem with it is getting the people to mine in here to bring it all out," Giselle said as they looked around this chamber.

[Perception: failed horribly]

When they began moving onwards once more, they would barely make it three steps before they heard a rock fall and clatter on the floor and Kylie heard Giselle gasp suddenly as the young futanari siren looked up. Kylie would have only a second or two to react before whatever Giselle was looking at fell from the ceiling onto the two of them, completely engulfing both girls together. In the couple of seconds Kylie had to see whatever the thing was, she would see what appeared to be a black colored squid looking creature with a massive maw, and many tentacle like tongues extending out from said maw.

"Oh shit, Darkmantle... mmph..." was all Giselle managed to get out before the thing engulfed the two of them, swallowing the two of them whole.

As they were engulfed by the creature, many tentacles grabbed a hold of them and began pulling at Giselle's clothes, ripping them off of her as the fleshy walls of the thing's maw closed in around them. Kylie would be able to make out Giselle's grunts and struggles as the tentacles started entangling her limbs, the young futanari siren growling as she thrashed around to break loose.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, still looking around as they made their way into the next room, proceeded to make the same mistake the Lamia had, but... admittedly, that was half the point in being here, and as what was revealed to be a Darkmantle fell over the pair, and decided it didn't like Giselle wearing clothing one little bit, Kylie was a little jealous she had taken her clothes off, because Giselle was getting more attention then she was!

Confused by the thought, that didn't stop her own struggling, half hearted as it was, as the creatures hot fleshy interior was rather uncomfortable with two people rammed inside it. On a sudden wim, since the creature didn't seem to be binding her nearly as tightly, Kylie lashed out to help free Giselle at the very least... and most disturbing of all, Kylie didn't mind the idea of this creature one little bit, even the way it had ambushed them already had her hair on end, and if Giselle hadn't been making noise, her heavier breathing would have been rather easy to note...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The Darkmantle continued tearing the clothing off of Giselle who struggled mightily against it, seeming to at least be trying to force it to work for her. When Kylie began trying to help free her though, Giselle started shaking her head, trying to help Kylie, but she had a half smile on her face as she did this, almost as if she were trying to get Kylie out so that she could have some fun herself. It was quickly turning into more a battle between Kylie and Giselle as to who would have the fun with this thing rather than a battle to get free.

"Oh fine Kylie... I'll let you have this one... but I get the next thing we find that's good," Giselle finally said in a muffled voice after half a minute of struggling to break Kylie free instead, switching to get herself free since it seemed that Kylie wanted this thing all to herself. "I'll wait outside until it's done, but I'm not sure if it'll egg you or not... it's awfully small to have any I think," Giselle added in a muffled voice.

Soon enough they broke Giselle free, though the Darkmantle seemed to have torn most of her trousers away in the process, leaving her with Daisy Duke length shorts. The tentacles switched targets now that Giselle was gone and began binding Kylie just like she seemed to want them to now, and while it was doing so a little roughly it didn't seem to be trying to go about it in a manner to hurt her... rather it was more in a way that it was a little frantic about doing so like a guy trying to get a condom out of the wrapper and being unable to do so. Before long it had her legs spread wide and her arms bound behind her back, with another tentacle wrapped slightly around her neck as the tip of the penis tipped tentacle poked at her mouth, with another pair of penis tipped tentacles down between her legs poking at her nethers and asshole.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As two women actually fought over who got laid by a seemingly random floating squid with too many limbs and that was fully intent on doing so whether they would have wanted it or not, Kylie actually broke into a fit of muffled giggles, eventually winning over the day as she pulled her arms free and began to tickle Giselle until she cried uncle, managing to pull her free, the Darkmantle spitting her out.

Now trapped within the warm and writhing confines of the creature, alone, Kylie became the sole focus, moaning lewdly inside the creature as she felt her arms roughly grabbed and forced behind her back, held there in an iron grip as more tendrils slid down to grab her knees, the creature not actually large enough to swallow her completely. That was until it forced her legs up to her chest, and apart, baring her lower holes. Even her tail was grabbed and forced up, making her moan lewdly as she started to struggle again, momentary panic rising up before being quelled completely by quickly rising lust.

Feeling a tendril coil around her throat, before pressing around at her lips, Kylie tightly closed her mouth, before the two lower, teasing and pressing at her rear and folds made her gasp, the tendril slipping into her mouth quickly as Kylie's hips started to roll against the teasing lengths, all thoughts of resisting, what little there were anyway, quickly quelled. This was why they had come out here after all... And who knew, Giselle would probably be grabbed by something else in the same room, from the way things had gone, there was probably plenty of things down here a little starved for company, and Kylie had every intention of continuing their odd safari until she had met a fair few, or simply HAD to turn back for one reason or another...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Once Kylie was in the position it wanted and she opened her mouth for it and began grinding against the tentacles is had pressing at her lower holes, the Darkmantle quickly slipped the tentacle pressing at her mouth inside, sliding down her throat and back out. Its other tentacles also began thrusting into her, the one at her backdoor slipping in a bit more gently than she might have thought it would now that the creature noticed that it had a quite willing victim to play with, though that didn't prevent it from pushing its way in any less than it did, as it didn't stop its initial thrust into her asshole until it was at least a whole 12 inches inside of her. The one that penetrated her pussy didn't stop in its initial thrust until it pressed against her womb, the thrust a bit rough, but only the first one.

The things tentacles began pounding at Kylie's holes, seeming almost desperate to find its release while it went at her. The creature shifted her position around after a minute or so, putting her into a doggystyle position as its tentacles fucked her furiously from behind, the things already throbbing like they were about to release, even though they'd only been going at it for a couple of minutes now at most. During this time, Kylie would feel the pleasure washing over her entire body as the things tentacles not only thrust into her, but several more caressed her entire body all over, some tickling her feet, armpits, and sides, while others gently rubbed across her belly, back, and butt cheeks. All of this was slowly driving Kylie close and closer to the edge quite quickly, despite it all happening so fast. and such. The Darkmantle continued its feverish thrusts into Kylie for only another minute before it bottomed out, its warm seed splashing out and into her womb, filling her up with it to the point that her belly swelled slightly. As soon as she felt the creature's seed splashing out and into her, Kylie would feel her own climax washing over her, though it wasn't a big orgasm, it was a fairly good one, but nothing like what Giselle could give her.

When the Darkmantle was done with her, its tentacles didn't let her go, though they were all limp and slack, giving her ample opportunity to pull free from them if she wished to do so. The thing's maw lay open a bit as well as it floated there in midair, and Kylie would be able to see Giselle looking inside with a little smirk on her face. "Well I'm glad I didn't take that one myself now... I mean hell that was barely enough to get you off, I wouldn't have even gotten off to that one. You gonna try and get it to go again?" Giselle said from outside of the Darkmantle's seemingly huge mouth... or whatever it was. Kylie was still impaled upon its tentacles, though she could feel them all limp now and the one in her mouth had pulled out and was just curled around her neck a little bit, no longer squeezing slightly as it thrust into her mouth.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie moaned and thrashed as the seemingly overeager creature gave her exactly what she was after, it's long tendrils sliding deep into her almost immediately and then starting to roughly pound her as the others writhed over her form, her back arching and her moans and squeals of pleasure muffled as she sucked and licked along the tendril in her mouth, before simply enjoying the ride, feeling the knot of pleasure in her core building with each thrust...

But... The creature was a little too eager, but so were men, Kylie knew that and was a little more forgiving of the creatures early finish as she felt heat flood her body, before cumming herself, her position having been changed to better serve the creature, her arms wrenched behind her, front down, ass up, and legs spread wide as she thrashed and screamed muffledly in her peak.

In fairness, it wasn't a bad climax, she had still cum, and in minutes, even now feeling the heat of the creatures seed inside her, and still impaled by the darkmantles many tendrils as she recovered, before she heard Giselle mocking her from below...

Glancing down at her, Kylie had already started clenching her lower holes, bobbing her head slowly, and running her tongue along the lengths within her, urging the creature to take her again, the second time always longer then the first, and hopefully less frantic. She liked it, this creature set her on edge, and she was probably a little over eager to see what it was capable of, but she wanted to feel that rush again, that pleasure bolting up her spine...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie began bobbing her head up and down once more on the tentacle in her mouth as it thrust in and out, Kylie would feel the tentacles in her lower holes all become active once more as they began thrusting again. Giselle, Kylie could see, was smirking as she watched into the thing at the scene within. "Well go ahead sweetie, might as well indulge and all right. I mean... I would. So while you have some fun, I'll keep watch around, m'kay. Just blow off some steam and then we can keep going. And from the looks of it he either isn't old enough or just doesn't have any eggs to put in that belly of yours... likely the former of the two from the looks of it," Giselle said with a slightly naughty wink, leaning down to grab her spear as she turned around to keep a watch out like she said she would do.

The tentacles started back up on Kylie, almost as if they had never climaxed to begin with as they started pounding into her once more. The tentacles flipped her around once again until she was upside down this time, where she could feel the one in her pussy pushing against her womb with every thrust, the sheer amount of tentacle that was being pushed into her body, both in her pussy and in her ass being enough to distend her body slightly as her belly expanded just barely and then went back to normal on the backstrokes of the tentacles thrusts.

The pleasure was overwhelming for Kylie this time around, the Darkmantle's pre-cum that was almost squirting out of its tentacles with every thrust seemed to be stoking the fires in Kylie's loins and making her hornier than she had been only mere minutes before. After only a minute into the second round, Kylie would feel her body tensing as a powerful orgasm rocked her to her very core when the tentacles in her lower two holes both slamming into her quite far, the one in her pussy going so far that it began pushing into her womb ever so slightly with every knock, and the one in her ass going very deep within her, nearly a foot and a half now. Maybe that was all this Darkmantle needed was to get warmed up before it could really give her all it had.

Kylie would feel the tentacles not even slow down as she rode out her climax they'd just given her, the long writhing appendages and the creature they were attached to seeming to relish Kylie's reactions to the pleasure it was giving her, and seeming to greatly enjoy the fact that it had found such a willing person to have fun with it. The thing's maw closed back up around her as she felt herself nearing her second climax of this round very quickly, the aphrodisiac pre-cum of the Darkmantle squirting out into her mouth and drenching her body and being absorbed by her making her burn up inside to the point that her pussy was on fire with lust, all but aching for the Darkmantle's seed and any eggs it might be able to give her. Kylie would find herself wanting it... almost needing it, the thought of the feeling of each and every egg slipping into her and stuffing her womb to the point that she couldn't walk throwing her over the edge into a second orgasm for round 2.

The Darkmantle then kept on going, driving through her second orgasm of this round and not stopping at all, only pounding her even harder and faster at this point, and finally after a full 5 minutes of being fucked senseless, she felt the tentacles beginning to throb as she looked up at the inside of the creature where the tentacles were all extending out from like huge phallic shaped tongues. There was a new tentacle there... one that was bright red where all of the rest were pink. This tentacle was slightly thicker than all of the others, and she could see it slowly descending towards her tender folds where the other one was writhing and knocking away at her. The pinkish tentacle slipped out of her tight and sopping wet folds, strings of its cum and her fem-juices connecting them both to one another as it pulled away, her pussy leaking copious amounts of the seed it had already flooded her with earlier along with a lot of her own juices.

The large red tentacle descended to her until it was pressing against her tight folds, then pushed its way into her her, spreading her folds nearly to their limits, but not quite. The red tentacle began pounding her like no tomorrow, the thing already beginning to quiver and throb to indicate its nearing climax. Kylie could feel her own climax approaching as well, and finally after another two minutes, Kylie would feel her pussy throbbing and aching with need as the red tentacle slammed into her one last time, bottoming out inside of her as both Kylie and the Darkmantle reached their mutual releases. Before Kylie could catch her breath though she would feel the red tentacle shudder a bit as it pushed the head of itself just into her womb. Once there, the tentacle throbbed almost constantly, like a living vibrator almost, as she then could see something making its way down the length of the thing towards her tender unprotected folds. She could also see a little ways behind that bulge making its way down several more bulges, each in equal size to the last, which was about twice that of a normal chickens egg.

Kylie's eyes would likely roll up into her head as the first bulge forced its way into her womb, quickly followed by another, and then another. By the time the fifth one reached her womb, Kylie would feel herself cumming yet again, the pleasure too overwhelming for her to handle as she was egged by the creature. It didn't stop until her little womb was stuffed with ten eggs, where it then finished and started slowly pulling the larger red tentacle out and replaced it with the other tentacle that had been in there, which then spurted its load into her, fertilizing the eggs it had just laid within her to carry for it. Once that was done, the Darkmantle's tentacles uncoiled from about her and slowly and gently set her back outside of itself, seeming to not want to risk hurting its soon to be offspring.

"Well well, looks like you had some fun did you sweetie... and oh dear, you've gotten fatter whilst in there. Looks like you need to take a diet from all that cum it fed you," Giselle said teasingly to Kylie as she moved to hold and support her and hold her up in a sitting position, not seeming to care that Kylie was drenched from head to toe in the Darkmantle's spunk an getting it on herself. "Are you okay sweetie? I honestly didn't think it was old enough to have eggs yet, looks like I was wrong," Giselle then asked in a more serious tone, not looking so much concerned really as she seemed to be curious of Kylie's condition.
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, more intent with getting the creature to fuck her properly, did take the time to mutter something unintelligable at Giselle, before rolling her eyes and moaning lewdly, her lower holes clamping around the tendrils as she struggled in pleasure against her bindings, the creature apparently perfectly happy with another go around, and at this point Kylie didn't care if it had eggs, you didn't get this many limbs, and than leave a woman only barely satisfied, that was just a crime. A CRIME!

Such thoughts were soon blown away from kylie's mind as she felt herself now hung upside down within the darkmantle, as if it mattered, her vulnerable lower holes now within easy reach of every tendril the creature had to offer, while the other kepy her happily silenced within it's maw, which was probably for the best as each impact against her cervix made her twitch and pull at her bindings in pleasure, her breathing ragged, lust filled panting between gasps and moans of bliss as se tried, and failed, to care about how deeply she was being penetrated, though now she could see why Tina enjoyed her tentacles so much... Arching her back as much as she could, only a minute in, Kylie came, screaming muffledly around the length in her mouth, her body rigid for a moment as her juices gushed around the one buried in her tender and hungry folds, something leaking from the tendrils making her body more and more sensitive with each moment, and her peak leaving her hanging limp, moaning lewdly as the tendrils never slowed, and she watched as it closed around her again, locking her inside. It seemed she was staying for now...

it had felt amazing... she had felt the tendril nearly pushing into her womb... the thoughts of being filled again, of wanting it, bleaching slowly across her mind as she found her lower holes clamping down on the backstrokes to try and milk the creature of what it had to offer, which seemed to be what the darkmantle wanted... was that wrong? It didn't matter. Twitching and writhing within the grip of the creature, before the thought literally threw her into another screaming peak, her body dripping with precum, her muscles tensing and shuddering as she mewled and whimpered, her hips unable to stop bucking against the tendrils as small swallowing motions and sounds came from her mouth as she was force fed more...

More... more... harder... faster... it never stopped, Kylie soon simply too tired to buck or struggle any more as she was fucked completely senseless, climax after climax ripping through her leaving her a twitching, mewling mess as the darkmantle took what it wanted... and what she was happy to give... Time seemed to stretch, and if asked, Kylie would have no real idea of how long the creature abused her within itself, before her gaze was drawn upwards, and she saw it... another tendril, thick, and dark red, unlike the others, slowly moving towards her pulsing flower... The feeling of the long pink one slipping out was enough to leave her shuddering, her folds trying to clamp on empty air, before she moaned and bucked her hips slowly against the tip of this new one, not caring, pleasure arcing up her spine as she felt it against her, slowly pushing into her, before she screamed muffledly in bliss, her entire body thrashing and twisting as it began to pound into her, stretched, eager...

She could feel it, slamming and throbbing within her, pushing against her inner gates with each thrust, leaving her in almost constant ecstasy, before they both came, Kylie hitting her peak with nearly enough force to knock her out, her body writhing still as she couldn't come down, the tendril... It was still pushing! As her eyes rolled back into her head, the tendril shoved it's head passed her cervix, nesting in her womb. Her eyes wide, now struggling in a mild panic, it was instantly turned back into a lustful, lewd rolling motion of her hips, as the tendril began to undulate within her, bringing constant pleasure to her as it throbbed, making her moan and gasp, before she looked up, and saw them... eggs... it was going.. to.... o gods..

She watched, completely enraptured by the sight, as the bulges, large and round, began to head towards her folds, her body helpless to stop it, closer... closer... inch by inch, before she felt it... She could feel the bulge spreading her farther, watch her flower spread to accept it with a little resistance, before it swallowed it into her, the feeling of the next just behind it making her scream in pleasure, as they began to push into her, one after the other, before the first pushed into her womb, coming to rest within her, her eyes rolling back as her back arched powerfully, and another... and another... 5 forced her to cum again, no longer having the energy to scream as she whimpered, now trapped in constant orgasm as they continued.... 8...9...10.

Her belly stretched to hold the eggs, it seemed she wouldn't quite get a break just yet, as the immediate reinsertion of the earlier length shoved back into her, and the heat of it's cum filling her already stuffed womb left her panting soundlessly in one last peak, before she was gently set upon the ground, and released, dripping with cum from both her holes, and the loads it had simply sprayed across her, her body exhausted, but still hot and needy... this was not safe for Kylie, she enjoyed it too much... she'd make far too good a breeder...

Cradled by Giselle, Kylie simply nodded, snuggling her lover, and pretty much useless for the next several minutes as she rubber her swollen belly, feeling the warmth of the eggs within her, and not caring... at all...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie lay there in Giselle's arms, Giselle just held her, rocking her back and forth gently as she began to sing one of her songs, one that soothed the soul and relaxed a person. "Shh shh... it's okay sweetie. I've got you I've got you... you're Giselle's got you," Giselle whispered into Kylie's ear over and over, though never once did she turn hysterical or anything like she might have in the past, seeming to be of complete sound mind at the moment.

She sat there holding Kylie, gently rocking her as she sang to her, calming Kylie down as she took the tatters of her clothing off to start wiping Kylie as clean as she could manage while Kylie recovered. After about ten minutes or so while Giselle sat there rocking Kylie and singing to her, the Darkmantle slowly eased its way back down, a few of its tentacles reaching out and gently caressing Kylie's and Giselle's bodies, one brushing across Kylie's now bulging belly. "Hmhm, looks like you've made a friend I think. Though considering that you just let him go at it for a while there I can't blame him really. I mean you make me feel magnificent in bed," Giselle said as the Darkmantle settled over her, though it didn't open its maw and grab either of them this time, seeming to have spent its own lust for the time being. "I think he's wanting to make sure his eggs are going to be safe, so he's sticking around close by for now... but I don't think he'll try and stop us from leaving, as not all of the different monsters on the island are like that, and some like the honey bees are actually quite peaceable and relatively safe to be around... though I've never really been around Darkmantles all that much myself, so I'm not entirely sure about them really, but I guess we'll find out," Giselle added, smiling down at her as she reached out and gently caressing one of the tentacles as it caressed Kylie's belly.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie mumbled incoherently as she smiled and nuzzled into Giselle, closing her eyes for a moment and feeling delightfully full, apparently her and Tina had something in common... Was that good or bad. Probably both. Giggling as the Darkmantle decided to join cuddle time, Kylie pulled it down a little to kiss it on what could only count for a head.

You~ my young rapey friend, are coming to meet a friend of ours, no arguments. Her name is Tina~! And she'll be just as friendly as I am, after some convincing... Kylie said starting to laugh, before standing on fairly wobbly legs and grabbing Giselle, kissing her passionately, the aphrodisiac slowly burning off from the Darkmantle as she shuddered a little before looking around...

Hrm... I found a friend... but now You need one! Kylie said, looking around before wandering back out into the main chamber, and eyeing the other passage. Onward towards more shameful behavior! Onwards! She said snickering as she started to walk, a bit unused to the extra weight. There would be no backflips from her for awhile.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle just sat there and continued holding Kylie close as the young assassin nuzzled against her, the young futanari siren gently rubbing Kylie's now mostly full belly. "Hey there, no no no, not too fast, let me help you up sweetie. Come on now, I've got you," Giselle said softly as she helped Kylie to her feet, then she looked over at the Darkmantle. "And Kylie's right my friend, my sister Tina would just love you. And you're a good one aren't you? Well for being a good boy we'll take you with us," Giselle added as she petted the thing's tentacles as they caressed Kylie, the creature shuddering slightly at her touch.

Giselle returned the kiss Kylie gave her, holding onto her tightly so she could keep her on her feet, whilst the Darkmantle's tentacles coiled around both girls now and squeezed gently. Giselle helped Kylie to walk when they went back to the previous chamber, deciding to take the other path instead now. "Heh, I suppose I do need a friend to have some fun with. Though I have you, and that's all I need really," Giselle replied to Kylie when she said that Giselle needed a new friend now, leaning in to kiss Kylie again as they returned to the large chamber before they found the Darkmantle. "Well I doubt he'll let anything happen to you without a fight, so just stick between me and him as we go and you shouldn't have to worry about anything," Giselle added as they began moving off towards the other pathway down here.

Heading westward, the two could see a couple of veins running along the walls of a couple of other metals. On their left they saw a large copper vein running along the wall, which looked to have been mined somewhat already. Then on their right they saw a wall studded with gemstones of different sorts along with a small vein of silver. "Wow, look at this place. I've never really been in here before now. Gods we should try and get this place for ourselves and hire people to mine it Kylie, we'd make a fortune... even more so than we've already got now," Giselle said, looking a little giddy at the sight of so many gems and metals in one place like this, the young futanari siren running her hands along the right wall, fingers tracing the outline of the vein of silver there.

Ahead of them, they saw the path opening up a bit into another chamber, where there were a few more stalagmites and stalactites, though much less than there were in the previous room with the Darkmantle. Inside the chamber looked relatively silent and empty, though looks can be deceiving as they found out a few minutes before when their new friend decided to drop down and pay them a visit. The Darkmantle for his part seemed to be in protecting mode as he was floating around right behind Kylie as she walked in between him and Giselle, a couple of tentacles coiled around Kylie's waist protectively, though not restricting in any way, allowing Kylie to move without any trouble.