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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie just laughed at the sound of arousing ingredients, fingering the amulet she was still wearing that was supposed to make that kind of influence fairly difficult, assuring Alan that it wouldn't be a problem as she took the recipes.

Leaning into Giselle, it was impossible for Kylie NOT to notice her strange behavior, and after the third failed start to say what was on her mind, Kylie stopped and spun her around, looking rather exasperated and raising her eyebrows. I'm usually not mean enough to make fun of someone with a stutter Love, but for the love of everything holy Spit it out! I can't imagine there's something you're afraid to talk to me about after this last insane week Kylie said, flailing around a little and prodding Giselle's sides, obviously threatening to tickle the information out of her if she kept this up, and in the middle of the street no less.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmm... well... I was wondering Kylie, about earlier. Why did you tear up like that? I was wanting to ask when you did it, but I figured that it would embarrass you in there with Alan, so I didn't," Giselle replied finally after opening and closing her mouth twice more, seeming to have noticed Kylie's earlier tears that came about for no reason, and giggling a bit when Kylie poked her sides. "I want you to know that you can tell me anything Kylie... anything at all and I'll keep it between just us alright," Giselle added with an encouraging smile, gently squeezing Kylie's hand as they walked.

Giselle seemed to be taking the long way home Kylie could tell, as it took them around the edge of the town, but still near enough that nothing would come in and attack them. Giselle was also on the outside of the pair as they walked also, so if something did attack it would likely come for her first since she was the closer one of the two, and she constantly scanned the area to her right for signs of anything that might try and do just that.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Hrmm? O, nothing, really just a bit overwhelmed again, it really has been an insane week, don't worry. Kylie answered, grinning and prodding giselle one last time before they continued, Giselle taking the roundabout way home and Kylie not caring in the slightest as they walked, and Kylie showed just how badly she could whistle!

Kylie was happy, if she wasn't loaded down with eggs, she'd have probably been skipping a little, but she was certain she was going to collapse when she got home and anywhere near a bed, she was dead tired.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Are you sure Kylie? I was a bit worried there that one of us had said or done something to hurt your feelings maybe," Giselle asked, still unsure if Kylie was telling her the complete and total truth about it, letting out a giggle when Kylie poked her side again.


After a while the two made their way back to the house and Giselle opened and held the door for Kylie to go on inside, where she then followed her inside. The others were mostly either in the bed already or were in the bath it seemed, as the only lights in the house were the ones in the bathroom and a couple of candles lit on the little table next to the front door that they obviously left to burn for Kylie and Giselle to see to get through the house with. Giselle grabbed one of the candles and blew the other out, carrying it with them to light their way up to their bedroom. Despite the humid jungle air outside, it was quite cool inside the house all things considered, though Kylie couldn't really tell why, but it was something she'd been able to notice about pretty much every house or building she'd been inside of since coming to this island, that every one of them had been much cooler inside than it ought to have been considering they were in a tropical jungle like island.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, although exhausted, made surprising speed up to the bedroom, even egg laden as she was, and immediately, and carefully, flopped into the bed, her clothing flying off as quickly as always as she dragged Giselle in with her, and promptly passed out after a quick, soft kiss.

Well, at least now she had something to do when she was really pregnant, she had been worried the boredom would drive her insane, but if she started in at the apothecary she now owned, then the time would fly and she could continue doing work she had no doubt she would enjoy... but what projects to persue?

Kylie's original intentions had been purely cosmetic, making better transformation potions, but as soon as the initial spur from that idea had worn off, she had immediately turned her attention to sedatives, medicines, and yes, her poisons. Poisons, unlike many things, were often confused as being widely unusable in most applications, which Kylie knew all too well, but there were a few ways that low dose toxins could be employed as both a medicine, or even a physical enhancer. She knew of more then a few, that although lethal in full dose, actual caused intense surges of adrenaline when the body realised what was happening, in an attempt to stave off the toxin, simply a powerful and completely natural reaction to the presence of the foreign substance. Though... She'd never gotten a chance to try it. Still, she had her plans and her home and her family, she had wealth and friends in abundance, and barring an intervention beyond her control, her dreams would remain widely untroubled as she dozed into the night.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle helped Kylie up the stairs and into the bedroom and everything, then helped her to undress herself where she eased her beloved down onto the bed. Once Kylie was on the bed, if she was able to remain awake long enough for it that is, she would see Giselle undressing almost as quickly as she herself got undressed, slipped into bed behind Kylie, leaned over and kissed her on the lips, then quickly fell asleep almost as fast as Kylie did, seeming to have been quite tired.

"Goodnight Kylie, I love you," Giselle whispered in Kylie's ear just before they both fell asleep.


As Kylie fell asleep and everything, she was soon in dreamland within barely ten minutes or so. Once dreaming, Kylie's dreams started out very lighthearted and everything, seeing everything from a third-person perspective of her, Giselle, the others now in the house with them all in their new house, where Hope was there with them running around the yard along with a couple of other young girls about with her. One of them looked about 4 years old and the other 2 years old, the older of the two had hair exactly like Kylie's and the younger had some just like Giselle's, both girls looked remarkably like Kylie though in the face and if she thought back they would remind her of herself when she was a child. Was she maybe seeing into the future? It was hard to tell, but Hope looked a lot bigger than she had the last time Kylie and Giselle saw her, and the dream Kylie looked a bit older than she had in the waking world as well she would notice.

Before she could really think about it in great detail, Kylie would see that dream fading to black as a new one took its place... this one was... almost alien to her. She didn't know this place in the least, but it looked somehow familiar to her. She'd been thrust into this dream in a first-person perspective of the whole thing but she couldn't control any of it at all. When she got her bearings, Kylie would see that she was facing a wall with a window that overlooked her old home city somewhat. Turning around, Kylie would see it was a simple house, one that was now very familiar to her, as she could smell a cherry pie being baked and for some reason that smell brought tears to her eyes as she looked around the room she was in, noticing a small bed, a little dresser, a toy chest in the corner. Kylie would be able to tell that this room was now very familiar to her, though she just couldn't place it. Maybe if she thought about it for a time it would come to her.

Okay, I'm thinking that this could be the last black pearl dream event. If you want to do it now that is, if not then I'll just make this a simple dream about her past.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

This dream.... Were those her children? Everyone seemed so happy, and Hope was growing up well! It was beautiful, and Kylie fell deeper into sweet dreams, before something changed... Something was different now, that was Garellia...

Turning her head to peer around the room, Kylie took a moment to realise that this was... her old room? She didn't remember it... or... she did now. She was infuriatingly small as well, childish emotions about being short rushed through her before she turned from the chair she was standing on and hopped down, seeing her toychest.

Rummaging around inside it, Kylie soon had her favourite stuffed... thing, she wasn't sure what it was! But Reggie had made it for her and all was right with the world! Hugging it tightly to the bright yellow sundress she was wearing, Kylie skipped down the hallway to the kitchen and began tugging on her mother's shirt, she was hungry. In a moment sweets, it's cooling... Her mother... mommy, she... had parents. Looking up into the green eyes of her mother, Kylie hugged her leg and pouted. This didn't make any sense... she had never remembered her parents... Reggie had said... She had never remembered...

It was... a full day of bliss, being held by her mother, playing tag with Reggie and cuddling her father as he read her a story before bed. She wanted to play though! It was summer, and the fading heat of the port city, and the cooling breeze continued to push through her bedroom window. She couldn't sleep. Holding her toy, Kylie waited until Father had left, and hopped back up on the chair, looking out at the moon. This was all very strange, she was herself, and this child, and the thoughts of one were bleeding into the other, and she couldn't shake the smell of that damned pie.

Kylie, from her place as backseat driver to this entire memory, and she was certain it was an old memory now, was still reeling from everything, she knew something was coming, she was screaming in her mind at herself, to run, to warn somebody, something was going to happen that changed everything, and Kylie, stunned and held prisoner by time, was clawing at the cage like a wounded animal with no other option. She couldn't stop herself from climbing down and trying to find daddy again, she couldn't speak when she noticed a shadow she had missed the first time... Into the bedroom of her parents, she couldn't Stop! Why couldn't she stop! What was happening!?

It struck her fully when she saw the empty bed, and things started to flood back into her mind, and she was forced now to simply sit, and see it all again, to smell and taste it, the stench of rot in the air, the rough grasp on her shoulder and the hand of her brother slapped over her mouth to stifle her scream, before another rang out downstairs, and kylie stomped on his foot, that was mommy... Why was she screaming!?

Down the stairs, through the shadows and into the flickering candlelight, before she found the sitting room, the furniture overturned, the sounds of snapping bones and torn flesh hitting her like a wall as she tumbled through a faintly shimmering veil, tripping on her nightgown. Kylie had stopped screaming at herself now, she was crying and a fear unlike any other she had ever possessed smashed into her mind as she just stared at the thing holding her father... or what was left of him. It's body floating several inches off the ground, no flesh to speak of, just... bone and muscle, organ and blood, as it held the obviously broken body of her father up by his savagely torn chest.

Mommy was pinned to the wall by... something, Kylie couldn't see it, before her gaze was torn from what was happeneing as the dessicated remains of her father's corpse landed at her feet, and she stared... and stared. She was in shock, she couldn't move or speak. There was her mother, and there was Kylie, trying for all her soul, to close her eyes, to forget, to not see what was about to happen, as her head turned to look at her mother with blank, unseeing eyes, as she was pulled across the room, screaming in a mix of defiance and terror as the creatures fingers curled around her neck, and an impossibly long tongue shot forward to push down her throat. Gagging, pulling at the creatures arm, Kylie watched, as her mother began to thrash, and wail, her body starting to wither, before black spots appeared on her arms and face, and she slowly rotted from the inside out...

Everything faded again, and she was in Reggie's arms, as he carried his little sister away from that place, running as fast as his young legs could, tears rolling down his face as she stirred, and he repeated the same words over and over. If you need to hide... Go down... Deep.. Go under. Go to the sewers, find the Rose. over and over, a mantra as he tried to keep his own sanity intact, as surely as Kylie's had been utterly shattered, as he slid through a sewer grate, Kylie clutched tightly to him, and into complete darkness, before Kylie slid into the black.

She burst awake, screaming and thrashing, fighting not with the practiced grace of her profession, but the terrified flailings of a small child, unsure of where she was, her eye's wide as she rolled off the bed and threw herself into the closet, slamming the door as she calmed down, pounding on the wall, screaming No... no... NO! as her fist impacted the wood over, and over again in absolute hysteria...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

In the cool dark hours of the early morning, nearly 4:00 A.M or so, Kylie was thrashing around in her sleep as her dream went into very very vivid detail on her, and if anyone had been awake there in the bedroom with Kylie and Giselle, they would have seen the third black pearl let out a soft hiss as a little cloud of black smoke came off of it and drifted away into the darkness of the room towards Kylie, the smoke going up into her nose as she lay on the bed in a cold sweat. As soon as this happened, Kylie's dream spiked into the crescendo where she saw the abomination that slew her parents as her brother grabbed her and carried her out of there away from the thing and into the sewers.

As he recited the mantra in little more than a whisper, Kylie's brother never let her go and held her close. He carried her for what seemed like hours over miles and miles, until finally he stopped running, his legs having given out finally, but still he refused to let his little sister go. "D-Don't worry sis... I won't let you go... n-never," Reggie whispered in Kylie's ear, giving all the comfort a big brother could to his little sister as he sat there.

Kylie's consciousness faded completely after that and she drifted in and out of consciousness several times, the first time to see Reggie's face again, her brother still holding her tightly as her sight failed her again. The next time her sight came back to her she could feel that she was laying in a bed and there was a man hovering over her as she opened her eyes this time. "Don't worry little one, I'm Cosimo, a friend of your mother's. I have some friends that are going to help you... help you forget what you saw," the man said, giving her his name as her consciousness faded again.

When next she woke, Kylie was still laying in a bed, though a different one she could tell, and this time she saw a beautiful woman standing above her, who had white radiant wings stretching out behind her. She looked so beautiful that Kylie wanted to cry. "Hello little one, do not be afraid. I'm Clara, and this is my daughter Elena and my granddaughter Ariel. We're going to take away the pain, until you're ready to see," the angel woman said, gesturing to two other angels that looked remarkably like her, yet at the same time it was easy to tell them all apart. With that though, Kylie's vision faded once more and as soon as her sight had gone again, she felt something in her mind click, like something opening or releasing within herself.

"Ah... your seals have lowered. Then it is time for you to see. Take heart dear Kylie, for those that you truly love and love you in return shall never abandon you. They will always be there for you, to care for you and to help you through any hardship. You need merely trust them and in yourself, and do not give in to despair, fight back the darkness that threatens to consume your very soul. Now young one, do not give in to fear, face it with a brave heart and know that you're not alone. You have many friends that will help you, though you know them not. When the time comes to leave and go to them, you'll know... you'll feel it in your heart when it is time to. Now... awaken dear Kylie, and don't turn away those that you hold dear," the angel Clara said to Kylie as soon as she felt the click in her mind, the young human assassin seeing the angel's face in her mind's eye as she spoke to her in a sort of vision, though this was not in the same view from her past child self, it was from the view of the full grown woman Kylie.


With the haze of sleep still in her eyes as she screamed and bolted out of bed and threw herself into the closet where she slammed the door shut behind her. "Kylie! Kylie what's the matter? Sweetie what's wrong? Please tell me what's wrong Kylie. It's okay, I've got you... you're Giselle's got you sweetie," Giselle cried out at Kylie, yanking the closet door open and diving in after her beloved, throwing her arms around Kylie's neck and pulling her into a tight hug. If Kylie threw any punches at Giselle, she would of course try and dodge them, but if Kylie managed to hit her with any, she would take the hits in stride and continue right for her anyway, grabbing Kylie's hands and pulling them around her so she would stop punching the wall.

If Kylie managed to come out of her frightened rage, regardless of if she hit Giselle or not, once her vision came back to her somewhat she would see Delilah, Tina, and Palla all standing behind Giselle, with Selara kind of coiled up since she couldn't stand or anything beside Palla, all 4 girls with fearful looks on their faces, though it was easy to see the worry in them more so than the fright. "What's going on in here?" Tina asked hesitantly in a low voice.

I do hope you like this bit here, as it does reveal a little more of her past and stuff, and she'll eventually get her incentive to leave the island, which I'll give her when the time comes of course.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Abominations and Angels and Assassins and dreams and visions... It had all left Kylie, at least momentarily in a state of shock that thankfully made her aim fairly lousy, and Giselle, always quick to comfort, was on her before she could break her hand on the wood, pinning her arms as she sobbed and struggled to get loose, her eyes wide, staring at something else as she tried to process everything she had just seen from the death of her immediate family to someone unknown, angel or not, messing with her head.

It took several minutes for Kylie to calm down, leaving the girl falling to her knees as strangled sobs rose in her throat and tears fell freely down her face, her arms finally coming up to hold Giselle in return as her eyes closed and she hid from the faces of the others there.

She tried to speak again after several minutes, but anything she did manage to say was entirely unintelligable, though she could speak. It seemed her mute streak was over now that she... knew what had happened, why she was an orphan, why her brother had always been there for her no matter what, why Cosimo had filled the role of caretaker so quickly and readily... Why everyone in the Rose had... Still, Kylie found that she couldn't take what she had seen, and put it into words properly, instead wandering over to the drawing table that Reina had seen to give to her a few days ago, and quickly sketching out the creature she had seen... and the grissly damage it had caused to her parents.

Although it would probably seem midly insane to her loved ones standing around patiently waiting for an explanation, they soon had one when the drawing before them included the small girl she had been, collapsed on the floor, watching the entire thing unfold as Kylie's tears began to fall, fresh again, and spatter against the paper before she tried to dry them. The drawing, although horrifying, was strangely cathartic, letting her share something that had been clawing at the edges of her mind for so long, apparently held back by an angel's intervention, locked away from her conscious mind until she was strong enough to see it herself and understand it... She was going to have a violent chat with someone as soon as she was able, this much was certain, because now that she was calm again, Giselle would see the rage beginning to bubble just beneath her skin, wild emotions trying to run their course as Kylie collapsed against the wall, dragging Giselle with her, as she hid her face in her hair and refused to speak or move for now.

She didn't even know what the creature was, she had no idea what that thing had been, that... abomination that had literally and figuratively, torn her family apart, but it scared her, it still scared her, the scene now as fresh in her mind as it had been that night so long ago, Kylie's hand reaching up to the nearby bed to pull the blanket around herself and Giselle, apparently in her right mind enough to know they were naked, and for the first time since coming here, caring.

I didn't know... I didn't want to know... Angels sealed my memories after... after that. The seals broke in my dream... So... now I know. You... you can all go back to bed, I'm sorry for waking everyone. I'm ok. Kylie whispered, still hiding her face, after she had found her voice.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie fell down to her knees in the closet, sobbing and swinging wildly out at Giselle, the young futanari siren caught her hand and fell to her knees with Kylie, holding her tightly. Giselle never let go of Kylie and stayed with her until she was able to compose herself again to do something, anything other than sob. When Kylie rose up and went over to the desk in Giselle's bedroom, where there was a few pieces of scrap parchment and a quill and inkwell to use, Giselle got up and followed her, hugging her from behind the entire time she drew her picture. Everyone waited patiently as Kylie finished up with her drawing, where Giselle watched over her shoulder as she drew, gasping when Kylie was through and she saw the abomination she'd drawn with the little girl on it.

Giselle followed Kylie over where she collapsed against the wall and slid down it, holding onto her the entire time and never letting her go. After only a few moments of sitting there on the floor where she'd slid down the wall, Kylie would feel herself lifted up by Giselle where she set her back down on the soft bed. Giselle sat there facing Kylie on the bed, brushing her hair out of the the young assassin's eyes after a couple minutes, beating Kylie to the punch as it were as she pulled the blanket around them both while she sat there with her, seeming to know what Kylie was wanting and what she needed. "It's okay Kylie, I... no we're all here for you," Giselle whispered in Kylie's ear as she leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, where Kylie would notice the tears of worry glistening in Giselle's eyes.

When Kylie finally spoke again, the others that were surrounding her all moved a little closer in to hear her whispering, all of them looking worried for her with caring looks on their faces. After Kylie was done, Delilah and Tina both moved over and hugged Kylie, just as if that would have hugged their sister. After they hugged her, Palla and Selara amazingly did the same, obviously sensing the need to do so. Giselle hugged her again after that, kissing Kylie on the cheek again as she did so, whispering to her that she didn't need to be sorry. "It's alright Kylie, you need not worry about it. We all love you and don't care if you woke us up like this, as long as you're okay that's all that matters to us," Giselle replied to Kylie.

Suddenly they all heard footsteps coming up the stairs, whoever it was seeming to be running almost as fast as they could. The door which ha been pushed to slammed open and in the doorway Kylie and everyone else saw Hazel standing there, where she strode across the room and pulled Kylie into a hug, smooshing Kylie's head against her soft pillow like breasts as she wrapped her wings around the young assassin protectively. "Oh gods, Kylie I'm so sorry, I came as soon as I felt it. I didn't know the seals were falling already, please forgive me for acting the way I did the other day," Hazel said to Kylie as she hugged her, kissing her on the head like a mother would their child. "And angels rarely do something like that without a very good reason Kylie, I know that personally because the one I love had the very same thing done to her a long time ago, by the very same angel that sealed your memories. I'm sure you have questions Kylie, and I'll do my best to answer as many of them as possible, just know though that there are some things that I simply can't give you the answer to just yet okay," Hazel said, as if trying to explain to Kylie what was going on and giving her the chance to find some things out, if she wished to do so that is.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Everyone showing a great deal of support, considering they had met her less then a week ago, went great strides towards calming Kylie down, which was for the best when Hazel arrived. Despite Kylie having warmed up considerably to the succubus, the realization that she had known that Kylie's memories were sealed, and even by who, would have normally been enough for Kylie to immediately reach for a blade... Squirming out of the chasm that was Hazel's cleavage and gasping for air, Kylie immediately took the mental moment to rename both of Hazel's breasts, deciding she would call them suffocation pillows.

Looking at Hazel, the confusion, and even anger plain on her face for the briefest of moments, Kylie took a deep breath, and steadied herself, letting it all go before wrapping herself in the blanket, and flopping into a chair. Could someone get me some brandy, please. Just.. something to steady my nerves a bit.

So you Knew. you KNEW my memories were sealed? And you didn't say anything? I had a family I haven't remembered in years and that... that fucking THING. How did you know, and why. And better yet where is this fucking angel, I don't appreciate people inside my head.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I'll get it, stay right there alright," Delilah said, rushing off downstairs to retrieve some brandy for Kylie.

As soon as Delilah was gone, Giselle looked up at Hazel with a very serious look, though not one of anger like Kylie has on her own face. "Okay Hazel talk, I think we all should know what it is that you're talking about," Giselle said seriously, not appearing very pleased that Hazel seemed to know something about Kylie's past that angered and scared her beloved.

"Hah... yes Kylie I knew your memories were sealed, I was the one that suggested Clara do it when Cosimo contacted us and asked for our help in the matter after he told us what had happened to your parents so many years ago, because she was the same one that sealed my lover's memories when something much the same happened to her mother while she watched as well, though... in her case it was her father that did the dirty work, but I can explain all of that later in time. And believe me I know how you feel sweetie, about someone getting into your head I mean, I didn't like suggesting it, but I know it had to be done. Besides, even if you knew where Clara was, what would you even do? Attack her? She is a very powerful angel dear, and while she is kind she wouldn't take too kindly to you attacking her in her own home for doing the right thing, or at least the best possible thing we could have done," Hazel said with a sad sigh, beginning her explanation to Kylie, still holding her against her chest in a motherly way. Hazel sighed again, not giggling like she had the other day around Kylie any at all and looking very serious about the whole situation at hand. "Your mother you see... she was a strong woman and a very strong member of the Steel Rose, and very beautiful... it's terrible that the world has lost her. I... was asked to watch over you by Cosimo and... others, so I came back to this island since your ship was scheduled to pass by here on the charts that Cosimo provided us with. This island is a colony of Crimea, it's part of an island chain that Crimea owns half of, and since I am from Crimea and have been to the island many times, and since I was there at the founding of the Steel Rose and am a very powerful sorceress, I was the one chosen to keep an eye out for you here. My original intention was to wait for the ship and fly out to it, charming everyone on board and having it make to dock at the northernmost town where the crew would all have been taken prisoner and interrogated and I would have taken you from there and keep you safely here around Feynrial so that I may watch over you while you grew stronger. Then I was supposed to take you back to my home in Crimea where we would then take you to Clara who would lower the seals on your memories and reveal everything, once you were strong enough, in body and in mind. I hadn't considered that you would try and sink the damn ship though, which apparently caused you to take a bump on the head, which had to have caused literally just enough trauma that it wouldn't hurt you permanently, but would weaken the seals. Plus the untimely death of your brother had a part in the weakening of your memory seals as well," Hazel went on to say, going into a long explanation about why she was here and such, looking sad when she first started speaking, almost as if she knew her mother or something.

By the time Hazel was done talking for the moment, seeming to be waiting to see if Kylie had any other questions for her, Delilah had returned with a glass full of brandy, along with enough glasses for everyone to have one as well as a bottle of brandy, scotch, and wine. "I brought a little bit of everything I could grab on short notice, and here, glasses for everyone," Delilah said, passing out glasses and bottles, handing Kylie her full glass of brandy she'd asked for.

Everyone had taken a seat on the bed at this point save Selara, Tina because she'd needed to from her own pregnancy so her back didn't hurt so badly as she sat on the opposite side of the bed from where Hazel, Giselle, and Kylie were, while Palla had sat down on the foot of the bed, taking a small glass of scotch herself. Selara was coiled up on the opposite side of the bed where Tina sat, waving off anything for the moment, though told Delilah to pour her some wine and she'd get it in a minute or two, and Delilah took herself a glass of wine also and sat down next to Palla where they watched on, listening to everything as Kylie asked and Hazel answered.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie took the glass of scotch and went from a light sip, to simply draining the glass, cooing softly as it burned down her throat and into her gut while she listened.

So, you knew my mother then, and this angel, and you're the one who was really in my head, you're also my babysitter, and I botched this grand plan of yours when I killed the target and sank the ship. Didn't think I would sink it? Are you mad woman? Of course I'd sink the damned ship, simply because no one plans for something that crazy. That was the easiest part of the entire night in truth for just that reason. So, I have to either do something stupid, or simply kick Cosimo in the nuts later. I'll take it all out on him later somehow, I'm sure. Now! since I have about much of an idea of what's going on as a frog in a desert, what was that monster, and why did it kill my mother and father? In the middle of the city. Even worse, Why am I being watched like this? Kylie seemed more confused by the answers then anything.

Hazel was supposed to be watching her? And a damned angel was involved, and apparently Ugh.. it was getting to be too much to keep track of everything, thankfully the alcohol had calmed Kylie down considerably, burning through her blood quickly.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I didn't know her as well as some did, but I had met her quite a few times in the past during her work with the Steel Rose. And I wasn't in your head per se, but I have training in the arcane arts, so I felt it when the seals, which were quite powerful mind you, were broken. And it wasn't my plan really, but everyone's plan," Hazel replied, kissing Kylie on the head as took a breath to continue on, obviously about to tell more. "And the reason that thing came after your family was because your mother knew where something was at, an artifact of unimaginable power that she had unearthed not too long before the attack, it was a codex of some sort that was thought to be a myth until we heard of it, so we asked the Steel Rose's best from each country in Midgar to form a team and attempt to locate it before the Amaranthine Order did, because we caught wind that they were looking for it as well and supposedly knew where it was. Your mother... she was one of the best in the group and they tracked the Amaranthine Order's group down just as they found it where they fought. Your mother was the last one of the group alive after the fighting was over, and she had the codex, but something had gone wrong and she had to hide it after taking it because the Amaranthine Order had reinforcements and they chased her, she managed to give them the slip but not before one of their mages activated the curse on it, which was to summon powerful abominations to the one who touched it, where said abominations were supposed to kill them and anyone around them, which in this case was you, your father, and your brother. Your mother had come home to warn your father and to get you all out of there, where Cosimo was going to have you all sent to somewhere safe that abominations such as that cannot follow easily, but unfortunately it was too late and the thing arrived a mere few hours after your mother had. Thankfully though your brother managed to be brave and he carried you out of there before it could finish the job, though it did chase you two into the sewers from Cosimo's reports, but the Rose was there and took care of it, but it cost them a lot Kylie, it cost them nearly two dozen of their finest, and one of their best, your mother," Hazel said, launching into another bit of the story, looking like she knew a lot about what had happened, and by the time she was through she had tears in her eyes that quickly fell down her cheeks.

"Abominations like that don't care where their target is, whether in a large city or in the middle of nowhere, they'll attack their target regardless. But as for what exact kind of abomination it was though... well... it was what we with arcane knowledge call and Atropal. A vile thing, that can literally suck the life out of someone, as you witnessed firsthand. The reason though that you are so valuable that so many people are doing everything in their power to keep you safe is because your mother, she... gave you something, or rather told you something that would lead to the codex. We don't know what, but we know that your brother told Cosimo when you both arrived that your mother told him that Kylie knows where it's at. The trauma though from that event, forced us to seal your memories or lose you and we of course chose to seal your memories instead, which sealed whatever it was that she told you away deep within your mind. And since we refused to risk losing you for good simply to get that knowledge, we left it sealed in your mind instead, until such time as you remembered whatever it was that she told you that morning before the attack that would lead you to whatever it was that she hid," Hazel continued on with her explanation after taking a breath and a drink from her glass that Delilah had filled with some wine for her, finally letting go of Kylie so she could do so. "Look, I know you're angry Kylie, but you must understand that there wasn't a lot of options that we could try, else we'd lose you. And we refused to even risk losing you just to get that information, or that would make us no better than the Amaranthine Order are. I'm sorry that all of this has kind of been thrust on you so suddenly Kylie, but we did it to keep you safe and your mind intact because you were so young and fragile after having witnessed such a thing," Hazel added before stopping for now to give Kylie time to digest this bit of everything she'd said, taking a drink in the process and finishing off her first glass of wine. Hazel looked sincerely sorry Kylie would see and sad by the fact that all of this had been kind of just dropped right in Kylie's lap now.

"So what does all of this mean now Hazel? I mean what does she do now?" Giselle asked, obviously worried for Kylie.

"Well Giselle, it means that Kylie needs to lay low for now, the Atropal can only go to where the one who activated it sends it, and since the Amaranthine Order don't know where Kylie is exactly, as myself and only a handful of others even knew you were on that boat, then it can't follow you to here really," Hazel said in response to Giselle's questions.

"So then, as long as nobody from this Amaranthine order knows where Kylie is at, then she'll be alright. Well then that settles it, she can stay here for now until she remembers whatever it was that her mom told her that morning," Giselle said, clinging to Kylie tightly and hugging her as she took a sip of her drink.

"Yeah... and if this Atropal attacks her again to try and finish the job, then I'll tear it limb from limb," Tina said from the opposite side of the bed, so from behind Kylie.

"You don't understand Tina, Atropal's are true abominations, very very powerful. Even I would be hard pressed to fight one alone without something to turn the fight in my favor somehow," Hazel said fearfully, which caused Delilah and Tina both to look quite shocked, as if they didn't think Hazel was capable of fear like that. "But I know people who can fight them if it comes to it," Hazel added, sounding as if she obviously had a plan in case one showed up.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie looked like she was going to start flailing around rather randomly after a moment as her head started to spin with the information, and certain puzzle pieces started to slam into place, like locks on a gate. Hazel was a Rose member, knew her family, knew Cosimo... now there was a cursed relic of some kind in play, or it always had been, Kylie was the only one who knew where it was, and she couldn't remember. She remembered all the special treatment and training she had gotten, all the advanced tactics and progressively harder contracts. Everything was now making a horrific kind of sense that turned her stomach. Or were the eggs moving... Hard to tell.

Focusing on working the knot out of her gut, Kylie fell back into her training, and ignored every emotion pumping through her, ignored Hazel's tears, and focused on what was important at this very moment.

Looking at Hazel, Kylie waited for her to finish speaking, the succubus apparently quite long winded, before speaking herself. Don't apologize. This was apparently thrust on me and everyone else years ago. It's called an Atropal? And it's an abomination. I... rightfully don't know if I could even stand and face such a thing... that image.... that... Thing. Kylie had to stop, the mere mention of the abomination making her shake slightly as the images flashed through her mind again...

Recovering slightly, Kylie continued. What were Cosimo's exact orders for Me. And how would anyone here kill that thing? It has to die, everything dies, even gods die. And if it's going to come hunting again if the Amaranthines figure out where I am, best we know. I have no illusions, I will run if I have to see that thing up close... But that doesn't stop me from shooting at it... or setting up a gauntlet run before hand... or... Something. Or is it just going to tear through everyone here I care about like dry parchment and leave me all alone again?
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmm... well I think I could kill an Atropal by myself if I had an advantage over it somehow, but if I had help to do it then it would make it much easier. They can fly though, and are fairly fast at doing so to be honest. However they aren't overly smart, despite being able to speak and such, so it'd be fairly easy to out think one overall. It's hard to tell if it would kill everyone around here though just to get to you, I mean they are sentient to a degree, though they are undead so they might not care and just take out the entire island if need be just to get you. I personally don't think it would kill everyone though myself to be honest, because the one that chased you and your brother into the sewers didn't kill everyone in the streets around it when it did so. I think as long as it got you then it would just go away afterwards, so Giselle and the others here should be alright as long as they didn't put themselves between it and you," Hazel replied to Kylie, loosening her grip on her a little bit now finally as she took another sip of her wine that Delilah had brought her.

"Well I guess that's a plus then, for the most part. But how long do we have until they find out Kylie's here Hazel?" Giselle said after Hazel was done, obviously worried about Kylie's well being.

"Well if it comes right down to it, I believe that together me and Tina here could take an Atropal, though we would probably be badly hurt afterwards most likely. But I think we'd manage it without dying outright," Hazel said, seeming confident though she was quite obviously scared. "As for Cosimo's orders for you... I honestly don't know, as I wasn't there. All I know is that he contacted us and said for me to be in place for when the ship passed by the island, because it would need to either pass by or most likely stop here to resupply and stuff. If I had to guess though then he probably said for you to make sure that the ship had to stop here at the island, and then kill the captain once you had docked and take that tiara and make sure you get it destroyed somehow, though that was originally supposed to be my job actually but it matters not honestly," Hazel added, seeming to not know exactly what Cosimo had ordered Kylie to do, but mentioning that she was supposed to have been the one to take care of the tiara.

"Well I'm not sure really how to fight an Atropal to be honest, but I'm sure that taking off limbs would do the trick. But I'll need to not be pregnant when it comes a knocking," Tina said as she sat there, gently caressing her belly as she finished speaking.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

So you have no actual idea how long it will take for them to come sniffing around, and how long it would take to find me. So... there's that. And personally, instead of "We could probably" And "Maybe" Lets find a sure fire way to kill the thing before we try. There's gotta be a weakness to exploit, we just need to find it. As for now... I suppose there's nothing to be done. Honestly, that dream... memory... Episode, alone was enough to drain me pretty badly, and... if you don't mind, I'd like to be alone with Giselle for now. Hazel... I'll... I'll come find you later so we can talk, but right now... Now I just want to try and cope. Kylie said, curling up even tighter against Giselle and burying her face.

It was all a bit much to deal with, a great deal to digest... Kylie needed a little time, and really only had the patience for a single person right now, and definitely not someone secretly working for Cosimo who had not seen fit to tell her, a fellow member of the Rose. That alone was something Kylie couldn't quite figure out, it really bothered her. It wasn't unheard of that there were member who never knew eachother existed, it was simply being prudent, but to have one wash up on shore broken, battered, and basically having to throw herself on the kindness of others and barely able to remember her own name... That... That didn't sit all that well with Kylie at the moment.

She'd forgive it, but she wanted more answers that she was certain Hazel couldn't share around Giselle and everyone else, and those would come tonight most likely. For now, she just wanted to hide, hide in her bed, with her fiancee, and try to forget.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hah... no I really don't know how long it'll take them to find us here, but for now we should keep you here in a fairly peaceful little place so that you can hopefully remember where your mother told you that the codex is, because that codex is dangerous in the wrong hands, but in the right hands... it could be a magnificent boon that could be used for good. But taking down an Atropal isn't an easy task Kylie. I mean someone with holy powers that's as strong as I am could most likely take one down easily with no problem as they are weak to the holier powers like that because they're undead and all, but I don't dabble in holy powers. Some of my daughters do, but I don't unfortunately, so it'll be extremely hard to manage it alone or even with Tina and some others helping me," Hazel said in reply to Kylie, reaching over and patting her on the head before leaning over and giving her a loving hug and kiss on the cheek. "For now though Kylie, get some more sleep alright. You could probably use it, just come find me whenever you're ready and I'll talk more, you can find me at the temple just outside of the main town to the north of here where I stay with the priestesses of Sehanine to help protect and guide them. Though if I'm not there for some reason then they can tell me that you needed to speak with me and I'll come see you when I can," Hazel went on to say, telling Kylie where she could find her later and that if she wasn't there to just tell the priestesses and she would get back to her as soon as possible.

With that, Hazel kissed Kylie again and hugged her before heading out after finishing the rest of her wine, whispering in her ear when hugging her that she was sorry for everything. Once Hazel was gone, Giselle looked around at everyone and nodded to them, where her sisters both nodded back and whispered to Palla and Selara to come on and let them be alone again for now. When they were gone, Giselle looked down at Kylie and pulled her head up so that she could kiss her on the lips before pulling the covers back down off of her and fixing them back onto the bed properly, where she then lay back on the bed after climbing back in, pulling Kylie with her as she covered them up. After laying back down, Kylie would feel herself pulled back against Giselle where the young futanari siren let Kylie snuggle back up to her as much as she wished.

"Hey... you alright? Gods of course you're not alright. Why did I even ask that?" Giselle asked, shaking her head as she asked herself why she bothered asking something that she knew was wrong to ask. "What do you need from me Kylie? If there's anything you need please tell me and I'll do my best to get it for you," Giselle added after a few moments.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie didn't even see the others leave, though she registered what Hazel had said about a meeting place, simply hiding in her little spot as best she could next to Giselle and closing her eyes. She didn't care right now, not really, she just wanted to be as close to alone as she could get, and Giselle's company didn't bother her at all despite the situation. Wrapped up back in bed with her lover, Kylie ignored the stupid question, pushing herself tighter into Giselle and shaking her head a little.

I don't need anything right now Giselle, just... a little time, and some more sleep Kylie muttered, though she kept turning short, little, nervous glances towards the door, unable to shake the feeling in her gut that she was being hunted, and it bothered her.

After 10 minutes of squirming, cuddling, and rearranging the blankets around herself and Giselle, Kylie finally dozed off, still as death and just as quiet, her dreams troubled, but not quite the horror show they had been.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle was glad that Kylie didn't seem to mind her being there despite what happened earlier. She held Kylie close and didn't let her go, but didn't squeeze her so hard that it hurt Kylie any. "Alright sweetie, just sleep and rest for as long as you need alright, I'll just let you wake on your own when you're ready to get up," Giselle said to Kylie when Kylie mentioned that all she needed was sleep and some time... time to mull everything over in her mind. "Don't worry about something getting inside here that easily Kylie, Delilah placed powerful seals on our house here to prevent anything from coming in that we don't want inside, well I mean they can brute force the seals, but not without being hurt quite badly in the process," Giselle went on to say after noticing Kylie's nervous glances towards the door.

Giselle held Kylie as close to her as Kylie wanted her to, not speaking while Kylie went back to sleep. After about ten minutes or so Kylie managed to doze back off, and though she didn't know it, Giselle was right behind her and dozed back off only a couple of minutes later, intent on making sure Kylie went back to sleep first.


Later that morning, around 9:00 AM or so according to the clock on the wall, Kylie stirred and soon woke back up, having slept for another 5 hours or so after the incident earlier that morning. She wouldn't find Giselle in bed still holding her any longer, but what she would find is a note scrawled on a little piece of paper that said where Giselle was. No sooner did Kylie read the note though then Giselle entered the room bearing a tray with a couple of plates and a small platter on it, along with a couple of glasses of orange juice. The plates both had half a dozen fairly large pieces of bacon on them, a trio of pancakes, a fairly thick slice of ham, some scrambled eggs, and a pile of hashbrowns which were on the platter for both of them to pick at, and there was also a small bottle of maple syrup for the pancakes. A breakfast fit for a king or queen really, and the smell was out of this world, enough to soothe even Kylie's worried heart and mind.

"Hey there, breakfast is ready. In case you couldn't tell that is," Giselle said as Kylie noticed her coming in, sticking her tongue out at Kylie when she said what she did. Giselle set the tray down on the foot of the bed and took her slippers off and hopped back into the bed with Kylie, leaning over to kiss her before gesturing to the tray of food. "Time to eat sweetie, come on and get a bite," Giselle added after a few moments.