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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

But... But Apple! Kylie whined, before starting to eat the sweet fruit and relenting. She was doomed to eat three squares it seemed. O well, woe was her, who had to eat delicious, succulent, homecooked meals. She had things so rough. Nodding and smiling, Kylie flopped down in the living room to wait out breakfast, prodding at Palla as she started to come around.

Found the bar did you? Well, up ya get, the sooner you're moving around, the better you'll feel. I'll get you some water, took me and Maria to get you home last night. Kylie said, grinning at Palla as she got up, ruffling her hair. Bouncing into the kitchen, Kylie scrounged up a big glass of water, and a hard boiled egg out of the magical food box. heading back in, she handed both to the hung over goliath. Come on, bottoms up and egg down, then you can get started on breakfast and nursing that head of yours, I'm sure Reina could offer you something as well, or you could come with us, I'm headed to the smith and the apothecary, I'm sure there's something there as well. Kylie added, wandering back into the kitchen to poke and prod at Giselle.

Finishing off her apple, and eating the core for good measure, Kylie grinned and waited for breakfast, because as soon as she was done with this meal, then she was going right back to moving at full speed, there was so much to do today...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"But apple? Kylie an apple isn't breakfast, an apple is a snack at best. No lover of mine is going without breakfast whether she wants to or not, or lunch or dinner for that matter. I won't have it and that's final," Giselle said, her tone very final and equally as serious. Though she did lean over and grab Kylie around the waist before she went on to cook breakfast and before Kylie went off to the living room again, pulling her in and kissing her right on the lips before letting her go.


"Aye... I just kind of stumbled around and managed to find a tavern last night. I remember ordering something called Netherworld Scotch, which burned like hell all the way down as it knocked me on my ass. Then the last thing I remember was ordering something else a little less hard as the bartender lady set me up a tab," Palla said, rubbing her head as Kylie ruffled her hair, groaning a bit in the process.

Kylie's trip to the kitchen and back let her see that breakfast was coming along just nicely as she got the things she came for, a couple of eggs like she was looking for in the magical fridge and the glass of water. When she returned and gave the glass of water and the egg to Palla, the goliath girl did as told and ate the egg and drank the water, shooing her on as she laid back down until breakfast was done. When Kylie returned to the kitchen she would see that Giselle was a bit closer to finishing breakfast than she was only a minute or two before.

"Hmm... oh hey sweetie. It's all almost done now I think. Just another five minutes or so... maybe ten. Could you do me a favor and see if Delilah and Tina are up yet, oh and Selara too of course. She went to bed with Tina last night as far as I know, curled up on the bed with her to cradle her and stuff. She's so cute, I've never seen anyone take that much of a liking to Tina before and vice versa really," Giselle said to Kylie after she came in and started watching her cook while eating the rest of her apple.

"No need sis, Tina and Selara are in the bathroom right now. Selara is helping her to get her morning business done and her hair brushed and stuff without any trouble. Shouldn't be too long before they come on down to join us. And what happened to Palla? She looks like hell," Delilah said, coming in to join them and letting them know that Kylie wouldn't have to go in search of Giselle's sisters as she asked what was wrong with Palla, seeming a bit concerned for the goliath girl.

"Well Kylie knows better than me sis, as she helped her back in last night. I fell asleep before Kylie even got back," Giselle said, nodding over at Kylie and blushing a little at admitting she fell asleep before Kylie returned the previous night.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Good thing you fell asleep, there was no call to be missing any on my account Kylie said to Giselle, pecking her on the cheek before turning to Delilah.

Apparently, Our Goliath friend in there wandered over to Bella's last night and had a few drinks. Those drinks were apparently Netherworld Scotch, and after her ass was thoroughly kicked by that particularly special brew, she blacked out. Maria found her stumbling around town and then we got her back home and on the couch. She's just a bit hungover, she'll be fine. As for her tab however, I'll grab some more coin and settle it with Bella myself while we're out and about today. Kylie said, grinning in a truly pityless fashion as she enjoyed Palla's predicament.

And yes, those two are adorable right now, just a completely useless pair of cuddlebugs. Still, I'm glad for them, things worked out better then I'd expected and they seem pretty happy. Just think! Soon enough there will be tiny lamias and little floating doomsquids all over the place. Should be hilarious. Sickeningly adorable is another good set of words hahaha Kylie giggled out, flopping into a chair and looking between the sisters with a big grin slapped on her face. And when Hope comes over as well, she'll have plenty of other friends to play with she's never seen before!
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Ah I see. Well as long as she's okay then I suppose that it doesn't really matter what she does around here. And please do deal with the tab, Bella isn't really strict on it so long as everyone pays up by the end of the month, but you know. Best to set a good example and all," Delilah said, shrugging her shoulders a bit as she sat and awaited breakfast. "And yeah, Tina and Selara are adorable together. Seeing little lamias like that will be just so cute when they're hatched from their eggs. I've never seen it before despite being to their village a few times in the past. For trade and whatnot," Delilah added, getting up and grabbing the plates and glasses for them to use for the food, where she then got the utensils to eat with once those were set.

A couple of minutes later, Giselle finished breakfast and began getting everything onto platters to drain the grease from it all so that it wasn't too greasy for them. As soon as she got the platters over to the table, Giselle set them down and told Kylie and Delilah to go ahead and start getting their food while she went to check on the others, coming back a minute later with only Palla in tow, where she fixed two more plates and took them to the living room. "Gods poor Tina must really be aching bad. Her belly is even bigger than before," Giselle said as she fixed the two plates, taking them into the living room where Tina and Selara were most likely at, where she returned and fixed them something to drink as well, taking it in there after that.

"Remind me to not touch Netherworld scotch after downing at least half a bottle of wine and two mugs of ale by myself from now on please," Palla said as she sat down, still holding her head a bit as she piled food onto her plate and began eating. Giselle fixed her own plate after coming back from taking the drinks to the living room for Tina and Selara, sitting beside Kylie and beginning to eat her own food, smiling over at Kylie as she sat down with her.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Breakfast! Kylie cried happily as Giselle brought the food over, proceeding to ignore everything except the plate in front of her as she taught breakfast the meaning of fear...

With her mighty companions fork and knife, she waged a holy war upon the evil that was eggs and bacon, using a surgeons skill and a titan's hunger to decimate her enemies in the name of all things good and clean, and to rescue the plate from the physical oppression of such breakfasty forces.

Once breakfast, at least on her plate, could be called dead, and the plate purified, Kylie bounced up and started cleaning her plate off, piping up after a particularly impressive belch So, I wonder if there's something I could pick up from Alan at the apothecary to make her more comfortable. Painkillers or the like then? Kylie asked, putting her now clean plate away as she watched the others eat, and then finish, reaching out to take their dishes for cleaning when they were done as well, moving on to the pots and pans in the meantime..

Actually, if today is going to be a big old errand run, maybe we should just get a shopping list from everyone and pick it all up, I mean, we're going to be out and about anyway... Also, I've been thinking about our trip to the other parts of the island. Does anyone coming along have any argument for just flying there? I can get enough potions to see us through the entire trip as the crow flies, and it'd save us a good amount of time, although any coin we carried would probably have to be what's left of the gems, granted, an impressive sum especially with the diamonds, but it's certainly doable that way...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well I do know that Reina gets lots of the pain killer potions from Alan wholesale since she is the town's main healer and all, and that they're one of the main things given to mother's during birth. The only reason we didn't get one for you is because you began to give birth to fast for us to go and get some, but I'm going to go and get some of them after we finish eating, so that Tina has a few just in case, since we haven't got any around here ourselves unfortunately," Delilah said to Kylie as they ate, the two sirens and the goliath devouring their food almost as quickly as Kylie ate her own.

"Sure Kylie, I don't mind coming with you... well I mean you know I don't mind. But... I don't know how to fly even with those potions, never have been able to manage it myself," Giselle said, blushing a bit as she stared down at her food, obviously embarrassed, though she didn't stop eating.

"I have never used one of those potions myself, so I wouldn't even know where to begin on how to figure the flying out," Palla said, obliterating her breakfast still despite her hangover.

"I however do know how, as does Tina. So whenever she gets better one of us could go with you Kylie... my thought is Tina since she's gone to all of the other towns and whatnot on the island at different times, and she's done business up in Tear Cove, the northern town on the coast up that way," Delilah said, suggesting Tina would be the better choice of the two to take with her if she went. "And Tina is strong so she could carry just about as much gold and platinum as you'd need," Delilah added, nodding her head.

Delilah and Giselle both helped Kylie with the dishes, so that they could get done faster so they could go about their business for the day. "I think I'll stay here for now and keep an eye on Tina, while you and sis go out and do whatever you both need to do for the day. You know your way around town well enough now I think Kylie, to not need us around to point you in the right direction I mean. Besides, I don't want to be like a mother hen or anything with you, I know that you need space and alone time sometimes too just the same as I do, so I'll stay here today... for now at least, and we can go do some things tomorrow, unless you want me to go that is. And I can start teaching Palla some things on how to fight properly, kind of condition her a bit for Tina to train some," Giselle said to Kylie as they finished up with the dishes, which she began drying and putting up, leaving Kylie and Delilah to go and do whatever while Palla stayed with her to keep an eye on Tina for the time being.

Once Delilah was ready she went downstairs and grabbed a bag full of gold and a couple of platinum pieces, where she then came back up and told Kylie that she would be going to buy some of the pain killer potions along with some other things as well afterwards. "I'm heading straight over there to Alan's place before I head to the general store for some things too. You go and do what you've gotta do though, I can manage," Delilah said as she and Kylie went on out, leaving Kylie alone to travel about the island for the time being, since everyone else had their own things to do for the moment.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Okay guys, that's not a bad idea, a solo day would do me some good anyway. Been awhile since I had any real alone time, like... more then 1 day! Kylie said, sticking out her tongue before hugging Giselle and Tina fiercely and bounding for the door, weapon in hand and stomach fool.

Dressed more for physical activity then for glamor, with her gauntlets on and her bow and quiver hanging from her shoulders, Kylie headed to the smith first, to drop off the less complicated of her heavier arrows, and to pick up some more steels without much said other then a simple hello and thank you.

her quiver heavy and full again, Kylie made for her second stop in the mad errand dash of the early morning. She was headed to Alan's with a complicated, annoying, and potentially incredible request.

Alan~! It is I! You're eccentric benefactor! Kylie called out as she stepped in, grinning widely. Sorry to bug you, but I had a few questions for you. You keep acids and the like for some ingredients right? And simple glass for most poisons? Who makes the bottles? because I have some special glasswork that I need for my arrows that could come in handy. I'm also curiously if you have anything on hand that would increase my speed and reflexes on hand. Kylie asked, smiling innocently as she looked around the selection of things he had on hand.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Aye, going alone is sometimes good, just to get away from it all and stuff sometimes. At least I think so anyway, it's why when you found me I was out alone like I was, had been out for about... I don't know maybe a fortnight or more, give or take," Delilah said, hugging Kylie before Giselle did, then when she came to hug Tina before she went out, the eldest siren sister gasped a bit and held a hand out in front of her to prevent Kylie from pressing to tightly against her, while hugging her back with the other hand, telling her to be careful while she was out, and hopefully by the time she returned then she'd have her eggs out and safely set aside for the little lamias to hatch.

With that, Delilah and Kylie set off, splitting up and heading their separate ways for the time being. When she arrived at the blacksmith, he smiled at her when she entered the building, he got what she wanted for her, handing her a set of arrows for in exchange for some gold and taking the drawings of the other arrows she brought him, telling her that he should be able to handle it, though if he couldn't then he would notify her when she came back to check on his progress. After she left there and went to Alan's apothecary, Kylie would pass Delilah on her way back from the apothecary herself with the painkiller potions she had gotten, and she was now on her way to the general store for some other things.

"Ah... hello there boss. Good to see you... up and on your feet again already," Alan said, chuckling a bit as Kylie came in and asked what she wanted. He listened to her requests without speaking, nodding his head slowly slowly as she spoke. "Hmm... well of course I have acids of different sorts, depends on what you want them for of course. And If it's poisons for your arrows that you're looking for then I've got plenty. However... I do have a couple of special things laying about specifically designed for arrows, if you'd like me to show you that is. Got them from a pal of mine of in Tear Cove a few months back, but haven't really gotten around to making any extras just yet..." Alan added as he walked off into the back of the store, motioning for Kylie to follow.

When they got to the back, Kylie would see many different boxes, crates, and other assorted things laying about, potions strewn about the place all over, though still kept where they could be easily identified by Alan it seemed. He told her to wait for a minute while he went to the back and climbed up onto a stepladder to a high shelf and pulled down a box. Bringing the box back over, Alan opened it and showed it to Kylie, a rather smug look on his face, as if he were very pleased with whatever these things were. "These are special made arrow heads miss Kylie, magic of course, and hollowed out on the inside and can be filled with poison, then... when they strike your target and pierce their skin, the arrowhead shatters, releasing whatever poison you've got stored in it into the victim. Now I've only got three of them, and they can be fixed only onto wooden arrows, unless you've got some steel arrows made specifically for these kinds of arrowheads. I can keep one of them and make more from it, but you can have the other two if you'd like. To fill them up with whatever poison you want just, just pull the tiny little cork in the back of it like so, pour it in and pop the cork back on and you're good to go. Now, the target can't be armored much else this thing will just shatter apart on their armor, so take careful aim before you shoot," Alan said to Kylie as he opened the box and showed her the arrowheads inside. They looked to be glass, but it was easy to see they were magical of course. "As for potions to help increase your capabilities, of course I have some of those. What do you want to enhance exactly? Because I've got different potions for different things," Alan added to Kylie, putting the box with the arrowheads back up, or with the single arrowhead if Kylie decided to take a couple of them.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Your friend in Tear Cove is a good one indeed. Kylie said, looking at the arrowheads and noting the attachment, it wouldn't be difficult to have them mounted, nor did she overly mind using wooden arrows though she did just turn in a design for steels to fit these, which made her chuckle.

Even in the city, these are expensive, and yes, i'd like more of these made, maybe another 4. As for the acids, I need something powerful enough to destroy a goodly amount of water treated wood. I was wandering around this morning thinking of ships and other problems that could arise, and realized what I would need. Also, I'm looking for an engineer, a skilled one, a Deviser I think they're called in other places such as Crimea. And, last two things before I get out of your hair Alan, promise. I need something to increase my endurance, I plan on doing a great deal of training, and the longer and harder I can go, the more progress I can make. Have no fear, I know the warning signs when I'm at my limits and Giselle would never let me hear the end of it if I hurt myself. Kylie said, still speaking in a direct, though clusterfucked manner as she tried to keep track and convey everything.

After getting her answers, Kylie would thank the kind apothecary, take the potions if he had them, and the information, and immediately tip one down her throat. Waving as she headed out, Kylie would start running at a good pace towards the temple, it was finally time to get working on herself.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Aye, I can make more, now that I have the incentive to do so. And the acid can be gotten easily enough. But... well getting enough to take out a ship and sink it is a tall order. Might be easier to just burn the damn thing in that case, but I'll see what I can come up with before counting it out. I can also see about fixing some of those special arrowheads there up with some acid inside, so that as soon as they pierce their intended target they release the acid inside. Gruesome... but effective, and useful against things that are immune or resistant to poisons. As for increasing your endurance, that's easily done with these energy potions here. But I'll warn you, it's not good to drink more than one or two every twenty four hours, because when you crash afterwards... you crash hard. Once heard of a vryloka girl that had to rush from one town to the next in an investigation a long time ago when they were first created, Ended up drinking like... five or six of them to keep going and stayed up for nearly two days straight with them. Slept like a rock for almost a full day and couldn't be woken up. They get less effective each time you drink one though, so don't drink them until you need the pick me up. And they're also good for succubi to drink when they need spirit energy too. They aren't so much a endurance potion as they are a pick me up potion I guess you could say. As for ones that actually increase strength and endurance though... well there isn't really one that does that very good... at least not one that I can do anyway. I import some that can, but I only have a few. Potions of giant's strength they call them. I have a dozen of them, but I can spare a couple for you. Should last a couple of hours at least though, more than long enough to train with," Alan said to Kylie when she was through talking, explaining the two potions in question that he started telling her about and reaching below the counter when they came back out to the front where he grabbed another box and handed Kylie a couple of green bottled potions that had blue potions inside, then he grabbed another box and handed her a half a dozen of the energy potions as he called them.

After she left the apothecary, Kylie went ahead and drank down one of the potions of giant's strength as Alan had called them, where she felt strength course through her body... great strength in fact. Gods she felt like she could lift a tree or boulder. Her legs felt stronger as well and she would find that she was able to run a bit faster towards the temple as she began running towards it. Along the way she passed a few people that waved to her and said good morning, but other than that she didn't have any interruptions to speak of. When she made it to the temple, Kylie would find Yuki out in front where she was doing Aya's job from the day before as she swept the cobblestone path leading from the gate up to the temple.

"Ah... hello there Kylie, what brings you here today? Do you wish to speak with lady Hazel or high priestess Amara? Lady Hazel is relaxing in the hotspring, and high priestess Amara is with her," Yuki said to Kylie as she approached, speaking in her calm voice that told Kylie she had her charm on.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, taking her assorted goods, acids, potions, and brews from Alan with a thank you and a smile, headed off to the temple to find Yuki sweeping the front. Apparently they took chores in shifts...

Smiling and waving at Yuki, Kylie chuckled before shrugging her shoulders. I'm actually looking for specialized combat training, try and round out what I already have and keep myself from getting lazy. I've had weapons and hand to hand training before, but not much of them. When my old weaponmaster saw my work with the bow he kind of went a bit lighter on everything else and I was actually hoping you and Maria could help me out there. Kylie said, raising her eyebrows and still curious about that little charm of Yuki's.

Since we all know there's trouble ahead, and I've admittedly been a little to idle lately, I figured I'd come here and ask. Kylie finished, flexing her legs and back a little as the potion she'd taken earlier pumped through her veins. She wondered how long it would last, it'd certainly be handy to have one of these on hand in a pinch.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Ah I see... well you would be better off speaking with Maria or someone about that, as I fight hand to hand. Weaponry isn't my strong point, I just put my gauntlets on and punch things when I must fight, but if you want to know how to punch things and in the proper places for the most damage, then yes I can teach you," Yuki said, gesturing for Kylie to enter the temple grounds.

Yuki set the broom she had down against the fence and headed on towards the temple, leading Kylie on inside of the building. "Maria! Are you in here? Kylie wants to speak with you," Yuki called out into the temple in a soft voice, yet one that was still loud enough that Maria would hear it if she was inside most likely.

Aya came out a minute later from another room, her hair disheveled a bit and sweat rolling off of her as she came into the main hall from another room. "Maria... she went on up to the hotspring up the hill to relax while I finished up in here, I was actually about to head up there myself as soon as I got done, shouldn't take me but another couple of minutes or so," Aya said, panting slightly from whatever it was she had been doing. "Miu is out back somewhere though and can take Kylie up there to the hotspring. Since we need to finish up I mean," Aya said, suggesting this new priestess Kylie hadn't met the previous day take her up to the hotspring where Hazel, Amara, and Maria seemed to be at.

"Ah very well then, Come Kylie, I shall introduce you to Miu before I go to finish my work. She is one of the warrior priestesses here like Maria and myself, and she could show you a lot too," Yuki said, leading Kylie out through the back door while Aya went back to finishing up with her chores. When they got to the back porch, Kylie could see a wielding a long naginata, longer than she was tall, yet she was wielding it as if it were an extension of her arms, gracefully swinging it back and forth as she spun around. It appeared that she was training, but as soon as Yuki started down off the porch the neko noticed her, her cute catlike ears twitching at Yuki's footsteps tapping on the wooden steps, where she turned to face Yuki and Kylie. "Miu, do you have a free moment? If so can you lead our friend Kylie here up to the hotspring to speak with Lady Hazel, high priestess Amara, and Maria? I need to finish cleaning the front path so I can't take her all the way up there," Yuki said in her same calm voice as usual while wearing her charm, which was hanging from her neck on the front of her robes, the silver holy symbol of Sehanine it was.

"Nya... of course I can Yuki, leave it to me. Go ahead and finish what you were doing alright. Besides... I think I need to hop in and relax a little myself after all that training. Come on Kylie, I hope you can keep up, it's rare that someone can catch me heading up the hill," the catgirl said cheerfully and energetically, gesturing to Kylie to follow her as she bounded off up the hillside at a quite fast run, sweat glistening on her face as she did so, obviously a energetic girl from the looks of it. One thing Kylie would have noticed is that she had a different holy symbol around her neck than Yuki did... Kylie would be able to identify it as a symbol of Melora.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie nodded at Yuki again I would like that, but as you're busy, we can handle that another time. I can't always wear this much weaponry, though these gauntlets are pretty easy to get away with most places Kylie said, flexing the blades a little as she followed Yuki/.

Listening, but not seeing her sword wielding friend, Kylie huffed before Aya darted out to answer and Kylie grabbed her to yank her into a hug and squeeeeeze~! Giggling madly. AYA~! Hello! Kylie said, squishing the adorable priestess one more time for good measure before letting her go. Wait? Another priestess? How many of you are there? And how many chores do you all have if there are so many of you? I mean holy crap! Kylie said, shaking her head and following Yuki regardless so Aya could get back to whatever she was doing.

As Kylie was led further along, she saw this unknown person swinging a naginata around, much like the one she'd bought for Giselle awhile ago and took a moment to lean against a post as she watched. Really she was paying more attention to the Neko's powerful hearing then she was her spear play, the spear being a weapon she had never even considered using herself, it was too unwieldy in her opinion, like those mad men she'd seen swinging great maces and hammers around.

Okay Yuki, I suppose we can do some sparring on our own some other time, have a good day~ Kylie called before hearing Miu's prod about being able to catch her, and grinning. Is that so~ Well well, you know what they say about curiosity and cats... Kylie whispered, knowing Miu could hear her.

Bracing her foot against the post she'd been leaning on, Kylie used it to rocket forward. Already being fast on her own, Kylie's blood was still pulsing with the potion she'd taken earlier and the post groaned in protest as Kylie used it and the ground as a launching point to push herself forward in pursuit of Miu, laughing wildly as she took off.

Light on her feet with long powerful strides, Kylie did have to admit that Miu was fast, but right now, she was faster, and Kylie took a sweet joy in running her hand along the small of Miu's back as she passed her Tag~ You're it! Kylie laughed, before continuing up the path, already having fun and figuring today would be a good day...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Kylie hugged Aya, the young human hugged her back, giggling and squeezing Kylie back as hard as she could, which wasn't quite as hard as Kylie could thanks to her potion she'd just drunk a few minutes before. "Yeah there's a few other priestesses that are here, I mean it is quite a big temple you know. Other than all of us you've met so far, and other than Miu out back, there's another three of us. They're away right now though, on their way back from a job on the west coast of the island near where the lamia village is, something about they asked us to retrieve some of their eggs that had been taken by a demon or some such, they should be back in another couple of days or so and you can meet them then. And we keep the temple as clean as we can because we get worshipers up here all the time. In fact I believe that there's a couple of families up at the shrines at the moment," Aya said as her and Kylie hugged one another one last time before Kylie went on.

"Yes we can spar another time, when we both have more time to use in sparring... just make sure you wear pads okay, I don't want to hurt you," Yuki said in her calm voice as she went back inside the temple, leaving Kylie with Miu the neko priestess.

"Nya... you're really fast aren'tcha," Miu said as Kylie managed to move past her, though the neko priestess was hot on her heels. As Kylie rounded the bend and up the winding path of the hill, she would see Miu ahead of her again. "Haha, I told you I'm faster, nobody's ever beaten me up this hill, and very few have been able to even catch me when I really try," Miu said from about ten to fifteen feet ahead of Kylie, laughing mirthfully at finding someone that could keep up a bit.

Kylie would be able to manage to get ahead of her again along this part of the path as well, making her way around the second of the five bends up the hill, but as she did so Miu would again be ahead of her, still laughing and looking quite happy and like she was having fun. Miu would continue doing this all the way up the hill, though if Kylie looked back at any time she would see Miu taking her spear and ramming it into the side of the hill, where she would flip herself up and onto the next portion of the path, landing on her feet and starting back into a run, staying just ahead of Kylie at the start of each section of path.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie seemed to be able to keep ahead of Miu as the contest came down to flat speed on the straighter portions of the path, but always the Neko managed to plop ahead of her at the corners, and glancing back, Kylie could see why...

Watching the cat woman pole vault her way up the path, cutting corners, Kylie grinned, before doing much the same by marking the spot ahead, and launching herself up the incline using her hands and feet in an impressive tumble before rolling up to a solid run again. It was a lot like moving up rooftops, And Kylie's strength was still bolstered.

She was certain, that cutting the same corner, if only a little slower, would give her the advantage she needed to finally beat Miu up the path, but, that wasn't going to stop Kylie from working even harder to secure her win.

As they moved, flying up as fast as they could to get up to the hotsprings, Kylie would listen for it, the soft Thud of Miu using her spear somewhere behind her, and lash out with her foot, kicking the weapon out from under her, before continuing onward. All was fair it seemed, this was no different, and Kylie hadn't even needed to draw her bow yet!
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As they plowed up the path, with Kylie now cutting corners too at the fourth turn, Miu laughed and continued running, then just as they got to the last bit, Miu began to do her pole vault again as Miu's spear slammed into the ground behind her to launch her up. Kylie's move was successful and knocked Miu's spear out from under her just as she started to go up, however it nearly went wrong as Kylie's increased strength came into play and knocked Miu's spear so hard out from under her that it bounced off of a rock against the side of the hill as the neko flopped back down and into the air. As Kylie kept going she'd hear Miu let out a loud meow of surprise, where she would then see the spear coming back down head first straight towards Miu with the neko shaking her head a bit before looking straight up at it as it fell towards her face. Miu jerked her head to the side at the very last second though... barely it seemed, causing the spear to graze her left cheek instead of going straight through her face, leaving a cut along it before the spear fell over and the shaft just under the spearhead bopped her in the face.

Ahead and up the path further Kylie would be able to make out the shrines to each deity again just as she did yesterday, and a little further along she could make out a bit of steam rising indicating the location of the hotspring in question that they were racing to. Kylie had a free and clear shot to the hotsprings now also, though Miu wasn't moving as yet, but Kylie could tell she was still breathing, and she could also see a trickle of blood trailing down the side of the neko's face, making it hard to tell if she was really hurt or not.

[I actually rolled for this, Kylie doesn't know her own strength with those potions. XD]
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Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie... was a little shocked, at how hard her leg had impacted the spear, and as she watched like a deer transfixed by bright light, Miu almost had the closest haircut of her life. Looking back at the shrines when she was certain the neko was still alive, Kylie stomped her foot, and cursed.

Alright, fuck it, time to find out how strong this potion makes me... Kylie muttered, before sprinting to the edge of the incline and jumping straight down and to the left of Miu.

Slamming into the ground nearby like a boulder, but otherwise none the worse for wear, Kylie's fist came into the dirt to stop her forward momentum before she scrambled over to Miu, immediately checking her over for any real injuries. The cut on her face was just a scratch compared to what could have happened on the tumble... but hey, at least she still had a face.

Discovering that Miu was, on the whole, unharmed, Kylie would haul her to her feet and dust her off. Sorry about that... New potion I'm juiced on, not entirely sure how strong I am right now, So... Kicked that a bit too hard. But hey! now we know not to use weapons as anything other then weapons huh. By the way, your still alive, we're still racing. Kylie said, before immediately starting to launch herself back up the hill and towards the shrine, not letting Miu think to hard on what had just happened, and instead appealing to her more competitive side with a mischievous grin, the race was back on!

Charging her way along as fast as she could, and that meant Kylie was kicking of the ground to move forward as hard as she possibly could, and consequences be damned, Kylie was pretty sure that Miu wouldn't try that little corner cutting trick again any time soon, and as Kylie came to the same corners, she'd simply jump up them, bunching her legs under her to rocket up and onto the path. This was a damned good potion... she'd have to have Alan make a more powerful version...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"W-Why did you kick my spear out from under me? I-If I hadn't moved when I did... I-I'd be dead. And I never said you couldn't use weapons to spring up the hillside, but I didn't think you'd attack me like that to keep me from it," Miu said with tears in her eyes as she was lifted back to her feet and dusted off, pouting a little where she wiped her eyes a bit, her lip quivering a little as well. She seemed quite shaken at what had happened, apparently nothing like that had happened before to her.

Kylie would see Miu's tail wasn't swishing happily around behind her like it had been at their first meeting and along the entire way up the hill and was now hanging limply behind her, looking a little sad really, though it didn't seem like she was just being a sore loser really. For what it was worth though, Miu recovered rather quickly and as soon as Kylie was ready to continue, Miu was ready to begin running again to finish their race, springing up the hillside with catlike agility and running alongside Kylie for a second or two before falling behind a bit. Miu kept running, though after a short distance or so when Kylie glanced back over her shoulder, she'd see no sign of Miu, possibly making her think something was wrong with the neko, however before she could stop to turn around and go check and turned her head back forward, she would hear a loud howling meow from behind her where Miu was. Miu came sprinting towards Kylie at full speed, enough to keep up with her now from the looks of it, and as she neared Kylie, who was likely running at full speed towards the springs at this point, Kylie would be able to notice the almost feral kind of look in Miu's now yellowish cat eyes, and she'd also notice that Miu's fingernails had lengthened into short claws, other than that she couldn't quickly discern any other changes just yet.

All in all she looked quite fearsome, though she didn't appear to have any ill intent towards Kylie and had regained her competitive look with a renewed determination, and she didn't look about to give up and was going to make Kylie work for her victory if she beat her. It was a straight shot to the hotsprings now, with the now almost feral neko speeding almost alongside Kylie at this point.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I like to Win Was all Kylie said to Miu's almost tear filled shocked before taking off with a grin.

Running, that was all Kylie was focused on, stretching her strides further, launching forward with more strength and speed, her feet pounding and digging into the path, her breathing... As the path leveled out, Kylie had stopped bother to look back, everything now focused on moving forward as fast as possible, and any other shenanigans to be handled if and when they became a problem.

As Kylie's speed hit it's full potential, both increased by the potion, and the simple physics of her own motions, the assassin was bent forward to the point that only her forward motion was keeping her up and the wind howling passed her was keeping her balanced, everything she had left dumped for the moment into reaching the spring before the neko who had never lost.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie's increased strength kept her ahead of Miu quite easily in the end as they rushed past the shrines along the path and finally made it to the base of the steps leading up to the hotspring. Miu however dove at Kylie just as she passed the stone arch built just before the steps that was like a gateway of sorts, knocking her down and landing on top of her, tossing her spear aside before she tackled her. Miu's tail swished back and forth happily, the neko looking quite giddy after the run, her yellowish eyes now that Kylie could see them looked just like a cat's eyes, and Miu's ears were twitching a little as well as she leaned in and kissed Kylie on the cheek, then went down to nibble at her neck, leaving a playful little love bite there before nuzzling against Kylie, purring softly as she did.

"Nya... finally somebody that can play with me on equal terms, even if you have to cheat and use a potion to do so. You're fun though, let's play again some time and we'll just run then, not cutting corners or using potions, just run. For now though, a nice relaxing dip in the hot spring," Miu said to Kylie after purring and nuzzling against her for a few moments before getting up and offering a hand to Kylie to help her up.

As soon as Kylie was back to her feet, Miu helped to dust her off where Kylie would notice the feral look about Miu was fading away and she was back to her old self, though she seemed a bit more chipper about everything now. "Come on, I was heading up here anyway in a few minutes if you hadn't come along when you did. We can relax in the warm water for a while with lady Hazel, miss Amara, and Maria," Miu said as she took Kylie's hand after grabbing her spear, leading her up twenty stone steps, where they saw a large hot spring laid out before them about twenty to twenty five feet across at its widest point, with a couple of flat rocks jutting up here and there to give people in there something to sit on if they wished. There were a couple of smaller hot spring pools around the larger one, but Hazel, Amara, and Maria were all in the larger one, all three naked and relaxing, a towel laying behind their heads for them to lay back on if they wished to, though at the moment the three of them were chatting to one another and hadn't really noticed Kylie and Miu yet.