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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie nodded as once again, the questioning about tear cove turned out to be fairly hopeless, no one seeming to have any concrete information on the place. Seemed the norm was to be born in a village, and then never leave it. Odd, but that was just the way it was.

Perking up her ears as Kylie heard all the noise, she chuckled as she recognized the tiny voices for more Dianas. Getting up and following Hera, Kylie looked about at the absolute chaos that unfolded within a moments notice, specifically at the word Food.

Chuckling as she watched all the little things play, Kylie turned her head as Trish addressed her, nodding and chuckling. Least I could do, really, and you seem to have your hands full already as it is. She said in reply, crossing her harms and just laughing at the absurdity of it all. If real motherhood was ever like this with human children, she wanted no part of it. Not without an army of nannies. Kylie was not giving birth to 20 children. Just... no.

Looking around at them all, Kylie sank down to the floor on her belly, and proceeded to wriggle around towards the children, sticking her tongue out and reaching out to tickle them if she caught any, before setting them back down, Wraith floating around unsure of what new thing to look at, though he had his trusty fork.

I'mmmm gonna getcha! Kylie called out playfully, wriggling after more of the tiny driders. It was like playing with the alraune, if the alraune were 4 times as small as they usually were... kind... and weren't getting sticky white silk all over the place. Every time she caught a little drider, she'd put her on her head, giggling as the tiny thing got a free ride as she pursued her siblings around the room, Kylie playing part time distraction to the tiny things.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Aye they are quite full, thank you very much miss. But they are my pride and joy... hmhm, though they can be quite rowdy indeed. But they're children so you can't really fault them for being rowdy," Trisha said with a chuckle as she watched her little ones run around and play.

As Kylie sank down and got onto her belly, a few of the little driders around her looked at her curiously and crawled a bit closer themselves, wondering just what she was doing. She'd manage to grab a couple of them and tickle them before the rest scattered away from her, leaving the two she'd caught to be tickled mercilessly as they cackled and squirmed to get free, only to fail until she felt like releasing them. When any of them were caught, they'd give a little eek and squirm around before being placed on her head, and soon enough she had essentially turned into a human bus with about a dozen of them on her back, all holding onto her shirt as she went. Diana was watching from above where Kylie couldn't reach her, though after a couple of minutes of playing around with the other little ones, Diana suddenly pounced on Kylie's head, her spider like abdomen right in front of Kylie's eyes tickling her nose.

"Got you," Diana said as she landed on Kylie, then she waved to her sisters and then her mother with an ecstatic look on her face that she'd caught Kylie, as if it were the biggest accomplishment ever because none of her sisters had managed to get away after Kylie snatched them up. Bob meanwhile hovered up right behind Diana and poked her in the back with the fork he still had, though not hard enough to actually hurt her.

Diana gave a little eek and hopped up onto Kylie's head as she turned around to face Wraith. Diana pointed at Wraith with a serious look. "I will defeat you," Diana said and hopped off of Kylie's head at Wraith all playful like, grabbing hold of him in mid air, where he fluttered around and flailed his tentacles about in an attempt to shake Diana off of him. In the end he dropped his fork he still had and his tentacles all started tickling Diana where she started cackling and squirming around as Wraith lowered himself towards the floor and the two wrestled around playfully.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie's collection of little giggling spider people slowly grew, Kylie snaking around on her belly until she'd caught nearly everyone, except Diana... Diana, seizing the highground, Surprised Kylie as she leaped down and glomped the bridge of her nose, proclaiming herself the victor, until Wraith interfered and the two mighty combatants did battle, wrestling around on the floor.

Having successfully rounded up the children, Kylie glanced up at Trisha and winked. Alright everyone! hold on tight! she said, starting to stand up, perfectly confident that the little ones could all stay stuck to her as she moved, before moving over to a table and depositing her busload of children.

Now~ I bet if you all sit here for just a moment, that breakfast will be out soon and you can all eat here together! Kylie said cheerfully, watching Diana and Wraith continue to wrestle around before she rescued both of them, and set Diana with her family. Hera~! Got em all rounded up! Let's eat! she called out, darting into the kitchen to help Hera get something served up.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmhm, they seem to have taken a liking to you. They don't normally take that much of a liking to someone honestly," Trisha said with a giggle as Kylie rounded up all of them, with a few just climbing up Kylie's legs and holding onto the front or back of her shirt. Soon enough all but Diana was on Kylie's shirt, as she was still wrestling with Wraith, and losing the battle.

By the time Kylie grabbed Diana, the little drider had been tangled up enough by Wraith that he had free rein and was tickling her something awful, and she could do nothing but cackle and squirm as she couldn't get free. All of the little ones Kylie could see when she spoke about breakfast all nodded their little heads eagerly and clung to Kylie's shirt as she took them all to the kitchen. Along the way Diana had crawled on up onto Kylie's head and was perched up there, holding onto two strands of her bangs like they were reins or something. Trisha followed along behind her chuckling and Hera looked over her shoulder as the whole lot of them entered, the smell of cooking wafting through the kitchen as they came in.

"Alright, just find some seats and I'll be done soon, just finishing the bacon and biscuits right now, already have the potatoes done, which I know the little ones like," Hera said from the stove, where the majority of the food was already cooked and ready on a hot plate.

When Kylie got up to the table she decided to set the drider children down on, they all hopped off and onto the table one by one and started tapping their hands down on the table and bouncing up and down. "Food food food," they all chanted until Trisha calmed them all down a bit with a few small glasses of water which distracted them while Hera finished with Kylie's help.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Wild bunch. Kylie said to Hera, laughing as she helped her finish up with the breakfast, before scooping up the hot plate and rushing out with the first part of the meal to feed all the hungry little mouths.

Setting the food down, Kylie helped Trish now getting them all served up properly, the surest way to get a ton of children all doing the same thing at the same time was to serve a meal, orphan experience was a plus sometimes.

Heading back into the kitchen, Kylie grabbed some for herself, and dished up a plate for Hera as well, setting them up on a table nearby to Trisha and the children, before topping off their coffee, and sitting down herself.

Wraith honey, no, you can have some of mine if you want, c'mere you spazz. Kylie said, the little darkmantle floating around the drider table. She couldn't tell if he was hungry, but he seemed interested to say the least. Sitting down, Kylie waited for Hera before starting to eat herself. It's a shame Ilyana was as tired as she was, she'd have enjoyed this, but she'll be down for most of the day if I have any guess, and I'll probably be joining her here soon. I'm just thankful I'm not you Trisha hahaha, Look at that, it has to be bedlam all the time. I mean, they're all so small! How do you keep track of them all?
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Aye they are, but adorable all the same. Alright Kylie, thanks... the rest should be done in about three or four minutes or so, try and keep them entertained a bit until it gets done so they don't devour all of that yet before this gets done," Hera said as Kylie took the first bit out to set up, with Trisha helping her to set plates.

About 5 minutes later, Kylie would see Hera slithering out towards them with a couple of platters, of both fried potatoes and biscuits. Thanking Kylie for getting them both some more coffee, Hera took her plate and got a bit of food on it as Kylie got her own, while Trisha set up a few plates for her little ones, all of whom were bouncing up and down giddily. Wraith had been hovering above the table that the driders were all at, with his fork back in his possession once again, though when Kylie called to him he floated down and flopped down lazily on the table next to her, his fork poking at one of the bits of bacon on her plate as if trying to mimic using a fork like everyone else was doing.

"Oh I'm sure she'll get to see them before long, since she doesn't have to sleep near as long as a human after all, what with being a drow," Hera said as she bit into a piece of her bacon.

"Aye be glad... be very glad, hmhm. And very very carefully is how I keep up with them dearie. When I'm out and about I always just make a net and round them up on my back in it. When I'm around inside somewhere though like now... it's literally impossible to keep track of them all the time to be honest. Which is how Diana managed to sneak out and make her own web elsewhere other than our room," Trisha said with a chuckle, looking over at all of the little ones as they dug into their breakfast, pulling bits of their pieces of bacon apart and tearing into it all.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie giggled as Wraith tested out his mighty fork of forking, trying to get at the food the same way everyone else was, before she pointed at the little driders just eating with their hands, and encouraged him to use his tendrils like he was meant to, sharing her food with him while she drank her coffee. Making idle chit chat with Trisha and Hera until her food and drink were gone, Kylie excused herself and headed back upstairs to get some sleep of her own, far more able to now that she'd had a proper meal.

Walking into their room, Kylie glanced around at the insanity of Ilyana's current sleeping conditions, and promptly flopped onto her own bed, asleep before she hit the mattress. Wraith was either tired, or he wasn't, he'd sleep when he had to, not when she made him. Either way, when the huggers started poking at him again, he'd go back to hiding in her shirt.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Wraith continued poking the fork at the bacon in an attempt to grab it up, though eventually just grabbed it with one of his tentacles and devoured it that way instead. The little driders ate their food and Kylie would hear them chatting back and forth with each other while she did the same with Hera and Trisha, both of whom enjoyed their talk with Kylie as they ate and sipped their coffee. When Kylie got ready to head on to be shortly after she and Wraith finished her plate of food, the drider and lamia ladies bid her farewell for the time being and told her that they hoped she had a pleasant sleep, with Hera telling her if she needed anything not to hesitate in asking for it. The little driders all waved bye to Kylie as she made her way out, some of the little things having crumbs on their little mouths as they did so.

Kylie would find Ilyana still sound asleep as she entered their bedroom, with all of the huggers now asleep too all over the room finally from the looks of it. Wraith didn't look overly tired, but nonetheless he flopped down onto Kylie's chest all the same and went to sleep with her.


When next Kylie woke it was to the sound of Ilyana giggling a bit about something and when she looked over at her she'd see the drow girl being pounced on by several of the small huggers all vying for her milk filled breasts, the majority of them wrestling over the position of next in line. Wraith it seemed had made his way into Kylie shirt through the day sometime and was snoozing in there rather than just laying atop her chest where he'd flopped down to sleep at before she conked out.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, waking up to find Wraith snuggled up against her chest under her shirt, glanced over at her giggling dark elf companion, and smiled, watching the milk fight ensue as the small huggers all wanted breakfast, sighing to herself, Kylie carefully fished Wraith out, and pulled her shirt off, offering two perfectly good currently milkable tits to the other huggers so Ilyana wouldn't be the sole focus of so much attention.

Presuming she was pounced on as well, Kylie would just giggle and let them go at it until everyone was fed, since Wraith could eat bacon among other things, and then get up, running a hand through her tussled hair.

Well Ilyana, lets get these little ones off to their babysitters, and head on out. We still have a lot of ground to cover, though I must admit, this place is lovely. I met Trisha and her children earlier this morning, the drider? Wonderful woman, and her little ones were just adorable.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

A couple of the little huggers made their way over to Kylie when she offered her tits and began suckling hungrily on them for what milk she had to offer, with a couple of others taking their spots afterwards. Ilyana carefully helped each one of the little things up to her breast when the previous pairing got done, looking quite like a mother as she sat there doing as such.

"Aye taking these little things to a babysitter to keep an eye on at least until we come back through would be great, because keeping an eye on them all the way until Tear Cove and then back would be pure hell. Can't say I know this Trisha though, must be someone from further north, possibly Tear Cove or one of the villages in between if I had to guess. Are you sure you don't want to stay an extra day and rest up a bit though? I wouldn't mind if you want to," Ilyana said, nodding in agreement about finding a babysitter of sorts for these little creatures, though she didn't seem to care much about waiting a day extra. "Little driders though are extremely adorable, I've had to bear drider eggs before myself and watched them hatch and everything. They're absolutely precious when they first hatch and try to walk around and play. And they are quite easy on you as well and not too tough to bear thankfully," Ilyana added as she got up once the lat two were done, where she put her clothes on and exited the room with Kylie.

Heading out, they found on one of the clocks that it was about 7:00 PM or so, giving them another hour or so before dinner there at the Inn, and enough time to go find their babysitter they had spoke about finding. Ilyana waved at Hera who was at the front desk as they went past, and looking into the common room of the place Kylie would see Trisha and the little driders all sitting around her on the floor on a large blanket there, while she herself was sitting down on a large cushion that was obviously made for driders reading them a story. There were a couple of elves in the kitchens cooking dinner for the Inn while Hera relaxed at the main desk and watched the two go on out unless Kylie wished to stop and talk any.

Regardless of if Kylie stopped to talk or not, Ilyana mentioned that she knew a few places that they could go to in order to find someone willing to watch the little huggers for them. So Kylie could stay at the Inn if she wished while Ilyana went out to do that unless she merely wanted to go.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie chuckled as Ilyana said she wanted to stay an extra day, shaking her head before nodding, changing her mind. Alll right, we can stay an extra day and you can go catch up with everyone you know, an extra day wont set us back any. Kylie said, giggling as the little huggers finished and she covered herself back up.

Listening to Ilyana talk about the little driders, Kylie couldn't help but smile. yes, they're very cute, and I'm not surprised they hatch from eggs, given how tiny they all are. And Trisha is probably still downstairs. But the way you said that... Had to, means it probably was another unlucky day for you. Kylie said chuckling as they scooped up the large brood and got them all ready to leave, Kylie unable to forget the sights and sounds of Ilyana on the ground, her ass high as she moaned through a hugger's tail cock and was pounded from behind... Unlucky.. Yea~... She loved it.

Shaking the thought away, as Kylie's daily lay had not yet been acquired, Kylie nodded as Ilyana offered to go off on her own. Waving at Hera and Trisha, Kylie waited for Ilyana to leave, before turning to Hera and Trisha. Could you ladies keep an eye on Wraith here for a little bit? I want to go check something. Kylie asked, taking Wraith off her head and prodding him to get him floating around the common room. Kissing him in the air, Kylie looked a little sternly at him I need to go look around a little, you behave and listen to Hera and Trisha while I'm gone, alright little one? Kylie said, hugging the little guy before sending him off again.

Slipping out the door, Kylie looked up at the rapidly darkening/already dark sky, and skipped off into the darkness, blending into the shadows. She wanted some fun, but people were overrated given the company she was currently keeping, that being 27 little rape-huggers, and a tentacle squid. Hell! kylie couldn't even remember the last real dick she'd had not including Giselle's or the girls, that is, attached to a male, but figured at this point It would probably be disappointing. This place and snake people, and spider ladies. And just outside, more monsters. There was bound to be SOMETHING interesting willing to get her off... She really needed her head checked.
Last edited:
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well like I said it doesn't really matter much to me honestly, I'm good to go on later tonight if you want to. And... it was kind of an unlucky day at first, but it quickly turned into a good day to say the least. It was a duel between me and a drider, because she fancied me since I'm a drow... well technically only half drow, but I inherited more of my mother's looks and only dad's mannerisms somewhat, along with his eyes. Anyway though, she won I lost, and the price was the victor got to have the loser do one thing for them and she chose to ask me to bear her eggs for her. I couldn't really say no and keep my honor since I did agree to it beforehand, so I told her alright as long as she didn't hurt me. That was the first time I ever gave birth to anything, but not my first time having sex," Ilyana explained as they got ready to head on out.

After heading on downstairs and all and after Ilyana mentioned she knew who to go to about keeping the little huggers, she went on after giving Kylie a nod when she'd decided to remain there for now. "Aye I can keep an eye on him for you Kylie, I've got nothing better to do really. Come here little guy, you can plop your little self down right here," Hera said to Kylie as she gestured at Wraith, motioning for him to come over to her.

Wraith hovered over to Hera, who grabbed him and squished him in between her breasts in a loving hug, leaving Kylie free to go about her business as it seemed Wraith would be alright with Hera. Once she'd headed on out of the Inn, with Trisha giving her a wave as she went on out along with all of the little driders, Kylie would spot Ilyana heading off down one of the roads through town towards the western side of the place. The rainforest since it had switched from jungle to that the day before was pretty thick towards the eastern side of town which skirted along the southern base of the mountain which was to the northeast of town. To the north of town was what seemed to be fairly easy going roads, and to the south was where they'd already come from, while to the west looked to be farms of sorts as the land was cleared off a good ways further out then in the other directions.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Waiiit a minute, why did this little village have farms, they didn't need farms! There was only enough people here to need like two farms... not multiple farms! THIS WAS SUSPICIOUS!!! Kylie thought as she stuck her hand up into the air triumphantly, as if she had discovered something amazing, or at the very least confusing. The mountain road led to the mountain... mountains were possibly bad... And easy roads led nowhere she wanted to go most likely, because she was easy, in most senses of the word.

Waving her arms wildly around for no real reason in particular for a moment, Kylie looked like she was going to go off sprinting like a mad woman to anyone looking, before deciding it had been ages since she'd skipped anywhere, and proceeded to do that.

Despite the fact that she looked semi insane and most likely completely ridiculous, Kylie was officially in a good mood. She still wanted a dicking, but she was pretty happy, and skipping was never really boring....
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Heading towards the farms Kylie would notice that there were only 2 of the farms along that area that had crops, while the other 4 down along the road had various creatures from farm animals such as cows, chickens, and pigs, to other monster like creatures like darkmantles and other carious things. Along the way down Kylie saw several lamias, driders, and even a slime girl, and she also of course saw some humans, elves, and some of the shifters as well while she walked along, a couple of whom gave her curious looks.

Ilyana could be seen at the second of the farms that the various monsters were at chatting with a lamia, an elven man, and a neko woman, likely about taking the little huggers off their hands for the time being.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Wandering down the road, Kylie figured out quickly that she had found the right place, the regular farms broken up by creature mills of several kinds, even darkmantles, though oddly enough, none as large as Bob... He was a big bastard after all... She'd have to have someone look at him.. maybe see about extending his life.... hopefully for a long time.

Waving at Ilyana, Kylie otherwise left her to her own devices, taking her time to peruse what creatures were around, curious more then horny now. If all else failed she'd just dive into Ilyana's hugger friends... or something. Who knew.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Ilyana noticed Kylie and waved to her as she went by before going back to talking to the ones she was standing with. On the edges of each of the farms Kylie would notice some large hounds and a few displacer beasts along the ground, as if they were the main guards for the farms and patrolled the edges of each one for anything that might harm the inhabitants. In the trees near the edges there were a few harpies as well keeping a watchful eye out over the areas. On one of the farms in particular Kylie could see what appeared to be a giant chicken coop like building near the main barn, and the lights were on inside of it, as well as in the main farm house.

For the most part though it seemed that the majority of the animals and monsters were either being put up for the night or had already been put up, but the farm that the giant chicken coop building was on seemed to have people that were still up and about doing things, so Kylie could head that way if she wanted to to check it out and see what she could see.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, noticing her night time schedule working against her this time, sighed and gave up for now. heading back to the inn, Kylie was at a loss for almost a half hour, not entirely sure what to do or why. Giving up entirely on any whimsical plans she had had, Kylie jumped up into the rafters of the room, Wraith having followed her up as soon as she had entered the Inn.

Once up there, Kylie would strip off her shirt, and start doing abdominal lifts, hanging from the rafters by her knees, counting silently as she spent the rest of the day exercising in general.

After an workout routine that would make a normal man blanch, Kylie put her shirt back on after wiping down, and headed back outside. Walking to the edge of the village, Kylie ran the circumference of the village in it's entirety several times and the fastest speed she could tolerate, burning out her excess energy the old fashioned way, before heading to bed for the day.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As she turned to head on back to the Inn she'd notice a couple of people coming from the giant chicken coop building and heading back to the main farmhouse that was there. Both of them were naked and she could see they were both futanari elves that looked as if they'd just had the time of their lives, and their dicks looked well used. Making her way back, Kylie would find Wraith laying upside down on the front desk with Hera tickling him with one hand while the other propped her up as she rested her elbow on the counter, with Wraith's tentacles flailing wildly in every direction.

"Ah hey there Kylie, back so soon? Little Wraith here's been such a sweetie while you were gone. Go ahead little buddy, go back to mama Kylie," Hera asked Kylie as she came in, ushering Wraith on over to her, where he hopped right side up and floated over to Kylie and flopped down on her chest.

After she made her way upstairs Kylie would find several of the little huggers playing around while she did her exercises, with none of them really bothering her and just playing around with one another, though Wraith was hovering near her head while she hung from the rafters. Wraith hovered along with her outside when she went out, flopping down on her head when she started running and hanging on to her as she went. By the time she'd returned an hour or so later, Ilyana was already back and eating dinner in the dining room of the Inn along with Trisha, Hera, Trisha's little ones, and a couple of other people, a human man and another lamia.

Ilyana waved to Kylie as she went back upstairs, where she'd find that all of the little huggers were no longer there save the 4 that they'd originally found, and they all seemed to be asleep on Ilyana's bed, obviously exhausted after watching the young ones all day. Wraith followed Kylie to bed when she went on, flopping down on her chest once more and snoozing the night away with her.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, sleeping the night away, gently pulled the 4 huggers into bed with her, since sleeping alone was shitty. Waking up, properly sore from her workout, but otherwise feeling pretty good, Kylie dropped right back into her usual morning warm-up, falling quickly back into routines far older then her stay on this island, or any pleasantries the last week had exposed her to. Staying strong, and getting stronger, striving to excel were returning to the forefront of her mind and her way of acting, the carefree klutz put to rest for now as Kylie went over her weapons, cleaning and oiling anything that needed caring for.

Taking care of the usual business after everything was said and done, Kylie got properly dressed to travel while Wraith picked around at her clothing. Looking around the room, Kylie stopped, she was still a little needy, but it probably wasn't something she needed to worry about too much if she stayed active, though it had been almost a week.

Deciding against the rash plan, Kylie shrugged, rolling her shoulders and going downstairs to get breakfast decided and eaten, though unlike Giselle's insistence that she eat hearty, this breakfast would be light, Just the fruit she was after for now. She had no doubt that unless she stayed active, she would become bored, which would be disastrous for everyone. Morning Hera! Or is it lunch... not sure. A couple apples and some coffee would be great, please. And also, any news, anything in the surrounding jungle that needs dealt with. I need something to keep me busy today, and blood will do nicely.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The adult huggers didn't really resist Kylie pulling them over into her bed to sleep with her, waking up only for a few moments before going back into a deep snooze. When she woke back up and got up, she'd find the huggers scuttling about the room, exploring it a bit while Wraith woke with her and hovered over her shoulder while she went over and began cleaning and oiling her weapons. While she did this, Wraith prodded at one of her regular daggers sitting on the desk that was in their room which she was using to clean her things.

Heading downstairs she saw Hera and Ilyana chatting while they ate breakfast, with Ilyana laughing about something that had been said by the lamia. "It's morning Kylie, and a good one to you too. I've got a basket of apples in the kitchen, just grab you however many you want. And there's a full fresh pot of coffee ready in there too and a few mugs, you can grab one of those to use too, just be sure to leave it here when you leave. The mug I mean," Hera told Kylie as Ilyana also bid her good morning and went back to eating for a moment.

"Be careful if you're going hunting, don't want you to get snatched up by something and carried off," Ilyana said to Kylie. "Though if you want to then be sure to head out to the west or southwest, that's the safest areas that offer the best hunting," she added.