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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

If it was an issue Eileen, I'd have told you. We have an understanding. Giselle, bless her heart is a Siren, and knows she's my star, the one person I love above any other. Our rings keep us connected, and I said something because I seemed to be checking on her in the middle of getting laid as well. Don't worry your pretty spidery butt over it. Kylie said giggling, leaning in to give Eileen a peck on the cheek.


As Eileen spotted the camp ground, Kylie listened to what her and Ilyana were saying, shrugging. I was completely prepared to travel alone, at night, and sleep in the trees. I'd have managed. IT was great luck that I managed to find Ilyana though before I left and it has made things easier. Still, you're making me feel VERY protected... Yes, you guys to. Kylie said, giggling as the 4 huggers all leapt on her pack and poked at her for a moment, before skittering away as Wraith flailed around at them for riding on mommy.

Scooping Wraith up, Kylie gave him a little kiss on the head before letting him go back to his floating and bug swatting. He really was very good at it.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I see... well as long as neither of you will get angry at me for it, then I won't worry about it any," Eileen told Kylie with a shrug of her shoulders, looking a good deal less worried about that for now at least and dropping the subject for the time being.


2 of the huggers that had hopped up on her merely used her as a launching platform to hop across to Ilyana, using the trees to swing over to her from, while the other 2 stayed on or near Kylie, with a third hopping off and following along on the ground while the other was driven off by Wraith who flailed his little tentacles at it and made it hop off of Kylie, where he looked victorious until Kylie scooped him out of the air and kissed him. Then he went back to being her living fly swatter while they made their way to the clearing to make themselves a camp for the night.

"Ah this is the place... but... doesn't look as clear as I remember honestly. But it'll do I think, so long as your tent doesn't need a whole lot of room that is," Eileen said, hopping to the front of the group to see the clearing when they arrived a few minutes later, looking a bit disappointed that it wasn't as large a clearing as it should have been.

"It should do I believe, unless you need a tent too that is, in which case I don't think we'll be able to manage," Ilyana said with a chuckle as she eyed Eileen.

"No no, I was going to make a web up in the trees right here in the middle, it's why I chose this spot actually, because this little patch of trees here in the center of the clearing are tall enough to give me a good view of the area, and since I've got good night eyes I'll be able to see anything at least a mile or two off, and I don't need but as much sleep as your kind do Ilyana, so I'll be just fine on that regard," Eileen replied to Ilyana, gesturing at the small patch of trees in the center of the clearing, a few of which stuck up really high, high enough that she could easily see over any of the nearby foliage without trouble.

Eileen helped Kylie and Ilyana set up their tent before climbing up to spin her web for the night, and once their tent was set up, Ilyana told Kylie that she'd gather them enough firewood to last through the night since she had better eyes for the dark if she could get a small one started with the deadwood laying about the clearing and around the edges. If Kylie agreed to do that, then Ilyana would head off into the woods with a couple of the huggers as backup, while the other two helped out with Kylie to gather the dead and broken limbs laying around. Even Wraith tried to help out some, carrying over a couple of small limbs at a time after watching Kylie and the huggers do so a couple of times themselves, though these would barely be much help, but at least he was trying.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was silent as the others spoke about sleeping arrangements in the slightly overgrown clearing, Kylie having much the same plan as Eileen, to sleep high in the trees, though she didn't make it overly well known. It was simply safer in the grown, and she was no stranger to uncomfortable sleeping choices In the name of strategic safety.

As everyone set about pitching the tent for Ilyana and the huggers, Kylie remained quiet, nodding as Ilyana spoke about the firewood, doing her part, and even little Wraith trying his best as well, causing a grin to split Kylie's currently stoic features.

It wasn't all too well known what the primary safety reason was for Kylie sleeping during the day when she traveled, though Ilyana and Eileen had both touched on it when they spoke of the darkvision she didn't possess. If she had to awaken during the night to combat a threat, then she was essentially blind against a nocturnal predator, odds she had overcome before, but certainly not ideal. If however, she was awoken during the day, in full brightness, she at least had her sight. Still, the other 2 were right, it was safer for the group as a whole to travel during the day.

Sighing at trading routine for more protection, Kylie resigned herself to it, crawling into the tent to sleep as soon as the chores were seen to, eager to continue.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

While they all got everything together for the fire and tent and everything set up, and while Ilyana was out getting firewood, Kylie would see hanging down around the edge of the little trio of trees they'd camped at a single thread of spider silk. Looking up she'd spot Eileen doing this again in another spot, ringing their camp with quite a few to the point that they wouldn't be able to get inside without touching at least one of them, as she came down and purposely frayed them at the ends so they spread out to reach the ground.

"My way of securing a campsite. If anything touches any of these thread here, I'll feel the vibration through my main web up there and will know which side something's trying to break in through, and then I can look over and see what it might be. I of course have left a space open here for you and Ilyana to get back in with the firewood and whatnot if you need to, but before I bunker down for sleep for the night I'll fill it in," Eileen said to Kylie when she spotted what she was doing.

After half an hour Ilyana came back for the last time with firewood, having brought more than enough to keep them stocked for the night and enough even for in the morning when they were getting breakfast ready. "Alright, lets get some food in our bellies then you two, and then we'll get some rest, take it in shifts of course. I'll go first if nobody has anything against it, since it'd be toughest for you to wake me up cause you'd have to climb the tree in order to get to me... or tap my web with a stick or rock or something," Eileen said when Ilyana returned the last time with firewood, offering to take first watch.

"Alright then, I suppose I'll take second watch since I don't need as much sleep as Kylie. Wake me in four to five hours or so alright Eileen," Ilyana said, then looked over at Kylie. "And I'll wake you up after eight or so hours of sleep since you need more than we do," she added to Kylie as they went over and began dinner, which was some salted porkchops that Eileen pulled from her pack for them to cook on spits over the fire.

"It was a gift from Hera, said for us to eat well tonight at least," Eileen said with a smile as she handed the pork chops to Ilyana and Kylie to begin cooking them however the two wanted.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

simple and effective Eileen, we have a similar system back in Garellia, though it's done with an odd brand of magic, Shadow Wires we call them. I understand it for the most part, still, it'll be nice to sleep undisturbed. Kylie said as she watched the erection of the network.

Continuing to help out, and agreeing to the watch rotation, Kylie's nose told her when dinner was ready, a little surprised at the fare. A gift from Hera? Wonderful, though we should try not to eat too heavily, we are traveling after all. Still, not gonna say no. Kylie said with her mouth watering, savaging her meal swiftly, though she remembered to toss small cut up pieces to Wraith as she ate.

Finishing the meal, Kylie again wasted near to no time, curling up in the tent to fall asleep almost immediately, and waking when prompted to take her watch as silently as any ghost, nodding, standing, and slinking outside into the shadows. Though she didn't scale a tree this time, Kylie still did her best to simply vanish, moving into the shadow of one of the perimeter trees, and working herself carefully into the undergrowth to conceal herself while she waited for the others to sleep.. and rise.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmhm, well I have to eat more than you two do, because I'm much bigger in more ways than one... so yeah. And I prefer meats to anything else myself, especially pork, it's my favorite," Eileen replied about dinner, putting aside a larger porkchop for Ilyana and Kylie and getting two larger ones for herself to cook.

Cooking dinner was left mostly to Ilyana who didn't seem to mind too much about doing so herself, and during this time Eileen finished up her webbing that she'd be sleeping in for the night, even pulling some old tree branches and leaves and stuff that had fallen to the ground around their campsite to make a makeshift roof for herself. Once dinner was done, Kylie was bid goodnight by the other two as she joined Ilyana in their tent to sleep for the night, with 3 of the little huggers following suit while Eileen cleaned up their dishes and whatnot as the last hugger stayed outside with her.

Kylie would notice before falling asleep that Ilyana was staying rather close to her as her bedroll was literally right next to Kylie's, which caused them to bump up against each other a little bit while they were going to sleep. Ilyana wouldn't speak on the matter unless Kylie asked, so it was up to her if she wanted to find out.

When Kylie was shaken awake by Ilyana, the drow priestess looked a bit worried about something, her eyes glancing towards the tent flap. "Kylie... something's out there... watching us. I don't know what it is exactly, but... well regardless it's worrisome to have something stalking us. The little huggers won't even go to investigate it even though I started out that way to the edge of Eileen's webs. She's up top in the tree right now watching for it to see if she can tell what it is," Ilyana whispered to Kylie when she woke her up, and once Kylie looked around a bit she'd see Ilyana had her bow in one hand and an arrow strung and ready to pull and fire as well.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie opened a single eye to regard Ilyana as she listened to the situation, rising fluidly and taking up her bow, and readying another poisoned barb to sling. Nodding at Ilyana, Kylie took a moment to listen, before making up her mind.

When something is hunting you, you have 3 options. The simplest one is wait it out, this offers the benefits of possibly outlasting your opponent, but opens you to attack when you drop your guard, and over time that WILL happen, the second option is to turn the table, enter the fray, and hunt your hunter, this is only advisable for those trained in stealth, and I mean literally trained, not experienced. The last is to run, and place a trap since the odds of you escaping are usually minimal if something or someone has decided to hunt you in the first place. I'm going Hunting. Kylie whispered, before digging around in her pack for her black shawl and drawing it tightly around herself like a cloak.

Once this was done, Kylie tested the blades in her gauntlets, before removing every other single piece of her gear. She would not have any rustling from her equipment give her away, and this took only seconds. Now crouching in the tent, Kylie reached down to pull one of her daggers off her weapon belt, holding it by it's sheath, and exiting the tent.

Closing her eyes, Kylie listened for movement, first identifying Eileen's approximate position and direction, before taking the low ground. If she heard Silence, Kylie would sprint silently to the edge of the camp, and dive between the threads, spinning and rolling into the deeper shadow of a tree, listening once more, before starting to make a slowly expanding spiral in her patrol, taking her time, ducking from shadow to shadow with practiced ease, her senses open, and her guard up. She was confident she could handle this with a toxic blade, and her gauntlets... she was hunting again... and it felt so glorious to do so in the night, in the darkness, in her true element once again...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Aye... hunting is good, but not alone you aren't. Eileen said she'd keep whatever it is distracted long enough if we wanted to sneak out and flank around," Ilyana whispered, obviously intent on following along with her but looking a bit worried.

Waiting as Kylie checked her weaponry, Ilyana also checked her's before they snuck out of the tent. When she looked up into the tree she'd see Eileen, though only barely as she was in a position that made her profile as hard to see as possible, and even when Kylie knew what to look for it was damn near impossible to actually see her. The only thing of Eileen that Kylie could actually make out properly enough to tell what it was was the faint glint of her steel arrowhead that she had drawn back and ready to fire. The way she was kind of laying in the tree was reminiscent of a huntress/sniper waiting for the perfect shot to line up or for the order to fire.

Ilyana gave a tiny whistle up at Eileen who suddenly sprang into the air from the tree with a thick strand of her silk wrapped around the tree like rope where she fired her arrow to the northeast towards the north side of the mountain. Ilyana tapped Kylie on the shoulder and gestured towards the opposite direction of the way Eileen had fired her arrow as the drider swung down and back up into the tree using her silk rope, then as Kylie and Ilyana moved off stealthily they'd hear her fire 3 more arrows in quick succession in the same direction to keep whatever it was pinned down.

"Alright, let's move quickly around the west side of camp and flank it, keep a look out for anything else that might be lurking that we didn't notice yet. But no more talking until they know we're there on them, hand signals only alright," Ilyana whispered just barely enough for Kylie to hear.

Moving around the campsite, they'd quickly make her way around to the flanking position for their apparent foe or foes. Ilyana gestured for Kylie to move around on the side closest to the camp itself while she took the outside with her bow drawn back to shoot. Peeking around the trees they were using for cover, Kylie would see 4 humanoid shapes, 3 of which had spears and or axes and the last one had a bow and had it drawn back aiming at Eileen, firing an arrow or two at their companion where she was at perched in her tree, though Eileen wasn't hit obviously and fired a couple in retaliation to keep their attention on her alone. It was hard to make out just what they were herself, but Ilyana motioned over to her to get her attention where she then gave her a nod before sliding her thumb across her throat and looking back over at their enemies, basically giving her the go ahead to shoot to kill them and not bother with wounding as she barely leaned from behind cover a few trees over and back from Kylie's position with her larger bow, where she waited until Kylie was ready to shoot to fire one herself. The look on Ilyana's face told Kylie that whatever it was the drow priestess detested it very much so.
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie nodded at Ilyana's motion, counting 4 targets... Ballsy motherfuckers weren't they. Taking her time, Kylie continued to move around until she had a good position to initiate from... and as soon as she had it, the Assassin was a blur.

Running silently, Kylie vaulted out of cover behind the group of attackers, closing on the nearest one swiftly as she dove and spun in the air, slamming her poisoned dagger into it's back with the full force of her motion, drawing it back out with the recoil of the blow. Turning the blade in her grip in the same motion, Kylie's next blow was aimed at the person's throat, her shot to it's back most likely causing it to arch backwards, and also turn towards her, opening it up perfectly for the finish...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie rushed in on Ilyana's go ahead to attack, she'd hear the whoosh of an arrow flying right by her head at the one next to the one she'd chosen to go for, striking him in the back of the neck and killing him instantly. Kylie's dagger sank into the thing's back where she'd hear a howl of pain as the thing turned to look at what had stabbed it, where she'd see it was a gnoll... ugly vicious bastards, and she'd now know why Ilyana gave such a look of disgust and whatnot.

Hearing the howl from their companion, the other two jumped up and turned to look as Kylie's dagger was yanked out and slit the thing's throat. The archer stood up and drew his bow, aiming right at Kylie's chest. The thing never got the chance to even fire his arrow before an arrow struck him in the side and he turned to fire another arrow at Eileen's position who'd just struck him with one of her own arrows. Kylie would hear a grunt in the distance towards their campsite but another arrows came whizzing in and struck him square in the jaw, the head of it exiting out the back of his neck. This left only one of the gnolls left, and he was obviously the leader of them because he was the biggest and ugliest one.

"Get him Kylie, I'll cover you," Ilyana called to Kylie, firing another arrow, this one aimed at him.

He managed to duck the shot and came charging at Kylie with his axe raised high, where he swung it at her, nearly catching the top of her head with it before she ducked underneath it and flipped back. This left her ready to counter attack him however she saw fit, as she was obviously faster than he was, but he was clearly the more physically stronger of the two.

Kylie - FP: 6/6, AP: 0/10
Ilyana - FP: 8/8, AP: 0/10
Eileen - FP: 8/10, AP: 0/10

Gnoll leader: FP: 8/8
Gnoll archer: dead
Gnoll spearman A: dead
Gnoll spearman B: dead
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Not only Kylie's target, but two others went down swiftly, both Eileen and Ilyana showing they were good shots, while her own blade opened enough lifeblood to the air to drop hers in moments, the Gnoll gurgling useless as it bled out swiftly.

Ducking the attack from the last after hearing Eileen take a hit, Kylie scowled. Yes Ilyana, I've got him... she called back after her flip, creating plenty of distance. Rather then using her dagger, Kylie decided he was too strong to count on the short blade, and instead sheathed it, sliding it into her belt before taking a low fighting stance, waiting for the Gnoll to move.

When it did, Kylie would rush to meet it, staying low and fast to avoid the large axe. If the creature was dumb enough to risk lodging his axe into the ground, more the better, but either way, once close enough, Kylie would rocket upwards, an uppercut from her metal plated fist aimed for the bottom of the gnolls Jaw, before, before grabbing his head with both hands, and driving her knee into his face and kicking off.

She was back on him in an instant, this time looking more like a predatory cat or wolf in her motions, rushing past him to lash a blade through his thigh, before moving past, turning, and rushing back in.

In and out, in range of an attack only long enough to land one of her own, and always from a new angle. At her third pass, Kylie went high, aiming a vicious spinning kick at the Gnolls head, before landing and pivoting to slam her fist down into his knee, and once again springing back out, grinning sadistically. Only now did she draw her dagger, balancing it in her hand, before whipping the blade at the Gnoll's chest, and charging in behind it, leaping to plant a solid kick on the pommel of her blade.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Raising his large axe over his head again, the gnoll swung downwards and did indeed lodge his axe in the dirt for a couple of moments, giving Kylie the time she needed to uppercut the bastard right in the bottom jaw, and she hit him with such force that it broke a couple of teeth as he reeled back and retaliated with a kick to Kylie's stomach, though he was stumbling back so it wasn't too strong a kick, but did knock the breath out of her a bit. She wasn't able to grab his head and knee him in the face though as he shoved her back with the end of his axe as he pulled it free.

Her slash on his thigh connected but he managed to get his axe around and slashed her leg but she was able to back off to keep him from following up with another strike on her. Spinning in with a kick aimed at his head, Kylie connected with him, but as he stumbled to his right, he managed to swing his leg out at Kylie and connected with her side, causing her to stumble to the side and away from him.

"Fucker... take this," Kylie would hear Eileen growl from nearby, closer than she had been at least, then a twang of another arrow being shot was heard and a grunt from the large gnoll.

When she looked back to him Kylie would see an arrow in the back of his left knee, forcing him pretty much to stay kneeling on one knee. Kylie had an easy opportunity to swing her dagger out at his chest, where the dagger landed perfectly right where she wanted it to, and then with a spinning kick she shoved it the rest of the way in where it pierced his heart, killing him as he slumped over and fell. Then all of a sudden she'd hear a gasp from Eileen and Ilyana as they both shot an arrow each from their positions at Kylie and she'd only have enough time to look up as their arrows zoomed by her face on either side where they struck another couple of gnolls that came charging out of the woods from nowhere pretty much.

"Fucking gnolls... sorry bastards are worse than the minotaurs on this island," Eileen said before swinging her bow back over her shoulder.

Kylie could see blood trailing down Eileen's left shoulder from where she'd been hit by that arrow earlier, but Ilyana was virtually untouched aside from a bit of dirt and sweat. "Yeah, I detest them as well. Kind of glad our dear old okami captain wasn't with us, he'd have gone half crazed about these fucking gnolls," Ilyana said, walking over to the gnoll she'd feathered with her arrows where she wrenched her arrows out to see if they were still usable. Kylie would see that Ilyana had used a couple of her steel arrows in the fight.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

For as immaculate and frenzied as Kylie's assault was, it wasn't perfect, but it was effective. Knowing she had backup, she was glad when her friends realized she had counted on her motions, and knew to shoot anyway. As she rolled away from another impact after landing a dazing kick to the Gnoll's head, Eileen's arrow locked him down, and Kylie's next throw, and finishing kick put the leader down for good.

Freezing as her fellow archers took notice of something, she didn't flinch as the arrows whistled passed her and took out the last two Gnolls. Or at the very least two more. If there were anymore, they'd get to watch as Kylie wrenched her dagger out of their leader's heart, and grinned, before spitting on the ground.

Turning, Kylie started walking back to camp, hiding her limp, hiding any weakness as she vanished back into the trees, confident and full of lethal fury.

As she met back up with the others, she was all smiles, catching Wraith as he predictably came flailing out at her, probably for not bringing him with. So you do use proper arrows in a fight Ilyana... Though if we're all going to be archers, we should move sooner, and fight in true darkness. Otherwise like just now, we'll need a close in fighter. I can do it, but I'm not wearing armor, and like with the Gnoll, I can't stay lucky forever. Still, wasn't an Ogre and I didn't waste any more poisoned arrows. Still, that fuckers foul blood probably washed off any on this blade. I still have another. Calm down Wraith, I'm fine. Still, that should be the last time they bother us. Kylie said, explaining a little as she cleaned off the blade, and replaced it with her other weapons before examining the wound on her leg.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

With a smirk, Eileen and Ilyana both kept another arrow notched on their bows as Kylie made her way over towards them while hiding her limp. It was hard to tell if the two noticed it themselves or not with their night eyes, but it didn't matter as they kept their bows trained on the wilderness around them for any more surprises they might encounter. Only once Kylie was past them and back into their campsite and inside the web Eileen had woven for them did the two fall back inside as well, standing alert and like a couple of stones with how still they were.

Once back inside the campsite and to the tent, Eileen sat just outside of it on the ground and kept a watch outside for them while Ilyana followed her on inside. "Don't worry about close in fighting Kylie, I'm adept at both ranged and melee fighting. Though I'm a much larger target to hit in both of course," Eileen said about fighting up close in the future, sounding quite confident of her abilities.

"Aye, and I can fight hand to hand too if need be, my father taught all of us how to with the weapons of our choice. And of course I use the proper arrows in a fight, especially when something is really trying to kill me back," Ilyana then said, pulling her robes out just a little bit to show a couple of daggers strapped to her waist and then she turned a bit to show a short sword slung over her back under her quiver.

Wraith had fluttered right up to Kylie as soon as she'd come in and landed right between her breasts where a couple of tentacles wrapped around her as far as they could. "Here, let me check you out Kylie and make sure you're not too hurt," Ilyana said, moving over to help check on Kylie's hurts she'd sustained.

After 20 minutes or so, Ilyana had applied a bit of medicine to all of Kylie's cuts and bruises she'd gotten during the fight, then she patched up Eileen's shoulder where she'd been hurt herself before making some breakfast for them now that they were all up and whatnot.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie yanked off her pants before stroking Wraith on her chest softly while Ilyana set about patching her up. All in all, it could have been much worse, they'd done well. Sighing and laying back for 20 minutes as nurse Ilyana went over her, Kylie played with Wraith while she waited.

Once doctor darkelf had declared her fit to wander around did she bother to, still taking it easy and favoring her unhurt leg, cuts to the thigh burned. Sitting down for breakfast, Kylie had completely rearmed, wearing all of her gear and becoming a snuggle perch for all their non-human compatriots, not minding as she relaxed. As always, they'd eat up, break camp, and move on.

Eating quickly and already ready to move, Kylie set about breaking camp and getting things packed up before they moved on, Kylie figuring the Gnolls had tracked them for awhile, and they were in no immediate danger, especially not after making an example of the leader.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Wraith seemed happy that Kylie was alright for the most part as Ilyana bandaged her up. The little darkmantle's tentacles wriggled about when Kylie tickled him while she played with him, and when Ilyana was done with Kylie and moved on to Eileen he flopped down on her face rather than the top of her head. Eileen grunted and grimaced as Ilyana patched her shoulder up, and once it was bandaged Ilyana began cooking them a quick breakfast.

Some bacon and eggs and toast was their breakfast, and while it was finished up Eileen crawled back up the tree and brought her things down to get ready to pack up their camp and leave once breakfast was done. Tapping Kylie's foot to get her attention, Ilyana handed her a plate of bacon, a couple of fried eggs and a couple of pieces of toast. There were two huggers laying on Kylie's stomach and legs as if protecting her while she lay back and relaxed until breakfast, but they'd move if she shooed them off for her to eat.

Breakfast was rather peaceful considering the fight earlier, and nothing bothered them and they didn't even get the feeling that they were being watched any. "Well now that was certainly something I didn't expect to be honest girls. Those bastards tried to get the drop on us and nearly did if Ilyana hadn't been as observant as she is," Eileen said as they ate.

When time came to leave, Eileen helped them pack up their stuff and hauled it up onto her spidery back to carry for them since Kylie's leg was hurt, even offering a ride to Kylie if her leg started hurting too much to keep walking.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was content where she was, at one with the critters as she ate, and only shooed them off of her when it was time to leave. Stretching her leg out, Kylie nodded at Eileen's statement. Very true, that could have been worse. But seriously, fucking gnolls. Vermin, not even worth a trophy.

Accepting Eileen's insistence to carry her portion of the gear, Kylie seemed relatively unbothered by the leg, or perhaps she was just too stubborn. But given as how Eileen had seen her naked, and thus seen the scars that covered most of her body, it was no doubt that Kylie had endured far worse over her life. Torture made most other pains pale in comparison, and Kylie had difficulty judging when something was a serious injury based on pain alone, instead relying on her knowledge of humanoid anatomy that she used in her tactics, to tell her how bad an injury really was.

Displaying an unusual tolerance for something as basic as pain, Kylie didn't even bother with a slight limp, instead walking as if the leg was entirely fine. There was no doubt that carrying her pack was saving her some discomfort, it seemed Kylie would be just fine. Indeed, given how they'd seen her fight, showing no let down in momentum at all despite injury, that Kylie would keep moving until she was rendered nearly physically incapable.

Though not necessarily a good thing, it did spare Eileen from having to even entertain the idea of carrying her as well, and certainly didn't stop Kylie from doing anything, though even in her mind she knew she should probably take it a little easier to let the wound heal, and after nearly an hour of walking, Kylie did bother to pipe up. If we find anything particularly nasty, I'd prefer to stay hidden if we can. I don't trust my acrobatics on a cut thigh... That was all she had to say on the matter however, and continued on without any outward sign that her leg bothered her.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Heading on out once breakfast was done and they'd cleaned up, the girls made good time despite Kylie's hurt leg, which Ilyana made them take a rest every hour or so for her to check it and make sure the cut hadn't busted back open or anything. "It's alright Kylie, I'll hide us good if we need to," Eileen said. After 4 hours of traveling Ilyana had them stop for another rest where they ate some lunch in the meantime.

"Damn... Kylie I know you won't like it but I'm going to suggest you ride on Eileen's back for the rest of the day at least and stay off this leg alright. The cut is still bleeding a bit and the more you walk the more it's gonna bleed. And I definitely don't want you getting an infection out here away from civilization," Ilyana said seriously when she checked her leg before getting lunch ready for them, a slightly worried look on her face.

"I don't mind carrying you too Kylie, I've got the room and the strength to carry you," Eileen said to Kylie, patting her on the shoulder.

Ilyana removed the dirt bandage enough for Kylie to see her leg and sure enough the wound was bleeding again, or still, it was hard to tell really. But either way it looked bad enough that even Kylie with all her stubbornness would know that she shouldn't keep walking on it with the shape it was in. Eileen took care of the cooking at first while Ilyana took out fresh bandages from her medkit she had with her and some cleaning things for the wounds. It was a little painful for Kylie as Ilyana dabbed a rag covered in a sterilizing agent that burned a bit like rubbing alcohol. She put some more ointment and bandaged it back up and told Kylie that she really thought she should ride on Eileen's back, but that she wouldn't force her to do so.

With that she helped Eileen finish fixing lunch, which was just some quickly cooked pork that Eileen still had from Hera which she slapped between a couple of piece of bread for them to eat.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

You sure? Kylie asked Ilyana, raising an eyebrow before the dressing was removed. She was indeed bleeding through the bandage, and Ilyana had a point about infection. It seemed she had torn the wound a little wider, and although she hadn't shown it, she had been serious, she doubted the leg would hold up to her more acrobatic maneuvers without tearing severely.

Sighing as Ilyana sterilized her leg, Kylie nodded and ate her lunch, simple enough fair, and continued to regard Eileen for several long moments, before looking out into the jungle itself.

This was all very good training for her, and she'd had no issues moving around in the trees, treating them like spires or narrow buildings. But she hadn't counted on the increased risk of infection out here, and judging from the humidity, and her inability to bath at will, Kylie cursed herself for not thinking about the possibility. And it would have been so easy to pick up something as simple as a poultice from Alan to.

Finished with her meal, Kylie finally relented on her pride, and hopped up onto Eileen's back, nestling herself around between the gear and various weapons, and waiting for the inevitable seatbelting that was sure to occur. You win Ilyana. Lets just make some good time today, I'd hate for that skirmish to set us back any. She said, digging a piece of jerky out of her pack which she was now reunited with, and chewing on it as she rode.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Ilyana nodded to Kylie about her leg that she was sure about what she'd said. Eileen stared back at Kylie with a curious look on her face. "What's the matter Kylie? Something wrong?" Eileen asked as Kylie looked at into the wilds around them.

"Alright Kylie there we go, should be good now. I'm not going to force you to stay off of it, but I suggest you do at least until tomorrow, which should give the medicine time to close the cut enough that you won't have to worry about it any," Ilyana said as she finished up bandaging Kylie's leg.

When lunch was done and they were ready to go on, Eileen glanced over her shoulder at Kylie as she climbed up onto her spidery back with a smile, but Kylie might have been a bit surprised when Eileen didn't spin any of her silk around her waist and merely let her hold on as she wanted since they were following the main path northwards. Soon enough they'd gotten past the mountain enough that they didn't need to worry about the minotaurs much any longer, and they saw no more gnolls at the moment either.

They traveled the rest of the day in virtual peace save for a curious monkey that tailed them for a while but was eventually run off by a couple of the huggers when it tried to throw things at them, including its own feces like most dumb monkeys did. Other than that the only trouble they had was crossing a stream, which Eileen was able to help them do easily by getting some of her silk fixed into ropes that she used to haul everyone across to keep their gear from getting wet.

By the time night was falling fully they had their camp set up beside the main path and a larger stream than the one they'd crossed earlier in the day while Ilyana was checking Kylie's leg again. "Alrighty, just need to stay off it for the night and it should be sealed up enough tomorrow that you won't have to worry much. Yeah the medicine I put onto it is that good, we make an effort to make good medicines like that which act fast." Ilyana said when she was done checking her leg once more while Eileen started dinner for them, making something a bit more simple tonight, which was some fish that she'd scooped up from the stream with a fishing net made from her own silk which she then cleaned and fixed onto sticks over their campfire to cook and was now tending to them.