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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie waved her hand at Eileen Nothing, I stare at people when I'm lost in thought. It's a habit. That... and well, feel bad about needing a ride. Kylie answered quickly smiling.

Putting up with everything, Kylie was soon over the river and through the woods, though she doubted the presence of any overbearing grandmothers present at the end. However, she did note when they'd passed out of minotaur territory, and was rather glad they hadn't had the run in she'd been worried about since reaching the foot of the mountain.

Kylie had dozed off at some point during her ride, and didn't wake again until she felt Eileen stop, Ilyana taking the groggy but otherwise rested assassin for another checkup. Her leg was doing just fine, and closing quickly enough, showing that Ilyana had prepared medically for this, again an oversight Kylie had made in the jungle, and one she wouldn't make in a city, pointing to her inexperience in this area. Nodding as Ilyana gave her the news, Kylie vanished the moment the darkelf turned her back, a slight rustling being the only sound as she dove into some very dense underbrush.

If anyone was overly confused or worried, Kylie would whistle, before reaching up, and drawing a small X into the bark of a nearby tree with her hunting knife. I will stay in this bush, until morning. For this bush is mighty, and while Eileen can guard the air, I shall guard the ground.... Beware the wrath of the shooting Bush.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Eileen merely shrugged her shoulders back at Kylie when she said that she just stared at people when lost in thought, not really seeming to mind Kylie staring but just seeming curious as to why she was. When they moved on, Eileen glanced over her shoulder when she felt Kylie's head lay down on her shoulder and before drifting off to sleep Kylie would feel a hand gently caress her cheek.


When she woke and all with Ilyana and Eileen helping her down for the former to check her leg again, Kylie would be able to slip away while the other two had their heads turned when Ilyana did so to gather the old bandage that'd been around Kylie's leg, as Eileen was doing the cooking which was something that required her full attention at the moment so she didn't even notice Kylie had vanished yet. Turning back to Kylie's position Ilyana giggled at what the young assassin had said before burying the old dirty and bloody bandages in the ground.

"Well miss mighty bush, you should be a bit more careful that you don't go into a bush that's home to a big snake or spider before jumping in. Or better yet that it's not a bush that you're allergic to and might start itching like crazy from touching," Ilyana said with a giggle as she pushed a few inches of dirt over the bandages she'd buried.

"Hmhm... does miss mighty bush want some of this fish to eat? It's good and miss mighty bush won't be able to show any wrath on an empty stomach. Also... miss mighty bush has a hat that'll give her away if she's not careful," Eileen chuckled, offering a trio of the fish on their spits to Kylie while pointing above her little bush she was hiding in at Wraith who was trying to dig his way into said bush to find Kylie.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mighty bush didn't answer immediately, only reaching up to pull Wraith into the bush with her for cuddles. Regarding the fish, Kylie stayed true to her word, and stayed in the bush, simply holding out a hand for her fish, the appendage sticking above the greenery in a goofy manner, all other warnings lost on her. She liked the bush.

Hunkered down, Kylie played with Wraith to pass the time, and even napped a little after eating her fish, but otherwise stayed nearly completely immobile unless something forced her hand. Wraith in the meantime, was having fun with all the bugs, munching them down as quickly as they appeared, and soon enough, insectoid life avoided the dreaded predator.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmhm, here you go then miss mighty bush, here's your fish," Eileen said with a giggle, holding the trio of fish on spits out for Kylie to grab at her leisure.

Once Kylie had taken them and started eating, Wraith stopped playing for the time being and began grabbing various bugs in the bush to munch on, keeping the vast majority of bugs away from Kylie to the point she didn't even need to worry about getting mosquito bites or anything. The only thing she'd really need to watch out for would be snakes, and she didn't hear anything trying to slither into the bush with her at the moment so she seemed to be alright for now.

By the time Kylie was done eating, Wraith had snatched up at least a dozen or more bugs of various sizes to munch, chasing one particular grasshopper out of the bush when it jumped until he'd chased it around a tree about 20 feet away from Kylie. Swooping around the tree, Kylie lost sight of Wraith for a few seconds before he came floating back with the grasshopper in one of his tentacles, showing it to Kylie as he waved it in front of her face once he'd returned, then he munched it down too.

"Alright, same watches tonight then?" Ilyana asked curiously to the other two from where she was at at the front of her's and Kylie's tent.

"Hmm, I'd wager it would be best for you to take last watch Ilyana. Because you'd be best to keep an eye out during the darkest parts of the night and morning. Kylie, you mind taking first watch?" Eileen replied to her, glancing over at Kylie in her bush as she asked if she minded taking first watch for them.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie nommed fish, and watched Wraith kill his bugs, giggling despite herself as he darted out after a grasshopper, catching it, and flailing back to her, very proud of himself, before eating that to, Kylie patting him on the head and kissing him with a smile, before the others spoke up.

Hearing a plan involving the same watches, and Kylie once again pulling first duty, Kylie stuck an arrow up out of the bush as an affirmative to take the first round, peering from her secret hidey hole as the others got ready to bed down for the night. Kylie would not relinquish her bush... It was HER BUSH!

Snuggling into the undergrowth of the Mighty Bush, Kylie watched, and waited, content and pleasantly warm inside the bush, not that she'd been cold in a long while. But with Wraith there, and Eileen's network of hidden threads going up again, Kylie didn't suspect any trouble, but that didn't mean she relented on her vigil, only doing anything different when her own watch was up, throwing pebbles at Eileen to get her attention.

Once Eileen was up and on guard duty, Kylie would just fall asleep in the bush, the bush of safety, the bush of wraith the bugslayer.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Good good, then I'll get some sleep for now too," Eileen said when Kylie held her arrow up in confirmation that she'd heard. "Just get my attention when you're ready to switch," she added before setting up into the tree she'd taken as her own for the evening.

Nothing happened pretty much during her watch aside from a couple of curious monkeys looking down at them and the most dangerous thing that came by was a fairly large spider about the size of Kylie's hand which was run off by Wraith who flailed his tentacles at it was he chased it away. After about 3 or 4 hours of keeping watch, Kylie tossed a couple of pebbles up at Eileen who after 2 or 3 pebbles stirred enough to wake up and groggily came down.

"How long have you been at it?" Eileen asked as she and Kylie switched places, climbing down from her perch to keep watch for them. After Kylie answered if she wanted to and went on to bed, she'd be undisturbed this time until she was awakened by the smell of cooking bacon strips about 6 or 7 hours later.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was asleep almost as soon as Eileen took her place for watch, not answering, instead opting to remain hidden, as was the entire plan in the first place. If something DID go wrong, anything that hadn't been watching them for hours, would have no idea she was there, well armed, and in a prime position to counterattack.

Waking to the smell of bacon, Kylie slowly, and carefully, checked the inside of the bush with her eyes, looking for snakes more then anything. She trusted Wraith to keep the bush bug free, and anything else would probably have settled when she was sleeping, and since her little Bob-spawn kept different sleeping hours then she did, she wasn't overly worried, stroking Wraith gently as she slowly stood.

Stepping out of the bush, Kylie shook the twigs, leaves, and any lingering creepy crawlies off of her. She'd dealt with rats for years, bugs didn't bother her. Spiders even less so, Spiders were naturally cowards, it kept them alive.

Stretching, Kylie Stripped down swiftly, and then shook out her clothes just to be sure, before packing her clothes away, and getting a fresh set on before sitting down for breakfast. Another day passed, another step closer. Was all she said in way of greeting for the morning, settling into the traveling routine easily enough.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Wraith was indeed asleep when Kylie woke up, and luckily there were no snakes to be seen in or around her bush she'd slept in, and amazingly the only bug on her was what appeared to be a small hard shelled beetle of some sort that was just making its way across her while passing by, which scurried on its way once she'd shook it off, and Wraith was just waking up so he didn't both going after it.

Stripping down to nothing after she came out of her mighty bush prompted a stare from Eileen that Kylie would easily notice. If she decided to give Eileen any sort of show, she'd also notice Eileen's back pair of spidery legs twitching a bit before they rubbed together. When Kylie went to the tent to get herself a fresh set of clothes though she'd suddenly feel a pair of arms wrapped around her from behind, with one quickly sliding down her back to her ass if she bent over to grab them instead of squatting.

"Morning sexy, hope you slept well. And you've got some nerve exposing that gorgeous body like that in front of me after telling me to take you whenever I felt like, even if I snuck up and took you when you were least expecting it," Eileen told Kylie as she hugged her from behind, letting her hands glide up and down the young human's smooth skin.

Unless Kylie said anything to or physically stopped her, Eileen would slide her hands up to grope Kylie's breasts before leaning around to kiss her on the neck. "You've kind of got me riled up you sexy thing you," Eileen whispered in Kylie's ear, leaning around a bit more to kiss her on the lips, her tongue dancing with Kylie's before pulling back to kiss her neck again, letting her fangs graze across Kylie's skin just to see her reaction.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie enjoyed Eileen's stare, only giving her a small wink before turning to get her clothes. The grab from behind, and groping of her ass brought a sharp gasp and a giggle however, and Kylie returned the kiss enthusiastically, taking her time as their tongues did their dance with a soft moan shared between the two.

As Eileen made another pass at her neck, Kylie bared her throat, the feeling of the spider woman's fangs gliding along her flesh drawing a shudder from the assassin as she turned into submissive putty in Eileen's arms.

Yes... yes I did... Better not waste the opportunity, or I'll make you catch me. Kylie panted softly, her hands curling into Eileen's hair as she continued to tease her, Kylie's body growing warm quickly and with little need for prompting.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh I can catch you anytime I wish my little fly. And while I really... really want you right this second... it'd be better to wait until we're at least near a stream or something so we can clean up. Plus you're probably hungry sweetie, so I won't tire you out before we even leave for the day okay," Eileen cooed in her ear, grazing her fangs across Kylie's neck again, as if showing her that she could make her unable to resist her advances if she wished with a few drops of her venom.

With that, Eileen helped Kylie into her clothes, giving her butt a pinch as her trousers were pulled up, then she crawled back out to the campfire to prepare a plate for Kylie. When Kylie got out there, Eileen handed her a plate with 4 pieces of bacon, a couple of pieces of toast, and a fried egg on it. "Here you go, figured you needed a bit more since you didn't eat a whole lot yesterday morning," Eileen said, with Ilyana nodding in agreement as she chewed up a piece of bacon.

After they ate, cleaned up, and got their gear ready, the three set off again, with Kylie's leg feeling quite a bit better than it had been the day before after their fight with the gnolls, and when Ilyana took the bandage off to check it before they set out, she looked very pleased with how it was healing up. "Good good, It's completely sealed now, but I still want to keep it bandaged up until tomorrow morning if that's alright, just in case," Ilyana said after examining Kylie's leg.

Setting off after that, they made decent time up until about an hour before noon, where the rain set in again and began to bog them down some. After 2 hours of near constant but not too heavy rainfall, Ilyana sighed and called for a halt for lunch, which they took under a tree and which consisted of some of their jerky that they had and an apple each, just something more to hold them over until they made camp than anything. "Damn rain... makes traveling to the other towns a bitch and a half really. Gods I wish that auntie Elise would send those builders out here to make those good roads, so we don't have to bother with getting out here and so bogged down because of how muddy it is," Ilyana said, looking a bit disappointed that the rain had started falling like it had.

"Well should we wait it out and maybe get a bit more hiking in tonight if it stops you think? It'd be harder on Kylie sure but she can just ride on my back if the path starts to get too dangerous for her since we've both got night eyes," Eileen asked, peeking out from under the tree they were staying under where a raindrop nailed her right in the eye and made her pull back quickly to wipe it.

"We might end up having to, but Kylie's better in the night than you think. At least she likes the night better anyway. Still more dangerous to move at night though I think, but not impossible. I believe the three of us could easily manage it," Ilyana replied to Eileen's question, glancing at Kylie for a moment while they munched on their lunch.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Ahhh! You Tease! Kylie whined, wriggling around in Eileen's grasp for a long moment, before relenting and getting dressed, shooting a smirk over her shoulder as her Drider companion continued to let her know how much she wanted to hit that.

Breakfast was hearty enough, and again, everyone seemed overly concerned with Kylie's sporadic and unexpected eating habits, though she didn't disappoint today, destroying her meal with a single minded focus, though she certainly remembered to share with Wraith, and once again became a perch for all the critters, the huggers making an appearance from somewhere unknown. They'd been pretty well behaved all things considered.

Pondering how horny she still was, Kylie wondered if that was why they'd both been attacked by the amorous little fuck-monsters the other night, because they'd both been wound up, and the creatures could sense it, it would make sense. Still, despite being a little more fidgety then normal, they didn't seem to push the issue any, though they were pushy for physical affection, refusing to relent until Kylie and Ilyana had taken the time to pet and stroke them all into odd little purring lap animals.

DoomHat Wraith continued to guard Mama Kylie from his lofty perch as they traveled, though he did dart around for shelter when the rain started, hiding in Kylie's clothing and making her giggle now and again as he shifted around, and took a meal mid hike from her chest, making her jump a little and eep unexpectedly.

Shaking her head, they continued until the rain seemed ready to force them to stop, and everyone made their annoyance with it known, though Kylie only looked confused. It's just rain and mud, and the trees here are all so closely packed it's not like we have to travel on the ground. I certainly didn't fight the ogre on the ground. Kylie pointed out quickly enough, gesturing at the jungle vines all over the place. And as for me being comfortable in the dark, I may not have your vision, but I'm more then capable. For those of us not gifted with darkvision, we do have ears, and are trained to use them. We should make progress while we can. My leg is closed up, and swinging around wont hurt me any, lets go. Kylie said, finishing her lunch quickly, and starting to scramble up a tree. When she was ready, she'd just move along the branches, or swing to the next tree, avoiding the mud entirely, and the ground as long as possible. It wasn't ideal, but it was certainly faster then moving along the ground in the rain.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmm, I suppose you're right about being able to climb into the trees that it'd be faster, but with it this slick from the rain I wouldn't want you two climbing and maybe slipping or anything Kylie, it'd be horrible if that happened," Eileen said, agreeing that it'd be quicker but not liking the risk they'd be taking.

"Well we can let you carry us Eileen, you're strong and capable enough I think," Ilyana replied.

"Well I might be able to carry both of you, but probably not both of you and all of our gear with my shoulder still healing back up. But I however don't have as much trouble on the ground as you two would. Bonus of having longer legs and all," Eileen told them, the bandage still on her shoulder telling them that while she could take to the trees herself she probably couldn't carry all of their gear and the two of them as well. "We could wait it out for an hour or so, would be a good chance to check these bandages too I'd say," she added, with Ilyana nodding in agreement.

After they finished up their lunch, Ilyana checked Kylie's leg, but didn't change the bandages, merely pulling them up enough to see if her leg was okay. Seeming satisfied that Kylie's leg was doing just fine before checking Eileen's shoulder, which looked to be fine, but was obviously still a little sore just like Kylie's leg was. After they were done with lunch and Kylie climbed a nearby tree to begin her swinging, Eileen looked over at Ilyana and shook her head before pulling the drow girl up onto her back and following Kylie up into the trees.

"Be careful Kylie, I don't want you to slip and fall. You might be good at this sort of thing, but you can still slip," Eileen called after Kylie as Wraith floated along behind her through the trees. The huggers all followed Eileen up, deciding to hop onto her back along with Ilyana and ride so they could keep up.

As they went along the trees, Eileen let Kylie stay in the lead, more so she could keep an eye on her than anything really, so she could catch her if need be. That need came along after an hour or so as Kylie did exactly what Eileen was afraid of and got a bit too hasty in her swinging and landed on a slick tree limb and began to fall out of the tree she was in, nearly 15 feet up. Eileen was quick on the draw though and Kylie felt a strand of Eileen's webbing snag her ankle, where she was left dangling upside down about 3 feet from the ground, as she'd fallen that far before Eileen saved her.

"I was worried you'd slip, maybe we should stick to the ground for now, where I can carry both of you without it maybe pulling my shoulder any, as I won't have to reach up and move branches out of my way or try to pull with my arms any," Eileen suggested from above, attaching the webbing to one of the tree limbs she was in so she could climb down to let Kylie loose from the strand holding her up. Once down, she took one of her spidery legs and it cut through, unhooking Kylie from it where she plopped down on the ground on a bed of moss which was thankfully under her. The rain was still coming down as steadily as it had been the whole time and didn't seem to be letting up anytime soon, but it wasn't overly heavy rain really, and it wasn't storming any either.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Noted. Was all the answer her companions got as Kylie got up into the tree anyway and started traveling via canopy. And they made damned good time, Kylie able to keep momentum, and even use the slick branches to her advantage, sliding along the thicker ones as she reached for other vines or limbs. The other two took up the rear, and an hour or so later, Kylie was glad that they did.

Finally losing her footing, having managed to keep it far longer then any normal person could given the conditions, Kylie did fall, and was caught, panting and resting upside down as she waited to be cut loose. She could have done so herself, but she was grateful for the break. Traveling this way was fast, but it was tiring.

I'm still not gonna say I'm wrong, that is the best way to travel right now, if only I still had my old climbing boots. I stripped them in the ocean when I got here, because their soles are filled with steel strips that have spikes for just this reason. Masonry is just as slick. It's always the little things we get so used to that we miss the most, I swear. Kylie said conversationally as Eileen cut her free, flopping onto the moss.

I don't have climbing claws either. If only... Eileen no, I'm not getting on your back, I need to move so I can keep my heart up and not feel so lazy, and I'm not making you carry me and Ilyana AND the gear, that's ridiculous. Kylie said in protest, wriggling away from her amorous spidery friend

I'm not traveling in the mud, that's ridiculously slow. Kylie continued, not budging an inch on this. If anyone here was a brutal taskmaster for making up lost ground, it was her. Here, I'll fix the slipping right now, but you're going to have to carry me tomorrow, my feet are going to be shredded. Kylie said, yanking off her boots and shoving them in her pack, pulling out her hunting knife and one of her simple white cotton tunics, she slashed the shirt into long strips, that could be used as bandages, and then she took her gauntlets off, and stashed those as well, before taking about half of the longest ones, and wrapping her feet and hands.

Her Eileen, if you're really that worried, you can tie a safety line to me in case I fall again, but I'll bet you 250 gold pieces that I wont. she said again, spreading her arms to accept the line if Eileen insisted, but otherwise climbing into the tree's again. Now she had much better grip, and her hands and feet were callused from wearing boots and fighting, but they weren't dog paws and she had no illusions about the shape her feet at least would be in when this day was through. Before anyone could complain any more about it, Kylie was off like a shot, now her footing was true, her flesh and the bandages giving her much better grip then the leather and metal she had been wearing.

And please, remember, I'm retraining lost skills, this is just as important as fighting for me... She called back, explaining her other reason for being so adamant about this, and as always with her training, Kylie pushed her body to it's absolute limits. She was an agile marvel in her motions, her muscles working like a well oiled machine to twist, shift, and flip through the trees. She was even confident she could have survived that fall relatively unscathed given her reflexes and the water softened ground. To Date, she had never met anyone as dexterous as she was, and she was determined to hold that edge, to be the fastest, the most sure footed... And when she met that person inevitably, she would train until she was their better once more...
Last edited:
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Alright then Kylie, but be careful alright, and I don't have the gold on me right now to afford that much of a bet, but if you do fall again then I'm going to tie you up with my silk and carry you on my back, and if you complain, I'll gag you with it too," Eileen called to Kylie as the young assassin set off again. "Wait Kylie... I've got a better idea for your feet, so they won't be cut up... dammit come back here," Eileen called and chased after her.

She caught up to Kylie enough to actually scoop her up in her arms about a quarter of a mile later. "Hey... you're quick, but I've got something for you that'll keep you from having to worry about your feet," Eileen told Kylie after she caught her, holding her in her arms. Kylie would feel something touching her left foot and upon looking down, she'd see Eileen spinning some of her webbing around her foot, making what was essentially a boot out of her silk, the whole thing tickling her feet a bit. She repeated the process on the right foot after a minute or two, where she then gave a pleased look down at Kylie. "Try those on for size, they should help you stick to the limbs you jump to enough to keep your footing, and I guarantee you won't slide with that on your feet," Eileen said before setting Kylie back down onto the tree limb she was on, where Kylie would feel her feet sticking good, but not so much that she couldn't take another step easily. All in all it felt kind of like she'd put some light adhesive of some sort on her feet.

With that, Eileen gestured to Kylie to wait for a moment, then she did the same thing for Ilyana, who took her boots off and laid them in her pack and set off after Kylie once they were done, with Eileen bringing up the rear. "Now be sure to keep an eye on those, because they might start to tear after a while, and once they do your feet will get cut up some I'm sure so be careful," Eileen told them as they set off again.

With their new shoes of pure drider silk, the group made much better time now, as the girls didn't need to worry so much about slipping anymore. After a couple of more hours the rain started slacking down a bit, but still didn't stop completely, though they weren't on the ground so they had no trouble with the mud that was down there. A couple of hours after that the rain stopped completely and the trio had come to an area where the trees thinned out too much for them to use them to move about.

"Well, looks like this is the end of the line in the trees unfortunately girls. A pity really, because I felt kind of free while we went," Ilyana said, panting slightly from the exertion of running and jumping from tree branch to tree branch.

"Come on you two, let's get down, it's starting to get a bit late now anyway and we'll want to find a good spot for camp tonight, with a couple of trees right next to one another," Eileen said as she hopped down off the tree they were in.

Wraith had clung to Kylie's chest as he hid in her shirt, while the huggers all stayed on Eileen's back for the journey. When they got down, Wraith would flutter out and float over to Eileen's head and plop down on top of it as it was the highest perch in the general vicinity aside from the trees.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

WeeeAHHH! Damnit. I've been caught. Kylie shouted, playfully wriggling around as Eileen actually chased her down and scooped her up, kissing her on the nose. As her feet were wrapped in odd little sticky booties, Kylie wiggled her toes around. It was interesting to say the least. I dread to think what would happen if you made a full outfit of this stuff. The poor person would stick to everything. Heck, you could make a game of it, and have them jump at walls, see if they stuck. she said, before darting off again.

This time she had no trouble whatsoever keeping her footing, And Ilyana was actually joining in now, apparently the funbug infectious as Kylie took the highroad until they were eventually forced to stop, by a lack of trees.

Flopping down in the grass with a happy laugh, Kylie wriggled and looked up at Ilyana with a grin as she spoke. It really is, there's no better way to travel. except flying, what I wouldn't give to have big flappy wings. Kylie said wistfully, looking up through the trees at the clouds. She was breathing heavily, and panting just as Ilyana was, having worked herself as hard as she could, often taking obviously more difficult path choices just to get the exercise, and she burned... and it was a good burn, and all was right in the universe.

As Wraith wriggled out of her shirt, Kylie hugged him, before he floated up to Eileen, and flopped on her head, using her as a spidery tower since she was the highest point up, Kylie giggling at Eileen sporting her own snuggly doomhat.

Ahh, he likes you. She teased. I'll make sure he pays you a proper visit when he's older. she continued Or I'll introduce you to Bob....

Everything was set soon after as they got ready for the night, same watches, the whole routine settling easily enough.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Heh, I doubt that he'd want something as big as he is most likely. And to answer what you said earlier about a full suit of my silk... it sticks to you real close like you've been sweating all day long, but we've employed that to good use in sieges before for a strike team to climb the walls of a city since they're smaller than we are and harder to see, along with using the deepest darkest parts of night to weave webs all the way up a city wall for the troops to go up and storm one of the city gates. It really is a big help when climbing just about anything since our webbing is so strong and all," Eileen said once they'd stopped when the trees ran out, panting a bit herself as she glanced up at Wraith.

Setting up at a pair of trees up ahead, Eileen repeated her routine from the last couple of days of making her net around their camp while Ilyana and Kylie got a fire going for dinner, which was a bit tougher that night thanks to the rain, but Ilyana knew where to get some dry enough firewood to get it started thankfully. They soon had their campfire going and were cooking some dinner on the roadside where they'd camped. Repeating pretty much the same as the last 2 nights, this night wasn't much different save what they ate, which was a simple stew of some vegetables and some meat that they had with them and shared. Once dinner was done, they all took turns with the watch and during Kylie's she'd notice that something was stalking around just outside of camp, but was obviously too cautious to try and come inside Eileen's web.

She'd see it stalking around for nearly an hour before it came time to wake Eileen and unless she got up to try and get a closer look at it at which point it would run off a ways but would remain there just on the edge of Kylie's sight and from what she could tell it was of feline shape and was on all fours, but other than that she couldn't tell exactly what it was other than a big cat of some sort. If Kylie attempted to go outside of Eileen's spider silk net around them, the young assassin would feel Wraith tugging at the back of her shirt to try and keep her inside.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie took her watch, and this time, rather then being completely uneventful, was instead haunted by something stalking around their camp. Smart enough to avoid the wires, but stupid enough to stick around, Kylie moved to hunt it, before Wraith tugged at her, which he only ever did if she was in danger.

Nodding at her little friend, Kylie instead knocked a simple wooden arrow, and sent it whistling into the darkness at her stalker. If it was intelligent, she'd find out when it bothered to speak.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Firing her arrow at the shape in the distance, Kylie heard a growl before whatever it was hopped off and out of sight now. "Good thing you didn't go on out Kylie. Looks like we've got a spectral panther nosing about. Shadow beasts that are damn good at keeping out of sight when they want to. I'd say they're even better at it than you are," Kylie would hear Eileen say from close behind her, the suddenness of the drider talking possibly making Kylie jump a bit at how silent she'd come down the tree and up behind Kylie without her noticing.

"I don't know if it's going to stick around or not, but with all three of us here inside my webbing, I don't think it'll make a move against us. So we ought to be fine for the rest of the night I think, besides if it tries to come in, you and Ilyana will hear me fighting it I'm sure," Eileen told Kylie after a few moments.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Such wonderful prey... Kylie breathed in response to Eileen, her pulse up, her pupils dilated fully to see all they could in the shadows as the drider could see the internal mental and physical struggle not to hunt, the assassin's muscles clenching and tensing even as she stayed where she was.

Kylie would not sleep well that night, instead sleeping in half a trance, waiting for that sound of disturbance, that call to the hunt and the blood.. such a fine creature to pit herself against.... She'd proved herself it's better tonight... she desperately wanted to feel that victory for years...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hey, we'll have plenty of time to hunt around for things later cutie, get some sleep for now alright," Eileen whispered to Kylie, nudging her back to the tent to get some sleep.

As she headed on into the tent to sleep, Kylie would see Eileen had gone back up into her tree to take the high ground for the night while keeping a watch for them. She would probably be disappointed come the next morning when the creature from the night before hadn't returned on them during the night/early morning hours. Though she would wake to Ilyana shaking her a little bit as she tried to get her up.

"Hey... time to get up, we've got good clear skies today and breakfast is ready," Ilyana told her once she'd woken enough to be coherent of her surroundings.