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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Well, I'm certainly not a dwarf, just a human, and in answer to your question... it's the latter. I need easily carried, concealable weapons, much like these. She said, holding up her hands, wrist up for him to see, before the blades lashed out of her gauntlets, before sliding back into hiding.

As for the exact what, I'm interested in many many things, explosives, hidden blades, clockwork mechanisms. I've found that non magical trickery is more effective, since magical things can be searched for with magic. But something properly concealed, with machinery and effort, is much harder to find. Show me what's for sale, and I'll show you just how much I'm willing to spend making you a rich dwarf. Kylie said with a grin, already more excited about this shop, then the other two previous.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oooh, those are delicate pieces. Not dwarven make though, that much I can tell," the dwarf said, his head perking up a bit at the mention of making him a very rich dwarf. "Hmm... well you see that's the thing with non magical equipment, it'll never be quite as strong as the actual magical stuff unfortunately. I do however happen to have some things in stock that you might find... nice. Name's Oren by the way, Oren Stone," he added, introducing himself to her.

With that he gestured towards the shelves in his shop and motioned Kylie to follow him. He showed her several spring loaded weapons, one that looked somewhat like a small hand crossbow save without the string and a spring instead that flung instead of the regular bolts it flung what appeared to be pellets like a sling would, but they were made of glass.

"Gas pellets, some filled with sleep agents, some filled with other things like a paralyzing agent, nothing deadly though unless you put it into empty pellets yourself, which I also sell. But these are guaranteed to shatter on impact to release the gas inside," he said, holding up the small spring hand crossbow for her to look at. "I also sell basic metal pellets for it too that you can use, to get it into position to shoot it, you turn the little hand crank here to pull it back. Four full rotations puts it all the way back, which you'll probably want to do for the metal pellets if you want them to get any kind of distance and deal damage. For the glass ones though, I'd suggest no more than two and a half at most, and even that's pushing it sometimes because you've got a good chance to shatter the glass ones right in your own face if you do that," he added, giving her a bit of warning on how to use it, while she was looking it over he also moved over to the shelf on the other side of the aisle.

"This here I call a spring razor. There are two versions of them and they can be used in different ways. This particular version of it is set to be the spring razor wire trap, that when set off flings one of three things out of it, one is caltrops, one is miniature daggers, and the third is slightly smaller versions of the pellets that that thing there in your hand shoots. I'm sure I can make other things for it though, just haven't really had the need to do so," Oren said, holding up a small metal case for Kylie to look at when she was done with the other item. "The other version of this thing is here, just the spring razor. It launches a small spiked disk out at wherever you point it at. Be warned though these things can get caught in the wind and I've seen people impale themselves with one, so as soon as you fire it it'd be wise to keep an eye on it or take cover if the wind is blowing. It works kind of the same way as the spring bow that I showed you first, save you can crank it six full times, and when you want to shoot it out you just click this little trigger here that comes around into your hand and can be folded back so it's out of the way," he added, showing her the other version of the trap item, which might be the most interesting of the 3 items he'd shown her so far, with the disk he showed her being about 3 inches across and it had small and very sharp spikes all around the edges, which extended outwards when the small release button on the top center was pressed in.

"I can even attach this baby over those gauntlets if you'd like, but they can only hold one at a time like the musket guns, but take about half the time to reload. But I wouldn't recommend having one on both wrists at the same time," Oren said, tapping her gauntlet on her right wrist.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I see, you're very good. I'll pay you a great deal if you can set something like that crossbow into these gauntlets on a weaker spring set for a single turn, I don't need the solid pellets, but the glass ones have certainly caught my interest. Just be careful, I've seen blades like these claim fingers and more if someone handles them without caution, the spring that holds the blades is quite strong. Kylie said as she inspected the other things around that Oren was showing to her, though she admittedly didn't have much interest in the dangerous blade throwing trap. She already threw arrows herself...

I'm Kylie by the way, well met Oren. I can admire the complexity of the spring razors though I can't see much use in them for myself, but a short, collapsible sword, made of something strong, and very sharp, that would be very interesting... And if you're very very good, I might be commissioning you for some very special, very specific and exacting arrow designs, that is, if you don't have some already that might catch my interest she continued with a smile, running her hands over the glass capsules gently.

You see, this bow could use a more compound set up to increase the draw strength, and more importantly, it uses steel arrows with wide broadheads. But more specialized arrows would be very handy, Like, perhaps one that strikes a surface, and then throws several of these little sleeping capsules of yours in a radius around it. It would be great for controlling a crowd. The more bloodless I can make my profession, the better. Other things, like a way to douse or destroy light sources, or dump a toxin straight into a targets core for a faster and more direct effect would be lovely. Then there's the question of one very simple thing I still need. You have to bear with me, I've only seen it once. it was a garrote set into a glove and used something like piano wire, or steel cord. I think a reel inside the glove worked on a spring, and then snapped a loop of the wire tight with just one hand. Could pull weapons, be used for a handhold, it's obvious intended purpose included as well, it was a very versatile thing I'd love to have myself.

Kylie said softly. I see a world of guns around me, and less subtle ways to wage war and combat, and think the world is evolving around me, and I have to change with it, my own armament, my way of thinking about many things. Traps and the like that run on a wire, like the spring razor would also be very useful, but lets think about the projectile a little bit. How about, instead of a disk, what was propelled forward, was a barbed spike on it's own wire. The target would be injured just as surely, but also tethered in place. And as for arrows, there's one other specific design I need help with. I used to carry them you see, they were called whistlers. They had a very slender design that was used for misdirection. You'd fire them into the air, and they'd split, dropping into 4 shallow tubes with cuts in the steel that whistled as they flew. They make for great distractions in the dark... Kylie finished, letting her twisted mind do her talking as she thought about her weapons, needs, and tactics. Using a garrote wire on your own was easy enough, but doing it one handed was difficult, unless you had something to increase the tension and hold it. It also left the other hand free to deal with a second threat, or move around...

What do you think Oren Stone? Can you be my madman?
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmm, those are some very tall orders lass, I dunno if I can pull off all of that," Oren said, looking a bit apologetic for a few moments before he burst out laughing. "Not alone I couldn't at least. I'd have to contact my brother to see if he could provide me with some of the material I'll definitely need to make you some of this, and he's all the way over in Khuzan himself, which is quite literally on the other side of the world from here just about. But I know someone that can send him a message telling him to meet you somewhere if you'd like. I'll need mythril... and some titanus as well. Would probably be a good idea to get see about getting some adamantine too if we could, but that bloody shit is expensive as hell... though it is some of the strongest metal money can buy and could make a couple of those harder to build things," he went on to say with a chuckle.

"That garrote I can do easily, I know just how I'd want to make that too so it would retract back into its hiding place all on its own with no need for you to do anything but let it go once you were done with it. Hell I can even have that done in three or four days or so since it's not too much work really to make that. And I can do you one even better than that if you'd like by fixing it onto one of those gauntlets of yours. Anything specific you'd like put onto the other? I can do a few things, but I won't be able to put too many things onto those gauntlets since I didn't build them myself and all, so I don't know how much I can remove or add without throwing the way they feel off," he said, brushing his fingers through his beard a few times as Kylie could see he was deep in thought. "The razor disk though is a disk because it spins through the air when shot, making it go further. I do however have another item you might like. Shoots darts, and it is something I can fix up to your other gauntlet if you'd like, instead of something else I mean. That sword you mentioned though, that would be easy enough to do, though time consuming to do properly. But I couldn't get that done in no three or four days. Maybe a couple of weeks at best, but I'd have to work nonstop on just it and I have orders to make. The only problem with making a blade that breaks down to holster it in a hidden pocket or something is that in doing so you sacrifice the strength of the blade, which could cause it to break if hit with a stronger weapon with enough force. I will definitely have to make that thing out of mythril at least, probably titanus if you don't mind a bit of weight to it, which would give you a bit of oomph in your attacks that enemies wouldn't expect with such a small lass as yourself," he went on to say, looking as if he already had a design in mind for the sword as he walked around the place a bit more.

He held up a small dart launcher that looked similar to the spring bow, but instead of the pellets from a spring there was what appeared to be a wire with a small rounded piece of metal fixed to it which had a small hole made into it that could hold a dart. "This baby here something like what you're wanting for darts?" he asked, holding the thing up for her to see, where she could see it better and saw it looked like a slingshot. "Increasing the tension on your bow though... bloody hell I'd probably have to rebuild the thing from scratch to do it properly and not do more harm than good for it. Now I could go ahead and see what I can do of course. But I'd have to see it before I made any real attempt," he added about her bow.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie chuckled as Oren was quite honest both about his ability, and her requests, and even already pondering things out that he'd need, not quite realizing just how much Kylie was willing to spend on personal armament. She could buy an estate with 1 diamond, she could build over 10 of her houses! Which was still being built back in Feynrial, and that included her own personal additions. To sink the point home, Kylie reached behind her to fish out one of the diamonds, palming it to keep it hidden, before setting it on the counter for Oren to see.

That's what you think it is Friend, that's an Astral. And it's worth just as much as it's rumored in flat gold, or anything else. I came looking to buy so I could kit myself out with some of the gear I always found myself wanting, or used to have, but lost. As for my current weapons... Kylie said, pulling off her gauntlets for him to inspect, before carefully sliding her bow off her back and setting it on the counter.

The bow is already made of mithril, and has an ash core. it's my favourite weapon for most things. But for all my skill, I'm lacking in shorter range options. It's a serious weakness of mine. If you say you need metal, I'll bring you the metal, or let you find it. If you say you need time, that's not an option either. Now, as for fixing the garrote, and the dart launcher into these gauntlets, that I'd like very much, we could probably set a carousel of darts into it, and make several more for easy reloading like in a repeating crossbow. As for the sword, I poison my blades, especially my long ones, so lighter, would be better, I don't need to hack my opponents to pieces, just cut them. Anything I can hide, like the blades in these gauntlets, is a great boon to me, and the more silent and immediately effective the weapon, the better. Poisoned darts laced with a paralytic, or with a sleeping toxin like in your capsules, are particularly great if I don't want to hurt someone, so I'm all in for modifying both. But you mentioned this Adamantine... I take it that it's heavy, can be made very sharp, and is very hard. We could probably replace the mithril blades, with that. Kylie said, grinning madly from ear to ear, finding something of a kindred spirit in Oren to match and even fabricate her weapon designs.

As for the bow... Kylie continued, looking up in her thinking for a long moment. We'd probably need to have you working with a master bowyer to get it done properly, the blacksmith who made this knew his craft very well, it's a beautiful weapon, but to improve on it is tricky with it's wood core, which doesn't sacrifice strength, and adds flexibility. If we were to move to something more compound... it'd probably have to be made entirely of metal, making it heavy, but more effective. And the arrow designs well... You can leave the actual designs on those to me, I can have them drawn up in excruciating detail in a couple days, and you can tell me what you think. All you need to do is give me a price tag. Honestly Oren? I'm wandering around Tear Cove looking to buy out business and give them a research budget, a heavy one, to work together in these designs, and bring a new and very lucrative business into the arms market for people like myself, those of us who operate behind the scenes to get things done. Maybe beat these insane gunsmiths at their own game. I'm glad to see I've interested you in all this, and I'm very excited to see the results.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Oren's eyes did widen when she passed the astral diamond to him, so much that Kylie could practically see gold coins for eyes instead on the dwarf. Then when she laid her bow up onto the table, he picked it up and looked at it closely, almost coveting the thing in a way. He examined it closely, looking for any flaws tat might be there, glancing up at her after a few moments of looking at it.

"Hmm, I could possibly set up the darts like you want, but it'd take more time. I don't know how long you'll be in town for, so I'd rather just go with something simpler to try out how it works fixed to the gauntlets before I try anything too advanced, as I've never fixed anything like this to a pair of gauntlets like these before. It don't take much though to load another, much faster than a regular crossbow and easier on the hands too as you don't have to pull any strings. Lacing anything with poison is up to you, because I don't dabble in poisons, but I can make the blade up with grooves along the flat sides of it to make coating the thing easier so it would last longer. But I may not be able to make it too small just so you know, but that would be good since there ma come a time where you have to stand and fight with it," Oren said as he examined her bow closely, looking a bit miffed at it despite the fact it was mythril. "And I personally don't think that I can do much more to this bow here, as it's already pretty damn well made. As for the adamantine... it's a bit heavier yes, but it's incredibly strong, more so than mythril. I'd honestly rather replace those mythril blades with not adamantine, but with either titanus or orichalcum maybe, as they are even stronger than adamantine and mythril... for weaponry at least, and hold better edges too. For armors the first two and titanus would be your best bet though, depending on the kind of armor you'd want. Something like chain or ringmail you'd probably want mythril, titanus would be good for scalemail, while adamantine would be best for platemail, which I doubt you'd want to wear really," he went on to say, running his fingers through his beard.

"But guns are the new age weapons really, for the military at least and for hunters too. Some dwarves were actually some of the first ones to make functional guns back on Midgar continent, elves and gnomes merely perfected it with our building knowledge. So you'd be hard pressed to beat them at their own game lass, especially because so many people revere them for giving the common folk a weapon that's easy to learn and master that they can use to protect themselves from even some demons without the need to call on the adventurers guild or the army to help. And sometimes guns can make a very good distraction. And as for those arrow designs just let me see them and I'll see which ones I can do, might not be able to do all of them though just so you know," Oren said after a few moments, obviously respecting the guns and their makers. "Now as for buying my shop here out... you do understand that just because you're pretty awesome and all I'd have to think a while before I sold out to you. Though if you're as rich as you seem and really in need of good gadgets I guess you'd call them, then I think we could have a very profitable business relationship," he added, still a bit cautious with Kylie, which even she would probably be able to tell why, as it was almost too good of an opportunity to be true for the dwarf. So could she really blame him for being cautious about this?
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie laughed when Oren mentioned her buying out his shop, and thought it was time to clarify her offer on this front. No no no, you can keep your shop, your forge, your tools, all yours, I'd be buying you out. The skills of your hands and your mind. You'd be doing research for me and experimenting, truly pushing your craft, and with the money from the buyout, you could probably afford any material from anywhere, still keep your shop open for your own profit, and work on things that would make you the rival of everyone else around you. Think on it my friend. If you decide that it's something you'd like to do, working for me, and working with a few others, then just let me know. I'll be around to visit tomorrow. For now, do me a favor and get started on the garrote for my left hand. Kylie said, replacing her weaponry, save for the left gauntlet, which she left on the counter.

Ooo, and as for taking notes on this design so you can copy it? I don't mind, just take care who you sell it to. They don't look like much, but that's the point isn't it, And if you mayhaps, think of a way to instill those darts onto my other wrist while you're tinkering, then it's a win for both of us. I have faith in you Oren Stone. This and the sword are a must and a rush job, Take care~! Kylie said, smiling from ear to ear as she swooped in and hugged Oren, before dancing towards the door, everything back where it belonged on her person, diamond included, and rushed out.

Sans a gauntlet, she was fine, and happy, she liked this place, though as expected, people were slower to trust here, and it was no surprise. She'd gotten her chores done, and even now, was scrambling back up the buildings to make her way back to the Inn. Rushing along and laughing wildly, it wouldn't take her too long, and she'd get to see Palla and Delilah at the very least, as well as anyone else that was coming.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmm... true true, I would be able to afford many things if I had someone rich to work for. But all the same you've got to understand that someone coming in with so much money if just a bit too good to be true and all you know. I'll be thinking long and hard on it while I work, but I'll tell you what. I do have one thing I need done that would really push things in favor of me siding with you young lady and becoming your... gadget maker if you would, if you're willing to do it that is," Oren said as he took the gauntlet she wanted the garrote fixed on, making a proposal for her that Kylie likely wouldn't pass up if it convinced him of her sincerity.

"And don't worry lass, anyone buying this sort of thing isn't going to be asking questions about who else bought it or anything of the sort. I don't ask questions neither, as long as they promise not to name names if it comes down to that sort of thing that is," Oren went on to say, returning Kylie's hug as she said the next bit before she left him to his work, which he began as she was heading out the door.


As she returned to the inn they were staying at, Kylie saw Eileen walking around in the market area collecting some things that she had in a sack strapped to her spidery back, and when she got back to the inn, if she didn't stop to talk to Eileen, Kylie would see a fairly fancy looking carriage going past just in front of the inn, looking as if they'd just dropped someone off there.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Hmm, a job? Well, If I let myself get bored, then everyone is in trouble. We can discuss the job in the morning as I am short on time, but don't worry, I'll make sure it's handled. Kylie told Oren in reply to his request before she left.

On her return, noting the carriage, Kylie's face broke into a wide grin. Giselle wouldn't be there, which was a shame, but Delilah and Palla would be, and honestly, Kylie had been wanting to spend more time with the Siren who had found her after being washed up on shore, and taken her home.

Heading down, Kylie bounded into the Inn, looking around for her friends, they needed hugs, Kylie was going to hug them, and any argument on the matter would only earn harder, more aggressive, cuddling.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Alright then lass, come by here round... oh about nine o'clock or so in the morning and we'll discuss my problem I'm having, which if you deal with it for me it would benefit both of us," Oren told Kylie before she went on about her business and back to the inn.


When she made her way into the inn, Kylie wouldn't find Delilah and or Palla booking themselves a room. Instead she found what appeared to be a young human noble woman who was in a slightly fancy but not frilly dress with a small entourage of 4 handmaids walking behind her who were in almost but not quite as fancy dresses, 2 of which were succubi, 1 who was a drow, and the fourth who was a neko.

"My lady, you still haven't told us why we've decided to come out here. And without the others no less. Are you sure that we'll be able to deal with whatever you're here to do without them?" one of the succubi said to the human woman.

"Yes love, we can handle it, but there is someone here who'll help us out when we get there, so don't worry about it okay. Besides we still need to go to the temple here before we even decide to go anywhere else outside of town," the human woman replied, turning her head enough for Kylie to see it. She had long black hair, stood about 5'5" tall, had DD-cup breasts, and she was quite beautiful as well... and she looked somehow familiar, but Kylie couldn't place her face exactly, same with one of the succubus handmaids.

Kylie could see Ilyana over in the tavern area having a drink and talking with someone in priestess robes, likely from the temple that the human noble woman mentioned from the main lobby area of the large inn they were staying in at the moment.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was suspicious of the strange temple going familiar noble woman, so suspicious that the first thing she thought of doing was kidnap her for information, but she instead opted to dash around over to Ilyana, flailing madly.

WHO IS THAT!?!?! *flail flail wriggle flail squirm* she cried in a harsh whisper, flailing more in the direction of the strange woman she didn't know or trust.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Looking over at Kylie, Ilyana raised an eyebrow at her with a curious look on her face. "What's... going on Kylie? Who's who?" Ilyana asked slowly, looking to where Kylie was flailing her arms at. "Oh her... she looks familiar to me, but I can't place her right off honestly," Ilyana added, looking deep in thought as she tried to place the noble woman.

"Anyway though, this is one of my fellow priestesses Scarlett. She is a warrior priestess of Kord, a paladin you might say," Ilyana said after a few moments of thought, switching the subject to something she did know. The other priestess was amazingly something peculiar that Kylie hadn't seen here on the island yet, she was a half-orc, and though she could tell what she was, Kylie also saw more human features than orcish ones, and her skin was olive colored instead of the orc greenish grey. She was obviously strong just from the looks of her, but she didn't look menacing or anything as she sat across the table from Ilyana with a mug in hand.

"Hello there Kylie, Ilyana here has told me some about you. I'm Scarlett, and as Ilyana said I'm a paladin of Kord," the half-orc girl said with a slight bow of her head.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

PALADIN! Kylie cried, flailing at the new woman before dashing onto an empty table, up the wall to the banister, and then leaping into the rafters, looking down at the half orc, terrified, like a cat seeing a dog.

Giant Armored Person, with all those... rules... and... and.. Rules! Kylie said from her perch, flailing some more.

You're one of those people that wear more metal then clothing, that's cheating! Ilyana! I knew you would betray me eventually! Kylie continued, having completely lost her marbles for a moment.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Scarlett seemed to be amused with Kylie's reaction to hearing that she was a paladin, while Ilyana looked strangely up at her. "Kylie... what's the matter? How did I betray you?" Ilyana asked, looking a bit betrayed herself that Kylie apparently didn't like Scarlett and was upset with her.

"Hmhm, just because I'm a paladin doesn't mean I'm that strict all the time Kylie, and I don't wear heavy metal armor, it isn't smart to wear such heavy armor here. I go for studded leather myself," Scarlett said to Kylie with a chuckle, taking another drink. "Now come back down here and have a drink with us, don't be such a baby. Besides, I'm buying," she added, pulling the chair next to her own out and gesturing for Kylie to sit with them.

"Aye, and Scarlett here is the head of the island's holy knights, or paladins rather. She has a hundred paladins under her command all over the island, though most are centered here, and they aren't all just of Kord either, some are of the other gods and goddesses, but they all work together for the greater good of all," Ilyana said, waving a waitress over for them to order Kylie a drink of whatever she wanted.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

You and I would not see eye to eye on what constitutes the greater good I think... Kylie muttered, before dropping out of the ceiling and tumbling her way back to the table, still looking like a cat who's tail had been stepped on.

Ilyana, Paladins and Assassins don't get along, we differ in our views, and methods... But... fine. I can't argue with free drinks. I'm Kylie. she said eventually, holding out her hand, before plopping into a chair.

All that order clashes with my beautiful chaos. But you handle things that should have stayed dead, I'll give you a pass for that at least... she continued grumbling, ordering a scotch.

So maybe you know who the strangely familiar to everyone noblewoman is, before I jump her and demand answers in a most upfront, rude, and brutish way. Because she gives me the creeps....
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Eh to each their own I say. Just so long as you don't go causing trouble for the good folks of the island we won't have any quarrel with each other, that I can guarantee you. Kord may fight for the greater good you might say, but he isn't necessarily lawful, he just prefers glory in battle. So long as the job gets done though I'd say he could be quite lenient on how it's done, as long as wanton destruction wasn't caused in the process that is," Scarlett said, looking as if she'd explained this several times before to others in the past.

Kylie was soon given a glass of scotch as an okami waitress walked by, her wolf tail wagging back and forth softly as she went. The scotch was as delicious as the scotch she'd drunk back in Feynrial with Giselle and the others. "As for that noble lady in there, I'd say that I'll be finding out soon enough who she is exactly, as will Ilyana too if she's at the temple that is later, because the nobles almost always come to the temple to speak with us to procure escorts when they're new to the island, at least if they are traveling about the place anyway," Scarlett said about the noble woman, looking through the doorway to the lobby at her with a curious look. "Hmm... she looks like a noble of Crimea from what I can tell, don't know which family though right off. Probably just some young noble lady looking for family interests of some sort, won't be able to tell what exactly unless we talk to her and even then she might not tell us," Scarlett went on to say as she looked in there at the woman.

"Anyway Kylie, Palla and Delilah ought to be here shortly, probably around nightfall if I had to guess," Ilyana said to Kylie after Scarlett was through talking about the noble lady.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

There's nothing glorious in my methods. Kylie muttered, or thought she might have, she wasn't sure if she'd kept that tidbit to herself.

Pondering the woman, Kylie's insides wormed at her appearance, she suspected magic, and talk about someone here to help at the right time just sounded insane. Still, it warranted further investigation if she got the chance. Sipping on her scotch, Kylie shrugged.

Always with the temples, I've had quite enough of gods and goddesses lately, you can handle that errand without me I think. I'll just wait here for Delilah and the others.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The noble lady bowed politely to the innkeeper before taking the key to her room upstairs and then set off up the steps, the one familiar succubus slipping an arm around the noble lady's and laying her head over on the noble girl's shoulder, looking quite content to be there. Ilyana had a neutral look on her face as they went up the steps, while Scarlett was looking closely as if still trying to place her, and it even looked like the girl's identity was right on the tip of her tongue but just couldn't quite place her.

Soon after, Scarlett finished her drink and made her way on out, telling Ilyana and Kylie that she'd see them later perhaps, as she had to make her way to the temple for now in case the noble woman came by to ask for an escort, but at least then she'd learn her identity at least she added to them.

"Hmm, Eileen should have been back by now surely. Though maybe she went by the guild to see if her fellow adventurers made it back yet with her pay from their job, or something of the sort," Ilyana said after Scarlett had left and a couple of minutes passed, looking a bit concerned that Eileen hadn't returned yet, though Kylie had sighted Eileen in the market area, so she may have been getting some things for later.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Take care Scarlett, I'll temper my future reactions, Best of luck, go with your god's blessing. Kylie eventually relented as Scarlett made ready to leave.

Turning to Ilyana, Kylie sighed. I envy you normal people, I really do. Have you ever dealt with a professional thief, or just anyone living on the other side of the law in general? How they avoid certain people? it's a situation like that. For example, If I tried to do my work in front of a Paladin of Pelor, or any of the upright and hoity toity gods, he would bash my head in with his shield, and demand answers of my soul, greater good be damned. Least in my experience anyway. Still, it's nice to meet one and see a normal person inside, thanks for that. Kylie said, sipping on her scotch, but otherwise keeping one eye on the noblewoman, and making a careful note of her route. Kylie would have her answers tonight, and everything else be damned.

Besides, tonight I have a recon mission to run, I don't like seeing someone I think I know, and NOT know. That's an alarm bell, that tells me I SHOULD know something, that's potentially lethal, that woman is itching at my mind. I promise not to get caught doing anything explicitly illegal. I'd promise not to get caught at all, but that may not be possible. Kylie said, still already doing her work, her one eye following the person in question. She didn't like this.

Also... Can we get a message to Hazel? I need to send a message to Cosimo and Gestalt. It's important, so... if that's a thing, let me know, I'm gonna get started. Kylie said softly, standing as soon as the woman and her maidens left sight, leaning in to give the priestess a kiss on the cheek.

Heading up to her room, Kylie swept up Wraith and kissed his little head before hugging him. Sorry little one, Mommy was tired. Wanna help me with a job? she asked, starting to head back outside, a black cloak from her pack under her arm.

Once outside, Kylie would walk around the inn, checking the windows carefully from the ground to make sure she knew she was on the right side, before climbing the adjacent building... and proceeding to wait, starting intently, and secretly, at the windows, looking for signs that would give her target away... and waiting for night to fall...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Eh, people have their ways and I won't fault you for yours. Honestly I never truly wanted to be a paladin in the first place, I just had the talent for it really and and being good at fighting and the divine magic stuff of the paladins can apparently take a person a long way, plus it lets me protect my people from all manner of evils such as demons and the like. Hell even once fought a black dragon that was terrorizing a couple of towns back in Crimea proper, bastard tried to take a piece out of me and my troops, but my blade was drenched in its blood as I held its head up high for everyone to see a few minutes later. Then I was promoted to be the temple knight commander here on the island to safeguard it from the evils that may want to harm the people here," Scarlett said, shrugging her shoulders and not seeming to hold any enmity towards Kylie for her earlier words and whatnot. "Like I said before though, just don't cause any trouble for the people living or staying here and we won't have any quarrel at all, but even then unless you do something to really piss me off then I see no reason we can't be friends," she added before heading on out.


"Well... there have been plenty of thieves caught here in the city I know. And while some paladins and whatnot might not approve of what you do Kylie I know that it is sometimes necessary for people like you to exist. To get their hands dirty when others can't be seen doing it themselves," Ilyana said to Kylie, looking over at the noble lady as she went upstairs, her long black hair flowing behind her as she went up the steps. "Just please don't cause any trouble here okay, if she's a noble lady and you cause any harm to her and all then even I must get involved in the matter. And I really don't want to have to write up a bunch of paperwork," she added to Kylie once Kylie had stated what she was going to do that night.

"As for getting a message to granny Hazel, that I can do. Just tell me what you need sent in as few words as possible. Twenty or less would be preferable, but if you need more than that then it'll cost you some money in the form of reagents to do a bigger sending ritual than the basic one," Ilyana said about sending a message to Hazel.

Once she'd left, with Ilyana giggling a bit at the kiss to her cheek, Kylie would feel a nice cool breeze blowing down the steps as she climbed to the next floor, and it got only cooler as she made her way up to their room on the third floor where she found Wraith lazing about on the bed awaiting their return. The summer heat was being pushed back within the large inn and it was rather cool and pleasant inside upstairs, more so than in the lobby and tavern area, though she'd have noticed a definite change in temperature down there too when she'd come back inside earlier.

Wraith for his part just wriggled his small tentacles at Kylie when she scooped him up, seeming drowsy and annoyed at having been woken from his nap. He would affectionately stroke her cheek with one of his tentacles before she set him back down though and after she kissed him. After she asked if he wanted to help her though he perked up, seeming to understand at least that she wanted him to follow her for something even if he couldn't understand much of anything else.

When she started back outside, Wraith would hover along behind her left shoulder, looking about the inn as they went back down. Once she'd climbed up the adjacent building again with Wraith hanging onto her shoulder, Kylie wouldn't have long to wait before she spotted her target on the small fourth floor of the inn through a window which the curtains were wide open in, which was the only room up there from the looks of it and on the backside of the building where she didn't notice it at first... the newlywed suite one might say. The succubus from before strode across in front of the window in only her lingerie which was a sexy black, where she touched the noble girl's hand gently before said noble girl turned to look at her for a moment before kissing her, quite passionately in fact.

Wraith poked the side of Kylie's head with a tentacle and when she looked over at him she'd see him staring at the two in the window like some sort of peeping tom or something, though it was doubtful that Kylie would feel any wrong in watching the two in the window kissing. Wraith though looked as if he was enjoying the scene in front of them, as one tentacle was playing with Kylie's hair twirling it around and around, and it didn't look like they'd noticed her or Wraith yet either. Looking back to the duo in the window, Kylie would see the noble girl had pulled one of the succubus' legs up with one arm while the other groped the succubus' ass as they kissed some more for a few seconds before pulling apart, seeming to be done for now though they continued to remain like that for a few seconds more before the noble girl let her handmaid go and they moved out of sight.