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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Hours ticked by, slow and long, while Kylie pondered out the message she wanted to send to her mentor and weapons master, 20 words...

As she puzzled that out, she continued to watch passively, Wraith gently urged to lay down, or float low to stay out of sight. Kylie knew her chance wouldn't be in the dead of night, but rather near twilight, when she could catch the woman alone, it would be a small sliver of time, and she'd have to move fast

Watching and waiting, Kylie's muscles occasionally tensed to keep from cramping, the assassin refusing to move until she saw her chance, however slim, and once she had it, when the sun was passed the horizon, and the moon on it's way to rise, Kylie shifted.

Slipping down the building, Kylie darted from shadow to shadow, Wraith carried along with her, before starting to climb up the side of the Inn, she had a long way to climb, but it was perfectly manageable. Architecture always was... so many convenient holds built into the design. She was only aided in her ascent by her missing gauntlet, her free hand more sure of where to place itself, and where to grip.

And once she made it to the window, she'd look inside, and rap on the glass, hanging from her place, a shadow in shadows, demanding answers.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

After a while, the sun began to go down a bit, with Wraith flopping down on top of Kylie's head. While the time passed them by, Kylie would see the noble girl along with her handmaids roaming back and forth in front of the two windows pointing towards Kylie. When the sun was just finished going down behind the horizon, Kylie would see her chance, as at least 2 of the handmaids hadn't been seen in a while and it looked like the noble girl was in the bath as the other succubus was carrying some clothes across the view of one of the windows.

It was only about a half moon that night, giving her a good amount of light to see by while not giving a whole lot off for those not trained as well as her. With Wraith tagging along as her hat, Kylie made her way down the adjacent building and then up the inn, which had plenty of handholds for her to grab. It would take her about 10 minutes or so to get up to the small fourth floor, as she had to move slowly and stealthily so as not to be seen.

Looking inside the window, Kylie would see fairly luxurious accommodations within, with the neko from before laying on the bed. There were 3 adjacent rooms, one a bathroom, one a closet, and one a sort of living room area. There was a large luxurious king sized bed that could easily fit 6 or 7 people on it to sleep comfortably. Tapping on the glass, Kylie would see the neko's ears twitch and perk up a bit before she raised up to look over at the window. Walking over to the window, the neko looked out and down without opening it, a kukri in hand that Kylie noticed her pull out from under the pillows on the bed. She'd see the neko's lips move but wouldn't hear any words at all, and Kylie soon saw the shadow of another person over towards the bathroom telling her that there was a silence ward on the room preventing them from being heard from the outside.

The people inside had obviously been alerted to her presence, though they didn't seem to have actually seen her just yet, but knew she was around the window somewhere. If she moved any at all from her position though she'd get seen she knew, however while the neko had a weapon in her hand, she didn't look as if she'd strike to kill, more a protective stance for her lady.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, hidden from sight in the darkness and pressed against the building, looked at the neko intently. It seemed that they never really left their ladies side. But if this suite was large, then there were other windows, and they did sleep in other rooms. Interesting... and Exploitable.

Sliding around, very slowly, and carefully, Kylie started moving around the building to the next window of that suite, checking inside to see if it was currently empty. If it was, Kylie would lever herself up, and draw her knife, starting to work it along the base of the window.

She worked quickly, trying to be quiet as she tried to force the latch of the window, if it even had one, and it most likely did. If she could pop the latch, she'd be in the room as quickly as she could, and immediately closing it behind her and launching herself up into the rooms rafters. That was all assuming she could find an empty room, while the lady and her companions were busy inspecting the glass she'd tapped on, and then get inside...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

There were indeed other windows around the other sides of the top suite, though Kylie had to wait a moment before she could move or risk being seen. The neko soon moved away from the window, though she still looked suspicious and eyed said window carefully for a while. As Kylie moved around the building when she had the chance to do so, Kylie could see the rest of the fourth floor, which had a couple of other bedrooms, and the living room area had the door leading back downstairs. There was another smaller closet area for the other rooms which seemed to be bedrooms as they had beds in them, and there was also another bathroom she could see between them. However nobody was currently in the furthest extra bedroom she would see.

While Kylie was messing with the latch of the window, Wraith kept dangling a tentacle in front of her eyes, almost as if trying to get her attention. After a short while of tinkering with the window, trying to pop the latch, Wraith hovered up and away from her, going up to the top of the building's roof, then down a small chimney and out of sight of Kylie, seeming to have gotten bored of whatever Kylie was doing and deciding to go on his own adventure.

While she was likely pondering what Wraith was thinking and where he'd gone, Kylie would suddenly hear the latch unlock on the window and looking inside she'd see Wraith inside, giving her a look that she could likely imagine him saying, "Why the hell didn't you just have me do that to begin with? Do I have to think of everything?". Once inside and after shutting the window back down, Kylie would find no rafters, only a solid beige colored ceiling. Kylie was on the opposite side of the fourth floor from the lady's main suite, though all of the rooms up here were connected to one another as the only stairs leading up were in the main living room area two rooms over through the next bedroom.
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Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Wraith went on ahead and actually unlocked the window for her, Kylie just stared at him for a moment... I didn't know you could do that, why didn't you tell me you could do that! she whispered, slipping into the window and closing it behind her.

Her plan to move around the ceiling as she had in the main hall was ruined by the fancy ceiling being fancy, and more problematic, Flat. How did people function with flat ceilings, there was nowhere to climb or crawl around! Flat was boring.

Pouting up at the flat ceiling, Kylie shrugged and shook her head, giving Wraith a little good job pat, before slipping over to the door, and opening it to peek outside. She just wanted to talk to the lady, she didn't want to deal with insane handmaidens who thought that they could fight... though the neko could be a problem if she could see in the dark.

Thankfully, Kylie didn't have to worry overly much about her scent, she'd spent all day outside, she smelled of female and city, two things very familiar within this suite. At least, that was what she was going to tell herself.

Lets see the room she had crawled over from held the neko, that was over... there, she'd seen people moving around, so picking out the right room wasn't impossible, just difficult... She'd have to be careful...

Or... she could say fuck careful...

Pausing and glancing at Wraith, Kylie finally sighed, she'd be waiting here for hours to possibly find absolutely nothing, or...

Fuck it. she hissed.

Opening the door, Kylie stepped out and started walking towards the living area, bold as brass, and worse, Singing.

And I came a calling on a lass who's name I wished to know~ Her ways and sass and tinted lips were made to make me crow~ I sought her name, a story wild, and without shame I went a wanderin~, and throughout the halls, I craved my treasure, the name I wont be squanderin~! she called, ready to duck any blows or avoid an attack, or hell, even retaliate, though gently, but this sneaking around in such a small area without a real reason or a job was insane. Granted, so was breaking into someone's rooms to sing, but eh, sanity was overrated.
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Wraith gave her another look that pretty much said, "Because I can't talk goofy, and besides you never asked," though he hovered along with her, flopping back onto her shoulder as she crept through the place.

When she peeked through the door into the living room area, Kylie would see the door leading to the main bedroom open and through it the neko from earlier still staring intently at the window she'd been at before. After debating it over in her head for a minute or so, Kylie finally decided on what to do, while in the meantime the other succubus that she hadn't thought familiar walked through and carried something back the way she'd come towards the bathroom, though what it was Kylie couldn't tell.

Wraith just gave her a look as if shrugging before moving up to her head and watching the whole thing play out, giving Kylie an audience of one at least for some more of her crazy antics. Going through the living room area as she began to sing, Kylie immediately brought the attention of the neko to herself, who jumped around with a flip damn near like a ninja and landed about 5 feet from the doorway leading into the bedroom.

"What are you in my lady's chambers for? You fucking Amaranthine's won't have her while I draw breath," the neko said coldly, ready to fight as she held her kukri up in her right hand while a blade extended from her left wrist in a hidden gauntlet exactly like Kylie's.

The succubus was standing in the doorway to the bathroom, having dropped what she had been carrying, which was a set of blue silk pajamas that matched her blue hair with slits for her wings and tail made into them. She looked ready to fight too as she pulled a dagger up from almost out of nowhere, and she didn't look untrained either. They hadn't attacked yet though, seeming to be giving Kylie the chance to explain herself at least before blindly attacking, and the neko was apparently trained in the same ways she herself was, or at least had the same weaponry anyway and looked to know how to use them.

Kylie would hear water splashing in the bathroom as whoever was within had apparently gotten up to investigate the situation outside where she was taking her bath. Stepping up behind the succubus, Kylie would see a young human woman fully nude, a penis between her legs around the same size as Giselle's, maybe even a bit larger, it was hard to tell from where she was at. "What's going on in here? What's all the commotion about Hikari?" she called into the room, taking the time to slip a towel around herself at least before stepping out of the bathroom with the blue haired succubus 2 steps ahead of her and 1 step to the side so she could see Kylie.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie just smiled wider, her singing stopped as the neko proceeded to get entirely the wrong idea, and everyone panicked around exactly like she expected, which she personally thought was hilarious. Seeing the gauntlet though, Kylie pointed at it.

You know those come in pairs right? My left is in the shop. she said, holding up her gauntleted right hand, palm out, and flexing the blade out. You should also keep the blade hidden until you actually attack, otherwise you ruin any chance of catching an opponent off guard, if you've had training, it was sloppy, or you're a terrible student. But one thing I can say for sure, is that if you associate me with the Amaranthine order again, we will be having words. she said, pulling the cowl away from her face.

How many assassins do you know that waltz into a room singing? At least any on a job? And the Steel Rose goes wherever it pleases. What would you do if someone came by STINKING of magic? You spend so much effort in staying hidden that you gave yourself away in a heartbeat. Whoever was in charge of the security for this trip needs to be fired. This is ridiculous, I came here to sate my curiosity and find the greeting is lackluster! Put those all away, I haven't reached for a weapon, and if I was planning to, I'd have done it while I was still hidden, in your suite, without your knowing. Kylie said, sighing and lowering her hands before finding a chair and sitting down, back to the wall, leaning back and completely relaxed.

If she hadn't made her point by now, that she could have made this a lot messier, then there wasn't going to be any making it.

So! you come on by, Crimean nobility, with a glamour to hide your identity, a charm to keep your rooms silent, and a seemingly harmless entourage of women, at least 2 of which are trained in short blades, one is wearing an assassin's gauntlet, 1 obviously a spell caster, and leaving nothing but questions behind you. I really couldn't help myself... she continued, still tilting her chair against the wall, rocking back and forth harmlessly and looking as unperturbed by her own behavior, or anyone else's as a Stone.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The neko merely smiled as Kylie gave her what she assumed was a schooling of sorts, glancing over at the noble lady who also smiled and gave a chuckle. "Hmhm, we were alerted to your presence as soon as you opened the window in the far bedroom. It's exactly why we left it unused so that anyone attempting to sneak their way in would use it since it had nobody inside. And before you say anything like how you could have dealt with us before we could have known you were here or reacted, look up," the noble lady giggled, seeming almost amused that Kylie had thought she'd gotten in so stealthily and had gotten the drop on them as she pointed above Kylie, urging her to look up, where Kylie would see the other succubus hovering above the door leading into the bedroom with a rifle pointed at the back of Kylie's head. "And I'm not using any glamours or spells to hide my identity, though you obviously don't know who I am exactly or you'd have already spoken my name. As for the silence ward, those are simple to do that even a novice mage could manage them with ease, and useful too as the drown out guns so we wouldn't have disturbed the other patrons of the inn. Also... the best weapons are those that can be seen, for they take the eyes off those that can't be seen," the noble girl went on to say, giving an ominous last sentence that Kylie would likely wonder what she'd meant by it, while the neko continued to smirk some her way.

Standing down, the neko who was wearing robes that covered most of her body and obviously had gear on underneath them, went over and sat back down on the bed, eying Kylie carefully. Meanwhile the succubus that had the gun trained on her floated down and moved over to join the neko while the blue haired succubus sheathed her dagger and finished taking the stuff to the bathroom. The drow girl from before was nowhere to be seen at the moment, though Kylie might have the suspicion that she was the magic user of their group.

"Where are my manners though, please come on in and have a drink with us now that everyone is sure we're not here to fight," the noble girl said after a few seconds, gesturing Kylie over to a sofa at the foot of the bed as she poured herself a drink, the blue haired succubus bringing a bath robe out of the bathroom and slipping it around her. "Now what is your name miss, and why have you come to see me? You mentioned the Steel Rose, so I take it you're a part of them. You must not be of the Crimean branch though else you'd recognize one of your own," she went on to ask, nodding over at the neko as she finished up as she offered a glass of wine to Kylie as she took a seat on the sofa at the foot of the bed.

"Aye, if you'd wanted to speak with my lady then you could have just knocked on the door and been invited inside that way, instead of trying to sneak in like you did. You should probably be a bit more careful in the future in who's rooms you sneak into, just saying," the neko said with a shrug as she laid back on the bed, sheathing her kukri.

"Hikari dear, don't be so rude. I'm sure she has her reasons, and I'm willing to hear them out before I judge any actions," the noble lady said to the neko before she looked back over at Kylie with a look that told her to go ahead and speak of why she came to see her.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Bravo.... Bravo... Kylie said, turning to smile at the succubus, before pointing out one grave flaw in their logic.

And your red herring plan with the empty room, what if someone had just... left a bomb there? You're on the 4th floor, prone to fire and with no internal structural support. It's the only real flaw, otherwise, well done.... Though there is something to be said for entering a den outmanned and outgunned. My curiosity really did get the best of me. I had Hoped to find a piece of mail, a ring, something to give me my information, and then be on my way, but then I figured... fuck it. Still, you mentioned the Amaranthine, which means you prepared for assassins so I made the right choice before being killed accidentally. Also, one of you should probably purchase the Bebelith venom Asha has for sale, before someone who actually wants your head uses it. But I still can't shake the feeling I've seen you somewhere before. And that Really does bother me....

Kylie continued to stare at the woman, it was right there, the name was on the tip of her tongue...

I'd love a drink... Hikari is your name? I'm sure you're either very good, or very young, I promise we can test each other at the temple tomorrow, my treat. she replied to the woman, before responding to the Neko's jibe, ensuring that the catwoman would be putting her money where her mouth was.

My name is Kylie, Garellian Branch, and someone was ever so kind to fuck with my memories when I was young, at least, I'm assured it was a kindness though I still don't want to believe it. So when I see something I think I should know, I HAVE to know, because I've got most of my head back together, but not quite all of it... Still, I'd apologize, but I'm completely shameless.

Reaching up, Kylie tickled Wraith until he popped off her head. Go say hello you. she said smiling, glancing at the woman and the succubus. You have a fan! he thought you were very pretty. He's also the one who opened your window for me.
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmhm, you forget there were four of us, that you saw anyway. And it would be tough to haul something up here powerful enough to actually damage the fourth floor enough to kill us before we could get out the window or before we could stop them and it, since we were alerted to you trying to get in over there as soon as you opened the window and broke the barrier of the ward placed on the whole floor. As for the venom... thank you for telling me about it, I'll see about purchasing it and chucking it into the sea perhaps," the noble girl said as she handed Kylie her drink.

"I'm looking forward to it, though the temple might be too... crowded an area for us to have our fun. We roses don't cause trouble for the innocents around us if we don't have to, it's against the teachings. And we definitely don't take the life of an innocent," Hikari replied, looking almost eager to spar or duel with Kylie.

"Garellian branch you said? And Kylie... hmm..." the noble girl asked, looking curious for a moment before going deep into thought. After a few moments she shook her head a little before looking back to Kylie. "Well Kylie, I'm Brianna. And this is Hikari as you know, of the Crimean branch of the Steel Rose. She is Cassandra, one of my personal handmaids and lovers. And my lovely gunner there is Arya, also a lover and a longtime friend of mine," Brianna said, introducing herself to Kylie as she sipped her wine and gesturing first to the blue haired succubus who she named as Cassandra, and the other succubus who's hair was flaming red, and both of them had breasts comparable in size to Maria, who Kylie could probably imagine Giselle was taking advantage of somewhat probably even right this second.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

That's true, but my battlegrounds always been a city, Traveling through the jungle has been trying and annoying. Honestly, it's been a singular joy being back in a city at all, Tear Cove was everything I needed it to be until I saw you all, and got the itch. It's not an easy thing, being unsure of who old allies and enemies are. My heads been a mess for a long time now, and it's been worse since everything went to hell. As for a bomb and fire, it's never about the explosion, you know that, it's about the hot air creating currents to spread poison on the air. The downfall is that it does create collateral damage but it works very well, which is why the bebelith venom is a priority. I wouldn't throw it away personally, but maybe make sure it became antivenom so it could still serve a purpose. Kylie said, smiling as she sipped her drink.

Sitting there and pondering the names, Kylie seemed to be rolling it around on her tongue, trying desperately to place it in her mind, before cursing. Man... When I find Elise I'm going to get the truth out of her if it's the last thing I do. This is so frustrating. Kylie muttered, shaking her head.

Well, if nothing else this shows me the Crimean Branch is still active, though from your reaction, under pressure from the Amaranthine, which is convenient, because I'm hunting them. Call it a return favor for something they've done, if you get any info on them moving on these islands, I'd appreciate a message on it so I can start adding to the body count. Either way, I got everything I needed and should be on my way. I have companions who probably think I'm insane or in trouble. Kylie said, draining her glass and setting it down.

Standing, Kylie stretched and then nodded at Hikari, before heading back out the way she'd come, through the window. If someone was watching the door that was unfriendly, she didn't want to mark herself as involved as a potential target... or maybe she did. Either way, she wasn't about to use the door, and if left unmolested, she'd be back in the common room and ordering a scotch for herself, wondering idly if Delilah and the others had returned.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Eh perhaps, it isn't often that a bebelith is even found in the mortal realm here to need an antivenom, though I'm sure that this Asha if she's any sort of herbalist or whatever then she's already made some," Brianna replied, tilting her head to one side a bit when Kylie mentioned Elise's name. "Elise you say? Elise Crimea, the old matriarch of Crimea? What has she done to you Kylie? I've always heard nothing but good things about her, and that she was a very benevolent ruler of her country," Brianna went on to ask her, looking almost eager to hear what Kylie had to say about Elise.

"And of course we're still active, we are the second oldest of the branches after all, and we're practically on the border with the Amaranthine Order's homeland so we don't have the luxury of getting lax. Under pressure though... not as much as we were in the past, as we've really rooted out all of the main enclaves in Crimea proper with only a few small ones remaining that don't have the resources to mount any sort of plans against us. In fact just last year their last big enclave in Garliand magic city was wiped off the face of the planet by us. And don't worry, if I learn anything about them around the islands here I'll definitely tell you, for then we could wipe them out before they could make a good foothold here," Hikari said proudly, and looked pleased that Kylie was as against them as she seemed to be.

"Aye, and do please come back sometime Kylie, we can have another drink if you'd like and talk some more. In the meantime I must learn the whereabouts of the one I'm looking for and head that way, for I haven't gotten any word in a while, so I'm a little worried and came myself to find out what's happened. But I'll be in town for at least a couple of more days so we may speak again before I leave," Brianna said to Kylie when she finished her glass of wine and prepared to leave, bowing politely to her as she saw her out personally before returning to her bath, giving her a wave.

It took her a couple of minutes, but soon enough Kylie was back in the main common room of the tavern area of the inn, where she now saw Eileen sitting with 2 other driders, one of whom was Nina, while the other had the traditional snowy white drow hair, and all three of them were deep in conversation as they drank whatever they'd ordered, which was likely ale or mead of some sort. As soon as she was in there, Kylie's mind would begin to work somewhat again and she'd remember that she'd seen Brianna sometime in the past... in an important place she'd also remember, but where it was exactly she couldn't place it just quite yet, and it was only in passing pretty much that she saw her she'd also remember, which likely explained why she couldn't quite place her yet. She had the feeling though that if she spoke with Brianna more she might remember where she'd spotted her exactly.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

She took it upon herself to fiddle around with my mind. I still don't care about the reasons. and yes Hikari... That would make for a lovely evening. Still, I'll keep my eyes open. Take care.


Pondering the odd noble, this.. Brianna, kylie sighed and sipped on her scotch, still thinking about the problem. She was sure that when she remembered, that she would either kick herself for making something out of nothing, or be glad she had pursued it enough to learn something important. Still, that Neko needed another gauntlet, who only wore one gauntlet, that just brought attention to that one hand, where you didn't want it. And that cryptic message from the others about seen weapons, that was basic knowledge, but it didn't work if you played your hand early by revealing your others.

Either way, she had a duel to plan out on top of everything else, and her brilliance led her to the simplest conclusion, she'd overpower Hikari's sensitive nose and eyes. If it was a succubus she was dueling, she'd assault their overly sensitive tails, this was no different.

Humanity had it's benefits, for all their weaknesses, how often those weaknesses became strengths for humans in general was enough to turn the tide again and again. She had no intentions of being beaten by a Crimean Assassin.

Spotting the Arachnes, but not her friends, Kylie finished her drink and ordered another, wandering over to Eileen. Sorry to interrupt, but have you seen my friends arrive yet? They should have been here by now... she asked, wondering if she should just go check their room.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I see I see... sounds like she maybe did a little too much even if it was for the right reasons," Brianna replied, nodding her head a couple of times as she seemed to get the picture of Elise from Kylie. "Well I do hope you can manage to get your answers from her," Brianna added before Kylie left.


Down in the tavern once more she went over to Eileen and the others, where Eileen greeted her with a raised mug of ale. "Kylie love, how are you? Good I hope. And no I haven't seen them, but another wagon or carriage arrived about... I dunno twenty minutes ago with a couple of people. You could check with the innkeeper out front. But first, meet Carla here, she is one of auntie Nina's children, so a cousin to me," Eileen said, looking as if she'd had a few drinks up until now and was a slight bit tipsy... which for a drider her size looked a bit amusing most likely to Kylie as at least one of her legs was always in motion trying to keep her upright and her human portion continuously swayed back and forth.

Carla nodded over at Kylie as she was introduced. "Hello there, Eileen has been telling us all about you, speaking of your... dexterity and limberness and all. She seems quite taken with you to say the least," Carla said with a bit of a smirk as she looked over at Eileen who was taking another drink and staggering a little bit in the process.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

No no, I'm just a terrible pain in the ass, nothing but trouble I assure you. Kylie said, laughing loudly and waving her hands back and forth, before leaning in to kiss drunken Eileen on the cheek. And I'm always In trouble. Still, I'll go check, thanks hun. Kylie said, waving at the others with a grin and heading over to the innkeeper.

Excuse me, I'm wondering if a friend of mine, or rather several, arrived a little while ago, a Siren named Delilah specifically, she's my sister in law to be and I'm a little worried about her. She SHOULD have been here by now. she asked, glancing over at the swaying Eileen and shaking her head.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Eileen giggled as Kylie kissed her, taking another drink of her ale before going back to chatting with the other two driders while Kylie went over to the innkeeper. The innkeeper man looked up at Kylie when she approached and asked about Delilah and Palla. "Ah, the siren lady and the big goliath girl that was with her. They got here about ten to twenty minutes ago, sent them up to the second floor. Room twelve E," the innkeeper said to Kylie, giving her their location and leaving her to head on up if she wished to.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, nodding, muttered a quick thanks before dashing up to the second floor, and the room of 12 E, banging and flailing at the door cheerfully, before glomping whoever opened it with a loud squeal of happyness
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Heading on upstairs to the second floor, Kylie found the room rather quickly, with the room the pair had gotten being on the front of the building while her's, Ilyana's, and Eileen's was on the right side of the building and a floor up. Knocking on the door brought Delilah to open it up, where she hugged Kylie back, kissing her on the cheek. "Hey Kylie, glad to see you're alright. How long have you been here? We only just got here like... gods about twenty minutes ago or so," Delilah said, releasing her from the hug.

Behind Delilah she could see Palla getting their things out and onto the bed, as well as a couple of large chests sitting at the foot of either bed which only Palla could probably have carried in there. She waved over at Kylie and kicked open one of the chests to reveal at least a good 10,000 gold pieces alone with a pouch that had about a 100 platinum pieces. "We brought the same amount in each chest, and we also brought you a pouch full of gemstones to have," Palla said to Kylie, tossing her said pouch with the gems inside, which as soon as Kylie looked in she'd see a couple of regular diamonds, 5 rubies, a dozen of either sapphires and emeralds, as well as a couple of dozen turquoise stones.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I heard! I was busy getting into trouble with a Crimean noble, I'm sorry I wasn't here to greet you myself! Kylie said, honestly apologetic as she hugged Delilah fiercely. How was Giselle by the way? I checked on her with my ring once, but it was at a rather poor time, so I figured I'd give her some privacy. she continued with Delilah at the door, happy to see her friend.

Turning to spot Palla, Kylie bounced in and hugged her as well. PALLA!!! You came! I knew you were coming but I'm happy to see you to, and you brought my gold!! that's good, because carrying around this sack of extremely rare diamonds was getting tiresome. Still, they do wonders to make people think along my way of things.

Sitting on the bed, Kylie digested everything for a moment, which was admittedly more alcohol today then food, and giggled to herself. I think I'm gonna go grab a meal if you'd like to join me, but otherwise you can sleep if you'd rather. Also!! Wraith! Wraith hun, say hello to auntie Delilah and Palla! she said, perking up, and now physically shooing the tiny darkmantle out to say hello. Palla, remember that egg? Meet that egg. O GOD! Did the others hatch while I was gone? I'd be so disappointed!! Kylie continued to ramble.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmhm, if I had to guess about sis... I'd say she's been having fun with Maria every day, to keep herself from worrying every night about you so much. And in trouble with a noble... gods Kylie you really don't know how to stay out of trouble do you," Delilah replied as she finished hugging Kylie and let her go so she could go see Palla as she shut the door.

Palla hugged Kylie back, mainly as she had no choice really and the strong goliath girl spun her around while they hugged. "Aye we brought it, a couple of gnolls tried getting a little too close for comfort along the way, but they left without their heads after I pulled them off. And... egg?" Palla said, asking curiously with a blush that told Kylie that Palla wasn't entirely sure what she meant by egg, but that she had an idea and refused to speak on the matter. "Anyway, I could go for some food yes," Palla added, getting ready to head on down for dinner.

"Aw, a little darkmantle. Bob's I assume? And no they hadn't hatched when we left, neither had Tina's," Delilah said, informing Kylie that the eggs hadn't hatched as far as she knew anyway, while grabbing Wraith who flailed his tentacles at her, making the siren giggle. "But yes I'm hungry and tired from our trip, so please let us get something to eat, I'm absolutely starving," she added, letting Wraith go where he floated along with them on their way downstairs to the tavern hall to eat, where Kylie saw Eileen still there with her kin, and with Eileen even more tipsy than before.