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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie saw Hikari staying close to Brianna as they walked towards the shrine of Sehanine, making it difficult to hit the neko with it really without something blocking her somewhat so she didn't get hit with full dose. Kylie's disguise went off without a hitch really, as no one suspected or seemed to suspect her any. She managed to get closer to Hikari... closer. There wasn't a lot of people really coming in to blend in with, but there were a couple of others coming in and out.

"Kylie... are you feeling alright?... Huh... Kylie where'd you go?" Eileen began asking as she finished her prayers and turned to find Kylie gone now, a concerned look on her face as she began frantically looking about, crawling over towards one of the walls and climbing up it a little bit.

Before Eileen could spot Kylie though the young human assassin was easily able to toss up the powdery stuff into the air around Hikari. Kylie would hear her sneeze as she walked away a bit, and then sneeze again after a couple of seconds. It had obviously taken effect Kylie would see when she glanced over at Hikari when she was far enough away to feel safe enough to do so, and Hikari stumbled a slight bit but was otherwise either putting up a brave face or hadn't been effected quite as much as Kylie might have thought. 5 seconds passed, and Hikari sneezed a third time and her eyes were watery and her nose had a bit of a sniffle now. 10 seconds... she stumbled again on her way up to the alter, leaning on one of the pews for a few seconds until 15 had passed... but she still hadn't gone down.

Kylie prepared her second vial of catnip and tossed its contents into the air around Hikari's head from behind as she had the perfect opportunity to do so, as Hikari was now a few steps behind Brianna and the others and had no one blocking for her basically. The effect was almost immediate, as her second vial had a tiny bit more of the stronger catnip in the mix than the first had ended up having. Hikari sneezed again and took a step... then she stumbled and tumbled over one of the pews, letting out a loud drunken meow. She didn't speak any, but she stumbled back to her feet as Brianna and the others with her all turned to see what had happened to Hikari. "M-My lady... mmmmyy body... itsh... b-burrrrrning up," Hikari purred lewdly as she took a couple of stumbled steps towards Brianna. It was a funny sight to see actually the way she stumbled when nekos were well known for their balance and whatnot.

"Hikari... what's the matter?" Brianna asked suspiciously... looking almost like she knew what had happened to Hikari.

"M-My... my pushy ish... f-fucking... on fire. My lady... pleash... fuck me... f-f-fuck me raw," Hikari said with a heavy slur in her voice, taking another couple of stumbled steps towards Brianna and falling to her knees before crawling on all fours the rest of the way like a cat on the prowl, as if she'd spotted her prey and was going for it, with said prey being Brianna as Hikari's tail swished back and forth doing figure eights.

"Hikari... love... you're drunk. Come with me and I shall take care of you. You've lost your duel I believe," Brianna said before looking about. "It's alright Kylie, you can show yourself now, you win. I'm throwing in the towel for Hikari... as she can't do so herself really. But I can tell because she gets heavily drunk and horny as hell when she's had catnip of any kind. I just hope you didn't use too much of the stronger catnip is all... because it might end up with me being a bit exhausted afterwards," Brianna went on to say, motioning for Kylie to come on out of her hiding place, wherever it was after her second vial of the catnip had been used.

"Cassandra, Arya, can you get Hikari back to our room please? Lyria love you can stay if you like," Brianna asked the two succubi who nodded and started leading Hikari out, who kept pawing back at Brianna like she'd never see her again, meowing sadly the whole time quite loudly, likely giving Kylie a few laughs at Hikari's expense. The drow girl who was in wizards robes stood next to Brianna as she turned back to Kylie. "Well Kylie... you won. I'm willing to part with a bit of knowledge in return if you like as a prize of sorts... or I can gift you something else instead, within reason of course," Brianna then said to Kylie with a bit of a smirk on her lips, almost as if she had expected this outcome in a way.

While Brianna spoke, Eileen crawled her way back down the wall to Kylie's side, having spotted her once again finally in the ruckus of Hikari stumbling and bumbling about like a drunk that'd had a bit too much.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie indeed slinked away after she'd landed her first dose on the neko, hearing the sneeze. It was taking effect, but it was taking slowly, and as the seconds ticked by, Kylie realized she wouldn't walk away with the victory unless Hikari was completely helpless after the assault, no matter how underhanded the tactic was.

The second vial hit the air, and once more Kylie snuck away, and then it hit her, like a cannonball. Raising her eyebrows at the drunken, and admittedly hilarious display, Kylie managed to hide her giggles until she had officially been declared the winner and asked to reveal herself. Realistically, she was closer to Brianna then her guardians would have liked if they were able to place her, and her revelation came as her shawl became her cloak once more and she stood there, wrapped up and grinning coyly.

Not the most... Level way to claim a victory, but certainly a viable one. A little humbling will do her a great deal of good, every assassin has that moment when they're young. Hikari is blessed honestly, to have it happen at my hands, then an enemies. she said pragmatically, watching Hikari's friends haul her off.

As for your stamina, well, Collateral damage I suppose, and not a bad kind I might say. Ahh! Eileen! Sorry to give you a spook dear. not the duel you probably expected, but shadow games always play out this way. Kylie continued, before turning and spotting Eileen, grinning from ear to ear.

When Brianna spoke about the dosage, Kylie shrugged. It was a pair of mixed doses, a concentrate, and the more commonplace. I didn't want to hurt her by any means. And Prize? I'm just trying to piece my head back together. I didn't even have my full name until last night. I'm Kylie, called the shadow, or Ghostwalker, within my branch, youngest full initiate within the order, and veteran within the Rose. Kylie said, bowing her head slightly, glad she could give a formal introduction of herself again.

Still, this whole bother was caused by me technically, and honestly, I'd just love to know why you seem so familiar. Like I said before, it's like an itch. It needs scratching. Kylie finished, grinning very much like a cat herself.
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"It's alright Kylie, you just worried me is all. Didn't want anything to happen to you, a-and the eggs," Eileen said, blushing slightly at how worried she'd gotten.

"Mmm, but you did use the stronger kind too... I hope it wasn't too much, for her sake rather than mine really. And she isn't all that young really, about twenty four," Brianna said with a smirk as Hikari was now being carried out of the temple by the pair of succubi, though Lyria didn't seem too worried by Kylie being as close as she was to Brianna too much.

"My lady... is she the one that..." Lyria began asking before Brianna stopped her by placing a hand on Lyria's wrist for a moment to shush her as she pointed around the room at the other worshipers.

"Come Kylie, I shall tell you who I am, but it must be done so in private, but I will say this... you have made a friend in me for hopefully making Hikari a bit less full of herself, as she's stubborn as a mule when it comes to certain things. Though I do hope that you didn't overdose her and cause her to go into shock... that would be bad, but there are healers around that can help her," Brianna said, gesturing for Kylie to follow where they went through the door in the back of the temple shrine area itself and into a large room that had a very large pool in it with crystal clear water. "This is a cleansing pool of Sehanine. One that would be good for you considering the size of your belly," she went on to say as they entered the room and she went behind one of the changing screens in there near the doors, of which there were at least a couple of dozen, all fixed so that they all provided privacy for each.

Brianna went behind one of them and urged Kylie to do the same as Lyria followed suit, as did Eileen. When Brianna stepped out from behind her screen she was naked as the day she was born, her penis still as large as it was the night before, which was slightly larger than Giselle's, and Eileen and Lyria both did the same, and there was no one else in the pool or the room as of yet. "Come Kylie, please join us, and I shall tell you and your lover here who and what I am," Brianna said, gesturing for Kylie to come into the pool with her. Once Kylie had joined Brianna in the pool she smiled softly and looked over at Kylie as they all relaxed a bit. "You've never actually met me before... though you likely know my great grandmother Elise. I'm her great granddaughter Brianna Celeste Crimea and I am probably the next in line for the throne of Crimea unless my mother chooses another in my place instead. Great Grandmother is the elder matriarch, meaning she doesn't actually take part in the day to day affairs of the realm unless she must... she's mainly there because... well she just doesn't feel like moving on yet really," Brianna said after Kylie joined her in the pool. "I'll say though Kylie... I don't approve of great grandmother's handling of your past... if it were left up to me, I'd have told you everything from the start. But I can understand great grandmother's reasoning as well from what I know of her past," Brianna added as an afterthought, seeming... almost slightly angered by how Kylie's past was hidden from her.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie nodded, giggling to herself a little at Hikari's plight and not surprised that she was stubborn, She had seemed stubborn even when high... especially when Brianna's dick was involved... Next time Kylie would use Brianna's dick as the drug, it was cheaper.

Raising an eyebrow when Lyria spoke up, Kylie glanced around as Brianna silenced her with a gesture, before following towards some kind of high and mighty god-bath for the moon-elf-lady who was helping her see I the dark. Sehanine. She wondered idly as she stripped behind the privacy curtain for a fey rubber ducky playtime episode, if she HAD a rubber ducky, and why not, and more importantly, what Lyria had alluded to.

Sliding around the room, Kylie walked around the cavern, before proceeding to walk over the top of the cleansing pool, her footsteps leaving the smallest of ripples atop the water as she waited, pacing. As the others came out, Kylie looked up, sliding slowly into the water properly and raising her eyebrow. So you're kin then, not someone I should properly know. Well, that's a relief probably... maybe. Honestly, what Lyria said has my attention fully now that I know I'm not directly involved with you, yet. I never stay that lucky for long, just you watch. As for Grammy Elise, apparently my mind was all locked up tight out of shock, and there was something important in it. Honestly? If I didn't 'Supposedly' know what I do? They'd have just let me become a deaf dumb and blind semi corpse. But understanding her reasoning? I don't care about understanding, what I care about is being kept in the dark by so many people for this long. If I hadn't proven myself capable of handling myself by now, then people think far less of me then they've made me think. Now Lyria, be a dear, now that we're alone, and finish that thought you made in the temple proper... Kylie said, lounging against the edge of the pool, and addressing them both, eyes going from one to the other.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well I'm gonna have to disagree with you on one point, because I know better. I may not always agree with her, but I know great grandmother would never have left you in that state no matter what. Because she's been in the same place herself, in so much shock because of something that happened when she was little that she wasn't even coherent enough to recognize the world around her. That's why I can understand her reasons for doing it even if I didn't like it, because she didn't want another girl that was stuck in shock like herself. Her memories were sealed too of course, but the shock was just so great she didn't even talk once for nearly two and a half to three years afterwards from what mom told me," Brianna said, setting her towel up on the side of the bath where she laid her head back onto it to relax better. "Even still however I think that she ought to have broken the seal once you came of age at least, probably before, because you deserve to know what happened, you're a big girl now and can handle yourself. Her seal was broken too of course, around the time she turned eighteen or nineteen or so," she went on to say, still agreeing with Kylie on pretty much everything else aside from what she said before that she didn't agree with her on.

Lyria looked over at Kylie when the young human addressed her, a little wide eyed. "Huh? Oh that... well it was mostly just what lady Brianna was discussing with you. I've heard the high matriarch's story as well, and I am her great granddaughter's personal mage aid... a-and one of her lovers. The matriarchs must have many lovers in order to produce an heir worthy of the throne. Well that and the heir must be a futanari, not just strong, it's tradition," Lyria replied, looking a bit surprised that Kylie was talking directly to her.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie shook her head for a moment before trying to more carefully frame her thoughts on this issue coherently, rather then letting her immediate anger and sorrow get to her mouth first. And for the first time, in a long time, she succeeded. I'm not sure... personally? To have been told? or had my memories sealed? It's all a bit ridiculous, I had to deal with all this insane information all at once and have my brains scrambled to do it, and there was so much that didn't make any sense until just now, I've just been throwing myself into my work trying to ignore everything that never fit. And now I have to deal with all these problems involving other people? That's just... well, for risk of sounding childish, that's not fair. Hey! You're 18! here's everything that time would have normally dulled as sharp as a razor and cutting twice as deep, and by the way, you wont get a full picture for awhile. Hope your emotions aren't compromised, And while we're on the subject, there's this teensy problem that that isn't everything.... Come on, that's some flat out bullshit Brianna, no matter the reason. Messing with someone else's head? And then just getting flattened by a giant wad of painful info I never knew I'd lost? If that doesn't cause an existential crisis, nothing will, and that's in a stable person, I'm FAR from stable on my best day. she said, shaking her head as she puzzled things out before rubbing her temples and sighing.

it's all a bit insane... and Wait... The High matriarch's Story? I'm in that telling? Really? What am I, some kind of entertaining sideshow? Me and this Elise are going to have a long bitter chat I think when I track her down. And if she gets all pissy with me in her throne room... Oooo, you should be there to watch, there are going to be fireworks... But Lyria, that still doesn't directly answer my question. Why don't you tell me this 'Story' that everyone has apparently heard. Kylie continued, crossing her arms.

Because personally? I find it astounding, that Brianna here already knew who I was, but you had to patch it together and only after I gave my professional title. And even then, Hikari, who I bet you anything will shit a brick when she hears that same name if she's ever heard of our branch? Didn't have the slightest clue.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I never said it wasn't bullshit Kylie, nor that it was fair. Simply that I can understand and sympathize slightly with great grandmother's and the others decision in sealing your memories of that event at the time. Had you been a few years older... I guarantee you they wouldn't have done so. But in an effort to save a child, they did what they thought was best to try and keep you from remembering until your mind could handle it, which in my opinion was wrong," Brianna said with a little sigh as Kylie said what she did. "And I actually don't know you by sight, merely by name, only a few people know of your story actually, mostly great grandmother's closest friends and family. I've only heard a couple of things about you myself actually, both from my mother, whom I overheard talking to great grandmother about those things. One was about what happened when you were a child, and the other was who actually sealed your memories of the event and what had caused the trauma. And no you aren't in the telling of great grandmother's story, it's only similar to yours is what Lyria meant by that, because not very many people have actually heard what happened to her when she was little," she went on to say.

"Aye, I've only heard what my lady here has heard for the most part, but that's all really, and the other part I was starting to say was, were you the one that broke in last night. I was... indisposed at the time, so I didn't actually see who it was, I merely felt the arcane locks being broken," Lyria said, elaborating a bit on what she'd meant with her earlier words, blushing a bit and looking away, and if Kylie asked for her to elaborate Lyria would blush deeper and mumble something about pooping.

"Hey Kylie... I don't know about your past or anything like that, but I do know that the high matriarch is a good person, because she did a lot to help my people become accepted by everyone else other than just the drow, and she gave some of us a home that wanted to leave the drow lands," Eileen said to Kylie, her spidery portion underneath the water so only her humanoid half was above. "I'm not saying what she did was right from all I've heard here, but I don't see any reason to get all huffy about it right now. It's not like you can talk to her at this very moment or anything, so why not just relax and enjoy the pool. It's meant to cleanse and soothe any worries people have," Eileen went on to say, relaxing herself in the water and urging Kylie to do the same, and Kylie would feel her worries starting to ease up a bit and her body relaxing, though not frighteningly so, but a pleasant feeling.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie huffed and pouted after everyone was done speaking, her heart on her sleeve like always. And she doubted a silly puddle would ever ease the near constant state of worry she had for her loved ones anymore. She'd stop worrying when her enemies were dead, that was how she lived. But it hardly mattered.

Lounging against the edge of the pool, Kylie just rubbed her swollen belly for a moment, before cuddling into Eileen and eyeing the possible heir to Crimea, and her pet magician. Honestly speaking, I'd probably have more trouble beating your Succubi friends then Hikari. Being nearly killed by one will give you a newfound respect for them. Though I'm surprised to see them wielding weapons, especially guns. Aren't devils, demons, and Other infernals possessed of both powerful magics, and the inclination to use them? Expecially Succubi. The Succubi I have met are nothing like the ones I read about in our oldest texts. This Devil/Demon thing never came up for instance, they were always listed as Demons whose power grew with their feeding and their age, cunning predators of the non-immortal races. But the ones I've met, they're not demons, they're devils. Why is that? So far everything in those texts has been astoundingly accurate, painstakingly so, since information like that is based on combat and observation, The texts on the subject are also very old though. I wonder what changed... I should find a way to peacefully speak with an elder demon, I'm sure they know, I hope it's just not a sore topic... Kylie mused, idly wondering if some demons had gone the way of the older dragons. From titanic monoliths of godly power, to what they were now. Either extinct, or simply non-interactive... or hiding... It was probably the last.

Then there's the Drow, getting along with other elves? Again, something considered impossible in the older texts. Something in my gut says parts of this golden era are drawing swiftly to a close and I don't like. Stormclouds on the horizon as my old weaponmaster would often say. But I will tell you something, the only thing I hate more then something that should already be dead, are ruddy angels. Astral interfering pains in the ass. I've never met one while I was conscious, nor do I care to. Especially with the gods all being nitpicky about who does what and why. she continued, before realizing what she said at the very end, and blinking. Glancing around the pool's interior, Kylie looked at her fellow bathers as well, before shrugging. Why had she said that? And why did the shrines all feel weird... And why was no one moving and the water glowing slightly and a very pretty sylvan looking lady sitting on the edge staring at her.... Well.... this was odd.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Eileen cuddled back against Kylie when Kylie cuddled against her, Eileen's hand moving down to caress Kylie's belly along with her. She looked quite happy to say the least as she gently caressed Kylie's belly, giddy even if Kylie looked closely at her face.

"Maybe, who knows. Succubi, at least all the ones I've ever met or heard of anyway, they don't like to fight unless they have to, they prefer to have sex instead. And Succubi do have some powerful mind magics and stuff yeah, but for physical weaponry they make exceptionally good gunners actually, because they can fly and hover fairly steadily, and they don't have any weakness to cold iron like the fey. As for them being referred to as demons... well even the evil succubi would probably get pissy for being called one. From the way the succubi I know have told me, they are beings of lust, with lust being one of the seven deadly sins, meaning infernal and not abyssal," Brianna said about the mention of succubi being referred to as demons in what she'd read.

"As for my people getting along with the other elves, and driders for that matter doing the same. Well the sundering was ended, in no small part thanks to the high matriarch and her companions. The goddess Lolth was reborn, free of demonic taint, though she still is the lady of spiders and whatnot of course, simply not evil anymore... well... I'm sure that she has the capacity for doing some evil things and all, just as all of the fey gods and goddesses do, but they are mostly neutral, neither good nor evil," Lyria said about her people when Kylie mentioned that.

"I will agree that many angels can just be annoying, but not all of them. Many angels of Sehanine are quite fun, and are quite fun in bed. Damn near as good in bed as a succubus actually," Brianna said, looking like she was speaking from experience on that regard as she had pleasant look on her face.

"Well no matter what, I'm not evil and I like you a lot Kylie. Mainly because you're as crazy as I am for the most part. Plus you're bearing my eggs... well you and a few others of course," Eileen said, blushing a bit as she finished speaking, though she hugged Kylie again as she sat there next to her.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie shook her head repeatedly and sniffed the water experimentally, wondering if she was bathing in something trippy, or just crazy, not that crazy would be a surprise...

Shrugging as the debate of succubi origins raged, Kylie was cuddled and doted upon by Eileen who was exceptionally snuggly today, probably because she had gone all superhappyfuntime on her and everyone who'd come to check on her... Giggling to herself, Kylie leaned into the hug and kissed Eileen on the cheek.

Angel Elves are not a thing, because Elves are fun, and Angels are all stingy and strict. So.. .... ... no. not a thing. As for neutral gods, that's like a neutral person, it simply doesn't exist, everyone has an agenda of some kind, so either No one is neutral, or everyone is neutral. The occasional selfless act, however noteworthy, is an exception, and the exception doesn't make the rule. Even the greatest heroes in history and current times have their own goals and gratifications that they strive to fulfill. I have my own, as does my fiancée Giselle, and her sisters. Even Wraith here, WHO IS DIGGING AROUND IN MY CLOTHES FOR SNACKS THAT AREN'T THERE! Get out here you little troublemaker. Mommy is surrounded by breasts. she said, before calling out to her conspicuously absent tentacle squid.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As she leaned down and sniffed the water, the only things she smelled in there were the bath salts and whatnot that were added in to make the water smell pleasant but not overwhelming to anyone. As Kylie spoke up again and looked over at her clothing she did indeed see Wraith in there, having been clinging to her when she went into the temple and only just now showing himself. He seemed to have just woken up from a nap, likely having been bored stiff while she was roaming about town and then going into a temple of all places where little happened.

He came out and floated over towards Kylie and the others and landed on... Brianna's breasts, right between them in fact, which they were fairly impressive breasts to say the least, but nowhere near as large as say... Hazel's were, with Brianna's being only larger D-cups. "Well hello there little one. Do you like them large like I do?" Brianna said as Wraith plopped down between her breasts, a smirk on her face and all the previous talk forgotten for the moment as she looked down at him. Wraith for his part gave an answer in the best way he could, by coiling his smaller tentacles around her breasts in almost a hug like fashion. "Hmhm... I guess you do like them big huh. Well not to worry you can hug them all you want," Brianna went on to say after that, giggling a bit at Wraith as she reached up to pet him.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

There you go little one. And I swear, he's got more personality then some people I've met. He's a wonderful little creature, but for his size, he eats like a horse. Kylie giggle, watching the little boobhonker get to work.

Pondering the bath again, Kylie found herself sighing. She still technically had a lot she had wanted to accomplish, but it seemed she had managed to do something more useful to her goals, and that was gather the information she needed to really get things rolling. Her fabricator was as good as in her pocket, and all he'd asked for was a woman, well, Mink fur technically. If she couldn't get mink fur, then there was something wrong with her. Still, she had to wait out these eggs first.

And then she had to handle a billion and 1 baby driders, and Hope... o dear lord, at least her little alraune angel wouldn't be lonely... Ever... Eyes wide at the thought of how many people were going to eventually be running around her house, Kylie started to seriously consider some kind of child sanctuary in the basement training area for the adults when their nerves were frayed from chasing 40 toddlers around... Still, mind wandering violently, Kylie refocused as best she could, and turned to Brianna Rabbits. she said simply, poking her fingers up behind her head like ears.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmhm, yeah some people can be very annoying and have no personality at all. And he's just a baby so of course he'll eat like a horse, but I'm sorry little one, I have no milk in there for you unfortunately," Brianna said, petting Wraith who looked miffed at no milk in his hug pillows boobies.

Wraith released Brianna and floated over to Lyria and glomped her breasts too, where the drow girl blushed a bit as he did so, but when he found no milk there either he tried Eileen. Finding no milk there either, Wraith flailed his tentacles at Eileen's face, where she threw her hands up and shooed him out of her face like he was a fly... since that was really what he was acting like, and then he went to the only source of milk he had, which was Kylie's breasts, where she'd feel the soft suckling of milk coming as he latched on.

"Rabbits? So you're looking for some Viera shifters then eh. Well you can find some around Tear Cove, but from what I've heard they're mostly at the town on the eastern portion of the island," Brianna replied to Kylie's saying rabbit.

"Kylie... are you looking for some viera?" Eileen asked curiously after that.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I have no idea! but if I had to guess, the only thing I like more then gratuitous amounts of excitement, is going really really really fast. So if Viera shifters can help me train to be the fastest thing on two legs, then Yes. Kylie answered after a moment's though, still flexing her fingers behind her head.

Also, rabbits are cute, never doubt how random I can get, it's not like I choose to be, but most of the time I have the attention span of a may fly. Unless I'm working, then I can't be distracted by anything. But right now? Nothing is running faster then my head. Kylie said, starting to giggle to herself.

Patting Wraith gently as he locked onto her boobs, she just sighed as he started draining her breasts of their milk, glad to have the pressure relieved.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Heh, yeah the viera can train you on running and stuff, because they are some of the quickest beings on two legs themselves," Brianna said with a half grin. "Believe me I know, hard as hell to catch one of them when they shake their sweet asses at you," she added from experience apparently.

Not too long after, only about 5 minutes or so, Brianna stood up and nodded to Kylie as did Lyria. "We must be getting back to our room, for I have a very horny neko to deal with... at least I hope that's all I have to deal with anyway," Brianna said, pausing for a moment as if thinking something over in her head. "Anyway, do be careful Kylie. And... don't let it get to you so much what great grandmother did and all. Until you meet her there's not much you can really do about it, so don't let it bother you too much and try to enjoy life, because you'll just stress yourself out too much over it," she went on to say as she and Lyria exited the pool and over behind a couple of the changing screens to dry off and stuff before heading back to their room at the inn, leaving Kylie and Eileen with Wraith who released Kylie's breasts and floated around to snoop about the room.

"Well... what do you wanna do now?" Eileen asked Kylie as they relaxed in the pool while Brianna and Lyria were drying up and getting their clothes back on.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie just broke into a grin as Brianna mentioned chasing the crazed rabbit folk, shaking her head, before entering into a fit of laughter as the pair stood and mentioned Hikari, shooing her away. Go on, she'll be fine I'm sure. Her Pusshy wash on fire for you... Kylie said, still giggling as Brianna and her magey friend excused themselves, making Kylie ponder Viera. She'd heard about the odd folk, but hadn't remembered ever seeing or speaking to one. Rabbit Shifters, what a strange thought. She wondered idly if they had little tiny fluffy tails for her to play with... maybe she should bring one home to Giselle, she was getting good at adopting/acquiring friends/pets/children...

Shaking her head again, Kylie smiled as Wraith floated around the room, turning her head to look at Eileen. I have no idea. I'd go hunting mink fur, but I'm laid up for awhile. I can't make my gear order go any faster... My only other option here was maybe to buy out Asha, but from the sounds of things, Asha is too well established and profitable in her business to want someone deciding what she has to devote research time to. Then there's these silly guns, and other things. Honestly, with me being as full as I am, I think I should just take it easy. I swear I saw a wood elf sitting on the edge of this pool earlier. Kylie said, shrugging and leaning into Eileen.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Heh, yeah I'm sure she won't be too... pushy for me to take her pusshy, gods that was horrible," Brianna said before she and Lyria left the other two in there.

"Oh for Oren? I can go hunt for the mink for you if you like, that way you can still get the stuff you want done. It's up to you though," Eileen asked curiously, offering to go hunting in Kylie's stead for the mink. "And you may have spotted Sehanine watching over us all," she added about the image Kylie had seen.

Eileen helped Kylie up and out of the pool soon after that, where she helped to dry her up and let her ride on top once more as they exited the cleansing pool room. "Well, where to now love? And... do you want to take the little ones home with you when you go back to Feynrial? I don't mind either way, but I was just curious is all. I doubt Scarlett would want to keep them, so I figure that I'd wait for her to pop them out and bring them and come down to Feynrial with you and your friends. And Angela too if she wanted to come, just take all the little ones down there, though if Angela doesn't want to go down to Feynrial then auntie Nina would take care of them for me," Eileen said as they were leaving the cleansing pool room, looking over her shoulder at Kylie.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Well yes, hunting the minks for me would be very helpful, but I'd only thought so far of taking the little ones with me to feynrial, because I have no idea what else I could do. I've seen baby driders, they're a major handful. Unless you had plans to sit on a full brood until they'd grown. And I'm having that huge house built and Hope could use some friends.. I mean... you can certainly come with, you're more then welcome, there will be space... SO yes... I guess that was the plan. Kylie answered, scratching her head atop Eileen's back.

There really wasn't too much else to be done right at this moment, and Kylie needed a nap, or lunch. Wraith tucked in her shirt safely, Kylie shrugged. You can drop me back at the inn for now I guess, I'm a bit hungry and could use a little rest, if you don't mind.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Heh, yeah they can be a handful. I've seen plenty of them myself. It's worse because they can mostly climb walls and ceilings like adult driders can. But they're too cute to get angry at when they won't mind. And since the majority of my babies are going down that way... and since I didn't really get the chance all that much to see many of the other ones the last time I had some eggs, I figure that I ought to try and take a bit more active a roll in their lives this time around... not that my other little ones that I left with the fey didn't tell them about me and all. I just didn't really get to see very many of them, as many eggs were sent back to either the fey realm or elsewhere so the island doesn't get overpopulated with my kind," Eileen said with a smile as Kylie nuzzled against her back. "As for the hunting, I can manage for you. You just get some rest okay sweetie. I'll bring you back enough mink fur to make a full body suit for me if you want, boots included," she added, sticking her tongue out at Kylie as she took them back to the inn to drop her off and collect her gear so she could go a hunting.

Eileen blushed a little and kissed Kylie on the lips before heading on out to do the hunting for her, leaving Kylie there with the others that were there still, one of whom was Palla who was laying in the large silken bed of Eileen's when they got in there. It looked like she was taking a nap and Kylie could see one of her hands laying on her belly as she lay there asleep. It seemed that she was having some pleasant dreams from the smile on her face that Kylie would notice as Eileen grabbed her stuff as quietly as she could and left the room. Delilah would come in a few minutes later, having come to check on Palla and noticing Kylie there now too, where she offered to get Kylie something to eat and bring it up if she liked, or she'd help her downstairs with Palla for them all to get some lunch together.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie returned Eileen's kiss, smiling and winking at her as she was laid down. Yawning and stretching, Kylie wriggled into the pillows and blankets until the bed was a warm little nest with her buried somewhere in the center.

Her head poked out of the mess as Delilah came in, asking if she was hungry for anything. A little, something light, like fruit or a good drink would be wonderful Delilah. And Eileen wants to come back with us, I don't see any reason why not. She should do well there, relaxing and all that. But I need to stop getting knocked up or I'm gonna have to build more rooms onto my house already! she said, laughing to herself, before burrowing back into her blanket pile.