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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh... we're fine... Hikari's a bit addled still, and... she kinda went into partial shock on the way back here, but she's resting now. After we snapped her out of it she jumped Brianna and wrapped her legs around her so damn tight she'd got bruises on her hips. She finally calmed down an hour or so ago. Brianna is still going at it though with the others, I was getting something to drink actually and taking a break because my pussy and ass are sore. Damn Crimean family futanari are pretty much insatiable once you really rile them up like Hikari did and only succubi can really knock'em out unless there's a good half a dozen of us working together. And there's not that many non succubi around here with our group to handle that, but thankfully we've got a couple of succubi with us who can," Lyria said as she stood there in the doorway, taking the orange juice when it was offered by Kylie. "What's this for?" she asked curiously after taking it.

"Well... you want to come in? Not that you got to of course, but if you want I don't mind. It's not like Brianna is really in the mood to talk and say anything more than," Lyria cleared her throat and did her best imitation of Brianna, which wasn't half bad but not exact. "Oh gods yes, fuck me harder. Ride my dick until it won't stand anymore. Until it's so raw I can barely stand to even look at it."

"That's my best imitation of Brianna when she's addled with lust and won't stop until her dick is so damn sore she can barely move," Lyria said afterwards.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The orange juice is to drink you spazz. What else would it be for. Kylie answered, chuckling as Lyria went on about the situation, entering when invited. Sitting down, Kylie got herself another glass and downed it slowly, savoring the flavor happily before tilting her head.

You know, I could probably kill the mood by scaring them all half to death.... But something tells me that's not really wise. Part of me came up here to make sure Hikari was alright, the other part of me was more interested in news and business, But Hikari would need to be conscious for that and in her right mind, both things I sincerely doubt at the moment.

Kylie sighed and lounged against the back of the couch, taking the weight off her back for a moment as she wriggled into a more comfortable position.

I mean, don't get me wrong, the vindictive bitch in me is thrilled at the victory, however small, but I can never just relax, not really. I put on a good show, but my head is always running around and it's hard NOT to be doing my job. No matter what decisions I've made... there's still that drive. I wouldn't be entirely honest if I said that I didn't want to be patrolling the street once night really settled looking for the neerdowell to put in his place. But... pregnant, and I'm not SUPPOSED to be working on such things. I'm supposed to be starting over, but I'm unsure if I can with so much unfinished business brought to light. Maybe I just wanted someone to talk to without worrying my friends overly much. My fiancé would pitch a fit if she thought I was about to be throwing myself in harms way for nothing more then a vendetta or a dusty relic. Kylie mused.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Nah, I thought I'd take a bath in it. No seriously what I meant though was why were you giving it to me," Lyria said as she stuck her tongue out at Kylie and led her over to a sofa where they both sit down.

When Kylie mentioned that she could kill the mood in the bedroom if she'd wanted to Lyria just giggled and shook her head a bit. "Eh unless you started stabbing them with a knife or something I doubt they'd even realize you're in there. Brianna would probably end up grabbing you and tapping that ass a few times actually. She's got one helluva knack for tricking girls out of their panties and into bed. As for news... well there's really nothing really new since we last met, save Brianna going to be sore later. That girl really has the libido of a succubus in her. And yeah Hikari is gonna be out of it for the rest of the night, and probably most of tomorrow too with the amount of the stuff you hit her with," Lyria said with a chuckle as they sat there, though she didn't try to actually stop Kylie from doing that if she wanted to try and give the others a spook.

"Aw hell, what's wrong with kicking back and relaxing every now and then Kylie? I mean it's bad for your health to not relax like that sometimes and just not worry about work. And your fiance sounds really sweet, worrying about you like that. Sounds like Brianna when we all get into a scuffle with someone or something. Afterwards she's always fretting over us and making sure we're all bandaged up and everything," Lyria asked curiously, looking amazed almost that Kylie didn't rest more than she did and relax.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

There's plenty wrong Lyria, more then you could imagine. Ask Hikari, or look at her. She's not as sharp as she should be, not as willing or prepared. If I were in any other line of work, had any other kind of skillset, it would be different, but it's all perishable. If I don't stay on top of them, and myself, I'll go the same way, lose my edge... Kylie tried to explain, looking a little desperate about everything for a moment, before taking a deep breath, and unclenching her hands, recomposing herself.

And this place... it's almost too much fun, too nice, too perfect. That still bothers me, like it's all just a lingering dream and I'll wake up and know it was never real. Or that it IS all real, and I suddenly have something to lose again, something so precious... Before Giselle and Hope... There really wasn't anyone left but me, I only had to worry about myself, and it made me so very good at what I did, to approach a situation with such a professional calm that it bordered on inhuman... but now... if I make a mistake, and leave my new friends and family all alone, or worse, get them all hurt or in trouble... I don't know what I'd do.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh she's sharper than you think Kylie, she just didn't expect you to do something in the actual temple. And the reason this place feels too nice is probably because it's so out in the middle nowhere in comparison to the rest of the world. But this is all real Kylie, I assure you of that, because I'm fairly sure I'm real," Lyria said to Kylie as they sat there chatting. "And you don't have to worry about the others so much all the time okay. Remember hon, you're stronger together than apart, no matter what you might think. Having someone there to stand by your side is always better than being alone. It's always worth the risk. The best thing I think you can do is to just try and be there for the ones you love Kylie, because you never know what tomorrow might bring. And I didn't mean like to never train or anything at all, merely that it's okay to take a break and relax sometimes," she went on to say.

From the other room, Kylie and Lyria heard a moan from Brianna, at which Lyria blushed a bit and looked over that way. It seemed that she'd forgotten to shut the bedroom door. "Jeez, she never stops once she gets really riled up. I've watched her go for about six hours before, off and on through that whole time at least, not constantly. Not even a succubus can handle six hours constantly really," Lyria muttered to Kylie as they sat there, then she stood up and went over and pulled the door shut and came back. "So... where you heading after you leave here?" she asked as she sat back down.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

But that's exactly what I mean Lyria, It's not as if we're soldiers or warriors, Conventional rules don't apply to us, that's our entire realm of control, to exist outside of it and the laws that govern it. We strike when it's least likely, where it's unexpected. I'm sure in battle Hikari is quite formidable, but she's not a soldier, she's an assassin Kylie explained with a sad look in her eyes.

It's not as if she's a poor assassin either, many of us are less Aggressively minded then myself, more... Defensively inclined, and some are dedicated to full combat. But it's the mindset that degrades, that constant state of possible threat. It's what eventually drives us all mad. Certainly we continue to function, but we're never the person we were before, we're... something else, a shell with a killer inside, no room for gentle things. It's a sad fate, but to someone with nothing left to lose... An end to the pain... It was all I strove for. Now... now my heart belongs to someone else again, and I'm just that scared little girl all over again. it's so hard to properly explain. You have to see it. When you get a chance if you're invited to a rose sanctuary, look at the older members, see how dead their eyes have become. We're called inhuman not because we are capable of superhuman things, but because what lives behind those dead eyes isn't human anymore. They're animals, predators at their peak, simply waiting for orders, either their superiors, or their own. Myself, I'm closer to that kind of monster then Hikari is, she's still so full of fire. but I'm nothing but Ice... or I was. And Christ yea she does! Kylie said, her explanation and admittedly venting interrupted by Brianna moaning like a bitch in heat.

Kylie shook her head, chuckling as Lyria went to close the door, before asking another question. Where am I going? We're going to Hespera, I've never seen it, and Giselle insists it's a great vacation spot. The perfect place for the bored wealthy hooligan apparently. So as soon as these little ones are ready I'll be gating back to Feynrial and then to Hespera where Giselle will apparently force me to relax, or try. I'm sure Hazel will get us into plenty of trouble as well
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Lyria saw that Kylie was adamant and all about keeping up with her training and listening to her reasons and all, she looked a bit sad, but nodded to Kylie. "That's how the Rose is in your homeland? That's terrible. I've been to a couple of the Crimean branch sanctuaries, and while they aren't all sunshine and daisies or anything, they do smile and everything and I've never seen a dead look in their eyes, even the leader members who have been in the guild for decades. And don't worry so much about that, because the more you worry about something, the more likely it seems to end up happening no matter how prepared you are. I've found the best way to handle things like that is to just go with the flow and worry about a problem as it arises, and after said problem is over with you go back to not worrying about anything and enjoying life, else you'll simply worry yourself sick over it. You said you strove for an end to the pain. But why do you have to? Can't you start over? Isn't that one thing you can do on a backwoods little island like this? I'd say so if you ask me," Lyria said as she sat back down next to Kylie, trying to cheer her up some, and then when Kylie mentioned Hespera Lyria's eyes lit up and looked as if they had hearts in them.

"Oh wow... Hespera is... it has such a romantic beach, and quite a few other romantic places to go to also of course. B-But the beach... white sand, crystal clear waters, all the fish you could ever want to catch, clams all over the ocean floor with tons of pearls, even black pearls," Lyria seemed almost hysterical with joy and envy at hearing where Kylie was going with Giselle. "Oh I'm so jealous. I've only ever been one time with Brianna, and she... that's where I got this pearl locket. She went diving to get some fish for lunch for us all and grabbed a few clams while she was at it. She snuck around and took some to a jeweler and had my locket made. It's pure pearl, black of course because I'm a drow is what she told me," she added, pulling her locket up from between her breasts to show Kylie, who would see that it was a very pretty piece of jewelry indeed, the perfectly smooth stone having been carved down and hollowed out to make the locket, which Lyria opened to show a small picture of Brianna on the inside and on the outside portion was a small picture with 4 other people in it, 3 women and a man, all drow but the man who looked like an eladrin of all things, with 2 of the drow women having now quite as dark skin as the older woman did, similar to Lyria's own skin color.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie shook her head, as if she still hadn't quite gotten through to Lyria, but after a short affirmation, she decided it would be wise to stop, only adding It is, but my Branch is far more active, and houses the Archives. Crimea the Forge, each branch has something unique. It comes from studying forbidden texts as well as the job. Assassin's magic has a way of... Changing the person. You'll understand eventually, just... Keep that upbeat attitude for your friends. Kylie finished, forcing a smile.

Lyria's reaction to Hespera though set Kylie laughing, listening intently, though it was hard to hide the sudden jolt through her body at the mention of black pearls... would those help her find the codex? They'd done wonders so far in unlocking other seals in her mind...

Still, she tried to stay cheerful now, and smiling, and excited, listening to Lyria's story with a grin. It's all that and more huh? Sounds like I'll be having a good time then and Giselle as well. I'm glad I'm going. I just hope Hope is big enough to come with, I want to show that little Alraune everything in the whole world. Things her siblings will never see or touch or feel. it's a great opportunity.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well I would like to consider you a friend too Kylie. But... I'll shut up about it if you prefer," Lyria said, holding her hands up in a gesture of peace on the matter before saying what she did about Hespera.

"Aye, Hespera has this big arena too, where they stage mock battles, do plays, um... let's see, oh yeah they also do sex fights in the evenings, usually between succubi and or some other kind of devil, but not always, like the first to cum loses and stuff like that. There's usually a wager between the combatants of duels too, unless it's a battle for honor's sake or something of that sort. As for taking an alraune with you... well you could talk to other older alraune about it, but there are alraune that live down there too. So it ought to be alright to take her, probably want to make sure she'd have a plant to sleep at and all, or take her own with you," Lyria told her a bit more about Hespera and suggesting that Kylie speak to older alraune to see if she'd be able to take Hope with her. "It is a tropical area for the most part. Anyway though let's see... there's gambling houses all up and down Greed street, there's clothing stores up and down Envy and Pride streets. Go to Sarella's clothing store though for the best clothing you can get most anywhere, whether in the mortal world, the astral sea, or the elemental chaos," she went on to say, mentioning some more about Hespera.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

You're friendly, And I like you well enough, but you're also connected to Brianna, which makes you politically involved with Elise of Crimea, who you already know I have a major bone to pick with. Just... when that day comes, if you're around, stay away. As for me wanting you to stop? It's just frustrating that I can't make you understand without showing you. And it's something you don't want to see. As for Hespera? I'm incredibly excited, and I may have to wait until little Hope is older, I'm just always in a hurry. Kylie explained, there were some people who just... weren't something like herself, weren't killers. It was always nice to see, but it was also extremely difficult not to see them as Prey.

Another internal battle ensued between her kinder nature and what made her an assassin, that Predatory drive, and once again, thanks to her training of all things, as it always seemed to be, kylie won the struggle that almost no one had seen her fight so far. Giselle had seen it, Hazel knew it was there, Tina, Miu, and Maria could probably smell it on her. But the bloodlust that she bit back, that urge to seize on the opportunity, was always there, just... buried under years of self control. You had to see it in her eyes on those rare moments when the Ice cracked and revealed a cold flame rather then the warmth that hid behind that same glacier, and even that Glacier was hidden by the sometimes shameful, goofy, ditzy act she put on. She loved her fun, but it was only as deep as the surface in reality. There was so much more there... and none of it was good for a loving relationship. Giselle though, The moment Kylie had seen her wield that spear, Kylie knew that she would understand, that she would let it go and accept it simply as part of who she was, And that, more then anything, Let Kylie love her... the knowledge that she would be loved in return, rather then having to lie, or be reviled...

If only Giselle knew that that was where her sexual habits of constant one night stands and all around poor choices stemmed from. There was a vastly deep ocean to Kylie as savage as any ocean that existed on this planet, and so many others... She was truly the Wolf hiding amongst the Flock. It was why she was so interested in meeting something that could call itself a True Demon. To meet another Apex Predator that shared the same prey she was trained and tested to take down. Warriors were battle hardened... But She was an Animal. It ran in her Blood. Kylie was a Born Killer, and knew it in her bones.

Sighing as her self reflection faded, Kylie smiled at Lyria and patted her on the shoulder. Stay safe, keep Them safe. And if Hikari is interested, tell her to stop on by while I'm in town. Goodbye. Kylie said, standing slowly and stretching, before heading to the commons for another drink, the Orange Juice needed a replacement after all.
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Lyria shrugged at Kylie telling her that she was frustrated that she couldn't get her to understand what she was getting at. "Well you're a nice enough person too Kylie, and that's why I'd like to be your friend. And... if your bone to pick with the elder matriarch consists of attacking her, then we may meet one day as enemies, and I'll have no choice but to be there Kylie... because lady Elise is Brianna's blood kin and I love Brianna... so please don't do anything rash when or if you meet lady Elise alright," Lyria said to Kylie as the young human was having her self reflection and whatnot, and then when Kylie said her goodbye and all to the drow girl, Lyria nodded and saw her out. "And don't worry about us, we'll be safe. And... heh, when Hikari is able to think again and is coherent I'll send her your way. Though if she's a bit short with you I hope you'll forgive her, the poor pussy's pussy will probably be sore for a while thanks to what you did to her," she then said with a chuckle as Kylie got up to leave, obviously amused at Hikari's situation earlier.

Heading out and back downstairs, Kylie saw most of the others were still sitting about the table she'd left them at, with only Scarlett gone with Eileen, probably to talk to Eileen's aunt Nina or something about making sure Scarlett didn't lose her position, as they'd been mumbling about that during their dinner before Kylie remembered while the others chatted and ate their fill. "Ah there you are Kylie. You want to go do something before bed maybe? I saw a gambling house out in the city I wouldn't mind going to and wasting some of that money you brought, maybe have a couple of drinks while we're at it," Palla said as Kylie returned to the table, looking antsy and wanting to do something from what she could tell.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Do as you will then. And it is Certainly When. Kylie answered on her way out, heading downstairs to find a bored looking Palla.

Chuckling as she suggested gambling of all things, Kylie shrugged, jingling a bag of coin on her belt. Why the hell not, lets go, I'm sure they'll have SOMETHING that will keep you occupied. she said, continuing on her waddley path towards the door, and this supposed hall of gambling.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Lyria nodded as Kylie said what she did before leaving and saw her on out, looking a bit troubled by Kylie's words, but she said nothing more on the matter.


"Yes... I need something to do, to cut loose," Palla replied, looking around the table at the others, grabbing her own coin pouch which had some in it.

As it turned out, Angela and Ilyana both decided to join them, while Delilah said she'd go too but would only get a drink and watch them play for the time being, but that maybe she'd join in later. The ladies headed out and went to the gambling house, with Palla leading the way and Delilah catching up after leaving a message with the bartender to give Eileen when she returned of where they'd gone. As they made their way across town to the gambling house, Kylie would see the streetlights were not lanterns being lit all across town, but they were instead glowing balls of yellowish light held aloft on the tops of each pole spaced about 30 feet apart.

"Ah here it is, seems to be the best gambling house in the city, they've got a bar, restaurant, and gambling part all in one," Palla said as they came up to the building after about 5 minutes of walking or so, lights on top lighting up the name of the rather large dark blue building, which was named "The Rite of Passage, Tear Cove branch"

"Apparently the ones who own this place have branches set up everywhere if what I've heard is true," Palla said as she opened the door for everyone to go on inside.

The inside was finely kept, nice thick dark red carpet being laid all over the floor and dark blue paint on the walls. At the entrance there was a guard and a sign that said no shoes allowed, but with the looks of the floor it didn't seem that they'd need any. They were greeted by the guard man who said he'd keep their shoes and boots there at his desk and asked their names so he could label each box he put them in, but their socks were okay apparently unless they simply didn't wish to wear them anymore for a while. They seemed to be in the restaurant area and to their right and left they saw signs hanging down, the one on the right directing them towards the gambling area and the one on the left directing them to the bar/strip club that was over that way.

"So where to first hmm? Drinks, or gambling?" Palla said as she gave up her boots to the man and wrote her name down on the box holding them as he put them up onto a shelf.

"Oh miss you can have drinks brought to you at the gambling tables, they merely need to be set aside on the drink tables at each gambling table though to keep from spilling them on the gambling tables," the man said as they debated which way to go first. "The strip bar over there is just a place to relax for a while if you're tired of gambling and eating," he added, where Delilah smiled and said that she was heading over there, with Angela following her for the time being, but saying that she'd be over to gamble shortly, leaving Kylie, Palla, and Ilyana to gamble some, with Palla and Ilyana seeming to be going to wherever Kylie was at the moment.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie looked around at the hall, raising an eyebrow when someone offered to take her nonexistent shoes, lifting up her skirt to show her bare feet, before lowering it again. So it was foods, drinks, or throwing money away.... What do.

Looking at the others, Kylie shrugged, gesturing for Palla to lead the way since this was her idea to kill time. She'd never really gambled before... Cheated, plenty, but gambled... not so much. but it wasn't like she had anything to worry about unless someone did something crazy and gambled away their soul... or freedom, was that a thing? it wasn't unheard of for people with unpayable debts to be indentured to the hall in question.

Torn between letting go, and just getting drunk, Kylie passed on getting drunk as she rubbed her belly, following Ilyana and Palla to wherever they wanted to go to watch. This wasn't really her thing.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hey Kylie, it ought to be okay to drink some even with the eggs. They aren't connected to you inside your womb or ass obviously, so it shouldn't effect them any, at least I've never known of it to do so anyway," Ilyana told Kylie and Palla, which seemed to make Palla's decision for her as she followed the rest for now to the bar.

"In that case we'll drink us some in the bar before heading to find some gambling to do. If you girls are up for it. I've heard they got Netherworld Scotch here, among a few other nice hard drinks," Palla said as she followed the others on to the bar.

Upon entering the bar, Kylie would see... something that she'd never seen before. There were a trio of catwalks set out with poles at the end of each, one main larger one in the middle and two smaller ones that were to either side and stuck out from the back wall not quite as far as the center one, which was a good 15 feet from the wall, while the other 2 were only 10 feet or so. The one on the right side of the room was empty and the curtains leading back behind it closed, while the one on the left had a young elven woman coming out from behind the curtain in nothing but a bra and thong, with a long furry shawl wrapped around her as she walked out with a sexy strut, and she stood about five and a half feet tall give or take and had long blonde hair pulled into a beautiful beaded braid that reached to the crack of her ass, a pair of average B-cup breasts, and finally she noticed a pair of pearl earrings in her pointed elven ears. The central stage had a pair of gorgeous ladies on it, one a human who was quite good looking and was a size more endowed breast wise than the elf girl on the other stage, but shorter and she wore a light blue see through belly dancer's outfit with the breasts being covered by nothing but a set of nipple pasties, while the other was a strange looking woman with fiery red hair that seemed to smoulder as she stood there dancing with the human girl. The redhead was taller than either the other girls and was the most well endowed on the stage at DD-cups which jiggled as she did a belly dance in a similar outfit of the human girl, save her's was a pale red see through belly dancer's dress instead, and the nipple pasties were also red.

"Wow, Giselle would love this place," Delilah said as they entered the place, a grin on her face as she obviously imagined Giselle's reaction to all this.

"Aye... her dick would be so hard within a minute that she'd have to get Kylie or someone to give her some relief," Palla said with a chuckle herself.

Angela went over to one of the seats set up at the central stage and a waitress came over to take her order, where Kylie noticed that all of the waitresses were scantily clad in only see through white nighties that left little to the imagination, but they wore white g-strings and little white bras to keep the most important bits covered. One of them came up to Kylie and the others who were all still standing there and greeted them, a succubus with long mid back length blonde hair and breasts the size of Angela's.

"Welcome to the Rite of Passage's strip club ladies. How may we serve you? Drinks? Companionship? Massages? We aim to please our customers, so long as they obey the rules," the succubus girl said to them as she bowed politely before glancing over at the center stage where a young man lifted up a hand that looked as if he were about to grope the human girl, but he instead slipped a piece of paper into her thong and smiled as he leaned back in his big comfy chair he was seated in.

"Please, just a table and some drinks for now miss, thank you though," Ilyana told the succubus waitress, who bowed again and led them to an empty table not far behind Angela's seat and wrote down whatever they wanted to drink and quickly brought it all back to then, with Delilah and Ilyana both taking some exquisite wine that was on the menu and Palla taking some Netherworld Scotch, while Kylie was brought whatever she ordered.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie followed only so far as Ilyana and Palla would go, and before long was regretting this decision when they encountered some kind of strange dance stage, and worse, succubi. To say that Kylie was less then enamored with the devil race of humanoids would be a gross understatement, as of the few she had met, two were psychotic bitches she reveled in killing, one had managed to piss her off to the point of murderous fury, and who's only saving grace seemed to be a deep seated religious drive to counterbalance her nature, and Angela who insofar had not done anything either good or bad in Kylie's eyes.

The pregnant woman openly hissed at the succubus that addressed them, but otherwise bit her tongue before finding anyone who wasn't of a semi demonic persuasion to order water. It would not do to have her drunk in this place in the mood she was currently in. Her Bloodlust was running high tonight and if she wasn't pregnant there was every chance she'd start a fight.

Why her mood was so decidedly foul was unknown even to her, but the dark cloud that ran roughshod through her mind wouldn't dissipate and for all her concealed anger, she took a deep breath, and just let the others enjoy this, still, her nostrils flared for traces of essence and if she found them she'd see it as nothing less then an open assault. She didn't like this place.

Drinking her water, Kylie closed her eyes and focused on her nose, she had too much to lose in a place like this, her composure not withstanding. Gambling halls places of manipulation and vice to ply unwitting people away from their coin or into a drug addiction or worse. No matter the places reputation. Of all the sexual adventures she had ever had, there was no single one she regretted right now, the Eileen, and it would be a mistake she didn't make again, weighed down, pregnant again. No amount of pleasure was worth being this weak right now. And despite being strong enough, and clever enough, to take down a fellow assassin in public, in hiding, Kylie still felt uncomfortably vulnerable here.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As they all took their seats and got their drinks brought out to them, Kylie would smell not even the barest hint of succubus essence in the air, and if asked how come there was none by any of the waitresses, she'd be told that it was not allowed unless it was a private dance or if they were in the private companionship rooms upstairs. Her companions all seemed to have noticed her dark mood and while most seemed to figure that she just wanted to be left alone, Delilah bravely decided to try and improve Kylie's mood somewhat.

"Hey Kylie, what's the matter? And don't try to tell me that there's nothing wrong, because there obviously is. I can tell," Delilah asked curiously as she scooted over next to Kylie, slipping an arm around her shoulder. Whether Kylie answered or not, Delilah didn't press too hard and if she wouldn't talk about it she'd sigh a bit and lean over and kiss her on the cheek. "Come on then, let's you and I go back to the inn and get some sleep for the time being okay, the others can have their fun. I only came to begin with because you were coming, and I wanted to keep an eye on you for Giselle," Delilah would tell her before standing up and taking her back to the inn, should Kylie wish to go on with her if she was in too bad a mood to care about staying, and Delilah would show no anger or anything about heading back with Kylie to the inn, seeming to care only about her well being at the moment.

Palla and Ilyana in the meantime seemed to be letting Delilah take care of the situation with Kylie and enjoyed the show for now, though they seemed to be enjoying their drinks more than the pretty ladies on stage doing their belly dancing. If Kylie decided she wished to stay, after their round of drinks were done they would all stand, including Angela, where they'd head on to the gambling house area. In there, should Kylie join them, they'd find sets of dice tables of various kinds including craps, a few roulette tables, several card tables of various kinds, and a few tables with steel bars covering most of the fronts of them save a small slot, which seemed to be the money exchange tables.

(Well Kylie's mood certainly flip flopped quite a bit there in her mood. Dunno if you wanted to edit her post any, but I went ahead and wrote this post out anyway.)
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie tensed as Delilah touched her, before blowing out a sigh and closing her eyes, nodding at her offer to leave. That would be for the best, I think I'm still tired. As they made their way out, kylie shrugged for Delilah, still under her arm and just said nothing until they got back. She'd accomplished a lot of what she'd wanted to do on this trip, and fairly quickly, but there were some aspects of it she was already growing tired of.

Still, all that left her for tonight was to get some rest. And no one could deny so far that her mood always turned sour fast when she was pregnant. Giselle would have probably seen a big part of it right away, she hated being inactive.

She'd feel better when this brood was out of her and actually something cute to love and adore rather then a parasite leeching her body heat and nutrients, and she could go back to working out in the morning.

Curling up when she got back to her bed, Kylie was passed out rather quickly, and unlike the usual early riser, she slept in without even realizing it, groggy, with no idea what she had planned for today, and alarmingly for her, no real idea to find out what she had forgotten, if anything. There was a tugging at her mind that it involved Oren stone, but it would be awhile unless someone reminded her what it was.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Probably hon, I get cranky when I'm really tired too. Nothing to be ashamed of or anything though," Delilah said to Kylie as they left the bar area of the gambling house.

Delilah didn't seem to mind despite having just gotten there though, but she did finish her drink with a quick gulp and left the others to pay for her drink, which Palla did happily, with her and the others all waving by to Kylie and telling her they hoped she felt better soon. They soon made their way back to the inn, with Delilah escorting her the whole way and hooking her arm in with Kylie's to support her if she stumbled or fell any, though the young rogue didn't do either and once they returned to the inn Delilah helped her change and then on into bed before going over to change into her own clothing, kissing Kylie on the cheek and laying down next to her and snuggling up to her soon to be sister in law to let her know that she was loved to hopefully relax and calm her down after earlier.

Kylie was soon asleep after that, and a deep sleep she fell into, though it wasn't filled with any bad dreams or emptiness like some of her sleeps ended up being, with this one including Giselle and her both together and Kylie holding what looked to be a newborn baby, and to her left sitting right beside her was Hope who was a bit bigger now looking down at the newborn with a happy smile on her face. Looking around in her dream, Kylie would see the rest of the little alraune all grown up about as much if not a bit more than Hope, all clustered around her and looking at the newborn baby, which seemed to be a mixed breed of human and fey. Giselle was sitting to her right with some of the other little alraune in her lap as she leaned over and kissed Kylie and whispered in her ear that their child was beautiful and that she was essentially a high elf or Eladrin in terms of race, but that she would have some human and some siren racial traits such as a beautiful singing voice after her, and her human ingenuity after Kylie, and that she'd live a very long time naturally because of being of mixed blood.


Upon waking up, Kylie would find herself surrounded by her friends that were all asleep around her, save Delilah and Eileen, though she could hear some pleasant humming from the bathroom that she could easily tell was from Delilah because the humming soothed her worries and made her feel calm. Palla was snuggled up behind her again hugging her from behind, though not tightly, and Angela was in front of her, the unnatural infernal warmth of her body keeping Kylie quite warm but not uncomfortably so, and she too was hugging Kylie, though from the front. Both seemed to still be asleep, though Ilyana who was laying behind Angela was sitting up on the bed and stretching, looking well rested despite being pregnant like she was. Palla she would notice had her right arm slipped around underneath her while her left one was holding Kylie's left hand in a soothing grip, while Angela was mimicking her on Kylie's opposite side with her left hand holding Kylie's right while her right arm was draped over Kylie's left side. They had obviously been worried about her is why they were holding her in such a way, but it was up to Kylie what she did obviously.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie passed out pretty quickly into her dreams, where her mind was piecing together things she hadn't considered overly much. That their child would be mixed blood hadn't concerned her, and honestly still didn't, the rush of warm fuzzies that rushed through her enough to quell the momentary unease that tugged at her mind... But Giselle speaking of their child's lifespan... That set off every alarm bell for Giselle that Kylie had and as she woke, tucked between her friends, Kylie wiped a tear from her eye as the shocking realization set in and her depression deepened.

Was it enough for Kylie to love Giselle? She was only going to live another 50 years or so at best, if she was lucky... and that was counting on a great deal of luck... Her flippant attitude about life and death that had kept her from thinking about things came crashing down quickly when the realization that Giselle would far outlive her really sank in... Wouldn't it be better for Giselle to fall in love with someone who would actually be their for her for more then a blink? And what of their child? To raise them through so many years alone...

Or for Giselle to have to watch kylie Age while she stayed constant... Kylie didn't know, nor did she know what to do about it. She knew she didn't want to leave Giselle, but what she had wanted to do, and what was best were rarely the same... And she didn't know what to do about this one. She did love Giselle, a great deal... but she didn't want to put her through that pain either...

Regardless, her own plans were put on hold quickly in light of this new revelation, and she found herself squirming out of bed to find Delilah, and honestly, if Delilah hadn't been humming and working that marvelous music, Kylie would likely be panicking. Still, it took a great deal of care to slip out of the bed without waking anyone else, and she was quick to pull Delilah aside and sit down, a serious expression on her face, wishing Tina was here as well... both sisters should have a say in this.

Delilah... How long do Sirens live... she asked quietly.