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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As the seconds passed by and turned into minutes, Kylie felt the thing weakening slowly but surely as Giselle guided her through it, holding her from behind and helping her. After about three or four minutes into the struggle, Kylie saw the fish, and it was a fish, jump and flop around in the air momentarily before splashing noisily back down. The thing had to have been at least a good three or four feet long and when she glanced at Giselle after that, she'd see her fiance wide eyed.

"Holy shit... you hooked a barracuda. Didn't expect that honey... nice luck. Or do you have some hidden fishing skills and trying to make me look bad?" Giselle said when the fish went back into the water, a slightly amazed look on her face.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie struggled, and fought, and swore the death of her enemy and her enemies family a thousand times over, before she saw what she'd caught, the fish tiring. A Barracuda.

Giggling at Giselle's expression she shook her head. Nope. But this is killing, and I'mma eat that fish. That's the talent, I. Find. Trouble. she said, emphasizing the last word with a grin before yanking the floppy fuck up onto the beach to murder, a stroke of her hidden blade putting a stop to the giant toothed ocean predator in an instant... they had to kill it, it'd eat the rest of the fish they caught....

But then it was time to unhook the deadfish and throw the line back out for a livefish after reimpaling something squirmy and wiggly.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I wouldn't call this trouble though honey. This is just plain awesome," Giselle said, absolutely beaming at the fact Kylie had hooked a barracuda like she had.

It took them the better part of ten more minutes, but they managed to finally reel the big fish in. It flopped around uselessly on the rocks they were fishing from, but once Kylie sliced into it, it stopped moving where Giselle took it and set it aside in a basket that she'd brought along with them. Smiling at Kylie, Giselle hugged her and reeled her line in and cast it back out along with Kylie's.

"That will probably feed all of us at the house tonight. But let's get another fish or two just to be sure. Selara and Palla can both put away some meat, so I want to make sure there's enough for everyone to be satisfied," Giselle said as the two recast their lines.

A few short minutes in, Kylie had hooked another fish, though this one was nowhere near as tough or large it seemed as the barracuda, and Giselle hooked a fish mere moments after Kylie, leaving her to wrestle her's in alone, as Giselle's seemed to be a bit larger itself. After a minute or two, Kylie caught a glimpse of red on Giselle's fish, where her fiance chuckled a bit. "Heh... a snapper eh. Was hoping for a barracuda myself so I could keep up with you hon, but a snapper's just as good," Giselle said as she chuckled and fought the fish she had hooked.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie giggled as she was praised and hugged. Like she had said, this was a kind of killing, it was all she was good at. And drawing... terrible singing voice though. Maybe it's just how still I sit? Iunno, I've never done this before. In the sewers you cast nets out for flotsam and random junk thrown away. Always something worth saving down there. That was the thieves guild's job for the new recruits anyway, see if they could tell the valuable apart from the worthless when EVERYTHING is covered in muck. Everyone does their share, because you have to do all that before you can get to things like lock picking and pickpocketing. Things don't get really hard until you get to picking pockets. They have this mannequin covered in bells, and you have to get whatever you're after without ringing any of them. Never quite got the hang of that, but the picking wasn't hard, just practice, and of course the sneaking. Loved that. Since I don't make any noise when I go about barefoot... it's really easy for me. But then you get into other stuff, like how to keep your muscles from cramping if you have to stay in one place for a long time, or how to get around inside buildings along the walls and rafters when other people wouldn't even see the path. Really useful stuff. Kylie said, letting Giselle further into her past without even realizing it as they fished.

Several more minutes passed and another pair of fish came up, a snapper for Giselle, and a nameless edible wonder for Kylie, they were fish, she didn't know the difference. They weren't boots. You know. I bet with that barracuda out of the water, other fish are gonna pop out of their little hiding spots to eat. If you hunt a predator and take it down, it's prey usually takes pretty quick advantage. Bet if we just wait a few minutes we can pull up even more. Kylie mused, just applying what she knew about hunting to this. It was the same with people too, Take out a local thug, and business and customers came back quickly.

To be honest, I miss the thieves more then the assassins. The work felt more.... clean. Not honest by any means, the assassins were the honest ones, painfully so. But the thieves.... they tried really really hard not to get involved in fights. That wasn't their thing. And they were like.... I dunno, my little extended family down there. Always ready for a drink or just a hug, since I never spoke. But they were good with that too. Taught Reggie a bit on how to handle it all, cos poor Reg, he couldn't make heads or tales of it sometimes, it was so funny. Kylie said, smiling at the memory and shaking her head. There was good in there with the bad it seemed, plenty if she dug really hard. They had this whole little set of hand signs to speak without speaking that they taught us, let us communicate a lot more easily rather then me just pouting and flailing around until he got it right. I really couldn't speak then, I tried, I just couldn't. Gave up after a long while. I didn't speak until after..... Until after I was caught.... and... And... Kylie was starting to shake a bit in her seat, her eyes far off, trapped in the memory, screams, her own screams in a small stone room...

A jerk on her line brought her back around with a gasp, looking at the rod in her hands, there wasn't a fish there, it was Giselle pulling on the pole. I'm fine. Got a little lost there. she said, shaking her head and focusing on the task at hand. Thieves, yea. The thieves. They actually found me before the order did, all covered in blood and dirt, said I looked like a wild animal, didn't even know it was me until I tried to charge them, took a sap right to the back of the noggin, lights out. Woke up in their little Triage. They were looking me over, patching me up. Healers took care of the burns, got rid of the scars. And I stayed there with them for a bit. Order didn't want to tell me what had happened, They thought I didn't know already. And the guild wanted to keep me around a little to, didn't think it was smart to have me near jobs and such so soon. After that.... Pretty much as I told you. Sleep, train, eat, work... just... on repeat until I got this odd little job for a tiara on a ship. And I met you all. Reggie'd be happy. Never liked the underground, he was always going up to wander around the city. He'd have loved it here. All this outdoors to fiddle in and get lost in. And Dragons! Ooo he'd have lost his mind if he'd met Kaal! You have no idea hahaha, He always had those damnedable books in his hands. she continued, just.... remembering....
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well, that may have something to do with it, the way you sit I mean. It takes a lot of patience though for fishing, especially if you want to get some good catches," Giselle said, listening to Kylie speak on about the sewers back in her old homeland rather intently.

"Aye, the other fish may come around if there aren't any other barracudas out there. And having a couple of extras would probably be a good idea since a lot of the others will likely want seconds. Good thinking honey," Giselle said on the matter of the fish coming out now that one of the larger predators was gone.

Giselle sat there and listened to Kylie talk of her past some more, of her brother... and of better times. As Kylie retreated back into her mind a bit and kind of lost focus on her surroundings, she felt the tug on her pole as Giselle moved over, giving it a little pull with one hand while her other was around her waist in a kind loving hug.

"It's okay sweetie. I don't mind listening. Tell me anything you wish, you can trust me. I... I really wish I could have met your brother. He sounded like the bravest and most magnificent brother and man anyone could know. Everything he did it sounds like was for you, his little sister. He knew that he had to take care of you after your mother and father were gone. And I also think he'd have loved it here too, hmhm, especially because of all the pretty girls around. Maybe... hmm..." Giselle said to Kylie when she got her attention back, kissing her on the cheek and hugging her close, though as she paused, Kylie would notice she had a rather thoughtful look on her face. "I have heard that some people can meet their deceased loved ones in the Netherworld and other places sometimes... if you would like to try maybe, it may even be possible to meet your parents again too. I'd like that I think, meeting your family, even if only once. I love you and I want to see you happy and smiling all the time. Were Reggie and or your parents religious in any way? Like to the Raven Queen or any of the others? It could give you some peace perhaps if we could meet them," Giselle went on to say, smiling softly and holding Kylie close against her.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I don't know, I don't think Regi was. If he was he certainly never made it an open thing. Kylie answered, thinking about it. I don't know if I could handle that... Seeing them all again... I don't want to think about it right now. she answered, keeping the rod still in her hands, they were still fishing.

Besides, I only ever really knew Reg... she continued. The pole was coming up dry. They were probably all on to the pair fishing by now. The free food floating around was too good to be sure.

Let's get the food back, go see the kids, let the squidlets flap around before they flail my treasure everywhere Kylie said, scooping up what she could carry. Seemed her armor was back up for now, the door to her past closed for the time being. She'd revealed enough for a day.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Alright honey, just think about it is you got to do. It's entirely up to you though. But it wouldn't be like... ghosts or anything like that. If they were exalted, which I believe they probably were, then it would be... as if they weren't even gone almost. They just can't really get drunk anymore if I remember my lore about the exalted right," Giselle said, hugging Kylie one more time before collecting her fishing rod again and continuing their fishing for a few more minutes.

"Well, you told me some about yourself, so it's only fair I guess. I was once a stripper at this club in Tear Cove. I did a few questionable things there too when we were a bit short on money. It wasn't long after I came of age, we began to run low on the inheritance mom and dad left us to live on and stuff," Giselle said, blushing quite profusely with a slight look of shame on her face. "I whored myself out on occasion, and sent some of the money back to help out with everything. A friend in Tear Cove let me stay with her a while when I was there so I didn't have to... you know, pay to live in the Inn there and stuff. A couple of those rich noble ladies in Tear Cove paid me really really well to... be their lovers for a night or a weekend, or even as long as a week at a time. As well as their date for a ball, or something like that on occasion. I'm a Siren, so beautiful singing voice and everything. I was a hit at any party I went to because I can sing so well. It was a kind of time where we all three had to do whatever we had to in order to make enough money to live on. But now we've got you and we have plenty of money. So our babies will never want for anything. But we should teach them modesty and how to be humble and stuff so they aren't stingy or anything like that," Giselle went on to say, still blushing quite a lot.

Just as Kylie was about to reel her hook in for them to get ready to go, she felt a tug on it... a powerful tug at that. It was so strong it nearly yanked her into the water off the rock. Giselle had just finished reeling her line in and dove over and caught Kylie just before whatever it was yanked her down. "Holy shit... what did you snag this damn time?" Giselle asked, an almost fearful look on her face as she wrapped her arms around Kylie from behind and held on tight, helping to anchor her and pull her back some.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Hrm... so my fiancé likes money and sex... if only I'd known this sooner! she cried in mock frustration, grinning, completely unflustered by the story, kissing Giselle. Nothing to be ashamed of, Oldest profession in history. Hell, I did it for Free for some jobs... some of them were pretty good. There was this one who was re OMYGod. she started, flailing wildly when she was about yanked into the water, lurching backwards as Giselle joined in.

I don't know! I wanted to Stahp!!! she cried, going through the motions with Giselle to beat whatever she had hooked, learning fast, let it tire as it tried to run or break the line, haul it closer when it stopped or grew tired. I... Wanted... To.... Kiss... my... FIANCE! she shouted at the water between tugs, pissed off at Sir Mystery Fish.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well... I suppose so," Giselle said, shrugging a bit just before Kylie's rod was yanked and nearly pulled her into the water.

"Come on honey, let's show this thing who's boss. We can beat it and reel it in I'm sure," Giselle said to Kylie as they struggled against the quite strong watery being.

They managed to pull back a good bit, but then they were getting dragged back towards the water's edge from the rock face they were on as the waves crashed up around them. "Damn, this thing is strong, and it hasn't ever surfaced yet. What the hell could it be... *gasp*..." Giselle said, gasping fearfully just as they saw the shape of whatever it was surfacing, where Giselle reached around and tried to knock the rod from Kylie's hands.

It was too late though as the being surfaced and they saw it was a woman's body on top of a mass of tentacles, who yanked the rod one final time and the two of them came flying off the rock and down to the water. "NO! IT'S A SCYLLA! KYLIE LET GO OF THE... F-FUCK!" Giselle cried out just as they were pulled the last time.

They both fell right into the scylla's mass of tentacles as she surfaced, which quickly coiled about them both, with the humanoid half of the creature diving in and kissing Kylie on the lips, and then switching and doing the same to Giselle while she struggled. Kylie was quickly stripped naked, her clothing tossed back up onto the rock they'd been fishing from, and then she watched as Giselle was quickly stripped of all her clothing as well, which were thrown back up with Kylie's. The scylla had a gleeful look on her face when she saw Giselle, though she by no means looked disappointed in Kylie's body.

"My goodness... such a wonderful catch I've gotten for myself. A big juicy delicious looking cock for me to suck and milk dry, and a wonderful juicy pussy for me to lick and fill up with my eggs," the scylla said with a naughty grin.

"No... please no. Kylie's still, mmph..." Giselle tried to plead with the scylla before a tentacle was stuffed into her mouth to quieten her.

One of the scylla's tentacles squirmed around and began rubbing against Kylie's slit, which was already moistening with arousal and already slick thanks to the slimy touch of the scylla's tentacles. A few other tentacle were coiled around Kylie's wrists and ankles, pulling her hands above her head as she was laid back on the bed of tentacles while her legs were spread wide to allow better entry for the other tentacles. Next to her, Kylie could see another tentacle coiling around Giselle's dick from base to tip, with the tip of her tentacle teasing the entrance of Giselle's urethra, but not slipping inside. Her actions caused Giselle's dick to spring to full mast very quickly as another teased and tickled her clit and another rubbed against her pussy. Giselle looked quite aroused already from what Kylie could see, her eyes were looking worriedly at Kylie though as the scylla awaited Kylie's response.

The scylla propelled herself forward a bit to a little rock that was submerged only a two to three feet down in the water, where she nestled herself down and looked her catches over more thoroughly, licking her lips as she did. Before Kylie could try to struggle anymore, a thick tentacle that was simply perfect in size penetrated her pussy and didn't stop in its initial thrust until it was gently pressing against her womb. Giselle meanwhile was sucking on the tentacle cock in her mouth, already too horny and lost in pleasure to resist apparently as her head bobbed up and down on it while an equally thick tentacle slipped into her pussy along with Kylie's.
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

o... Balls. Kylie managed to get out, before they were tumbling down into the squiggly tendrils of a new monster that could apparently speak pretty well, for a monster. Something Kylie was getting used to. There were too many things she was getting used to.

Quickly stripped, with her gear tossed back up onto the rocks, Kylie almost got a slash off with her gauntlets before those were tugged off and thrown up with the rest of her stuff as well, Kylie cursing loudly. Wriggling around and trying to get some leverage, the battle was lost before it even started, the Scylla more adept at moving in the water then either of them, and already having them both pretty bound up.

Giselle bless her tried to be pleading on her behalf, but didn't get anything out as a tendril was shoved into her mouth, Kylie moving to try and bite another tendril for getting too close before shuddering with a low groan as she felt something rolling along her petals. Fishing led to dicking. Everything led to dicking here. She was foolish to think otherwise, this was some kind of ridiculous karmic punishment, or her womb seemed to emit some kind of magical fucking signal whenever it was empty.

The bite earned her a tentacle shoved into her mouth as well, the Scylla taking advantage of the groan to keep her from muttering her own death threats as she swam off to a rock while she teased the captive pair, the both of them now too far out for easy help and unable to call for any besides, Kylie still struggling before she felt her folds filled perfectly all the way to her core, making her moan around the length in her mouth lewdly as her hips squirmed and her folds tugged around it instinctively, Giselle docilely bobbing along the tendril in her own maw while she was filled as well. Both of them were just gonna have to put up with it it seemed.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie felt the tentacle pull back finally after a few moments, as did the one in Giselle, where they slammed back inside, their slime allowing them to do so with no pain at all and only incredible pleasure in the two. Giselle was already moaning around the tentacle in her mouth, and Kylie soon joined her as a moan spilled from around the tentacle in her mouth. "Mmm, good good, you're both already so relaxed and you both want my tentacle cocks so badly don't you. Well don't worry, I'm going to give you both lots and lots of good loving," the scylla said to them both, a wicked grin on her face.

Kylie was lifted up until she was above Giselle, her pussy on display for the now horny Siren sister who looked up hungrily at it Kylie could see. Giselle's dick twitched and throbbed as she watched Kylie's pussy being plundered before her, and soon enough the scylla lifted herself up a bit and maneuvered Giselle around so her lower half was underneath the scylla and the rest above, her whole being laying on the bed of tentacles still however. Giselle's mouth was freed of the tentacle within it momentarily as she scylla sank down again as Giselle squealed in ecstasy, making it obvious that her cock had just been captured by the scylla's pussy.

"I-It feels like... h-hundreds of tentacles are... tickling m-my cock," Giselle panted before letting out another squeal as one apparently hit a sweet spot on her.

"Well, that's because there are hundreds of little tentacles are tickling it. And these ones here are... tickling inside of it to milk you better and give me more of your seed," the scylla said with a chuckle before muffling Giselle again with the tentacle.

Kylie was held a couple of feet above Giselle, where a second tentacle joined the first between her legs and pressed against Kylie's asshole, which thanks to the slime made it easy to insert. The pleasure was getting to Kylie too much to fight any longer and she couldn't prevent her body from instinctively arching back slightly to accept her fucking.

When she sees both girls submission, the scylla laughs mirthfully and then begins to take both of them good and hard. Giselle was moaning up a storm beneath Kylie, who's juices were dripping down all over Giselle's face she saw. Giselle suddenly screamed out around the tentacle in her mouth and Kylie knew she'd been sexually defeated, and she couldn't keep from squirming around beneath the scylla who was bouncing like crazy on top of her.

In the lusty haze that fogged her mind, Kylie saw a large thick red tentacle sprouting out from the mass of tentacles, most of which were pink and penis tipped. It wriggled around in front of Kylie's face as a few others joined the rest teasing Kylie, these ones going for her breasts and coiling around and squeezing them, while another couple opened up with mouth like tips and latched onto her nipples and began milking them, a third latching onto her clit and suckling hard. The big red tentacle cock rubbed against Kylie's cheek and caressed against her neck, until the one in Kylie's mouth pulled out slowly, leaving a small strand of precum connecting it to Kylie's lips. The red one slipped inside Kylie's mouth and she had the overwhelming urge to suck on it like Giselle was now doing again to the one in her mouth.

"You know what this big fat tentacle cock is for, hmm?" the scylla asked the lust filled Kylie, a naughty smile on her lips.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was eventually beaten, pulled wide as she was, she couldn't work up the leverage to get free, groaning and moaning around the length in her mouth as the tendril in her depths started to draw back, before driving forward again, her folds clenching down instinctively only making the shock of the second thrust more powerful as her body was rocked with the pleasure. She struggled, squirming and twisting until the tendril started to fuck her again, breaking her resistance bit by bit as she was raised up.

The Scylla at the moment, seemed more interested in Giselle, maneuvering Kylie around as a tool to break her first, before slipping over her, her lover moaning and blushing as she looked up at Kylie. The second tendril pushing into her ass, left her wide eyed mmph? MMMM! was all the reply she managed to get out, trying to twist away before she felt it slide in, leaving her panting and shuddering, her eyes glazing a little as she started to roll her tongue around the length filling her mouth.

She was taking longer to break, not because she believed she was in any danger, if she DID, she'd have been impossible to break without a drug, but this was just an island monster as far as she knew, and it said it was gonna fuck her, not eat her...

She fell limp in it's grasp, enduring her fucking before cumming loudly above Giselle as Giselle's cock was taken inside the Scylle, her fiancé maneuvered below the Scylla for her to use while Kylie remained something of an afterthought, the Scylla more interested in breaking her will, as it already had Giselle.

It eventually happened, Kylie's holes all filled, before she watched with hazed eyes, chest rising and falling as more tentacles came out to play. These were breeder tendrils, they had to be, if this thing had any physiology similar to Bob. It was a guess, but it was probably a correct one. She had her newborn resistance stolen as others latched over her nipples and clit, her body writhing and twisting in pleasure as she approached another peak. She was gonna cum again.... There was an aphrodisiac on this now one, she knew it the moment it slid into her mouth to replace the other one, her mind growing blanker as she suckled along it, moaning around the flesh in her mouth eagerly while she looked at the Scylla.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Seeing Kylie's will beginning to break just as Giselle's had already broken, the scylla smirked at her as the thick red tentacle slipped into Kylie's mouth and the precum leaking from it and landing all over Kylie's tongue, the mild aphrodisiac in it making her nipples and clit perk up. The scylla focused on Kylie more now that Giselle had apparently been tamed by her, her tentacles picking up speed and pounding Kylie's pussy and asshole deeper and deeper until the tentacle was kissing the entrance to her womb with each thrust.

When she felt Kylie cumming around her tentacle dicks, the scylla moaned aloud and kissed Kylie's cheek. The red tentacle pulled out of Kylie's mouth after a minute or so, the other tentacles not slowing or stopping in the least bit and pounding Kylie just as deeply and suckling just as hard as they had been, driving the young assassin completely wild as her body couldn't help but squirm and wriggle around to try and get away.

Another tentacle took the place of the one in Kylie's mouth as the large red one trailed its way down her body, sliding between her breasts and going down between her legs as the one in her pussy pulled out. "Now... you're all mine. My eggs aren't too very big, so you should be able to handle them all," the scylla said, smirking at her and licking her lips again with a lusty look in her eyes.

The red tentacle replaced the one that had been thrusting in and out of Kylie, slipping in rather gently, but not stopping until Kylie was fully impaled upon it. It then began pounding in and out of Kylie, the slimy aphrodisiac seeping into her skin through that tentacle and the precum splashing out into her womb causing her lust to kick into overdrive as she clamped down around the tentacle.

Kylie could feel it in her mind that she was about to be bred full of eggs again, and Giselle likely was too if the scylla had her way. The tentacles pounded Kylie and teased her for a good five minutes while Giselle was both ridden and pounded the same length of time, with Giselle's mouth being freed when she came so they could all hear her squealing in ecstasy, and Kylie's mouth was freed as well to let her squeal or scream or whatever she wished. Kylie would feel the thick red tentacle twitching and throbbing inside of her and small bulges began to make their way up the length of the tentacle and the scylla moaned aloud and slammed her breeding tentacle into Kylie one final time where the first of the bulges pressed against her lower lips and soon enough they pushed in, one by one, filling her womb and swelling her belly just like before.

"Hmhm, let's keep count shall we cutie pie. Let's see... twelve... thirteen... fourteen, and... fifteen, hmhm," the scylla said, giggling as she counted off past a dozen of the eggs. "And sixteen... seventeen... and eighteen eggs. There we go sweetie pie. And now... for the lovely futanari siren here. I'll give you just as many little eggs," the scylla went on to say, looking rather proud of this fact.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Shit..... shit shit shit.... Kylie groaned in her mind, unable to stop her hips from rolling back and forth on the tendrils pounding into her, the small suckers attached to her clit and nipples keeping her from coming down from her high. She came again, screaming around the tendril in her mouth as she did, her body stretching out as she arched, even against the tendrils holding her.

She was in a daze, unable to stop the orgasm rolling through her as her lower holes clamped around the tendrils still drilling into her from below, her body completely betraying her as she felt the breeder tendril sliding down her front. It was getting closer, she knew in her mind what was about to happen... again. But the Scylla said her eggs were smaller, maybe she wouldn't be so burdened this time. And Maybe... Just Maybe, she could get Delilah and Alan together along with Reina to get the brood out earlier. She was enjoying it, that part of her that loved what was coming crying out loudly as she was reimpaled. it was too late now, they were coming... Except they weren't. Writhing in the Scylla's grip as she was pounded into, being refucked for what felt like the hundredth time although only maybe 20 minutes had gone by, Kylie came again.

They were ungagged as they did, her and Giselle both crying out loudly as they came, just little fuckpuppets for this creature as she took what she wanted, but then Kylie felt the first egg, spreading her slightly, feeling it rolling along her inner walls, and she couldn't stop cumming, 18 little orgasms only adding to the first sending her into a mindless state that left her panting and gasping with a blank stare, tongue seeking out another tendril to suckle on, unable to speak up for Giselle although she wanted to as the Scylla announced she would be next.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Looking down blankly at her belly, Kylie saw it wasn't nearly as large as with the drider eggs, making her look only about six to seven months pregnant, maybe eight at most, but that was pushing it. The scylla looked back over at Kylie while she pulled Giselle up for her fucking, smiling at the young assassin and biting her bottom lip a bit as she leaned in. Kylie felt the scylla's lips press against her own in a deep kiss while one hand fondled Kylie's breasts some and her other caressed Kylie's now pregnant belly.

"Aw, you poor thing. Did I fuck you silly? I guess I did, because you're eyes are so lost in the ecstasy I gave you. Don't worry though honey, it won't end here just because you're bearing my little eggs now, hmhm," the scylla cooed in Kylie's ear, giggling as she promised more pleasure for Kylie's overly sensitive body.

Giselle was pulled out from under the scylla completely and laid down next to Kylie, where a different bright pink tentacle followed her out, with an opening on the end that was wrapped around Giselle's hot hard cock, making sucking motions on her. Giselle was toyed with for a couple of minutes by the other more darker pink tentacles, those teasing her breasts all over and three attacked to either nipple and her clit. Poor Giselle already looked like she had been fucked sillier than Kylie by far, her eyes rolled up into her head as another orgasm shot through her and her body spasmed uncontrollably in the scylla's grasp.

The scylla then slid her red breeding tentacle up and down Giselle's body teasingly, slipping it into Giselle's mouth where her fiance sucked on it happily. A minute after that, the breeding tentacle was sliding down and pushing into Giselle's pussy, where she squealed and arched her back, her right hand reaching out and taking Kylie's hand and giving it a squeeze.

The scylla pounded Giselle as perfectly as she'd done Kylie, making her writhe around in her grasp to try and escape the pleasure. It didn't take too much longer before Kylie saw Giselle seize up, her back arching into a perfect crescent as the eggs began to pump into her womb, a scream of pure ecstasy spilling from her lips. "Sixteen, seventeen, and... eighteen more little eggs for my other cutie pie. You two were so wonderful," the scylla cooed as her last eggs slipped into Giselle, her other tentacles focusing on pleasuring Kylie the entire time and making her cum several more times along with Giselle.

When it was all done and both of them were full of the scylla's eggs, she maneuvered them around to face out to sea and smiled, holding them against her in her bed of tentacles. She sat there with them quietly for a long while, at least ten to fifteen minutes, giving both of them the chance to cool down some and get their senses back about them. Kylie and Giselle were both still bound by the tentacles, though they were a bit loose on them, but still tight enough Kylie could tell for them to break free in their slightly weakened states. She would find though that she could move her arms mostly freely as the scylla pulled them both close against her human half and cuddling them lovingly for a few moments.

"Now girls, I'm going to bring you back to my nest until you pop my little eggs out of there. It shouldn't take but a few hours, six to eight at most. And I'll even let you take your pick of a couple of eggs each to take with you if you like," the scylla said, giving them a few moments to speak before slipping a couple of greenish colored tentacles up which had openings on the ends of them that attached to their faces firmly over their mouths and noses. "With these you can breathe underwater," she explained simply before diving into the water with her tentacles wrapped around them to make sure she didn't lose them.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was left panting and shuddering as the Scylla only promised her more, before turning her attention to Giselle, fishing her out from under her to put her through the same mind warping process she'd been put through, Kylie indeed out of things, counting silently in her head as Giselle was also filled while moaning and rolling against the tendrils still assaulting her to keep her too busy to struggle.

When it was all said and done, Kylie came back to her senses just a bit leaning against everyone present looking out at the ocean, the Scylla prattling on about something other then Kylie coming back to murder the shit out of her.

Apparently they were headed back to the Scylla's nest to wait out this batch of eggs, which had a gestation period apparently several times shorter then anything she'd had to deal with so far. Just a matter of hours. As different tendrils were presented, Kylie struggled a little against the tendrils still binding her, though more gently. As she moved those tendrils locked down once more and the breathing tentacle snapped over her nose and mouth, the Scylla starting to move, carrying them under the water to wherever she lived, Kylie resigning herself to having to see this through.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie started to struggle again before the scylla dove into the water with them both in her grasp, her tentacles around Kylie locked tightly around her to keep her in place, but not uncomfortably so. Once in the water, the scylla swam them around a bit, staying near the surface as she swam out towards the reef that the ship had crashed upon, where she then dove down under the water. No larger fish messed with the scylla, as she was actually quite large in fact, not even the barracudas or sharks came at her and Kylie would notice both giving her a wide berth, letting the young assassin know who the meanest predator down here was, or at least one of the meanest ones anyway.

They went down to a deeper part of the reed, where there was an underwater cave entrance, which the scylla swam into with the pair. They traveled down that cavern for a good thirty feet or so before they came into a large chamber that had some beach inside, upon which were a trio of already built nests. In the nests there was nice comfortable bedding for one to sleep on if they wished, and in the nest on the left were a pair of other girls both sleeping on said bedding while another scylla gently and quite lovingly caressed them with her tentacles as the pair cuddled with each other.

"Oh hello sister. I see your hunt was a success this time. I wonder if big sis will manage to get any," the other scylla said, this one a redhead, while Kylie's and Giselle's scylla was a brunette.

"Oh I don't know if she will or not, doesn't really matter to me honestly. But I hope she finds at least one to bear her own. Where did you get your pair there by the way?" the brunette scylla said, nodding to the other girls, both of whom looked elven from their pointed ears, and one of whom was a dark almond skinned drow. "Here you go you two, rest now and eat a little, the eggs will come faster if you do, and then I shall take you back to shore. No need to hurt potential egg bearers when you needn't do so," she went on to say to Kylie and Giselle, the latter of whom was still a bit out of it Kylie could see as she snuggled up against Kylie, her dick still half hard.

"Might as well... enjoy ourselves since we're already here sweetie. Scylla births are among the most pleasurable in the world. I should know, as I've birthed scylla eggs before," Giselle said softly as she and Kylie were set down in the middle nest on the soft bedding, with their scylla captor using her tentacles to caress their bellies and massage their shoulders, obviously intent on taking very good care of the bearers of her eggs.

"You've birthed scylla eggs before dear?" the brunette asked curiously at Giselle's words. "Wait... what's your name dearie?" she then asked.

"Giselle. My name is Giselle. I'm a siren, and a futanari one as you can obviously see," Giselle answered her, laying her head on Kylie's shoulder.

"Giselle... Giselle.... Do you have a sister named Tina by chance? The mother who's womb I was borne in for a time before I hatched was named Tina," the brunette asked, looking very curiously at Giselle. "My mother told me that she'd captured a pair of beautiful sirens and one was named Giselle and the other Tina and that they were sisters. But, she didn't tell me you were a futanari," she added, tilting her head to the side a bit.

"Aye, that was us if I recall correctly. Your mother was... wonderful. And I must say, much more peaceful about this, she even stopped and asked Tina and I if we would consent to bear her eggs," Giselle said, her senses coming back a bit now obviously as she gave a serious stare at the brunette and then the redhead.

"Well, times are tough right now because it's migration time for the mermaids, who usually consent to bear our eggs for us and there's not a lot of them around at the moment. Sis there had to get those two from the beach up away to the west that's how far afield she had to go," the brunette replied, blushing a bit.

"It's alright, just please return us when the eggs are out of us okay. It's not even noon yet so us being gone until lunch time and coming home with some fish ought to be good, especially since we got a helluva good fuck out of it," Giselle said with a naughty grin as she pulled the brunette scylla down next to them and kissed her on the cheek. "Take good care of us okay my dear niece," Giselle said with a giggle as she lay back to rest a bit, waiting for the scylla to bring them some food.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was still in the mood to murder something when she came back to her senses in the water, the shock of the cold doing all the job it needed to get her back to her old self. But she paused when they came out into the nest and everyone started talking.

This served as enough of a distraction to keep Kylie from laying eyes on a suitable makeshift weapon. If my vagina is sore again.... after ANOTHER egg laying... o my god. I will say that you're lucky you're somewhat related to my fiancé Kylie grumbled, looking at her belly.

First a darkmantle, then a drider, and now this. I don't think I've gone more then a day without being pregnant. she continued, looking a bit sad as she cuddled up to Giselle. It's like my Womb sends out a signal telling everything it's empty again. she mumbled, sighing off her anger as she let it all go, sticking her tongue out at the Scylla who'd brought them here.

I'm never gonna get used to this crazy island. My VAGINA is. I got wet the second everything happened. That is troubling. I'm gonna wind up glued to a hive wall somewhere as an incubator for some kind of bug. Or trapped inside an Ochu forever squeezing out seeds. Kylie commented idly, curled up against Giselle.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh it won't be sore, in fact our slime has a mild pain reliever within to keep that very thing from happening. If anything, you might feel a bit too good when birthing our little lovelies. And it won't take all that long unless you're very active, so the more you rest and eat, the quicker it is," the brunette scylla said, cooing as she leaned over and caressed Kylie's belly again before giving it a loving kiss.

"They really aren't all that bad to be honest honey. They can be a bit... clingy though sometimes. And... they can really kinda fuck a person silly. That's why I shouted and tried to pull you back," Giselle said softly as she relaxed next to Kylie, a pleasant smile on her face. "And yes you have gone several days without being pregnant honey. And that means that everyone wants to have you because you're beautiful, but you're my fiancee, hmhm," she went on to say, sounding quite happy as she giggled a bit.

"I thought you got wet because I pulled you into the water with me," the brunette scylla said with as serious a look on her face as Giselle had when everything had happened with Maria before.

Giselle completely lost it and burst into a fit of laughter as she fell back onto the bedding of the nest, pulling Kylie with her as the redhead scylla also laughed at her sister's comment. The brunette scylla seemed to have realized what she'd said to Kylie and plopped her head into her hands and groaned softly.

"Well look at it this way honey. At least no matter what you do, it's gonna feel nice. Right?" Giselle said to Kylie when she finally recovered from laughing so hard at the brunette scylla's words.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie took a moment to catch the joke gone wrong, the verbal mistake as well while Giselle cackled next to her, the assassin covering her face with a hand as she cracked a smile. Wow. Just wow. she muttered, giggling and shaking her head.

Well, guess that meant they were just gonna wait it out. Giving up, Kylie curled up in the nest with Giselle. She was likely to just sneak a nap in if she was allowed, unless food showed up first.

She just shook her head at Giselle, answering with a Bah and curling up with her, head resting on her chest as she closed her eyes.