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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Apparently having forgotten that she was the cause of the ship wrecking in the first place, which would have given the sailor in question no time to return her telescope, Kylie continued to blame him for losing it. "Well... I would have you to look at for the rest of the trip. I need nothing else really. But the sunrise would have been nice to see, hmhm," Giselle giggled playfully, groping Kylie's butt as they stood there hand in hand staring out over the city now.

In the distance to the west, she did see the palace as James had mentioned on the way up, and glancing down, she could see that he was still taking his time, though she got the sense that he could have already been up there long before and was merely enjoying himself. "Well, I wouldn't mind seeing what all the beach has to offer this year. I've been here once before, but it's been quite a while," Giselle replied when asked what she'd like to do. "Too bad it's not the first of summer or we'd have been able to enter the Miss Hespera beauty pageant they hold then. First prize is usually something really nice, and second and third place aren't too shabby either considering. And despite what you might think, it's not always a succubus that wins it, because they go for more than just your basic beauty," she went on to say, leaning in and kissing Kylie on the lips.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Haaa, no amount of makeup is gonna win me a beauty pagent. Something about all the stabbing under Talents section. Kylie joked, leaning in against Giselle.

BUT! I've got my mental snapshot of the streets. Should be enough to get around without getting too lost. Cmon, lets head to lust street, I'll let you pick out a new piece of lingerie for me if you want~ she teased, kissing her on the cheek before moving for the stairs.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Aw, you're such a sweetie. I'll pick you out the most beautiful piece of lingerie Hespera has to offer. Maybe an astral silk bra and panties. But you'd better not ever let anything happen to them if I get you those. Assuming I could find some, hmhm," Giselle giggled, wrapping her arms around Kylie from behind.

Heading on back down the stairs, Giselle led the way to Lust street, giggling a little as they passed by what were obviously several different brothels with succubi and other gorgeous ladies promoting their establishments and trying to tempt men and women alike inside. There were toy shops just as Hazel said there would be, though these were more spaced out than the brothels, strip clubs, and bars. After a while, they stopped at one of the crossovers to another street, where at one corner there was a sign that pointed down towards Greed street that said "Sirella's boutique".

"Oh Sirella's boutique has some really good clothing. We can get your lingerie there. It's more expensive, but we're sure to get the best quality stuff," Giselle said, heading down towards Greed street to the place in question.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Yup, I spoil you by buying things for myself to wear. Crazy like a fox! Kylie laughed, following Giselle and looking around. There WERE toy shops, but lots of other stuff too, mostly brothels and bars... neither things she had any interest in.

To her surprise however, Giselle wanted a place on Greed street. Kylie just shrugged. Hey, I don't know this place yet, and what even is Astral silk? lead on! she called, gesturing wildly with her finger of pointing.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Astral silk is the finest of all silk in any world. You can't get better than astral silk. It's made by angels of every deity... I think. I know that for an entire wedding dress of astral silk it can run upwards to over one hundred thousand gold, and for the finest ones they can be nearly a quarter to half a million gold. But lingerie usually doesn't run more than ten thousand or so, as far as I know at least," Giselle replied on the matter of astral silk.

They arrived at Sirella's boutique soon enough and in the windows Kylie saw a very finely made wedding dress on a mannequin that cost ten thousand gold, with the price sign detailing that the price included all jewelry and finery to go with the dress. In the other window were several bathing suits on mannequins, some of which were very risque yet sexy, and some looked barely to even contain or hide a girl's nipples and crotch from view.

"Oh yeah, we can get some good bikinis here too. Come on," Giselle said, heading on in with Kylie.

Giselle looked around a bit before going to the bathing suits first, where she picked out one that was actually designed for futanari according to the sign. There were others designed for futanari, but the one Giselle picked out was a deep dark red, with the top not being overly concealing and showing as much skin as possible up top, while the bottoms had a little skirt that could be worn for the futanari girls in question to hide their naughty bits so no one would see them.

"The beach is semi nude. If you're sunbathing, then you can be naked. And at certain times of the day at certain areas of the beach you can go fully nude. Succubi have an unspoken rule that they got to be topless at least sometime during the day and they have to wear a two piece bikini unless they're underage, in which case it's up to them if they wear one or not," Giselle said, letting Kylie pick her own bikini while she went over to the lingerie section. "Oh yeah, you can wear the bikini in town too, it's not restricted to just the beach," she added as she left Kylie to pick out her bathing suit.

When she did so and caught up with Giselle, her fiance had picked out a set of very fancy skimpy black lingerie. "These are astral silk honey. Twenty two thousand gold altogether. But they make you look like a million gold in bed, and astral silk is very easy to clean and keep in good condition," Giselle said as she showed Kylie the astral silk lingerie.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

This was not the kind of clothing shopping Kylie was altogether used to, but she was excited anyway, nor did she balk overly much at the price tag, she'd come to spend a lot more then that, and her fortune numbered in the Billions, not the Millions. It'd be a chore to spend it all in a single lifetime, but she was pretty sure she'd manage.

Nodding as they looked over the swimsuits, Kylie opted for a one piece, since she was too combat oriented for her own good, but it would show her off nicely from behind for Giselle, and be warm enough to dive a bit in as well. It too, was astral silk, because fuckitwhynot.

Catching up to Giselle, she saw the lingerie and just shrugged. Like I said, however you want to dress me. she said, grinning, looking over the piece in question. ok... so lingerie is never simple, what did you pick here~ she mused, looking at it.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Giselle saw what Kylie had picked out for her bikini, she smirked and Kylie could tell that Giselle was mentally picturing Kylie in it. "Oh yeah, that's perfect for you. Because while you don't have as much up here compared to Palla or Tina or one of the others with big tits. You've got a nice well rounded ass, that just feels perfect in my hands," Giselle said, kissing Kylie on the cheek before holding up the lingerie in front of Kylie and measuring it a bit. "Let's get you... this size here instead, leave a tiny bit of room for your skin to breathe," she added before moving about the store and picking out a few more outfits for them both.

"Okay, let's have them take our measurements too while we're here. Might as well you know. That way we can have special ordered wedding dresses for us both when the time comes, hmhm," Giselle giggled, seeming to be enjoying herself a lot as she collected the clothing. "You know... they have weapon shops here too in Hespera. I think they're over on either Wrath street or Pride street," Giselle added, informing Kylie of weapon shops if she desired to look at them.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Eh, I have Orik working on my custom order, which is about due, so by the time we get back I should have a nice shiny package waiting.
Kylie answered, grinning at the lingerie as well as Giselle's opinion of her swimsuit.

The only real major purchase I planned on making here was a lot of tattoo work. Which I'll have done in bits and pieces while we're here. Get it all done. she continued, following Giselle around and eyeing the wedding dresses. She was not gonna wear a wedding dress. She was getting married Naked. She was sure Giselle would talk her out of it at some point, but right now that was her plan.

Cmon then, let's get measured and then we can poke around the toys a bit. Hazel kept teasing me with the shops selection here. I have to see it for myself. she said, heading to the counter to pay for the pieces they already had.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Maybe, but this is a different place remember. So there may be some neat stuff to be had here too," Giselle reminded Kylie. "And as for the tattoos you wanted. I know there's places here that do them, and magic ones too," she added.

After they finished up in Sirella's boutique, Giselle led the way back to Lust street where Kylie saw the toy shops again and had her pick of the lot really. There were a few that according to the signs had toys specifically designed for futanari girls and men. So Kylie could go into them if she liked and get a few toys to tease Giselle with in bed later.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was rather set in her tastes and preferences so it probably wasn't any surprise whatsoever when Kylie wandered into a heavily bdsm oriented store. Look at all the gear and let your mind wander, think about what I'd look good in~ she teased Giselle, biting her earlobe before dancing off into the place for a few specifics.

She'd let Giselle roam and wander, but Kylie was looking for the heavier gear she could find. She was looking for a good straightjacket, a proper armbinder, some more paw gloves, and a wide variety of gags. But she also had her eyes peeled for any gear that was more magical in nature, things that activated remotely or even... well, in her wildest fantasies, she'd imagined toys and gear that activated on it's own... ambushing her.. She shuddered at the idea as she walked around.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Giselle was left to her own devices for now, Kylie saw her looking around at the fuzzy handcuffs and the like at first, though there was one thing Kylie saw Giselle eyeing that would catch Kylie's eye. One of the things Kylie saw that might interest her was a magically remote controlled dildo that claims it could be controlled from upwards to a quarter mile away.

"Are you looking for anyone in particular miss?" A young woman asked Kylie as she came over to her.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie turned to the attendant. Yeah, I'm looking for slightly more restrictive gear, definitely a full straightjacket, a good heavy collar, Though I heard a rumor that someone had made small plugs that have knots, the knots inflated when you turned a key inside the toy, and wouldn't deflate until you reinserted the key and unlocked them. Very excited if that would be the case. As well as a folded armbinder.... O! And a bitchsuit! Just remembered we have a friend elsewhere who would love it! Kylie said, rattling off a short list while looking around.

Also, any good inflatable gags, I need some hand mitts, paw bags. Annd I was hoping, as this is the famed Lust Street, if you had any autonomous toys and restraints, for some self bondage and fun. she said, asking her questions and looking around.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I see, come with me real quick and I'll let you take a look in back where some of that kind of stuff's at. We keep it back there since it can be more dangerous than your average handcuffs and shit like that," the woman said with a smirk, leading Kylie through a doorway that had beads hanging down with a sign that said "Staff Only" above it. "And we have simulacrums that people have designed for us. They are expensive though because they cost so much in magical components to make," she added, pointing out at a few full life sized doll looking things.

"They can change shape to whatever the owner desires. Male or female either one, or even futanari if you like. Like so actually," she told Kylie, moving over to the nearest of the dolls where she ran a hand over the back of its neck and muttered what could only be the command words to turn it on. "Change yourself to look like the young miss here standing beside me, but as a futanari," she then said to the doll.

Before Kylie's eyes, she saw the doll's body changing shape until it looked exactly like her, but as a futanari. "Now as a full hermaphrodite please," the woman said, with the Kylie doll growing a pair of testicles to go with her dick and all of her womanly parts. "These cost a thousand gold to rent for a month, because they can be used for more than just sex of course. But to buy outright, ten thousand. But they feel just like a real person, regardless of what you ask them to change into," she then told Kylie.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

That's very interesting, but not entirely what I had in mind. Kylie said, trying her best to explain. I have lovers, but one of my deepest fantasies was to have not a person ambush me... though I do love that. But the restraints and toys themselves. Mindless and unable to be reasoned with, no safewords, no mercy, just their purpose being fulfilled. Kylie said, eyeing the odd magic doll that looked like her but had a cock...

Glancing down at herself, she just shook her head. I don't have the body for a dick. she said simply, before following the woman deeper. Show me everything.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Alright, if you like. We have some of those body suits you mentioned, full latex unless you'd prefer leather instead. It's tough to get leather to work right for that kind of thing, but possible," the young woman told Kylie.

As they traveled further through the stock room, Kylie saw several of the things she was looking for, regular with locks and keys, and some magical though costing more. There was a magical blindfold that on the inside showed erotic images of the bondage type directly into the wearers mind to make them all hot and bothered more. Another interesting item Kylie might notice what was labeled as a "Living Rope". A magical command could be given to it, where it would then begin to move similar to a snake, and would then move in the desired way to restrain the person the commander wished. It had just about every restraining method magically programmed into it, so that no teaching it was needed, though it could be taught new ones as well as the user desired.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie made sure to get one of each suit she was after, before thinking and getting doubles. Then she saw the locking toys and drooled. Just as she'd asked, and some were magically locked as well. Yup. She bought 6. They're placements were obvious by their shape, and she got two full sets before spotting the living rope.

Ahh yes! This, but can you do this with other things? Straps, ballgags, the like? If you could I could give the commands before I leave and come back later to a full ambush, Ooo god the idea has me squirming already. Kylie said, making sure to get the magical blindfold as well. They had to train Maria. She'd make a great family pet. The idea was a little dark, but fun too.

But then she saw something else that made her freeze. They were jars labeled with a simple product code and inside was a large black cute looking spider. Along with a label. The label read Programmed for Restraint and the little creature inside looked up at her curiously, tapping a squeaky limb on the jar.

There were 5 and their purpose wasn't exactly clear until she kept reading. What they did was exude latex, magically altered by accident for the purpose, and they bonded with the first person they touched, like a parent. However, there was a warning that stated rather clearly that they preferred to bind the person they bonded too, as well as anyone that person pointed out as a friend, and they wouldn't stop until the person was fully restrained. The price tag was a bit high, but they were magical mistakes and the date said they'd been here for over a year. The sales person told her it was because no one was brave enough to take them because they were in fact, alive. But looking at what she had, she immediately nodded. I'll take all 5. yes I know that's 150,000 gold. Pack em up, cmon. she said, helping to get all her selections into a box and taking it to the counter. Once they were there, she'd pay for everything and then open the jars one by one, reaching out a finger to stroke each spider. They were about the size of a small dog and they smiled through shiny black eyes it seemed, shivering as she touched them, chirping slightly up at her curiously while she reclosed the jars, bonding each on to her specifically.

Then she turned to find Giselle while holding what was a crate with a ton of gear, and 5 pets. you ready hun?
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well it's easiest on rope like this, because it's so flexible and stuff. I can see if someone can put those enchantments and stuff on other things for you too, but it'll be tough and may not be possible. Straps they can probably do though, but ballgags I doubt it," the sales lady said, continuing the tour.

When they came to the restricted section, she was a little wary of showing Kylie much in there. However when Kylie saw the little jars containing the "mistakes", the woman saw how curious Kylie seemed to be about them and couldn't help but smirk. "You're sure you want all of them? I mean, one or two would be enough for you and your lover I'm sure," she asked Kylie curiously, and when Kylie nodded she shrugged and collected all of the jars with the things. "You know I know a friend who sales these slime like suit things that can mimic clothing, of any kind. If you want these, then I'm sure you'll be intrigued by those too," she added as she put the jars all into the cart that Kylie had accumulated the other things in so far.

As Kylie bonded the little spidery critters to herself, the sales lady led her back out, having saved the more restricted items for last, where she took her back out to the front to count up all of the total price for everything. "Alright... if I've done the math right, and I believe I have, then your total comes out to one hundred and seventy four thousand, two hundred and three gold," the sales lady said as Giselle joined Kylie and threw her things in as well.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

O god yes please. a couple of those would be lovely. Kylie answered fairly enthusiastically. And please, You have nothing back there that can scare me. Excite me? Sure. Get me dripping? O gods yes. she continued, following the saleswoman to the counter.

In true fashion she didn't bat an eyelash at the cost, immediately counting out the price for everything and grinning. I'll send post when we pick a room somewhere so you can mail me those slime clothes. Make it cash on delivery. Easy peesy. she continued, gathering everything up. Then she stopped, eyes wide and ran to the side to grab several gags, some inflatable, and a couple rings, buying those as well. Almost forgot.

Once they were outside though, Kylie stopped and opened the jars, lifting the little spiders up so they could ride on her. Hello little guys, let's go get a room. Not gonna keep you in those musty old jars any more. Nope.
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well, the stuff here is the most dangerous things we've got. So if it doesn't scare you then I don't know what will. And her shop is just down the road from here. Head towards the palace from the front of the store and about two blocks down you'll see her shop. She sales those slime suit things and some other stuff too," the sales lady said as she began counting up the goods.

"Alright, um what name should I put that order in then?" the sales lady asked Kylie and Giselle.

After that was sorted out, Giselle gave Kylie a wary look as she released the little spiderlings and let them climb on top of her. "You sure that you should release those things Kylie? The lady said they were dangerous right? Maybe... you should leave them in the jars for now, while we're out in public at least," Giselle asked warily, taking a single step away from Kylie for now while the little latex spiders crawled up and down her clothing, exploring their new master.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

It'll be fine. They're just feeling me out. she said, scooping one off her front and nuzzling it with her cheek. You can behave that long right? Until we get to a quieter place? she asked them while they walked, letting them explore her while they looked for a place to stay.

They headed back to the beach houses, towards the shore, since it seemed that's where everyone wanted to stay.