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I will make you regret this move lol
lol that's one of the better NTR endings.
I know, right? It has one of everything. It's cool!

Anyway, found this on an image board: get yelled at and called names by a drunk guy who's trying to teach you Japanese!!

Edited to show thumbnail since the video got age restricted
video ID: cPXQDh4RBr0

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Yeah, I don't have a tube account.
Honestly, same here, been at least a few years since I had to log into one. Sucks that youtube (and co.) restricted their API access (no evidence for this but I blame scalpers). You can't really bypass the (mostly unfounded) restrictions using 3rd party front ends like Invidious or Piped anymore....

That said, here's the average Arch user making linux awful:

Gave it 3 seconds, uploader was still on the screen preening. Giving this person any more of my attention is harmful to both of us.
So you guys come here often?
not very. and it's probably only gonna be less frequent from now since I no longer have a private space to be a degenerate anymore.

Gave it 3 seconds, uploader was still on the screen preening. Giving this person any more of my attention is harmful to both of us.
...what kind of harm are we talking about here? I just found it amusing that someone took it upon themself to embodied the "Arch User == {femboy | fat balding neckbeard}" meme.

To continue the idle chat (now with more awkwardness):
Uh so, what do we even... do here, like besides sharing info on porn games and stuff? And uh what's your 3rd favorite color?
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The harm to them is it promotes the behavior by giving them attention, the harm to me is that I've got a rather low tolerance for that behavior.

This thread specifically or the forum in it's entirety? Haven't really had a favorite color since I was a child so... something dark, bright colors hurt my eyes.
The harm is that it was cringe as hell (fittingly much like your average linux user)
3rd favorite color, I dunno blue I guess
understandable. I too cringe at myself often, and I own 0% of the wardrobe and accessories featured.

This thread specifically or the forum in it's entirety?
The forum. Besides this and the H-game threads I saw some role play session active but I don't really know how those works.

Recently saw this manga. Got reminded of Haibane Renmei so much.
Most of my time I spent rustling jimmies, though I've been told I can't do that so much since I'm a mod now. Couldn't tell you about the RP sub because it's ERP (erotic role playing) and that doesn't interest me, especially since it's just a bunch of dudes but if you want to join in I think they've got sign-up threads. The everything else sub is where topics that didn't fit anywhere else goes, but it's pretty dead now. The shoutbox, well it's mostly just a real-time everything else and I think you've seen what goes on there.
well- a part of me thinks it is kinda sad that you spent so much time just jorkin it, while the other parts are seething in jealousy that you got the combination of free time, freedom and privacy to spend your life like that.

song that sounds... strangely nostalgic for me, which is weird since I was barely on the internet at that point in time
I'm back

....what else should I put here... uh... I... noticed that there's a discord. Anyone... been to.. there? What's it like? do they also ban you if you ask for dl links?
I’ll hop in briefly cuz why not.

Nope, haven’t been there yet, I really should one day though.
Yes, meh ( main chat was pretty much dedicated to talking about mmos so rather boring for me ) and no
You’ve had this long enough slicer lol.

Still haven’t made it to the discord, darn work keeps getting In the way.